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11:07 AM
wtf how does the fkn python stack works
I instantiate two classes and the 2nd (new class) still has the values of #1 ?!?!
Have you heard of "passing by reference" and "passing by value"?
mcve please
@tripleee nice

class Foo:
def __init__(self):

def doStuff(self):

smh = Foo()
>> smh.eatit
>> ['abcd']

smh2 = Foo()
>> smh2.eatit
So, that's it. So how the hell is that even possible ?
that crashes
11:16 AM
The ">>" symbolizes the output of the python console
that code doesn't run im afraid.
its not quite an mcve
ah cmon
hold on
Let's place bets: I say it's a default argument
So, how does that not work?
Anyone wanna bet on class attribute?
11:18 AM
no, i bet its just some object lying around in the open elsewhere
could bbe wrong, but thats my guess :P
@0x45 please practice formatting in the sandbox, you can find a guide in the pinned message
object_under_test = processor.Processor(file=abs_path, user="FOO", password="BAR")

 object_under_test = processor.Processor(file="test.list", user="FOO", password="BAR")
So the object_under_test in test2.py has the parsed contents of the first file too.
yeah, we got that part
we still need a MCVE though
gross. this is definitely not going to end up being an mcve is it :P
`abs_path` has let's say 5 items.

`test.list` has 1 item

`object_under_test` in Test2.py has 6 items now
So why exactly does object_under_test in Test2.py also have the contents of Test1.py Object ?
11:23 AM
Any chance of giving the guys an mcve?
Help them help you
What exactly is missing?
I'm trying my best :/
an MCVE is something that someone can just take and run, top to bottom, recreating the behaviour of your code or a mock example of it anyways. MCVE saves lives.
hold on
which also means, you probably dont need to be displaying the 3 files during an mcve
creating an MCVE itself gives some solid insights, and there is no point guessing what's wrong without one.
class Processor:

    def __init__(self, file, user, password):
        print("[-] SET UP")
        self.file = file
        self.login = user
        self.password = password

    def _generate_links_from_file(self):
        f = open(self.file, "r")
        self.a = []
        self.profile_ids = []
        self.processed_media = []
        for x in f:
            if "bla" in x:
11:27 AM
The number of times I've spotted the problem / a solution when crafting an mcve is ... high. Almost had an OverflowError there
Hope that's it ...
I can't run that code (missing variables and files) and I don't see anything wrong with it either
close, not an mcve still, because i cant copy paste and run this code. but @Aran-Fey should have bet otherwise :P this is going to be a class argument case i bet
Okay so my scenario now is that the 2nd object still has the contents of Object 1
But why?!
well, actually I do see the problem that self.b doesn't exist even though you're trying to append to it
11:30 AM
ah damn
failed to rename
is that probably a pytest issue?
no, these things are usually your fault
But I can't understand how it even can still have the contents of an old object i didnt even reference
let's make this easy: Do you have a constructor with a default argument like def __init__(self, some_arg=[]): or do you have a class attribute like class Foo: some_attr = []?
processor_engine = processor.Processor(
    file="unprocessed.list", user="foo", password="bar")
that's how I create the object
and my __init__() is like i posted
11:34 AM
and you have no class attributes?
well then we're gonna need an actual MCVE after all
This is my code
again, if i copy paste your code, i should be able to run it
just renamed the variables
11:35 AM
i cannot right now.
Do we have a canonical mcve on sopython?
a what?
hold on
Just something we can show someone what an mcve looks like and quacks like
trying to improve my mcve
11:37 AM
Oh, I don't think so. I contemplated writing a short guide about MCVEs but never bothered to go through with it
Anything wrong with Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example? Is it too lengthy?

