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@cs95 Hahaha.... never heard of that...
@piRSquared In the U.S. but not here
And europe
first time for everything . . .
@JonClements Lol
Lol yourself
3 hours later…
Hi all
I want to open .xls file in python
I tried using openpyxl
in that I can open only .xlsx
so I saved my original file as .xlsx, still after loading the workbook, it gives me error:
Warning (from warnings module):
File "C:**\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\openpyxl-2.6.2-py3.6.egg\openpyxl\reader\workbook.py", line 89
UserWarning: File contains an invalid specification for *******. This will be removed
>>> UserWarning: File contains an invalid specification for *******. This will be removed
its just a warning..
but when I do wb.sheetnames.. output is []
what is ******* ? were there stars shows in the error message?
my sheet name
did you look at this
seems like there are some extensions openpyxl cannot support, maybe your xlsx has one of them
3 hours later…
why 0.1 + 0.2 !=0.3 in python?
hey folks anybody around?
so anybody here ?, I've got a question regarding operator precedence and evaluation order? I've already read the docs but something's not clear
@George Hello, please test in the sandbox rather than making noise here. Also please read our rules and our formatting guide for code in chat. Then ask away.
Right, sry... didn't use the chat that much... so I'll get right to it, I wont flood the chat here, I'll use pastebin... gimme 1 sec to format it there.
okay so here goes... I have this small sample code here. So when talking about operator precedence as we can see in that table the ternary conditional expression has a lower precedence than the logical operators not and or. Also I know that expressions evaluate from left to right so why is it that it evaluates first?
I used the functions to see which one is evaluated when in terms of printing
because the ternary has the lowest precedence, your line is parsed as return (first_fn() and fifth_fn() or second_fn() and third_fn()) if False else 'we returned False'
>>> False if False else "hmm"
Not quite sure what all the function calls are meant to be doing?
no but it's not, that's what I'm trying to say, the ternary is evaluated first (when it really should've been last). I interpreted the expression exactly like you with parenthesis. I just used the dissasembler module to see that the constant False is loaded first and then it jumps to the we returned False
0 LOAD_CONST 1 (False)
4 LOAD_GLOBAL 0 (first_fn)
10 LOAD_GLOBAL 1 (fifth_fn)
>> 16 LOAD_GLOBAL 2 (second_fn)
22 LOAD_GLOBAL 3 (third_fn)
>> 28 LOAD_CONST 2 ('we returned False')
I'd be astonished if the contents of an if-else statement were evaluated before the condition that decides the if-else bit
I think operator precedence is about parsing priority, not execution order
yeah... it'd completely destroy the point...
so then how can I prove in an example that the ternary binds weaker than an anything in that table?
Besides... a() if x else b() is just syntax for if x: a() else: b()...
as the table says
the conditional expression if-else (ternary) appears in that table to have a lower priority than the logical operators (not, and, or) and those themselves have a lower priority than the comparison operators (<=, >=, etc)
conditional expressions explicitly don't execute eagerly
>>> 1 + 2 + 3 if True else 4
That would give 7 if if-else were higher priority
Argh, no it wouldn't
^ yep, it would still be 6
>>> True or 1 if False else 0
>>> (True or 1) if False else 0
>>> True or (1 if False else 0)
Yeah, much better to use or
side-note: weird that we're talking about this in terms of operator precedence when conditional expressions are not operators
Agree, it's...AST precedence? :-)
actually they're listed in the table along with function calls, slicing, etc... because they all have a priority
@George I know
@Aran-Fey so the way I understand that table is that or binds strongly than if-else. I would've interpreted your first line as this, judging by that table: expr1 or expr2 where expr2 happens to be an if-else. However everything there is expr1 if condition else expr2, where expr1 is your or expression
basically if you put anything there to the left of that if it would still evaluate it first
yes, because the or binds stronger than the conditional
that's why the parentheses go around the or, not around the conditional
It was a big day in the coliseum: The Caesar himself had offered a grand prize of one 1 literal to the winner. The contestants, or and if, had trained all their lives for this very moment; both were determined to defeat the other and win the great prize. However, or had the support of the python grammar, and defeated its opponent with ease, beating if to a bloody pulp and claiming the 1 for itself. The crowd cheered. It was a good day.
