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stackoverflow.com/questions/53771764/variable-in-for-loop I can't do it myself. I've flagged it but the main mods are prob asleep
The OP is trolling everyone
done now
oh, the OP
Anyone's good with Distributed Systems? (Map-Reduce)
5 hours later…
My sprained wrist is healed enough for me to do some midnight fast gunning again B-)
I got tripped up for a while on this one because my recipe to get successive slices of the right end of a list was broken
>>> x = list(range(10))
>>> [x[-i-3:-i] for i in range(4)]
[[], [6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7], [4, 5, 6]]
Note the conspicuous absence of [7,8,9]
@Kevin congrats you were fastest
I get the correct results for values of 9, 5, 18 recipies, but not 2018...What corner case am I missing?
@ReblochonMasque haha :D
@ReblochonMasque sum of digits of 0.
@ReblochonMasque funny, isn't it :D
o-kay - I think I deal with that, let me check...
@ReblochonMasque worked?
Nope - I am so confused!
One second I see that I am dealing with this case, the next, I doubt! O_o
Even my ducky is confused!
0 + 0 = 0 --> return one recipe value 0
or did I misunderstand?
Holy stupid bug batman --- fount it!
Thanks @AnttiHaapala, that was not it, but it helped.
so what was it
I was comparing like this: if s[0] == s[-1] i/o checking the length of the string of digits.
ah :D
so 11 happened?
apparently! :D
I wonder when I am going to be suspended.
Apparently olaf has been suspended too
suspended from?
from the site.
Why? what is going on?
another jaded guy... :f
guy whose new user name is "too honest for this site"
1 hour later…
day 13 is killing me, my code works for samples but not the actual puzzle.
that day's task feels like actual work to debug by now =(
Oh well, I have a full weekend ahead of me, and the kind of weather that inhibits my already small urges to go outside even more.
probably most convoluted one this year, so far
@Arne: I had the same issue for a little while.
@AnttiHaapala olaf gets suspended all the time, I don't think you're even close
oh, sorry, I was talking about day14
@Arne I had a strip() bug that only came out on part 2 of my real input...
@MartijnPieters I think I handled that case here. Then again, my test cases don't cover that scenario, so I guess I shouldn't assume that it isn't one big bug.
@Arne you don't handle that case there.
@Arne: you have the same bug I had. You need to start with the existing positions in that set, remove the current cart position from the set, test the new position against the set, then add your new position to the set.
Martijn, are you a wizard :P
oh no
thanks =D
See my solution at github.com/mjpieters/adventofcode/blob/master/2018/…, the carts are hashable against their x, y positions, so I store them in the set directly. See my .step() method.
(or rather, see github.com/mjpieters/adventofcode/blob/…, the revision when part 1 was solved)
nice, part 1 solved
many thanks again
Day 14 is yet another brute force for me...part 2 runs in 80 seconds
Discrete math is not my strong suit so I'll take the brute force
@MartijnPieters yeah, making the carts hashable improves readability on the tick() function quite a bit, good call
now I also see why you made them dataclasses =D holy mother of boilerplate
@Arne never mind the boilerplate, holy mother of if..elif..else switching! :-D
@MartijnPieters That logic has to exist somewhere.
I mean, I know it's ugly, but I didn't want to make it smart at the cost of harder debugging
Now I'm curious how you did it =D
@Arne You have the link to my notebook :-) Enums, mostly.
I'm being slightly inconsistent in how I test for horizontal / vertical directions, I could clean that up (in my map character to next direction determinations).
of course I didn't use fancy classes or anything :P
alright, i think that elif-chain is embarrassing enough to deserve a re-write
making code public is still the best motivation to write it well
at least for me
@ParitoshSingh What is stopping you from just summing those numbers? - I need to copy 50 digit numbers(each time) for 100 times, from the page where the problem is given. It is given as int. I am coping the all numbers at a time. and using it as a string.
You can always use a loop and accumulate the value
I don't see where the difficulty in the brute force solution would be
Why can't you just sum them up again?
if you have a string....convert it to int
@MartijnPieters I had to sleep on it to find that bug!
@AndrasDeak Difficulty is after I store it in a list, all digit will take a single place and then a , But to add those, I need to treat them as a block of 50 numbers
@AndrasDeak Actually I am new to Python(and programming ideas) Can you tell me what you are indicating by brute force method?
Q: Unable to solved Run time error in Python 3

