was using distutils.dir_util.copy_tree to copy a lot of files. Turns out, I don't have permissions to copy some of them. Is there a good alternative to copy tons of files? Or do I have to make my own?
Sorry, to be clear, an I need an alternative that checks for permission and skips if I don't have it.
Are you doing this as part of an install, or at runtime? If the latter, is there a reason you're using an undocumented distutils function instead of shutil?
Yes there is a reason and it isn't a good one. When I was looking up ways to do it, I came across shutil for single file copies but found copy_tree for a whole directory. I had hoped it was more than just convenient and had some performance benefit. But I was only hoping and ended up diving in.
IIRC, shutil.copytree will handle many errors by continuing on to finish all the non-problem files and then raising a combined exception for all the errors at the end, but there are some kinds of errors that confuse it enough to make it punt, like trying to copy a file when the dest has a directory with the same name.
But if the docs don't say, or if its behavior isn't acceptable, the docs also have a link to the source, as with half the other modules in the stdlib, and it's probably a pretty simple function that's easy to understand and modify if needed. (That's why they link to the source—because half the stdlib is useful as example code, not just as a premade library.)
> Ask your question directly. Avoid asking if it's okay to ask, or if anyone knows about a topic. Users may want to see your question before speaking up, and users who join later can see it.
In that case: Given an array of integers, arr = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10**7). Why might I be seeing this with NumPy 0.14.2?
In [123]: %timeit arr.astype(object).astype(str)
1.67 s ± 3.99 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [124]: %timeit arr.astype(str)
4.99 s ± 37 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [7]: %timeit arr.astype(object).astype('|S3')
1.19 s ± 40.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [8]: %timeit arr.astype(object).astype(str)
2.18 s ± 76.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [9]: %timeit arr.astype('|S3')
4.61 s ± 82.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
You could speed things up more by using fixed length strings @miradulo
Sure, yeah. This isn't for any practical reason though, to be honest. I'm just curious why an initial cast to the object type speeds things up (it is similar to what tolist() does as well).
(map calls __iter__ obviously, and in Pandas 0.22 that now just calls ndarray.tolist) So his benchmarks in his answer aren't very representative of current-version Pandas & NumPy
Also it is actually astype that calls astype_str, and map uses an entirely different function that is just a Cythonized loop storing things in an array of object dtype, if you're reading his answer :)
The only time I ever tried to offer a bounty on a Python question, I added a comment saying I was going to add a bounty in 10 hours when the time limit had passed, and Martijn Pieters answered it before the 10 hours was up.
I think I did once offer a bounty on a JavaScript or C/POSIX question, but ended up answering it myself a few days later because nobody else did.
lol that seems like something that Martijn would do.
I nearly offered a bounty on a MathStackExchange question that was a few years old with no answer, decided to ask a prof first and got pointed to a thesis from the 70s that covered the question in great detail.
@chrisz when you post a bounty you have to give a reason which gets written under the question. That's the "notice". Flags are a completely different and private thing
floor(x) is the largest integer not larger than x, ceil(x) is the smallest integer not smaller than x, round(x) is the integer closest to x (with various possible choices of breaking ties)
here I will just paste the code(yes I know Andras):
end_tables = __import__(end_tables_path)
print('The encryption table file you specified does not meet the requirements for being a "end_tables" file.')
>>> import ast
>>> node = ast.parse(open('foo.py').read())
>>> {target.id for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node) if isinstance(child,ast.Assign) for target in child.targets}
{'img1', 'img2', 'img2_normed', 'res', 'img1_normed', 'numpix'}
those are the global names defined in a foo.py I found lying around
I think the most frequent usecase is for targetting only supported versions of a library (if not, fallback to something else)
(or fall hard with correct verbose error)
Using gnome with tweaks and whatnot is a little annoying now. Specially with the weird bug of natural scrolling for vertical scrolls, but regular scrolling for horizontal... -_-
Hello everyone. Today I come with two questions, one technical and one philosophical. Firstly: Is there a preadinto function for file objects? It could live in many places like os or io and I'm not sure that I've looked everywhere. It would work like pread in that it starts at a specified offset, but also like readinto in that it reads into a passed bytearray rather than returning the read results.
Secondly: Why does Python call anonymous functions lamdas? A true lamda function only performs one atomic operation on exactly one input variable. Did anyone ever suggest using something like a func keyword instead? If so, why was it shot down?
@Aran-Fey Yeah, I was worried that's what that meant. There probably isn't an underlying syscall of that type to use, so Python wouldn't be saving me any work by providing one.
