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And I don't even speak millennial...
@PaulMcG Building a list by cumulative concatenation of lists in a loop isn't so good. It's pretty much like building a string by concatenation in a loop. Joel Spolsky calls it the Shlemiel the Painter algorithm.
A better option is itertools.chain, or chain.from_iterable
Is Stack Overflow search down for anyone else?
Seems to be down, yeah
Specifically what is failing? I've tried searching and it seems to work for me
The search page doesn't load
Trying to search takes me to the standard "We are currently offline for maintenance" page (despite the rest of the site appearing to be fine).
If I use the search bar on the top, it works...
It seems to be okay now.
Thanks @W.Dodge fixed
@PM2Ring This is me not losing sleep - this poor guy didn't even know how to iterate over the keys and values in a dict, let alone transcend to iterator-land with itertools.anything.
Perhaps I could have done a nested list comp instead of all that list concatting. I leave it as an opportunity for future growth by the OP
3 hours later…
anyone here do data science?
@NickHumrich at this hour the "anyone here" part is already a no
1 hour later…
Not sure if you're aware, but you can move multiple messages at once by holding CTRL while selecting them :)
(Or shift)
@Rob Unfortunately, that doesn't work on a phone, even if you have a fancy keyboard.
Ahh, gotcha :)
I forgot about that ... until I started moving stuff. But I figured I might as well finish the job.
@PaulMcG Oh dear. OP self-deleted before I had a chance to CV.
Of course, you could get lucky and generate a factor at random... :D
Hm, I should have said "lack of understanding" instead of "ignorance", a little less brutal
Yeah. That wasn't very welcoming. OTOH, sometimes the truth is harsh...
And you'd think that someone tryjng to crack RSA would be aware of the fundamental principles underlying it.
I think SO should have this as one of the options when closing a question: "Questioner fails to grasp a fundamental issue of logic, mathematics, science, or the laws of thermodynamics"
"How can I fix this Python code for my RaspberryPi perpetual motion machine?"
For the anime and/or math interested, I just saw this yesterday: theverge.com/2018/10/24/18019464/…
Apr 11 '16 at 8:41, by PM 2Ring
@Ilja Sadly, we don't have "OP has CHDS" as a close reason.
@PaulMcG Thats related to the necklace problem, which can be fun to mess around with.
Coincidentally, I was browsing Greg Egan's site only a few days ago, and didn't notice any info about this on his home page, but I guess that's mostly for stuff that's somehow connected with his fiction, although he also has an applet gallery.
Coital Hint Deficiency Syndrome makes me rofl every time.
PM2 spelt it as "deficit"
there are many concepts that have been introduced in room 6...
salad language, CHDS, nihhitis, adverb ereyesterdaily...
2 hours later…
Hi, I am looking at python typing and trying to understand what Generics are (I am not familiar with these in any other language). And the definition from here (https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html) does not make any sense at all :)

`Since type information about objects kept in containers cannot be statically inferred in a generic way, abstract base classes have been extended to support subscription to denote expected types for container elements.`
@PM2Ring Nice flashback there.
office cbg
@PM2Ring There are several articles about this, one of the others describes the process by which Egan found the counter-value for Necklace(14), by using Traveling Salesman algorithms to traverse the different permutations of the 14 episodes, with the number of different nodes being the node-to-node cost function. Traveling Salesman was one of my first dabbles in python, finding optimal paths for circuit board X-Y drill programs
I originally wrote an interactive visualizer using Tkinter that used a genetic algorithm for optimization, and redrew the path with each generation's best solution. Then I found a C library that did a much better and faster job, so I just wrapped that with my drill program plotter to show the finished paths.
It turns out that at the time, many shops did a sort of raster scan of the board material with their drill machines, sorting the values by Y and then by X, which in terms of travel and time is pretty bad. But there is a physical reason behind doing so, and that is to have the drill lead screw always turning the same direction for all the drilled holes.
So that if there is wear or backlash in the screw threads or the bearings, it would be consistently applied to all of the drilled holes, resulting in better hole-to-hole registration.
