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What was that supposed to be?
I'm sure you'll see
I'm creating a list of namedtuples out of some dataframe columns. Just wondering if this is an appropriate way of doing it. gist.github.com/anonymous/101822913cd0c36e769330796ec5b56e
Forgot to add mydata = namedtuple('entry', 'term val', verbose=False).
np.vectorize is just smoke and mirrors
not a reason to not use it, I'm just saying I dislike it on a personal level :)
But if I were to hide loops, I'd use vectorize and not apply.
Though, now that you've said that, using a loop would be better, at the cost of code conciseness
list comp?
Yep. Would involve zipping the columns up, but it should be pretty performant.
Yup, looks better now. Thanks!
np.vectorize is a gosh darned lie
I wish setuptools could setup_requires itself :(
Wow. For some reason, vectorize turns out to be faster than a loop, in this situation
you can't use all the coolest features of setuptools because you can't currently guarantee that the client has the version you need ...
I'm stuck targeting 2.6. Trust me, i feel your pain.
ugh, then you are in a much worse whole world of pain
There should be a special badge if you're a new user and your first question isn't downvoted
I'm proud to not have received a single downvote on all checks profile one of my questions
@wim meta post!
I got downvotes on my first question but only after a few thousand reps as revenge
I think that's a good idea.
Ah can someone tell me why I'm getting an AttributeError: '_sre.SRE_Pattern' object has no attribute 'group' error in this code:
import re
f = re.compile("[a-z]+")
Group what?
f only has a pattern, but no input string
Right not sure how to fix this but I think I've got a lot more work to do. : )
assign the result of match to something
then call group on that thing
.group in the re docs is informative
Thank you I'm looking at it now.
and don't listen to Andras
It has not helped
But you are right @wim. This fixes it:
import re
f = re.compile("[a-z]+")
a = f.match("regexisgreat")
Weird, I could've sworn it was listed under "Match Objects" when I checked two minutes ago
With examples and whatnot
So these four lines can be reduced to one: import re; re.compile("[a-z]+").match("regexisgreat").group(). Interesting.
your code is kinda gross though
Yeah not good for beginner purposes but it is still useful to know.
1. `re.compile` is next to useless (only needed if you're using hundreds of different patterns)
2. you're calling group but you didn't actually use any capture groups in your pattern
3. regex is not "great", it's a sucky last-resort
3b it is good for certain purposes but those are not frequent
@wim I'll work on this later. This is my second day ever doing re. I can see why it's a last resort though.
Perhaps everyone goes through a young "regex is great" -> "regex everything" -> "I can write readable code instead" path
As a regex beginner I can't say I find it great. It's more of a necessity.
that it's not
Anyway, I'm biased when it comes to regex since perl was my second language I think
I've invented a new data storage system (like JSON) but I haven't got a parser for it yet. If you can think of a viable alternative for parsing I really want to hear it.
pyparsing, or you design it so it's easy to write your own
It's an option I suppose. Thank you.
Regex is fairly limited in its parsing ability. No programming languages can be parsed entirely by regex.
it works great for parsing html though
Nice. @Code-Apprentice It helps though doesn't it?
I'm beginning to understand this a bit now. I can see myself using this a lot in the future.
Well rhubarb all. @wim I'll probably attempt some html tomorrow.
@wim don't spread your lies!
@Simon is still an impressionable young grasshopper
2 hours later…
cbg @wim
following on my yesterday question:
here is a repo that seems to be doing it - github.com/brandon-rhodes/homedir/tree/master/.fvwm
Brandon Rhodes sent me a tweet that reads:
"The script `paste-menu.sh` adds a shortcut to FVWM that makes it easy to run `z_transform.py` which takes a text clipboard and interprets it different ways — by default, as Markdown."
Maybe you can adapt it to your own needs
I no longer have the need for this, but thanks anyway
2 hours later…
Cabbage :-)
nvm, OP took care of it
^ matches first character in the string. $ matches the last character in the string. why re.search(r'^a$', 'aa') does not match last character a in the string? ^ matches first a in aa
That's incorrect. ^ matches at the start of the string, not the the first character. Likewise, $ matches at the end of the string, not the last character.