class Processor:
    def __init__(self, file, user, password):
        print("[-] SET UP")
        self.file = file
        self.login = user
        self.password = password

    def _generate_links_from_file(self):
        f = open(self.file, "r")
        self.a = []
        self.b = []
        self.processed_media = []
        for x in f:
            if "bla" in x:
@Aran-Fey not specific enough
doesn't explain well enough why each letter is important, and what it really means
@Aran-Fey absolutely, imo. As someone reading it, i have no idea at the end of it all what is actually expected of me.
does anyone know a dupe for "how do I write a dictionary literal"?
11:38 AM
that should be running, you just have to create the file(s)
I'd write one that also mentions that MCVEs are not exclusive to programming. It's necessary for any kind of problem solving in life.
so you have 2 separate python scripts that don't import each other... how exactly does it happen that both object_under_test and WTF_IS_THIS exist at the same time?
or do they not exist at the same time and the first object's attributes magically carry over to another python process?

class Processor:
    def __init__(self, file, user, password):
        print("[-] SET UP")
        self.file = file
        self.login = user
        self.password = password

    def _generate_links_from_file(self):
        f = open(self.file, "r")
        self.a = []
        self.b = []
        self.processed_media = []
        for x in f:
            if "bla" in x:
editted it with my outputs
@Aran-Fey Magic I guess. That's why im wondering how this can happen
I'm running pytest over my tests and the 2nd Object has the attributes of my 1st object in an earlier Test in a different file
So wtf?
Example of an mcve:
def bad_diet(ingredients=[]):
    ingredients.append('corned beef')
    return ingredients

