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03:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

evening cabbage
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Morning cbg
1 hour later…
2 spaces for indent > 4 now fight me
4 tabs or go home
for line in inflie:
this fails if file has trailing newline charaters.
i want to ignore blank lines
i tried if if "\n" not in line: # but thats wrong
Is it? It doesn't look wrong
@coldspeed for HTML, sure
@kreesh in case you still haven't gotten a clear understanding, they are basically there to extract URLs from crawled pages and then apply follow (crawl the extracted URL) or parse (extract items from the parsed URL) rules as per given arguments.
It solves many use-cases, all the while being as generic as possible, hence very handy.
Hello guys
@pythonRcpp inflie isn't infile. And you should open files using with. Also, you are splitting the line but throwing away the result. The usual way to do this sort of thing is:
with open(somefile) as infile:
    for line in infile:
        # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        row = line.split(",")
        # Do stuff with the row data
@pythonRcpp Also consider using the standard csv module, rather than parsing the file manually.
for ignoring \n, if the list yielded for the line by the iterator is falsy, it was an empty line.
@AnttiHaapala But for line in infile: yields lines with the terminating \n, and '\n'.split(',') returns ['\n']
meant the "csv reader" iterator
Oh, ok. Yes, using a csv reader is the sensible way to do this. :)
cbg all
quick one: does anyone know (because I couldn't find any reference in the docs) if the lower level threading.Lock is compatible with the newer concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor? Or is there a newer one that one should use? (Maybe even the processing related one?)
i am trying to read multiple file as one file. like ./myscript.py file1 file2 file3 ..file n
I want to read each file line by line
for line in (concated file1 to file n)
loop over files and handle each as you would separately?
ok, taking all arguments in a list first filelist=sys.argv[1:]
thanks @PM2Ring I think i found a bug in fileinput
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():
if no argument is given it hangs
yes, you probably found a bug in python
:( sorry did i do something silly
@pythonRcpp "This iterates over the lines of all files listed in sys.argv[1:], defaulting to sys.stdin if the list is empty."
ohh.. thanks @IljaEverilä
Bugs in Python are rare, and bugs that nobody but you have noticed are even rarer. It's the kind of accusation you only make if you have a moderately sized mountain of evidence that it can't possibly be a problem on your end
But there's always that chance... CPython does have ~800 pull requests, so it does happen.
Hmm, can I reasonably expect a Raspberry Pi to support most popular third party Python libraries? I can answer concentric rings raspberry pi if I have access to PIL.
Oh well, I'll just answer anyway.
Time to update by the looks of it
Ooh, data classes look relevant to my interests.
My heart stopped briefly when I thought that "Time functions with nanosecond resolution" meant that time.time() would be changed so it returns an integer number of nanoseconds
Save that one for the next "let's break backwards compatibility" release
Ah bliss, it updated without any problems. :D
cbg \o
I suspect Naming and writing different files in a for loop (python) intentionally removed information from their stack trace, and it's rustling my jimmies
Cue "sorry, I can't tell you the value of owner because it's private data" in 3, 2, ...
Cabbage for Jimmy!
@Simon Well, that's usually the lesser of the concerns :-p (updating existing projects is, if required)
10,000 Jameses march on Washington in protest of unfair rustling-related discrimination
"You never see a Ted getting rustled", says local Jimmy
Wild guess #2: owner is an empty string
My previous message is in regard to the question I linked 8 messages above
I mean I don't get what would be a problem with 'com_.gexf' as a filename.
Errata: owner is a magical negative length string for which 'com_{}.gexf'.format(owner) equals an empty string
I keep forgetting that he's not just doing open(owner, "x")
@Kevin: you almost sniped me there but I'm pretty sure I can't make that happen.
Ha, I was going to formally declare a nerd snipe but I decided not to because I'm also pretty sure of that.
Unless "construct a __repr__ that reaches up through the call stack and recompiles str.format's byte code so it returns a value of your choice" is viable but I doubt it
Most likely it's an indentation error.
(formatting hint: try ctrl-k to get monospace font in chat)
how I am supposed to type multiline code in chat?
Consult sopython.com/wiki/… for more information on formatting
    def readServerResposeFromUser():
        print("Type <<end>> if done")
        serverResponse = ""
        while True:
            serverResponse = input()
            if "<<end>>" in serverResponse:
        return serverResponse

Hey guys eclipse says `Encountered "" at line 22, column 1. Was expecting:     "<INDENT>" ...   ` on `def`
whats wrong here? python noob  :\
damn cant have code and normal text together?
