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1 hour later…
Hey I'm working with sqlite, and I want to do a foreign key with table names. Is that possible?
@ex080 What do you mean "a foreign key with table names"? Can you give an example?
I can
Well let me explain what I want to do
then u can tell me if it makes sense
rather than explaining my solution to my problem
a foreign key is typically the same value as a primary key in another table
this concept is independent of sqlite or any other particular database engine
I have a sensor that gives me X, Y, and Timestamp values. I can run multiple scans a day. So I created a table to store these values like this.
I figured I could have 1 table for each scan
and this would work well for storing each scan session
But I also want to store the sensor settings for each particular scan. So I thought I could create another table called ScanParameters where Each row corresponds to a scan table.
So essentially the tablenames of the scan tables are primary keys for the one parameter table.
How about a single SCAN table with a sessionId column?
But then wouldn't I have lots of redundant/repetitive rows. Scans typically last days and can have 100,000 plus X,Y,timestamp values?
how are the rows redundant or repetitive?
SessionID would be the same for all the rows of the same scan?
the rows each have unique x,y,timestamp values, right?
and around 100,000 rows are in one session
I don't see a problem. Having a sessionId is more in line with how a relational database is designed to work.
Ok so then sessionId would be my foreign key?
and you might call the other table Session instead of ScanParameters.
Or you can have both Session and ScanParameters where the later also has a foreign key to Session.
Sorry if my question is naive, but as the scan table grows will my access/retrieval times get slower?
I will only want to pull the Timestamp, X, Y and parameters and a join on them at most.
And I think session is a keyword in sqlite
@ex080 probably. You can mitigate that by creating an index. In fact, a foreign key might automatically be index.
@ex080 and yes, you might need a different table name than session. Maybe scan_session? Or sensor_session?
or maybe just scan and then call the fk scan_id.
  time INTEGER,
  amu REAL,
  amp NUMERIC,
  sessionID NUMERIC FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES scanSession(sessionID))

CREATE TABLE scanSession(
  Filament REAL,
Does this look right?
Hi every one
How jinja and flask can share information
can anyone help
2 hours later…
cbg all
From this comment, stackoverflow.com/questions/26599507/… is Flask-uploads deprecated now?
Hi I was trying to print  the index  of each of the maximum probability of the probability
 Array, While Executing the following code I get the error

" The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()"

 for prob_ in prob:

where the prob is an array
guys can anyone help?
How jinja and flask can share information?
@Frrank your question is vague / unclear. Can you rephrase? Primarily flask supplies "context" to jinja templates and that's how jinja can render data in that template.
although, flask has built-in support, which may be better - flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/patterns/fileuploads
(I might be wrong, I'm not as well-versed with Flask)
The docs themselves link to Flask-uploads
yeah, missed that :-p
@shad0w_wa1k3r its a question by my professor what can I say to him. and is there and uml diagram I can find on this one. can you elaborate on.
in that case google can do better than me.
@shad0w_wa1k3r nope he gave up
google said im not doing it lol
I doubt that. When it comes to Google it's usually the Googler who gives up / doesn't do it right.
@Frrank This is my finding from googling "jinja flask" (very first link) - flask.pocoo.org/docs/1.0/templating/#context-processors I think it somewhat describes what you want, or at least gives a hint on what else to search for.
This is from the 2nd link - http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/#variables
Both sum up the entirety of your question.
I think I broke github... I created a repository named "TEST", and it doesn't show up in my repositories... but I can't create another one because "a repository with that name already exists"
@Aran-Fey anything to do with the downtime today? status.github.com/messages
I guess so? Everything else besides creating new repos seems to work though. Strange.
@AkhilAlexander are you sure that's where the error is coming from? And didn't you mean prob_.index(max_prob) instead of prob.index(max(prob_))?
@Aran-Fey they're doing some fallback restoration. You might just be unlucky.
(you'd know since that was covered in the messages page, oh well, I followed up from twitter)
This never happened before MS came *shakes fist*
Everything was better in old times
eh, I wouldn't care much (since I'm saved by having stuff on bitbucket instead) about it. I really like the new changes overall, makes up for the downtime.
