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it does long optimization_level and adds 1 to that which leads to signed integer overflow therefore causing the entire execution of the program to be meaningless.
Why would gcc use a int64 to represent the optimisation value...
Silly. It works on my machine where I've aliased gcc to something else, so it's not technically undefined.
@coldspeed it is futureproof :)
brilliant, love it!
@OlivierMelançon yes, that is really an issue.
@abarnert that's a good way to put it. I've been playing with Boost.Hana recently and the improvement in error messages relating to nasty template issues from Clang over gcc is somewhat noticeable.
don't post answers in comments.
@OlivierMelançon Yes, it's a real issue. But SO is so big that it's not an easy issue to deal with. On smaller SE sites, eg Physics, the mods are pretty quick to delete answers in comments, although they'll politely ask you to write a proper answer if they think the comment is worth preserving. At least the first few times you do it. :)
@OlivierMelançon you're in a good company
I guess
@coldspeed 64 bits is good for SIMD, which means it’s faster, of course.
but yeah enough C in the python channel :D
@AnttiHaapala examples?
@OlivierMelançon OTOH, it's perfectly fine to supply additional info in a comment on a fresh answer, so that the author can incorporate it. But once they do, the comment should be deleted.
Friday cbg!
@wim all = at least 1 :d. That was a case of XKCD386
Of course, the author may not agree with your helpful comment. :)
@PM2Ring Yea, I usually do that. It's just akward when I delete my comments and the other user does not
@OlivierMelançon True. Sometimes I say "we can clean up these comments now". If that doesn't work, flag them and a mod will do it. But I try to avoid that, since mods have more than enough flags to keep them busy.
Prefer to edit the answer directly, if you're reasonably confident your edit is sensible
less comment litter that way
On an old answer, sure. On a fresh answer, I prefer to comment. I find it annoying if I'm still updating an answer of mine and some "helpful" edit appears.
@AnttiHaapala We could talk rpython instead of C. Then chat will mostly be faster, but will have problems with things like numpy.
I usually edit only answers that are at least one-day old, otherwise I comment
:D or problems with basically any real world project
True, but sometimes comments come in about something I was still in the process of writing, and that is just as annoying
basically just leave fresh answers alone for 5 mins or so is a good guideline I guess
regarding the \if syntax... I don't get it. that seems just another way of doing the same thing (prepending a / versus appending a _)
Guido was always against adding features to the language that are "just another way of doing the same thing". Am I missing something more subtle here?
What feature are you asking about?
prepending a \ vs appending a _
Yeah, intoducing more symbols into a language is... eh
single backslash inline code not possible
First the type hinting, now this... Guido's gone soft! Quick, someone propose more functional features!
Guido demoted from BDFL to just DFL
It’s not really the same thing. If we had operator.\and you could look it up as getattr(operator, 'and'), which doesn’t work with operator.and_. (But then if you want that, you could just do globals()['and'] = and_…)
@wim actually the more I think about that the less I like that... :F
Would f-strings need to be modified to handle these backslash identifiers properly? Could they cause problems with strings of code intended for eval or exec?
@PM2Ring \backslash doesn't work in fstrings at all IIRC..
also, what worries me even more is all these round-trip translations, that would produce invalid code - all code generators everywhere need to be changed etc...
@wim I'm very concerned about the FL part of BDFL
I had always assumed the FL was contingent on their being B.
I mean, in that expression, rather than in practice.
@vaultah It’ll be hilarious when Guido is 87 years old and suffering Alzheimer’s and he still has to appoint a new delegate for each release. “Let’s put that nice Nick kid in charge this time.” “Nick Coghlan? He died 7 years ago sir.” “That’s it, Nick Coghlan. He’s in charge of the next release. Such a nice young boy.”