If only you'd read the page Kevin linked.
> Indenting only the lines of your message that you intend to be code. This does not work. Every line must be indented; you can’t mix plaintext and code in a multi-line message.
corporate proxy blocked that link xD X(
@Kevin great thanks
Your code* parses OK on my machine.
(*or rather, the version of your code prior to your last edit, where all the lines had four fewer spaces of indentation)
Possibly the problem is actually occurring on a line higher up in your program.
Like, if you had code like:
if True:

def x():
Then Python would complain of an error on line 3, when really the problem is on lines 1 and/or 2 because there's no body for the conditional
Incidentally it's oddly gratifying that sopython is popular enough to warrant being blacklisted by corporate web filters
don't tell me it's just because it's not on the corporate whitelist. Let me live in my bubble of lies
@Mahesha999 Definitely scroll up and verify that the earlier code is correct
Why would anyone purposely block sopython?
Post it here if you want an extra pair of eyes
@Aran-Fey Our spoiler page counts as encryption software, so it's constrained by import-export laws ;-)
We don't want foreign parties getting ahold of our unbreakable ROT13 system
@Aran-Fey leave it, our admin department have lots of free time, so they keep tinkering up proxy block list and analyse optimum bandwidth usage x(
@Kevin which ealier code? The whole file has two errors both reported on def of that method, line 22
@Mahesha999 The code between line 1 and line 21
something fishy
there was body-less if above in the code...I forgot it in the flow of writing the code xD very very sorry
sincere apologies :D
The line number reported by a SyntaxError is quite often different from the line that actually needs to be changed. Happens all the time.
@Kevin but that weird honestly...
is it issue with eclipse? other IDEs do the same?
great new thing learn in python :'p but not recalling experiencing this earlier...
It's a necessary evil in order to facilitate nice features like "line continuation" and "allowing arbitrary lines of empty whitespace between lines of actual code"
@Kevin: your psychic powers are at full strength today (re: comment on the Q from earlier.)
@Kevin any link elaborating the same in detail?
Hmm, I'm not aware of any page that goes into more detail.
It would be nice to have one.
hmm..it might have something more to it, if it is indeed that necessary
For example, the following is legal syntax:
if True:
    #100 lines of empty space here
When the parser reads the file, it proceeds all the way to line 102 before it can determine whether the conditional has a body. The parser doesn't back up, so if I replaced print("coconuts") with a line that has no indentation, then the parser isn't allowed to backtrack to line 1 and say "hey, the conditional at line 1 expects an indented line"
The best it can do is say "I'm at line 102 and I expected an indented line"
I wonder how hard it would be to provide more useful line numbers. Since it hasn't been implemented by now, I'm going to guess "really hard"
nice explanation :D
The only problem with my explanation is: I don't know if it's actually true
Randomly googling through the dev mailing list, I get the impression that we should be thankful that we even have the "encountered X, expected Y" portion of the exception message
From my own experiences writing KevinScript's parser, I can tell you that you don't get that level of clarity with zero effort
With zero effort you get "shift reduce conflict at token 2342"
c++ has my favorite awful error messages
I admire mankind's ability to find fun everywhere, including in compiler errors
I'm like legitimately wistful looking at this page
Has it been raised that the new layout has done some serious damage to the comments box so that I can only see one line in chrome on mobile?
Hey guys! I wanted to play around with the just released Python 3.7
Whats the best way to get this installed on my mint box?
I expect Chrome on mobile is sufficiently popular that other people have complained about it, if they are also experiencing the problem
Can't seem to find it on apt yet, obviously
You can compile it yourself
As an ignorant Windows user, I download an installer from python.org/downloads.
The "Looking for Python with a different OS?" Linux link just goes to the source code page, so what vaultah said I guess
Yeah that what I assumed. I don't have too much experience compiling from source but I guess nows a better time than ever.
I was just hoping there would be an easier way, but I doesn't make sense for there to be one day after release I guess :)
I'm a little surprised there isn't, actually. They made a Windows installer, so why couldn't they have made a Linux installer also?
In a perfect world their deployment process would have an automatic "make target for apt get" step
Yeah, but I had to buy this mobile in Thailand on a snap decision after I got robbed, so it isn't really a good model to raise the issue. I'm torn between it being my phone just being terrible or an actual issue :)
Certainly, I can't even see the placeholder text for the comment box
And now I'm reading the source readme and it looks like it will override the python3 command, so I'm worried that if I install it, it may mess some stuff up. I guess as long as I'm using venvs I can still point them to the 3.6 binary if I need?