Besides, ff ^ and $ actually matched (and consumed) a character, you'd need 3 "a" characters to match anything.
Yes, start of the string (r'^aa', 'aab')
and end of the string (r'aa$', 'baa')
3 "a" characters? re.search(r'^a$', 'a') matches but re.search(r'^a$', 'aa') does not match
Yes, but if ^ and $ worked as you said ("matches the first character" and "matches the last character"), then it would match aaa
re.search(r'^a$', 'aa') should match because, start of string(a) matched & consumed, end of the string(a) matched & consumed
why re.search(r'^a$', 'a') matches but re.search(r'^a$', 'aa') does not match?
Because ^ matches 0 characters, a matches 1 character, and $ matches 0 characters. So, in total, it matches a string with exactly 1 character. Not 2.
don't make it more confusing :p
@JacobWood not in the one above
there is no newline in the string above, therefore it can't match one.
well yes
"Matches the end of the string or just before the newline at the end of the string"
"searching for a single $ in 'foo\n' will find two (empty) matches: one just before the newline, and one at the end of the string."
>>> re.findall(r'.$', 'a\n', re.DOTALL)
['a', '\n']
forgot that this is this b0rken
Ah, so re.search(r'^a$', 'a') should match complete string not just the subset, this why re.search(r'^a$', 'aa') or re.search(r'^a$', 'aaa') does not match.
@overexchange rather than ^ $, on Python 3 use fullmatch.
@AnttiHaapala hmm? What's broken?
@Rawing ".$" - the last character before end of string :D
that $ can match twice.
Well, it makes sense. This way the regex matches consistently regardless of whether there's a newline at the end of your file or not
@Rawing ... .... no it doesn't make sense, it was copied from perl
it wouldn't be as b0rken if it just matched before the \n
@Rawing perlre has \z Match only at end of string
of course python doesn't
honestly, has it ever been a problem?
ah \Z does match
oh ... :F
it has inverted meaning from perl
anyway, there are countless examples of code that think that ^foo$ mean the same as fullmatch.
Ffs the highway to work is under construction and has a 30km/h speed limit. ~20min. ride now takes 45-55min.
Time to start telecommuting a lot more.
Huh, I could've sworn fullmatch worked the same way as $. That's good to know.
Using fullmatch() for the pattern in fullmatch(r'^a$', 'a') looks redundant, Because pattern itself says to full match
re.fullmatch(r'^foo', 'fooo') does full match that is different from what pattern ask for
re.search(r'^\d+$', '123') looks better than re.fullmatch(r'^\d+$', '123')
re.search is inefficient if your regex is anchored to the start of the string anyway. Why search the entire string if you know the match has to be at the start? Use re.match or re.fullmatch instead
Yes re.match(r'foo', 'fooo') is more efficient
In interview, questions on re are the best among all to test the focus of a programmer.
Any exact dupe targets for this?
I doubt you'll find an exact dupe for that one. Primarily because the question is "what's wrong with my code", not "how do I do this"
The root cause is quite specific: adding a reference from another list of lists to another, then mutating. Would've thought there's an answer for that.
This is pretty much the same problem, isn't it?
There's another problem though: The .remove(...) call only removes the first occurence
Nvm, I just realized the OP actually "solved" that problem
for el in ret[i]:
^ no comment
That's what I call next level coding
"How to turn a O(n) problem into O(n^2) in one simple step!"
@Rawing Hah, didn't even notice that iterate-and-mutate thingie :)
Well el is never used in the loop anyway, so it's not a problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Can't tell if you're serious
It's terrible style, but not a bug
It successfully removes all the duplicate values from the list, doesn't it?
Well, removal still interferes with looping, it just won't break probably
I'd say it's in the class of "it seems to work right now and sort of does what I'm after", but may blow up if it's modified even slightly.
Oh, y'all were right. It's a bug.
@Code-Apprentice Possibly : p
Or the fact that everyone knows about it
How *not to ;)
So I cleaned up this question, and now I'm thinking about deleting those weird 4 lines of code at the start of the top answer. Should I? Or would I be overstepping my bounds if I do that?