(since I'm not affected, at all)
@flowersandbytes @justkelly_ok Stack SRE here - internally, the team is very aware of the problem and it’s been a priority, eg https://stackoverflow.blog/2018/08/07/get-to-know-our-new-code-of-conduct/ Change is very slow because the problem festered so long, and a vocal part of the community is resistant, like that obnoxious DM sea lion. 🤬
lovely stuff can be found regarding today's times in meta.stackexchange.com/questions/317087/… (start with Monica's medium post linked at the start of the question)
Tim Post writing up an empty "mistakes were made, let's think what we can do to move forward" post in 3...2...1...
In unrelated news, we watched the new Jurassic Park with the in-laws and there was a cameo of the original Jurassic Park theme. Now I want to listen to John Williams all day.
I'm currently trying to figure out how to make a good file upload API for a Flask project I'm working on, are there any examples out there of good file upload APIs?
I don't know, but have you tried finding some? Sounds reasonable.
Been looking at the box api and S3 for some inspiration so far
Looking at dropbox now. All of these do a lot more than what I need but they do provide some interesting info.
I thought you wanted to allow uploading stuff to your own server
dropbox sounds like third-party hosting
@AndrasDeak that's known to happen.
@AndrasDeak I really really hate when that happens... 5 note motif here, 7 notes there... and then you're like "oh was that all of it"
hehe, yeah
the thing is the movie composers are like "well we cannot put all of this here because it would be just a JW ripoff"
yeah, unlike the rest of the new movies
lol @AndrasDeak 10th anniversary this week
@AndrasDeak though it now that it listen to it, some of it is is autotuned :F
and it's not that guy who sings, but still :D
yea that too :D
nice arrangementa
though... there are some "artistic" slips :F
@AndrasDeak I need to go do something to cool off all the rage. I literally started to type out a tweet 5 times and decided against it after a few seconds because it might do some harm (besides self-justification or whatever)...
yeah, don't do that
I mean the tweeting part :P Cooling off is good
Doesn't help reading all the "I'm not reading all this", "go away" tweets
@AndrasDeak grr
nwo I am listening and instead of coding want to get my keyboard out of the frikking cardboard box...
(sane) adulting is hard.
@AnttiHaapala embrace the John Williams side
didn't know you keyboarded
*the other keyboard
(other than qwerty)
@shad0w_wa1k3r I'm blocked by that person, even though I've never interacted with her. It's sad that that user is the one that SO decided to listen to
some* of SO employees, but yeah, essentially SO for everyone :/
Just googling justkelly_ok reveals screenshots of very unsavoury tweets
don't do it, it will only enrage you more than you should be.
The above music video is helping me calm down :)
@shad0w_wa1k3r meh, better than being optimistic
Your time is well spent by not listening to some ignorant people.
(oh my English...)
I had hired someone who had a very bad impression of SO. The very first SO came up they spoke everything negative about it and I asked why, then they explained about some basic beginner stuff (closed questions, etc.) to which I nicely explained how the site works.
Instead of heeding to my advice on improving the question quality, they chose to link someone else's blog post on how SO is quite bad, etc. to which every single point I had mentioned during my nice explanation was still applicable.
and then you fired them
it takes a lot of spine to revisit your opinion in the face of evidence to the contrary, and frankly most people don't have that much spine
Well, he wasn't competent from the beginning and he did get fired eventually, but this wasn't listed / considered as a reason anytime.
of course, I was trying to joke :)
@shad0w_wa1k3r I follow very many people on Twitter to get numb to stuff like that, and it works. The side effect is feeling desperate and anxious, but it's better than closing eyes/ears and living in a bubble
I know :)
@vaultah yeah, life is hard at times :D
so where can I find the titles
Admitting when I'm wrong is quite tricky. Right now I'm at a 20-80 balance of admitting I'm wrong vs moving the goalposts and/or making a flippant joke that dismisses the topic
Can someone explain to me how sometimes users can answer in questions I goldhammered? This answer came an hour after the close. stackoverflow.com/questions/52926851/…
@timgeb if they started writing earlier
@vaultah It's like when you are a kid you think there are quite a few "not so good" kids, and then once you grow up, you realise, some of those kids are still like that, or worse.
and then the button is soft-disabled, one can use jquery to re-enable
@AnttiHaapala When I am writing an answer and the question gets closed meanwhile I'm getting a message on top of the screen that the question was closed and no other answers will be accepted.
Oh... hax.
it is hard-closed later then
So... is this allowed?
hey where can I find the hnq titles
oh, just a sec
maybe create the answer, delete it and edit/undelete after goldhammered?
