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I saw math.dist in python 3.8 as a fast implementation of the euclidean distance calculation. Is there a way to use this lower level implementation in 3.7? Can I create a custom module or something like that?
i have a dictionary, a= { 'pickup_pincode' : 700136, 'drop_pincode': 110008} & I have to generate b= [{ "pickup_pincode" : 700136, "drop_pincode": 110008}] but it always gets generated as b= [ '{ "pickup_pincode" : 700136, "drop_pincode": 110008}' ] when I use json.dumps. Please suggest a solution, I dont want the single quotes.
how are you "generating" it, so to speak?
@gadia-aayush what you want is a list with a dict inside, b = [a]
@Tweakimp how about scipy.spatial.distance.pdist? What are you using it for? You're better off with a vectorized solution.
@gadia-aayush that is what json.dumps does - it creates a valid json string. It's not clear why you need json here at all; the suggestion by Andras should be sufficient. Otherwise you have another requirement that you haven't mentioned.
hi, can anyone have a look at this question involving Pandas at stackoverflow.com/questions/54851151/… please?
@SomnathRakshit please note that the forum rules suggest that you should wait at least 48 hours before posting questions from main in chat. But that aside, you already got a quick answer to the question and the poster said they are working on clarifying, so I'm not sure what we are supposed to do
Sorry, I posted this before I got the answer. But yeah, you are right. I should have waited more.
If anyone is bored, could you do a single run of the code in this question with z = 1 please? I'm getting 23 sec runtime and someone else is getting 50ms, apparently using the same timeit method. I'm dubious, but maybe I have something really badly misconfigured on my side.
@roganjosh SyntaxError...
In [2]: %timeit gammaln(1.5)
246 ms ± 10.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Really? It works fine for me. But I've got closer - it is due to JIT
the docstring has wrong indentation
@roganjosh 122 ms ± 867 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
and let me tell you, my gpu is absolutely ancient.
I don't have a gpu
I don't think numba should use it anyway
oh, and yes, i should also mention, i didnt see if the gpu is being used or not
Oh yeah, I just fixed that and forgot I'd done it. Where is the compilation from JIT stored? That goes into the .pyz file?
@roganjosh I don't see any files created. Memory?
Well this is what I thought, so it looks like IPython might persist the compilation
The uncompiled version takes ages to run. On my first run, jitting is pulling the runtime down to 16s on the first run, then after that, it's lightning fast. Restart the kernel and I can repeat the process again.
But if you don't restart the kernel and run the script in IPython repeatedly, it's as though the compilation is already done. Which is why I was wondering whether the compiled version is stored in the .pyz file or memory.
Just to be clear: you're putting that script into a .py file and running via %run? Or importing it?
I just pasted that into the ipython shell
I'm running through Spyder
oh, there's your problem
then you can't make any kind of claim about what's going on in your install
So it looks like the compiled version of the function is the one it keeps in its persistent namespace
I don't know what a "persistent namespace" is, but if it persists it can only persist as a decorated function, yes?
why would the jit magically reset on an existing function object?
Yeah, that makes sense
A persistent namespace is that I could run 3 scripts, 1 after another, in Spyder, and all global names would then be accessible in all 3 scripts on subsequent runs
I see. Like MATLAB.
I think it's a case of me needing to get my head around it a bit more. Thanks for the input guys.
no worries
I'm a bit late to the party but it takes me 6 seconds.
How are you running it?
In what sense?
That is similar to my 16 seconds (I'm on an i3 laptop so I'd expect it to be slower, but we're in the same ballpark)
Well, I'm running mine as a script in Spyder. Are you running in the ipython shell or just regular Python or other?
regular old python with a dual core celeron.
Hey I'm the guy with the 50ms. I actually also use Spyder (version 3.2.4). All versions: Python 3.6.2, IPython 6.1.0, numba 0.39.0, numpy 1.15.4. CPU is i5-3470
@user8408080 Are you running it interactively in ipython?