Well, I see 1 line of it
Anyone install this on their own linux box yet?
I just built it, for entertainment's sake. Worked okay.
The only confirmed installation we have so far is Simon's:
2 hours ago, by Simon
Ah bliss, it updated without any problems. :D
Unclear whether he's on Linux.
(36) dsm@winter:~/sys/Python-3.7.0$ ./python
Python 3.7.0 (default, Jun 28 2018, 10:54:57)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> breakpoint()
> <stdin>(1)<module>()->None
(Pdb) quit()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/dsm/sys/Python-3.7.0/Lib/bdb.py", line 92, in trace_dispatch
    return self.dispatch_return(frame, arg)
  File "/home/dsm/sys/Python-3.7.0/Lib/bdb.py", line 154, in dispatch_return
@DSM did you follow the build instructions in thje Readme?
can you still access python3.6 from the CLI?
@Jfach: yes, because I only built it locally. I don't mess with system-level programs.
What do you mean by locally? Anywho, I'm going to just give this the old college try :)
Local meaning local-to-the-user directory, e.g. my home directory. I keep a directory "sys" in my home directory where I put stuff like this.
I gotcha
list(map(float, x)) or [float(e) for e in x]?
1: download the python repo: `git clone https://github.com/python/cpython.git`
2: check out the commit you want: `git checkout v3.7.0`
3: follow the build instructions https://github.com/python/cpython/tree/3.7#build-instructions
3a: to not mess with system python, that would be `cd cpython; ./configure /user/workspace/my_local_python_versions; make; make install`
pretend multiline formatting worked
i forgot it during my holidays
[float(e) for e in x] seems to be almost twice as fast
I would use map(float, x) occasionally, when I'm okay with getting an iterator
You say "almost twice as fast", when I'd tend to say "only" twice as fast.. it's hard for me to get worked up about such minor improvements in parts of the code which are almost never dominant for me.
I'm slowly gravitating towards the point where I only use map if I don't have to call list() on it
IMO it's just always nice to know the better way to do things, even if the improvement is small, so it doesn't come back to bite me if I call list(map(float, x)) when x is 10M elements
morning cabbage
"better" != "faster", though. In this case it's hard for me to care either way, but in other cases I've seen people put something into a listcomp for "speed" reasons when it's a marginal improvement at best in speed and a substantial decrease in in readability.
You still ought to look at the larger context of the program to determine if the difference is significant even at the millions-of-elements scale. For example, if you're reading those elements from a file, then the I/O involved might swamp any gains from switching to/from map()
Woo-hoo! I'm on 3.7 now :)
@DSM for a second there I thought you were saying listcomps are less readable than map
ended up needing to install libffi-dev, which I could have sworn I've had, but nonetheless all good now
Saving a minute of runtime is less useful if doing so reduces the runtime from 100.1 hours to 100.0 hours
I think that [float(e) for e in x] is just better in this case (provided you actually need a list), seems faster and more readable
And sure, but most of the time for me reducing something from 1:06 to 1:00 is significant enough for me to care
That performance difference is largely an implementation detail, I think. You shouldn't expect it to remain the same in future CPython versions
>>> timeit.timeit('list(map(float, a))', globals=globals())
>>> timeit.timeit('[float(x) for x in a]', globals=globals())
This is CPython 3.8.0a0
@MoxieBall: if you care about a 6% difference in runtime, why are you using Python? Lots of languages are much faster. Even within Python, if speed matters, you want to be using a numpy ndarray and not a list. Etc.
I don't want to say that performance doesn't matter, of course -- I spend a fair bit of my time optimizing code, after all :-) -- only that it should be put in the right context.
The only optimizing I do is the optimization of my arguments about why it's not worth my time to optimize
@DSM yeah, I know all of these things. The project I'm working on has to be in python (it's a messy open-source thing, I'm just manipulating it), involves a lot of lists, and is req/rep-based so even 9 seconds is much better than 10 seconds
and @vaultah I think the first tests I did, I used a lambda in map and not in the list comp, which probably threw off my timing juuust a bit
@MoxieBall: I still find it hard to believe it matters. Are you converting strings to floats? Ints to floats? Something else?
@DSM My question was very much purposefully out of context, it's not related to a particular thing I'm doing right now. Just curiosity, as this could likely come up (not on the magnitude of 10,000,000 things, maybe more like a couple thousand) and the conversion time would be important. And, there's probably a couple places in the code now where we'd see a performance increase from some similar refactoring
Good luck to you, I guess; this level of microoptimization seems like a phase that everyone goes through, but YMMV.
