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Comic book movies used to stink. Only die hards would go because only they knew enough back story to enjoy it. Besides Superman (Christopher Reeves), I think the first major break through on a comic book movie was Spiderman (Tobey MaGuire)
batman, anyone?
I'm a non-genuine comic book fan. I don't read comic books. I only watch the movie adaptations. I do not think this is a bad thing.
@MisterMiyagi Batman begins 2005, Spiderman 2002
No prior batman movies count
Dark knight or dark knight rises?
@piRSquared does the keaton death glare
those are part of the series that counts
If it wasn't trendy among normies to watch comic book movies, then there would be less profit motive to make comic book movies, and so there would be fewer comic book movies and they would have smaller budgets. So it may be that the quality of comic book media improves as it gains mainstream popularity.
I'm a fan of Beetlejuice but as batman... no
@piRSquared well, the actor mostly has to play bruce wayne
(Provided that the gain in quality from an increased budget is larger than the loss in quality by the filmmakers mangling the source material in order to make it more palatable to general audiences)
@ParitoshSingh yes if we talk about series
@Kevin Is this an XY problem?
@MisterMiyagi He says otherwise
Re: re: class namespace shenanigans. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that class definitions are the only place where you cannot reasonably assume that immediately after x = 1 executes, the namespace contains a key "x" bound to a value 1
Since the namespace mapping could define __setitem__ however it wants, and set "y" to 1 instead of x in a fit of whimsy
doesn't this match what you said previously?
that one can just del x either way?
Yeah, the ideas are related. But perhaps there is a difference between "x existed at one point but now it's gone" and "x was never bound to a value even though this assignment statement definitely ran"
actually you can construct a case where this almost happens in function scope
In [122]: def foo():
     ...:     x : int
     ...:     def bar():
     ...:         print(x)
     ...:     return bar
     ...: foo().__closure__
Out[122]: (<cell at 0x10c5c9ac8: empty>,)
I'm not sure Python semantics require closed over names to actually have a value
it is enough to have a well-defined place for them
which could be namespace['x'] for all that matters
Mm hmm. I was just playing around with a similar concept.
def f():
    x = 1
    def g():
        x = 2
        def h():
            nonlocal x
            x = 3
        del x
    return x
This prints "1", which demonstrates that h's nonlocal x continues to refer to g's x, even though it's no longer bound when h runs. It happily binds g's x to a new value. And f's x is not modified at any point.
This suggests that nonlocal chooses its target at compile time, and no amount of runtime shenanigans can make it change its cell to a different scope
that matches how locals work
This implies to me that variables created "dynamically" via namespace __setitem__ trickery in a metaclass will not be found when they are referred to inside a method of the class that has that metaclass. For the same reason that inserting new values into locals() doesn't work very well.
if you look at dis, you can see that g and h store x as a DEREF instead of FAST
so the g namespace is modified as well
I thought that might be the case.
seems like the leaky abstraction of the "fast locals" then
meaning there are "semi-fast closures"
which are not compatible with arbitrary namespaces
fwiw, I ran your code without the del x and got the same thing.
55 questions in 20 minutes, the sump is in free flow today
I wonder if the "nonlocal name resolution not allowed" quality of class bodies precedes the introduction of metaclasses to the language. I think metaclasses appeared in 1.5a3.
If nonlocality-is-forbidden precedes metaclasses, then it's a wild goose chase to try to come up with a justification for nonlocality-is-forbidden in terms of "what if a metaclass returns a weird namespace?"
I thought old-style classes where a pile of dirty hacks to begin with
there is also still the good old "no one implemented it"
That's why I'm not eager to fire up a 1.5 env and see how it works. classes that old are probably sufficiently different from modern classes that I won't be able to draw any generalizable conclusions from it.
Hmm, but even if every component of 1.5's class mechanism was replaced with something newer and shinier, it could be that modern classes are still constrained by interface guarantees made during the era of old and busted classes.