@user8408080 it was all just a ploy to get you to join the best chat room on SO :P But something is a bit wonky here if you're also using Spyder. I will try doing some digging.
oh, spyder, derp
Though spyder also has an ipython shell, right?
@AndrasDeak I run the script with the runfile method inside spyders IPython Shell
so even in spyder you can 1. run as a script, 2. import and run a script, 3. copy into the ipython shell
so in this case it's 1., thanks
knowing spyder they probably have a setup script which does numba.jit = lambda f: f ;)
Could you try this decorator instead:
It got me down to 4 seconds
I get the same result of about 50ms per loop whether I run it in Spyder via F5 (runfile) or in anacondas IPython shell
Thats interesting...
Just out of interest, what's the actual number its outputting for you?
It's also interesting that changing njit to @jit(nopython=True brings you down 1/3 of your timing
One potential difference: what is the native numpy float type? It can either be np.float32 or np.float64.
In [7]: np.array([], float)
Out[7]: array([], dtype=float64)
it's probably 32-bit windows that uses float32...
When I loop, the function it gives me results from 2-6 seonds with @jit(nopython=True,fastmath=True).
@AndrasDeak I think Windows is 64 bit by default, at least that's also what I get as an output. I think it's just ints that are affected
@roganjosh hmm, you may be right
I have no idea what I remembered then
@3141 The number for z=1.5 is -0.12078235013498606
Wait, I was running z = 1
shouldn't matter though
I started with running with z=1 too, but that's a trivial case of the function, so I thought, maybe scipy did some optimization there
@AndrasDeak ouch haha
@user8408080 good point
im using spyder as we speak. eep :P
Yep, I get similar results for z = 1.5
3-6 seconds
@ParitoshSingh imo Spyder did some good additions to the IPython shell, but I will try to put these into VS Code because I just like the editor so much more
@ParitoshSingh for all the stick I occasionally blurt out about it, I still really like the IDE. It does do some strange things at times, though
@3141 And what OS do you use? (32/64-bit)
for sure. but despite its quirks, when spyder works well its been the nicest ide ive worked with so far. they definitely got something right.
its probably the convenience of running part of a script separately really quickly, while being able to still keep track of whats going on
64bit, and 32 bit python.
I'm outputting float 64
and i love the handy help() definitions it pulls.
It definitly has a very nice workflow especially for me, because I'm always rapid prototyping my stuff together. When I succed to implement these features to VS Code I will be a happy man :D
Well, you can also run heavy code only once and then just block-comment it out. It's in memory, the names are all accessible
@3141 okay, I also have float64
sorry, I can't see any indication that float32 might be the default, I'm probably just confused as roganjosh said
I gather you're outputting float64 too then @AndrasDeak.
We all are I think
@3141 Andras is not a Windows fan, he was suggesting the issue might be for people running on Windows
Which was a fair point, since it does affect int types
Well I ran it on Windows. I ran it with spyder. But still 48.7 ms ± 1.34 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
I don't wanna think how many days I've lost collectively over integer overflows in numpy :/
Are you running this in spyder @ParitoshSingh?
> In windows they are treated as np.int32. Moving to linux, they become np.int64 which cause a lot of types problems. [...] Can I somehow force numpy on linux 64 to treat integers as np.int32 and not np.int64
(I actually came up with a maybe better script; would like some criticism about it. Just some ad. You don't have to look :D)
@3141 Do you have BLAS/LAPACK/MKL? I'm starting to think there's too many moving parts to this problem to realistically get to the bottom of it via chat :/
or does OP's version work for complex z?
I guess it does
Nope @roganjosh.
That's going to impact a lot of things you do with numpy tbh
I get faster esults of ~2 seconds with @njit(fastmath=True) with z = 1.5 which is wierd.
@AndrasDeak Yes of course, I guess he just wanted some optimization of his code; maybe to learn :D
@roganjosh How do I know, what numpy uses? I guess it's mkl
@user8408080 numpy.show_config()
I've got openblas
Actually scratch that, I do have LAPACK.
