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I suppose anyone can figure out that I probably work for a company in San Francisco that uses Go and Python and does something concurrent involving cloud storage, which narrows it down to… about 69105 companies?
Cat's out of the bag now.
@AndrasDeak ah yeah, that's the one
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Python 2.6 hit EoL over 5 years ago. Most third-party libs stopped making new releases for 2.6. Red Hat and Canonical stopped backporting security patches for non-core third-party packages a couple years ago, and for Python itself this year.
So if you're stuck on 2.6, there's an easy way to convince your boss: just anonymously post a URL somewhere on the internet, and some script kiddie from 4chan will use a long-known and -fixed SSL exploit to take over your server and replace it with racist profanity. Then you can say, "Wow, if only we'd upgraded to Python 3.6, or at least 2.7, which have fixes for the exploit they used…"
Are you sure you wanted to ping JFF?
@AndrasDeak It was a reply to a comment on an answer on a question that doesn't seem worth revisiting.
he won't see your ping
Oh, OK. His name doesn't show up so ^
I think he doesn't like rm6
He won't?
Oh well, not that important anyway.
people can only be pinged for a week or two, unless it's a directed reply
but he is active in other rooms so you can chat him up there
So my quadruple-loop refactor didn't make the result better but it made the code slower. I need to rethink my options...
I'll probably have to actually debug my program :/
If you make it slow enough, you can debug it by just watching where the electrons go.
I'm afraid my level of understanding of a CPU's internals is "it generates about as much heat as an old incandescent bulb"
the closer to the metal the less I know what's going on
blah I didn't get as far as I wanted in the Knight's tour problem, I only got to making the moves on the board, I now need to add the solver :\
if you ever code something that "feels like a hack but it works," just remember that a CPU is literally a rock that we tricked into thinking
@daisyowl not to oversimplify: first you have to flatten the rock and put lightning inside it
It's just a bunch of wires and logic gates; how complicated can it be?
The Gang Creates Spectre
CPUs can think now?
well that escalated quickly
CPUs are easy. At the top level, they're just compiling each instruction into a form of bytecode that runs through a simple JIT. Then the different components (ALU, MMU, etc.) each have a team of microscopic wizards that do magic. Beneath them, there are logic gates, which are made of transistors in a pretty obvious way, which are made up of solid state physics which is magic again.
What does "thinking" mean, anyway?
I don't know I'm only up to ep 3 of westworld
I always knew they would and I was always trying to help make that happen. Nobody can say otherwise. Count me as very helpful.
@Aran-Fey To paraphrase Churchull: Applies more intelligence to a query than your average voter.
I can program "I think, therefore I am" into Prolog, and it evaluates to T, and the computer doesn't vanish. That means it thinks, right?
I think, therefore I yam.
... but it's apparently actually a real thing
Artificial Intelligence is what my wife says about my intelligence.
I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam. (I never know how to spell Popeye's laugh. Or JHVH's, for that matter. So I'll stop there.)
@abarnert funnily the solid state physics is the clearest part for me
@abarnert You're only making it worse for yourself!
and transistor -> logic gate is actually fine too
Wizard -> magic, I used to know, but that was before D&D 4 changed everything.
I think the Core 2 and later run on 4.0, but the Core Duo is still Pathfinder, which I can mostly handle.
rbrb all - hoping my vm linux install doesn't get messedup by laptop hibernate halfway through..
1 hour later…
anyone who's interested in the not-sexy part of ML should read this inference.vc/untitled
I met Judea on campus a couple times during lunch, he seemed like a really nice guy; do-calculus seems genuinely like a good idea
I wish I could understand the maths.
OP: "I think my code that throws a SyntaxError because of unmatched braces is very readable" How does these people's thought process work? I think I need a break from SO...
Apr 29 at 14:15, by Aran-Fey
I've also reverted to my old "I don't wanna answer anything" state immediately after I got the badge
you just need to do ^ that :P
