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Could anyone help me on the update statement (updating sql from python), as i am a beginner in python.. i want to update rows of data with row_list, but not sure how to write. Thank you..
` crsr.execute(query)
aList = [item[0] for item in crsr.fetchall()]
for aValue in crsr.fetchall():
crsr.execute("""UPDATE Access.dbo.M_PW SET P_PULSES=? WHERE DATETIME =?""", (row_list, aValue));
How does this relate to your question from yesterday?
I copied only the 'update section' from the post/question, the section which I believe is not working/I am unsure of
So it's the same code and the same problem?
Yes, it is
So let me get this straight. Yesterday you asked a question, you got an answer and a comment telling you what to do. You didn't do anything, but now asked the same question here, with even less code, and without a mention of the error (or a mention of an error) that is present in your question.
yes, I asked the question yesterday, I got the comment, I applied it on my code, but I still have the same error message. That's why I followed up with question to the people who have helped me just to make sure if I got what they meant, but no reply. that's why i am asking it here, hopefully there would be someone who could help. The other comment about the template, I have followed the template but because the coding is so long, i copied the code which is relevant to my question.
7 hours later…
Need help with parsing an xml using python. Just because the description is a bit lengthy and i want to cover details , I have made a github repo for it:
Even if you have any suggestion on how should I move forward then I will be really grateful , as I am stuck with this for a long time. Thanks to all people on SO who have helped me in tackling minor challenges.
^ Have you heard of xpath? Feel your aim is trying to reproduce that functionality.
How can i search a list an return only a single element in which a condition holds? I can return a vector of all results but i only want to return the first hit?
item = [x for x in search_panels[0].find_elements_by_tag_name('browse-node-component') if x.text == function_input]
Item is a returned vector in this case
A: find first sequence item that matches a criterion

eumiroIf you don't have any other indexes or sorted information for your objects, then you will have to iterate until such an object is found: next(obj for obj in objs if obj.val==5) This is however faster than a complete list comprehension. Compare these two: [i for i in xrange(100000) if i == 100...

ahh next(). Thanks
fyi, plain old loops work too, and allow for more powerful handling of the couldn't-find-it-case:
for item in search_panels[0].find_elements_by_tag_name('browse-node-component'):
  if item.text == function_input:
  log.warning(f"Couldn't find {function_input} in panels, defaulting {default}")
  item = default
next has a default case
But not the option to write arbitrary code like log messages
I'm not saying using next is wrong by the way, just offering an alternative that I personally like better because of the reasons that I wrote
I suspect its slower, at least the benchmark the guy showed in the answer
if you need the check you can check against the result of next
$ python -m timeit 'for x in range(10000):' ' if x == 1000: break'
10000 loops, best of 3: 87.7 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit 'next(x for x in range(10000) if x == 1000)'
10000 loops, best of 3: 87.9 usec per loop
I win =D
Comes down to personal taste I guess, having it in a single line by using next has some appeal as well
@Arne Thanks
You're welcome =)
How are you everyone?
@ParitoshSingh, How are you?
Good good
By profession, I am an android application developer
It seems you are a Python developer
Nah, i use python but im not a python dev
What kind of developer you are?
I am thinking Python must be using in Android too
i dont think so actually, though you'd probably know about it more than me
you can use python with android development if you like, but its prominently java, some kotlin or go here and there. As far as i know atleast
Yes, there is more flutter, React native on which Android applications are building these days. Do you have any idea how actually Python can be use in Android
I mean what sort of benefits it can give. :)
ah. well, disclaimer, i havent used any of this but : link seems promising
as for advantages, its just about being able to use the language youre comfortable with primarily
there's probably some disadvantages though related to speeds and optimizations
Is anyone else looking at stackoverflow.com/a/55178628/962190 ? As far as I can tell it's just plain wrong, but it doesn't get any downvotes/comments, so maybe I just don't understand what they say.
@RakeshKumar You can serve http requests with Python
@Arne downvote away, they're wrong
@Aran-Fey btw, I got an answer on my question from yesterday, and it works for my purpose.