@roganjosh It prints out a wall of text. Beware, wall of text incoming
I think one comes with scipy anyways
    libraries = ['mkl_rt']
    library_dirs = ['B:/Users/Niclas/Anaconda3\\Library\\lib']
    define_macros = [('SCIPY_MKL_H', None), ('HAVE_CBLAS', None)]
    include_dirs = ['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IntelSWTools\\compilers_and_libraries_2016.4.246\\windows\\mkl', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IntelSWTools\\compilers_and_libraries_2016.4.246\\windows\\mkl\\include', 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IntelSWTools\\compilers_and_libraries_2016.4.246\\windows\\mkl\\lib', 'B:/Users/Niclas/Anaconda3\\Library\\include']
@3141 oh sorry, no, if i need to run timeit i usually fire up jupyter notebook.
I should try running it on repl.it
Are we all running the script in the question?
@user8408080 Generally, if it's going to be a wall of text/code, we prefer a link to it hosted somewhere else but I'm not a mod - that wall may get booted to another room but you've only been here 30 mins and purely focused on the current discussion so I wouldn't worry too much. You can see from the output that libraries = ['mkl_rt'] is for all of them, so it's using MKL
@3141 Yes. I cleared everything. Copy pasted the script (with fixing the indentation). Restarted the kernel. Same time. Actually not quite the same -- about 70ms instead of 50ms. Even after running it twice; which seems weird
Strange, maybe thermal throttling of some sort,
but that seems unlikely.
@roganjosh oh sorry, next time I will do better :D
@3141 CPU is @max 40°C
@user8408080 for future reference, we have our own community site and the rules for this chat room are here. As I said, don't worry about it too much if a mod clears the text away to another room. :)
I restarted the kernel again and now get the 50ms again.
Repl.it gets about 0.5 seconds.
heycbg folks
@3141 Are you on a Windows 7+ laptop? If so, you could check the battery options. If you have it set to Power Saver, the OS will actually do a crazy amount of CPU throttling
Give me a sec, will check.
Btw your script is slower on repl.it @user8408080
Nope, i'm not on power saver @roganjosh.
@3141 Very weird; on my machine I get a 3x performance increase (15ms vs 50ms)
I'll try it on my machine too.
I only have 2 cores though.
Maybe it'll be faster to turn off parallel then
If I turn off parallel I get a completely different result. I don't trust anything now. Got to admit, that I'm not experienced with numba, though
I'll see.
Sorry for the slowness, IDLE is being a bit wierd today.
I get this
@user8408080 thanks. You can also edit/delete messages in chat for 2 minutes
RuntimeError: The 'parallel' target is not currently supported on Windows operating systems when using Python 2.7, or on 32 bit hardware.
Which is wierd because none of those is True
the plot thickens
Along with my confusion.
Maybe I should re-install numba?
@AndrasDeak Alright, at first I thought using external sites isn't a good idea, because they may not be permament, but in chat it makes sense. sorry
That fixes none of the objections raised in that error
@user8408080 no worries
@3141 what's your numba version?
Give me a sec
here in chat we're less worried about posterity and more worried about the here and now :)
I get it now :D
yeah, I know
I assume that parallel relies on fork which doesn't exist in Windows, and if you re-install numba that won't change the fact that you're either using Python 2.7 or on 32-bit hardware
@roganjosh they are saying that they aren't using either
But I use parallel and I'm on windows 10 64 bit
@3141 same here
I am using 32 bit python, but my hardware is 64 bit, as is my windows.
But you dont get the error @user8408080
I am using 64 bit python, maybe that's a problem?
Is anyone else here using 32 bit python?
@3141 perhaps the error is just sloppy in its wording
Maybe, that could be a possibility.
@3141 no I don't get an error
You can install 64-bit libraries into 32 bit Python?
Time to upgrade to 64 bit I guess
Let us know, if this changes anything :)
I would be surprised though
Yep. I have to re-install every package though.
And I'll make a backup to be safe.
I might just install Anaconda once I'm done to save me the bother actually.
