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So this works for the snippet you gave me. I can't tell if the info is all accurate but hopefully it'll point you in the right direction.
how do I format that?
Do you know how to post formatted code?
i post it
and then edit
Ah ok I'll try that
def readData(filename):
file = open(filename,"r")
columns = file.readline().split(",")
cleanedData = []
wantedColumns = set(["CustomerCode","CustomerName","Address","Phone","StoreName","Mobile"])
for line in file:
cleanedLineData = {}
for columnName,value in zip(columns,line.split(",")):
if columnName in wantedColumns:
cleanedLineData[columnName] = value
in edit there are fixed font
beside of send
I don't get it lol
@Aris94 highlight the code block and use ctrl + k
thank you Aris
def readData(filename):
	file = open(filename,"r")
	columns = file.readline().split(",")
	cleanedData = []
	wantedColumns = set(["CustomerCode","CustomerName","Address","Phone","StoreName","Mobile"])
	for line in file:
		cleanedLineData = {}
		for columnName,value in zip(columns,line.split(",")):
			if columnName in wantedColumns:
				cleanedLineData[columnName] = value
i try it
@roganjosh Thank you!
@DrSima No problem. I think that should work fine
You'll end up with a list of dictionaries representing each line of data
Don't forget to return cleanedData
its not utf-8
'Phone': '22982018', 'StoreName': 'ط\xadط³ظٹظ† ظ…ظٹط± ط¬ط¹ظپط±ظٹ', 'Mobile': '9143723193'}, 'Customer1.csv52619': {'CustomerCode': '2162586', 'CustomerName': 'ط§ط¨ظˆط§ظ„ظپط¶ظ„ ط¯ط±ظٹط§ظ†ظٹ', 'Address': 'طھظ‡ط±ط§ظ† طھظ‡ط±ط§ظ†ظ¾ط§ط±ط³ ط®ظٹط§ط¨ط§ظ† ط\xadظƒظٹظ…ظٹظ‡ ط®ظٹط§ط¨ط§ظ† ط¨ظ‡ط§ط± ط¨ظ‡ط´طھ ط´ط±ظ‚ظٹ ظ†ط¨ط´ ط´ظ‚ط§ظٹظ‚ ع†ظ‡ط§ط±ظ… ظ¾ظ„ط§ظƒ 85', 'Phone': '77306988', 'StoreName': 'ط§ط¨ظˆط§ظ„ظپط¶ظ„ ط¯ط±ظٹط§ظ†ظٹ', 'Mobile': '9370601536'}, 'Customer1.csv52620':
@Aris94 To avoid repeated name scanning, you could optimize by generating a dict keyed on the column name whose values are the index of that column name in wantedColumns. Then you can pluck them out of each line's list using indexing, and ignore the unwanted field.
also my problem persist :(
@DrSima I'm sure you can lookup a way to change the encoding
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/RecordLinkage/RecordLinkage.py", line 121, in <module>
linker.sample(data_1, data_2, 1500)
File "C:\Users\s.foroughi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\dedupe\api.py", line 848, in sample
File "C:\Users\s.foroughi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\dedupe\labeler.py", line 327, in sample_product
File "C:\Users\s.foroughi\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\dedupe\labeler.py", line 72, in sample_product
No need to iterate over each (columnName, value) pairs.
yes Aris i can
@holdenweb Yes that would be a good way to make it faster
but i have still problem with big data
filtering dont help me :(
i was wrong :(
how? efficiency-wise?
@DrSima we really have all gone round in circles with this over the course of 6+ hours. Please try narrow down your issue locally.
too slow?
i have overflow error
@roganjosh where are course
@Aris94 thank you aris
you did well
As in, this issue has been going on for hours
@DrSima Even quite small data can be difficult to handle. Since you are reading lines from a text file, you will be getting strings in Python 3, but the processor may be assuming one encoding when you are actually using another. These notes by Nick Coghlan might be helpful in that case.
Assuming, of course, that you know the encoding of your input. Not everyone does!