These people will just stay bad. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.
I only have really boring badges left to get. Edit 50 tag wikis? hmmm....nah ...
Does anyone have any ideas for this algorthm in python? People have told me it's super easy because the lists are sorted. But I'm super confused. dpaste.com/116CNJM
Gamification apparently has limits
@AndrasDeak I don't answer anything, but I still browse :(
@Coder117 I'd probably use a set to get unique values, determine the straights from that, and compute the score by multiplying with the multiplicity of the contained numbers (probably using a Counter)
@Aran-Fey you posted two answers 12 hours ago :P
I really hate that all these students keep getting assigned "Write a while loop that (badly) handles the paradigm use case for using for instead of while." If you want to teach people how to use while loops, give them a problem that actually calls for a while loop. If you can't even imagine a problem that calls for a while, you shouldn't be teaching programming.
@AndrasDeak That's roughly a 0.1% answer rate; it rounds down to 0 :P
@abarnert I saw that Q too
here's a screwdriver, go hammer in that nail
I used a hammer to drive in screws once
@wim I think I've seen it multiple times per week for a decade or so.
copper screws produce nice sparks when hit right
this is even worse than "not allowed to use import"
"Two, but it has to be a pretty big lightbulb."
@abarnert some of the downvotes should probably be taken in the context of the initial question, which was very different. It's been edited into shape.
still needs a hammer (two dupe targets) stackoverflow.com/questions/50511169/…
the problem is that most people who are good at programming or have a passion for it are getting paid much more doing ... programming .. so the ones left to teach it suck at it
mathematics has the same issue
@wim Yeah, at least that one, they don't tell the student "Write a program that calls math.sqrt without using import."
hey @abarnert you got unsung hero badge
how the heck
did you used to answer in some other weird tag or something?
I was mostly answering on Python, C, C++, ObjC in the early days, all of which are reasonably active. But I guess it was more a common phenomenon back then?
I'm sure there are other badges that are harder to get now than 5-9 years ago. (Even besides tag-specific badges like python-2.5 and python-2.6 and, probably, objc.)
Socratic and Great Question are probably harder than they used to be
I don't have too many of the asking-related badges. I haven't asked that many questions, all of my C++ questions got killed in the periodic purges the C++ community seems to enjoy, and most of my ObjC questions got community-ified. My highest score is +17, and it's for a library-request question that I'm not sure should have counted as on-topic even five years ago.
@Coder117 Literally just loop through the numbers, keep a frequency of your current number, multiply your current point by the collected frequency. Don't forget to multiply again at the termination
@OneRaynyDay you read sniper in mahwah ? fun stuff
i'm halfway to socratic
it isn't easy
it's not supposed to happen
@wim I do not, but I just took a look; sh's cray
This man writes poetry: "The nondisclosure agreements have lapsed. The Chicago to New Jersey microwave arms race has converged to a few winners."
@coldspeed You fixed it!! Thank you sooo much! I'm new to this site, I'll definitely be back. =D — Fluora07 26 secs ago
and they say we're not welcoming enough
convert yr comment to answer
I would, but I fear that this is a non-reproducible problem
should I still do it?
Yeah, I think so.
the reason this usually happens is because of some matrix with a vanishing gradient was converted into a pandas DataFrame. Otherwise what OP was trying to do will almost always work
Okay, I think the best thing to do would be to edit the question a bit and then answer, which I've done.
+1 and delete comment
thanks :) I don't usually tie loose ends if the question is that basic, but with a little polishing, it seems like something that could potentially help a lot of people with the same problem, so, worth it
Hi! Um, I have this code that deals with Pyspark, and in it I have three functions that should all result in the same output. However for some reason only the first of the three function displays the correct output: https://hastebin.com/wejavutugi.py

Output: https://hastebin.com/zawakoxona.json

If anyone is free and could point me in what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.

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