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@coldspeed hello thicc boi
how r u doin sir
Apr 21 at 21:57, by Andras Deak
Apr 6 at 0:43, by Andras Deak
and dropping the textspk
Rbrb all.
Did the questions page UI also change for you guys?
I find it rather clumsy and cluttered.
7 hours ago, by MooingRawr
woah SO has a new look again...
Really annoying, isn't it?
Also see meta.stackexchange.com/questions/310908/… And there are a bunch of questions / complaints on SO Meta
@AndrasDeak just wanted to reciprocate the favor
I haven't seen it on the desktop yet, but it's ok on my phone
I can't even
I'm suddenly inspired to work on rabbit
The mobile site is a little more compact, but it has a few annoying deficiencies, and the full site is now much more usable on the phone.
@PM2Ring you can also disable responsiveness on the full site, in which case you'd get the full experience if you want that for some reason
Wonderful for those that use it on a phone!
I found the "whole page complete with community bulletin stuffed into a column" experience off-putting
too bad crucial information keeps missing from the mobile site
@AndrasDeak I'm not game to try that on the phone. :)
you're missing out ;) Well maybe not that much...
@AndrasDeak The two main annoying omission for me are the linked questions, and no "last seen" info in the profile. Sure, last seen isn't very accurate, but it's better than nothing when you're wondering if an OP of a new question is hanging around.
Yup, I miss last seen a lot. Also some chat features, even with the new chat beta.
for instance you can only move messages one by one, even if you have shift and ctrl
There's a new chat beta? Intetesting! Not being able to reply from the chat transcripts is really annoying. I hope that gets fixed.
nope, transcript is the same old passive thing
also no way to look at the info page of a room from outside as far as I can tell
once you're in it's hidden behind a hamburger menu
@AndrasDeak That's ridiculous.
I think that's more of a bug than a feature. There's no move button in the mobile view, so this is about the behaviour of the full site on mobile :D
at least there's a reliable kick button
@BOi insane stalking skills manG
@coldspeed not that insane. just clicked on his name and searched for some "textspk" words. Couldn't believe how many of them I saw. Irony is pretty strong here on SO. :)
@BOi Let's put things into perspective. You went digging through 8 months worth of transcripts and found 5 comments. You've been active (on this account at least) for a handful of months
I think it's safe to say your frame of reference is skewed
to be fair I've agreed to ignore alleged previous accounts of BOi, mostly because their current behaviour alone is always enough to handle anything
@AndrasDeak for the sake of sanity you should probably trash a few comments, starting from here
I'm not sure about that. There are only a few annoying messages, but I'd then have to trash the "dirt" they dug up on me which would 1. make it seem as if I had anything to hide, and 2. make this frankly amusing ordeal disappear
if other room owners will want to clean up I won't object
fair enough, although I was lowkey surprised to find a couple f-bombs sprinkled in there :P
@coldspeed I was warned about language here sometime around mid 2017
in my natural habitat I swear a lot
Happy Python Evening!
@coldspeed i'm generally nice here on this site. I ask my questions, thank everyone, and i leave. Sometimes I accidently use text language and this is because i'm used to texting and when i see a groupchat/chatroom, i can sometimes forget and my second nature takes over. And I'm sorry for that. All you have to do is just point it out and give a quick kind reminder. Something like "no textspeech please" is totally fine.
There is no need to link to my previous comments and accuse someone of being something called "TheOneWhoMade" when it's been clearly stated by that particular troll that we're not the same people and to leave me alone.
I rarely get on this site and I only come here to ask a question and leave. All I'm trying to say is that there is no reason to be rude. Anyway, y'all have a good night. cbg
also @coldspeed, you might want to look at this before you insist on "trashing a few comments". Thanks: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/42876012#42876012
@BOi yeah? what about it?
also not sure why you're preaching to me about your problems?
What's the consensus on removing tags from questions tagged Python 3.x as well as Python 2.7 that aren't version specific?
I understand tagging as one or the other, but if you tag as both it seems to defeat the point.
@user3483203 We don't exactly have an official policy, but you are correct, it's pointless to have both version tags. It's fine to remove them.