Yeah, I saw. That's why I didn't post an answer of my own
how shoud I update a dictionary in github by some serverresponse ? do I need a csv file?
@ParitoshSingh, Thanks, @Sam, Yeah, I was thinking it would help to make an http request as network operations
I have a whole backend build in python which exposes REST APIs
@Mikhail , I am not trying to reproduce xpath exactly. My project involves string parsing after xml or maybe now I have made it that complicated. If you have some time just try running the two python files I have in my repo and you will get the idea . Link to my repo :github.com/raghavpatnecha/xmlparse
@MartijnPieters helped me in generating the AST from xml. Now parsing the ast output to match my requirements is still a challenge for me.
@Duck_dragon don't worry too much about grasping what I built all in one go, there are multiple concepts involved: polymorphism, recursion across a tree of objects, and given your requirements, dynamic expression evaluation too once completed.
I haven't studied your schema in detail, but I think what you need to aim for is having the values the schema defines (properties, configuration) in a namespace (can be a few dictionaries, such as configuration and properties or similar), then passing the namespace to a match method on the rule nodes.
Then each node class can define how they handle the namespace. BoolOps swtching on and and or, and calling a match on each operand node until the expression outcome is known (e.g. for or, use any(op.match(namespace) for op in self.operands), for and, all(op.match(namespace) for op in self.operands).
@MartijnPieters should I also try to look for other approaches. I think my issue is I am trying to stuck with a single approach. Yes , thats what I aim to achieve.
and the function nodes need to define a bunch of functions to call and pass the namespace to. literal() just returns the expression passed in, etc.
@Duck_dragon: my approach makes sure to delegate responsibility for each part to a specific class for the XML node. That helps break down the problem into much smaller sub-problems.
You still need to treat the whole expression as a tree.
yes , exactly. till now I was only talking about literals and values. So you are saying instead of just passing the RULES in tree, I need to make whole xml tree
But a massive set of functions quickly devolves into spaghetti code, even harder to understand.
So the alternative is that you build a tree (in dictionaries, or lists, or something else) then have a massive set of functions process the tree to figure out if a rule matches or not.
I think that the choices are to build the nodes as I've shown you then add rule matching functionality to that, or have a separate layer to interpret the nodes to match rules. The latter is how the Python compiler works with the Python AST to create bytecode, because then it can insert optimisations (replace AST subtrees with a simpler subtree to get things done more easily), but you don't need optimisation functionality here.
I don't think I understand that fully but atleast this gives me a different approach to follow. @MartijnPieters thanks a lot again. You are definitely the saviour for this.
@Sam if you want to get the "first" of anything I'd go with next
@petruz define "a dictionary in github"
@Duck_dragon not necessarily. You don't have to parse the values into a tree of nodes, only the rules.
(20k only) stackoverflow.com/questions/15901888/… ancient no MCVE click magnet
I see from your sample XML there are property definitions (name, type), property values (name, string value), and items with properties. Lists too, I think, but those then are just default values for specific property definitions).
ah, more complexity. Classes, worksheets. Quite a pile!
# is there a decent way to do something like this?

lock = False;

async def program():
	# do something
    await wait_for(lock)
    # do more things

async def other_program():
    # after the event runs, program should continue
I don't care if it's a variable called lock or something else. All I know is that I want program and other_program to work like that
other_program and program might be running in parallel. One doesn't call the other
Take a look here. You may be looking for an Event or Semaphore maybe
ok, this will take a while to figure out. Might be an XY thing. I have some event-driven code I'm trying to test with pytest
async def test_get_msg(client):
	async def on_msg(msg):
    	assert msg.startswith('hello')

	client.on('msg', on_msg)
	await client.connect()
which would be great, but as far as I'm aware, there's no pytest.pass
so I was thinking I might be able to solve this by flattening it with wait_fors
but maybe there's a pytest way to do this
an option is to use @python.mark.xfail(raises=TestPassed) or similar
although that's one damn hack
except it doesn't seem to care what's being passed to raises=?
