I'm generating points for a regular polygon... but you're right. Thinking downstream, I'm plotting a scatter plot. At that point, I could use a.real and a.imag
@3141 ya but you normally don't need them separated in different columns. I've done research in Fourier analysis, so that's why I asked the question :)
Would you know how the fourier transform is useful in machine learning? I read an article about it in the New scientist about a year ago, would you have any idea?
@3141 Convolution is multiplication in the Fourier domain. If you have large kernels, it's more efficient to do FFT and multiply than otherwise. Perhaps that?
On a related topic, do you think I'd have to use a CNN to classify chess positions as winning or losing, with the inputs being heat maps of the chess board?
In Python2, the expressions below returned by eval(der_input[j]) and eval(der_input[l]) have the dimensions (100,100) (dimPoints = 100).
The matrix invCrossmatrix has a 4x4 dimensions.
So, to do matrix multiplication betweeen these 3 factors, I try to take only the [0:dimPoints][0:4] for eval(d...
When I first thought about doing this (bear in mind that I'm inexperienced when it comes to machine learning), I thought of just using a simple network with one hidden layer, taking an input of 8x8 heatmaps of the chessboard, with each piece corresonding to a different value, e.g. if a square has a white pawn on it it will have a value of 1, and if it has a black pawn on it, -1. There are obvious shortcomings to this approach, and I'm pretty stumped, both about the input heatmaps