But the first time our board shop ran one of my optimized programs, the operator saw the drill machine starting to wander all over the board doing holes instead of the back-and-forth raster scan, hit the red E-Stop button and called his supervisor to tell him the machine was broken
Travel time accounted for about 30% of the total process time for drilling these boards, and we were able to on average take out 1/2 to 2/3 of the travel, or about 15-20% of the drilling processing time. And since this was a bottleneck operation for the area, improving throughput here improved the whole area production. I got a free coffee mug for my efforts
It would be interesting to apply the "drill only while traveling in positive X direction" rule to the optimization algorithm, so that you get some travel improvements without sacrificing the hole-to-hole accuracy
On the topic of optimization, this morning I came up with a puzzle:
You are planning the seating chart for a wedding that has 100 guests. Each table can hold any number of guests. Some guests are enemies with each other, and refuse to sit at the same table. You have been provided with a list of everyone's name and enemies. The venue charges by number of tables, so you wish to minimize this number. How do you efficiently partition the guests into the least number of tables?
example test cases

input: 3 guests. Nobody is enemies with anybody.
output: One table, containing guests [0,1,2].

input: 3 guests. 0 is enemies with 2.
output: Two tables. Possible solutions include [[0], [1,2]] or [[0,1],[2]].

input: 3 guests. everyone is enemies with everyone.
output: Three tables. [[0], [1], [2]].
Holding out hope that there's a Wikipedia article for this called the Constrained Partition Problem or something. Finding a solution for N=100 that takes less than a million years to run would nicely solve a problem I'm having with one of my programs.
take the complement of hate-connectivity, and then you have to partition the resulting graph to disjoint cliques, right?
Pretty much any heuristic would solve it, it all boils down to random guesses in the end.
Depends how quickly you need to solve the problem
There is an objective solution for each input. It just takes O((N!)!) time to find it.
probably falls under clustering
In graph theory, a clique cover or partition into cliques of a given undirected graph is a partition of the vertices of the graph into cliques, subsets of vertices within which every two vertices are adjacent. A minimum clique cover is a clique cover that uses as few cliques as possible. The minimum k for which a clique cover exists is called the clique cover number of the given graph. == Relation to coloring == A clique cover of a graph G may be seen as a graph coloring of the complement graph of G, the graph on the same vertex set that has edges between non-adjacent vertices of G. Like clique...
This looks isomorphic to my puzzle.
But the cost function is easy to implement. I could imagine solving it with a ruin and recreate strategy
I assume there is a maximum number who can sit at a table
> Each table can hold any number of guests.
@Kevin yup, sounds lke it
"Finding a minimum clique cover is NP-hard". Despair.
But it's not a heavily constrained problem. You have a cost for tables and a cost for enemies
so we're back to having to prove P=NP again
Take a greedy approach to initialise the problem then iterate changes with your cost function
It is, in fact, one of the O.G. NP hard problems: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karp%27s_21_NP-complete_problems
On the fence over whether I'm motivated enough on a Friday afternoon to throw together a metaheuristic
Maybe a heuristic solution would still be useful... If I get an almost-minimal partitioning, maybe I can eyeball it and see if I can find any useful patterns.
What is the time constraint on your real problem?
If it's more than 1 second you have a shot at a decent solution from any hack
I only need to run it once, so... How about seven days
Ruin and Recreate would fix that no problem. Initialise a greedy solution, remove 10% ish of the guests and re-insert into the problem with noise
The noise you could scale like Simulated Annealing
Which is just a fancy way of saying "always insert if the total cost is lower. Maybe insert if the cost function is higher, and get less likely to take a bad solution as time goes on"
Tables are more expensive than guests
If I'm doing a heuristic solution, I'm fine with a less-than optimal table count, but I can't accept any solution that seats enemies together.
Even better, you have a hard constraint
R&R is what we were using here
I was solving ~100 vehicle problems comfortably and it's no different. We were just trying to minimise vehicles, and vehicles have type constraints
Currently trying to generate the enemy list from my actual data... When I came up with the problem in the clarity of the morning light, I thought this would be the easy part. But maybe I mistook groggy dream logic for morning clarity.