@Aran-Fey done
and cbg
ok, it does with strict=True
thanks and cbg
Can anyone point me to a question that goes over using a global list inside nested functions?
that's a bit broad. What part of using a global variable inside a function is tripping you up, exactly?
Yeah sorry. Basically I have the following:

    a = []

    def partone(data):

    def parttwo():
      data = [-1,0,1,2]
      p = Pool(1)
      p.map(partone, data)

    def partthree():


And would like that last print to print the whole list, while atm it just prints `['a']`
I suck at mixing fixed font and regular... :/
nah, chat does
Is that a multiprocessing Pool? Variables aren't shared among processes
That's why it's a list, and each pool just pushes to it
Seems to work atm
Here's a repl.it to see it in action if you want
['a', 1]
['a', 1, 1]
['a', 1, 1, 1]
['a', 1, 1, 1, 1]
The one process in your pool sees ['a', 1, 1, 1, 1], the main process sees ['a']
Yeah ok, makes sense
Change from multiprocessing to threading to see this run in a single process, should correctly share the list
Yeah but in prod I'm running with a pool of 3 so
Just to illustrate, I mean
To use a shared list with multiprocessing, you'll need to use a multiprocessing.List, managed with a Manager. Then you can share the list across workers (take care to synchronize using a Lock). (Been a while so I might have left out a step)
Probably what you were looking for when you first came in: stackoverflow.com/questions/42490368/…
To be fair, your original question left out the critical "multiprocessing" bit
Yep I didn't realize it was because of the multiprocessing part, sorry
Thanks for the suggestions, will have a look
@CalvT also for formatting in chat, see this
Have we got a dupe target for "If I do import a; from a import *; a.b = 123; print(b), why is the output b's original value and not 123?"?
I'd be surprised if we did tbh
Me too
I suspect Why don't global variables defined by imported functions change? has this problem although I can't be sure because his MCVE does not contain a print(global_value) in the importing script
But I suspect that he must have one, or else he's simply seeing impossible output
Looks like chepner's answer is making the same assumption I am
damn, I spent about 1hr debugging something, and it turns out I had def Thing instead of class Thing
I made that mistake in the past but the error was quite straightforward if I recall correctly
well, wasn't an error. It found the thing as NoneType when trying to access methods, so I thought maybe there was some weird inheritance issue
ofc I should have been smarter, but do we ever not say that after debugging for more than a dozen minutes?
I've spent more time on dumber things.
(and it was in a docker environment that was itself abstracted away in a makefile, so I spent some time trying to get the package to work locally first, and dufused for a bit)
Rule of thumb: it's really really hard to make some_type() evaluate to None.
In a rare example of childproofing, Python doesn't even let you subclass NoneType.
huh, interesting, thanks
Gotta love when an OP provides "a json" which is neither syntactically valid json nor syntactcally valid Python
TGIF, folks
Ok, I exaggerate. The data at AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'map' is syntactically valid Python, but it's nonsense unless the variables id and Customer are already defined.
I forget, how do you strikethrough on chat again?
Triple hyphen on both sides
thanks :D
@AndrasDeak It is a cleaner function
@MartijnPieters yes its quite a lot. And you are correct there ate lists too and sometimes the rule definitions may refer to lists, properties in both class and items. The properties also have default value. Basically, value and literal values can be directly found and the most easy ones. But wherever the propval comes into picture its quite a tricky task.
Is there anyone in here with some knowledge in economy?
I took two semesters of econ 101 ten years ago, so I'm pretty much a master
Prices rise proportional to demand and inversely proportional to supply. Cereal companies benefit when milk companies are doing well, and vice versa. Negative externalities are bad.