@ArneRecknagel I feel like editing the content. : )
@Simon good luck doing that with locked posts :p
Is there a meaningful difference between `with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: with redirect_stdout(devnull):` and `with redirect_stdout(open(os.devnull, 'w')):` ?
@JonClements I'm sure there's something in the meta about readable posts. A new paragraph every so often would be useful.
You're possibly unique there. It's not normally the lack of paragraphs - more the "omg - the text is dripping off my screen" that people want to edit that for...
And the shouting. The non formmated references to the <center> tag.
Just don't end up summoning the Pony with those comments!
Speaking of pony, I wonder what Jon Skeet's getting for this milestone.
cbg, by the way
@ArneRecknagel I tried both versions in an endless loop and didn't notice a difference. That said, I expected the first version to eventually crash because of too many open file handles - not sure why that doesn't happen.
I expected something like 'the second version does not handle the file context correctly'. Then again in 90% of all cases where I use with it's only because I was told to do so.
@Rawing I'd delete the lines. I imagine that the kind of person who'd run into this error will be more confused by it
Morning andy.
(and others, cbg)
Nah I've been here a bit
If you mean me.
@Withnail morning. how's tricks?
@ArneRecknagel Alright, thanks, I'll do that. Also, about my earlier message: I meant to say I expected the second snippet to crash, not the first one.
about-to-pull-off-all-my-hair cbg
@Rawing That's good, because I was very suprised =D
counting is hard :(
Is it a good practice to wrap parameters into json string in multipart/form-data request ( parameter would be passed as body-parameter )


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="dto"

IMO, you should leave that part to the libraries to ponder, which means, you should use standard libraries to do the part for you (unless of course you are writing a new one, in which case you can just take a look at what the other libraries do)
@AshishNitinPatil is it a comment for my question?
In my case it is an API between different platforms, which should have a convention.
Parameters could be passed in raw style without wrapping into internal json.
What's "raw style"? You mean url-encoded?

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="itemId"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="appVersion"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="deviceId"
Yeah, fairly good thanks, coming to the end of our first big internal project here, which has been fun.
Huh, I didn't know that encoding was a thing. I guess I should stay out of this conversation until I learn more intricacies of HTTP
Why wildcard(*) is behaving like .*? re.search(r'an*z', "az") matches because n* is considered n, zero or more times
I'm assuming the Winter GM is just here in the chatroom?
-> "match exactly one 'a', then 0 to infinite 'n', then exactly one 'z'"
oh, you answered that part already
@overexchange You just answered your own question. It's not a wildcard. It's a "repeat the previous thing any number of times"
@Withnail yes
Cool, thanks. :)
Yes, but why don't I see that as, match exactly 'an' followed by anything(*) followed by z?
Because * doesn't mean "anything", it means "repeat the previous thing"
It's a followed by zero or more ns followed by z... so az, anz, annnnnnz will match
* is the same thing as {0,}
* in regex -> kleene star
* in bash -> wildcard, glob
. in regex -> wildcard
Well well well, if it isn't my evil twin...
@ArneRecknagel Ya, got confused with glob characters
You answered
It's always the kitties...
Spoken like a true pup.
It was the cat:
Cat/Racoon hybrid.
Although he seems it was a bit unsure it was him.
@Withnail (reliable)close observation show it is indeed a cat.
@Rawing UnitTest actually does give a ResourceWarning for the second variant, so I guess I go back to two with statements.
I see, good to know! It's a shame redirect_stdout doesn't accept a string argument and automatically opens it as a file :/
@Rawing not sure I'd like it to do that automatically...
Hmm? Why not?
I would not want redirect_stdout to choose the mode for me
also what if I want to redirect output to an in-memory object
Would it be terrible if redirect_stdout had a mode parameter?
I'm saying redirect_stdout should accept strings as well as file-like objects, obviously :/
@Rawing then I would also like to see buffering and other arguments from the open function
Good point. I guess 2 nested with statements is the preferred solution then
or one with statement
with file.open('wb') as f, redirect_stdout(f):
... or that.
I totally knew you could do that. Yeah.
files that one away
I've never done this before, but it works
In [396]: with (print('File I/O in Progress') or open('file', 'wb')) as f:
     ...:     pass
File I/O in Progress
It works - but probably not done because it's yuck? :p
Yes, not done, thank goodness for that!
this looks like perl :!
