I have sometimes wanted to do it, to prevent repwhore answers that just copy and paste a comment on a question that will be closed but may take a while, but I'm pretty sure that's an abuse of the feature, so I never do…
Yes. I posted it on the wrong question, deleted it there, reposted it on the right one—and then a mod deleted it for being duplicate answer. I flagged it with an explanation; hopefully it'll be fixed.
I have a pandas dataframe which contains the data in this way drive.google.com/open?id=1sPRp7G8FKfaB6z610dJtUGsYpRT8p3CU I would like to use regex in dataframe and filter out certain things. I have formed the regex pattern but not really sure on how to apply it in the dataframe. Any help would be appreciated.
At least three people yesterday and today posted gimme-codes for how to sort alternating positive and negative numbers, and two of them deleted the question as soon as I asked whether this was homework or a job interview prescreen question. Is some big company using it to prescreen a batch of intern candidates right now or something?
But is that a question people get for homework? I know Google at least used to ask it long ago. (Not as prescreening so much as to throw your code back at you and see how you could modify it for different requirements and whether you'd slip up when one of those rapid-fire changes made it quadratic, which seemed like a really stupid thing to be testing people on, but that's Google…)
My interviews at google consisted of a single question that could take up the span of 45 minutes, replete with modifications and writing test cases, so no I would not put it past them
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ would be very interesting if SO can identify traffic from Universities and with a little bit of word analysis being used in the question draft, can suggest "Are you asking a homework question? Did you try it yourself first?"
@Simon As long as it shows effort from your side beyond being °just° "GIMME CODZ!!1", then it's fine. Basically, as long as it follows SO's guidelines of what a good question should look like, then ye
@AshishNitinPatil That, along with hints from OP's profiles, and a database of CS curricula of all the biggest schools/universities... then yes, very possible :D
Is os.environ.get('ROWS') or os.environ.get('LINES'))` not cross-platform enough? Sure, it doesn't work on NT unless you're running cygwin or 4NT, or on most modern Mac or Linux setups, but it covers DOS, Win9x, and tons of old Unix terminals from before the days of tput or BSD-style stty. :)
there you go, now people can permanently benefit from a script that boosts a stat only they themselves can see anyway
@AshishNitinPatil 95% of the time I spent on writing that script was spent on figuring out how to use a replacement function for the regex substitution :/
it passes in each capture group as a separate function argument :/
only JS could think of doing something that stupid
@AshishNitinPatil I miss verbose regexp in Javascript. Having to open a complex regexp up in comments gets old really fast, instead of writing pretty much self documenting regexps.
If by functions and modules you mean splitting complex regexp up, there's at least 1 use case where that won't help. Writing a tokenizer / lexer (though perhaps regexp is not the right tool for that to begin with).
@AshishNitinPatil I don't think that it's that uncommon either. Having the equivalent of Python's re.VERBOSE mode would help immensely in code clarity.
But, I'm not that sure and you might be entirely correct.
Here's an example of what I mean. Suggestions and outright "you're doing it wrong!" are welcome.
Instant regret -- After downloading a 5GB windows update only to be told "can't proceed with update until you manually uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection*", I canceled the update, only for the update to immediately restart from the beginning, by downloading the same5GB package again.
And of course this update is super extra important deluxe turbo edition, so it can't be halted or canceled, for my own good
(*go ahead and guess how hard it is to uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection. Did you guess "impossible"? You win!)
{coworker} tells me that they have been in a predicament like this since last week. Symantec's documentation tells you that uninstallation is possible using the Symantec Endpoint Administrator Console, which was never installed on our computers. Independent tech support sites suggest that you can partially remove it by deleting certain keys out of the registry, but in {coworker}'s case that just makes the Windows update crash when it looks for noncompliant programs
{coworker} is not an Officially STEMmy Person so it's possible that me trying the same thing would have a better outcome, but I'm not optimistic
I guess my long term solution is: leave the "couldn't update :-(" window open forever, and hope I never need to reboot.
"Anyway isn't this all besides the point, since the other room members gave me a useful solution already?", you are probably thinking. Yes it is. But I have no moral compunctions about beating a dead horse.
