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cbg yall
1 hour later…
Hey all. Can I have an independent bunch of Python people look at stackoverflow.com/questions/19838976/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/53981845/…? I dupehammered the latter to the former, but the OP objected (strongly) and got the answerer to undo the dupe. I don’t want to mod-power-override here and dupe again if I can help it.
I obviously think that adding a comma when there are 3 words or more does not make this a separate problem.
Does not seem like a separate problem. The answers in the latter would just make ok additions to the former.
@MartijnPieters This comment and its upvotes seems to suggest that it does not matter. However, I can see how the added complexity of special casing two elements might make OP argue that it is not a duplicate.
if anything I would suggest OP add their answer to the duplicate target you closed with (something along the lines of "in case anyone does care about the Oxford comma, this is how you would do it...")
Hi guys I have a question about websites.
For instance i'm going to create multiple accounts with a website
If all the information I put in is unique (username, password, cell phone number)
@coldspeed I did suggest that but all comments have been deleted since. The OP got rather heated and another mod stepped in to handle the flags that the OP raised.
Can they still trace that I am creating multiple accounts?
@MartijnPieters not a separate problem. Also, advance congrats on the 700k!
@Pherdindy sorry, this is a room about Python, not a security discussion.
Can I ask where to find a room for security?
@shad0w_wa1k3r ta! Not this year though. :-P
basically starting new year with a bang eh :D
@Pherdindy besides, if a site cares about multiple accounts they’ll have the tools to detect such cases. We have such tools here on SO. No, I am not going to discuss what those look like, for obvious reasons.
@MartijnPieters Thanks that's cool I would expect SO to have good design
It'll be ironic if it was garbage right
@MartijnPieters In that case, I would not lose much sleep over it, it is New Year's eve anyway. At most, just leave a vote as to whether you thought the question is useful or not, and forget it.
No worries I don't have any intention to spam SO :P
@Pherdindy security.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic might be a good place, else try searching similar on stackexchange.com/sites
Um, not that I'm telling you what to do, just that it's what I would do :)
@shad0w_wa1k3r Thanks I found a work around on an e-commerce site
And I found a way to maximize reviews
But then their terms don't say anything so I guess it's okay
Thx 4 the input guys
@Pherdindy Umm, usually when such things are never mentioned in the terms. If you aren't using a website the "regular" way, you're basically causing varying degrees of inconvenience. And no, it's usually not okay.
and this is becoming an off-topic discussion, so I'll stop now.
@Pherdindy sounds like a noble thing to do
Well it's either be seen or not i'm not cheating the buyers/reduce the profit of the website
Just getting an edge on the other merchants
Web scraping is an inconvenience to the providers as well
Even if it is not written in terms it could be inconvenient so it really depends on what is moral or not I would say
It sure sounds like you're cheating, and rationalizing it to yourself. Such might be covered by your local laws as well, even if the site in question does not explicitly forbid it.
Isn't it soon time to get starred?
in PHP, 27 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
I knew a guy that used python once ... he died ... but whatever, it's your life ...
It's true, some python programmers have died. But there are many other more dangerous languages out there. For example, COBOL has killed far more people than python.
hehe i see
ahem thought I'd mention that this question I answered has become a HNQ. Please don't mindlessly downvote it just because it's a HNQ, but I didn't find a duplicate so if you do, let me know and I'll close it myself.
It boggles my mind that the OP couldn't make the connection from "None.__eq__("a") evaluates to NotImplemented" to "NotImplemented is truthy"
Yes indeed that was the Y in the XY problem
they just assumed == and obj1.__eq__(obj2) are completely interchangeable, which they aren't. Oh, the questions that could be prevented by a few print statements.
i am assuming its because the OP is not a wizard like you guys :thinking:
@Pherdindy ugh
You can phrase it whichever way you like but you're in the wrong
@AnttiHaapala ugh
making customer ratings even less relevant than they already are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can we do that not here?
@Pherdindy fake reviews is literally "cheating the buyers"
@ColdFire it may have been a viper, not a python
pythons are not poisonous. I can't say the same for phytons, because just seeing the word makes my eyes bleed.