Al ImranI'm trying to solve a very basic problem from URI online judge in Python 3, I have solved the problem and run on IDE it's showing output as expected but while I'm submitting it's showing RunTime Error The Problem: Make a program that reads three floating point values: A, B and C. Then, calculat...

anyone please help me by answering this question
the descriptions says "input file" yet you call the input function, which reads from stdin
also, please post not just the error type, but also at least the message and frame where it was thrown
hey guys, anybbody here know django?

I am trying to login in django using phone number. Phone number is expected to be an integer. It is working but when somebody puts in a string there it gives error.

invalid literal for int() with base 10
treating a phone number as an integer sounds like a very bad idea
but anyway, why don't you just catch the exception?
but where should I catch it? All those code is provided with django. I have not done any coding myself. I only created a usermodel
This is the only code that I wrote

@MartijnPieters I chose dicts instead of enum, but most of the elifs is gone now =) github.com/a-recknagel/AoC18/blob/…
@taritgoswami what you are trying to do. Taking the 50-digit numbers and adding them up. That's something python can do for you natively. You just need to convert your numbers to integers one by one and summing them up. If this is something that is difficult for you, you should read a good tutorial
@AlImran how about this comment from October?
@ShubhamNishad our domestic phone numbers start with 06. If you convert a phone number like that to an int you will lose the leading 0
@AndrasDeak so should I save phone number as a string?
yes, as Aran said
Also do your users a favour and don't verify the phone number in any way. I have bad experience as a user with systems that assume a given syntax for phone numbers which breaks when you attempt to specify phone numbers from foreign countries
@piRSquared Latest canon is out!
unfortunately old people in my country don't know the use of email. That is why I have to verify people with phone number. It only adds extra charge of SMS that I have to sent for phone number verification.
it also adds*
That's fine. I meant verification as in "Error: the phone number must be in the following format: <arbitrary sequence of separators and digits>"
What about people with a landline, though? They can't receive SMSes, right?
@Arne Much neater, and faster too!
@ReblochonMasque I duck-headed with my son, who is also hacking at the contest.
Yes, they can get voice call. But since that cost a lot more than SMS so I am not allowing them at the moment.
@AndrasDeak not solved by the comment
Hi guys! I have one question which seems to be hard to Google :)

Lets say I have a JSON specifying few things:
[{'field': 'one',
'operator': 'like',
'value': ['abc.*']},
{'field': 'two',
'operator': 'like',
'value': ['test'],
'relationship': 'and_with'}]
I want to convert this to Python function calls, so the dict above this would result in this:

field = 'one',
operator = 'like',
value = 'abc.*'
).and_with( #this is relationship, for all subsequent entries
field = 'two',
operator = 'like',
value = 'test'
I have tried looking into ast but the resources don't seem that helpful. So I essentially want to execute a function tree specified in JSOn in Python
@AlImran how did you try to fix it?
@wont_compile Basically you want something like getattr(module.Where(**dict1), dict2['relationship'])(module.Where(**dict2))
@Aran-Fey great! getattr sounds good
@AndrasDeak Actually it's showing output as expected, but while submitting to the judge, then showing Run Time Error, I have explained everything in question.
No, you didn't. But good luck.
Folks, my post here on merging has quite a few downvotes on the question. I imagine this is because of how the post is worded (more like an Abstract/Introduction than an actual question). I'm curious to know whether it is actually important to make the question sound like a question, even if it's you answering the question yourself. I'm having the same issue with the canonical I just created and quite frankly it is frustrating.
Appreciate any advice.
FWIW your post looks fine to me, but I'm not a panda
Not as much advice as opinion, but I could see people being confused by the wording.
@Arne You mean, because it sounds like an introduction to something else rather than a question?
If so, then the confusion must be so great that some user has voted to close as too broad :D
Cbg. Looking for a little advice on general learning as it relates to programming. So my strategy with these AoC puzzles has been to fight with these problems not matter the time to find a solution for the sake of saying “look I came up with an answer.” Now the difficulty is ramping up and my ability to pluck a solution from thin air is diminishing. I’m starting to realize that I am probably developing bad habits in the process.
Do you guys thing there is much value in fighting with a problem for that sake proving that I can generate some sort of solution (no matter how hacky) or should I give it a shot for a few hours and just admit that I have no idea how to solve these problems and maybe look at what others have done as a guide?
Stare at it, wrestle with it, and dominate it... You can look at better solutions after, and maybe measure the distance yet to be traveled... ;)
Of course, that's an opinionated suggestion.
Of course, and that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m always reaching for the wrong data structure or failing to identify what general category a problem falls into. Starting to question the value and efficiency of my approach.
Cool @MartijnPieters; how old is your son?
@W.Dodge there's always value in solving problems. Ideally you learn and get better in the process. You can pick up bad habits no matter what you do. I don't think there's any harm in taking your time to solve on your own
If it helps I don't know how to categorize problems. What matters is coming up with at least a skeleton for the solution (algorithm) so you can figure out how to best* represent your data
*i.e. in the most productive way
And of course you should not stop having fun
Yes, the simple process one develops as a general response to solving these problems is quite useful, that I’ve noticed. And the one nice thing about struggling with a terrible solution is that when you finally realize how it’s supposed to be done it is hard to forget.
Oh I'm having a ton of fun with this ; )
@W.Dodge 21. He studies CS.
@ReblochonMasque ^^^
Thank you (both)
@coldspeed Nice overall description, starred for future reference
@PaulMcG Thank you!
@W.Dodge yes, I think there's value. get the right answer with whatever garbage code you can manage. don't look at any others code until you solved it.
@coldspeed Yeah, the quality is obviously fine, so I'd assume that the downvotes stem from ideologic points of view. e.g. "I thought this is a QA site, I'll do my job by downvoting things that aren't Qs"
By making it look like a Q while maintaining its level of quality, you could hopefully avoid these kind of issues.
finding out the hard way that your data structure or algorithm was not a good choice is fine. you would get more intuition about what will and won't work well the next time you see a similar problem.
@Arne gotcha, thanks. I've spent too much trouble trying to deconstruct these votes. Haters gonna hate!
@coldspeed people will downvote no matter what you do, you can't please everyone. anyway there are 10 upvotes for every dv there, so you have nothing to worry about
and I have a suspicion some users will dv any self-answered questions just on principle
as for the content, I think you could/should edit it to remove the fluff such as I've seen these recurring questions asking about various facets... (I didn't dv)
the entire paragraph about why you've created the post is unneeded/irrelevant info and is probably the main cause of dv
@wim Thanks, appreciate the help. I'll try to word it word better!
Hey guys, I'm stuck with a co-routine assignment... will anyone be able to help me?
not many coroutine users in here but try your luck
I've to use decorators with coroutines
"You look pretty young to be a routine." "Well, I'm just a co-routine."
so here goes the code -

import sys

from functools import wraps

# Define the function 'coroutine_decorator' below
def coroutine_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        cor = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return cor
    return wrapper