If dirty hack classes imposed the requirement of "we can't resolve nonlocal names because our classes are dirty hacks", then that requirement might live to the modern day even if it would be trivial for modern classes to resolve nonlocals.
Three cheers for backwards compatibility. hip hip heurgh
@wim whoever starred your comment evidently doesn't like Aaron Hall's answers
I think I'll clear that when I'm back on laptop
Hmm, I think I misunderstood how name resolution in classes works.
x = 0
def f():
    x = 1
    class A:
        x = 2
        class B:
I expected this to print "0", but it prints "1".
ruined a perfectly good "guess the output" puzzle :(
I guess "unbound local variables [in a class body] are looked up in the global namespace" doesn't apply here because the x in print(x) isn't an unbound local variable.
Make the variable local, and...
x = 0
def f():
    x = 1
    class A:
        x = 2
        class B:
            x = 99
Result: 0
So it was wrong of me to characterize this quirk as "nonlocals can't be resolved in class definitions", since clearly they can or else that first code block wouldn't print "1"
@Aran-Fey Maybe I'll wait a week and post it again without the output ;-)
I'm more confused about class namespaces than I was 20 minutes ago, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing
On second thought, let's not go there. 'Tis a silly place
putting those two codes side by side, what the heck?!
I think very few people read my ramblings when they go on this long, so most puzzle participants won't expect the surprising behavior
Change of topic, but I always thought the "Compiling" xkcd was no longer relevant in modern times and now that I'm trying to compile a kotlin hello world I see that it's still very much relevant. (build took 7 minutes to throw an error)
@Aran-Fey indeed relevant
and people say python is slow smh
I bet fast compilers are NP-hard. No, I don't know what that means, don't at me.
Hey guys, I need some help troubleshooting my anagram function:

I need both for loops to begin from the beginning after break but that's not happening. Any suggestions?
Perhaps you would find stackoverflow.com/questions/189645/… useful.
... Although even if you did have "break out of both loops" power, you would still need additional refactoring to make the loops occur again. A while loop might be appropriate... But what should the condition be? Hmm
Something like:
    if len(s1_new) == len(s2_new):
        dupe_found = True
        while dupe_found:
            dupe_found = False
            for i in s1_new:
                for j in s2_new:
                    if i == j:
                        dupe_found = True
    return s1_new == s2_new
Why not return Counter(s1) == Counter(s2)?
I was just about to suggest that :-)
Usually when I give a one-line solution to a problem like this, the OP replies with "awesome, but my instructor wants me to do it the long way", so I skip all that and just solve the X of the XY problem before I even mention the Y.
Hmm, I wonder if it's possible to do this without a dupe_found flag. Just a while True: and an even more convoluted mess of continues and breaks and for-elses.
that's a stupid assignment to do without Counter. It obviously requires some kind of counter or multiset if it wants to be efficient
@Kevin try/except/raise :P
err...your solution is convoluted enough for me already Kevin. Please allow me some time to go though it and understand what happened!

Aran, I know it's a stupid assignment but...Counter?? You see it's not the assignment, it's me. :)
I've done something similar for "scrabble" something and not just complete anagrams, eg: stackoverflow.com/questions/39028548/…
Can someone explain me the first test case in that problem link?
I mean like why isn't the output 2 instead of 2.5?
@RaphX would an output of 2 light up everything? (ps. the answer is no)
if len(s1_new) == len(s2_new):
    while True:
        for i in s1_new:
            for j in s2_new:
                if i == j:
i do not know if i can say more without giving away essentially the answer to the problem
The good old else-continue-break-else-break-continue design pattern :^)
The street is from 0 till l right?
@Kevin Meh... of course - not using Counter then sorted(a) == sorted(b) is fairly traditional :)
If I take 2 for 0 its lighting up till 2, [1,5] for 3, [3, 7] for 5, [5, 9] for 7, [7, 11] for 9, [12, 15] for 14, 13 for 15
I don't want to use sorted() unless it's bogosort.