That would be visible in the timeline
@timgeb On a technical level I don't think you can distinguish between "people that hacked the submission button" and "people that have spotty internet connections, who never got the 'sorry, can't answer now' message from the server"
So any rule saying "no hacking the button please" would be difficult to police
And would only draw attention to the fact that the button can be hacked
> What does Stack Overflow want to be when it grows up?
> Whatever we make it, together.
That guy's a genius, no less
Presumably they could change the server-side code to simply reject any answer submitted after the closure. Since they have not done this, I guess they consider the grace period more beneficial than harmful
The hackers must have less of a bad impact on the site than the spotty connection users have a good impact.
@shad0w_wa1k3r wat
That's HNQ for you, can't help
that's why the knee-jerk quick reactions from SO staff.
the point is that: these are question titles, and perfectly reasonable
exactly, but that's going to go to a discussion level the way even Reddit handles their stuff
And, that's exactly why non-staff people feel the way they feel...
can't even imagine being astroHDE and feeling what he might be feeling
for all these there are perfectly good answers, and that Kelly is just a big time troll.
hehe wayne following
My hands smell like kohlrabi. Hardly surprising since I've just peeled two large pieces, but it's been ~20 years since I last touched the plant
it is good as raw in thai/viet-style salads
better than green papaya imo
@AndrasDeak Interesting read, but that guy's too soft. We don't need a SO that's friendlier to newbies, we need a SO that's friendly to newbies and another SO that's high-quality Q&A. The current SO is neither.
> We've seen this for Math vs. MathOverflow, English vs. English Learners, Unix vs. Ubuntu... perhaps it's time for a more beginner focused Stack Overflow where duplicates are less frowned upon, and conversational rules are a bit more lenient?
@Aran-Fey SO would be so much better today if "that guy" were still in charge
or even if Joel was actually like around...
The reason why I referred to that guy as "that guy" is because he's tweeted some ugly things too
NSFW language, but I'd expect that post to have many sympathizers, even in this room
Hi I was trying to print the index of each of the maximum probability of the probability
Array, While Executing the following code I get the error

" The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()"

for prob_ in prob:

where the prob is an array
If you want to use proper syntax highlighting, you need to put your code in a separate message, and then use the formatting
@vaultah yes...
@vaultah though the proper noun should start with a different letter that is the Latin lookalike for the cyrillic R ;)
@vaultah As a country (& the people), no. As for the govt there, most likely.
Russia is a country
@AnttiHaapala Россия
With people
You can't mix code and non-code in the same message
@shad0w_wa1k3r latin lookalike for the cyrillic R
This particular problem doesn't really require perfect code formatting anyway, since we can tell from context that line 2 should be indented inside line 1
@AkhilAlexander please ;)
@vaultah I get it, but it can be easily mixed depending on the context. If it's just that tweet, I would like to give some benefit of the doubt to codinghorror (since it's twitter, you don't usually think about your tweet as much, I don't)
@AnttiHaapala ooh, thanks, didn't know that. Don't know what I expected actually, in hindsight.
@shad0w_wa1k3r I would have no problem with that if he said "Russian government". Guess that doesn't sound as punchy.
I may have an obvious liking bias here contributing to the leniency :-p
@AkhilAlexander any reason why you didn't reply to my reply to your exact same question from earlier?
@AndrasDeak either way it shows the same error 1.prob_.index(max_prob) 2.prob.index(max(prob_))?
@AkhilAlexander so...are you sure prob is an array? Numpy arrays don't have a .index method.
And, again, are you sure the error is coming from that part of the code?
[need for MCVE intensifies]
prob is a nested list of arrays something lik this
[[array([0.16 , 0.032, 0.028, 0.608, 0.06 , 0.028, 0.084])], [array([0.116, 0.032, 0.668, 0.02 , 0.096, 0.028, 0.04 ])]]
>>> a = np.array([1,2])
>>> [a].index(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
what index does is it tries to do for elem in lst: if elem==arg
but np.array([1,2]) == 1 is an array of bools which you can't coerce into a scalar result
that's why you get the error
Your code is broken so you have to explain what you're trying to do so we can help you fix it.