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(bad_diet())  # expect ['trees', 'corned beef']
@0x45 obligatory "Did you delete the cache?"
11:43 AM
how do I delete a cache?
yeah, I can't reproduce that output of 2 and 3
running again lol
Fully executable code (you can copy and paste it, nothing else required). You can see what my expected output is, and where it goes wrong.
The example metaphor needs work
new guess: the CWD isn't set as expected and the relative file paths end up referring to the wrong files
11:46 AM
new guess, its pytest afterall, cause arne OP.
(and i know nothing of pytest so :P )
@Aran-Fey Ironically, I think it needs an mcve
something went wrong -> delete cache
I tripped. deletes cache
in a sense, restarting is just a sure fire way to delete cache, right? :p
@OldTinfoil doesn't hurt to try, who knows?
i bet sleeping just deletes cache
assuming you tripped because you were tired
11:49 AM
Probably because my cache got too large to process in real time
idownvotedbecau.se/nomcve is frankly a more to-the-point version of it than ours at SO, but suffers from the same issue that i suppose a description of MCVE would. No example of MCVE can cover all useful use cases, and so perhaps authors decide (mistakenly, imo) to not have examples at all
now this is amazing, but im guessing domain specific, because i have no idea about the actual contents here
12:28 PM
Hey guys, I am back
I am just doing the following:
for i in range(2, workSheet.max_row + 1):
                if i%100 == 0:
                        print(time.time() - start)
                        start = time.time()
                rowI = workSheet[i]
The first 100 blocks of rows take this time:
First-> 4.286624908447266
Second-> 10.30228066444397
Third-> 16.893085479736328
Fourth-> 23.146984100341797
@tripleee (To everyone) just to be clear, I only did janitorial on the accepted answer, I'm not 'endorsing' it; it's still worse than the other answer, it's 8-10 years old, omits mentions of subprocess.Popen, shutil etc., subprocess.call is obsolete, dubious opinions on escaping, wildcarding, blocking vs non-blocking. Whichever of you want to improve it/add a new answer instead...
@smci absolutely, and ditto, in spades
12:47 PM
@ParitoshSingh well there's also Jon Skeet's Writing the perfect question
nobody who needs it badly will read that, alas
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens ... is there a question in there?
Can anyone recommend a good python ebook I could buy and worth the buck?
I know data structures and stuff but I'm newb to Python specific stuff like imports/etc.
The solution has finally been changing the for loop to this one:
        for rowI in workSheet.iter_rows(min_row=2):
The workSheet is really big, so it takes a lot accessing to it every time.
ah, O(n) lookup
12:54 PM
@OldTinfoil yes, upper. The problem was that the piece of code above it was taking ages
hopefully not worse :D
@AndrasDeak That's v. low-level, and v. generic. Really only for new users. Things I found specific to Python: a) if there's an exception, post that line, plus the traceback, b) state versions of everything, certainly 2.x vs 3.x c) state package versions (and/or dates) d) if it's OS-related, state which OSes and specific versions (and anything related e.g. XCode SDK) e) try to tag it correctly f) MCVE: aggressively prune the code example down to minimum g) if using random data, state the seed h)?
@0x45 - I don't e-book. I started out with one of the older O'Reilly books. However, it's worth taking a look at sopython.com/wiki/What_tutorial_should_I_read%3F
Most of the "you need an MCVE" instructions are for new users. I wish our greatest problem was a wrong random seed, but what I usually see is people not grasping the concept of having to boil down their problem and include everything seemingly relevant.
It's the Eternal September problem
1:03 PM
@AnttiHaapala In for-loop/while-loop in many 3GLs, the terms 'step' and 'increment' have IME been used interchangeably for decades (such as in C and lotsa other languages). Anyone say that's not so? It's late now so I'll look into the rest of your comment tomorrow.
Antti needs to git gud in c :P
They shouldn't have been used interchangeably, as they have different meanings
@OldTinfoil thanks
It may not tackle all of the specific import issues and such that you're having - but since they're free they should meet your budgetary needs :)
Yeah I see it's pretty basic stuff
but good to look up as backup
1:07 PM
@OldTinfoil It's 6am for me, but let me have a stab at being more precise: 'step' (generally as noun) refers to the numerical value added every iteration in a for/while/range/etc.; whereas 'increment' (either as verb or noun) can refer either to that value, or to the general act of incrementing (not necessarily inside a for/while-loop; also not necessarily by +1). But as used on SO they seem to be fairly interchangeable, based on what I saw. If I'm mistaken, please do let me know.
...by posting comment in that Meta post. If my proposal is IYO wrong I'd like to know...
@OldTinfoil Can you tell me what definitions you'd use for each?
Increment: to increase by one
Step: to move forwards
Incrementing can exist outside of loops.
If you increase something by the step size, then that's what you're doing. It's not interchangeable.
@MisterMiyagi What, an actual "How to write a dictionary literal in Python?" Wouldn't we just directly reference the Python documentation/tutorial? But if you want to create one, go ahead. Might as well mention the various ways to create with { ... }, dict(...)
1:18 PM
(incrementing by more than one already has a name, it's called addition)