Anyway, I'll see you guys in half an hour or so
so guys, udemy is doing a sale on a ton of their classes for 10.99 a pop, any you guys think might be worth an semi-advanced novice in python to look into?
i dont know if they are good or not. However, i know one thing, you do not "need" them at all.
theres so many free resources available too that, i bet, are equally good if not better.
yea, ive been doing things free. Figured its worth seeing if anybody feels like something is really worth it though
@ParitoshSingh But there's a guy on YouTube that keeps telling me that "Python's where it's at" and that I need to take courses.
Personally I think everybody doing programming and has time to learn, in school,etc should see if they can do a decent C++ class first. After that everything is relatively easy but C++ is close enough to the machine that you have to build the right intuitions
and it makes you appreciate whatever your language of choice becomes
Learning also requires a sense of progress. If you're talking about compulsory education then the chances are the the student is working on some task they don't care about at all. If they have to understand how C++ works on top, I don't think it would be particularly motivational
Well I was framing this more as if you want to start and you're not desperately in a rush
like a kid in highschool or freshman in college
it'd be the right starting point for most people who want to eventually become good
@roganjosh haha :P Frankly, i blame the udemy business model for that. its absolutely disgusting, but ingenious too at the same time i suppose.
ive seen both schools of thought. One that says, throw new people to the grinder so to speak, make them use C so they can appreciate the internals later on. The other saying, focus on high level concepts and keep things engaging, so people actually enjoy along the way. Its a fairly subjective topic.
theres upsides and downsides to both.
Well, I'd say it's becoming pretty clear as time goes on. A generation requiring instant and constant gratification will not learn C fundamentals from scratch.
I'm in my 30s and I still play some games I like from the 90's regularly. I re-discovered my N64 and started playing a racing game. After 3 lives, there's a "GAME OVER" message that slowly rises into view. I found myself actually agitated having to wait for it to center in the screen before being able to restart. It's pretty weird the impact that modern life has on these things
a game with a game over, without saves?! unthinkable in today's times!!
Many years ago I played EverQuest. Back when it was released, if you died on the other side of the world, all your stuff would be on the corpse and if you didn't "bind" nearby, you'd end up back on the other side of the world. You'd have to wait for boats (literally, 20 mins waiting, then 20 mins on the boat) and running across all the landscape to get it back within 7 days or everything would be gone
Everyone used to lament how it became "easymode" as time went on and these things were relaxed. But find me one person that would do such things these days.
And these are games, not constructive programming languages. I just don't see the next generation being engaged with C/C++ until they see that they can actually make things, and then improve into faster languages where required.
I find that a good way to get people into programming is through maths and science, being able to see and compute things for yourself never gets old.
And failing that, people will also always see programming as a way to make money, which is always an excellent incentive.
maths and science with context. I wonder how much better mental arithmetic would be if you just got kids playing darts for all those lessons.
Even better, gambling.
Maybe not with actual pointy darts... sticky ones :P
Maybe, but nothing is ever entirely child-proof :)
No, but I do think I would be a bit nervous if I was a teacher giving a class of 30 actual darts :)
I think I would be a bit nervous if I was a teacher of a class of 30 in any event.
I've never been great with kids.
I did a 3 week placement in a school while I was at uni. It was actually a huge amount of fun
I was pooping myself at the start because I knew they were waiting for me to mess up
Really? What age group?
14yr olds was the lesson I took, but we had other things too, like I had an engineering discussion group
That sounds interesting.
I was thinking more in terms of primary school kids, but that sounds like much for fun.
They were doing probability and frequency. I watched the prior lesson. "We have a bag of 7 blue marbles and 5 red marbles. What's the prob...." etc
That's still not too bad. And there's always a chance to introduce some higher concepts to those interested.
I started my lesson with a YouTube vid of a rocket fuel tank underground exploding. I used event-tree-analysis to work out the probability of equipment failures resulting in the explosion
That sounds great!
Nothing better than an explosion.
Joking aside though, programming did really help me with maths, and vice-versa
And modern computers and programming pretty much led to the birth of chaos theory, my favourite branch of science.
