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Well the second one is kind of a stretch because I never actually got a hard no. Maybe there is a way to do it natively, but for some reason it's not a popular approach, but they didn't feel like explaining why. So I'm in the dark.
it's likely that most of the questions they get concern prod code just as Wayne said, and they default to not handing out foot-shooting guns
This little snippet from cpython/Python/ast.c

case NAME:
if (strcmp(STR(n), "in") == 0)
return In;

if raw['curr'] ==  "EURUSD" or "GBPUSD" or "USDJPY":
  print "hi"
  print "bye"
The project is a peg or two above "pointless academic experiment not intended for public consumption", so I would be interested in a discussion on foot-shooting. Just a little more detail than "nah don't do that" would be good
raw['curr'] = 'USDkk'
@pythonRcpp that's not what you think it is
@pythonRcpp Needs to be if raw['curr'] == "EURUSD" or raw['curr'] == "GBPUSD" or raw['curr'] == "USDJPY":
raw['curr'] in ["EURUSD", "BPUSD", "USDJPY"]
x == y or z is equivalent to (x == y) or bool(z). You can't compare x and z that way.
@pythonRcpp, look up operator chaining. Non-empty strings always evaluate to True.
not interested unless it's "BTCUSD", "ETHUSD", etc. :-p
ok is there a more beautiful way if "EURUSD" or "GBPUSD" or "USDJPY" in raw['curr']:
Yup, Andras's suggestion.
yeah just saw it . thanks @AndrasDeak @Kevin @jpp
assumes raw['curr'] is a string and you want an exact comparison
@jpp as implied by the original version
(but yeah)
Testing "are any of these strings in raw['curr']?" is slightly trickier
e.g. if you want it to be True when raw['curr'] is "fooEURUSDbar"
What was one of the gotchas where something like (not this, but similar) [0] * 10 would result in badly referenced list? (same index affects all other indices in the resulting list)
nested list
Do the same with a mutable object (like a list) and not an int.
like a zero matrix
@pythonRcpp: has someone already encouraged you to switch to Python 3? Probably. You should listen to them. :-)
Do it!
>>> x = [[0]*3]*3
>>> x[0][0] = 1
>>> x
[[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
Illustrations by Kevin. thanks
morning cabbage
Hmm, am I using github's search wrong, somehow? github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Objects/… makes reference to a function asciilib_count, and I want to find its definition. I copy the name into the search bar and it tells me there are zero results.
How is this possible? There should be at least one result, namely the line I was just looking at
@Kevin look at the categories on the left. Click one...probably "Code"
Let's see... That's the one that's already selected
yah, that's odd
yup, weird
when I do a search and I see "no results" it's usually because I don't click on the correct category
Haven't delved into C / C++ for a long time, but that #define STRINGLIB(F) asciilib_##F line suggests it gets autopicked
but that search doesn't include the lines which Kevin linked to
(count.h is a separate file under stringlib dir)
@AndrasDeak github is weird, I concur :-p
if you want it to be True when raw['curr'] is "fooEURUSDbar", yes i would need that .
in a different function though
@pythonRcpp Ok, then you need if any(s in raw['curr'] for s in ["EURUSD", "BPUSD", "USDJPY"]):
@pythonRcpp nonono, not is for checking string equality
Or was that just English? Sorry
github.com/python/cpython/commit/… shows the initial check-in of asciilib.h. But there's no asciilib.c. This is confusing to me.
these are all preproc macros (inline functions?) so they aren't in a .c I guess
or reasons
Hmm, objects/stringlib/count.h has a `Py_LOCAL_INLINE(Py_ssize_t)
STRINGLIB(count)` definition. I didn't know you were allowed to put function bodies in a .h file.
@Kevin I don't think there's a syntactical difference between .h and .c
once you #include it it's all part of the source
if you mean "allowed" as in "by convention", well, cpython
Hi! Um so I was reading this question:

And it's useful, but I was wondering, how could I extend this so I can add all file names into a text file, if they are not in it already? So everytime I run it, it only adds file names that were recently added?
