if len(sw) == len(ld):
for m in range(0, len(ld)):
for n in range(0, ld[m]):
aw = []
for m in range(0, len(ld)):
w = (1 - ld[m]/sum([len(d)])) / ld[m]
for n in range(0, ld[m]):
But you're asking for style improvements with apparently buggy code (my point being that it should first work, then you can make it prettier/faster)? And 2 AM debugging usually produces more bugs than it fixes.
The last time I debugged at that hour I accidentally filled a hard drive with debugging output overnight. Yeah, Friday morning was stressful.
you can transform that loop into a list comp but that would probably be too unreadable
Another reason I'm suggesting a rest is that filling a big list with bunches of the same element sounds like unlikely design. Odds are there are better ways to approach your problem.
I want them to be created dynamically if I have multiple datasets for training, so they must be weighted (biggest dataset -> smallest weight and so on)
And I have to have weights in a list for torch.utils.data.sampler.WeightedRandomSampler method
if it's really the same list being made shorter and longer then yeah, lists might be better (though I can still imagine scenarios where ndarrays are an option)
oof, this is a doozy: stackoverflow.com/questions/54731744/…. function defined inside an infinite while loop, with the name/main block inside that while loop...which calls the function.
Hmmm...I have to use an ancient git on a cluster and git diff file branch2:file doesn't work. git diff ..branch2 file works, so it's not a huge deal, but it's surprising
I'll just write both just incase. But yeah, it makes sense that iterative is the more common type. So, when left unspecified, we go for iterative. I'd ask for Recursive Binary Search if I wanted that adjustment.
The most usual optimization is the removal of so-called tail recursion, where a final recursive call is replaced by an iteration. Since this would cause the omission (or, more accurately, the elision) of stackframes, it was decreed too confusing during debugging to be desirable.
@PrashinJeevaganth OS by Silberchatz is good book to start with. Then, you can ask in Computer Science SE.
@ParitoshSingh reminds me, I have to write an assignment on that. That and classic problems similar to it. The reason i was playing around with search is I want to build a search engine overnight and I was brushing up on concepts. lol, I like taking on loads like this xD
@amcgregor I just started reading "Inside the Machine" by Jon Stokes, then re-reading the dino book. All this high-level programming has left me feeling a pang of self-reproach for not keeping up on systems stuff. Have you read Inside the Machine?
Not to put you off, but the program seems to be quite crude. I'd suggest you follow some good Python tutorial or course and upgrade your programming skills. Try simpler guided programs first, or even simply read some well written small programs to get a hang of it. Then try & come back to your current solution / repo, and see what improvements you can think of, & keep improving it, or else, try starting from scratch.
@HunterGuimont Andras pointed out quite a bit. And I closed the tab as soon as I saw more than 3-4 nested while loops. Point being, there seems to be a lot that could be better, hence the broad suggestions.
pick a library you know that does handle passwords this way, see their implementation. Try searching for another library and see their implementation, see what algo they use.
hello I would like to know what is the best method to get runtime and performance statistics for python programs? For example I wrote a function which converts a large json file to csv file. I want to measure how much faster it is if I split the file into multiple pieces and run a new script for each piece vs running one processes on one file.
@HunterGuimont Hashing algorithms are domain-specific. For example, how you would hash an IPv4 address can be wildly different from how you hash an alphanumeric string password. It's worthwhile for you to slow-down a bit and get into some literature on whatever it is you're trying to do. Engineering and hacking is great, but if you have no background it's self-defeating. So you may want to read about secure hashing and/or basic cryptography for your password problem, and database theory.
Also side question but still related. Right now I have to manually call python script <filename> 10 times on each file. Should I write a bash script to run it 10 times or a python script with multiprocessing?
@ex080 bash script feels straightforward for now, unless you have to generalise it and add further functionality, then perhaps a python script would be better then.
how would I go about profiling that? same way? My boss asked me to run keras training models on our local machines and at a new trial cluster he is thinking of buying. He wants me to report back the runtime metrics.
well, you can just measure runtime in case of "library outsourced" models, since you arent worried about having code bottlenecks. Or rather, you dont plan to fix anything about the bottlenecks.
The best thing about the terminal is that it doesn't take 5 minutes to open and does not have 3-4 window panes that you have to select or say "OK" to without reading because you're in a hurry to get started
@HunterGuimont Do you have more specific questions? As for your hashing and DB needs, take a look at these Python standard libraries: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/hashlib.html https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/sqlite3.html
When you build a car you might want to know which kind of exhaust geometry is best for performance. When you buy a car you might want to take it for a 1000 km spin and see the mileage.
only caveats. Make sure the code you use is capable of utilizing the resources available. (tensorflow in gpu. perhaps parallel processing? (but that might have issues with deterministic results.) A fixed seed at start. etc )
ahh ok I see what you mean. The task is to train models. Basically the cluster we are testing out is a GPU cluster so it should offer better training performance.
no pressure and no rush, I just saw that when it was last active but the pandas peeps have been quite inactive...and I know little enough in pandas that I'd rather leave it to experts