What am I missing here?@ParitoshSingh
@RaphX uhm, you may want to read the question description in text
that's not how they're "lighting up" the street. Each lantern is making a radius around itself (at the end of the day, that definitely makes more sense than the first lantern throwing a lightbeam all the way to the last) (forgive me, physicists)
Ok, I guess I misinterpreted this statement :'Then the i-th lantern is at the point ai'.
mhm, and for that, i don't blame you. i find codeforces often does a poor job explaining problems.
Seems crowdsourced
inp = """7 15
15 5 3 7 9 14 0"""
n, l, *ls = inp.split()
ls = sorted(map(int, ['0'] + ls + [l]))
ans = max(b - a for a, b in zip(ls, ls[1:])) / 2
Re: re: re: class namespaces, stackoverflow.com/a/9508816/953482 puts forth an argument that "locals defined directly in a class block are not resolvable in deeper scopes" is an intentional design choice that upholds "there should be one way to do it" design principles.
does it convince you?
Rather than it being a problem of "we couldn't figure out how to do it" or "If we allowed it, Python would segfault in obscure corner case X"
Thanks @ParitoshSingh and @piRSquared
@ParitoshSingh Partially. I would much prefer some Word of God on this subject. Any endorsement from a core dev would suffice.
@Kevin any particular "God" you had in mind... I hear Loki's a fun guy :)
Surely wise Athena has strong opinions about lexical scoping
@Aran-Fey It definitely got reincarnated as "CI is still running" at my last .. 3 employers as well
Surprisingly Ares knows a whole lot about programming languages, because he's been starting flame wars online since Usenet's conception, and he knows exactly which inflammatory opinions can get everyone foaming at the mouth
Don't ask him for technical advice, though; he'll just tell you what you don't want to hear.
Icelos, God of nightmares, just wanted to mess with your sleep.
"Not tonight, Icelos" I say, cracking open my fourth energy drink of the evening
Dag nab-it! I should've thought of this one-liner because one line is always better. Hi WeNYoBen o/ I'm just poking fun at OP (-:
Any good posts for animating changing viewpoints on a 3D matplotlib axes? Or animating a series of pngs?
1 hour later…
Early rbrb today, laters
rbrb @PaulMcG
@kevin Here's a classic answer by Martijn about accessing class attributes, in the context of list comps: stackoverflow.com/a/13913933/4014959
It's almost like Martijn knows what he's talking about isn't it? :p
My first skim of that post I see quite a lot of text that boils down to "it is this way because the documentation says that's the way it is". Which is accurate and well-reasoned and insightful and not interesting to me.
"Because the scope is repurposed as the attributes on a class object, allowing it to be used as a nonlocal scope as well leads to undefined behaviour" is in the right ballpark but "undefined behavior" is not a cure-all for explaining why we didn't bother to define the behavior
True, Martijn doesn't fully explain why it works the way it does, but I figured it was relevant info to add to your discussion.
"what would happen if a class method referred to x as a nested scope variable, then manipulates Foo.x as well?" and "what would that mean for subclasses of Foo?" are thought-provoking. These are good seeds that could grow into an argument against accessible class level scopes, but I feel they need more than one rhetorical question each
hey look, it's an excruciatingly long answer that someone hasn't been given a hard time over
Is this your new thing?
No, it's Wim's old thing. ;)
It's great when an answer is clear and concise, but sometimes an answer does need to be long to cover all the bases.
"I'm sorry this answer is so long, but I didn't have time to write a shorter one".
A'la Churchill Woodrow Wilson (or someone)? :)
I'm not sure who said it first (in connection with a letter, rather than an answer). I've seen it attributed to the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, Abraham Lincoln, and Albert Einstein.
@PM2Ring should be relatively easy to verify which came first considering they're all different centuries
Famous quotes with disputed origins are like tumblr screenshots with the user name cropped out.