@Annabelle well do you know how to read a text file and put stuff into it depending on its existing contents?
The rough outline of doing such a thing is: 1) open the file; 2) load the data into an object with convenient membership testing capabilities, such as a list or set; 3) check if the name is in the object; 4) add the name if it's not in the object; 5) save the object back to the file
Hi Guys. How can can I write layouted (blockset?) text to a csv, in an one row/line?
werden soll, sondern auch die  private Initiative.
Ich erblicke in einem solchen Bekenntnis einen
erfreulichen Fortschritt und sage dazu selbstver-
ständlich ein Ja. Ich bin aber nicht der Mei-
nung, wie gesagt worden ist, daß in der Vergan-
genheit die Privatinitiative versagt hätte. So lie-
gen die Dinge nicht, und ,wir wollen ganz nüchtern
wirtschaftlich feststellen, daß der hier so eifrig
kritisierte  Bau von gewerblichen Räumen  ganz
einfach darauf beruht, daß das Problem der Ren-
tierlichkeit der Baukosten nicht gelöst war. So-
Like this?
@madik_atma If you're using the csv module, it shouldn't have any problems inserting data-with-newlines into a cell
@Kevin the csv module prints the data like this here in new lines, not in one
with open('speaker01012-7.csv', 'w') as csv_out:
    speakerwriter = csv.writer(csv_out)
    speakerwriter.writerows([(speakers.speaker, speakers.group, speakers.text) for speakers in speakerlist])
@AndrasDeak I can read in a file line by line, and I assume I can iterate over the list everytime
But that seems a bit inefficient
I don't think you can skip reading the contents of the file if you want to determine what's inside
Maybe I'm misinterpreting the question. I thought you wanted to insert the text into the cell, while preserving the newlines, so that when you look at the data in excel or whatever, the data would still appear on multiple lines, but all in one box.
If you want it to appear all on one line, perhaps you could use .replace to remove all the newlines from the text. It gets a bit more difficult if you also want to remove the hyphens for the words that are split on multiple lines.
also end-of-line spaces
hmm, no, I guess you could ' '.join() anyway
I was just wondering if there was a way to read only once, instead of my idea of putting in a list/array and iterating over whole thing for every new file.
you can edit that ping into the first message :P
Maybe paragraph = paragraph.replace("-\n", "").replace("\n", " ")? Might be a corner case I'm not thinking of, there.
@Kevin hyphenated words
@Annabelle Yes, use a set. sets don't have to iterate for membership tests.
German is less prone to that, but still
@Kevin yea replace the newlines are very good idea.
@Aran-Fey Okay!
> Comet Hale-
Bopp would
break it.
@AndrasDeak Distinguishing between "hyphen that signifies a line break" and "hyphen that signifies a line-break, and is part of a word that happens to always contain a hyphen", would be real dang hard.
Google translate gives me "We must therefore solve the problem of Reindeerism at the beginning." I'm not sure what reindeerism is but I think I'm on their side.
@Kevin yup
@Annabelle you can read only once per program execution, and then keep track of the lines in a set as Aran said. But you still have to do this each time you run the file
unless, I don't know, you pickle that set before exit
Fig 1. Oppression of the reindeerist proletariat
Okay @AndrasDeak
That's fine too
Are python sets ordered?
Cool that's useful
Are they ordered in 3...6? or was that 7?
I don't think so
Sets are usually constructed the same way dicts are, so if your Python distribution has ordered dicts, I'd expect it to also have ordered sets
or is it just dicts that keep their insertion order now?
(implementation detail in 3.6, ruling for 3.7 mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2017-December/151283.html)
@Kevin I think I made the same assumption and I was told "nope" here
Dec 6 '17 at 19:52, by Andras Deak
that was 3.6 where sets happen to be ordered, probably
Dec 6 '17 at 19:52, by PM 2Ring
@AndrasDeak Nope, they aren't.