@ArneRecknagel NotEnoughSymbolsError...
@ZeroPiraeus Possible duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/6967632/… perhaps
Oh it was already in the comments.
Wow, just wow. This was asked yesterday
@vaultah I think it's specifically the *singleton, = iterable usage that is confusing OP, and may reasonably confuse others. A general post on extended iterable unpacking which doesn't mention the specific case (or hides it in a forest of examples including daft strawmen) seems less useful to me.
I think vaultah's dupe would be an acceptable target, but it doesn't answer the question nearly as well as @ZeroPiraeus answer. I don't like the dupe suggested by juanpa.arrivillaga; I think it's too broad to be used as a duplicate for that question. It's incomprehensible for someone who hasn't heard of iterable unpacking before.
I agree that on a second look the original target proposal – that I duplicated here – is not that great.
In [1]: class Evil: __eq__ = lambda s, o: True

In [2]: e = Evil()

In [3]: e == 1 and e == 2 and e == 3
Out[3]: True
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Just had to.
HNQ being HNQ
That question is interesting because I can't figure out why anyone would ask that in an interview
This is the first Q&A I've seen since joining SO hitting 1k votes with an answer.
I love the rep cap ;)
@Rawing Because interviews are for demonstrating how clever you are, not for finding the right candidate ;-P
And watching all the non-JS language users chipping in with irrelevant answers
I guess they could possibly learn something about their candidate's personality depending on how they answer:
"nope, definitely not possible" = probably hasn't been programming for very long
"uhm, I'm not sure, but there probably is a way" = this guy knows what he's talking about
"there's a way but hell no" = you're not rejected on sight
The second answer is actually the more interesting one.
guys, there is someone good in opencv ?
Some people somewhere are surely good at it.
I've used it a few times, but wasn't happy about it
rhubarb anyway for now
rbrb also. need to go for a lunchtime jog.
I have a problem with this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/48259724/…
Can't insert "contours module" instead of crop (like I did and suggested by Silencer)
the docs for super state that "The mro attribute of the type lists the method resolution search order used by both getattr() and super()." Isn't that straight up incorrect? super uses the instance's MRO, doesn't it?
Have you tried accessing __mro__ on an instance?
I mean type(instance).mro(). Anyway, it doesn't use the MRO of the type parameter
The type argument is set by the compiler, if not passed explicitly, I think, so no on 1st, it does on 2nd.
@Rawing Turns out I've understood it completely wrong, and your interpretation is correct: bugs.python.org/issue23674
Ah, nice. And of course nothing's changed in 3 years.
The wheels of bureaucracy...
Wednesday morning cabbage for all.
@Link I have no idea what your problem is. You have a 2-days-old accepted answer.
Cbg for DSM
@ThiefMaster lol at that PR, what were they thinking?
@davidism nothing. the other code in this guy's repo is pretty awful as well
oh, the dude deleted his other comments :(
Yeah, I saw them, didn't catch that YouTube link though.
\o cbg
Before I post a question on SO, let me just confirm that I'm not crazy: Calling super() with one argument (a class) doesn't do any magic, right?
@davidism my colleague found it on his linkedin; it wasn't in the PR. youtube.com/watch?v=-E6f6JzlYVA&feature=youtu.be
Half the related videos are "Flask vs Django". Everyone has an opinion!
I've become incredibly good at selling Flask while sounding neutral when people ask at the Python meetup.
hello all :)
@ReblochonMasque o\
cbg @AndyK
@wim I did not bother with monkeypatch. I instead opted to use the pytest-mock plugin to inject mocker. I coupled that with defining my fixtures in conftest. Doing that I had flexibility to mock however I wanted to in the method I am familiar with...the built-in mock.
the pytest-mock plugin (sorry if you knew this already) is a thin wrapper around the built-in mock so you just use it like you always would
Oh wow, @Rawing posted a question. click
def some_fixture(mocker):
    mocker.my_fake_obj = mocker.Mock(YourClass, autospec=True)
"mocker" is understood based on the usage of pytest-mock
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I'm looking forward to your answer ;p
@maboud smells like spam.
also, why would someone want to join a programming chat on a messenger that primarily focuses mobile clients (which seems to be the case with telegram considering that it requires a mobile phone number to sign up)?