In itself, I don't object to allocating a bit of brainspace for the knowledge that approach X is Y% faster than approach Z.
As long as you also possess the knowledge of "in which circumstances it's useful to apply that knowledge"
I'm just an intern here, if it were up to me we wouldn't be doing this particular thing in python at all
but the hole is too deep at this point for it to be a remotely good idea to switch
@MoxieBall I converted my Cheney card trick C code to Python: gist.github.com/PM2Ring/5fb5e78846c8e5c47ca1762fc3f9975d There's room for further improvements, but I wanted to keep the code fairly readable. FWIW, with this algorithm, 5 "cards" (4 shown, 1 hidden) can handle a deck of 124 cards, although the algorithm is a little harder then the simpler version you were discussing the other day for a normal deck of cards.
And on top of that, there's things in the code like BadClass(None,None).not_classmethod that really should be a classmethod
@PM2Ring yeah I think that 124 cards and having to do that in my head would make it a much more difficult bar trick, but the payoff is that people think you're a wizard. love it
Speaking of micro-optimizations, the rank and unrank functions in that code, which use "factorial base" notation, are O(n²). It's possible to rank & unrank simple permutations of range(n) in O(n), using an algorithm by Myrvold and Ruskey. Unfortunately, their rank algorithm doesn't work on other permutations, so you need to give it a list of the indices of the permutation's items (and its inverse permutation). And AFAIK, the fastest way to do that is O(n log n).
# Find the inverse of the permutation indices, then invert that to
# get the permutation indices themselves.
def idx_inv(seq, ig1=itemgetter(1)):
    inv = [u[0] for u in sorted(enumerate(seq), key=ig1)]
    idx = invert(inv)
    return idx, inv
def invert(idx):
    iseq = [0] * len(idx)
    for i, u in enumerate(idx):
        iseq[u] = i
    return iseq
Sorry, I forgot that version doesn't inline the inversion calculation. :) If anyone can think of a better way to do this, even if it's not O(n), I'd be very grateful. :)
@shad0w_wa1k3r for python as well :p
7 PM lunchtime cbg
cbg, that's a late lunch
^ cbg @AndrasDeak
I had breakfast at 3 PM, because that is when I woke up today
@roganjosh "the new layout has done some serious damage to the comments box" I've been using the Samsung browser on my phone for the last couple of weeks and it also started doing that with the comment box a day so ago. It's extremely annoying, but if you zoom in on the comment box you can see a tiny expander widget under a slider widget on the right side.
If you grab the expander just right, you can expand the comment box, but take care that you expand it downwards, and not sideways. If you're not careful, you'll just drag the window.
Anybody know of a graph database with solid Python support? (not crazy about neo4j)
follow-up: how poor of a decision would it be to use a traditional NoSQL DB if I know I'll be dealing with heavily connected data with Python?
@PM2Ring such a super-simple fix but I'm not sure I feel bad for not seeing it because that icon is super tiny. Thanks :)
cbg, Olivier
is this question too broad for an answer? stackoverflow.com/questions/51085128/…
@MoxieBall Just curious, did you figure out or look up the ant puzzle?
@MoxieBall yeah, had a busy day and couldn't squeeze in lunch
@MooingRawr I've seen similar question being well-received an answered. I don't get the high downvote response
The original text of stackoverflow.com/questions/51088195/… had the description of the problem copy-pasted three times, with an apology for doing so. I thought this might be a way to circumvent post quality filters that were watching for unbalanced text/code ratios. I was able to edit out the copy-pasted duplicates without any problems. Does this mean the quality filters apply differently between OPs and editors?
@MooingRawr no effort whatsoever
@OlivierMelançon My first guess was right, but I couldn't have proved it to you, that part I had to look up.
I generally flag these as too broad but when I got to this question there was already quite a bit of comments with no flagging what's so ever. Was curious.
@Kevin Could be. Newbies can't inline images, but higher rep users can convert the newbie's links to inlined images.
and of course it's that same person who is enabling these types of questions :\
cbg guys I am writing my first module
oh well... I guess I'll just keep flagging them and moving on
@MoxieBall Amazing how a slight change of angle makes the proof almost trivial, don't you find?
But I cannot get how to import modules correctly. Is it okay to ask for some quick help here?