Well it's more finance, but you probably know better than me. Can you tell me if that answer makes sense or if I am just way off track? stackoverflow.com/a/55184336/5079316
> Raising a negative number to a fraction
that won't be a real number for most fractions
think (-1)^(1/2)
I'm not convinced that the line of "makes sense | does not make sense" lies at -1. A -0.9 interest rate makes as little sense to me as a -1.1 one.
I'm good with the math part, just not with the finance part
yup, there's nothing special about 100% interest
whoopsie, I just misread your answer, apologies
No problem
I thought you were saying the opposite of what you were saying
I think you can still "lose your money and then owe some to the bank", technically
it's definitely not a physical problem because money is not physical
Does it make sense to have such bad interest rates that you go in debt?
I'm definitely changing bank
It doesn't make sense financially. Neither would a -50% interest rate. But it's all physical if you ask me.
as long as $quantity can be negative there's nothing wrong with going below 0
Anyway, it would seem numpy has a method to solve that. Who would have guessed
"It makes no sense that an interest rate could be so bad that you lose money" would imply that the "makes sense | does not make sense" boundary lies at 0 and not -1, no?
Losing money is ok. But losing more than what you have?
Well, if you take overcharge fees into account... :-)
Finance confuses me too much. I should just leave those questions to some other people
well finance questions have no place on Stack Overflow
I think we need to make a distinction between "no rational actor would ever willingly enter an agreement where they lose all their money and then some" and "it is mathematically impossible to even conceive of such an agreement".
you underestimate the pool of available dummies
what if they get a free fidget spinner with their deal?
It's not that it is impossible. More that it is undefined. You cannot use the given formula, it is not defined on that domain.
oh, you mean because of (1+rate)^power, hence your argument about negative to the fraction
yeah, because if you unravel the formula and think about what happens year by year, you'd have 1. positive money, negative interest -> 2. negative money, positive interest -> 3. positive money, negative interest and so on until your money disappears, probably
unless the interest rate is so bad that the absolute value of your money is amplified (in absolute value) from timestep to timestep
Yeah, I was just thinking that your account would oscillate between negative and positive, since applying -1.1 interest to a debt would give you money.
I'm trying to decide if it would eventually just reach zero and stay there
probably yes as long as 1+r is between -1 and 0 or something like that
I think the point where you really see it does not make sense is that with (1 + rate) being negative, any debt will step to being actual money
if 1+r is between -1 and 1 then you have a contraction: (1+r)^n -> 0. On the negative side oscillatory, on the positive side monotonically
I have a debt of 100$, The interest rate is -1.1. I declare my debt to the bank, next month I have 110$, I take it out to avoid it going back in debt
so the trick is that the power should be integer
The trick is I should stick to math and stop finance
@OlivierMelançon yeah but that's why the bank would have you sign a contract for an odd number of months
Oh shoot...
I wish I could find a source for OP's formula but financial websites sure love to hide their math in ten pages of prose about pork bellies
Negative interest rates have actually existed in actual banks. The only example given was negative two tenths of a percent, which is a couple orders of magnitude away from our hypothetical negative 110 percent.
-0.2% makes sense to me. If you have money in the bank, it dwindles down towards zero. If you have a debt with the bank, it dwindles up towards zero. Presumably the bank has safeguards in place to prevent you declaring a ten quadrillion dollar debt with them and cashing out a month later
Now I'm inclined to agree that -1 is the boundary of the domain where you can logically convert an interest rate to use a different unit of time. an interest rate of -110% per year cannot be converted into an interest rate of something per month, because interest rates below -100% oscillate with a period equal to their time unit.
