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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

You may be right. I think at this point I'd only be totally satisfied by a concrete example.
Bah, my preferred online graphing tool doesn't support two-argument log
I think AoC would be better if a clever approach was needed to get to the top leaderboard spots
As it is, brute force usually wins
^ agree
And if brute force gets the answer in 3 seconds, there is not much reason to bother trying anything smarter
But, I'd have been on the wrong side of that trade for Day3 because I didn't think of anything clever
I don't think day 3 required anything clever. Just a bunch of defaultdicts and sets.
I'm sure there's something in scipy.ndimage for day 3
it looks like a computer vision problem
personally didn't bother because seeing the data size was about 1000 it was obvious that numpy would eat it up no problem
I'm not using third party libraries because I imagine that our character's time machine doesn't have access to pypi. Factory defaults only :-)
The wifi in 1518 is just awful
@Kevin log_a b = log_c b / log_c a
@AndrasDeak I thought that might be the case but I distrust my memory and it's always a pain to look it up again
@Kevin I'm not using third party libraries because... TL;DR, downvote!
good luck downvoting AoC
Keep your dependency tree small while time traveling, because a cyclic reference may cause a paradox that destroys reality
And don't even try doing except OntologicalParadox: pass
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

def get_base(n, p=''):
  chars = digits + ascii_uppercase
  def base(x):
    q, r = divmod(x, n)
    c = [chars[r]]
    while q:
      q, r = divmod(q, n)
    return p + ''.join(c[::-1])
  return base

df = pd.DataFrame([
    (len(get_base(3)(x)), len(get_base(4, '_')(x)))
    for x in range(10000)
], columns=['Smaller Base', 'Bigger Base'])
Ok, so from 10^0 to 10^2 it flip-flops from "green is bigger" to "they're tied", and from 10^2 to 10^4 it flip-flops from "they're tied" and "blue is bigger".
I expect if the graph extended up and to the right some more, eventually it would hit a steady state of "blue is bigger"
yes. Blue needs to squeeze two digit increases between two digit increases for green. That happens at around 10^2
when it happens again, it will be greater from then on.
df = pd.DataFrame([
    (len(get_base(3)(x)), len(get_base(4, '_')(x)))
    for x in range(100000)
], columns=['Smaller Base', 'Bigger Base'])
Having a logarithmic x axis makes this a lot easier to visualize :-)
Basically it just boils down to comparing the properties of two sets of stairs of differing step length
Hey guys, long time no see!
I writing my first ever 'thesis' - I guess that is what it's called in English - it's rather exciting.
It would be great if someone could give me some feedback on my "abstract" part. I tried my uttermost to keep it short and precise.

python 2 or 3?
I'd prefer not to tie my chat identity to my google identity by requesting access to that document
It is public accessible
But I'll post it elsewhere...
yeah, google doesn't keep track of anything
Moot point since it's on pastebin now, but this is what I saw
Hmm, weird I set it to public available.
Is it good? :)
I certify that it contains no typos or misspellings that I can detect
Is that a, "I don't know", or more of a "meh".
Uh well, that sounds good.
I thought maybe "unitedly" wasn't a real word, but merriam webster and dictionary dot com and wiktionary all disagree with me, so I guess not
def get_b(small_base, big_base):
  return math.log(big_base) / math.log(small_base)

b = get_b(10, 16)
#   This 3 V indicates 3 digits longer
10 ** int((3 * b / (b - 1)) // 1 + 1)
@SebastianNielsen it means "I don't know", mostly. I am not a good judge of the worth of a thesis, I am only a good judge of basic language rules
Anyways, thank you for taking a look at it, I appreciate it.
(well, "good" is subjective. As you can tell from my run-on sentence right there)
I see
I'm trying to decide whether it's permissible to use "cooperation" in the final sentence to refer to the "cooperative" in the first sentence. Their noun definitions are nearly identical, but I don't know whether they're synonymous in a business setting
So since 0xFFFF has that prefix of character length 2, we add a penalty of 2. Then we are looking for when log_10(x) - log_16(x) > 3 and solve for x. If you want to capture the complete dominance point, you find where it is greater than 4 and step back one digit
Hmm, nice spotted
Well, there is apparently a key difference between the two.
Using "cooperative" in both spots is probably best. Although we're really bikeshedding right now.
Well, cooperative both places it is then!
I truly didn't notice I wrote two different words: 'cooperative' and 'cooperation'.
They are very alike.
I count myself lucky if I can remember the beginning of a sentence while I'm writing the end of that same sentence.
Well you must write pretty darn long sentences then.
More times than I'd like, I've written things like "I'm bringing an umbrella, whether or not it rains or not"
complete dominance point
def get_b(small_base, big_base):
  return math.log(big_base) / math.log(small_base)

b = get_b(10, 16)
#   This 3 V indicates 3 digits longer
f"{10 ** int((4 * b / (b - 1)) // 1):0,d}"
# '100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000'
"complete dominance point" is the title of the penultimate chapter of the self-help book I'm writing
Haha, I like that ending
cbg all
@piRSquared math.log takes an optional 2nd arg to specify the base. docs.python.org/3/library/math.html#math.log
Maybe he was striving for compatibility, since I complained that Desmos only allows one-argument log.
nope, plain 'ol ignorance explains it
All right. I can only set up the post-hoc justifications, it's your choice as to whether you knock them down.
To be honest, I only learned about the 2 arg form a few months ago.
And that 2nd arg was added in Python 2.3. :oops:
@piRSquared There's little chance that one of the later problems would just be a souped-up version of an earlier one -- people post "Upping the Ante" implementations on Reddit that anyone could just copy and re-use if a tougher variant of a problem were to be released later
@smci just saw your comment here from 4 months ago. If you wanted to @mention me, a comment under Jim's answer was not the right place to do so (I didn't even get a ping about it).
well, it's fully documented that you weren't supposed to
they have done so before, e.g. "assembunny" code questions was a reoccurring theme
dupe this --> this ?
@wim Is there a typo in Bakuriu's answer? "However this would really solve the issue because at that point you would not have access to n_calls."
yes seems typo
They certainly deserve to be linked, but I'm not awake enough to decide if they need dupe-hammering.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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