You are right that lambda in python is not a true lamda function. They are only a crippled def, and shouldn’t really be included in the language at all. A better name for Python anonymous function would be lameda
@ocket8888 Where did you read that lambdas only accept one argument? I see the expression used synonymous with anonymous function, which has no such restriction.
@Arne the term "lambda" is from "Lambda Calculus" which is predicated on a system where functions perform one operation on one input variable. It's a paradigm used extensively (albeit in various altered forms) in functional programming to "raise" functions.
Lots of programming languages tend to make it synonymous with "anonymous function", but the two are actually pretty different. So it's weird to me that we have lamda instead of func.
According to Dive into Python, they're borrowed from the lambda feature in Lisp. I just looked that up, and it also accepts multiple parameters. Go complain at Lisp first.
Well, obviously Python didn't "invent" lambda, but if the discussion about whether to rename it never took place and it was just copy/pasted from a different language, that's something I couldn't Google. To be fair, I have no idea if anyone here was involved with the addition of lamda to the language, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
If you want to look at the formal reasoning, you might also check out typed lambda calculi. They are probably what the programmer-understanding of what a lambda is is most closely based on.
linguistis used lambdas as multi parameter functions for ages
mathematicians do not have a monopoly on that letter
I have a calculation as such answer = (x * (10**y)) % mod. x is single digit number, y is huge(upto 10^18). mod is 10^9 + 7. How could I make the calculation fast? Currently it takes ages to complete.
In [4]: x, y = 2, 10**6
In [5]: x, y, m = 2, 10**6, 10**9+7
In [6]: (x * 10**y) % m
Out[6]: 814657583
In [7]: (x * pow(10, y, m)) % m
Out[7]: 814657583
@JGrindal I can't compare it to PyTest, but I'm not sure what you find complex about the setup of JUnit. You can usually just create a plain vanilla maven project, and then go a long way without modifying anything in the configuration of JUnit. What configuration do you mean, for what use cases? Agree on assertTrue, the name is tautological.
@RobertGrant He probably means the assert-keyword. It's not used in JUnit, because it throws exceptions that are not very descriptive. Instead, JUnit provides bunch of somewhat verbose assertFoobar-methods which generate more comprehensible failure messages.
@MooingRawr That's just (x * y) % m = (x % m) * (y % m) % m applied inductively. Simple rule: whenever you multiply or add numbers mod m, you can apply the mod m before adding and multiplying. If you do this in case of pow(a,b,m), you can guarantee that all intermediate results remain smaller than m, instead of blowing up to a gigantic number a ** b.
@JGrindal Could you give me a hint how you actually use PyTest? I mean, how is it integrated in the toolchain? I'm currently trying to learn python properly, but I'm somehow struggling even with the simplest project. I don't even know when I'm "allowed" to commit, because it's not clear what tool to ask whether a commit is "valid". I've tried using PyBuilder, with mixed success so far. Is it commonly used? Or does everyone use something else?
(not sure whether opinion-based software recommendation questions are on-topic in the chat, sry)
@AndreyTyukin interesting, I'm now going to go look up the inners of pow to see what they do or do they just do what you expected? ie pow(a,b,m) = (x % m) * (y % m)
@AndreyTyukin We have each module with a testsuite, so we write our code, write our unit tests and load the tests into the module suite which should run and pass before any code gets "firm" committed (if there is a commit for work that is WIP at end of day or some such, it's generally committed with a NFICS tag - "Not Functional In Current State")
@MooingRawr The definition of pow won't be that simple, it will probably rather use square-and-multiply. To make you more motivated: you can even compute rightmost digits of the incomprehensibly large Graham's number using very much the same simple insight. Try it, it's fun.
docs on pkgutil.iter_modules: "Yields ModuleInfo for all submodules on path". Docs on pkgutil.ModuleInfo: "New in python 3.6". So what did iter_modules yield before 3.6?!
@JGrindal Thanks! I guess I googled something too java-centric and non-standard. Will definitely take a look at py.test. If it integrates with PyBuilder somehow: even better. But it seems as if it is useful enough on its own.
@OneRaynyDay A lot of the conventions that unittest grabbed were stolen from JUnit - the goal was to make "JUnit for Python". pytest took a lot of those concepts and improved on them, making them more pythonic and easier to deal with
@OneRaynyDay That's probably true to some extent, because JUnit influenced so many other frameworks.
@OneRaynyDay What I meant: I was looking specifically for a build-tool, the first google hit was PyBuilder, but this seems to be used much less often than other stand-alone tools that do only testing.