I was using RF for face recognition,I just find probability for each encodings
for encoding in encodings:

that's not an answer to "what you're trying to do"
Talk English to me. You have a list of arrays, and you want to do something with the maximum of each.
and took maximum from the encodinigs
for prob_ in prob:
    maxmm=[max(s) for s in prob_]
finelly find the index of the maximum from clf.classes_
prob_ outside the for loop is wrong
that was actually inside
Showing us more broken code won't get us anywhere. Can you show us what your input data looks like and what the desired output is?
[Need for MCVE, eyes glowing red: "I am growing stronger"]
@AkhilAlexander we've been walking in circles for a few screenfuls of messages today. Please step back a bit, take your time, and put together a proper minimal example of what you're trying to do. The ominous MCVE the others were talking about. At this point we're just wasting each other's time.
@Aran-Fey He's doing face recognition, so the data is going to be large...
also read the formatting FAQ Kevin linked and practice in the sandbox
I guess it's too much to ask to reduce the problem to something that doesn't require faces as input?
How much data could it be? The average face only has, like, six things on it.
@Aran-Fey no
How much could a banana cost, Micheal? Ten dollars?
must be a premium banana :D
the problem at hand can be reduced to 1. a list with two numpy arrays inside, 2 items each, and 2. a clf.classes_ with two elements, whatever that is
\o cbg
Anyone try to python -m pip install -U python yet to upgrade to 3.7.1?
@AndrasDeak ok let me quiet for sometime
we'll be here :)
@MooingRawr Oh yes, very hot consumer item, are bananas. There's always money in the banana stand. <wink>
:fingerGuns: ayeee :D
[Paper bag labeled "Arrested Development meme, do not eat"]
[looks inside]
"I don't know what I expected"
Thanks :thumbsup:
@AnttiHaapala They are. I actually read the question about the flirting students. The question itself was perfectly reasonable, not sexist, and answered in a reasonable and mature fashion, IMHO. Some of the advice given may have been a little unrealistic, or sub-optimal, but hey, the people answering are amateurs, not professionals in adolescent psychology, and the quality of the answers is what you'd expect from intelligent articulate parents.
> Some of the advice given may have been a little unrealistic, or sub-optimal,
every IPS post ever ^
Am I right or wrong to close this as a dup? stackoverflow.com/questions/52930961/…
i asked using lambda! Whats appropriate or not isnt for you to decide!
What's the welcoming way of saying "Nobody gives a yam about your silly arbitrary requirements"?
> While your input is appreciated, I don't think it is the right time to include this for the time being.
I'm typically content to accommodate silly arbitrary requirements, although trying to pull rank on commenters isn't the best way to achieve their goal
@jpp They deleted the question
@MooingRawr, Good result
Problem solved itself :D
> I read what you wrote. No.
nvm OP deleted and asked the same question : stackoverflow.com/questions/52931150/…
@idjaw Saying "Your input is appreciated" to an OP has a certain amount of sass to it. I like it.
@jpp That sounds like they believe lambda does something magical.
@Aran-Fey lol. I actually provided that thinking it was within context of a pull request.
Yep, it might sound like some Greek wizardry
Wait, it is Greek
As an OP response....haha waiting for the flags to come.
Don't worry, this is a good way for OP to get himself question-banned
deleting lots of their own downvoting questions won't help them
If lambda is a necessity (let's pretend it is) onus is on OP to explain why. Otherwise, IMO it's unclear. But still doesn't merit re-opening.
OP has a stray '\' character in the lambda - close as typo
While I appreciate when an OP justifies their weird requirements, I feel that it is not strictly necessary in order to have a good question.
@Kevin, Hmm, I always thought requirements need explaining. So a bit different to "do my assignment, here are my requirements" but closer to "I tried this way because X". But feel free to reopen if you think you can help this guy.
Back when "too narrow" was a valid close reason, it would be beneficial for OP to explain how their problem could possibly occur to other people, but the sun has set on that age.
"for the love of lambda"
None of this is terribly related to whether this specific question is any good. I barely looked at it :-P
@AndrasDeak been there done that
Seriously, the [python] tag has recently become a haven for lambda-lovers.
"Can I perhaps do this with lambda?"
I'd love if it lambda had to be imported, get rid of this wizardry misconception.
@jpp what's a lambda
@jpp the answer to everything always is
yes you can do this with a lambda
As a python user who's perfectly capable of using lambdas responsibly, I very much like not having to import them, thank you very much
@AnttiHaapala, Haha, yes, and then the next question will be... I can do this lambda, wow, show me! show me!