The time to be concerned is if it ever becomes a 3D bin-packing problem. It's better just to walk away from those
I'll have to have a think more about the cost function actually because I think it can quickly become antagonistic and just start throwing more tables in. I still think tables have to be more expensive than enemies, even if that happens to be your hard constraint
hey guys, is there something like max(list,key=func) for numpy arrays? i only find ways to get the max of the array values, but not with key applied
What does the function do?
@Tweakimp custom functions will be slow, so just use max
does that matter? it calculates the distance between all points from list and another point
the point of ndarray.max is that it's written in C
my point is that there's a good chance that this isn't implemented in numpy. It wouldn't give anything on top of native python max
It matters because the way numpy works means that there could well be a totally different approach that uses native numpy operations
i got a list of points and want to get the point which has the greatest distance to another given point
for a given separate point you'd need cdist
or even better: just compute the distance manually in a vectorized way
i am doing key=lambda p: p.distance_to(target)
distance_to is a function of the library i use, and the points are special pointobjects of that library. they have .x and .y properties that i could use to calculate
Euclidean distance?
if it's not performance critical I'd just use native max. Otherwise something like coords = np.array([(point.x, point.y) for point in points]); np.linalg.norm(coords - [x0, y0], axis=1).argmax() or something like that
i already got an implementation, and the performance is too slow, thats why i am here trying with numpy
When finding min or max distance among a list of points, the final sqrt() call in the distance function is not required, as min or max of distance² will still give the same min or max (closest or furthest) point, so this can save you a few cycles. (Does not apply if the actual distance is part of a cost function tho.)
that's also true, manual squared distance is possibly (probably?) cheaper than np.linalg.norm
yeah, thats true. i could write my own distance function without the sqrt then
Also use **2 for squaring the x and y deltas, not pow(x, 2)
I'm missing something. Why was the scipy Cartesian matrix idea dropped?
Err, have I just flagged a comment?
Dropped my phone earlier and cracked the screen. It just started highlighting comments randomly then
@roganjosh custom data structure
also, it's a many-to-one distance
Ah ok, I misunderstood the second part then
what is the best way to show you guys some code so you can have a look?
Probably pastebin if it's reasonably long
pastebin/github gist
35 lines so far
Yeah, too much for chat, post a link to a pastebin please
i hope there are enough comments :)
those are a lot of zeros for literals ;)
totally random numbers ^^
What is the timeit result?
It looks like numpy is against you here, you're instantiating arrays for a tiny problem
vector solution 1.289289117
do you think normal python lists would be better?
no, he's saying using numpy all the way would be better
does that Point2 class do anything other than have a .x and .y?
I'm trying to get my head around this code for a bit. It looks overkill what you're doing in the function, plus you have function call overhead on each pair
also, you don't have a collection of points
that's not really something worth timing
you can look at what point2 class can do here: github.com/Dentosal/python-sc2/blob/master/sc2/position.py
what do you mean by collection of points?
What's the context here, you have enemies moving about and you move too?
yes, i want to move away from an enemy and towards my friend, based on weights how much i value the enemy and friend move
But the enemies are also moving?
@roganjosh that's probably beside the point
What I'm getting at is whether all this data can be in a single structure
yes, this is done frame by frame
thats why i need it fast
So you don't need many-to-one distance, you need many-to-many? Every friend vs every enemy?
It's not beside the point if it gives us an avenue to cut down on calculations but if everything is dynamic it's harder
i could do every enemy and and every friend, but closest enemy and closest friend are enough
now i just want to do it faster
I'm trying to think what it would entail to keep a global distance matrix up to date. It surely has to be faster than calling a function in a loop but I haven't condensed the idea properly yet
I suspect updating a distance is more work than recomputing it
Another context question: does everything move at the same speed?