Hmm interesting. I guess it's possible that they don't operate in the same basic way any more.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking
Dec 6 '17 at 19:53, by PM 2Ring
And the set order will randomly change from one run to the next, unless you set a PYTHONHASHSEED
Yeah, that used to be accidental... until people started relying on it -_-
In any case, you could always use a collections.OrderedDict and just kind of pretend that it's a set. Just set the keys to some dummy value and then ignore them.
so "set is a valueless dict" is only semantic
@Kevin or a regular dict for >=3.6 cpython ;)
Yeah. OrderedDict is the sledgehammer solution you use when you can't be bothered to determine your version.
This might all be premature optimization anyway, if we're reopening the file every time we need to add a value. O(1) membership testing is useless if we have to do O(N) initialization every time.
does anyone know why collections has OrderedDict but no OrderedSet?
seems a bit poor to have to use OrderedDict for an ordered set
Because ordered sets are semantically unfounded? Do people need those?
sets are a bag, dicts are a library in my head
for the same reason people need OrderedDict ?
I get what you are saying, it's an oxymoron, "ordered" & "set" are like opposites.
My wild guess is: because it's not different enough from OrderedDict that they felt like implementing both.
Runner-up guess: not enough people asked for it
stackoverflow.com/questions/1653970/… has 316 upvotes. How many upvotes does a post usually need before the Python devs decide to add the thing to the language?
317 now
[finger hovers momentarily over downvote button]... Nah.
Another one I'd love in standard lib is toolz.compose.
having to string 5 functions together is a nightmare and unreadable.
@jpp I'm only saying that I have a fundamentally different mental image of dicts and sets. Just because I can't imagine many use cases it still might be that a lot of people would use it. Then again the BDFL also has mysterious ways
you can call it something else if you like :)
Raymond Hettinger at mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2009-July/005304.html says, to paraphrase, "I want to keep collections small. I have code ready for an ordered set, and I would add it if there was demand. But I haven't seen much demand"
"We have dict and ordered dict, therefore we should have set and ordered set" was explicitly rejected as a sufficient justification
hi.. is it ok to ask a scipy question here?
only if it's not about answering your new question on main, as per the room rules sopython.com/chatroom
what he said
Read that as "spicy question" and now I'm disappointed that it probably won't be spicy
I am stuck on a simple question stackoverflow.com/questions/50234234/…
@AndrasDeak ah :(
thanks, no worries
ok.. let me put it a different way.. how do you use args with scipy minimize?
you're welcome to ask in 2 days if you don't get satisfactory answers
first argument is what's minimized, the rest are args
ok thanks.. I think my problem is in fact subtle
as it works if I take logs :)
it could be, some of these functions are fickle
your application is yelling at you because you should be logging.
listen to your application. It knows the secrets to the universe
base-10 logging
it's how you decimate trees
What is the optimum for the second code block in your question, out of curiosity?
@Kevin is that for me?
Um so I have this:
# Redirect print output
import sys
sys.stdout = open(logfilename, 'wt')

# Print out all lines to text file that were in it, in order.
for x in lines:
hubarb for a while
@Kevin if so.. 17.37 I believe
But my file prints like so:
['anna', 'black', 'cat', 'duck', 'edgy', 'fast']
@Annabelle are you sure you want to mess with stdout? Why not print to a file directly?
Why isn't it one item per line?
you're not showing how lines is defined
It's just uh lines = []
...please don't write text to a file like that
OK, as I said I should go :P
How should I do it then? @Aran-Fey
I see, open file and use write function
and use a context manager
@Anush Ok, cool. Just wondering. That detail might be worth adding into the question, if Ahmed's answer turns out not to solve the problem.
with open(logfilename, 'w') as outfile:
    for x in lines:
        outfile.write(x + '\n')
@Kevin it does solve it in a way... I should ask another question asking why the optimizer fails
Oh okay
@Aran-Fey so if I don't have the '\n' it won't add newlines right?
@Anush: if you're solving scalar problems, using minimize_scalar and a bound will typically give better results.