# Define the coroutine function 'linear_equation' below
def linear_equation(a, b):
    while True:
        x = yield
        result = (a * ( x ** 2)) + b
        print("Expression, {}*x^2 + {}, with x being {} equals {}".format(a,b,x,result))
I know I'm missing something elementary.. cause I'm getting the output but also getting StopIteration exception
can't able to figure out.. so if someone can help :)
@AnirbanNag'tintinmj' In future, please use pastebin for code bits of this size - in chat, we prefer no more than 6-8 line snippets in posts.
@PaulMcG I understand but I'm in a private network which blacklists pastebin
let me see if i can find any whitelist one
pastebin.com/8qvDiALT ok I can in pastebin :)
In linear_equation you wrapped your yield and processing code in a while True: loop, try doing the same in numberParser
while True:
    x = yield
well this is awkward :/
I did this but the code was going to infinite loop
Very strange, since the same change runs fine for me - no StopIteration and no infinite loop.
@PaulMcG Thanks man :)
Did you resolve the ∞ loop?
@PaulMcG Yeah I meant before asking here I did that and going to infinite loop, now once you said and I tired again its working.
maybe I changed something in middle
@wim thanks for the feedback
Hi everyone. Can I ask why file.seek() doesn't work on linux ?
@DinkoPehar you'll probably have to give an MCVE with that question
three-line example file and few lines of code that tries to seek and fails
@DinkoPehar what do you mean by "doesn't work"?
@Code-Apprentice I expect an MCVE to clarify that
it's just that subsequent questions addressing part of the problem pose the risk of OP only responding to those questions, at which point we'd still need an MCVE :P
I'm finally done with 13.2, and I got to say I'm really happy with my result =)
thanks again Martijn for helping me debug
First time chat visitor. I'm curious, why would some one use chat instead of posting a question on SO?
@kcw78 can't have a chat on SO, can have a chat here =)
The rules page to the right also gives some insight into the room culture
@AndrasDeak @Code-Apprentice Can you look at this permalink at code ? On windows, I'm able to move between different positions in file with seek() while on linux, I can't move
I'm pretty sure you can't seek in text files. Because text is encoded, so python can't know where to place the file cursor.
Or maybe you only can't seek backwards? I forget
I don't understand why its function would differ in linux. I would probably try to check for differences in the file, like sometimes lines end with '\r\n' vs '\n'
Yeah, it's only backwards seeking that's not supported
Anyway, that code is no mcve
It does nothing when executed, and I have no idea what "it doesn't work" means exactly or why you think that the problem is the seek
hello, can somebody please help me, I am capturing some JSON data as a string from a website using urllib, but some of the JSON data has errors on the syntax, and therefore `json.loads(JSON data)` fails, I am now attempting to build a regular expression to try and capture the data, when json.loads fails.
Please review my regex here: https://regex101.com/r/7AX4Cu/1/