@MooingRawr *voting, you're all grown up now :P
:\ potato potato :D
@MeetTaraviya Sure, proceed
And yes, replicating the question body to get around the filters is not a new trick. My immediate response to such questions is to post a stern comment telling them not to do that. As you might guess, I've never seen a good question that uses that trick.
@OlivierMelançon yeah, it makes so much sense after you read it but that's not the angle I approached it with
Don't feel bad, it took me something like 2 weeks of having it in the back of my mind to figure it out
I've tried stern comments in the past, but users that try to game the system like this don't seem too likely to comply with my pleas to play fair
There's a similar approach-angle that makes the airplane seating problem trivial
@OlivierMelançon did you see my submission? :P
Thanks @Kevin
find gives the following output, all init are empty:-
@AndrasDeak Yes! that's the beauty of the problem, good job for figuring it out!
Thanks. Though I'd be a crappy physicist if I couldn't solve that
Suppose I want to import dfa.dfa.DFA from nfa.nfa.NFA without changing directory (aking it work regardless of $PWD) how should I import?
What's this ant puzzle we're talking about?
^ that. I wa trying to get some history on it before I asked.
yesterday, by Olivier Melançon
My favorite puzzle is the ant one: "One hundred ants are dropped on a meter stick. Each ant is traveling either to the left or the right with constant speed 1 meter per minute. When two ants meet, they bounce off each other and reverse direction. When an ant reaches an end of the stick, it falls off. Of all starting configurations, what is the longest it can take for the ants to all leave the stick?"
Don't read the transcript because I didn't spoilerize my solution
Ah, I've heard that one before.
Unfortunately I remember the answer :-(
The airplane one, if you need additional puzzles:
N people are getting onto an airplane with N seats, one at a time. The first person has lost their ticket and sits in a random seat. Everyone else has their ticket, and sits in their seat if it is open. Otherwise, they sit in a random seat. What is the probability that the last person who gets on sits in their assigned seat?
More puzzles please, I love those!
@MeetTaraviya from ...nfa.nfa import NFA give or take a few dots?
I've heard this one, too. Except it was seats for the Opera, and the king arrives last
The king beheads everyone and has 100% chance of getting the seat
Or nfa<->dfa switch if you want it the other way around
@AndrasDeak Tried that already, with 0,1,2,3 dots !
Hehe :)
How can we add a weather embedeed from a url (widget weather)?
@OlivierMelançon I love those sorts of problems. But you shouldn't feel bad if you don't think of the slight change of angle. Even certified geniuses can overlook the simple solutions. See the Two Trains Puzzle for an example involving John von Neumann.
@MeetTaraviya Hmm. I usually try to keep my project flat so I don't have to worry about this kind of thing. I think the last time I had a problem like this, I installed the project as a package, at which point I could do import myproject.dfa.dfa from any directory on the machine, including directories inside myproject.
Also @Meet try the utility tree, I love it for this use case in favour of find
@PM2Ring Yes, I've seen that one too. It was two trucks and a seagull though. It's another good one
For example for embedded video, it is possible to add canvas without html tag but with url only
@Kevin I too keep my projects flat, but this time I thought of doing something fancy, to keep in guidelines with the repo I am contributing to
@OlivierMelançon In case you missed it, I posted some code related to that card trick you were discussing the other day: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/43076884#43076884
@AndrasDeak I know about it, but I prefer using side panel of IDE
OK :)
@Ctrl Is this related to Python? It sounds like a JavaScript question.
Yes for django
My team developed a widget connector take a url and display the embedded of this url
And from admin interface, we can easy create page for a site
Reminds me of another ant-based puzzle that's something like: an ant stands at one end of a rubber rope which is one meter long and infinitely elastic. The rope begins to stretch, increasing in length by one meter per second. Simultaneously, the ant begins walking along the rope at one centimeter per second. Does the ant ever reach the other end?
That's a hard one, needs an ODE
To add video, twitter, weather, news....
@PM2Ring Yes, it's very interesting I had time to toy with it a bit
In what context did you implement that?
The snarky answer is "yes, because riddles of this form are always solved in the most surprising way, and the lay person would expect the answer to be 'no'"
Used to be an exercise in our experimental physics 101 class
Riddles that are not surprising do not spread memetically long enough to be asked more than once.
We don't do that anymore because it's too difficult
I assume the rope stretches uniformly?
@OlivierMelançon I read about the card trick in a New Scientist article. I think it mentioned that checksum algorithm, but it was 15 years ago, and my memory is a little hazy. :)
The Wikipedia article for the puzzle says that you're allowed to assume that the rope instantaneously stretches at the end of every second, rather than stretching continuously over time, if that makes it easier
an airplane is on a treadmill...
