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advent-of-code-data actually does this same hack. It's necessary to support Pythoff, where you don't have a module __getattr__ feature avail.
line 41 is necessary to maintain a reference, otherwise GC eats your module
that's not as awful as it sounds - the import machinery is actively enabling this hack (GvR)
as for the 'stop writing classes' rhetoric, I'll have to agree with Kevin's take on the matter.
How many moderators are selected by the election
just read the election page
@AndrasDeak I'm surprised you didn't run
You seem to have some strong opinions about SO
that doesn't mean that I want to be a moderator nor that I'd be good at it
Well if it's any consolation you would have had my vote. Instead I just voted for the 1960s imac
I voted for that one guy who has a "tree with eyes" both as his avatar and name
good choice
I can't help but trust everyone with a cute avatar to do great as a moderator
@AndrasDeak are you referring to the desktop or tree
the tree
Ok changing vote 🌲 it is
you can vote for everyone in the primaries
and you'll be able to give 2 or 3 choices in the finals
And one of them should be the tree
And you should read the candidates' information rather than relying on the judgement of people you don't even know. But kudos for choosing right people for that :P
I think I voted for tree guy last year
@Rick why do you feel that is the most important quality?
In a moderator candidate
@Rick heads-up: you're broadcasting ignorance
"I want my policemen and janitors to excel at sudoku"
Which proves once again that mod elections are popularity contests
but a special kind where popularity is based on a die roll
@Rick How's your job hunt
@vaultah because it represents the highest ideals of the site and what it should be dedicated towards. A deep understanding of the fundamentals
still broadcasting :P
@Rick so what do you think moderators do? But don't look at the election page -- that's cheating
Hey hey what can you do, search for the job and the job will find you
@ChuckIvan just to be clear I was talking to Rick
And I'm just rockin out to Led Zeppelin
@ChuckIvan looking but not actively
@vaultah Moderate, distinguish between things.
that's literally no information in 4 words
Hmm, I'm curious. Rick, can you name any moderator?
@AndrasDeak you mean a current moderator or one of the runner ups
Those competing now aren't mods yet. So current one.
@AndrasDeak Madara
Salty rhubarb for all :D
@vaultah Salty rhubarb is the prize for answering correctly
rhubarb from me too
It's hard posting in the mobile web app
The server usually catches double posts and kills them, there has to be a glitch for a double-post to go through. Mobile chat will repost when you edit messages 10% of the time
oh gross. if you're looking up Fourier, don't misspell it as Fournier 🤮
oh fml
I just typed that in and the search suggestions were enough to make me a little ill
and also I'm dying
hey guys, is there a value in matlotlib i can assign to bad data so that when I take that data and put it into matplotlib it just doesn't visualize the datapoint
@wim I starred it so that everyone else can enjoy that ;)
4 hours later…
@AnttiHaapala mistakes were made D=
Is there a way to convert bytes to string without an encoding? Basically
>>> magic_function(b'\xa0')
@Aran-Fey Sort of. Due to how Latin1 maps to Unicode, you can just decode your bytes with the Latin1 codec.
@Skyler nan usually does that. And most of pyplot supports masked arrays
1 hour later…
> Each site can only have a max of five questions on the HNQ list at any given time.
@PM2Ring awesome, twitter-driven development works
@AndrasDeak Indeed. :(
@PM2Ring Neat, thanks!
@Aran-Fey No worries. That transformation often comes in handy for dealing with messed up encoding, aka mojibake.
wow, do people actually do inheritance like this in python?
def __init__(self, first, last, staffnum):
        super().__init__(first, last)
but shouldn't they pass self as well?
ok, that's what people do. Is there a cleaner way?
Cleaner how?
super().__init__ is there for cooperative multiple inheritance to work
you can use ActualParentClass.__init__ instead but then you risk calling that multiple times or other shenanigans in case of multiple inheritance
it looks like a bit of a hack. So either python is discouraging you from doing OO, or the developers didn't think this through, or people that use python are ok with hacks (I'm guessing it's this one), or there's some other mechanism I'm not aware of (hoping for this one)
in JS/java, you have:
there's no way to say "hey, initialize this instance as if it belonged to another class" without explicitly calling an __init__, I think
constructor(args) {
  // rest of things
python doesn't like magic, super() is already a bit of magic
tbf the whole of classes in python feel like hacks
> python doesn't like magic
async await much :P
I'm not an expert and I've heard plenty of times that it's weird, so it's probably weird especially from other languages
but I get your point
so it used to be super(ChildClass, self).__init__(), compared to that having super() is an improvement
Can we back up a bit? Where exactly is the problem with doing inheritance like that?
it's visually unappealing
that's pretty much the only issue
I have an issue with how java/js do this as well. I expect them to always call super automatically right at the beginning
for lower level languages, it can be ok, because there's actually stuff you can do before calling super (in java/js, it gives out an error)
and a part of me was hoping that a language like python, that makes things much more accessible, would do it automatically as well, with some special syntax or similar
I do stuff before calling super().__init__ pretty regularly
automatic constructor chaining would honestly be an annoyance
I mean, you can modify your arguments, so that's nice
but how about just super(arg1, arg2)?