Let it not be said that any living generation invented the meme
Anyone familiar with the sshtunnel package? I seem to be running into trouble when trying to stop() an active tunnel. My code seems to hang and upon closer inspection looks like its getting stuck in a while loop in the packages source code. Can share more details if anyone is familiar with the package
@alkasm Well, I did list them in chronological order. It's also attributed to Mark Twain, who'd fit before Einstein. It's not easy to verify the true source for stuff like this by doing an internet search. I wouldn't be surprised if it predates Pascal. And since it doesn't use any language specific puns, the original could be in virtually any written language.
Ah my issue seems to be prevalent in Python 3.7+ poo!
Ok, I've found a source: Letter XVI, from Pascal's Lettres provinciales.
for the class block thing, there are a billion dupes about this
classes are implemented pretty naively (OOP is shoehorned into the language) - you exec some code in a namespace. the (lines that will subsequently become) class attributes aren't easily accessible because the class doesn't exist yet.
are you actually trying to use nested classes for anything important? or just curious about datamodel?
Is "def function" actually a correct term? I see it quite a lot and it seems clumsy to me.
As in, "I have a def function" or, "you need to use a def function instead of lambda"
Shame the OP didn't produce a mcve for this one - that actually looks like a bit of fun to have a go at.
@roganjosh seems ok but I would omit the redundant "function" word, saying "you should use a def instead of a lambda"
they are both legit functions
ok well lambda is kinda illegitimate but it's a function at least
In other languages, though, the "def" would be different, so I kinda assumed there was a term like "first-class function" or something of the sort. "Named function" wouldn't distinguish it because lambdas can be named, even if they're not supposed to be
all functions are first-class functions in python
Yeah, which is why I used "something of the sort" :)
well... more like objects that happen to be callable kind of thing...
If there is any such term, I don't know one.
callable classes are a very different beast to functions
I'm just curious because, if I ever had a question in another language similar to python, I could only really rely on "non-lambda" to describe what I meant unless I knew their community term
also if you set the name and qualname on a lambda, I don't know if there is even any way apart from introspection of the source code to differentiate it from a def
probably the function object itself doesn't know and can't tell you
I call these proper functions and people would probably understand
block functions?
well i guess lambdas can have a block in js...
I guess the consensus is that there isn't a defined term, and I'm ok with that. I wondered if I was missing some CS phrase
@roganjosh I agree that it's clumsy, but at least it's unambiguous, so I tend to say it more than plain "def", even though the redundancy of "def function" annoys me a little.
@roganjosh yea im kinda surprised none of us can think of one, but i guess it's because "anonymous function" means different stuff in different langs
so bc of that there isn't a defining CS term that splits the two
I mean really it's an anonymous and named function, but Python doesn't truly distinguish
Just asked on main because I really didn't know - Is there any way to tell if a function object was a lambda or a def?
I mean a lambda gets the name '<lambda>'
(that wasn't a response to you @wim)
@alkasm anonymous function seems slightly more confined than the type of function we're talking about though
I think it's impossible, but I've been surprised before (when another stackoverflow user was able to distinguish a monkeypatched on method from a "real" method)
@PM2Ring It's the redundant "function" that finally got me to the "there must be a better phrase" thinking :)
@PM2Ring no problem with that statement. but most of the long answers around stack aren't long because they need to be.
Better, or more formal at least
@cs95 here?
@roganjosh That's the point I'm making --- named and anonymous functions have CS definitions, Python deviates slightly from the typical CS path, so we shouldn't expect a generic CS term to encompass python's specific slight deviation
y'all are definitely going to make that a HNQ...
What is the term without the slight deviation?
named vs anonymous, no?
Nice instant answer @wim
@alkasm Oh, so you're saying that the deviation is that python lets you name a lambda?
@JonClements The OP just added code, and actual output, so we now have a MCVE, or a ruprecht, whatever it's called these days. Shall we reopen it?