@abarnert Never have I been so torn on whether or not something is funny. :1
@abarnert I was thinking along those lines TBH
@AnttiHaapala I come back to lunch and this is what I see
got to meet and chat w ncoghlan at Pycon this year
good to hear a Brisbane accent in Cleveland
@Augusta I suppose it's slightly funnier if you're only a few decades younger than Guido and expect to be long retired by that point and laughing at all the young whippersnappers trying to deal with it than if you're one of those young whippersnappers…
@abarnert Oh, no, I get that. It is more that the "neurodegenerative illness humour is kind of tacky" part of me is fighting with the "ha ha what madness down this path lies!" part of me and it got a bit bloody in there is all. XD
In Flask and Jinja, how do I get form data from one page and use it on the page that the form POSTs to with Jinja templates?
@abarnert noooo not Nick :F
@wim Nick is one of those people who doesn’t sound that smart at first, until you realize he’s just spent the last 5 minutes explaining something you never got, and doing it so well that you didn’t notice you were learning.
He's one of the select few who are born with a nickname.
@abarnert I went to the bug tracker and called a feature that was always existed in Python but made more widespread due to a feature that Nick had written as a "stupid security bug", and Nick took it as an ad hominem attack to him so I needed to backtrack away.
if he's going to be in charge I'll switch to Java
I too have written stupid security bugs and stupid bugs and what not but it doesn't imply that I am stupid.
Why is there so much hate in the bug tracker?
because we don't have Matz?
@AnttiHaapala true, but a little bit of tact can go a long way
@wim I am from the land of Linus!
text is lacking social cues such as facial expressions and tone of voice, "stupid" is a perjorative word, and it's best to avoid spurious disagreements when possible
we don't have this PC and such :D
cbg @roganjosh
Martijn has put a comment under this answer: Or put ! outside the grouped or expression: !(word == 'for' or word == 'an' or word == 'the')
At first I was shocked that I didn't know about this syntax, but now I find I'm unable to recreate. What am I missing?
a = 'the cat sat on the mat'

for word in a.split():
    if !(word == 'the' or word == 'mat'):
I assume I've misinterpreted
I assume the man needs his power sleep
So I'm taking it too literally, ! should be read as "not" and not the literal syntax?
@coldspeed: hrm? whistles innocently. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 16 secs ago
I was surprised because, as it's written, it reminded me of my dabble in Java
hehe, case closed
abuse of power!
@roganjosh I think it is more serious than that. Facebook might have hired Martijn and then have him write Javascript <gasp>
goodness, Javascript does indeed let you create abominations that look like that
@coldspeed not or but ... Martijn shurely wouldn't be doing the ! without a reason
I fear for all of us if they got to Martijn like that...
rbrb all
rbrb, Augusta
@AnttiHaapala It's not about political correctness. It's about adjusting your communication to your audience so that they don't misinterpret your intentions or the information you're trying to transmit.
@PM2Ring yes, so I should have used a word like "unfortunate" or "bad" which then would mean that someone would be upset because I am calling them unfortunate or bad ;)
I didn't say it was easy. ;)
@abarnert @PM2Ring I checked the original edition of K&R and it says 0 and 1. Page 38. Case closed.
Users that accept my late answer even if it was at the bottom of the pile give me faith in humanity
@AnttiHaapala Sure. I could've done that too. I have both the original and the ANSI editions sitting a metre or two away. abarnert was talking about a proposal, not something that was ever an accepted part of the language. But I guess someone could've hacked a C compiler to use -1 asthe True value.
@OlivierMelançon Nice work! You get badges for that sort of thing if your answer is late enough.
@PM2Ring It was not more than 10 minutes after, not 60 days
On a totally different topic... I find it slightly puzzling when the OP says "I have this yammed up data format that I need to pre-process so I can then process it with standard tools" and an answerer says, "If you just change your data to look like this perfectly fine data, then you can process it with the standard tools" stackoverflow.com/a/50415342/4014959
Speaking of badge, I broke my Fanatic gold badge 15 days from the 100th :(
if it makes you feel any better know you weren't the only one to break your combo.