Dang, I thought I had an example on GitHub, but apparently I haven't pushed that project in years...
I get how it can be useful
I just wish there was a nicer syntax for it
Those extra 9 characters necessary to type .__init__ don't bother me tbh
the whole underscore business in python makes me raise eyebrows (not snake_case, just the init)
ok then. But why is super a function?
I don't know much about how super works in python
I'm not pretending to know better, I'm just curious
It can do a couple of different things depending on how you call it
class super(object)
 |  super(type) -> unbound super object
 |  super(type, obj) -> bound super object; requires isinstance(obj, type)
 |  super(type, type2) -> bound super object; requires issubclass(type2, type)
the first one has no practical relevance, but the 3rd form isn't too uncommon
@towc note that super() is often used with other methods (usually dunders), so you can't have super() default to calling __init__
I imagine they expected it to default to the "current" method. __init__ if it's called in __init__, __getitem__ if it's called in __getitem__ etc
Yeah I don't think we want to rig super() to call the parent constructor. But I wouldn't mind if there was a way to call parent constructors without having to type underscores.
Would require some additional magic ofc
Like... super()() or something
@towc Please see Python’s super() considered super! by Python core developer Raymond Hettinger.
@Aran-Fey I see...
Kevin'd by Andras.
Devil's advocate: zero-argument super is already magic (IIRC it examines the state of frames higher up in the stack in ways that ordinary code cannot*), so let's make it 10% more magic and let it deduce whether it's meant to be a constructor call or not
(*ok, you can, but you need to use inspect)
9 out of 10 exorcists approve
    if (type == NULL) {
        /* Call super(), without args -- fill in from __class__
           and first local variable on the stack. */
        PyFrameObject *f;
        PyCodeObject *co;
        Py_ssize_t i, n;
        f = _PyThreadState_GET()->frame;
^ Naughty stack manipulation in super_init() github.com/python/cpython/blob/…
Another reason why calling the parent(s) __init__ can't be automatic is that Python has no way of knowing which of the child's args should be passed to the parent. And as Aran-Fey implied, even the ones that do get passed may require some operation on them first.
@towc In Python, we mostly prefer composition over inheritance.
We do?
super's frame trickery means that you can't do something like:
class Fred:
    def __init__(self):

def duper():
    return super()

class Barney:
    def __init__(self):

Fred works, Barney doesn't
There aren't a lot of practical reasons to design Barney-like classes but it bothers me on a conceptual level that duper() doesn't behave identically to super()
@Kevin Recently had my own white whale in that vein; raising StopIteration as a mechanism to bail from iteration several frames deeper than the loop itself. 3.8? lolno k thx bai, that's now verboten.
On that note, this OP kept revert-warring Why is super() broken in Python-2.x?, even 6 years after it was closed as non-constructive. It's essentially the same complaint about diamond inheritance in 2.x repeated many times. I reverted his title edit once again now. Should we care?
I'm sure I've read a good Python-specific article on composition vs inheritance, but I'm having trouble finding it, although there appear to be several videos on the topic.
Taking advantage of StopIteration's secret loop-halting behavior, only for it not to work because of different secret behavior:
This sequence of events happens to me 4-12 times a day
list_list_1 = []
list_list_1.append(['<placeholder>', 1, 2, 3])
list_list_1.append(['<placeholder>', 4, 5, 6])
list_list_1.append(['<placeholder>', 7, 8, 9])
print(list_list_1) # prints [['<placeholder>', 1, 2, 3], ['<placeholder>', 4, 5, 6], ['<placeholder>', 7, 8, 9]]

def replace(list_1):
list_1[0] = 'v';
return list_1;

print(list(map(replace, list_list_1))) #prints [['v', 1, 2, 3], ['v', 4, 5, 6], ['v', 7, 8, 9]]
how can I do above with lambda?
print(list(map(lambda x : (x[0] = 'v'), list_list_1)))
Lambda functions cannot contain statements. Assignment (indexed or no) is a statement. So you can't do this directly.