How about not computing in every frame? Choose orientations, stick to that for a handful of frames
it should only make a difference if units are very tightly packed
i could chime in here... cdist from scipy is pretty good at computing distance matrixes FAST
Lol, Andras is on the same page as me :)
you won't need to update, and you won't want to
@vencaslac the problem is the data is not in an array, but a ragged bunch of custom objects with .x and .y properties
anyway, I have to go :) Have fun
build an array from it with a list comprehension
no, and every unit can change direction and sometimes even speed
not doing it every frame is only a workaround, but that would make the unit move less optimal
an array of what, @vencaslac?
check it out
the docs are pretty good
i used this in an n-body simulation
Huh. A computer game question I'm interested in :) Normally they end up along the lines of "how do I make the dinosaur move away when I shoot it in the face?" <-- actual question that still makes me chuckle
you can even set up a lamda function for the distance metric
43 mins ago, by Andras Deak
if it's not performance critical I'd just use native max. Otherwise something like coords = np.array([(point.x, point.y) for point in points]); np.linalg.norm(coords - [x0, y0], axis=1).argmax() or something like that
just saying
Euclidean distance, so use the built-in option
lambda is the slowest solution
i mentioned lambda because it can be anything really, need to compute gravity between 1k particles? cdist and use the gravity formula for the metric
got to go
At the moment, the only thing I can think of is to expand the existing function to process all points in one go. Since it's N^2, the function call overhead will be significant. Also, are you computing this for the global game (every NPC)? There must be scope to minimise the checks you make
Usually you can filter out to just recompute for the nearest neighbors. If an enemy 100 miles away moves 10 feet closer, probably not significant
Also, a lot of this issue seems to be originating from the library unless I'm misunderstanding. If there is benefit I'm on specifying the coordinates in that library, why have they not made provisions for this?
if it's a starcraft library odds are there's some pathfinding in there somewhere
It seems like something it should be calculating internally since technically it has a better view of things than you
Yep, it doesn't make sense to me that you either a) have to pull all this info out 1-by-1 or b) try and maintain the state in something outside of the library
forgot to cbg \o cbg
i dont know how to do this for all units that i want to move at once, currenty i loop over all of them because they all do other stuff besides moving, too
i am also filtering that only enemies in a certain range enforce this kind of movement calculation
its the starcraft library for writing a python bot :)
I think you're at a higher level of issues than we can usefully help with here unless someone has specific knowledge of the package
Higher level meaning, we're not at a stage of discussing specific matrix approaches but more best-practise with the tools
Cbg mooing
ok, thanks
i thought there was just a way to do what i do, but in a faster way, not with a generally completely other way of doing it
I'm certainly not saying there isn't but you've expanded the problem a rung up the ladder saying that this is part of a broader loop. We may end up talking about a micro optimisation here
Does anyone know what Divakar actually does? His mastery of numpy/scipy is godly
Also a random musing; why are python libraries installed in "site-packages"? What does the "site" refer to?
side packages as in packages that were put to the side would make more sense
Just "packages" unless "site" is a reference to environments
Q: What does 'site' in 'site-packages' actually mean?

JoeI've always been a bit curious about the rationale of the naming of site-packages. What does site mean in this context? I doubt it means 'website', and I've never heard 'site' used in relation to the installation location, or the context of the machine. Any ideas?

Just found that and am reading it now. I find the question interesting
Man, there's a dupe for that? Thanks!
Lol, accepted answer "I don't know the answer"
Here's a question where the OP's MCVE was too M: stackoverflow.com/questions/53219399/…
If you substitute "on-site" for "site" then it is a bit more self-explanatory. Last answer gets my vote
I thought that was the worst guess
The others elude to my initial guess that it was due to environments. I'm surprised there isn't a GVR answer floating about
If there was a need for a distinction, there'd be an "offsite-packages" which is nonsensical
Yes that is very true the remote part does not make sense but the idea that site refers to packages that are installed locally I though was helpful and the term "on-site" describes that
I was more curious about whether it was initially intended that python would specifically power websites
And then it just wasn't worth changing the directory name. But then WSGI came later on in the day so I'm not sure I can reconcile "site" referring to "website"
Mmm, there should be prizes for the most incorrect answers. 4 sentences, 4 false assertions, that has to be a record!