OTOH, it might be a good idea to leave the python-3.x tag if it's possible that code in answers may be version-specific.
We have over a million Python questions on the system, and most old generic questions are for Py2 but more recent ones are either version-agnostic or Py3. There are good reasons for that, but it can make things a little confusing for the newbies.
So I inherited this codebase and found this text file.
It's written in Java.
@SeanFrancisN.Ballais Why is this relevant to the Python room?
Sorry, just sharing.
Just baffled by this. :(
And maybe you guys had any similar experiences
You have my condolences. ;)
The previous developers hard coded the SQL queries. :(
Thank you, @PM2Ring. :(
Yikes that's painful to look at
Why did you inherit a school project though lol
@SeanFrancisN.Ballais Well, at least they aren't vulnerable to injection attacks. :)
It's not a school project. It's a management system that is used in my university. We're maintaining it in my internship.
@PM2Ring, that's something I can take comfort in. Haha!
Ah if it's college students I can relate. Never enough time to focus on security :)
Sigh. The original developers, if I remember correctly, were college students.
When I look back at most of the code I wrote in college I cringe. I'm sure I'll do the same with my current code in 5 years.
Haha! I guess that happens to all of us.
It still happens to me, and I've been coding since the early 1970s.
If your code from a year ago doesn't make you cringe you aren't learning fast enough.
Welp, you only have 46 odd years on me :P
@SeanFrancisN.Ballais unless that's a picture of open source software, you don't want to be posting pics of stuff like that here. Assuming your company made you sign an NDA, this is illegal
@PM2Ring thus putting a lower bound on your age ;) Mr PM 2Ring Sir.
@coldspeed Good point. It may not be covered by a NDA, but I'll move it anyway. I can't actually delete it, but we can get one of the mods to do that, if necessary.
thanks, sounds good
@coldspeed, thanks for the heads up!
Is there any reliable way to %timeit something that exhausts a generator?
rhbrb all
I wrote up yet another PEP-0263 answer stackoverflow.com/a/50829958/874188 but I guess there's probably a de facto canonical somewhere ... any pointers?
@tripleee Isn't UTF-8 the default in Py3? Can't reproduce said error other than with Py2.
@IljaEverilä it is indeed in 3.6 but I don't know if that's true for py3k generally ... hmmm
Since 3.3 it'd seem, at least when comparing docs.python.org/3.3/howto/unicode.html#the-string-type between versions.
@IljaEverilä good catch, I was just doing the same thing but only got to 3.4
Also, what version of Python are you using? UTF-8 is the default encoding for source files starting in 3.4. (Thanks @IljaEverilä) — tripleee 6 secs ago
Had the feeling that it had been the default since the beginning of 3 and PEP-3120 agrees.
yeah, that seems correct -- again I reached the same conclusion independently
Which is 10 years ago! How the time flies.
@TuukkaMustonen cbg
none of the sopython PEP-0263 questions were really about this specific problem; the one you linked to as similar could perhaps be a good canonical, although it too is marked as a duplicate
Might be that they're not an "exact" dupe, though. While the other asks in the body "How can I declare utf-8 strings in source code?" the other is very clearly about the syntax of the special comment.
So to me it seems that the answer you gave in this new question would've better fitted that old one as well, compared to the dupe target.
@tripleee Although both your suggested target & Ilja's have the correct answer I don't think those questions are good matches, since those OPs know they have to supply a correct coding directive, the new OP didn't realise that. I found this one, which you close-voted a few years ago, but I like the new answer you just wrote better. stackoverflow.com/questions/18078851/…
hi, I have a list as A=['some','word','list'] and another list as B=['some','some','word'] I want to search A's elements in B list and I want an output like this. C=[(some,2),(word,1),(list,0)], I know about using counters, but I dont know how to search a list in another and use counter in it,
any idea?
FWIW, I found that one by a combination of Google searching SO with the syntax error message, then looking at linked questions. There may be better targets, but I'm on my phone so the search process is a bit tedious.
@Sahar Yes. Now that you've done your homework I'll show you some code. :) But give me a minute or two, coding on tbe phone is a bit slow.
@Sahar In your real data, roughly how many items are in A and B?