@AndrasDeak hehe i just told them i was going to use python for real app and only php for demo xD
@coldspeed nor are they venomous :P
@ColdFire welcome to your new main room ;)
haha lol
PSA: abuse for hats is still abuse. Rules of chat and social interaction still apply during the holidays.
Aw, have a heart Andras... Don't be a Debbie downer. I get you want to keep the chat civil and not ridden with rabid hat hunters, but things are fine, I don't know if the PSA is necessary.
It is.
I want to have a sign up when I kick all the "yolo star this plz kthxbai" fellows
I'll dig up the world's smallest violin for whomever can't have fun without disrupting the room
I do remember we had a few of those last year. OK, I'll give this one a pass, that is quite annoying.
@coldspeed that's so generous of you
lol I remember when we had to put a PSA up over another chat room just two years ago because abuse happened on meta!!!
thanks, could do without the snark tho ;)
I figured we were both being jovial
not on chat.SO
also... I don't think I want to name the exact room
I see.
btw if i start learning python today how long does it normally takes to write production ready secure services?
@ColdFire I want to say "lol, production-ready secure services", but honestly I have no idea ;)
Happy New Year, from the +11 time zone.
I don't think it's hard to learn python well if you can already program. You'll have to like the language though, otherwise it's a struggle. I'd expect the "secure" to be the real bottleneck, from what I've heard. But I'm not even a dev.
@PM2Ring happy new year to the land down under :)
@AndrasDeak haha yeah i have some big plans so security is paramount
@PM2Ring Happy New Year Down Under
Thanks, guys.
@AndrasDeak i thought you knew python :(
I've got 759 tag score in but you'll struggle to find a post that doesn't have to do with numerical problems :P And I don't know any web dev
Good security can be tricky, since you need to be very careful that your code isn't prone to timing attacks. But I've never tried to write such code, I've only read about it a little.
OTOH, you probably don't need to write the critical stuff yourself, you can use libraries written & tested by security experts.
yes i am gonna use libs one of my friend works with python php
@PM2Ring happy new year from the year 2018
@PM2Ring you've not been around lately that I've seen
or is it just me?
hehe, somewhat ironic that the only starworthy message so far in the room is the one warning about begging for stars ;)
hey antti
I've been lurking, but mostly at odd times, when nobody's here. I don't read SO much these days, and haven't answered any SO questions for quite a while. I've written a couple of answers on Physics.SE, though.
Hi. How do I get a reverted index in pandas? If I have a sorted dataframe, I want the first element to start with len(df)
@Phil hello. Can you give a 4-row example?
@AndrasDeak df = pd.DataFrame({'QUERY':['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']} is supposed to get a column 'SCORE' with values 3, 2, 1, 0
@Phil is there a less trivial example? Or does df['SCORE'] = range(df.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1) work for you?
@AndrasDeak had to run my luigi pipeline, sorry for the wait. it works. thanks :)
df['SCORE'] = df.index[::-1] is probably clearer though
@PM2Ring but us :D
yeah also works :)
also, @Phil, in case this is an XY problem, be aware of argsort
@AndrasDeak you mean because of null-values? I have filtered out those. this is just for generating sequential weights for an elasticsearch cluster
No, because you mentioned that the df is sorted which is fairly irrelevant to grabbing the reversed indices. So I figured you might be looking for those indices to do something that you could be doing with argsort in the first place.
oh, but I am using
df_agg.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
sorted_df = df...sort(...)
it was just an FYI
ok thanks, I was just not sure if that is right. I have no unit tests yet
I don't know, I'm not closely familiar with pandas :)
haha I thought everyone uses python either for data science or with django
I do non-data science
and a lot of people do web dev without django :P
@Phil exclusively ? i use python in the film vfx world for pipeline dev!
Haha I know, I work with Angular myself. Nice to see it has libs for so many other fields
set_of_all_python_users == set_of_all_data_scientists | set_of_all_django_users
I've been using Python for more than a dozen years, but I've never used Pandas or Django. In fact, they're both in my ignored tags list for SO.
@piRSquared !
@BrandonBailey So I guess you're still stuck on Python 2.
@Phil Django is a red herring.
There are many Django copypasters who are not even Python programmers. And it shows...