That line gives me this error:
TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list
@DSM oh interesting!
let me try that
cabbage all
In [104]: scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(error, [0, 1e3], args=(b,c,n)).x
Out[104]: 17.372668069721943
Do we have a canonical "you have to define functions/classes/whatevers before you use them" question? I'm having trouble finding one with decent answers
It is SO very satisfying to cause a bug yourself in previously functioning code, and then find and fix it. :)
(Ehh, I think I defined the bracket there, not the bounds, but whatever.)
@DSM So that's pretty bad of minimize, right?
oh.. hmm
@Anush: what do you mean?
@Aran-Fey Let's make the one I just answered the canonical one, so I get all the points $_$
@DSM that it fails so badly on this relatively simple 1d problem
Got it I think
@DSM Could one at least get minimize to tell you it was failing to converge?
@Anush: it did.
@Kevin Sure, if you can do better than Martijn's answer here, which shouldn't be terribly difficult
Hmm now it doesn't print anything to file @Aran-Fey
@DSM oh! Was there a diagnostic I could have printed out?
@Anush: print(calculated).
It's hard to write a real in-depth explanation of why Python doesn't have hoisting, because not having hoisting is the default state of any language that doesn't do fancy multiple-pass compilation or whatever.
@DSM works with nelder-mead it seems.repl.it/@altendky/CraftyWorthwhileSites
You have a success flag and an error message. You threw all that away and only looked at the return value.
@DSM right.. my mistake. It seems it is the default optimizer which is poor for this simple problem
Optimization is invariably messy, and you should treat the tools scipy provides as, well, tools in a toolbox. There's no sonic screwdriver.
@Annabelle You must've done something wrong, then. I'm 99.99% sure that the code I posted is equivalent to yours
You can either say "well... It's just obvious why this works" or you can write an entire book about Python's execution model
@DSM :) you know the sonic screwdriver also doesn't always work
It works whenever the story doesn't need it not to because plot. :-P
Wooden doors and deadlock seals only appear in the script if the problem would be trivially solved otherwise
pastebin.com/LeXjX3BF @Aran-Fey Lines 29-30 Don't print anything (Supposed to be printing existing contents of the file.) But it prints the date and stuff in the set just fine.
@DSM it does make me wonder if it's the right default optimizer
@DSM I mean the system knows its a 1d problem
Hmm, is it possible to use functools.partial to pre-supply the second and third arguments of the target, but not the first? Assuming I don't want to write a torturous lambda or anything.
>>> def f(a,b,c):
...     print(a,b,c)
>>> import functools
>>> functools.partial(f, ???, 23, 42)(1)
1 23 42
Don't think so, unfort.
There's functools.partial(f,b=23,c=42)(1) but that assumes I know the names of the arguments
Yeah, there are ways to get the same behaviour, but not simply doing something with some argument to partial specifying the positional location of the arg you want closed over.
@Annabelle I can't reproduce that. It does write something to the file, it just doesn't do it right.
Do it like this.
Oh same idea I just had
To append it
Okay, time for a poll: Martijn or Kevin? Who has the better answer?
I vote for myself :>
How exciting, it's neck-and-neck at 0 to 1
I do think yours is better. Would you mind if I made a major edit to the question? There's too much noise; I want to reduce the code to the minimum that's necessary to repro the problem
3 lines of code, basically
Doesn't bother me personally, although who knows how the OP will react.
I just found hold = [[None] * 8] * len(hold) in a codebase, but it happens to work by fluke because of a later hold[0:n] = all_list.
Also I'm about to go to lunch so if it's my job to edit my answer to also reflect the minimal code, that won't happen for a while
Nah, I'll take care of that. You can focus your attention on filling your belly, no worries
Kevin gets an UV from me
it's amazing I didn't know this
well, maybe not amazing, coldspeed was asking martijn similar questions
Re: the serialized ordered set chat that's been going on, I wonder if it would be worth writing a context manager that handles the reading and writing of the file.
Something like pastebin.com/fM3G7xv7
foo has been added to the ordered set.

foo is already present.
@Aran-Fey You might want to show two examples: 1. Global if...else and 2. if...else in a function
oh...Kevin's original answer moved the if into a function...
