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(but paid by the government in most cases)
Is your field predominantly govt. funded then, or is there any industrial angle you can go for?
Academia is government funded. Most physics phds are tied to a government-issued grant
So you don't try to go for a consortium?
There are certainly industrial options but I'd expect that to be relevant for more applied fields
like engineering stuff
I'm on both back feet here because my degree was in engineering and we're in different countries
So we'd always be scrambling for in-kind investment too
Not familiar with that idiom. But I should be sleeping anyway :D
@AndrasDeak collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/… but adapted to include the fact I have 2 feet and 2 issues to context with :P
But rbrb mate, I need to sleep too
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
conda install -v python=3.7.1 is refusing to update 3.7.0. to 3.7.1, even with -f option. Is conda hopelessly broken? How many of you have quit conda to pyenv?
(apart from the recent solver breakage which causes runtimes of 5-30 minutes for simple conda commands)
(The public support forum is like a sea of breakage)
@roganjosh here's mine, for reference. I am a full-stack dev, so that may help.
@frustration check the answer
Hi I am trying to design a code where I have to scan two folders suppose A and B. A folder have some images of similar type and B have thousands of different type of images so, I need to sort images from B to another folder which matches folder A what should I do?
@ShivamDalvi Are you asking for an algo or are you asking what libraries might be useful?
@shad0w_wa1k3r Your web page is great, I spent way too much time just dragging my mouse around =D
Hey people. What kind of Authentication does Stackoverflow use?
I'm trying to request using this :
r = requests.get('https://password-protect-page-stackoverflow.com', auth=('username', 'password'))
I'm not able to authenticate.
@shad0w_wa1k3r much appreciated. Sadly work has blocked the link but I will take a look this evening. Excited that it looks like you've made an online portfolio
@Arne thanks, but credit goes to someone else, I merely copied them, responsibly :)
@shad0w_wa1k3r I am asking for algorithm which should I use
Anyone knows what authentication I need to use for Stackoverflow?
@ShivamDalvi that's too broad at the moment. What does it mean to sort images? Are you talking about image processing and trying to match them based on their content?
@roganjosh wonder what may be the reason for the block. And, it's just a single intro page, not much of a portfolio showcase.
Don't bother asking about reasons. Live with "reasons" with this place. Any more thought than that leads to suufffering with the IT system logic here :P
@DeathJack2.0 Probably OAuth2
^^ yep
Also, I literally googled "stackoverflow authentication" and this was the first result.
@Aran-Fey Thanks!
@shad0w_wa1k3r thanks man!
@roganjosh I want to know how can I do that I tried using sift surf orb but its not useful for me
That wasn't what I was asking, though
Looking on how to authenticate using Requests
@shad0w_wa1k3r with every attempt at my responsive table making the content progressively smaller with each new hack, I feel my "full stack developer" title slipping away :P
hahaha, been there, know the pain :|
If I keep going, there'll be no need to make it responsive because the whole thing will fit on page
@roganjosh I want my all images to be separated of similar type which matches the selected data
I still don't understand what that means, sorry. Separate by file extension? Separate by what is depicted in the image? What is the "selected data"?
@frustration please don't ask for help with fresh questions posted on main as per our rules
@roganjosh I mean by separate images with similarities for example in my case I am using images with digits I need only images with digits and with same background
Hey everybody
@vr22 please don't ask for help with your new questions here as per our room rules
it's been 2 minutes
let some people actually read it on main and try to answer first
thanks man.. let me read through room rules
thank you :)
Well, finally fixed my responsive table issue; I made the executive decision that the data wasn't all that important anyway and binned the table :)
Can anyone review my answer? stackoverflow.com/a/53297801/9134576
don't use bare excepts (except Exception as e is pretty much the same thing)
@DudeCoder technically correct, but a horrible way to design a program
don't silently install libraries in a program
Yeah, I'd let it crash out on ModuleNotFoundError
@AndrasDeak except: like so?