Bit of a stab in the dark, but has anyone used tf.layers with eager execution. Specifically, how do you calculate gradients using gradient tape if the weights are hidden inside tf.layers.
(I know not strictly python question)
@PM2Ring yeah kinda sucks, using 3 for personal use though
I know some video shops are already in the process of getting ready for Python 3, but plenty won't start until 2020. A few months ago I saw SO questions from 2 different developers who were working on new Python 2 libraries for VFX.
@AndrasDeak You're scary man. I can never tell if you're jesting, being sarcastic, or being yourself, which is both of the aforementioned things at the same time :P
yeah the vfx world seems to favor 2.7 the most, i guess its the most reliable/ has the most support documentation
async def something():
    print('this never gets printed')
	a thing
	await another thing

some_emitter('on-something', something)
what do?
there's a warning that says RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'WebRTCClient.send_ice_candidate_message' was never awaited
I tried doing a bunch of hacks with asyncio.get_event_loop(), but none seemed to quite work
something about the thread 'Dummy-1' not having an event loop
python 3.6.6
@BrandonBailey guess again :P
some_emitter needs to await something
@vaultah but how?
await keyword
some_emitter('on-something', await something)
that's invalid syntax
even if you used a lambda, the lambda would need to be async either way, right?
what do you suggest?
he said some_emitter needs to await something, not you have to await it before passing it to some_emitter
right, how?
I don't control some_emitter, it comes from a library
probably should have mentioned that
find an async version of some_emitter?
I guess I can abstract it?
double check whether some_emitter actually expects to get a coroutine as an argument, I guess?
@AndrasDeak The VFX community are basically stuck on Python 2. IIRC, some major libraries they use still don't support 3. And there are important tools like Maya that have Python integration, but once again it's only Python 2.
@Aran-Fey it doesn't, but what do I do about it?
Nothing, you can't use async functions
Convert something to be a regular function
@PM2Ring "the vfx world seems to favor 2.7 the most, i guess its the most reliable/ has the most support documentation" seems to refer to the python version itself
@vaultah how do I do that? Apparently I'm already in a thread, so there's no event loop or something along those lines
I'm not too familiar with the inner workings of async in python
and if the argument is that they stick to 2.7 because 2.7 has the most libraries, then well, that's why they're where they are right now
remove all occurences of async and await from your code. Done.
into something equivalent, I hope? But how?
@AndrasDeak Well yeah. That info is at least half a decade out of date. But the VFX lib people must be stuck in LPTHW land. ;)
@towc removing the async stuff will turn your coroutine into a function that can be called as a callback as usual
whatever triggers the callback should be responsible for the threading stuff, I imagine
there are swarms of posts regarding tkinter GUIs and there's no async to be found
I bet they were written by smart people
a quality I can't boast
guess again :D
you're on a roll
Why won't you just define something as a regular function and see what happens?
I have some awaits in it, so that's invalid
Why does it have to be a coroutine?
@towc not if you define it as a regular function
as I understand you can't plug in a block of async code into non-async code
if you're tied to a non-async framework you have to drop the async, as others who know much more than me in the subject have already told you
python's async might or might not be completely different from that of javascript, so you may or may not be biased by your JS background in misleading ways
well, that's a pity
yeah thinking about it you're right about the python2/3 support
2 hours later…
@coldspeed way to go HNQ optimizing for useless trivia
@wim I answered it as I would any other question. Guess it is a slow day, and people were looking for something to vote; just about anything would have done.
Nothing wrong with your answer. Just a boring question, doesn't really deserve such a detailed answer.
I had the same thought about "why is set() faster than {...}" which also went HNQ
Possibly, but when you see a post turn HNQ you are somewhat encouraged to make the answer as good as possible, because a lot of people are going to see it.
Does anyone else feel that way, or is it just me?
I write all my answers as good as possible
updates to HNQ answers are great because the bumps maximize views and votes, enhancing the snowball of ignorance
And that is closely tied to the fact that you do not play the SO meta game of point maximization
The point of my edits is primarily to make the answer better, increasing votes and views in the process. Making superfluous edits seems a little too self-serving.
Anyway, I don't think that answer will require further editing unless someone points out any glaring inconsistencies.