I'd be more interested in finding out any source that agrees with your assertion that they've been used interchangeably for decades
*reliable source
@OldTinfoil You missed that I mentioned 'increment' as a noun, referring to the thingy in a for/while-loop. I'm well aware of the general dictionary definition, also the difference between a verb and a noun. But look at those SO tags as used by programmers and tell me what can we salvage from them? Also, your definition of differs from SO's, which references things like the incr()function in some languages (or presumably the '++' operator in others). Not just an abstract verb.
So back at it again:
    from package import a # no init in package needed
        import package.a
        import package.b
    import package # __init__.py needed for package
    # AttributeError: module 'package' has no attribute 'a'
what's better style, case A or B for a module/package?
@smci points to his starred message that Meta is something that happens to other people - and it is exactly this sort of discussion why I stay away.
Not because of my fragile ego, but because it ends up in fruitless arguments of semantics.
@OldTinfoil I already specifically gave that citation in a post above. Here it is again: Wikipedia on for-loops in many modern languages. "A for-loop statement is available in most imperative programming languages... An optional step-value (an increment or decrement ≠ 1) may also be included, although the exact syntaxes differ". I'm talking about 'increment' when used as a noun, e.g. "the loop increment is 3". ..
..SO tagging would make it near-impossible to distinguish between 'increment' as noun and 'increment' as verb.
on SO we mostly have excrement
1:27 PM
Hint: wikipedia is not a source
I also refute that "increment" is a useful tag ;)
Increment definitely a silly tag
@OldTinfoil Yeah I was beginning to think the same as you yesterday. Can I salvage anything on either , or should I just delete the post? (The tags will still be messed up, and the ISO 10303 brigade might still own , which I find ridiculous, but whatevah...
Look, in the end of the day, if people can't be bothered to read the definition of a tag that has a valid reason to exist - then that's a pain in the arse, but it's only a pain in the arse for the step tag knowledge experts
@RobertGrant how dare you, I've trained for five years to master incrementing things
(Burnination request: can be considered negative , and merged into that tag?)
(Tag cleanup request: can be separated out from in weather.stackexchange.com)
@smci are you saying the sort of thing I'm saying, but being serious?
1:31 PM
@OldTinfoil In general no but that particular WP article summarizes tons of programming books that we've all read, including K&R, Knuth, various computer architecture and organization textbooks, various compiler manuals etc.
❤ chat
Then cite the book, not wikipedia. It's not that wikipedia doesn't use valid combinations from elsewhere, it's that any Robert Grant can change it
Yeah, and I make a lot of changes
I didn't just co-write Red Dwarf
Yeah, about that...
@RobertGrant shots fired?
1:34 PM
@RobertGrant Joking apart, the implementation of incrementing varies by language. In Tcl, it's a function incr(), in C it's the prefix/postfix n++` or +=, in Python we don't have any operator or function, we use +=. If you look at defn it assumes there is an "an increment operator"
@OldTinfoil No I'm not going to sink further hours into this, since the only consensus the Meta proposal seems to have reached is that everyone has a different defn of and , but they're all sure the other ones are wrong, oh and none of them can be bothered articulating their definition. I no longer have the energy. I might give it a massive rewrite to just " and need topic defns, also disambiguate the ISO 10303 thingy"
Because step is a generic word with different meanings within our field
We should probably have , because that has more meanings than any other English word
And this is why I (personally) don't think words like that should be tags. Seriously, is there anyone in the world who filters solely by the increment tag? (sit down @AndrasDeak)
... :(
@OldTinfoil Ok, but do you (and folks here) believe it's so generic a term that no such tag should exist? Maybe that's best. I'm tired.
@RobertGrant tee-hee, but what would its cardinality be...
@OldTinfoil ...but then noone can +1 your comment :D
1:41 PM
I'm fine with that, I'm not here to be popular
(it's a lie, why does nobody love me?)
Don't be salty :P
5 years of Incrementing and Augmented Assignment University, down the drain...
1:42 PM
STEP should exist - because it's a thing - not a general term. If Intel came up with some stupid new language called INCREment, then we should probably have an increment tag
Out of interest, have the ISO 10303 folk particularly cared that their tag is getting polluted with random pish?
@OldTinfoil I keep trying to talk about tags, presumably you're not suggesting 'ISO 10303 (STEP)' should occupy the tag right? So then how should its tag be named? Because you can't simply call the damn tag 'step' because 77% of its current use is mistagging, all the Java novices et al. mistag their questions. So you either way you have to rename the existing (I could have articulated that better)
I am suggesting exactly that. Fight me
@OldTinfoil Oh ok, if many people think that then I'll change my mind. Meanwhile how should I rewrite the Meta post? Gimme till tomorrow to patch it up somehow.
I have no idea man. I don't meta
I could make recommendations, but they'd probably be wrong
@OldTinfoil Uhuh. Soon I might not either... more heat than light
2:31 PM
I got the following scenario:

import MyPackage.A
import MyPackage.B

import MyPackage

# wished scenario:

how can I archive that?

I tried importing in my Package INIT
import MyPackage.A as A
So I want to call the Class Method directly when importing is that somehow possible?
If I tried to run the code to help you just now, would it work?
I would read up on Python namespaces
@0x45 I think I sort of understood but...
2:54 PM
@0x45 where is run.py? In the package directory? Or somewhere else?
3:19 PM
@AnttiHaapala but... ? Is this bad practice or how can I understand that reaction?
- ./MyPackage/
    | - A.py
    | - B.py
ah and ofc ./MyPackage/__init__.py
are you looking for from MyPackage import A perhaps?
Well, this also works without an __init__.py file in my package right?
Well @MisterMiyagi not exactly.

So currently if I `from MyPackage import A`
I still need to call A.Clazz.bar()
but I want
are you looking for from MyPackage.A import Clazz perhaps? ;)
3:34 PM
That works?
@MisterMiyagi MVP, thanks
that was the solution :)
yeah, you can import packages, modules and their top-level names
so you can do from MyPackage.A import Clazz but not from MyPackage.A.Clazz import bar
Oh nice to know thanks
@0x45 If you're new to packaging and don't know yet about how to manage dependencies and virtual environments, it might be a good idea to look into a package managing tool like poetry to handle that stuff for you
it has, for example, also a command poetry new which generates a good package structure for you, in case you want to start a new project
uh so what is the usecase?
3:47 PM
4:05 PM
@vaultah subtle :P
at first I thought that was a book about a new programming language
serious cooks only!
Ok but ever language has a cookbook
and some of the satire on the programming cookbooks makes them look like food cookbooks
4:25 PM
@vaultah what is interesting about that book is how garlic can show up in many ways.
4:57 PM
Golf: given a list lst = ['This', 'That'] what is the most succinct way to create a dictionary {'This': 'That', 'That': 'This'}
dict((lst, lst[::-1]))
{lst[0]:lst[1],lst[1]:lst[0]} for the lulz
Oh well
Wax-on Wax-off! That is pretty good
5:04 PM
>>> a,b=lst;{a:b,b:a}
{'This': 'That', 'That': 'This'}
This is still shorter
@StephanS In reference and respect to the name of the author of the comment
@vaultah it sure is
\o python people
I was going to ask you something but in formulating my question I think I answered it
5:21 PM
it happens to the best of us
Here's one: I did pip install foo, verified that it installed correctly (as far as re-running the command says it's already installed), and then in my .py file I have import foo but it gives me an error No module named 'foo'. Any ideas why?
You're running your .py file with a different executable/interpreter
you mean I'm running it with python3 and that doesn't use pip's directory?
how can I make sure it does then?
5:27 PM
Use python3 -m pip ... instead
gotcha. Thanks!
can we mock local function variables?
I got a method doing a get request, I want to mock the response
def get_name(first, last):
    full_name = first + last  # FulL_NAmE
(I don't have time right now to include ascii art of spongebob)
are you okay Andras? haha
@AndrasDeak I do have the time
    .' \  (`._   (_)     _   \
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  |(_.'  |    /    .-\-.  \  |
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   |  _  |  .--.____.'._.-.  |
   \ (_) | o         -` .-`  |
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    \    |   |  `. |_||_|   |
    | o  |    \_      \     |     -.   .-.
    |.-.  \     `--..-'   O |     `.`-' .'
  _.'  .' |     `-.-'      /-.__   ' .-'
.' `-.` '.|='=.='=.='=.='=|._/_ `-'.'
`-._  `.  |________/\_____|    `-.'
5:41 PM
@0x45 I suspect you should mock urlopen, but I don't test anything
>>> import urllib.request
>>> def test():
... test = urllib.request.urlopen('google.com')
... print(test.status)
... if test.status == 200:
... return True
... return False
>>> test()
How do I properly test the whole method (every line), can I mock local variables (i.e test)?
Why I can't edit my previous comment
that's beyond me to answer
@AndrasDeak I'm assuming you saw @vaultah's culinary contribution above?
6:14 PM
# Usually, dundermethods are looked up on the class - which means something like
# `obj(args)` should be equivalent to `type(obj).__call__(args)`. Find the
# exception for which this isn't true!

unknown = ...  # YOUR CODE HERE
args = ...  # YOUR CODE HERE

assert unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(*args), 'the result was the same'
print('You win!')
And no, crashing the program doesn't count
> obj(args) should be equivalent to type(obj).__call__(args)
Not type(obj).__call__(obj, args)?
hello all
6:22 PM
I am writing a program that will likely need considerably different variables depending on which department in my firm is running the program. I was thinking about putting these variables in discrete DAT files, so that depending on the department the program will know which DAT file to read to get initial input variables.