The amount of money you make or lose from a particular interest rate should not change based on how you write it down
I don't know, "imaginary money" sounds like something just up a bank's alley
I would argue that "maintenance fees" are a type of negative interest rate
Hmm, I came across an interesting talk where a researcher was pointing out that the most accurate thing to do with financial speculation is subtract it from gdp if its not directly tied to productive enterprise (typically something like investment in production capability of a small to medium scale business)
just reminded of it when I looked here
"LPTHW victim"? haha, that got a chuckle out of me. I assume the tutorial is as hard as it promises to be? Atleast by the name anyways
oh yikes
that is quite the list
The author has since moved to python 3 to keep up with profits
Asks to memorize truth tables for Boolean ops, calls this “better than trying to understand it”
I dont even know what to say
Reading that sentence in isolation i would have thought its an april fool's thing
But only after complaining that python3 is not Turing complete ("haha, I was clearly joking") medium.com/@poke/… eev.ee/blog/2016/11/23/a-rebuttal-for-python-3
Worth reading the original of the pamphlet in web.archive (it's been edited since)
Cabbage! What is the reason it is not advised to lock down dependencies in a setup.py? e.g. 'aiohttp==3.4.4'. I don't really see a way to lock depdencies in pip without pipenv or poetry for a pip install. Any suggestions? The problem is that our users aren't able to install sometimes because of constantly changing depdencies.
Can you elaborate on "our users aren't able to install sometimes because of constantly changing depdencies."?
someone more suited than me can confirm, but usually i see these kind of dependencies in a requirements file?
I have a PC game from the nineties that requires exactly QuickTime 2. QuickTime 2 is not available in 2019. If the PC game had required QuickTime 2 or higher, I could easily download Quicktime 7.7.9. Perhaps this demonstrates why locking in dependencies is a problem.
@AndrasDeak we have a dep on flask-sqlalchemy and something got screwed up with the new version and sqlalchemy-snowflake. We haven't exactly figured out what went wrong but when we locked down the version to the previous version everything work
We've had other issues in the past with dependencies mismatching what we are running and things not running properly.
You might view a specific-version dependency as a form of technical debt. It's not something that needs to be urgently fixed ASAP, but it's not something you want floating around in your project indefinitely.
I guess that's one way to view it @Kevin
@AndrasDeak That was a great read, thank you
no worries
Two days in a row now that someone has asked a php question but tagged it Python. Is this what the young kids like to do these days?
Teens around the globe are wild for the inaccurate tag challenge.
If you can say one good thing about Learn Python The Hard Way, it's that it does what it says on the tin.
I appreciate that he mostly turned around on the Python 3 issue
I'm pretty sure that was a financial decision
he's a collaborator of python 3
It's not a good look if we slag him for not using Python 3 and also slag him for using Python 3
I slag him for compaigning against python 3 for noobs. The fact that he probably caved and started teaching python 3 doesn't make it better, just less bad.
if he were to say "I'm sorry, I was completely wrong about python 3" I'd be more than happy to rehabilitate him
instead I imagine he put a clip on his nose so he can't smell the python 3 while he's working with it
unfortunately he doesn't seem like the kind of person to admit any kind of mistake, so perhaps this is as good as it gets
uhh it's more like he chose the losing side of a battle and now wants to switch teams
same as armin
I'm taking a consequentialist stance here. I want to live in a world where newbies don't have weird ideas put in their heads by tutorials, and it doesn't matter to me if it's because the author truly saw the light or wants money or wants to stop getting heckled on twitter or whatever
the issue with LPTHW wasn't just the language choice, though
@Kevin someone would have to check if it's still crap in 3
As a user of LPTHW originally, I sometime think the stick that it gets is a bit overboard. There's plenty of **** answers on SO that do bizarre things. It's not the only source of information and the info isn't ridiculously bad, and anyone is free to do what they want in their head given some tools. As for his rant about Python 3, that's a different matter.
To reverse the argument, it's probably worth looking at the way LPTHW delivers content and try to understand why people are continually drawn to it and not the official tutorial.
Kevin's Poignant Guide To Python coming out... As soon as I learn Python
Just be sure to add a disclaimer that it might trigger an existential crisis. If people are willing to subject themselves to learning the "hard" way, they might be willing to buy in the Kleenex to get through your guide.
I've got Hello World and Fizzbuzz down pretty well but I'm pretty fuzzy on async, multiprocessing, character encoding, closures, diamond inheritance, metaclasses, monads, descriptors, context managers, interning, reference counting, databases, web frameworks, data science, and herpetology.