As you can see I am unable to capture the full date, and was wondering if someone can help me improve my expression to make it capture the full date. Thanks :)
"(.+?)":"((?:\\"|[^"])*) matches up to the next unescaped quote
If you don't need to supported escaped quotes, "(.+?)":"([^"]*) does the job as well
If you want it to match both the date and the number, just use an alternation: "(.+?)":("(?:\\"|[^"])*"|\d+)
@Aran-Fey oh thanks alot just tried it, I had to ammend it to this: "(.+?)":["]?([^"]*)["]?[},]... but it works now :)
Thank you very much :)
If you dont mind me asking, what does the expression ([^"]*) mean?, because i thought
(.+?)" - meant, search for any characters until you find ".
The ^ makes a negated character class, so [^"] matches any character other than a quote. It's pretty much the same thing as (.+?)", but safer (because you can be 100% certain that it'll never ever match a quote)
>>> re.match(r'[^"]*"$', '""')
>>> re.match(r'(.+?)"$', '""')
<re.Match object; span=(0, 2), match='""'>
@Aran-Fey ? news to me
well, technically the problem isn't the direction...
>>> with open('foo', 'w+') as f:
...     f.write('hello world')
...     f.seek(-5, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
io.UnsupportedOperation: can't do nonzero cur-relative seeks
@Aran-Fey oh wow thanks I didnt know that
If you were thinking like file.seek(9999); file.seek(0), that works of course
@DinkoPehar not an MCVE as I explicitly requested
@DinkoPehar What do you mean by "on linux I can't move"? What does your code do differently when run on Windows than when run on Linux? And what do you want it to do?
@Aran-Fey Right but you can't relative seek forward either, isn't it?
yeah, true
I'm trying to understand this "it's only backwards seeking that's not supported"
it's incorrect :P
hmm, that makes me curious, what actually happens if you seek halfway through a character.
... how would you even do that?
@Aran-Fey damn I am having another issue because of the bad JSON Data I have, for some reason one of the key value pair contained in the JSON is {"artist":"Shazneen Arethna,Marianne D"cruz Aiman,Rajiv Sundaresan"}, and because of the D".. it is breaking the regex :(
>>> with open('/tmp/delme.txt', 'w') as f:
...     f.write('\N{PILE OF POO}')
>>> f = open('/tmp/delme.txt')
>>> f.seek(1)
>>> f.read()
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x9f in position 0: invalid start byte
>>> f.seek(0)
>>> f.read(1)
kinda weird. seeking in bytes but reading in text.
Wait, the argument to seek is a byte offset?
yep, which is what made me curious.
it's a good error message, though, so nbd.
That is... gross, and weird
@SShah I guess you could match until the first quote that's followed by a comma or closing brace: "(.+?)":("(?:.*?)"(?=[,}])|\d+)
ok let me try that thanks
But at this point you really have to ask yourself if there's no way to get your hands on some correctly formatted data, because this is a real mess...
@Aran-Fey wow, you are amazing at this :D, it seems to be capturing the pairs perfectly :), thank you very much: regex101.com/r/7AX4Cu/4
tampermonkey is the greatest thing ever
Late cbg
@Aran-Fey For some perspective, even the C standard does not define seeking to just some position, if file is opened in text mode: "4 For a text stream, either offset shall be zero, or offset shall be a value returned by an earlier successful call to the ftell function on a stream associated with the same file and whence shall be SEEK_SET. "
cbg all
That wear hat thing is pretty cool, to the degree that you can size, rotate, and position the hat over your avatar.
@IljaEverilä Hmm, I see. That's fair enough I suppose
Forgot to add the link.
Another nicety is that "A binary stream need not meaningfully support fseek calls with a whence value of SEEK_END."
Is it just me or is the last example in this sqlalchemy doc written wrong? Under Adjacency List Relationships (first heading)
How come?
Well, the column is a parent_id but the relationship defines itself as the children. Won't it just give the parent? It's misnamed
parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('node.id'))
children = relationship("Node",
            backref=backref('parent', remote_side=[id])
Nope. The relationship is the one-to-many side (as it does not have remote_side and is self-referential). The backref on the other hand does use remote_side and as such is many-to-one.
Wait, so that's the equivalent of children = relationship("Node", primaryjoin="Node.id==remote(Node.parent_id)")
Holy cow am I messing this up
I think remote should annotate the referred key, but it seems to be annotating the foreign key in your example. The presence of remote or remote_side should make the ORM relationship many-to-one.
Right, so if Comment.parent_id points to Comment.id, then a simple relationship would be parent = relationship("Node", remote_side=[id]) like in the example above in the docs
Oh well, it's even a bit more complicated with the annotations:
> Essentially, when foreign() and remote() are on the same side of the comparison expression, the relationship is considered to be “one to many”; when they are on different sides, the relationship is considered to be “many to one”.
But here he defines children = relationship("Node") with no remote_side and no foreign_keys, which is what's throwing me for the lwoop.
I have to re read that a couple times... lol
So perhaps your example is one-to-many after all, if SQLA infers (as it should) that Node.parent_id is a foreign key and you've annotated it as remote() too, so on the same side.
It just seems like a backward definition to me. I would have defined parent = relationship("Node", remote_side=[id], backref="children"), but, then again, I went to the docs to see how he would do it.
Checked, children = relationship("Node", primaryjoin="Node.id==remote(Node.parent_id)") is one-to-many.
I also really never got why they're named the way they are and just tried to learn the rules.
That's how I meant it, as there can be many children for one parent, but one parent to each child
All in all, the example is correct :)
I majored in philosophy, so I have a disease when it comes to understanding why things are named the way they are.
If I'd have to guess, then "remote" here means remote when viewed from the foreign key, so the referenced key – if that makes any sense.
Right, so wouldn't the children of x be all y's wherein y.parent_id == x.id?
My head's starting to hurt :D
Haha, yeah, that's how I feel whenever I have to deal with self-referential columns
does it make sense to have different threading.Condition for different variables of interest?
I have a class DataFolder(Enum) that I use to generate my paths. What I want to do is allow the user to set one of those paths. What I can't figure out is how to refresh that class, which I need to load at runtime because it points at various files the app needs.
I'm aware that I could simply not have this one path stored there, but it would seem unpythonic to do that for one path setting.
@isquared-KeepitReal Salad Language
and recabbage to everyone
@W.Dodge Melon
@toonarmycaptain Melon
good, thanks for asking
after browsing the list of words for possible replies, it quickly becomes apparent that any conversation in Salad will be short lived
Sprouts.. Bean.... Asparagus?
that's a very pretty avatar. No salad for that. No pun intended. No pun existed.
morning cabbage pythonistas

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