always only catch exceptions you're expecting and willing to handle
@Arne, I don't python that much, that is way I am asking for review, thanks tough
The correct answer to that question would probably be to advise OP on how to write his code as an installable package
@DudeCoder you've taken Andras' advice the wrong way. Just except is worse than except Exception. You want to catch the specific exception.
and the rtfm answer linking this, and a good answer distilling the relevant parts. Or linking cookiecutter, dunno
ugh, yes
@roganjosh, so should I do this? expect ImportError:
When I said "don't use bare excepts" I really meant "don't use bare excepts"
Yes, along those lines
@roganjosh, ok got it, thanks
Anything else?
Well, what we were saying before. Don't proceed to try and install the module like this
Then how?
resultCode = os.system('pip install numpy') IIUC wouldn't even give assurance that you installed into the correct Python version
So what to do?
IMO I'd just let it crash out unless you can follow Arne's advice and formulate an answer based on building a package
Ok I'll
This made my day, again:
print myobj2     #<=========== LOOK AT THIS LINE!
how are things?
Too much stuff going on lately..
I hope it's mostly the good kind :)
Yeah, but it keeps me too busy in general
good busy >> bad busy
Morning anyone able to help I am trying to write a string on line 4 so that I can use it late in a write to file but I am getting error and I am lost to why. Error code starts at line 10. Please help I am using Python 3.7: pastebin.com/BUF81KFz
@MatthewSwart you need to escape { character
\{ IP: ...
thanks a million
dont forget about escaping closing one as well
did it for both but still same error
you escape braces with {{/}} in format strings
and calling str on a string is superfluous
sorry, to escape do {{
instead of \{
"CREATE (L:Location {{ Ip: \"{0}\" ,lat: \"{1}\" ,lon: \"{2}\" }})".format(ip[c], lat[c], lon[c])
if you're on python 3.6 or above you can use f-strings
Cool thanks lads
no problem
I added the str cause I thought it was creating a dictionary in some weird way
Hi. Is it possible to have logger calls work with a subprocess.popen call where the code being controlled by subprocess.open has it's own logger setup just for that code? I currently can only capture print statements with something like cmd = cmd.split()
        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True)
        out,errors = proc.communicate()
1 hour later…
Oh là là
Tons of high quality questions!
I'm not sure I can trust the word of someone on team #emacs
I hope it'll be pythoff instead to make it more fun ;)
poor kids and their parenthesis fingers
Can anyone find a source for that claim?
my google-fu is failing me
GVR uses emacs
It seems to have been announced live at PyParis, we'd have to wait for a source
@KevinMGranger that explains so much
@KevinMGranger ooooh, I see, that explains the hashtag
@AndrasDeak It really does… #TeamVim
\o cbg
@Pythoneer Stack Overflow is not a tutoring website. — Antti Haapala 2 mins ago
morning cabbage
Also I'd like to remind you all that ed is the standard editor
Afternoon folks
My sqlalchemy-powered sqlite hates me. Anyone have any pointers for best practises and sanity checks for what I'm missing?
I'm not gonna subject y'all to the horrors of my codebase if I can avoid it ^^
1 hour later…
@KevinMGranger I prefer echo.
1 hour later…
@IljaEverilä cbg. Do you happen to know much about sqlite or are you mostly on the bigger databases?
sqlite is garbage
mysql and postgres both work great with python, I don't know why people bother with sqlite
Garbage how? For small-scale it works find for what I'm doing
Plus I have to leave behind a system that works with low maintenance because nobody else knows how to configure a database. My curiosity was whether an article about sorting speed on postgres would loosely hold for sqlite. I'm in two minds about whether, when pulling a whole table, I should sort in pandas or sqlte
I can use WAL because I have a guarantee of only 1 writer, so concurrency isn't an issue
@wim we're talking 200k rows per table, tops. Maybe 5 users in the whole factory like once every half hour. I don't see why I'd need to introduce another process to maintain for that kind of demand
@wim do you actually have hope that pyyaml will get its act together? Regarding this comment, and ignoring the fact that the answer is unnecessarily rude.