@AndrasDeak I get the sentiment, but wouldn't you agree that writing an amazing better-than-documentation level answer to a question only 15 people are going to see is certainly not as motivating.
Also, SO is littered with answers that accumulate many votes but are clearly not the best answers. It supports the argument that point maximization is not aligned (perfectly) with long term education value. And further, it supports the argument that sometimes (in fact, often) answers are written to maximize points and not value. Since SO incentivizes us in this way, I would not demonize those who act accordingly. I'd consider it completely normal that many half hearted answers are given...
@coldspeed It only depends on your motivation. I'm motivated by solving problems where the asker deserves help.
The HNQ system is broken. I have written some answers I am really proud of that have not seen even 50 views. I would've liked some of my canonicals to gain more visibility, but many of them (some of which took days to make) do not even have 10 upvotes. Meanwhile some answer that took me 5 minutes magically receives 40 votes. While I am not particularly happy about it, I am not going to complain either.
You are motivated by your own reasons, as I am mine.
if I deleted answers which were unlikely to be read I'd have 5k rep, tops
In the end, the community is fortunately made up of people with different mind sets and the reward system is often directionally correct. I'd have left a long time ago if it weren't for non-maximizers like PM2, AD, Kevin, and Wim among many others. They add a valuable depth that cannot be achieved via a naive reward system
srs talk aside, it is almost 12AM here :)
@piRSquared I think that mindset comes with time and maturity. After a while, the lure of virtual internet rep takes a backseat to the pursuit of true enlightenment. I started my SO career as a yamming fgitwer. I would like to think I am somewhere in between the two states now.
If you are still maximizing rep after busting past 100k then you might have an addiction :)
There's not really any incentive after 100k
it's not good for content on site to answer any crappy question, and there's arguably not enough answerable questions on site for consistently hitting rep cap
Happy New Year from the IST timezone!
@AndrasDeak lol id love 5k rep, i have like 20 !
did anyone else get 30 upvotes in 3 minutes today?
ha, no
don't get attached to those
i'm sure it will be reversed, but just curious whether it's an isolated case
ha, i aws over the rep cap i think, so reversal is irrelevant
nope. u'r special
These are usually isolated incidents. Someone wanted to boost you for some reason
good discussion on motivations / answering useful questions. for us new(er) SO contributors, I think motivations change rapidly over time.
at the start, i just answered everything (literally, one question, then the next). then i noticed some angst about duplicates (and i got better at finding duplicates).
ultimately, after some level (100k maybe for some) you might as well just answer what interests you.
i'd much rather spend my time improving canonicals (adding better answers, commenting / suggesting improvements). some of these canonicals really aren't as good as people make out they are.
Looks like someone was nice enough to 0 out all your negative score answers, @jpp
I don't have those anymore, I got rid of them all. Good housekeeping.
IMO, you either have confidence in your own post or you don't. Deleting negative scoring answers on Q&As which have 50 views and hardly any votes isn't statistically meaningful. Moreover, there's a hope the community will either add a better answer or comment on what's wrong.. before you feel the need to delete the only answer to a question.
A good number of zero vote or negatively scored answers of mine weren't worth keeping around. Story might be different if you belong to a less popular tag.
well, i'm very proud of some of my negative scoring posts. wouldn't like to see them disappear because someone can't find a good close / delete reason, and wants roomba to do the dirty work.
Wow, all Pythonistas have something better to do today. An early Happy New Year to all.
right back at you
Apparently the place to be is SO HNY 2019 chat. :)
I'll try to survive without it
I hope there won't be too many fireworks today... because I only slept 3 hours tonight
^ me, tonight
Same here, with the addition of a scared dog walking up and down in the apartment
alas, there have been constant fireworks since 6 PM
Debating whether I actually want to go to my local for NY. They had 3 windows put in on Xmas Eve and last year there was a mega brawl on NYE. Gotta love where I live :P
@roganjosh sounds kind of tame from what I recall :p
@JonClements if only you knew half the things that go on in that pub... :P
If the Army and Air Force haven't been called in to settle things down - seems like a pretty boring night to me :)
Manchester City Centre is pretty much the only other option, and that will be mega expensive... plus full of brawls. Such a festive season!