True or 1 if False else 0 so this is equivalent basically to this True if False else 0 since or returns the first operand if it's True and doesn't evaluate the second, correct?
so if I do something like False or x if False else 0 it should result it a NameError right?
if x is undefined
given that or > if-else
The else condition will be executed right, so it will jump to 0, because of if False
@George I think it's equivalent to
In [9]: if False:
   ...:     print(True or 1)
   ...: else:
   ...:     print(0)
>>> False or undefined if False else 'Aran-Fey'
I understand the if-else expression
I'm trying to illustrate the precedence
from the table
in examples
yes so in False or x if True else 0 , you will get a name error
just because or binds stronger than if doesn't mean it's executed first
but not it False and x if True else 0
@DeveshKumarSingh you don't get a NameError as you can see above
yes because the else condition is executed
again, operator precedence is about how code is parsed, not how it's executed
think of it as two blocks, one is a if-else block, other is the conditional evaluation block
the if-else block is executed, and based on it the False or x or 0 is executed
@George In Devesh's example, we have if True rather than if False
yeah sry, my bad
so are your doubt's clear now? in the pastebin you posted, none of the functions gets evaluated because of if False
@Aran-Fey well then I still don't have an example of what binding stronger means and how can I illustrate it. If we're talking about parsing not executing then that's not very intuitive. Consider a mathematical example. You would have to execute based on priority and not just parse
Fortunately for us, programming languages are more powerful than math formulas
FWIW, we had a discussion here a couple of days ago that it's slightly annoying that the Python conditional expression is written with the condition in the middle, rather than the pattern used in C etc, where it's condition ? trueval : falseval
29 mins ago, by Aran-Fey
>>> True or 1 if False else 0
>>> (True or 1) if False else 0
>>> True or (1 if False else 0)
^ there's your example
@Aran-Fey In the third example, because of short circuiting of conditional expressions, the ternary condition inside the () are not even touched right
and removing the () causes True or 1 to fall within the if condition of the ternary, and then it's not touched because of if False
^ counter-intuitively to what the table says... I would've expected True or doesn't matter what's here
when in fact it's
doesn't matter what's here if False else 0
you still have that "binds stronger" (I can't highlight it more than I already have) backwards, I see
what table, and why is it counter intuitive? Think of ternary as if a: b() else: c()
that makes it much easier to grasp
and yes
@George your expectation is wrong.
well it also says right here
The expression x if C else y first evaluates the condition, C rather than x. If C is true, x is evaluated and its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and its value is returned.
"or binds stonger" literally means that True or 1 if False else 0 is the same as (True or 1) if False else 0, not True or (1 if False else 0). If this is surprising to you it's still true. There's no other way to explain it.
yo hol'up fellas I don't mean to be a hard head ;d I'm just trying to understand what binding stronger means. Clearly not executed first as @Aran-Fey pointed out
it means that if you have a sequence of operators, you (mentally) put parentheses around the strongest ones first
14 mins ago, by Aran-Fey
29 mins ago, by Aran-Fey
>>> True or 1 if False else 0
>>> (True or 1) if False else 0
>>> True or (1 if False else 0)
since or is higher precedence than if else, when the code is parsed , it becomes (True or 1) if False and not True or (1 if False else 0), I think that's what Aran-Fey meant by that example
okay well you could've said the put the parentheses mentally around the ones that bind stronger. I thought that they execute first
sry for the hard times xD
first the code is parsed, and then executed right?
because the evaluation order has to be decided after the code is parsed by the parser, and then executed
thanks fellas @AndrasDeak @Aran-Fey @DeveshKumarSingh! really appreciate it
the interpreter needs to know what the execution order is, the different branches which can be taken, which it does by parsing, and then executes it based on the inputs
Think of math: * binds stronger than +. This means a*x + b is (a*x) + b. This is all it means.
holds true for any language
When exploring stuff like this, I find it helpful to use a function that prints the expressions you're using, eg
def show(x):
    return x
once you have the implicit parentheses in place the precedence thing goes away and execution happens as specified elsewhere
@AndrasDeak that's BODMAS right?