If x can only ever be a dict or None, I would prefer the ternary to look like val = x.get("bleh") if x is not None else False because I like to avoid using isinstance where possible. But this is splitting hairs
If you can ensure that `x` is always a dict, then `val = x.get("bleh") if x else False` is a bit weird because it can have three different outcomes: - x is empty: result is False - x is not empty, but doesn't have a "bleh" key: result is None - x contains a "bleh" key: result is whatever the value is
My code smell receptor twinges when I see False and None in the same context both representing different null-ish states
It's not an error per se, since Python is perfectly capable of distinguishing between False and None values. But it does increase the potential for bugs if you forget that you have two different possible values of val that are both falsey in a boolean context, and you absent-mindedly write a conditional later like if not val: with the intention of detecting only False values and forget that this also detects None values too.
90% of Present Kevin's job is making it hard for Future Kevin to shoot himself in the foot
The general concept of "numbers that appear in a column indicating more significance than the one you were just operating on" is "Carry digit(s)" although that's principally used in the context of addition, not multiplication
Likely the term doesn't appear much when talking about multiplication exactly because of the ambiguity of whether 1 or 6 or 16 is the carry digit when doing 13 x 13
In addition there's no ambiguity since the carry digit is always 9 or less unless you're adding together 11 or more numbers
Hmm, UI design quandary: I have two pages, widget_view and widget_edit, for viewing and editing widgets. Each widget can have any number of comments. the widget_edit page will definitely have a text box that the user can use to add a new comment. Should the widget_view page also have one? Or should comments be read-only on that page?
option 1: comments are a property of widgets, and widget properties should only be editable on the edit page. the view page should not have an Add Comment option. option 2: anywhere a user can see a series of comments, they expect to be able to add a new comment. The view page should not have an Add Comment option. option 3: comments should not be addable on _either_ of these pages, because adding things is different from both viewing things and editing things. Force the user to go to the `comment_create` page if he wants to create a comment.
A compromise between conceptual purity and practical usability might be to have an "add comment" button on the widget view page that takes the user to the widget edit page, with an anchor link that scrolls the "new comment" textbox into view
Or perhaps if I'm going to have a page load, it would be better to have an independent comment_create page
For proper context, comment_create would display both the widget information and the information of all the preceding comments. I should figure out if I can include the template for one page inside another page, so I don't have to write these twice.
@Kevin but .get only works for dicts, right? Oh, you said "if x can only ever be a dict or None". In that case yes, and that's what I'd have written for that case ;)
current me wants to ask who ever decided it was a good idea to build a anonymous-based database yet use a strong typing language to interact with it :(
Currently feeling pangs of jealousy at C#, which has syntax for "call this method if the object has it, or evaluate to null otherwise", in the form of x?.get(y)
I wonder if there's a CSS selector for "the element identified by the part of the url following the hash sign". Ex. if the url is example.com#foo, then the foo element is selected, and if the url is example.com#bar, then the bar element is selected.
I'm struggling to come up with a google query that doesn't return a lot of irrelevant results on the topic of "here's what <a> tags are and how you can use them"
Example use case. You have a list ["1", "two", "3", "blah"] and you wish to convert each value to an integer, if and only it can be converted to an int, with a result of [1, "two", 3, "blah"]. So you might do mylist = [try(int(item)).except(ValueError, item) for item in mylist]
The best you can do currently is try to reverse engineer the logic Python uses to determine whether a string is convertible to int, ex. mylist = [int(item) if item.isdigit() else item for item in mylist]
Sometimes I actually want to do this exact thing and my usual approach is to write a try_int function which encapsulates the try-except behavior. Then I call it from the list comp.
But this violates the constraints of this thought experiment, which is: the solution must be all in one line.
SOEthics question. Keep in mind that if I asked this question on meta, I predict that I would get downvoted into oblivion because I dared to think of such an atrocity.
on to question: I see question with no attempt and a downvote. Is it "ok" to edit the question with a contrived attempt in order to improve the quality of the question? I've actually done this 2 or 3 times. I justify it in my own mind but I'm curious what others think.
Attempts are only relevant in the local context of "OP is a lazy tomato", and you'd be fiddling with that aspect. In the big picture attempts don't matter.
to some people^[citation needed] it would even seem like trying to hide that you answered a lazy asker's lazy question, which is again something negative
I guess, for a lot of people, yes. It's a bit ambivalent because in the long run SO is about questions and answers, and it's irrelevant if the asker of the first NullPointerException dupe target made an attempt or not. Still, when new questions are asked we make sure that they aren't using us as a free code writing service, in order to maintain a higher quality on SO.