Oh noes! I've only got one of them, for SO. I just forget to do stuff on the other SE communities I'm registered on.
I could also spam votes and get electorate in a few days... but that does not look ok
which part is puzzling? changing the [process that produces] weird data, and using existing tools, is best practice imo
You don't always have control of upstream, though. "So don't move your arm like that" isn't always an option.
@OlivierMelançon my friend setup a calendar event for every day
@DSM Most questions like this, it really isn’t clear whether the OP is writing the upstream, or sitting next to some guy writing the upstream, or disconnected from that guy by a rigid contract that would take a year to negotiate a change in, or has no idea who that guy is at all. So you can either drag that information out of the OP, or offer both options.
@WayneWerner I know... that would have been so easy
When I suspect the OP is the guy, or sits next to the guy, and is just resistant to say so because they don’t want to change code they already wrote that “works”, I give both options: If you changed the upstream (and here’s what that would look like), you could write this trivial code here. If you can’t change the upstream, you have to do something either fragile or hideous, so here’s a hideous solution.
cbg guys!
Cabbage :)
I have a naive question. I am trying to use the while loop in this way -
while re.search( enzymes[REname], DNA[ position: ]) :
result = re.search( enzymes[REname], DNA[position: ] )
...do something...
position += result.start() + 1

The problem is that the string I am searching(DNA) is tooo long, so doing the re.search twice is taking too much time. Is there a way to simplify (and thus fasten) it? I was thinking of assigning the re.search output to something and then use that later, instead of running the search again. But I don't think I can do this assignment during `while`. Note that thi
@PM2Ring @abarnert amazing, I found the source for one of DMRs compilers from 1970s, and it too does 0, 1 :D here - more info
@user1993 I'm almost sure that isn't just searching the string twice. You increment by 1 on each iteration of the loop
Can you give an example of this? I don't know how significant that increment is, actually.
@roganjosh yes, the position is incremented, and then while does the re.search with the incremented position and then result also does the re.search with the same incremented position
@AnttiHaapala That's a little before I got into C. The first C compiler I used was BDS C in '80 or '81.
while True:
    result = re.search(...)
    if not result:
    position += result.start() + 1
@PM2Ring I wonder... the commenter very clearly thought that !0 could be something else than 1 too... that if there indeed was such a compiler somewhere sometime...
@wim What DSM says. And even if you can convince upstream to fix their broken data, you may still have a backlog of broken data that needs to be processed.
@Aran-Fey +1
When I get in this situation I say "this data is broken, I won't process it"
@Aran-Fey thanks! I am thinking why this did not occur to me. I guess I was just being too simplistic in the while condition
Pushing back against bullcrap is an effective way of getting other people to improve their tooling and processes
@user1993 also, your code is wrong in that you must not slice the string, but instead you specify the starting position to re.search!
It's not wrong, it's just slow
@Aran-Fey "slow" can be very wrong. here's an example
@wim if your job is to process whatever data happens to be in the system, and you push back to say you won't do it, how do you justify to managers that they are paying you to twiddle your thumbs until things are fixed upstream?
That's not realistic. What's realistic is having a go and saying that certain features that management want cannot be discerned until the data logging is fixed
@AnttiHaapala Thanks so much, I have been struggling with extremely slow execution. I searched regarding specifying the starting position to re.search, and found that The re.search function doesn't take a start argument like the str methods do. But search method of a compiled re.compile/re.RegexObject pattern does take a pos argument. SO I guess I should precompile it and then give a starting position
"Here's 50% of what you want, and here's a clearly broken representation of the other 50% you want. I can't fix it until you do this"
Huh, I didn't know that. Hooray for consistency.
Thanks guys!