Hold my beer!
I'm with "site" as a reference for "local", as in "installed outside the core installation" or "stuff added above and beyond what's in the stdlib"
Hahaha. Technically 3 sentences but they missed out a full-stop in the rush to be wrong
@Code-Apprentice What was the word I was looking for? Unattributed?
I've decided that my actual problem isn't isomorphic to the minimal clique covering problem. It's actually more like: f(x,y) is a function that returns either 0 or 1. Partition the numbers 0-99 into groups such that this condition always holds: for any numbers x, y and z: "y and z are in the same group" implies "f(x,y) == f(x,z)"
Additionally, it is given that f(q,q) == 0 for any q, and f(a,b) == f(b,a) for any a and b. But those are more part of the Y of this XY problem.
Whatever way you look at it, it will come down to random guessing thousands of times
f(q,q) == 0 may actually be very useful since it means that "a and b are in the same group" implies f(a,b) == 0
What does that buy you? At the end of the day you've confirmed this is NP-hard so I'm relatively confident you've overthought your approach on that fact alone
Really this is just a preliminary exploration of the problem space. Basically I'm hoping that by examining the groups, I can identify a pattern that extends indefinitely. e.g. group A is all the prime numbers, B is all the powers of two, C is any number with a seven in it that isn't in A or B, etc etc
Although I now suspect that I can prove that there are an infinite number of groups.
Because it is also also given that f(a,b) == f(a*c, b*c) for any positive integer c
To precis the current literature: "we found a better way of guessing. It has no applicability because it doesn't give a responsive answer for the demands of reality but it's different so we're publishing". Honestly, you're either going to have to stick with random guessing or you're up for a Millenium prize
While you're fretting, I would have guessed a scheduling plan 100 times over :)
The real problem is your choice of cost function to make it converge the way you want
@Aran-Fey FWIW, jsbueno was able to defeat TalentedPerson / Person
The actual problem is "given a list of 100 integers that have a value in [0, one quintillion], arrange the numbers into pairs such that as few pairs as possible yield f(a,b) == 1. Then print the total quantity of those pairs." Iterating over all possible pairs is O(N!), so I hoped that I could put the numbers in buckets and say "all elements of bucket A can be combined with an element of bucket B to get a f(a,b)!=0 pair"
By making numbers fungible in this way, then it becomes more like... O(num_buckets! * average_bucket_size). Or something.
fungible (n.): freely exchangeable or replaceable with mushrooms
If you create the setup I may have a go at solving it (may, only because this is my daytime job and I'm not sure it's a fun distraction to throw time into). It's no wasted effort on your part since you have to set it up anyway.
@user3483203 done
@W.Dodge agree. similar to a "worksite".
Am I off the ball here or could print() legitimately fail without sorcery? stackoverflow.com/q/53230285/4799172
^ pointless question, I misunderstood and just outside of the delete time window :/
@toonarmycaptain "plagarized" =p
I dunno.
"attributive" is a word, so one might also expect "attributively" and "unattributively" to also be words. Firefox puts a red squiggle under that last one, but I don't trust firefox's judgment.
22 hours ago, by toonarmycaptain
@Kevin ...tempted to find the post and unartributively quote you in a comment..
"unattributed" is probably the most idiomatic.
Notice the lack of two tees
and the extra r
Although you can't just slot it in where an adverb is expected
so probably just a typo rather than a completely made up word
"tempted to find the post and add your quote, unattributed" perhaps
"unattributively" is probably correct, just not what was originally written and my mind didn't parse it on first reading
that one letter difference...
Can we just make up a definition for “unartibutively” already :) I posit that the formal definition of that word is to “recognize without artistic tribute”
portmanteau of "unattributed" and "artlessly"
"I unartibutively replicated a Banksy original on the side of my apartment building"
And so it was... on that fateful Friday in room 6 unartributively came to be.
@wim That's impressive and awfully janky at the same time!