@holdenweb encoding is not my problem
my problem is i have a code work with small data but when i give it my file with 57000 columns
You will have to do some research on your side to narrow down the issue. Multiple people have tried and failed. You're not going to learn anything (and you've been using python for days only!) if we all try to help you blindly.
i have overflow error
roganjosh my code is ok with small data :(
its not coding problem
exactly. Has it not been suggested to you to try narrow down the data to see what part throws the error?
Break your code down into smaller functions
That never hurts and greatly helps readability.
@AndrasDeak ooh that's neat. Never knew about that. Can you guys get SO to publish it so others can use it?
i think its Dedupe library bug
57,000 columns, or rows!!!!??? But yes, it is to be expected that without rigorous testing and a thorough understanding of the input data you will experience problems. The above code, for example, fails on lines where any of the text fields contains a comma.
Open the data in excel, take 1000 lines chunks and save to different files. Process each individually. It's 5 minutes work.
57000 row
not columns
Find the file that causes the issue, subdivide that file
This is not just my recommendation, it's been suggested to you multiple times
I concur
we're running in circles here, with no real progress
Also, make sure that you produce error messages by catching the exceptions and reporting on them. Collect a file containing only the known troublesome lines, and test on that until you can parse them all. Then look for more problems. There are no easy fixes, I'm afraid, so discipline and good error reporting are your chief weapons.
We've told Sima several times to generate dummy data that reproduces the problem, and to read a tutorial in order to be able to do that. Until this happens there's not much we can do.
@holdenweb I would hope that there would be no commas in fields of a CSV
I guess you can surround them by quotes or something, but that's a bit dirty
> All commas are a single byte
@AndrasDeak why you say this i read tutorial
because when I asked you to generate a dummy input you responded with explaining that you're new to python and this is hard, if I recall correctly
Either way there's nothing we can say that we haven't said before to help you :(
@holdenweb Well I'll be darned
What is the proper way to put a comma in a CSV field? quotes?
When you've been programming as long as I have ... I'll be dead!
Well I've been programming a while... but you don't always come across every situation.
this is hard because my data have 50 columns
@holdenweb you've an interesting username :-)
Sadly, CSV isn't standardised, hence the csv module's adoption of "dialects" as a mechanism to cope with some of the grossest variations.
@holdenweb I recently coded up a script that uses Gemini.com CSV files. Ugliest I have ever seen haha
@holdenweb Can I blame microsoft? That always works
@DrSima You've decided it's hard before you've even attempted to subdivide the CSV and see how localised you can make the problem?
currency values had $ and commas, yuck
i cant subdevide
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I used to run a company called Holden Web, and so I used it as my Twitter handle. It's kinda followed me around since then. Python buddies call me that when we speak, too!
because its deduplication
ugh, so many trashy pandas questions and answers to match. What to do.
@holdenweb I'd just call you Ron
i should train data
@AndrasDeak You can blame whoever you want. None of the blaming will make the situation the slightest bit easier or less painful.
you underestimate my blaming power ;)
@AndrasDeak Later ...
But year, Ron works nicely too, and is even more opaque
@holdenweb Nice! Thanks for being a contributor to SO over the years. Your experience is valued here.
subdividing decrease my result accuracy
Thank you for saying so. It makes it worth all the time I've spent starving in garrets :-)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I have a Pandas question I've been sitting on in work but I feel too trashy to act. I got it to work, over 10 (I think) lines of code :P
Are offtopic conversations allowed in this room?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ at times the Pandas tag feels like the Code Golf of SO to me
Woudln't want to get kicked out for innocent conversation
@roganjosh As long as it isn't "how do I assign a column from one df to another" then please feel free (yeah... finally got it right)
if you want an opinion you can gives us a sneak peek here
I think I probably will
I don't have the code with me
I tried maybe 5 different lines of attack and fell down right at the last hurdle of all of them
@Aris94 I doubt the room owners are totalitarian enough to kick people just for chatting
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ In that case... How do we all feel about the future of Cryptocurrency?
@miradulo Oft the misconception is that the shortest solution is the best, but I'm experienced enough to know that isn't the case. Although there is a positive correlation for sure
@AndrasDeak Can you still blame Microsoft in 2018? That kind of feels like blaming IBM, or Burrows. I think you have to blame Google nowadays.