@user1993 though, it would also mean that you need to recheck these offsets again ;)
perhaps the position += result.start() + 1 would then change into position = result.start() + 1
oh wow, I did not know that
@user1993 "perhaps", as the offsets would be against the entire original string
I am not sure if I completely understand why the offsets would be different in the precomplied case, but I will look into it
It's about slicing the string, not about precompiling the regex
How odd. I just got a downvote on that Singleton answer, with no comment. And so did the OP…
@PM2Ring countered
@PM2Ring though as I said, I think it is a dupe but can't find it
@Aran-Fey oh ok. sorry. got it. Thanks!
@AnttiHaapala Thanks. I told the OP it wasn't a great idea a day or so before I answered it. But after his last comment I softened a little. And as my answer says, the random module does (virtually) the same thing, so it's not a totally weird thing to do.
and holy moly, that answer was 1.5 years ago and I still remember having written it :F good job, putting the limited brain capacity into good use.
@AnttiHaapala Interesting. But I think meddling with inspect to do this may invoke the ire of the anonymous downvoter even more than my simple solution did. :)
@roganjosh fortunately my manager is reasonable and would agree with me that the problem should be fixed at the source. actually he might even go shout at them himself.
@wim sounds like winwin
That's fortunate. Presumably you have other work streams in the meantime
@wim So what happens to the 200 GB of data that's sitting there waiting to be processed and can't be regenerated in the new format?
^ that's a good question....
it's not in an "old" format, it's broken/unusable :P
So you throw it away?
In the sense of any kind of analysis
no, maybe someone less expensive will be given the task of cleaning it.
sounds like winwinwin
I know. You hire a bunch of students to manually repair it and load it into Excel...
Haha, that's a fair answer :)
or, print it on paper and type in
anw as an end result you'll have the data in 3 months in a corrupted Excel file
I would not be twiddling my thumbs regardless, always got multiple things to work on and only very rarely completely blocked
It's also an interesting answer then because it suggests you're engaged with your job at least
It's scary to think how much time is wasted around the world with people manually transforming data from one spreadsheet to another because they don't know how to automate and can't afford to get someone to write software to do it.
There are plenty of people who would elect for the data cleaning side knowing they had a shortcut over the cheaper employees and just coast for a while. "Who cares what the company pays"
@PM2Ring downvote deserved - why showing OP how to implement antipattern ?
> My boss prefers procedural style programming so he asked me to do this.
and what procedural style programming has to do with the Q? exactly the kind of question to pass on by imo ..
@wim Their boss wants a Singleton. So if they insist on a Singleton they might as well have one that works properly. And I did say it's an antipattern. It's up to them and their boss whether they really want to use it.
you did not say it's an antipattern. you said "many programmers...consider them...an anti-pattern"
@wim He doesn't want a Java style class full of methods. He wants good old-fashioned separate functions, just like grandma used to write.
what wikipedia calls "weasel words"
if you consider it an anti-pattern, don't show how to do it.
just my 2c :)
2 cent for this? I want my money back :P
I don't think Singletons are evil, just dumb. OTOH, I've never had much to do with them, so I don't feel entitled to a personal opinion on them.
actually, on re-reading the question
the singleton pattern is not even needed here
you can just use a bound method created in the module at import time
Did I say it was needed?
so, what this has to do with singletons in the first place? that was OP misconception
and you just help them to shoot themselves in the foot
@PM2Ring Well, you wrote the metaclass.
@wim Their boss wants a singleton. I have no idea why. It makes things less flexible. Maybe they think that's an advantage.
And you've kind of misrepresented random. It does not use a singleton or borg, it just uses a plain old module level instance (which is fine, imo)
@wim No I didn't write it. I borrowed it. And linked to the original answer I borrowed it from.
Their boss is probably not familiar with Python. Use your common sense here.
@wim I don't see where I implied that random uses a singleton or borg. I said it uses a private instance of Random. Which paraphrases the docs:
The functions supplied by this module are actually bound methods of a hidden instance of the random.Random class. You can instantiate your own instances of Random to get generators that don’t share state.