@PM2Ring they are large lists, about 500
I need it to be fast, nested for loops makes it really slow
@Sahar We don't need nested loops. But are A and B roughly the same size, or is A usually smaller than B?
no they are same size
@Sahar Ok. If A were smaller there's an extra trick we could do to speed things up a little, that's why I had to ask. My code won't be super fast, but it will be much better than a nested loop.
ok please let me know about that trick too, maybe feature selection could help, for example using A >> 100 words and B >> 500 words
@PM2Ring hmmm, so should I transfer my answer to one of the other popular questions and mark the new one as a duplicate? I think there's room for a good "why do I get non-ASCII error" so one of the ones I nominated on my close spree back then could perhaps be reopened and declared canonical
@Sahar Here you go. This code is untested, but I don't think I messed anything up. ;)
from collections import Counter
# set of words to search for
A = {'some','word','list'}
# dataset
B = ['some','some','word']
counts = Counter(B)
C = [(k, v) for k, v in counts.items() if k in A]
@tripleee Looks good to me.
@PM2Ring added to sopython.com/canon/88/… ... do you want to remove the dupe mark or should it stay?
@PM2Ring very helpful, thanks
@tripleee I removed it. I think dupe targets look more authoritative when they aren't dupes themself. And the old target remains in the linked question list anyway, so nothing's really lost. And I just hammered the new one.
@PM2Ring but one another question... there is a condition in this code, [if k in A] I guess it doesnt count words with 0 count
@Sahar No worries. The main thing here is to make A a set, so we can quickly test if a word is in it. Membership testing of sets is much faster than with lists, especially if there are lots of items.
I mean there are some words in A that there are not in B, I want them to be 0
@Sahar Counter handles that for us. Try it & see!
@PM2Ring excellent, thanks!
adaptation of my answer added: stackoverflow.com/a/50831670/874188
@Sahar The trick I mentioned earlier for when A is much smaller than B is to filter the words in B using a generator as they are added into the Counter. But on second thoughts, that's probably slower.
OTOH, it can be useful if B is huge, since it stops the Counter from chewing up RAM it doesn't need for the words that aren't in A.
@PM2Ring Good point!
@PM2Ring thanks
hello, quick q: Is that possible read img channel information just by Pillow(PIL)? I found answers saying that img can be read by PIL first then loaded into np.array, is this best practice?
@tripleee You have a typo: "liteal". You should mention that UTF8 is now the default source encoding in recent Py3. And I'm pretty sure b'\xa3' bytes strings are in all versions of Py3, they're even backported to Python 2.6, although of course the b doesn't actually do anything in Py2.
@Niing Yes, that works. You may not even need Numpy, PIL has some channel operations it can perform.
@PM2Ring thanks~ I'm trying
@PM2Ring thanks, I was under the impression some of this was murky in early versions of py3k but python.org/dev/peps/pep-0358 indicates 2.6 / 3.0
@Niing Give me a minute & I'll find you a question I answered that shows a few different ways, some just using PIL, plus one that also uses Numpy.
@PM2Ring Thanks a lot! Appreciate your time :)
when I do pandas.concat I get " FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default."
why does it says "non-concatenation axis is not aligned"?
and also, it doesn't seem to be sorting, at least not by index
so what is going on?
there is a worked example at stackoverflow.com/questions/50825501/…
@PM2Ring I'm learning from it, and a q: Is that ImageChops.constant(rgb[0], 0) just use rgb[0] as a template and no changing the original image's red channel?
I tried half.show() and got a uniformly grey square
Is that L returned by half.mode abbreviated for "layer"?
That `ImageChops.constant(rgb[0], 0)` call doesn't change the original image, it just creates a single channel of the same size as the original, and sets all the values to 0. You should read the PIL (Pillow) docs
@PM2Ring Thank you~
@Niing That 'L' mode stands for Luminance. That's the PIL mode for a single channel, it's also used for greyscale images, since they only have one channel.
@Niing yes
wtfff stackoverflow UI updated?!?!
now I will have to learn it T_T
@PM2Ring shouldn't it be [(word,counts[word]) for word in A]?