(lambda: exec(the_program))()
The best kind of correct
@jpp tell them "I've programmed this on a computer => Church-Turing thesis => QED"
Hahah, 3 downvotes in < 1 minute from this dude
The mind boggles why he thinks this will help him get an answer
I don't think petty people's decisions are motivated by a whole lot of thought
@Aran-Fey, Possibly. I just wish all that energy was used more constructively. Like improving the question.
To me, that backslash in the OP's lambda is a symptom that he's a cargo-culter, making minor modifications to code that he doesn't really understand. He put the backslash in there because it was in some code he copied & pasted. He wants to use a lambda because it's a magic incantation.
Yeah, I was responding to the error message he was getting, didn't read that really all he wanted to store in those cells was 'A' or 'B', which is what the lambda would evaluate to. Just wrap it in ()'s and call it, and his problem would be "fixed", but definitely in a cargo-culty way
Anyone familiar with machine learning? I know nothing about ML but I want to try my hand at something that gets an image as input and produces a different image as output, and I'm having trouble figuring out what the correct algorithm for that would be. My guess is that I need a neural network?
depends on what the output image is
you don't need a neural network to create a blank or random output, for instance
Assume I have a bunch of input images and corresponding output images to train it with
then probably yes
Do you want it to choose from the possible outputs? Because then you're facing "classification"
(heads-up: I don't know machine learning and I will have to go soon anyway)
No, not classification. Each input image has exactly 1 corresponding output image, and the AI is supposed to generate something similar to the desired output
I see.
I'll look into NNs, thanks
in principle you could do naive interpolation and probably other non-NN solutions, but I'd expect a problem like yours to need something very complicated
training with 20 pictures of pugs you probably don't want to end up with a brown mush, you want a 21th weird artificial pug
@Aran-Fey Are you making crypto kitties?
I had to look up what that is, and now I'm trying very hard to act like I'm not surprised that that's a thing
apparently they are worth a lot of money
But no, I'm not making collectible kittens
What's a good high-profile example of a successful machine learning project? Is there anything more interesting than "Netflix / Amazon / Google's recommendation engine"?
I want, like, a robot that swims through the ocean picking up trash, using ML to distinguish plastic from seaweed
Hmm, hard to strike a balance between "profitable enough to be worth developing" and "more interesting than a tool which makes our product 1% more appealing"
@Aran-Fey Nothing on this blog that I've read to date solves your issue but this is a fantastic ML/image classification blog, IMO : pyimagesearch.com
Also, does anyone think it is possible to count the syllables in an English language sentence by simply counting vowels and characterizing their relationship to preceding or subsequent consonants?
I suspect there would be so many exceptions to the rule, that you may as well just manually construct a dictionary that maps every word to syllable count
I also suspect that some words' syllable count would vary based on region
LOL... that is very true. Or how pissed of one might be
Let's argue about how many syllables "hour" has
The massive number of exceptions makes me think it's impossible as well (at least with a simple algorithm)
@W.Dodge Unfortunately I don't know enough about ML to even know how to find any relevant articles there :D
@Aran-Fey Learning Image classification might be the first step to image simulation.
There must a ton of overlap there
Is there? I have no idea
I guess step 1 is to reduce the input image to a manageable amount of data
@W.Dodge No simple algorithm will give a syllable count of 2 for "Gloucester".
I would like an ML to drive a robot to pick all the cashews out of the mixed nuts.
What if we limited it to American English only? We have comparatively few place names in the style of "Worcestershire"
I wonder how many words' syllable counts you could get just by picking apart a corpus of literature with known line length, e.g. haiku or iambic pentameter
I wanted to use this to ask a fun algorithm question but it is too complex. My favorite questions on SO are language agnostic algorithm questions so I have been working on coming up with a good one.
It must seem complex on the surface with a beautifully simple answer. May never happen
@Kevin That should work pretty well. Linguists do poetry analysis to get an idea of pronunciation of ancient languages. Of course, there's room for error, but with a good network of cross-correlations you can be fairly confident of the sounds of the majority of words, especially those in frequent use.