You mean in the question? Shouldn't that be Kevin's job, if anything?
for some reason I thought Kevin's answer kept the if...else global and your revised version put it in a function
Nah, I didn't change that
yah, I saw that after I looked at the edit history
so to your original question about who's answer is better...they each address the problem two different ways. A complete answer would show both a global function call with the function def before the call. And a function call from within a function where the order of the defs doesn't matter.
I'm bashing my head against some strange Django behavior...
seems like this is an as-designed thing
are you sure it's not a feature?
no, I'm not sure...
I'm not sure of anything...
I'm not a Django master, but shoot.
for some reason one of my detail routes is returning 404 even though there is clearly data that should be returned
I'm not sure if I can even create an MCVE...
@Code-Apprentice Hmm, @Kevin does explain that the function has to be defined before it's called, but I guess adding a piece of code to demonstrate how it's done would make the answer more newbie-friendly
My original doStuff() code was intended to show that, more or less
Did I accidentally butcher it?
Nah, the current version reflects my original intention.
@Kevin: I came up with yet another possible cause of the no-attribute-io problem.. which makes three.
At the cafeteria today I saw a sign which said "This Cash is available for on account users only", by which they mean people who have a card they can charge against. So really it's "This Cash is available only for people not using cash", or "This Cash is not for cash".
pyart.io is a real library module, if that narrows it down any
Ah, but there might be more than one pyart, is what you're saying.
>>> pyart.io
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'io'
>>> pyart.__doc__
'Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) implemetation for python.'
Gotcha. That could indeed be a possible cause.
A certain skeleton image is coming to mind, though.
The one waiting for OP, with the long white beard? I'm getting that vibe yeah
Hmm, not sure how to word that question without a dangling participle. "The one waiting for OP, with the long white beard" could be interpreted to mean that the OP has a long white beard. But "The one with the long white beard, waiting for OP" might imply that the beard is waiting for the OP, not the skeleton.
The one that, while having a long white beard, waits for the OP?
Ask not for whom the skeleton waits; it waits for thee
I don't need to wait for a skeleton. I've already got one.
Natural language is too ambiguous, that's why we code
meta-nitpick: I think I meant "dangling modifier", not "dangling participle".
Or maybe not. It's complicated. Wikipedia redirects one to the other.
As long as it dangles
well, my problem was a usage of map() and the difference of behavior between py2 and py3
So your problem was py2 :P
py2: a problem™
my current task is porting from py2 to py3
so yes, my problem is py2 and tracking down all the problems caused by differences in py3
httpbin.org down for everyone?
I wouldn't know: Not allowed to browse Master Blacklist category
@wim did you try downforeveryoneorjustme.com?
looks like I can get it...
TIL that you don't mess with people who are craving ice cream on a nice day...
@MooingRawr do tell
I wish we had a version of docs.python.org/3/faq/… on SO that I could use as a hammer target. The ones in our canon list aren't general enough for my taste.
Two of them require Tkinter and the third has ten times as much code as required to exhibit the problem
Hmm, stackoverflow.com/questions/19837486/python-lambda-in-a-loop was just used as a hammer target. Let's see...
Title's good, code is short, answers are informative... Too bad there's no MCVE.
I've been using this one. The code is a bit cluttered, but that can probably be improved
Yeah it's got an extra layer of functions that it doesn't need. the contents of test could easily be at the global scope
It's more attractive as a post that could be made canonical, since there's only one answer, so there are fewer people that might try to revert any code edits we make
Unless 500k users are really possessive about their answers? But I expect not, since that'd be like hoarding grains of sand
I never really thought about it, but Martelli's answer has a pretty high text/code ratio. Not sure if that's a good thing. It might be a little confusing.
Ideally I'd like to see two complete code boxes. The suggestion to use def f(k=k): gets a little lost among all the plaintext surrounding it
I'm tempted to switch to this one, just because it has an answer from the ninja
It's the only answer I've seen that uses functools.partial
That was the one I was referring to when I said it had ten times as much code as necessary.
Not that that makes a whole lot of difference if we want to plow over it entirely with new code. I guess it's slightly more strain on our delete keys.