I practically failed my last 2 math modules. 51.5% in both, which was a D. I needed 51% in both to get a B overall, so the gods looked favourably on me that day.
Haha yeah, nice save.
In the first 6 months of an engineering degree, we covered the entire syllabus and I got a 1st
Good job!
Purely because I could actually see it in context
64 bit python has just finished installing.
Learning integration, for example, just made absolutely no sense to me at all.
I mostly tought myself
I find that a lot of mainstream school teaching is very unintuitive.
Which is my point. It's not a good system at all. As soon as I could see it in the context of something real, it became intuitive. But solving problems for the sake of solving problems was ridiculous. I couldn't give 2 yams
I just opened up IDLE 3.7 for the first time and remembered how hideous the ligh theme is.
@AndrasDeak Oh! Random thought from our discussion about the heat death of the universe a few days back. I realised that sodium chloride has a non-negligible vapour pressure so there needs to be no explosive process in order for an ionic compound to break down eventually. Don't know why that just came back to me, I was thinking about it in the car a few days ago and forgot to say :)
indeed :)
then again you have materials like quartz and granite that are less likely to evaporate
I guess it only needs to be > 0 for it to eventually go, we're talking mega time scales
Does such a substance exist though?
What such substance?
One which will never eventually break down.
Not that I know of, but I wasn't sure why, once all energetic bodies in the universe died, that we could be sure that everything had broken down
But naturally, salt will just evaporate anyway, it doesn't need some supernova
Oh well. Do you think humans will be around by that point?
In whatever form.
Yes. I will find a way <ruffles papers> I just haven't got there yet
3 more years of funding and I'll have nailed it for sure
I think that if humans start to colonise space, it will be pretty difficult for them to die off.
Mmm, the now-deleted comment only makes me think we'd be progressing to Star Wars
Is that a problem? :p
Nah, then the issue will be interstellar walls and whether our trade agreement with Omecron 5 for space cabbages was giving us a raw deal
Haha, but in all seriousness even an apocaplytic war over space cabbages would probably fail to wipe out a race spread over a galaxy(or maybe even further in the extremely distant future), however awesomely destructive such a war may be.
Do you know how tasty space cabbages are? No! We'd find some way to attack, which makes me wonder whether we should really be colonising anywhere else when we can't seem to do right here
Well, I say a legal framework of some kind would need to be implemented to make sure we learn from the mistakes we made on Earth.
Space law is a growing field right now.
I can't tell if you're typing that with a straight face...
The current laws are pretty much a patchwork of archaic ship laws
and cold war treaties.
I recommend you read a book called Ad astra
It has an interview with a space lawyer in it.
learning from mistakes, and humans. Those two things dont really mix.
we just find more creative ways to do the same stuff more stupidly.
Well, at the very least we get cool The expanse style shenenigans.
Yay, 64 bit python fixed the error!
@3141 ok, that is both interesting and bizarre
Yep, I have idea why that worked.
I'm getting a range of times from 0.5-0.7 seconds.
@3141 "materials" no, particles probably. In infinitely long time all particles decay into the lightest stable particle of a given class.
For instance if there's supersymmetry in the universe the lightest supersymmetric particle would be stable for want of a particle it could decay into. This is one of many possible explanations for all that dark matter.
Wow, that actually seems like a pretty valid idea.
Anyway, I'm going to eat now.
Here we go again with my stupid questions.... isn't it possible for particles to spring into existence from energy?
It is, in particle-antiparticle pairs
So why should some particle hang around waiting to decay to something, when it can simply go back to energy
1 min ago, by Andras Deak
It is, in particle-antiparticle pairs
Reverse that ^ process
So they appear and immediately destroy each other?
I understand the implications of what you're saying if that's the case, since we're talking about a particle with no "opposite" side of the pair
No. It needs an antiparticle to annihilate.
Documentaries make this kinda thing sound like fun to understand. Once you speak to a Physicist it's just details, details, details... :P
It's the one subject where I have a lot of curiosity but not enough of substance to prop me up.
On a basic level, doesn't a pair of particles appearing out of energy lower entropy?