I have no idea what that is
Python follows PEMDAS
I also just used dissasembler on a math formula with functions
they are evaluated left to right, but then when executed the ones with higher priority are executed first
lemme show you the paste bin
@AndrasDeak that's an acronym to remember evaluation order, Brackets, Order, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction like this
we don't do those things here yet everyone* understands it fine :P
yeah, I remember doing it back in school, it's followed in India and UK primarily IIRC
corrected the link above
@George irrelevant to your precedence discussion
3 mins ago, by Andras Deak
once you have the implicit parentheses in place the precedence thing goes away and execution happens as specified elsewhere
@AndrasDeak why is that? If I check the table I can see that + and - are under * which is under **, which is exactly what the dissasembler shows me
or maybe half-relevant
and I would've expected the same
for the if-else
even though they are all evaluated left to right
first_fn() + second_fn() * third_fn() ** first_fn() => first_fn() + second_fn() * (third_fn() ** first_fn()) => first_fn() + (second_fn() * (third_fn() ** first_fn()))
I guess you are confused with what dis.dis output actually represent
no, it's literally self-explanatory. It loads the functions, evaluates them left to right
and then performs the operations bases on precedence
as @AndrasDeak pointed out
and it returns the value of the expression
@George NO
that's the exact opposide of what I pointed out
My claim is that precedence tells you where parentheses go. How execution happens with function calls inside is another story.
23           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (first_fn)
              2 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              4 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (second_fn)
              6 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              8 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (third_fn)
             10 CALL_FUNCTION            0
             12 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (first_fn)
             14 CALL_FUNCTION            0
             16 BINARY_POWER
             18 BINARY_MULTIPLY
             20 BINARY_ADD
             22 RETURN_VALUE
this is pretty self explanatory is it not?
I saw that when it was in your dpaste, it doesn't tell me more here
what did u observe here though which u think is self-explanatory
which operation is performed first after the evaluation of all functions?
and how do you decide that, it's a call stack
It does a POWER on third() and first(), then it does a MULTIPLY on second() and the result of the previous, then it does an ADD on first() and the result of the previous.
and how the stack gets executed depends on the program counter, which comes into the picture when the code actually runs
@AndrasDeak exactly
I'm not sure what we're arguing but it's becoming wearisome.
we're not arguing on anything, we're actually on the same page
OK then
@George then it finishes the discussion?
yep, although I thought that's the purpose of a chat
to have discussions like these
I guess AD's point was that you are trying to prove your point to us, but if you already understood what's going on, that doesn't matter anyways :)
I just thought of getting into virtualenv
is there any way I can have my already installed packages in it without downloading them again?? provided I don't have the tarballs
$ python3.7 -mvenv
usage: venv [-h] [--system-site-packages] [--symlinks | --copies] [--clear]
            [--upgrade] [--without-pip] [--prompt PROMPT]
            ENV_DIR [ENV_DIR ...]
check out --system-site-packages
When making any HTTP request pip will first check its local cache to determine if it has a suitable response stored for that request which has not expired. If it does then it simply returns that response and doesn’t make the request.
Is there a way to compare two columns pandas like this on SQL: df.A LIKE '%' + df2.B + '%'?
See the rules here especially the first 2 points in "Asking a Question"
1 hour later…
yay... happy 4th mod anniversary to me and all that... I'll go grab some cakes for everyone :)
pineapple \o/
@JonClements Pineapple
Wow. Four years already. Congrats, Jon.
Yeah... time flies... certainly doesn't seem that long...
plus... I'm still relatively sane after it... so :)
nice Jon! i'll be waiting for my cake :) (but, is the cake a lie? :p)
possibly... I'm hoping the shop has one of the salted caramel ones... they're quite tasty...
Congrats, Jon :)
Congrats Jon, hope it's not raining in the UK! especially tomorrow around manchester :)
It can rain in Manchester if it wants.. it won't bother me... @rogan might not appreciate it though :)
@DeveshKumarSingh It has rained every day, and pretty heavy
For like a week now. It's pretty grim
@roganjosh aah man, the cricket match I have been waiting for since 2 years, should not be a wash out :( fingers and toes crossed
@DeveshKumarSingh I second you on that ;)
Eagerly waiting for tomorrow's match
@roganjosh yeah i saw that, hoping the rain lets up atleast for a few hours
I don't really know how cricket responds to weather, but it's patchy so far. You'll get a few hours of relatively clear weather and then within the space of minutes it's a deluge, then it stops again for a bit. I don't know if they can work around that kinda thing
@roganjosh As soon as the rain starts falling heavily, they need to cover the pitch asap, and the play resumes only when rain goes away
If they can cover and uncover the pitch relatively quickly then you might hope that they get enough windows for actual play
yes unsure how fast are the groundsman
not only the pitch, they will inspect the outfield too, which they dont cover. Lets hope it doesn't rain heavily :)
I was just reading an article on the Manchester Evening News and it's on the borderline of making no sense. Considering that would be our city's main newspaper, it is just so embarrassingly written and communicated. I feel a real urge to write a strongly-worded email to their editor. Anyway, you may have good weather tomorrow or you may have thunderstorms. It's not clear.