The good news is that you don't have to and don't want to do it anyway
ohh so I cant eliminate replace() with inline function?
With map you create a new list. There's no reason to mutilate the existing one and create a new one at the same time. Do one, not both
@amcgregor 3.7, actually
@PM2Ring Any advice on my post above about the old closed "Why is super() broken in Python-2.x?" question?
@Aran-Fey how do I do it? not able to guess.. :\
You could construct new sublists based on the old ones:
Why do you want to do that with a lambda?
>>> seq =  [['<placeholder>', 1, 2, 3], ['<placeholder>', 4, 5, 6], ['<placeholder>', 7, 8, 9]]
>>> list(map(lambda x: ['v', *x[1:]], seq))
[['v', 1, 2, 3], ['v', 4, 5, 6], ['v', 7, 8, 9]]
If you want to modify the existing list:
for sublist in list_list_1:
    sublist[0] = 'v'
and what if I wont to pass value v explicitly to replace()? Can I parameterize replace() and use it inside map()?
Yes, although you would need functools.partial or a lambda
@Kevin I always find it difficult to write functional code, I mostly do things with normal procedural approach...want to learn all things functional by practising
Anyone have any experience with pyspark? Looking to get into it. I need to install spark and cant just pip install pyspark and start working, right?
import functools

def replace(v, seq):
    seq[0] = v
    return seq

seq =  [['<placeholder>', 1, 2, 3], ['<placeholder>', 4, 5, 6], ['<placeholder>', 7, 8, 9]]
print(list(map(functools.partial(replace, 'q'), seq)))
print(list(map(lambda x: replace('q', x), seq)))
@Aran-Fey Also my reaction to your chainsaw edit: it was mostly ok, except a) you deleted the "must use 2.4"/2.x part, and b) in your example the lists, and all duplicates, are consecutive and in-order. Someone could write broken code that still passes.
... But it's still quite unconventional to mutate objects within a function passed to map()
@Mahesha999 One of the ideals of functional programming is "purity". A pure function has no side effects. One example of a side effect is assigning new values to a nonlocal list. If you're pursuing functional design, replacing your explicit loops with a map call that mutates its argument is kind of a "one step forward, two steps back" situation.
@smci It's annoying, but not worth making an enemy over, IMHO. Edit rollback wars trigger a flag to lock the post after 3 or so reversions. I guess you could manually raise a flag if it really bothers you, but there's no guarantee that a mod will agree with you.
@PM2Ring I'm asking y'all to back me up and keep an eye on it. Is it a correct summary that it's slanted criticism from 2010, only applies to MI, and is invalidated by 3.x?
BTW, list_list_1 is a pretty terrible name for a list. But I guess it's better than array_array_1. ;)
SO is littered with crap about super. The primary question What does 'super' do in Python? only has 2.x syntax, which is obsolete and clunky, and doesn't show signatures like __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
@smci "Matt Joiner stop revertwarring this title; if you want to make controversial claims, at least use neutral language. The article cited essentially repeats the same complaint about Diamond Inheritance in 2.x, umpteen times" is a horrible edit message. Takes two for a war. Only roll back once, flag the second time
@smci I mostly agree with the accepted answer by Sven. super in Py3 is certainly better than in Py2. But I can sympathize with people who are annoyed or confused by super. Despite it being "super", as per rhettinger's article, it's not exactly one of the more elegant or easy to understand parts of Python, IMHO.
Nor very ""pythonic""
@AndrasDeak You misunderstood the context, which I mentioned. His question was closed as non-constructive 6 years ago. (I hadn't noticed when I edited the title to be neutrally-phrased.) Then years later he revertwars it. Well how would you handle it?
@Mahesha999 using lambdas is not more functional than using proper functions. Only less readable.
@smci he can't "revertwar" on his own, is my point
Reverting once is not a war
In 2.x it's not "super", per Hettinger, but it gets the job done, clunkily, except multiple inheritance is a giant pain. Repeating the old criticisms of 2.x multiple inheritance years after 3.x fixed things seems borderline trolling.
As an asker he has the liberty to ask the question in the way he wants, and to get downvotes for said suboptimal phrasing
You could have tried convincing him with arguments but that ship has sailed
@AndrasDeak I was under the understanding that a non-neutral title like that is not ok? and that I was improving things by making it neutral.
That's your impression, theirs clearly differs.