@Code-Apprentice Not much to tell, went out with co workers who REALLY wanted ice cream. The place was closed, they were super sad and super agitated :\
@DSM, did you see the bird news? We (the city) can't catch a break.
That question definitely needs a do-over. Using yield is a no-go, that'll scare off most readers
@MooingRawr did they riot?
The co workers went through the steps of grief ( I believe is what they call it ) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model
hey folks, re: wsgi, are there any docs on how servers like bjorne or apache manage python processes when running the wsgi interfaces?
Hmm, can't say I'm familiar with that topic.
Oh snap... I just realized that I can't get rid of the "nested functions" aspect without completely rewriting Martijn's answer...
It explains closures and everything :/
I have a Heisentest
morning cbg to all
TFW your solution is 30 times faster than the other proposed solutions..
cython shmithon
@MartijnPieters We're trying to find a good canonical dupe for the common late binding problem of creating functions in a loop. I found your answer here to be the best, but the code in the question is so horribly convoluted that it's a suboptimal dupe target. I wanted to rewrite it to something shorter like this, but then it wouldn't match your answer anymore because you went into detail about closure cells
Would you mind if that part of the answer were removed?
where to start helping a user, when literally every line is wrong
@Aran-Fey I guess so; the closure lookup is replaced with a global lookup, both are examples of lazy lookup of out-of-scope variables. Or you could just put the sample in a function and thus make animal a local name, preserving my answer. :-)
@wim in those cases I usually just close the tab :/
@MartijnPieters If you don't mind, I'd rather get rid of the "nested function" detail. It would make both the question and the answer(s) easier to digest for newbies, and it's not really relevant if it's a closure lookup or a global lookup. Going into detail about closures just makes it more confusing than it needs to be
Hmm.. does anyone know if there's a standard format for getting a sessionid and csrftoken stuff?
i.e. should it be on a /login page
I am currently trying to call my django server with session auth using requests in python and getting it to work with csrf was a giant PITA
Is there a better pattern than callbacks for url calls?
@MartijnPieters I made a draft, please let me know if you'd be ok with that. For reference, here's what the updated question would look like.
hey hey heyyyyy
@AhmyOhlin Ah, My Ohlin is here
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ it wasn't funny the first time, it isn't funny now. It's generally considered rude to joke with the name of others
It wasn't rude and it wasn't a joke, it was just a silly pun. Please don't get offended when there's no offence to be taken
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I really don't understand your joke
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ it's not offensive, just bad form
@AhmyOhlin Err, if Ahmy Ohlin is really your name, then my bad :)
okay, drop it please...
it's not my real name
I didn't get it. skip it
I want to share with you guys a good video about python
@MartijnPieters Alternatively, here's a version of the question that keeps the nested function, and your updated answer.
@Aran-Fey I'd want to reword the variables section; they are not free variables (that's purely a term used in conjunction with closures), they are simply globals.
I'm also quite tired right now, so I don't have the bandwidth to parse what changed in the second version, sorry. I'll try to look tomorrow.
I think I've lost touch with the world. Shouldn't this be in World Building as a HNQ? "How can whiteboards become brazen academic killers?"
@MartijnPieters Alright. I initially assumed that the OP was only asking about closures because they thought them to be cause of the problem, but now I think that maybe they really wanted to know how closures behaved in such a situation. So I'm in favor of keeping the "nested functions" aspect now. The closures will be irrelevant for most other readers, but oh well.
nevermind nested functions, sounds like you've got nested problems
yeah. This is what happens when people ask too specific questions; they make for bad dupe targets.
1 hour later…
I'm about to go insane; tracking down typos in django is impossible
especially when you don't know that you're tracking down a typo
@OneRaynyDay I feel your pain. I spent all day tracking down errors in our django project after running out with python 3
@Code-Apprentice yep, it's because of their (too clever) stupid overloading and overriding
I have a typo and it ends up calling the default behavior pointing me to a wild goose chase
if I was a django guru I would've known this but this is my first time even touching django, and I don't have neither the patience nor the time to read through their source code
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