So, why not say something along the lines of: singleton is not needed, because you don't need a shared state here. instead, follow the example of the stdlib random, aliasing a bound method at the module scope
@wim I don't know how familiar the boss is with Python. All I know is that he doesn't like OOP, and wants Python to be used in a very procedural way. Which implies that he has no, or almost no, experience in writing Python.
confusing newbies with unnecessary meta-classes for what? trying to make yourself look clever?
@wim Ok, I could have been explicit about saying that a singleton isn't needed. In fact, I'll do that shortly.
good :) maybe you will see that DV magically disappear ... ;)
@wim How is cut & pasting someone else's code that I linked to making myself look clever?
If I'd claimed to have written it myself, that'd be another matter. But I don't do stuff like that.
sorry, it's not. I was being facetious.
My point is that the singleton in the answer you linked is warranted. In your own answer, it is not.
If the OP had never talked about singleton in the first place, you would not have been thinking - oh! this should be solved with singleton pattern.
I will wager their boss knows the design pattern from java, and OP is junior enough to not be in a position to disagree
@PM2Ring you're thinking too much about the boss. It is a boss, a robot, it has no feelings, it doesn't really care.
And Wim is right here, we need to support them in their quest to undermine and topple the bad management!
not quite ... it's more like, understanding the gist of what they want and adapt it for Python
@wim I’ve wanted to return a spec with just ValueError(‘invalid column header') before.
good thing I don't know the first thing about metaclasses
If the boss really is clueless about Python, you can just deliver a private module instance, named _singleton, and he won’t notice that you didn’t follow the anti-pattern he asked for.
If the boss isn’t totally clueless, you can explain why it’s an anti-pattern, show the example of random, show why it does what he actually wanted even if he didn’t know how to put it in Python terms, show unit tests doing the same thing against the Singleton and proper implementations, etc.
boss don't have time for this
you pull those guns out if it becomes an argument where you need to defend your design decisions
@coldspeed if you get to 100k without knowing the first thing about metaclasses I will begrudgingly respect that ... :D
hope you're not writing an ORM any time soon ...
Nope, here in the world of data science your ORMs can stay clear away
though I may need to become wiser the day I start writing my own frameworks
but that's for another day ;D
@AnttiHaapala I wouldn't know. I've never written code for a boss. And I've been unemployed for several years.
@coldspeed I reckon I could type with sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH) as conn: blindfolded. ORMs have no place in my world either :)
I did try it with earnest though, but everything I work on is based on responding to singular events so, while I can have an object that decides what to do in each case, I couldn't find a sensible way to use an ORM. Then again, it's completely plausible that I just employed it incorrectly.
@PM2Ring No, it's even longer
why not remove all the stuff about singleton, it's not needed.
and the metaclass stuff probably goes over their head anyway
as far as I can tell MyClass itself doesn't need to be private, either, just the module level instance of it.
question begins "I have a weak grasp of Pandas and not a strong understanding of Python."...
... I can't wait to dig into this question.
pretty much sums up ... trollface.jpg
@wim They asked for a singleton, I showed them one. I also told them not to use it, and linked to reasons why it's bad.
I'm coming to your way of thinking, Wim. There's a lot that just doesn't make sense in the library
hmm I was not talking about the library
In the past you have criticized it though
@wim Sure. But an extra 2 underscores in the source code won't hurt, and it makes it clear that _MyClass is not intended for external use.
yes, it has a lot of warts
but it's the sudden explosion in popularity of data science that caused a lot of questions
there are more questions tagged pandas than tagged numpy (!)
Just \in time to leave
Or you could interpret that as being that numpy is stable and most questions are answered, while pandas is ambiguous
2 days ago, by PM 2Ring
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Wise move. If more people would take the time to get a decent base in core Python before they attempted to use frameworks like Pandas, Numpy, Django, etc, many SO questions wouldn't exist. A similar thing applies to GUI frameworks, even the built-in Tkinter. Maybe it's just me, but I find it baffling that someone would even try to do complicated stuff before they know how to do the simple stuff.