@AndrasDeak Many other more experienced people tried 4-6 years ago.
many people find python 3 broken, nothing you can do about that. If you feel it's a rant, downvote it
And close as a dupe of something better
So we never edit controversial titles? Just ignore, downvote or flag? Seems a shame since it reduces the amount of useful answers it'd get, and just perpetuates the claims.
@Kevin @AndrasDeak super thanks for inputs and help!!!
@smci this is not controversial, you just don't like it and it's stupid
It's closed so no answers will come. If it's harmful and answers don't fix it we can delete it
Yes, click-bait titles are bad, but it's not a hill I want to die on. If you want to flag it, feel free.
If answers fix it then it's not harmful
Definitely not worth losing sleep over
If it misleads people who only read the question then those people had it coming
The title as-is definitely was controversial, because he kept talking about "2.x super", but he only meant "2.x super in the case of MI", but all his examples were cooked to make it appear like the more general claim. Equivalent of claiming "all Boeing 737s are lethal".
It's not ignorance, the article cited kept extolling Dylan over Python.
@Mahesha999 IMHO, Aran-Fey's simple for loop is the most readable version, if you do want to mutate the original list. But I guess that doesn't help you practice the functional coding style. ;) Functional coding has benefits, but Python isn't a functional language (like Haskell), so it's often clearer to use procedural code rather than functional.
I love giving my technical blog posts inflammatory titles. ¬_¬ Promiscuous Django Models being one example, or even Your code style guide is crap, but still better than nothing. ;^P
Yes, whatever. Bye all.
The amount of pushback I got for using the term "promiscuous", across every location it was posted, was ludicrous.
If it's your own blog, be as click-baitey as you want, but on Stack Exchange we strive for a more professional neutral style.
For sure.
gray brain - "promiscuous" is a humorous yet accurate term for software.
glowing brain - "promiscuous" is a harmful term along the lines of master/slave terminology.
galaxy brain - there's nothing wrong with people being promiscuous, and that should be true of software too. Stop slutshaming my code.
@amcgregor People can be funny about connotations. I've heard of people in the Bible Belt refusing to try *nix because it uses daemon processes.
Some people need more æ in their life.
In Fortran, you invoke subroutines using the call keyword. I remember a guy who thought it was clever to name a subroutine girl so he could write call girl in his code. :rolls eyes:
@PM2Ring Had a Belarusian co-worker named Igor at one point, pair programmed a nasty chain of groupby() calls with him, asked him to slap a useful comment above the block in question. He wrote: # Satan code, do not read backwards.
@PM2Ring Reminds me of the developer of the original Doom who had the opposite stance:
> Sandy Petersen is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but sees no conflict between his faith and his design of games involving Satanic elements. While working on Doom, he said to John Romero: "I have no problems with the demons in the game. They're just cartoons. And, anyway, they're the bad guys."
Practicality beating purity? Rationality? :gasp!:
Bible Belt programmers should be happy to use daemons because they get to kill them at the end of the program
For some reason I get the impression of a new sysop running ps aux, noting there's a suspicious number of processes running as root, so decides to be safe and killall -u root to clean them up. Poof, there goes init, and the boxen.
Speaking of daemonic things,
Jun 9 '17 at 16:52, by PM 2Ring
python -c "import telnetlib;print(telnetlib.Telnet('bofh.jeffballard.us', 666).read_all().decode())"
@Arne Why use master/slave when we have primary/secondary? (Which also allows for the nuance of tertiary, e.g. deferred or off-site replicas.) Why claim everyone involved is "a consenting adult" when, in fact, they aren't all adults? These things don't seem unreasonable to me.
From one of my favourite books of all time, The Giver, "Precision of language!"
Techies are (at least nominally) meritocratic, so it's not uncommon to treat everyone like an adult regardless of whether they are one in the physical world
Oh, I wouldn't have thought that me thinking that that proposal is strange is controversial
See also: the nearly reflexive editing-out of all valedictions of the form "please go easy on me as I am only <number>teen"
It just feels so much like a slippery slope, where anything that offends someone will be phased out
to the demerit of the language
Master↔︎slave "makes sense" from the "singular canonical source" perspective, technically. One authority, potentially many subservient copies. It does not make sense given the other connotations and associations of the words. Primary/secondary/tertiary provide no less nuance than master/slave. Same "singular canonical source" perspective, none of the loaded terminology.
@Kevin There are couple of new OPs on Physics who put such valedictions into their questions. It's very annoying. And so are they. ;) If kids want to use Stack Exchange, I expect them to attempt to behave like adults, not sniveling entitled brats...