Is this the way you guys would do it? Or any other thoughts
@vaultah oops...
sounds fine. im mentally just substituting DAT for any config file really, can also be a .py file that can be directly imported, or a dictionary with mapping for department name against the arguments needed. The solution sounds fine to me.
I have two solutions if the statement is unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(unknown, *args) though :P
(and they both pass assert unknown(*args) != unknown(*args) :D)
@ParitoshSingh awesome cheers
@vaultah I don't understand your answer unfortunately :S
They are to a different problem
6:29 PM
hes referring to something Aran said
@vaultah Hmmm, I can actually only think of 1... and 0 ways to fix my riddle :D
ah ok
yeah, I don't think there's any saving this... riddle goes straight into the garbage bin
wait but, solution(s)?
(I'm not saying there's no solution, though)
6:35 PM
@smci assuming they're of drinking age is a strong assumption
6:48 PM
There are actually many solutions that pass assert unknown(*args) != unknown(*args)
I can think of... 4?
make that 3
Are you placing some restrictions on unknown and args?
Well, I'm only counting solutions that don't only differ in the values of the arguments... like if int(3) != int(3) was a solution, then int(4) != int(4) wouldn't count as another
And I got... 6 9 solutions
final tally after going through all the builtins: 12 solutions
assuming input and breakpoint don't count :D
7:55 PM
youtube.com/watch?v=m7QEWz-72bw&feature=youtu.be reminds me of the good ol' Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie Every OS Sucks
8:06 PM
@Aran-Fey should the assert be unknown(*args) != type.__call__(unknown, *args)
if I hadn't messed up it should've been unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(unknown, *args)
I'm having difficulty not winning. What is the default/naive example you assumed where the assertion fails?
We're talking about assert unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(*args) now?
If it's about that one, the problem is mostly finding something that doesn't crash
>>> unknown = int; args = [3]; assert unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(*args)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: descriptor '__call__' requires a 'type' object but received a 'int'
though there certainly are more solutions than I realized
>>> unknown = filter; args = [int, '3']; assert unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(*args)
I started super naive and I don't know why I won
unknown = type('a', tuple(), {})  # YOUR CODE HERE
args = []  # YOUR CODE HERE

assert unknown(*args) != type(unknown).__call__(unknown, *args), 'the result was the same'
print('You win!')
8:22 PM
@piRSquared Lines 1-3 are superfluous
oh, if it's about that version then the problem can be simplified to just unknown(*args) != unknown(*args)
object or any class that doesn't define __eq__ will pass that
anyway, today's challenge is rated "garbage bin / 10"
I like them. don't be discouraged
10% of garbage is better or worse than garbage?
@AndrasDeak that should be read "garbage bin out of 10" as in poetically worse than 0 out of 10
No way :P
8:26 PM
Also because I can't let a joke go. this was the perfect response to comment above it.
24 hours ago, by piRSquared
rbrb home
that's a woosh for me
@PaulMcG asked us to "commute home rbrb" so I did "rbrb home"
I still don't get it :D
8:31 PM
Ah, I see.
commutative property of an operation is the property that given two operands a and b, operation(a, b) is the same as operation(b, a). To commute would be to swap positions of the operands.
commute [imperative] the following: "home rbrb"
And to think that I'm teaching my sons how to tell jokes. I should get them a better teacher.
ah, I figured "commute" had a meaning I wasn't aware of, but I'd never have thought of that
I'm aware of this meaning, but still it didn't occur to me to read it as an imperative. You rarely say that. Perhaps if my undergrad studies or teaching was done in English.
8:36 PM
perhaps... just maybe... I'm weird
I wouldn't draw that conclusion just because two non-native speakers didn't get it (:
I'm no indication, not today. Today I managed to write more or less (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 to a room full of students
off by 2ab error, classic
it was a bit more complicated and the students didn't notice, but still :P
unfortunately this messed with the temperature-dependence of the chemical potential in a Bose--Einstein condensate just above the critical temperature
8:41 PM
...did you blow up the classroom?
fortunately that's one of the less likely accidents that can befall a theorist :P
but did you theoretically blow up the classroom? :D
I still remember the one question I messed up on my differential equations exam back in undergrad 24 years ago.
I evaluated the integral of x as x^2 and forgot to divide by 2.
@Aran-Fey nah, it's safe :P Its just that the curve at T/TB=1 would start linearly rather than quadratically
@piRSquared the shame!
<nods head>
8:47 PM
uh-huh. I know what that means. Yeah. Wouldn't want the curve to start incorrectly, no sir

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