TBF they have tickets this year and I've watched the bar staff tell some people that they were sold out when they haven't, so there's at least a bit of control. 2 years ago they had 2 bouncers on and, well, that just added some more muscle to the ensuing fight lol
@roganjosh Screw going out in Manchester on a night like this
@Sam the "on a night like this" seems somewhat superfluous :)
OK, screw going out in Manchester on any night that ends in y
@Sam I have done it once. Helps if you have taxi driver friends and know some of the quieter spots to go to. But yeah, I cba with it, I already have my ticket to the local Colosseum so I'm gonna go
I've just moved into my first apartment so i'm staying put this year
And I will not stand for such dung-flinging at Manchester nightlife! It's only around this time that everything descends into chaos, and I'm pretty sure it's not limited to Manc
Although, derby day was a lot worse than NY in the past
Are you a football fan @roganjosh?
No, even worse
You must be the only one right?
I'm.... a minority, sure. But I'm also a "United fan"
The trick, then, is to back out of the convo ASAP
despite what they've done?
@AndrasDeak 99.999% of people would not think of United Airlines if I said that around here :P
Ouch. At least pretend to be a City fan
@AndrasDeak is an outlier :P
"Ouch"? No, get ready for a real ouch if you support city round this area
Stuck amongst United fans? Man I bet those streets are hostile this season.
I think the manager didn't silently scream and gesticulate enough. He had to go. We need someone who can silently scream and gesticulate harder. Then the team will sport harder, and sporting = balls going into nets. I listened to so many commentaries about it.
Does SO have a feature to view previously used avatars?
@Sam only if you're a mod... there's always wayback machine etc... you might strike lucky there...
Good shout
@Sam any particular reason why you want that?
I just wanted to try and find the avatar I used a while back. Can't remember what I searched in Google to get it
Oh... if it's yours and this account... I could have a look... might not find anything though
Oh wait it looks like they are saved. A drop down appears with "uploaded pictures" when editing your profile. Neat
@JonClements Thanks anyway!
Caution! Jon will use this to demand sausage rolls
Ahh... must have been recent then... thought you removed those after a bit :)
That was close :P
@roganjosh your warning proved unnecessary... I would have gotten away with it as well if it wasn't for SO being strangely useful in profile management :p
Better luck next time!
So this is how my new years eve is shaping up, i'm looking for cartoon avatars to spice up my virtual life :/
Right guys, I best head out. Happy New Year rbrb to all :)
Have a good one @roganjosh
And remember, you hate Mourinho
Noted, I'll add to my flashcard deck
@roganjosh if you're going to get into a fight - try and not get hurt too bad - I'm not going to let you off sausage rolls because of hospitalisation.... :p
Funny you should be in such a predicament, Sam; I just changed my avatar a few minutes ago.
Hello all
@uedemir howdy
@JonClements No, I'm (almost) always a spectator. I don't recognise at least 50% of the people here; the place I've been coming since ~3. The stage is set for impromptu entertainment. Your sausage rolls are safe, though :P
As long as the rolls are safe :)
Enjoy your evening... don't go looking at people the wrong way or something :)
What are you talking about? That's like setting off a party popper for the ensuing fun :P
@roganjosh umm... apparently 2 people just been stabbed at Manchester Victoria station...
@JonClements apparently the police officer got stabbed too. But I don't wanna drag the room down to those issues. People that treat the NYE festivities like this are yamming yamming yams. It's just so stupid.
I was speaking to a guy that I know does front-end design about some potential projects at the bar, but his conversation has just descended into madness over the space of 2 pints, so I think that collaboration is off... I've waited 3 months to catch him, too :P
have you tried feeding him sausage rolls? Might soak the pints up :) (just not my sausage rolls though!)
welp, happy new cabbage from CET
@Andras \o/ :)
How are you holding up with all the fireworks and firecrackers?
It's quiet here... but it might have something to do with me eating them all to make sure :p
glad to hear that ;)
Yeah... just have to be very sure to stay away from naked flame :)
indecent exposure
Laika may have been the first dog in space - but she wasn't self propelled :) I don't wanna be making any entries in the history books here...

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