I'm torn. There should be a way for an OP to indicate "I have X amount of familiarity with the subject, so compose your answers with that in mind if you want to maximize your chances of an accept", but the common ways of expressing this usually get a negative response. "I'm only X years old" sounds like you expect coddling. "please explain it line-by-line" sounds like you want a ten page tutorial from "hello, world!" on up.
"loaded terminology" is the crux then. If it should be avoided, making jokes or being cheeky is going to be very hard, since a lot if it relies on ambiguous loaded interpretations
I can't really argue in favor of master/slave though, since it isn't even funny
What's a cheeky joke to one, is a deadly insult to another, or reminder of a painful legacy of multigenerational abuse in the case of this terminology. One of my "laws": "just because it's easy on you, doesn't mean it isn't hard on others".
What if I'm offended by a lack of jokes?
jk, just being cheeky
But point taken, I guess i shouldn't go around assuming that everybody agrees on that guy being too cautious
It is written, "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.". Notice that there is no arbitration stage where you and the psychopath debate over whether his objections have merit. Therefore, avoid terminology that others in your peer group find objectionable even if you think it's fine.
More verbose than mine, but providing a colourful example can serve to reinforce the idea. +9001 (that's over nine thousand ;)
I asked {coworker} to look up some information and he said he would do it after completing his higher priority tasks. I think he just went to lunch :-I
I get that I'm not entitled to his time, but... ;_;
Blood sugar levels take high priority. ;^P
Minimally charitable take: "What, do you want {coworker} to starve? You would prefer that he die so that you can get your information? Is life worth so little to you? Monster."
@amcgregor My understanding is that, at least sometimes, historical context is intended in the terms master-slave, in that the slave is controlled by the master, doing little to no decision making for itself. When we drive media at church, for instance, we have a master controlling the projections, but slave machines directly driving content to various projectors/lights etc, as designated by the master.
@Arne Exactly. Being light skinned in America, I detest the term "white" because it lumps me in with native-born Americans, when I identify with anything but that identity. But I also have a strong philosophy that says see humour in everything, if there's something you can't make fun of, there's a problem. The result is very thick skin that seems problematic cultural practices, but doesn't take enough personally to honestly Express outrage and offense.
@toonarmycaptain Se so. MIDI & DMX for fun and profit! :D For sure, master/slave is old terminology for this type of thing. Yay for 60's legacy.
@Kevin Plot twist: you were asking where you could obtain food.
Going to lunch and eating food are not always synonymous. Maybe they had had to pay their loan shark back or check the temperature on a home-made nuclear reactor…
Or get a regular monthly blood draw, in my case. XP
Sounds a bit medieval, fixing your blood vessel issues by tapping into your blood pool every month...
@Dodge I want to meet some of your coworkers!
Wait, not everyone has a LFTR in their basement? TIL.
fast-breeding reactors FTW
I'm more in favour of "consume everything" reactors. Time to put that "waste" to use. (Plus, with the right shielding, it breeds low-grade fuel for itself you can just scrape off the inner surface…)
I think the point of breeder reactors is exactly to convert slow-decaying decay products to something more useful/manageable
Nuclear proliferation wouldn't be such an issue if governments didn't exclusively want breeders for nuclear weapons manufacturing. (Not just nukes, but also depleted uranium shells, etc.)
also decreasing the material that can be used in fission bombs
:is depressed over Canada's role in CANDU reactor development: Because high-pressure systems requiring months of spin-up and spin-down make complete sense compared to a LFTR you can turn off or on in half a day.
I'm not particularly versed in the way of nuclear energy
(One research reactor had insufficient staff to keep it running 24/7, so they'd just turn off the reactor on Friday nights, to spin back up Monday morning…)
(That's absolutely gob-smacking compared to high-pressure reactors.)
@toonarmycaptain The point is that the terminology treats the master/slave relationship as an acceptable power structure. I don't know what it feels like to know that all of your ancestors for several centuries were slaves (or slave owners taking liberties with their female slaves), but I totally understand people not wanting to be triggered by such terminology. So I'm more than happy to accomodate them by avoiding that terminology.
I wouldn't ever want to go near something that has "liquid fluoride" in its name
It's a stable fluoride salt, yo. ;^P
"Spicy table salt."
now I'm wondering how hard it can be to generate F2 or HF from NaF
I can't name a simple method off the top of my head for NaCl
@AndrasDeak I'd like to watch from a distance ;)
@AndrasDeak There's much scarier stuff out there. FOOF (dioxygen diflouride), for example. "Reactions so violent that no ignition delay could be measured." "A better oxidizer than oxygen, putting it in rare territory… it'll react with ceramic tile, wet sand, asbestos, and test engineers…"
yeah, I know
@amcgregor I love this piece
I love that entire blog category. German chemists are patently insane given what they're willing to work with. ;^P
@PM2Ring I do, but only because I'm aware of history going back further than 600 years. And I comprehend that some things can be triggering to some people. Absolutely. My mental bump comes from knowing people from a lot of places, who while seeing a lot of things as vaguely or specifically offensive (particularly in the US media landscape), but somehow have much tougher skins a out things.