The ant/rope problem is interesting but "everyday" reality can also be pretty cool. Have you seen the slinkies released from tower blocks?
Web embedded in automotive
I made a dumb mistake in my original Python conversion of cheney_decode, in the # Adjust the value to skip over shown cards section. Originally, I did value += sum(u <= value for u in sorted(cards)). It took my a while to realize that was wrong. :)
best configuration is this one
@OlivierMelançon view spoiler
Neat! Right, I should try not to spoil
How do you generate those spoiler pages?
@roganjosh yeah that's cool, but have you ever put a slinky up to your ear and heard the lasers?
Those interested in spoiling themselves may refer to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant_on_a_rubber_rope which contains much text and latin characters in confusing arrangements
@OlivierMelançon You can use the form at sopython.com/spoiler, and also there's a userscript that embeds the functionality straight in the chat window
[the story of] Python 3 [adoption] at facebook: lwn.net/SubscriberLink/758159/f1f631e1535ab9d6
@MoxieBall no, I can't say I've done that, and slinkies with lazers sounds like a recipe for disaster
disaster fun
Sorry, Just Eat has frozen on my phone and it's now my highest priority. I'm notable to get my pizza.
not able* or notable. I guess both work.
Interpreting "notable" as "able to be noted" or "able to be messaged", then the last sentence might mean "I am able to be informed by my phone that it's time to get my pizza", which is the opposite of the intended meaning
Yeah, but I've now fixed the problem and pizza is on its way, so the distinction has no consequence now :)
Pointless analysis is my favorite kind of analysis.
Admirable. I like frames too!
hey guys. I am wrapping over different libraries across a common interface. I want to deprecate the original class name(use an alias), and use the common-interface-convention as the actual class. Is there a way to do this?
something like:
@deprecated(details='deprecated. Use B instead')
class A(B):
is that a good idea or should I alias it using something else?
I know I've seen a decorator which does that before. Check on pypi.
@DSM I have too, and that's what I'm referencing. I didn't really mean to ask about how to perform deprecation
I am asking whether the inheritance pattern here is appropriate for deprecation
or if another approach to alias the class is preferred
Anyone else having issues accessing main?
@OneRaynyDay: gotcha. In that case I'm not sure. :-)
@user3483203: yep.
@user3483203 yep
It works (intermittently) for me
@user3483203 yep!
@DSM aw. ok :-(
@OneRaynyDay If some part of the code is ever to rely on the type of thoses instances, it may cause minor annoyance, so I would look for something else if possible
But if everyone uses isinstance correctly everywhere, this should be fine
Ah gotcha. That could work too.
Wait no it does not :p
Favourite music at the moment: soundcloud.com/msmsmsm/is-it-cold-in-the-water
@OneRaynyDay I think this offers the best solution: stackoverflow.com/a/9008509/5079316
Anyone else having extreme speed issues with SE?
@JBis Yes, a few people here mentionned it in the last minutes
Developer productivity across the world drops to an all time low
Ok at least its not just me.
@user3483203 Yup...
No worries, we can exchange puzzles in the chat
@vaultah surreal
And number of keyboards smashed are at an all time high
Ok thanks for the help
and go Python!!!
If I had to listen to only one song forever it would probably be this
@vaultah I expected the lyrics to go "yes" all the way through, I like a surprise :p
I actually listen to Disney music when coding...
Okay @OlivierMelançon, I might need to subclass things so I will not use the function
everyone has their own fix
I will do the inheritance pattern just to ensure isinstance works
to clarify, you want a warning at A.__init__ time?
I can put the deprecation decorator on the __init__ function
and if I want to get extra schwifty then I was thinking of making a decorator on top of B that will generate A in the namespace somehow
something like:
class B:
    # ...
That's doable, but will be a bit hacky, in particular, it will break any name lookup of you IDE
I won't be developing in A, I'll be developing with all references to B.
Unless you need to use it > 3 times, I would just write this manually in the __init__.
I don't think I get any points for predicting indentation error, unfort..
@wim About 6 times.
would this be an appropriate situation to override __new__ and just return an instance of B?
with a deprecation warning, ofc
Is that just because it's always a bad idea to have __new__ return an instance of a different class?
unclear, no effort, low reps are guessing at answers... stackoverflow.com/questions/51089215/…
Ah, and every answer is a near copy of my comments
None of them do him any good if he hasn't parsed the csv... so until he edits people have to guess/assume
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