@3141 no idea
I've never found entropy to be a concept that helps understand things more complicated than basic thermodynamics
@roganjosh it's fairly simple in a first approximation, and I've told you enough. Energy -> particle + antiparticle yes, energy -> particle no, and most processes in physics can be reversed in time. This makes particle + antiparticle -> energy valid, particle -> energy no.
I was just thinking that if it does, and the universe was just heat at the big bang, it would have been impossible for anything to happen.
@AndrasDeak yeah, that's what I was saying, but not very clearly. I was saying that the particle in "would be stable for want of a particle it could decay into" is lacking the antipartner, so I understood why my line of thought wasn't valid
@3141 Entropy is overrated. Its increase is only a probabilistic statement for large systems.
entropy is super useful if you have a deep understanding of it and its relation to multiplicity
@roganjosh ah, I see. To be clear it would have an antiparticle (with the same mass), but the universe happens to have one kind of particles and not their antiparticles. An electron seems stable so far (nothing to decay into), even though we can create positrons and annihilate electrons.
but I did grad courses in statistical physics so I guess I've looked into the abyss
and you could say "but what if a lonely electron finds a virtual electron-positron pair in the vacuum?" and yes, it could, but then electron + (positron + electron) is still an electron after annihilation
What kind of stuff constitutes the "bread and butter" of statistical physics @Skyler?
Feb 19 at 22:24, by Andras Deak
Incidentally I had to calculate a few days ago that the time it takes for all the molecules to spontaneously end up in one half of a 2x(10 nm)^3 container is around a day (rough estimation). For a container double the size (with the same atmospheric density) that's 1e12 years. For a container of (1 mm)^3 it's ballpark something like 10^(10^17) years
Alright. Without wishing to offend Skyler, that doesn't seem to be too interesting.
that's just part of it
statistical physics is what explains thermodynamics
Though the nobel prize was awarded for research into the statistical physics of hair.
it can also be applied to the motion of any kind of particles in a large number, like people escaping from a fire at a concert
I see.
That reminds me off Asimov's socio-history.
I think that was what it was called at least.
So in statistical physics the core assumption you make is that all microstates are "equally likely", at the same "energy". There are characteristic ways that you can compare microstates at different energy levels, but with fixed energy all microstates are equally likely to be explored.
...as long as the system is ergodic :P
I was refreshing a bit on ergodicity but left that out for a moment since I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it, but yes.
I guess you did a lot in phase space...?
And that's the starting point, the microcanonical ensemble. Practically you have a given temperature in an open system rather than energy in a closed system, so canonical ensembles are much more prominent
And it was psychohistory
@3141 yes, the phase space is fundamental. And it happens to be a 10^24-dimensional space
lets just say that phase space isn't a big of only statistical physics
but it is inevitable in statistical physics
i mean that phase space is basically a big part of all upper division physics
Yep, I've used it quite a bit in chaos theory.
QM, Lagrangians, EM, Stat Phys, etc
yes, any kind of theoretical mechanics (in particular, Hamiltonian mechanics) is based on it
technically the Lagrangian is a function of generalized coordinates and velocities rather than coordinates and canonical momenta
And Lagrangians are (often) directly related to Hamiltonians
In classical mechanics you can almost freely switch between the two in conservative systems
@Skyler I'm not so sure about electromagnetics though
I bet with relativity you can probably find somewhere to meet in the middle. I never did general relativity but I bet you can start from Lagrangians there and Hamiltonians in quasi-classical QM and find common ground.
You do that to a very limited extent with the Klein-Gordon equations
which was what my professor decided to start Day 1 of upper div QM with
but anyways, you have microstates. Now, with the all possible microstates explorable you can subdivide a system based on its macrostates which is the observable states of the entire system. You dispense with a unique identity in most systems since in truth no electron, proton, neutron or atom of the same atomic number/mass is distinguishable from one another. Now with a hundred particles interacting with each other you already start to approximately hit the normal distribution via the
central limit thereom. That may make it sound like it's boring and everything converges to a normal distribution, but really what it says is that states based on your energy level are all but guaranteed.