I love "Things I Won't Work With"!
@toonarmycaptain nowadays it's commonly expected to go out of your way a bit so that others don't have to have tougher skin
@AndrasDeak It's fairly easy. All alkali halide salts can be split by electrolysis. You can do it with an aqueous solution if you just want the halogen, although it's mixed with oxygen. You can avoid that, and get the alkali metal at the other electrode by doing electrolysis of the molten salt. The halogens do tend to eat the electrode, though. With NaCl you can use carbon electrodes, for fluorides I think you need platinum electrodes.
there's a trade-off between the amount you have to go out of your way and the thickness of skin that's expected from others
@PM2Ring yeah, sorry, I meant something chemical rather than electrical
which I know is an arbitrary distinction
I'm not sure which one's easier to do by mistake: electrolysis or spills/burning with other chemicals
Heh. Fun factoid, we only recently discovered why alkali metals react so violently (e.g. in potassium's case, usually explosively) with water. My teachers in school always conveyed that the process was well understood and a nice reproducible experiment for the class; little did I know at the time, nobody had a clue. XD (Turns out: Coulomb explosions.)
chemistry teachers are usually not hardcore theoretical chemists here
"… submillisecond formation of metal spikes that protrude from the surface of the drop… there is an almost immediate release of electrons from the metal surface… quickly reaches the Rayleigh instability limit…" Nature Chemistry. 7: 250–254. doi:10.1038/nchem.2161
@toonarmycaptain I do, but only because I'm aware of history going back further than 600 years. Fair enough. Even only a couple of centuries ago, it wasn't unusual for lower class people to get locked into indentured servitude for the best part of their working life. But knowing that intellectually is different to being constantly reminded of your ancestor's position as slaves by the remnants of racism and the master/slave dynamic that still survive in the culture.
^ ref: "company towns".
"You load 16 tons, and what do you get?"
Most importantly: Phil, there, figured out how to discourage the Coulomb effect in these situations. Practical application: add some borax to your aluminum smelter and you'll be far less likely to explode during an accident. Science… that saves lives.
@PM2Ring You only have to visit french/english/Latin etymology if you want reminders.
In the 1950s, African-American musicians started calling each other "man", as an "antidote" to being called "boy" by white guys. The recently departed guitar legend B.B. King was christened "Riley", "B.B." stood for "blues boy", a nickname he was given by a white radio producer at a time when it was considered perfectly acceptable to call a grown man "boy".
I had a friend in university who had some, unfortunate, experiences in Afghanistan before she fled to Australia. She finds American flags and army uniforms rather triggering. To the degree of panic attacks and having to leave a venue attended by some servicemen on leave. What was she supposed to do? Request US flags and uniforms never be near her, or worknthrough and learn to handle the trauma she experienced and its results vis a vis her psych?
She effectively has no choice but the latter. Can't control others, and nobody has the right to not be offended. Sadly, it's one of those "get therapy (or a suitable support network) if it's a disruptive problem, and try to deal", situations.
@amcgregor saving lives is just an inevitable side effect
Agreed; with greater understanding comes greater caution and safety, in most situations. There are some notable examples where a little knowledge was extremely dangerous vs. complete knowledge. For example, radiation. Go, get your feet dosed to see how your shoes fit. Yes. This makes sense. :insert house-on-fire-I'm-okay-with-this.gif:
cbg all
@amcgregor I spent many happy hours in my teens playing with sodium metal, but I've never seen potassium, or the heavier alkali metals do their thing with water, although I've seen videos of course.
Here's a video which I believe includes the high-speed almost single-frame capture of the Truth of what's happening. Explosions are cool, but ultra-high-speed, sub-millisecond explosions? That's a hell of a thing.
I find it amusing the people who claim people shouldn't take offense at using certain words are often the people who take offense at simply using other words that convey equivalent meaning
(Harkens to "FOOF" with that "no known ignition delay" problem. ;)
sodium is crazy
Potassium-sodium amalgam is much more manageable. ;^P
(From the movie Real Genius, after they turned their dorm into an ice rink of ice made to go straight from solid to gas:) ICE IS NICE
(Water) ice is not normal
Gives people all sorts of wrong ideas about ices
Bose-Einstein condensate is not normal. Solid/liquid/gas are pretty de reigeur. ;^P
Even plasmas are more towards the "normal" end of that spectrum.