There's better words from SE. On the English site there was a question about a "word that means it can be applied anywhere". "Ubiquiplicable" was a comment and the word made its was into my heart. Screw "universal"
There was also "omnipropriate" but that came in second
@piRSquared Already finding targets for your canonical. Nice work on it.
thanks (-:
*plagiarised :p
A yes I didn't see the typo myself - no wonder it didn't look right ;)
Today I am annoyed that firefox's "paste and go" url bar menu option does not behave identically to using the "paste" menu option followed by pressing Enter
In particular if my current url is foo.example.com and I have "bar" in my clipboard, when I double click "foo" to highlight it, I expect "paste and go" to then replace "foo" with "bar", just like regular paste would, and take me to bar.example.com.
Instead it erases the entire url and takes me to just "bar". Wrong.
I get annoyed that I can't open a currently open url in a private window without copying the url into the clipboard...
(This is how one avoids article view limits)
I avoid article view limits by not going to websites that have overtly user-hostile design
I acknowledge that not everybody can or should do this. I'm lucky that I can sustain my pathological aversion to news sites without impacting my life much.
I'm not Richard Stallman, so...
Is there some obvious reason why difflib would be returning diff files that compare a line on a character by character rather than line by line difference?
'I forgot to distinguish my annotation test from the rest of them. And this is an edit of this\r\n\r\nChris edit'


'I forgot to distinguish my annotation test from the rest of them. And this is an edit of this'

don't produce the obvious +/- of a line by line comparison, they produce like 10 single character difference lines
I have used difflib once ever and that indeed sounds like a weird thing for difflib to do
It's confusing the heck out of me.
I've tried HtmlDiff, Differ, and context_diff()
They all do it
My principal tech support strategy is "reverse-gaslighting", where I affirm that there is a problem, and it would be nice if it were fixed
I'm trying to come up with something quippy to respond to that with but I'm checkmated.
If your program is not producing the correct output you are VALID
Actually, I think I might get it.
You have to split the lines
Hmm, I guess it makes sense if the function is expecting an iterable-of-strings and you pass it a string.
A string is, itself, an iterable-of-strings, but the strings it iterates over are all one character long.
Hence, a separate comparison for each different character.
Ah. I see what you're saying: it's iterating over what you pass to it. If you pass a naked string, it'll iterate over that
Interestingly, if you just surround those strings with brackets, the whole thing behaves properly
You don't even have to run splitlines()
Actually, slightly different output: it breaks on like 70 chars or something
not that interesting
Kevin's note of for val in arg applies: cf. for val in [arg]
idjaw you ready for tonight ?
what's happening tonight
4 people are throwing answers at stackoverflow.com/questions/53233414/… . It's a standard SO evening.
LOL. How did I know wim would be in the room when I switched back to this tab? :P
However, I am curious on a proper explanation on what's going on here if anyone can give a definite explanation
Hey fellows.
I'm trying to install debug_toolbar with django
I followed the instruction but when I try to import debug_toolbar intoo urls.py I got an error :
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'debug_toolbar'
I guess installing it with pip is not sufficient so what is the extra step there pls?
you probably installed it to a different env
Or the install failed
Most likely different python version sopython.com/canon/131/…
Hum no it say it's good :/
Shall I install it inside a specific dir ?
Not globally ?
I have no repport of error inside my INSTALLED_APP
So It's installed :/
Okay founded somehow the bad setting was the reason
instead of
Hi there, I've got a question about pip and package management. If I have more than one python version installed, if I install a package using pip, is that package available to all versions of python3 or just the current version? Or to put it another way, does every version of python have its own "packages folder"? I'm using Linux if it matters.
Im clearly no expert but I'm asking my self the same question and it seems every python version you got has it's own pip
However I think it depend on the way you install it
If you use the pip bundle with your version of python then from what I saw its local to it
type pip --version and it will tell you the python interpreter that your pip is tied to
@wim oh cool, thanks, that is a great tip
apparently pip is tied to python 3.5 which explains why cntk got sent to the shadow realm
@Baldráni Just noticed this question, seems to have some good information

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