is this the article
A nice example: '"Temperature-wise we are looking at tomorrow highs of mid to high teens, 16-17C possibly heavy.'. Temperature, apparently, is described in terms of weight.
aah, found the article
Not that one, this one but they'll say the same thing, just with different titles so they can spew it out on FB and get the ad revenue
thundery rain :D
The temperature is apparently less heavy on Tuesday. I think. They're such an omnishambles as a news agency, I don't even take the free copies they give out in the city centre
The answer is not strong as it is, and the OP seems to be trying to divert from it actually being a decent test-case
@roganjosh The new question is about concatenating multiple lists, not just two, so it's a little different. A new answer with timeit stats just got posted. It'd be good if the OP mentioned how big the lists are...
@PM2Ring < 13 items, but that only came after the first benchmarking answer started
At that size, it's probably a micro optimisation
@roganjosh Ok. I thought it was <13 lists
@roganjosh Yep. If it is 13 items rather than 13 lists.
Oh, maybe I'm reading it incorrectly then. The response to my comments on the first answer were along the lines of "that's related to performance" as though that was subsidiary to the main question.... which happens to mention "performance" 4 times
You"re right: "The size of the list is varying from 2 to 13 "
I don't think the OP has a clear idea behind their question tbh. Is there perhaps a better dupe?
:/ I can't seem to find any others except the dupe I linked, and the new question + the now-accepted-answer feels pretty underwhelming.
Andrej just deleted his answer. I guess he noticed the bug I was just going to tell him about. Some of his test cases clobber a source list, eg output = a; output.extend(b). That makes output an alias of a, and then extends it.
@PM2Ring Yes, I noticed it so I deleted my answer.
@roganjosh I can't recall a better dupe. I've done some list-related timeit answers, but not one that concats multiple lists.
@AndrejKesely You should fix that, and re-run your tests. But maybe make the test code more compact. Eg, put your test strings into a tuple or something so you can loop over them instead of all those copy & paste repeated prints.
I'm half debating whether I'm curious enough to play around with it. Since len() is O(1), part of me is wondering whether it's quicker to instantiate an empty numpy array for the combined length of all the lists and unpack into it. Maybe I'm grossly misrepresenting the efficiency of index assignments
@roganjosh The OP isn't asking about Numpy. And they might not have lists of numbers.
Sure, but that's the angle that's snagging my attention to look into the subject properly :)
I'll leave it open a little while longer, just in case someone does want to post another answer.
Of course, if I hammer it Andrej can still undelete his answer, if he wants.
Also, numpy wouldn't require numerical values, but you would need a fixed length on the strings I guess in order to get the final memory allocation in a single step, which is what I think might push it ahead in efficiency
For just an object type, I assume it would drown
@PM2Ring Done, I put comment next to the statements that are aliasing list a
@AndrejKesely Ok, but that means the tests aren't fair, because the a list is growing. Use output = a[:] or output = a.copy()
@PM2Ring Yes, you have right. I did a.copy()
@roganjosh Yep. Fixed length strings would work, if that fits with the OP's requirements.
@PM2Ring In this case plain a + b + c is better
@AndrejKesely I'm not surprised. chain has to iterate over the list items & copy them one by one, but + can combine the arrays of pointers at the C level. I think. :)
@AndrejKesely Hang on! You have output = a.copy();output = a;, so a is still getting clobbered. get rid of those output = a;
@PM2Ring Ops, I will rerun the tests
@PM2Ring Now output = [*a, *b, *c] seems fastest, but the its more balanced
@PM2Ring *the results seems more balanced
@AndrejKesely Much better! Hopefully, the OP will see the new version...
And we now have a new answer that also clobbers the first source list. :)
I was playing around with their timings on bigger lists and then spotted it. Oh well.
Great..! I have seen your names most of the times whenever I open stackoverflow. I have very less knowledge then you all.
Hello @0xPrateek :)
Hii to all ... @roganjosh, @PM2Ring @DeveshKumarSingh
@roganjosh I tried to give my best while answering that question since it was accepted so I didn't look it for the improvements
@0xPrateek That's the question we have been discussing here. I think it would still be better for you to post your code to test the timings rather than the pictures. You can see the other two answers did that, and PM2 Ring found problems with both methods that then got fixed
I am just learning. Trying to improve and I am feeling wonderfull by seeing people like so good at the top of the community. Love all the way to you from another python beginner
Finding those problems doesn't make the answer wrong, it gives the person who ran the timings the opportunity to fix them and learn the mistake.