@AndrasDeak Indeed it should! Thanks! My code also works, but yours is better, because it doesn't need A to be a set, and the output is in the correct order. :oops:
@Sahar Sorry. I did mess up a little. Please see the correction by Andras.
Confusing hack in the pillow docs, yay! stackoverflow.com/questions/50833486/…
Dupe too I guess but on mobile ^
That code is bad
Oh it's you, @Niing
you just realized? xD
Oh... hello
thanks god he didn't say "cv-pls noob question"
I don't look at users from mobile and often even from desktop
I thought I have to figure it out immediately so I didn't found that there is explanation just below...
by the way, you could've tested that in the python console
To be fair, that code in those PIL docs is ancient, so it probably predates the existence of the ... if... else ... conditional expression syntax. — PM 2Ring 44 secs ago
sounds scary
@Niing You probably should take a look at my mini-tutorial here: stackoverflow.com/a/36551857/4014959 and also look at the linked question at the top of the page.
@PM2Ring Ok I'll definitely take a look, after I finish a lot of pending tabs... And thank you~ :)
@AndrasDeak You had to be a proper coder and know Boolean algebra before Python 2.5. :) docs.python.org/2.5/whatsnew/pep-308.html
@AndrasDeak I dont know if you remember but , NOw I have a much more correct knowledge on Multiprocessing vs multiThreading.. Thanks to you guys and this youtube person.. youtube.com/watch?v=oEYDqQ1pq9o
@PM2Ring knowing and abusing are two different things :P
I know how goto works yet I wouldn't usually want to use it
@Anarach I do remember, and I'm glad to hear that :)
I don't know what's going on in the neighbourhood but this is the third time today that I can smell electric fire from outside (we call it "ampere smell")
@AndrasDeak :) It could be tricky doing stuff like C and A or B to emulate A if C else B. If A could be false-ish, it wouldn't work properly.
I'd probably write a truth table to be sure
I still have quite a few of those in code I wrote before 2.5 was released. I'd use it for parsing command line args, e.g. num = len(argv)>1 and int(argv[1]) or 10. If you want to set num to zero, you're out of luck. :)
stuff like this should be fixed in the docs
I suppose so, although the Pillow guys don't have a reputation for fast responses. And have no inclination to fix some well-known bugs.
I suppose a doc PR could go across faster
@PM2Ring May I ask a q in your ans: In def comp_mean_pil(iname, oname):, what did rh, gh, bh = [ImageChops.multiply(x, half) for x in rgb] do?
@Niing I'd use a genexp rather than a listcomp there
it's equivalent to rh = ImageChops.multiply(rgb[0], half) and so on for all three components
looks like it divides all three channels by two
Mystery of the "ampere smell" solved: a warehouse 5 kilometers away has been burning for hours galeria.index.hu/belfold/2018/06/13/…
@AndrasDeak ImageChops.multiply(x, half) will choose the smaller one between x and half?
I don't know but there should be documentation somewhere, right?
@AndrasDeak There's no benefit in using a gen exp there. It has a little more overhead than a list comp, which makes it marginally slower when you're only processing a very small number of items. But of course the actual image operations will dominate the time.
ok, sorry, but i don't quite understand the docs...
@PM2Ring I figured there's no sense creating a list to be thrown away
@AndrasDeak About as much sense as creating an invisible generator function to throw away. ;)
No, the generator would be consumed according to its purpose
I really don't know which one is idiomatic, I was just trying to make sense of usual guidelines
ohh I think I got it, since any two greyscale a,b > 128, then a+b will cause overflow so we can't directly do (a+b)//2?
@Niing It does a pixel by pixel multiplication of the 2 channels, scaled down by the maximum possible pixel value, which for 8 bit images is 255. It may be easier if you think of normalized pixel values that are in the range 0 < x <= 1. Then the .multiply method does a plain multiplication between the two input channels.
but why

rgb = [
ImageChops.add(gh, bh),
ImageChops.add(rh, bh),
ImageChops.add(rh, gh),

no divided by 2?
@PM2Ring oh i thought that MAX meant MAX(img1, img2)... now I know what it's doing, thanks!
so MAX is 255
@AndrasDeak If you write an actual generator function you can call it as many times as you want to create fresh generators, but there's some initial setup time, when the generator function definition itself is executed. When you write a genexp, it has to create that generator function behind the scenes, call it, and then throw it away.