When I was doing engineering, I was sent a job ad for a "lethality engineer" role, which I think is about blast radii for explosives. Throw some unicorns into your code problems and you might have a hit product.
cbg all
How do I move a comment conversation to chat?
It will prompt you after so many comments. I think only mods can move an entire comment block to a chat room
The "move conversation to chat" button only appears if the comment chain reaches a certain length. And even when it does, it will get its own room, rather than appearing in here
(... I think. I've never actually pressed the "move conversation to chat" button. But I've also never seen two dozen comments magically appear in the room)
hmm, i wish there was a way to add the OP to a chat room at will.
@Kevin It does. It creates your own "private" chat room for the commenter that suggested going to chat, and the OP.
If there was a way to forcibly drag users into chat rooms, then it would get circumvented by help vampires in 0.001 seconds after the feature was rolled out
But it will not remove all the previous comments under the question
@roganjosh ive always found "move this conversation" phrasing a bit misleading in that specific regards, i must admit
Yeah, that's the option for the commenter, but it does come up as "Let's continue this in chat" as the actual comment. I guess it does have conflicting implications.
I also can't recall a time that I accepted the invitation and it led to anything productive but I could be wrong.
@roganjosh SO answers aren't designed to teach people who don't know better. When you open a tutorial ideally you are open and expect that who wrote it knows better, and if you're getting confused time and time again you'll start doubting yourself and the language before doubting the tutorial.
it's very dangerous in terms of misleading defenseless new users
@amanb you can invite them, if they have more than 20 rep
if they have <20 rep they can't talk unless moved via the automatic process
@AndrasDeak I think I may have an opposition argument to present but I'm curious how your learned Python, first
by looking at the docs and googling :P
oh i forgot to cbg... cbg \o
But I had taught myself turbo pascal, perl, some bash, awk, MATLAB, fortran and I was taught C by then.
cbg, Moo
@AndrasDeak Wow, that's a lot of languages..i wish I knew only two of them form the list. But I intend to learn C, I learnt C++ back in school
Ha, so I think my point still stands but in an extended form - those that want to learn and will strive to be productive will seek to understand. I needed LPTHW to learn about for loops etc. with zero programming knowledge. I found that the string formatting didn't work for me, so I researched it as a topic. The author cannot be expected to cover all ground in a tutorial, nor can they really be responsible for the reader
There's still plenty that I don't understand and you, yourself, have guided me through some issues that ended up being pretty basic. The fundamental issue really is on why LPTHW happens to be more appealing than other sources
Yeah, sure. And I haven't read LPTHW so I shouldn't generalize from the experiences of others. But I do, and others say that new people get confused too easily. So it's a crap tutorial :P
@roganjosh, agreed, one tutorial is just not enough..an individual must tread a journey of personal research
An authority on a subject can write whatever they want, but if it's not engaging, well..
we're back to "is he an authority if he thinks python 3 is fundamentally broken", but I don't want to keep flogging this dead horse
..and personal research can lead to startling discoveries/understanding for an individual
@amanb There are plenty of people that don't wanna do that, though. So Andras' argument is correct in that the tutorial should be correct, but content delivery is also important and, if it engages people of all kinds, then it does do at least some good
@amanb for what it's worth I no longer remmeber turbo pascal and perl
I've read some nice blogs that do better than books with abstract and dry material. On the other hand, the Python cookbook was simply wonderful and a must read and no blog can replace it.
I seem to recall people saying the cookbook was a bad source tbh
@AndrasDeak, but I'm sure it must have encouraged the joy of programming and made difficult material easy to understand in other languages.
I cannot substantiate that, but it's in my head that it expanded beyond contributors' expectations and wasn't really what they wanted to present. Maybe I dreamed that up, though.
@amanb indeed. I learned turbo pascal in ~7th grade, perl ~8th grade or so
@roganjosh, I think its personal opinion..the Cookbook is not for the beginner though but once an individual is way past the basics, then it has some nice little tricks.