Who's @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ?
I rarely find myself properly frustrated with numpy, but that library is probably better constrained in what it set out to do
@PM2Ring opinions differ, but I reserve leading underscores for "something bad/unexpected might happen if you use this without carefully reading the source code"
Just some guy who used to hang out here.
which is somewhat stronger than just "I don't think you'll need this"
:'-( ...
@coldspeed A huge nerd with some red-haired anime chick as his avatar
wow, he sounds like a swell chap I'd like to get to know
@wim Fair enough.
@PM2Ring OP often ask for silly things
1) showed them one
2) told them not to use it
3) linked to reasons why it's bad
^ one of these things is not necessary
@piRSquared And then the question gets 3 upvotes and 4 answers within 5 minutes
there, that's right
now THAT sums up the tag
@roganjosh Remember that numpy started off an extensive rewrite of numeric, using the best ideas from numarray, which was itself a total redesign and reimplementation of numeric. (Or maybe I have those backward; it's been a while.)
I may as well own up to my downvote since you're on +3/-1
That means either it was almost bound to be either a polished, well-thought-out design that could stand years of gradual improvement without falling apart, or a massive pile of crap that fell apart immediately.
Pandas hasn't gone through anything similar.
@abarnert I don't disagree with that at all, but they had clear bounds on what they wanted to achieve
@abarnert You might like this answer from a guy who sounds a lot like you when he writes/speaks
@wim dun dun dunn
I think "less is more" and was hoping you would remove some stuff, instead you just added more stuff. I'll be happy to edit your answer into what I think is an upvotable answer if you want me to, but I can't guarantee that the other +3 users will agree.
And I don't want to be over critical of pandas because their problem-space is unbound
@wim pretty sure all 3 are from here (I can vouch for 2 of them)
Is senderle still around? He usually disguises his excessive verbosity with nice formatting so you don't notice, which I never got the knack of.
he pokes in and out every now and then
For me, quality content + intent = upvote, downvote is only for critical stuff (or meta)
last seen 2 hours ago but doesn't seem to be posting much anymore
@wim No, thankyou.
yes, that's it goddamit, the verbosity... now I know why you two are so alike
woohoo! Just sniped me an order of 100 skate bearings for $11.50
I've taught myself to take any part that isn't essential and turn it into a footnote.<sup>1</sup> <sub>1. Which is not as good as just cutting it, or not writing it in the first place.</sub>
@shad0w_wa1k3r "No, thankyou"? :P
@WayneWerner someone's gonna roll... :D
Should this be tagged with java? stackoverflow.com/questions/50418926/…
@coldspeed yes
@PM2Ring yes
but I might wait for the Java code
@PM2Ring I just did. I don't see how you could have a comprehensive answer to that question without Java or it's independent of both languages.
you can't please everyone
"too verbose" is legitimate downvote reason, as are "I was having a bad day" and "my cat walked on the keyboard".
If it isn't related, and doesn't add value, yes, sure.
cv for mcve
I am usually more inclined to upvote a verbose answer that says the same thing that a terse one liner would
@Aran-Fey. Is there any point to keeping that question I just asked do you think?
Or shall I just delete it
The ideal is usually somewhere between "you should do this code: <one-liner>" with no explanation and something pushing the limits of SO's answer field size with a complete tutorial and historical overview on the relevant language feature.
@Simon Nah, I wouldn't delete it. I don't know if it'll be useful to anyone, but I'm fairly sure it won't do anyone any harm
Everyone who uses python on windows has at one point considered hiding that pesky terminal
It's just something that should be done by the user, not by the program
It just seems to be a problem with the way I am tackling it :/
@Aran-Fey I think the best thing to do is to put a metal notch over the part of the laptop's monitor where the terminal pops up. Then say it was an intentional design feature and allows for better-quality photos, and everyone will start copying you.