@Niing Exactly.
@PM2Ring Wow, so rh, gh, bh = [ImageChops.multiply(x, half) for x in rgb] then rgb = [ImageChops.add(gh, bh), ImageChops.add(rh, bh), ImageChops.add(rh, gh), ] is exactly doing from (a+b)/2 to (a/2)+(b/2) to avoid overflow?
@PM2Ring thanks @AndrasDeak and thank you :)
@Niing We already multiplied each input channel by half.
yes, now i understand this function, it's cool
@PM2Ring another q about the same ans of your: Is that using np quicker than ImageChops operations?
Remember, that code is a combination of kennytm's ideas, plus my enhancements. I probably would have written it a bit differently if I'd written it from scratch. Also, although I've been using PIL for a few years I'd never used ImageChops before I wrote that answer.
@PM2Ring Ok so you meant np may be a better/conventional way of doing the work?
@Niing ImageChops is pretty fast, but Numpy might be a little faster. However, you then have to convert fro Image to Numpy array and back again, and although that's pretty fast it still takes time. Why don't you run some timing tests on your own images and see for yourself? ;)
lol, because i'm no care about the performance, just curious~ ok I would try it later.
@Niing Numpy allows you to do any arithmetic you want in one step. ImageChops can only do one operation at a time. And with Numpy you could even do crazy things like multiply by a sine wave, or something, if you want, although that won't be very fast.
@PM2Ring ah, I misunderstood, sorry
@AndrasDeak No worries.
Sorry about the multiple pings, Niing, it's tricky typing into a 1 cm high window with autocorrect...
@PM2Ring No worries, i guessed you were typing with little screen~ Appreciate your time~
cbg \o
A quick q about mixing both list and np.array: I have to process some img opened by Image.open(img_path), and I have to convert each into a shape of (H,W,C) so I tried np.asarray(img), but now how should I do to efficiently store all imgs into np.array of shape (N,H,W,C)?
@Niing what is img before the conversion? A list? Or a PIL image?
If I first create a empty list, [], then append each img of type np.array into it, then convert this list into a new np.array, is this way efficient?
@Niing basically yes, but you should first try skipping the np.array call to each item
I don't know if a list of PIL images can give you a 4d array, but worth a shot
For a img I meant, it is a single JPG image i read with PIL.
Thanks for your kindness
yeah, you can't directly pass a list of images, unfortunately
i.e. you indeed need to convert each to an array first
cbg, Paul
Here is a puzzler, with, of all things, str.format(). I was under the impression that if I use "{:s}" as a format string, then format would internally call str on the provided argument.
'getting data beginning at time {:.23s}'.format(datetime.now())
does it not?
'getting data beginning at time {:.23s}'.format(datetime.now())
Out[19]: 'getting data beginning at time .23s'
TypeError: unsupported format string passed to Foo.__format__
Yes, I get those TypeErrors if I pass None with a "{:.23s}" placeholder
what's the best way to initialize 3 variables to, let's say, None?
But if I pass "{}" as the placeholder, then format does internally call str
a, b, c = None, None, None ?
OK this is interesting
or (None,)*3
a = b = c = None
@PaulMcG what
None is a singleton, and immutable
doesn't that copy the reference?
ah ok
What of it?
it does
tried with a list
You didn't say list, you said None
if it copies the reference instead of the value, when you modify a, it will also modify b and c
@PaulMcG I know
As you have learned, list is different
@PaulMcG yeah that's what I checked myself, seems to contradict the docs
> The available string presentation types are:

Type | Meaning
's' | String format. This is the default type for strings and may be omitted.
None | The same as 's'.
you said "what of it?" like if copying the reference wasn't something bad
Reference to an singleton isn't bad
or even any immutable type
a = b = 0 is fine too
the first time I tried with a list
that's why I did the = None, None, None
you keep talking about a list as if that was relevant now
it's relevant to explain why I did try the other thing first
we understand why you did the other thing, you can relax now
Don't do ([],) * 3 either
I'm always excited when I program in Python
@PaulMcG I don't even know what's the output of that
That also makes 3 copies of the same list - do a,b,c = [], [], []
when you said 3 copies of the same list you meant it copies the reference, right?