I'm not arguing that we shouldn't be sensitive to people, but at some point we've each got to come to terms with our cultural heritage, history, and move forward. I could be bitter at Americans for killing ancestors, or I could maintain and project an awareness of history.
When you're friends/family with west/eastern Europeans, white/black/mixed Africans, Arabs, Asians of multiple origins, it's hard to come to the US and accept that the culture seems to want to actively hold on to and propagate past crimes and offenses into their current consciousness.
The problem is, those past crimes never ceased, they only changed clothes. Institutional racism is, sadly, a thing. (School to prison pipeline, gerrymandering, school districting, cash bail, …)
A recent example of a white politician getting weeks of prison for the same crime a black politician got 20+ years for…
lol. FOOF is incredible.
:45610253A lot of those things are only issues because solutions have tended to fix appearences more than underlying ng issues - case in point current educational structures in Texas that cause more high school graduates and college enrollments, without ensuring that the students have the educational attainment for those awards.
Originally probably instituted to stop stupid people placing barriers so that blacks can't get diplomas and go to college, I'm seeing kids who can barely read and write knowing their going to be graduated and thus not bothering to learn anything. Which gets them across a stage but doesn't equip them to live in the world.
One doesn't have to be bitter to make changes to terminology.
@WayneWerner Compounds with lots of nitrogen can also be interesting blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2013/01/09/…
I would argue that the US educational system is doing exactly what it's designed to do, then.

Not what it *should* be doing, or even what's best for our nation.
But maybe I'm more cynical than most :)
@WayneWerner coming from another country with lots of college but no degree, and working in the school system here is...aggravating.
I can imagine. My Cal 1 professor ranted about how stupid his son is - he was from China, but his son went through American schools
@PM2Ring "we can't fit more nitrogen on here....but what about peroxide xD"
The ironic thing is that things that we need for better childhood development get phased out of schools, like recess, free time, talking during lunch...
all in favor of better test scores
which are pretty useless, tbh
and we don't teach useful things in school, like how to save, financial literacy, how to be suspicious of people promising wonderful things.
@WayneWerner looking at the civil rights movement and 1960s America in cultural/communications studies with Americans/Africans/Asians/Arabs/Europeans of all stripes involved in the discussions is a memory I drawn on to restore my hope for humanity and the planet.
We know some people who were sold a double-wide trailer, I'm pretty sure they put up their land as collateral. They've spent I think over a 3rd of the cost of the home, and paid about 1/10th of it. Because it was a 20% interest rate (ho-lee-crap!)
sidenote: my CC has a better interest rate than that.
I'm also worried to admit it means, as humbly as I can put this, that I know more about some aspects of those things, historically speaking, than most Americans I come into contact with.
@WayneWerner ha. My wife's a math teacher, don't get her started.
That's not surprising. We don't like to visit and consider our history - at least not in any meaningful ways.
one of the best classes I had in college was a professor with a garbage score on ratemyprofessor.com
one or two of the reviews, though, said, "He's not that bad, he just wants you to be able to argue your point based on evidence from the reading."
I thought, "Well, I'll give it a try and worst case I can drop the class if he turns out to be really unreasonable"
@PM2Ring If the chemical name includes "hexanitro", it's a warning to stay away. It'll be "lively stuff". ;)
he came in after the first test and totally dressed our class down
I thought, "Great, I got a D." Imagine my surprise and elation when I turned over my paper for an A
But that was a fundamentally fantastic course because it helped me learn how to argue a point and think critically
and write
I think there were maybe 10-15 of us left of the 30-40 that the class started with
Basically the ones that could think critically about a thing :D
My sister and I had the misfortune of taking the same post-secondary our father did. My father's… a right and true greybeard of, to me, incredible skill. (Proximity bias, yeah, yeah. ;) Getting papers back with "you're Howard's daughter, you know better" was always… weird. Also the whole "any question to the class was directed at us" side of it. XP
(and communicate that via writing)
@WayneWerner sigh
@amcgregor Hah. That's awesome. I got some benefit from going to the same Jr. High as my brother - his teachers all loved him. Fortunately it was nothing as intense as that :D
I've been typing on a cell inbetween two toddlers, so I'm afraid I may have een expressing myself poorly and have come across as callous, unfeeling, or naiive about mental health, education in America, race politics, institutional bias etc in the US, but I hope not. I don't feel like I'm any of those things, and am told I'm not by those who know me irl.