Now entropy is a measure of multiplicity, specifically it's logarithm (this allows useful things like making the state counting additive and being able to comfortably set a 0 point like STP)
The really cool part about entropy though is that it's not really about everything descending into disorder or looking at the global system. It's about how entropy is exchanged between your system and the environment. Life generates massive amounts of structure, and entropy.
Yep, relatavistic lagrangians are very much a thing.
@AndrasDeak now where chaotic systems come in with entropy is that they often can create very distinctive structures/responses/or phase transitions from the collective interactions of cross-correlated randomly moving particles
Yep, I find that probably the most interesting use.
gtg, rbrb.
and that many of these phase transitions actually have complete independence from the physical system (they only have an ordering constant that is dimensionless and basically describes the scaling behavior of correlations)
and that is useful everywhere because of the lack dimensionality,
boiling/condensation, chemical state transitions, fracture propogation, brain dynamics, group decision making, stocks. All describable by just using the ideas in fractals (fractional dimensions/coarseness) with phase transitions
haha, poor roganjosh
fighting the losing battle against the current generation, and the internet, all at once.
@ParitoshSingh This kind of stuff just really pushes me away from SO entirely :/
yeah, i hear ya. Its a shame to see these things crop up.
@roganjosh closed. And I wouldn't bother replying to such questions (Paritosh's reply is okay / better) due to their nature.
SO is actually one of the places most "safe" from this kind of stuff though. Its just people who are voting to keep the floodgates closed end up watching the ugly side
Every so often, fine, but it's just becoming a constant theme (without the money aspect)
you need a break :)
Never let something you do for free / as help, affect you as much. It's not worth it.
if it helps, i can atleast say for myself that SO has been an absolute godsend and continues to provide value each day in my eyes.
I'll just sound like a broken record if I keep saying what I learned from SO. I'll take a warning over being obtuse to that user because they are actively damaging my resource. I've not responded in any way that someone would respond to a bribe. It's getting a bit much now.
./pat pat, hang in there bud.
@roganjosh I've distanced myself from SO quite a bit lately (several reasons) & just hang out here & probably check email subscriptions for a couple low traffic tags. I'm sure you have your reasons & everything, but from my perspective, a very new user should be given the benefit of the doubt that they are clueless as to what the platform is & how they should be responding / asking questions (since it's not an ideal world).
Anyway, my point being, you, someone who dedicates quite a bit of time here, should try & not get affected by such things. Breaks help.
It not just affects you, it affects the people you may have helped, if you know what I mean :-p
@shad0w_wa1k3r I'll agree with almost all of that. But a user that thinks they can pay people to do assignments for them... that's not unfamiliarity with a system.
I understand, I just wanted to say you can turn off things at times, & magically it helps keep peace of mind (not always though), which I feel is more imp. :)
<paraphrased because I don't wanna look again> "I may pay you if you do this qualification for me". I don't wanna say what I may do if I met such a person... :)
haha, in-person is a different ball game :D Glad the internet helps keep distance!
It's an SO break for me. I can't keep looking at the main feed. You guys are correct
This may / may not help - youtube.com/watch?v=XULUBg_ZcAU
Been listening since a couple of days
My brain just doesn't shut down, and SO has always been a decent outlet to make me think. I'll find something else because the proportion of questions like that is now too high vs. Finding something I might learn from trying to solve
@shad0w_wa1k3r this kinda thing I find really interesting. This starts my YouTube loop that I listen to while coding. I cannot work properly without something dominating my attention like that. At night I put "How it's made" on YouTube on super low volume. I suspect I have ADD in this case <shrug>
question, when does the review queues icon grow red? im guessing its an indicator of too much backlog?
Q: How does the review-needed indicator work exactly?

Jon EricsonWith the rollout of the new top bar, you’ve probably noticed the new review indicator: or It’s possible there will be a different review icon by the time you read this. But this post is just about the red circle on the icon. You’ll see the indicator is turned on: if any review queue has a r...

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