I was motivated for perl because I could write scripts for the IRC client I was using
@amanb Sure, no doubt. I can say that I haven't used it once but I have downloaded it and looked through the contents. Maybe because I started out with LPTHW :P (Ok, that was totally facetious)
I recently stumbled upon SICP and have been ploughing through the chapters..what a wonderful book, I recommend it to eveyone. Though, with work responsibilities I haven't covered much of it.
I didn't know a functional programming language like Scheme would be so powerful
scheme is lisp which has all the infamy of running the universe
@AndrasDeak, I was motivated to learn programming because I liked writing Windows batch scripts to automate stuff at work
Even as a Windows user, I'd kinda hope the Universe runs on Linux
@roganjosh, yes a whole new world opened when I discovered Linux, the developer friendly OS. My current combo is Ubuntu(on VBox) + Vim + Docker + Python
@wim, another awesome set of tutorials.
..and he also conducts workshops for SICP
@amanb I can never find the meme I think of for "Windows is searching for a solution to the problem" and it shows the code which is just basically an infinite sleep. Imagine if that happened for photons coming from the sun. No, we need the Universe on Linux.
But a good 90% of my work is on Windows. I used to have a VM running Linux in a previous job but now I just port my code over to my server with almost no hassle.
Ha, lets put it like this Windows errors = Java/Javascript errors(an endless pool of exceptions/error codes that don't make sense and hours of Googling). Linux errors = Python Traceback errors(much easier to debug by following the error trace)
@amanb well laziness is the best motivator for coding
@roganjosh something Big Crunch, something something update
@amanb I'm assuming you're trying to interact with the OS itself in your line of work?
@AndrasDeak, and the annual SO Surveys often show that. Developers don't exercise much etc..
Who needs exercise when you can program a script to click cookie clicker for you?
@AndrasDeak Publish. Now. It's all a memory leak and someone is frantically pressing ctrl alt delete but they can't stop it because Task Manager has no memory to load.
@roganjosh, not really. It's just a comparison that came to my mind..Linux errors make more sense to me, like Python errors..even if I spend a day fixing it..it don't hurt. Windows errors are boring:D no motivation to debug, just like Java/Javascript errors.
the latter is a waste of precious time, maybe some dll missing or some .NET Framework upgrade or a Java upgrade gone rogue..ewww
man, deciding between these mod candidates was so tough I almost resorted to a random.choice call for my 3rd vote
Ah, I'm sure you made the right choice
At least one of them seems to be rather unpopular, for reasons I cannot fathom
You don't really frequent meta, do you? That might be a reason.
I guess that might be true
Out of all the candidates, the only one I've seen on Meta is Makoto
Oh, and JFF here and there
I also don't frequent meta so maybe this was asked (I did read the proposed questions a while back). @coldspeed if you were made a mod, what happens to your efforts to make canonicals?
Travis and Josh Caswell are also meta regulars
@roganjosh I have a list of around 8-10 questions that are still waiting for an answer... I plan to get to them eventually. Mod or not
Taking a break from writing canons; need to focus on school. Those kinds of posts take time and need research. Depending on the topic, I spend anywhere between 20 minutes to 14 hours on them, and most of pending Qs are on the right side of this spectrum (not that you asked, just thought I'd explain why I am not writing any right now)
If you need to focus on school, why are you wanting to take on mod duties?
plus Google post school, right?
I remember a lot of comments along those lines under your nomination
I'll be done in a few weeks.
yes, they're all very valid points and there's really not much else I can say besides "I'll do my best to balance my time"
Sorry, was AFK. I didn't ask it but there's also a consideration of how your spare time is best spent, whether it be working on those or dealing with garbage. I'm sure you've considered all that, I was just curious
3 hours later…
Hi everyone
I am very new to Python and machine learning so I thaught this might be the best place to ask some questions
there are a lot of things online that are not explained properly
You should probably get comfortable with the basics of python and the basics of nachine learning before combining the two

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