@WayneWerner Heck, my father wrote the graphics library the college used, when he attended. (Lunar Lander? Too easy. Here's a complete general-purpose GL.) So incredibly weird to be going through my father's 30-year-old Pascal in lecture. :D
@amcgregor Nice. And awesome. My biggest claim to fame is that in our assembly class I fed the mouse X/Y coordinates into the audio pitch register so moving the mouse around changed the pitch - the prof. started using that in subsequent classes :D
@toonarmycaptain I give discussions over issues such as these greater leeway for interpretation of intent. Text is too low-bandwidth, and English is terrible for use of non-verbal cues. Similar to the "don't attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" rule, I follow a "don't attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by reading too much into it" rule. ;^P
@WayneWerner I feel my brother got that at my highschool. Occasionally feel bad/amused at this
@WayneWerner Mouse-theremin? Nice! :D
@amcgregor "to male" haha. I sometimes have the flaw of being educated and passionate, but distracted/impulsive/reactive enough to come across as a nut.
@toonarmycaptain Omit one letter and autocorrect goes off on its own tangent… :P
@amcgregor I thought it worked fine the way it was :p
Felt it was a bit on-the-nose, as it were. ^_^;
Lol - good times. Yeah - I try to read text in the nicest way I possibly can, and ask as many clarifying questions as needed.
I've probably said this before, but I really value this room, both for the coder-raderie I don't have in person, but also for the opportunity to have conversations like this morning. :)
Unfortunately, some people are still ultimately racist/bigoted douchebags. Fortunately, I don't think we have that problem here :)
(Constructive conversations like this morning are why off topic is explicitly allowed on the Freenode IRC channels I moderate, within reason, and if there are no on-topic questions pending.)
Too many interesting discussions to be had.
My personal experience is that's part of Python's culture
@amcgregor That's why we rarely talk about Python in here :D
@WayneWerner Don't get me started on 'bigoted'. I used it correctly at Walmart while I was working there soon after moving to the states, towards someone who was using it incorrectly towards me...and apparently that word causes blood pressures to rise in ways my younger self didn't expect.
@Kevin I have a strong preference for the cult of Done as an antidote for half-finished projects
@toonarmycaptain I'm not surprised. As a generalization, Americans are 1) notoriously bigoted, and 2) notoriously bad at recognizing it in themselves.
Or at least, recognizing it so blatantly
Also, heaven help you if you're travelling with one. Never quite seen travel entitlement before or since. (No, really, I'm brining rolls of toilet paper with me to Thailand. I recommend you do the same. I'm not joking…)
@amcgregor I don't mind off-topic among regulars. I do mind off-topic by new folk
¬_¬ :worries about the "regular" threshold:
You can contemplate existence with your favourite baker, but walking into a random bakery to argue about nihilism is wrong
we're happy to use "bless their heart" in uh... less than obvious ways
@amcgregor you'd know :P
Now I really want to go start arguments about nihilism in random bakeries
but... does it really even matter?
@WayneWerner Well someone was calling me racist, but they used the word bigoted, and I pointed out that that's the word my wife's family used, whilst pointing out that they were being bigoted not accepting other ideas...and yes, but I didn't lose my job!
@amcgregor I've never been, but I'd be staying with friends anyway. Who would make me try cockroaches.
@toonarmycaptain Street-vendor dog wasn't bad at all, when I visited, actually. And roasted insects are seriously better than potato chips, esp. with the right seasoning. (Though more of a jerky-style protein snack than a carb snack.) I'm willing to try virtually anything twice. (First isn't a valid normative experience given the shock of initial exposure to whatever it is; twice is needed to get a proper handle on liking it or not.) :D
Oh, happy birthday, WWW!
So far I think beets are the only things that I've tried a multitude of times but don't really like. Though, I guess technically I do like them prepared one way - I had some borscht at this place in/near Pike's Place Market in Seattle - maybe piroshkybakery.com/menu.php ?
It was deeeelicious
Beets don't strike me as particularly divisive
My mom loves them
I've tried them in all stages and flavors and they make me a little barfy. But for some reason, borscht is amazing. Possibly the onion?
(pickled beets, even!)
Or the vodka ;)
@amcgregor Oh I'd have no problem trying it, I just love the shock value ;)
I don't care for beets. Escargot, boerewors, roo, croc, kopi lewak, vegemite/promite, gumbo, haggis, blood sausage, sure.
I know blood sausages from that list...and vegemite, haggis by name
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