That's it, I'm calling it Ruprecht from now on.
that's one mouth actions too many to pronounce that
wait until you see Czech words
@Aran-Fey From the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
@PM2Ring I've asked 'em to explicitly state that strings can be of different lengths, then, quite happy to reopen it - saves everyone else votes...
@AndrasDeak Czechs seriously need to invest in some vowels.
@PM2Ring They pronounce it like "Ruprekt"
I think there are consonants (or consonant combinations?) that count as vowels
it's supposed to be an h, not a k
I prefer "get rekt" instead
@Aran-Fey not a h, a cccch :P
wow, user2357112 with the straight dope again
we have h, you have cccch
@JonClements Thanks. I don't know how I missed your comment. Either I'm not quite awake yet, or it's a page refresh thing.
min-ruprecht lol
@wim did you ping, good sir?
@Aran-Fey They had to make it easier for the Americans.
> Thus, Czech word can have up to five consonants in the initial group (e.g. vzkvět)[4] and three consonants in the final group (not including syllabic consonants). The syllabic nucleus is usually formed by vowels or diphthongs, but in some cases syllabic sonorants (/r/ and /l/, rarely also /m/ and /n/) can be found in the nucleus, e.g. vlk [vl̩k] ('wolf'), krk [kr̩k] ('neck'), osm [osm̩] ('eight').
@PM2Ring no worries... I have a feeling since they're trying to participate they're going to edit their Q, so I've reopened now anyway as I've gotta be AFK in a little bit... and it'd seem a waste to have it sit in the RO queue for longer than necessary.
@cs95 ah, yes - I was asking why you wanted to bounty that digits of pi answer
the guy already had like 200 votes on it
@roganjosh right
and it was mostly cobbled together from comments that other users had posted, and then padded out with additional fat and fluff.
just curious (and because the topic of unnecessarily long answers was up in the room)
@wim it's because I was in the mood to reward some good content, haven't seen much of it lately
I suspect it will be up quite frequently
it was an interesting read
but it was already well-rewarded
(overly so, imo) that's why I was curious
if it was on 2 votes and the other answers were on 200 I'd understand ..
@wim err, well yes, but not by me
here's another example of well rewarded answers being rewarded even more
@PM2Ring thanks for commenting but they should have got the notification and while I had it open - I did a bit of comment clean-up
@cs95 nice try, kiddo
Dec 30 '17 at 14:10, by Andras Deak
@Antti lol, I just noticed the bounty. Thanks but it really wasn't necessary :D
@JonClements Ah, ok. I didn't think close voters got notified on a reopening.
if he had asked me before offering it I'd have convinced him not to do that
the point I'm trying to make is that an answer already being well rewarded isn't really a reason not to reward it even more
but ok
You seem to have been making a point of "look, Andras also got a pointless bounty, something something double standards or why not me?" which is moot because I don't agree with that bounty to begin with. Although I haven't taken a stance in this discussion, so I'm not sure what I'm doing in it as an example.
I can see why you would jump to that conclusion :) but no
yours was an easy example to pull up, I didn't have to hunt much for it :P
anyway, I'm also not a huge fan of pointless circle-yam bounties, and if I had a say in it I'd only have Madara's on that post
I thought you were making a point of "I think wim accepted the wrong answer"
Is Madara still doing his 500 bounties these days?
the list of things you're not a fan of doesn't fit on an average computer's disk space man :P
that's true
I'd place a strong bet on that being a primary bias of voters. People will judge how worthy they believe an answer to be. If current votes exceed that assessment, they won't vote
@JonClements yup, I think it's still in his profile
@wim that's an interesting point to bring up but I don't think accepts count for much so it didn't matter to me what you'd accepted
accepts do matter unfortunately, but bounties won't fix that
I kinda thought a bounty was an incentive for action. I mean, by its very definition; the police wouldn't issue a bounty for a dead problem after the problem was already dead and on their doorstep
by the time someone looks at the bounty they've already not scrolled beyond the top answer
I'll always prefer answers that don't try to explain all these extra things that the question didn't ask about (provided they are correct, of course)
I did make a mention of it in the bounty message: "the answer by so and so is deserving of a bounty" so it was obvious what was being rewarded here
@roganjosh yeah, I mostly think bounties make sense for soliciting new answers or raising awareness. The actual "reward an answer" aspect only makes sense of the beneficiary has low rep
@wim kinda surprising that __code__ itself isn't a readonly attribute
@alkasm yes, interesting.