Deriving the syllable count from a big collection of haikus is equivalent to solving a system of equations of the form a + b + c + d + ... = 5 (or 7), which doesn't seem too hard. The tricky part is if 1% of the haikus accidentally have incorrect syllable counts, then you have to assign confidence values to everything
You can get a pretty good r square I bet by just splitting the string into words and counting groups of vowels isolated by consonants
a + b + c + d + ... = 5 within a margin of error of 0.1
I'm curious as to whether there is a tractable solution in that case
99% of your data is still good, so you should be able to get pretty good results, in principle
A potential problem with using haikus is that they may include Japanese loan words like "sake".
Hmm, true. Come to think of it I wonder if there are any homograph pairs in non-loanword English that don't share syllable counts.
Skimming through en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_homographs I don't see any
Maybe en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heteronym_(linguistics) is a more fruitful list to examine. There's "blessed" although the two-syllable form isn't all that popular in ordinary speech
"crooked", "dogged", "learned", are in a similar boat... Ooh! "moped" is a good one.
I moped 'round the house because my moped was in the shop
Corner cases aside, I think I have to retract my statement that it isn't too hard to solve a system of equations composed only of variables adding up to numbers. Considering you might have ten thousand equations, you can't combine them in every possible permutation until you get an answer, and expect to get that answer before the sun explodes.
@Kevin "unionized", meaning in a (trade) union, or not ionized.
I'm pretty sure I learned in college how to do this in finite time, but it wasn't entirely trivial
"If only we were unionized", moped the repairmen, "then we could refuse to service a moped that runs on unionized fuel"
@PM2Ring Yep, that was it
I don't suppose there's a numpy function that will do it for me?
As usual, numpy provides me a fighter jet when all I want is a tricycle
@Kevin I don't think I've ever wanted a tricycle in a situation where a fighter jet wouldn't have been immeasurably better.
How about "conveying yourself to the other end of the block without having to worry about fuel-to-oxygen ratios"
@Kevin In that situation I would have a fighter jet, and wouldn't care about that anymore?
"I will fly away from this problem with my awesome fighter jet, and thus stop caring about it" works on many problems, but not all problems.
"Giving your very young child their first experience with independence" is a problem solvable with a tricycle, which you would not want to run away from with your fighter jet
Hey @piRSquared, did your SO swag come to you through Corporate Couture Inc?
yikes... I don't remember
@ThiefMaster Think I should just add itsdangerous.want_bytes as an import again to fix Flask-Session? It's not part of the public API, but it looks like Flask-Session isn't actively maintained, and it's importing it.
not a fan of people using unmaintained software for something as security-sensitive as sessions...
but i guess it's "nicer" to fix it
Yesterday I discovered that the recipe I've been using to cook eggs calls for 2 tsp of butter, when I've been using 2 tbsp. This is a problem. A delicious problem.
I discovered this before I added the butter, but I added 2 tbsp anyway because the butter wrapper doesn't have measurements for tsp, and I couldn't be bothered to look up the conversion rate
Google now tells me that it's 3:1. That sounds about right.
That's what you get for using a recipe to cook eggs
For a second I thought you were talking about hard-boiled eggs, and then...butter?
I suspect the average person does not consult a recipe to cook scrambled eggs, but because I am very special I cannot be expected to uphold those kinds of societal standards
we always use vegetable oil here, I wonder if that's a cultural thing
I only use butter
oil makes eggs taste less rich
Sometimes I use water
And is it butter butter or margarine?
I find scrambled eggs are fluffier when I add water, maybe a steam side effect?
Could easily be
Oh, a bit into the egg mixture, ok... I do a dab of milk
wisk the eggs in a bowl dont over do it and then add a splash of milk to tht then cook them
Milk maybe. Water?!
then ketchup and hot sauce :)
maybe melt some cheese in
and thus the Egg Wars began...
@vash_the_stampede whisking makes them dry
my grandma said
why vash why... think of all of the chefs in heaven looking down on you
with a fork not a wisk just mix lightly to get them consistent between the yolk and white
i have to have hot sauce on everything
ketchup on most, both on many
You need new taste buds ;)
scrambled =  eggs.split() + butter[:2] + ''.join(['hotsauce', 'ketchup'])
using wisk comprehension
Ketchup is a permissible egg condiment. I don't like hot sauce, so no comment on that.
@vash_the_stampede TypeError
cant concatenate string to list either :/
Ketchup is only good on a few things: burgers, fries, hotdog, americanized sweet and sour pork, but on eggs? blasphemy.
ketchup on perogies!
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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