I've only ever seen you take jabs at it in this room
@roganjosh I've been burned several times by features that should just work (because they are part of SQL) not doing the right thing in sqlite
The moral of the story was, if you want a database, use a real database. Don't use a file pretending to be a database.
@Arne yes I hope that they will get it together. it's an important and popular library, and ruamel.yaml is not without its own problems.
@wim Not challenging you on what you might have observed but can you give me an example of what happened? I have found that flushing the WAL to database has behaved unexpectedly for me (the log ended up larger at the end)
"Should just work (but don't)" is a bit of a concern now
this was a long time ago now, but there were certain combinations of "unique together" and "order by" queries that made sqlite return bogus results
@wim ok, interesting to hear. I guess I might tone my 'abandon ship' attitude for pyyaml down a notch.
I'm really reluctant to fire up a database server. Is there a file masquerading as a database that you would suggest over sqlite or am I at the point of having to make this decision?
IT knocks out my server all the time so I would prefer not having yet more things I need to ensure fire back up again :/
just spin them up in containers
or use systemd
Docker? I have been given a single VM on a physical server hosting multiple other VMs that they keep rebooting
.. can you outsource your IT?
They might as well be, they're always talking at reception or in the smoking shelter
maybe find an old laptop in some dusty locker and use that as your cloud
I have considered this tbh
far enough away from manglement by your OPS guys
@roganjosh I know something about it.
I think my question might be a bit redundant now tbh mate. I think I'm gonna push for my own machine so I can move to postgres. Thanks for replying :)
maybe slap this bad boy on it to instantly turn it high-availability
^ you're missing the go-faster blue LEDs
@wim At least SQLite has the same (mis)feature that MySQL sported till 5.6 or so that grouped queries allow selecting non-aggregates that were not determined by the grouping.
But I get the feeling you mean something else entirely.
yeah mysql has a few little surprises in it too, but not as many as sqlite
@roganjosh Next lock it in a super-secure old mainframe cage, put a blockchain sticker on it to make it profitable..
we might have just designed the perfect hardware©
Yeah, well done for just announcing it to the whole room. Our patent is garbage now...! :P
but yeah, mainly it should be able to run docker containers without rebooting too often ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was able to edit a copyright into my comment, we're save from plagiarism =]
Docker is something I will need to learn. I've been meaning to for a while so it will be a good exercise
it's good stuff, writing deployments without actually knowing a lot about them would be A LOT harder without docker
For me it's 1-1 from Windows to my VM so thats where im at. I can see the virtues of docker when fighting with this process but not got round to streamlining anything because its not a critical program
At the moment it's becoming a bit smash-and-grab on what I need to know to make things run. That's getting frustrating because I'm not really understanding some of the tech I'm using. I should have the MVP sorted by end of next week and then I'm gonna stop them raising more features
I had it sorted last week and then it turned out they were feeding me CSVs full of garbage that needs kicking out and more front-end stuff to deal with
I figured one thing out! No time to celebrate, though, because there's many more things to figure out before the end of the day.
2 hours later…
is there any way to get the output of symmetric_difference in two separate lists, as opposed to the symmetric differences being lumped together in a single list?
If it were put in two lists it would no longer be symmetric
it still is the symmetric differences between the two lists, but just divided into separate lists according to which list does not contain which values
like ive outlined here
I understand what you're asking. I'm saying there's no reason for symmetric_difference to return two sets
You want set1 - set2 and set2-set1 separately
ok, is there not a more efficient way to get that particular output?
in other words, is there no way to get two lists of output without comparing the the sets more than once?
Do we know for a fact that symmetric difference compares once?
this is all new to me
im new to python
had never even heard of symmetric_difference until somebody mentioned it in a question that i just asked
I don't know either.
ok thx anyways

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