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hello Andras
@wim Hey bro, I am going to visit your country next year. And I apply for Working and Holiday Visa. So, I hope you can help me or recommend me a job. Better in the IT area
Good morning. Anyone development with EOS?
4 hours later…
        I used to load my pickle file in pycharm as follows
        import os
        module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        file_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'reduceddata.pickle',)

        pos, neg, totals = pickle.load(open(file_path))

        but I encounterd an error that says

       pos, neg, totals = pickle.load(open(file_path))
       TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
       how can I fix this
Which version of Python do you use ?
@FrankAK 3.6
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
1 hour later…
getting following error while installing tensorflow with pip in cygwin. The error occurs after it says tensorflow successfully installed. So what to infer? Is it installed or not installed correctly? Rerunning pip install says 'Requirements already satisfied'
Input Box
Enter text for prefix and/or suffix insertiC:\Users\user123>pip install tensorflow
Collecting tensorflow
  Downloading files.pythonhosted.org/packages/05/cd/…
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 45.9MB 123kB/s
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.13.3 in d:\user\programs\python\python-3.6.6-amd64\lib\site-packages (from tensorflow) (1.14.5)
Collecting termcolor>=1.1.0 (from tensorflow)
Anyone know how to process the results of a list of `async` tasks immediately as a task is completed?


    urls = ['stackoverflow.com', 'google.com']
    tasks = [asyncio.create_task(fetch_page(x)) for x in urls]

    # display whichever page loads first
    for page in asyncio.give_me_results_ASAP(tasks):

Since google loads faster, I'd like it to print:

I am trying to save each frame in the folder and also returning each frame to UI also.
the problem with this code is that after saving 30 images in the folder it will replace that 30 with new 30 images.
What I need is after saving the 30 images it should not replace the old one. The new 30 images should be saved along with the old one.
How can I do that? Any help should be appreciated