In [44]: class Foo:
    ...:     def __str__(self):
    ...:         return 'this is my str'

In [45]: f'{Foo():50s}'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-45-71b3371c24d5> in <module>()
----> 1 f'{Foo():50s}'

TypeError: unsupported format string passed to Foo.__format__

In [46]: f'{Foo()!s:50s}'
Out[46]: 'this is my str                                    '
Should have said "a tuple with 3 references to the same list"
check that ^ and this, Paul:
> The conversion field causes a type coercion before formatting. Normally, the job of formatting a value is done by the __format__() method of the value itself. However, in some cases it is desirable to force a type to be formatted as a string, overriding its own definition of formatting. By converting the value to a string before calling __format__(), the normal formatting logic is bypassed.
so setting a format_spec seems to trigger __format__, whereas you only get a direct call to str when you tell so to python
(now checking what a datetime's __format__ looks like...)
if you want the str you can do the same thing and force it with !s
Ah, better
'getting data beginning at time {!s:.23}'.format(datetime.now())
Out[35]: 'getting data beginning at time 2018-06-13 09:03:30.794'
I know, I could use strftime too...
It was the !s coercion I was thinking of
well the docs make it sound like as if that was the default
!s before the ':' is different from 's' after the ':'
I know
That was my confusion
I figure !s calls str, !r calls repr, and omitted ! calls __format__
I was missing the last bit
And let me register my <word meaning something bad which I can't think of at the moment> at this error message: TypeError: non-empty format string passed to object.__format__
what threw that?
I suspect object refuses to format anything that needs actual formatting
In[40]: ts = datetime.now()
In[41]: '{:.23s}'.format(ts)
Out[41]: '.23s'
In[42]: ts = None
In[43]: '{:.23s}'.format(ts)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/paulmcg/venvs/automation/lib/python3.5/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py", line 2881, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "<ipython-input-43-385a60512156>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: non-empty format string passed to object.__format__
I had passed an uninitialized timestamp var to my formatter, and object.__format__ don't like anything after the ':'
In[45]: '{:}'.format(ts)
Out[45]: 'None'
that's weird, I get an error about NoneType.__format__
And would it have killed them to include the non-compliant non-empty format string in the error message? That would have given me a bit more of a hint.
I'm still at Py 3.5.2
I know, but I tried that too
well, 3.5.4
Python 3.5.4 (default, Aug 12 2017, 14:08:14)
>>> '{:.23s}'.format(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__
Perhaps 3.5.2 did not have a __format__ on NoneType, and this was added
Well that's not it, but it must delegate up to object then
neither the 3.5 nor the 3.6 release notes mention __format__
In[49]: None.__format__ is object.__format__
Out[49]: False
Well thanks for recalibrating me on !s vs :s Andras - the paying job doth beckon
no worries :)
After having to write C++ I've become eternally grateful for python
Yeah, I can see that :)
Which C++ did you have to write?
user image
I guess all that's left for me now is to run for moderator ;)
pineapples, Wayne :)
@WayneWerner big boss
Thanks :)
Go blue!
Woot for @WayneWerner
@vaultah question ambiguous; I was not developing c++20 as a committee member if that's what you meant
I was writing c++11 though
C++11 is quite old
it's really frustrating when you find a nice feature for your problem then you notice the little warning sign on cppreference.com because it's 14+
wow, this UGT is awesome...
> The idea behind establishing this convention was to eliminate noise generated almost every time someone comes in and greets using some form of day-time based greeting, and then channel members on the other side of the globe start pointing out that it's different time of the day for them. Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.
I've used C++ strictly before '11, and I've always hated it with passion.
quick q about numpy: If I have a np.array of shape (N,5), how to both reduce it to just second and fifth columns and swap the order to (5, 2) efficiently/correctly?
I meant [4] first will be [0] column, [1] be [1] column in the result np.array
Do you mean (N, 2)?
Yes the result should be (N,2)
arr[:, [4, 1]], I think.
no, I think I misread it, sorry :)
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