Soon enough monitors with metal notches will be considered normal and marketed as "MS Windows monitors". "regular" monitors will be associated with hackers, and everyone who sees one will do a double take and think "Why does it have such an odd rectangular shape?"
Strangely enough C# or VB also uses a terminal. One would have thought that they would be the first to build a GUI only programming language
Admittedly I know nothing about VB so IDK
I'm not sure whether this should be closed as a typo. I've answered it but it's clear that line 130 of their IDE doesn't match what they posted: stackoverflow.com/questions/50419214/…
@roganjosh that's not line 130, that's execution step 130 of a Jupyter notebook. The first cell could have been executed 124 times
Execution step then, however you want to call it. It's still illogical what they're trying to do
Yeah, but probably irrelevant to their actual problem, at least assuming your answer is correct :)
@WayneWerner almost certainly I'm correct; what they're doing in the screenshot of their code is different to what they posted as actual code
But it could be as simple as hitting "4" instead of "3"
Hey guys, is there a way to add some kind of handler to logging that triggers as a function?
I know there's Stream, File, Memory, HTTPHandler, etc. What I want to do is call a function everytime, say, logging.error("...") is called.
@OneRaynyDay Why can't you just write your own handler Handler class?
Sure, you could write a generic CallbackHandler that takes a callback on construction, and then use a CallbackHandler(mycallback), but unless you just hate the idea of OO with a burning passion and want to hide your OO from yourself by doing even more OO, I don't see much point.
@abarnert ah, well that was the solution to X to my XY problem
Let me check that out real quick. I didn't know there was such a thing
Chat, what are your thoughts on downvoting an answer to a question you answered yourself? I usually try to avoid it, but what if an answer is actually really wrong?
If you have legit reasons to downvote an answer, do it
I think the consensus among the python community is that "we're all consenting adults" and so follow your judgement
Unless an answer is either substantially better or worse than the one I have posted, I usually wait until other people have spoken with their votes before voting one way or another.
Does anyone know if there is a way to build commands in Django without having to use an app? I tried putting it in the default directory, containing settings.py, but django is not finding the command I put in.
Just because something is "fast enough", does not make it good practice, or something you should be recommending to those trying to learn pandas. Just because driving 10 mph under the speed limit is usually "fast enough" to not get pulled over for driving too slowly, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. — chrisz 27 mins ago
Haha chrisz that is such an American thing to say
I may have been annoyed at a 90 year old woman in a prius on my commute home today when I posted that
In India, there's no such thing like driving too slow. We have heavy vehicles driving 10mph everywhere slowing down traffic and causing jams on a daily basis
hey guys!
I don't understand your strange greeting
how is my greeting strange?
@OlivierMelançon do it all the time
often I'll only post an answer if/because another answer was bad
black changed all my 'strings' to "strings"
that's dumb, now I can't see the forest through the trees
For people how love metaclass, I have been trying to find a hack to do this for a long time, it's now time to ask SO
Q: Can a metaclass manipulate naked expressions from a class' scope?

Olivier MelançonWith a metaclass and the __prepare__ method, it is possible to intercept attributes before they are added to a class' namespace. Is there a way, as hacky as it is, to intercept naked expressions from the class' scope. class Class(metaclass=Metaclass): # Would it be possible to intercept thos...

Clearer this way what it is about
@abarnert I think you are the kind of person who could help me hack my way through the above question
Recent question linked and unsolicited ping. Like, come on
Sorry about that... :(
It's just that I saw abarnet come up with amazing answers to questions that similarly seemed to need super hacky solutions
Q: Using __prepare__ for an Enum ... what's the catch?

wimDeclarative usage of Python's enum.Enum requires values to be provided, when in the most basic use case for an enum we don't actually care about names and values. We only care about the sentinels themselves. After reading a related Q&A recently, I realised it is possible to use the __prepare__ ...

similar, maybe dupe

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