def get_frame(self):
success, image = self.video.read()
count = 1
while count < 30:
(_, im) = self.video.read()
@AkhilAlexander without knowing anything else about your problem: the count < 30 suspiciously matches the size of your "works for 30 images" issue.
what is the meaning of count? why do you only count to 30?
@MisterMiyagi because I want to train only 30 images. I am trying real time face recognition
hiii guys I am new to study tensorflow my graphics card is of nvidia geforce 920MX but in hardware requirement page of tensorflow instead of my card nvidia geforce 920M is available does that mean my card doen's support tensorflow?
@AkhilAlexander if you only train 30 images, why do you have to deal with more? more importantly, where do you deal with more?
@MisterMiyagi i am also displaying the frames in UI. I need all the frames in the entire video to be saved in the folder. to reduce the lag in displaying frames in ui im setting it to 30
whats the difference between python-tensorflow-opt and tensorflow-opt?
these are two packages for arch linux
Is everyone taking some course on tensorflow somewhere? So many questions all of a sudden...
@AkhilAlexander but how do you do this? your code above shows none if that
1 hour later…
nope, never did anything related to the debugger
@ThiefMaster well, if anyone does rely on that behavior we'll find out once I make the release. :-/
But given that Armin never responded and unti and Ronny couldn't come up with a test, I'm hoping it won't be an issue.
Good morning cabbage!
Last while in my life has been pretty interesting - working on getting a job in Tulsa OK, and just yesterday after exactly a 1-year wait, my UHK finally arrived!
You have to tell me what your impressions are. I've been interested ever since you posted that a while back
After using it for several hours between getting it yesterday and this morning, I'm definitely in love with it
having a mouse layer on my keyboard is one of the best things since sliced bread. I prefer it over the eraser mouse on my old lenovo. Probably because the mouse buttons are sdf (right, middle, and left click... unless you want it to be something different)
Agent, the tool to reprogram the keyboard, has been flawless (though I haven't done a ton of things)
It definitely doesn't feel like a hacked together piece of software ;)
\o cbg
The most surprising thing to me was actually when I started typing my muscles were extremely confused! My body was used to having my wrists in a cocked position causing strain while I was typing, and typing in a comfortable position was very new.
I'm absolutely in love with the split layout, though
interesting Wayne, I didn't know it had a built in mouse
That's a compelling testimonial. One day, I may go back to a Dvorak layout. I like interesting keyboards and keyboard related stuff.
also hello o.o
@piRSquared Out of the box you can swap between qwerty, dvorak, and colemak layouts with just a couple of keypresses. It's ridiculously cool.
looking up colemak... nvr heard of that
for better or worse, it definitely reduces the cost of trying a new keyboard layout
apparently (which I learned from Agent!) it's based on qwerty, but it puts the common keys under the strongest fingers.
I thought that it would be similar to dvorak but it's definitely not. Although I'm pretty sure it keeps all the punctuation in the same place which might be worthwhile
@piRSquared I tried to learn colemak, it looked like a slightly better dvorak to me. But alas, I didn't manage to rewire my brain.
dvorak ended up being a huge pain when letting others drive my computer. What is super odd is that my brain can't handle two layouts. I can play multiple computer games but I can't handle keeping two keyboard layouts in muscle memory
I checked out a chart of the two again, no idea why i thought they'd be similar.
punctuation seems a good point of similarity
and one of the biggest pains for me switching back to qwerty
one thing that I've seen in custom keyboard setups was rewiring caps lock to backspace. that one is a real gamechanger, i never use caps lock anyways and backspace is soooo far away
which is strange, considering it's one of the most frequently used keys. at least for me
I use caps lock a lot... accidentally. I wonder how often I'd use backspace accidentally.
hopefully a lot less, since you aren't moving your hands around nearly as much =D
no hand movemement -> no chance to mis-align
I commonly use backspace, but ctrl is probably far more frequent for me. Especially when I'm programming/using the terminal. One thing about this keyboard though is there's no dedicated esc key. For the terminal ctrl+[ is the same thing so that works well for me.
You can press mod+` to get esc. Or, if I wanted I could make that dedicated esc and mod+esc be `
there is no escape!
... key
I do use esc in a lot of other situations though, so I'm getting used to that
I use esc when I mash it to get out of edit mode
usually 3 to 4 times in frustration because I just fubbed up whatever it was I was doing
There are a bunch of other random neat tidbits about the default keyboard setup - it's got pre-built tools for dealing with tabs (new tab, next and previous tabs), on the mod layer you've got arrow keys in ijkl (though of course you can remap that to vim movement should you want)
@piRSquared Yeah ^[ works the same way there. I also have inoremap jj <esc> in my vimrc, because I had a bluetooth keyboard that had no escape key and ctrl was in the wrong spot
cabbage @FélixGagnon-Grenier
I just created a numpad layer, as this was the first time I've input any 2fa code. It's... not as nice as an isolinear tenkey. But I think it'll do.
Any ideas on how to make a html table rendered by flask live: sortable, filtareadle and seracheable?
morning cabbage
a day of testing is before me
1 hour later…
er... I think I am observing that memory is not shared between the workers of a gunicorn setup. There are 4 of them (workers). I look at a cookie in each request's headers to maintain session state. Somewhat intermittently the request is either logged or not. Is it possible that indeed, each worker has a separate "memory pool", or whatever that might mean?
Yeah, that seems to be by design. Solutions seen here do not make me jump to the sky in contentment, I'd really like to have shared memory without using a file. stackoverflow.com/a/27242874/576767
not sure I'm really understanding that answer.
a single worker will be enough for now.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier are they worker threads or are they separate processes? I'm not all that familiar with gunicorn.
generally processes each have their own memory allocated and threads share memory within a process.
well, that was a fascinating distraction
proceeds into more distraction :)
You can't store data in global variables in web applications, because workers aren't guaranteed to belong to the same process (or even machine).
Yeah, I'm really not getting out of that, it would seem. So long for my magical thinking
for many cases you can just get away with using the database
That is amongst the plausible, there is a postgres install that is planned to be used, but I was hoping on using memory stores for early stages of development. In a way, it's for the best, that had to be done one day or the other.
@БеляковаАнастасия have you tried jQuery? runs away

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