I wondered if there was some diabolical async framework use-case.
I placed a bounty last friday on an answer from a high rep user. In fact, it was their second answer on the question. It was a useful answer that I thought people should see. Bounties are an easy way to advertise a Q&A
You also have 14.6K profile views
does that... mean something?
There's several users that I've viewed and seen a list of questions that they find interesting... and I tend to actually go through them
That list can be appended to and will last longer than any bounty advertisement
hi , i've just heard about MongoDB but i didnt get what it does , is it an alternative to sqlALchemy ?
Well, I tend to go through them if I respect the answerer
@JRick no, it isn't at all similar. Please read around MongoDB
@roganjosh True I should probably spruce up my profile. It's been a while
@roganjosh i'm
@JRick first off, mongodb is a database, sqlalchemy is a library to interact with a number of databases
it's just a bit confusing sometimes
@JRick You're...?
Look into the difference between SQL and NoSQL
@alkasm thank you
@JRick it's just a bit confusing almost all the time.
@JRick generally speaking SQL-like databases are for "structured" data whereas noSQL databases (like Mongo) are easier for "unstructured" data
@roganjosh wow , i will take a look at this as well

i got a question tho , if i'm building an app that deals with multiple databases like myPhpAdmin app , is SQLAlchemy the right library to use ?
SQLAlchemy can interact with many databases, and it's generally got a workflow (or many workflows...) for anything you'd need to do
and its probably the most used 3rd party lib for database interaction...so, people use it and you'll be able to find examples of using it everywhere.
@JRick we have continued this discussion ad nauseam now over several weeks and I've tried multiple angles. I really can't participate any more and I've really tried my best
@alkasm thank you

but is it the best for that purpose or is there is any other lib i should check ?
well SQLAlchemy is not webscale
Please don't, Wim
@roganjosh :/
@JRick library hunting is not in the best interest of a developers time. unless you are google and you have specific problems
you get a badge for effort
@roganjosh sorry if i'm being annoying sometimes *
i dont know what's "best" for you
@JRick *frustrating. You keep coming with a scattergun of questions and I've already said that I think you're looking into too many different things at once.
Use something, until it doesnt work for you, then use something else. If you're not at the stage to foresee the differences between relational database enginees, then that's where you're at.
@alkasm sure i understand but i'm new to this , only had couple of months of exp , i was just wondering if there is a bigger name out there that i didnt hear about , that is all
SQLAlchemy is "the big name"
2 days ago, by roganjosh
You're going to have half-baked understanding about all the different components and the more you pile in, the more confusing it will get. An alternative would be to get the app stable and decide to dedicate 1 day to retro-fitting logins to that app and understanding the library.
@alkasm then i'm on the right track thank you !
@roganjosh the reason i am asking this is that someone couple of weeks ago helped me with SQLALchemy bug that i have discussed with u guys here but in the end he left a commit that hunted me ....

he said

" it was not designed for that purpose i'm trying to achieve "
almost scary as if iam not on the right track and the app will fail in the future because of this decision
@JRick hence why i said "use this until it doesnt work for you" --- it apparently doesnt work for you, so what is your use case
he never replied back afterwards
@alkasm as i said , something similar to myphpadmin
So your immediate response is to wonder whether MongoDB is an alternative to SQLAlchemy?
phpadmin uses MySQL databases no?
so i will propaply be connecting the app to multiple databases
ugh, I already declared myself out. I'm sticking with that. Sorry.