@Aris94 you really should strike up a conversation with @AshishNitinPatil. He's big into that sorta stuff
if you have any complaints against google, forward them to an inbox no one will ever go through because they're too busy making truckloads of money :p
why the hell was that marked as spam?
What was?
I think only >10k users can see. It was a comment in this room
Yeah no kidding. Weird.
I just marked something as offensive... Without realizing who wrote it.
My mistake..
But to be honest, it does seem offensive and out-of-place
How is it offensive? You were offended?
I use vim lol
I think crypto currency is going to have a total crash (think 1999 web/software in general, or 1983 video games), and then it’ll take off properly.
Wait, the Vim vs Emacs comment?
Uh okay. I see the humour you were trying to get at but you really mustn't use flags ironically :)
I don't really care about whether or not someone uses a tool. But I think it's silly to insult someone for their choice.
Don't worry, it was a joke.
Oh ok, well now I feel bad
I don't think I can unmark it as spam :/
if it wasn't, it wouldn't be starred here (it has 4 stars now)
Making vim jokes when wim isn’t around to cause confusion for people with screen readers seems like you’re losing half the joke.
it's alright, the flag has been cleared now.
@abarnert My mistake. I also marked it before I even looked at the username
I have friends that actually have those sort of debates. I just find them very irritating and irrelevant
And they aren't kidding haha
@abarnert You mean its popularity is premature?
But people that use spaces over tabs are a different story
what about people who use spaces over tabs?
lol that was also a joke
SV reference
SV? Support Vectors?
Partly it’s just that this is the pattern for video games, web software, electric cars, smart phones, …
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Yea something like that
oh well I was just trying to keep the joke going ;/
@Aris94 usernames are irrelevant, but don't flag what isn't offensive
@AndrasDeak Don't you think that would be offensive if it wasn't a joke though?
But I think the specific thing that will kill crypto currency v1 is the excessive libertarian dogma that all regulation is bad, and if that means that 95% of all activity is driven by fraud (from pump&dump and pyramid schemes to outright theft of coins), somehow the free market will magically fix that.
Insulting someone for choosing a tool over another?
I have no idea which message you're talking about but I haven't seen anything offensive recently
@Aris94 serves them right for using emacs
@Aris94: Read the whole message. The star board cuts off the joke.
@user2357112 Will do from now on
Seriously though, are there any obvious limitations of one editor over another?
do speak up if you find something inappropriate, but flagging is rarely necessary
@Aris94 Personally, I'm much better at making fun of emacs than vim, because I'm an emacs junkie (to the point of carrying around a floppy with a .emacs file with hundreds of lines of custom lisp code back in the day).
Offensive flags are seen by every 10k user and their validation incurs a 30-minute autosuspend. So it's not to be taken lightly.
^ I did not know that
@AndrasDeak Oh wow didn't know that. I thought it would just lead to the post being deleted
that's just one of the consequences
You get a notification?
I'm a noob so I'll learn these things in time.
This is a strongly moderated room so we can handle inappropriate content on the room-owner level already
@Aris94 sure thing
@roganjosh nobody does except for the one getting banned
well, and the flag appears similarly to a ping for >10k users
anyway, bedtime for me
I'll take that as a notification :)
Take it easy
yeah if you meant the flag and not the validation of the flag then yes, there's a notification
No more python at work for the foreseeable future, it's a sad day D:
@chrisz I never took no python for an answer ;)
then they fired me..
Coincidence that I tried to open the line in this question stackoverflow.com/questions/50360345/… and my router is now not working?
@roganjosh That's one of the few questions you can ask that will stop me from clicking the link..
Fearing I put too much faith in my firewall, and also that it's just a horrible coincidence
Opening the link I gave just takes you to the question, not the link I used
identicons are a fad these days, it would seem
Yeah, the internet is well dead the second I tested the link in that question. Can anyone research that domain as I'm now on my phone?
Identicons sound like a Transformers gimmick.
Like some new villain stealing the individuality from Autobots and Decepticons alike to create his army of Identicons, all identical, all poised to conquer the Earth (mwahaha).
... can you say "mwahaha" again please?
now I can die in peace

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