@OneRaynyDay On the other hand, there is pybuilder-pytest plugin, so maybe I can integrate all those tools in the end under the umbrella of pybuilder. Then I get my entirely javaesque "build tool" that does all the things at once, from getting the dependencies to generating the .tar.gz. But first, I look at pytest in isolation, just to understand how each component works.
@Kevin The answer is actually pretty obvious. Not using a function optimizes out a single function call, not N of them, so it's not going to make any difference for moderately-sized N. So, if locals are even the tiniest bit faster than globals, putting it in a function will win easily. Locals are faster than globals in most implementations of most languages.
You do have to understand a bit of the internals of CPython to understand exactly why locals are faster than globals (the compiler turns local variables into indexed reads from an array, but global variables into key lookups on a dict), but try to imagine any other implementation and it'll usually turn out that way, and never turn out the opposite way.
For example, imagine the most naive, unoptimized implementation of lexical scoping: look things up in the local scope, and fall back to progressively higher scopes until you hit builtins. So, either way, the variable is found in the first scope, right? But the local scope is a smaller namespace—it doesn't have module attributes like __name__ in it, for example—so it's still going to be a bit faster.
KevinScript doesn't qualitatively differentiate globals and locals ;-) it only has variables local to a particular scope, and one of those scopes happens to be the global scope. Even so, one might expect an algorithm in a function to be faster, if there are fewer names in that scope compared to the global scope.
Ha, you exactly described KS' scoping rules while I was typing them up :-)
I'll cop to "naive, unoptimized implementation". Doing the easiest thing that works was a common design principle of that project.
I really meant "naive" more as in "the first thing any smart person would think to try" rather than "stupid"—it's exactly what the first Lisp with lexical scoping did, for example.
The next simplest implementation is the exact opposite one—compile everything to "fast locals", and just make globals (and builtins) closure cells instead of special-casing them.
I experimented with hacking up CPython (I think either 2.6 or 3.1; it was a while ago…) both ways to measure the performance differences. (I'm not sure where the code is, because I apparently never migrated it to my github fork when CPython moved there.) The globals-as-closures had too many subtle semantic differences to run the benchmark suite; the no-fast-locals version was a little faster on some benchmarks but more than twice as slow on others (including anything with closures).
I've never looked at the JS room, but from checking out a few others: Is it (a) 100% holy wars about React vs. Angular, or whether ES2017 2017 is the universal savior or completely irrelevant, etc. that frequently turn into 4chan-style flamewars, or (b) idiots posting "gimme the codez" questions that they couldn't get answered on the main site and people piling on to insult them instead of just telling them you can't do that?
Also I think I made the C# room mad when I was trying to apologize for asking questions that are difficult to answer because they're ambiguous and they kind of interpreted it as "it's a shame you guys aren't able to answer difficult questions". Maybe I'll just stay in the Python room.
Might try for a hat trick and say inflammatory things about divs in the html room
After 2 months of trying full-stack development and wrestling with the front-end, I've given up trying to actually smooth things out properly with Ajax. I'm just going to default to an epilepsy warning on the landing page re: clicking anything.
I think that came mostly after I did actually design everything to the best of my ability, testing it on Chrome/FF/IE and then viewed it from another PC that wasn't connected to the internet and clearly ran an earlier version of IE. Half of my table was actually inside the side nav bar
There's some stuff that really baffles me about the move to CSS. Like width="50%" in a table header doesn't work properly because they decided it should be specified in CSS. But, I don't see how it's in any way ambiguous
Hey guys, when I use subprocess.check_output on something like find
find sometimes gives errors like Permission denied which is perfectly reasonable
however, check_output short circuits and doesn't give me the rest of what I wanted(or any of the previous work). Is there a different function or some workaround using check_output?
I had two tables on a page with a space between. The top one had 5 columns, the bottom 2. The second column of the top table needed to be wider, so I specified it as 20%, 30%, 20%, 20%, 10%. But no; this only worked when the table had data in it. Without data, the top table needed to be 20%, 28%, 22%, .... (so summing to 48%) to be aligned. Really?...
@OneRaynyDay If you're asking "can I still capture the output of check_output if it raises an exception?", you may be able to extract text from the exception's output attribute.
The width-of-empty-tables thing was about enshrining a bug in Netscape (that IE had copied) as intended standard behavior, not about a principled design. Things like that were part of the argument that convinced people that salvaging HTML for layout was just impossible so they might as well let the XML purists have their way.
HTML design frustrates me because when I look up something like "how to align three boxes side-by-side, each occupying 33% of the screen", the SO page always has thirty solutions, each of which only works in 1/12th of all browsers. Wayyy at the bottom there might be a table-based solution that works perfectly, but everyone recoils at <table> elements because it's not enterprisey enough