@JonClements \o/
@AndrasDeak did you get cake? I didn't get cake. The cake was a lie.
@roganjosh heavy as in humid perhaps? Sultry? Then again 16 degrees...
@roganjosh yeah, it was great!
@AndrasDeak .... I feel like a bumblebee to the party. I'll just swagger about while the invited guests get cake
@roganjosh that's just a very complicated np.concatenate :P
@0xPrateek welcome
Thanks @AndrasDeak.. Good to see you
Btw np.concatenate vs np.append which is good in terms of performance xD
Using them in a loop would be pretty bad
Please see. Range - any
Performance - In terms of time
If you want your collection to grow dynamically, then it's probably better to use a list
My comments about numpy were just musings; things for me to think about but I wouldn't suggest it without testing properly first
Got you..!
I never knew python had a group
Great to see this.
I see you on quite a lot of answers lately.
that's because I don't have a life xD
Not like i am living the life here.
Same lol
@0xPrateek concatenate good, append bad
and as roganjosh said if you call either in a loop you're doing it wrong
Oh man. Existential crisis breaking out in Room 6. Where is PiR for the puppy photos?!
@roganjosh yes, I don't think you exist
@AndrasDeak I think things, though, so I definitely do exist. I need to work on what those things are
that's exactly what someone wanting me to think they exist would say
If you think non-existent things, how can you exist?
How does content disposition in requests work?
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.jpg"
I get this, but i can't know how to add this header in requests.
requests headers is a dictionary, and these look like key-value pairs, so perhaps add them to the headers dictionary?
What do you get that from?
yes, some concrete code where you saw this info will be useful
But it looks like a form that's submitted to their webserver that they then want to forward on? I'm not sure how they'd get that print-out
I captured a request.
and got the post in Curl format
I'm finally getting the hang of OOPS
makes shit so much easier.
as I said, giving an concrete example is terms of code will make things easier to explain
^^ *yam so much easier. sopython.com/salad
You can edit for 2 minutes. It's best to do that
How do i share like part of the code
Because there's like some auth and shit there (confidentail)
@SalmanFarsi OTOH, I don't know if you need to add that header manually, requests is pretty smart at adding appropriate headers itself. See 2.python-requests.org/en/master/user/quickstart/…
I checked the requests headers once sent and turns out it doesn't send it
I did resp.headers
@SalmanFarsi I am sure you have seen min-reprex just use that !
is there any code editor
where i can like input some code
and then operate the rest from the terminal
@SalmanFarsi Can you watch your language, please. We prefer if people don't swear in here, as per Stack Exchange policy.
s*** is not allowed?
It's not, and don't start guessing for the rest.
Also please try not to add too many unnecessary line breaks. One sentence on multiple lines is usually an anti-pattern.
`for i in swearwords:
print("what about ' + i + ' ?')`
Okay, Sorry.
You can also edit/delete messages for 2 minutes. And you can read our guide to formatting code in chat.
Some of the Stack Exchange chatrooms have a "relaxed" policy about swear words, but we like to keep the tone a little more professional here in the Python room. But we do have our own swear words in our silly Salad Language: tomato & yam. :)
Guess i'll need to adapt that instead.
Yam this tomato
@SalmanFarsi That sounds like the headers in the response sent back to you from the server, rather than the headers you sent to the server.
I thought so too
I checked the request
and turns out these headers are being added when the image is uploaded.
Uploaded to what?
the server.
I'm either missing something or we're going in a wide circle here
18 mins ago, by roganjosh
But it looks like a form that's submitted to their webserver that they then want to forward on? I'm not sure how they'd get that print-out
Who owns the server?
@SalmanFarsi Chat is a bit primitive, we don't have an editor, or syntax highlighting. So external sites tend to work better, especially if you have more than a dozen or so lines to post. For small chunks of code, just format it in your own editor.
it's a third party site for classifieds.
They don't have an api, So i'm automating the process to upload the images.
ugh, figured it out. Turns out i got the file format wrong.
can anyone ask me a python question? I'll try my best to answer without googling tomato
@SalmanFarsi What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Lesser than the air-speed velocity of a laden swallow
Off you go into the pit
I've watched the scene again, plus another that I accidentally landed on, and I still don't get the comedy value. Monty Python is something I feel I ought to get, but I don't. I may exile myself.
Monty Python is not very good for the general audience (we gave up after the first episode of Flying Circus). Brian is fine. Grail is awesome.
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