If we imagine that try_substitute was a part of Python's default builtins, then we can use it to emulate the behavior of the proposed inline try-except structure. Although it gets a little crufty if your list comp's expression isn't a single callable, since you then need to wrap it in a lambda.
It seemed pretty close to approval until someone realized how bad all the examples were.
ultimafely the motivation was “If we had this years ago, we wouldn’t have pairs like [] vs get and index vs find. But there aren’t many of those, and they’re obviously not going away, and new parallel-API idioms like that seem to pop up at a rate of 1-2 per decade, which is slow enough for Python’s evolution to handle, so... if that’s he main reason for except expression we don’t need them.
@OneRaynyDay People like you are probably the reason the proposal failed. After all the original examples turned out to be worthless, people rushed to come up with new ones, and they were all “I could make this already-hideous one-liner even more incomprehensible”.
Now granted there's sometimes some educational value that comes about from writing things in a non-best-practices type of way. But yeah it's something to definitely be careful about. And I say this mainly because you want to consider the habits that you will create if you do this a lot.
A lot of the code I write for just myself this one time is already non-best-practices at a higher level, which makes it even more important to be best-practices at the low level so I can figure out what the hell I was trying to do...
My version of Jupyter recognizes f-strings but not fr-strings. Wrote this in an answer and not sure if I should feel dirty yet '|'.join(fr'\b{w}\b' for w in words)
Usually you want to format it as separate pieces so you don't need a multi-line message (and often, once you do, you realize half those pieces are useless). But sometimes, you really need to know "what was the whole JSON doc that caused this exception here".
INFO:root:Logged on as <username>
INFO:root:Sending logoff request to Workforce Central...
INFO:root:Successfully logged off from Workforce Central.
INFO:root:Logged on as <username>
INFO:root:Adding job(s) to organizational set '<set_name>'.
INFO:root:Finished adding job(s) to organizational set.
INFO:root:Sending logoff request to Workforce Central...
INFO:root:Successfully logged off from Workforce Central.
The logs I have to deal with at work are horrible. In Go, you're always supposed to handle errors as locally as possible—which usually means you annotate the error and pass it up the chain so the code where you would have written an except in a better language finally logs something that's basically an ad-hoc, incomplete, single-line-mess version of a traceback. Why do people think this is better?
ERROR:root:Workforce Central API error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "U:\Documents\Scripts\wfc_helper\wfc_helper\gui\logon_frame.py", line 74, in _logon_button_clicked
self.master.kronos.logon(username, password)
File "U:\Documents\Scripts\wfc_helper\wfc_helper\core\wfc_connection.py", line 127, in logon
response = self.post_request(request)
File "U:\Documents\Scripts\wfc_helper\wfc_helper\core\wfc_connection.py", line 110, in post_request
return self._parse_response(reply.content)
I think for "incorrect password" the only thing you want to log is that there was an incorrect password attempt, maybe including the username if your users are "that team of 10 people that sits on the other side of the office". And if you have millions of users, not even a log message; just keep a stat count somewhere.
I guess the question is: if an invalid password might actually be a valid password that your code didn't handle right (maybe you're encoding to the default system encoding but the service expects UTF-8 or something), what would help you debug that?
Yeah, in desktop apps, I usually throw everything into debug that might conceivably be useful. (Although sometimes you have to come back and retrofit some way to turn on debug logging for a single part of the app instead of the whole thing so your users don't have to upload 54MB log files to support…)
When a previous company I worked for went out of business, one of the assets someone bought was our multi-TB collection of debug logs from our main app. I can only assume it was a spammer looking to harvest the invalid logins with some script that knows how to recover a typical idiot's actual email address from failed attempts like john@doe@aol@com.
I always wondered how those people were able to work out how to mail their logs to support.
@RobertGrant Fair enough. I'm just having issues, probably related to my not having played with html much since '01, but I've copied and pasted the example code from github to make sure, and I'm still having problems with links not working
I create a test post, and then click logout to see if it'll take me straight to index correctly when I log back in, and logout leaves the page url as the bare IP, with no change.