@roganjosh i respect it and i understand , u have helped me tons already , i just wanted to be clear why iam rasing this issue
SQLAlchemy should be fine for your use case then, and your friend either made a mistake, or you are misrepresenting the actual problem your friend was highlighting.
@alkasm i think i was talking about flask-sqlalchemy ... maybe that is why
that is the issue link
i have just noticed that someone else have left a comment there implaying that i should create engine without db ( db is flask-sqlalchemy's lib )
anyone know what is a working shell entry-point on alpine?
docker run --rm -it python:3.5-alpine --entrypoint=/bin/bash not working ...
bash isnt on alpine
that's what I tried second , also not working
his comment :

"I suppose it's not obvious from the docs, but I don't think this method was ever meant to be used the way you're using it. It's there to override how the engine is created, but it's called from within another method, get_engine, which is part of the extension's standard behavior."
@wim docker run -it alpine /bin/sh is what I always use. what's it failing with?
I just tried and got
Status: Downloaded newer image for python:3.5-alpine
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:344: starting container process caused "exec: \"--entrypoint=/bin/sh\": stat --entrypoint=/bin/sh: no such file or directory": unknown.
ERRO[0006] error waiting for container: context canceled
i guess this is just the python image specifically
@JRick you are completely misreading that. He's saying "youre using the wrong function or you shouldnt be manually doing this" and you took that to mean "you're completely using the wrong library and your app will fail". Note the complete difference between those two statements.
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh python:3.5-alpine works
dumbass docker cli
then you can also docker run --rm -it python:3.5-alpine /bin/sh
dont need no entrypoint flag
@alkasm oooh ! thank you !
@wim real question, why 3.5 tho? :P
Am I missing something? wim's question isn't a dupe of that?
3.5-alpine is that lightweight image that doesn't take like 3gb to install, iirc
build*, need to use the right dockerisms
@roganjosh dupe should go the other way
is a much more useful answer on newer question
(the reopen vote is not mine, btw)
Agreed. I'm pretty powerless, though
The reopen is mine
why the "Python Code Quality Authority" execs a random file inside locals() ... LOL
some authority
@roganjosh yup
quite a few voters, commenters and an answerer missed that
did they miss the big warning in the docs which says not to write to locals() ?
Dupe voters are the answerer, Sheldore, martineau. Nuff said
@AndrasDeak you'd think that, in 4 lines of code, f2.__name__ = f2.__qualname__ = "f2" looked strange enough to take a second glance, which immediately invalidates the dupe answer
we're way past the days where I'd think anything
OK, done
don't think that was a dupe either
@AndrasDeak the answerer?
oh, you meant the answerer of the proposed dupe
@AndrasDeak I get the first one, but what's wrong with the others?
@wim what even...
@cs95 not exactly Martellis or Pieterses
because using a setup.py approach doesn't give you quite enough config files already
ha, okay
they broke the dependency tracker too github.com/PyCQA/astroid/network/dependencies
I suppose you should expect such crazy code from the authors of pylint
@wim where's that name (along with the rest) coming from?
oh, nevermind, wrong line
at least it serves as a good cautionary tale that "watch with pip" tales are important :P
stackoverflow.com/questions/56452217/… no MCVE and a chameleon question
... But still the answer given gets upvoted, even though it clearly cannot deal with the new, edited, problem. I have no ill-will against the answerer, but voting is a little depressing at times :/
maybe they had the page open before the edit :P
now its at an even 0
And now the question has completely changed again too
OP edited again
looks like its actually answerable this time
close votes can probably be retracted..
I'm not retracting on this one, simply because the OP should know better for the number of questions they have posted. The final incarnation of the question is completely alien from its inception
mm, maybe that's just vindictive. I just get annoyed when people spend time trying to answer questions that continually change so drastically
Well as long as you realize that's an emotional argument and not based on the current content of the question, that's fine.
jinx :P

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