Yep, maboud posted this to multiple rooms
@Rawing I think the key lies in the way they made the super keyword more user friendly.
What I'm trying to say is, super can be directly called with super() and the relevant arguments are inserted into it.
Outside a class, you'll have to call super like this: super(A, a).__init__()
Because nothing is inserted automatically, as it would inside the class definition.
morning cabbage
how to get mod attention on your plagiarized answers quickly: spamvertise some lame telegram group via SO chat ;)
@ThiefMaster why do you need mod attention?
@ThiefMaster: How to get room owners' attention: don't pay attention to room owners.
Sep 11 '17 at 22:34, by DSM
@ThiefMaster: come on.
@Code-Apprentice I don't, but the spammer got my attention by spamming in here
@DSM sorry, forgot about it. but fwiw, you might want to poke all these people as well :) (even though i'm not a big fan of this kind of language policing, but that's just my personal opinion)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ That's exactly what's confusing me - if nothing is inserted automatically, why does it behave differently? You're right that the super object isn't very useful until it's bound to an instance (or class), but that's not what the question is about.
@ThiefMaster: as I said the first time you objected, take it up on Meta. I'm actually surprised to hear a moderator support the "hey, my question shouldn't be closed unless you're going to close all the other horrible questions on SO" principle, but I've never claimed to understand why mods do what they do.
@Rawing I'm not sure I follow. It behaves differently because noting is inserted automatically, right? Or, I must be missing something.
Yeah, sorry about that, let me clarify: As far as I can tell, the arguments are only inserted automatically when you use the zero-argument form super() - at least that's what the documentation says. There is no information about anything being inserted into a super-call with an argument; therefore the call inside the class should be equivalent to the call outside of the class.
morning cbg
It's entirely possible that you're right and something is inserted into the call, but I haven't found any information about that happening.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I wonder how that's being done internally - in custom code one would probably have to refer to very dirty hacks like inspecting the call stack to get self and the containing class, but I guess there's some trickery in the C code to do it much more nicely in the native super() function?
@ThiefMaster Yup, it's definitely handled in the C code. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to pull relevant links to GitHub code and prove it, unlike Martijn or default username guy
@ThiefMaster that's exactly how it's done IIRC :D
A: Python3's super and comprehensions -> TypeError?

Yaroslav AdminSimple explanation Look at the documentation for super(): The zero argument form only works inside a class definition, as the compiler fills in the necessary details to correctly retrieve the class being defined, as well as accessing the current instance for ordinary methods. By inside a c...

That's an answer to a different question, but it has some relevant information
Nice, I think i pretty much noticed all of it actually :)
Oh good, I wasn't sure if we had sort of missed you while handling everything.
not a huge fan of FB chat for tech stuff (why don't you like IRC? :P), but you can add me
OK got it, you can delete that if you don't want people to see it.
Armin suggested IRCcloud, I just need to find time to set it up. Then maybe IRC will will make a bit more sense to me.
re better flask support in pycharm: if you have contact to someone from JB, can you also ping them about supporting the jinja 2.10 syntax changes (at least not showing them as syntax errors)? i opened youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-27472 some time ago, but no activity in there
do you have a shell somewhere? then you could also just run a weechat instance there
I'll reach out to them.
looks like this and is pretty nice (especially for something that runs on the cli)
I've been using HexChat. I was looking at weechat and irssi too. Mostly I need a bouncer, but I never got around to figuring out how to set up ZNC.
want one on my box? i have a multi-user one running for myself and a few others anyway
That'd be cool, email me about it. :-) I eventually just want to have my own though.
but if you use weechat (or irssi, but irssi is kind of poor compared to weechat) on a server you don't really need a znc since you can just keep the client running in a tmux session all the time
Any other PyCharm issues you want me to mention?
i think that's all related to flask/jinja
So. Looking at something like this: github.com/AGWA/git-crypt
For the goal of achieving some security of data. What do you folks do to solve this problem?
where did I get this image ...? pbs.twimg.com/media/DTHcFEEXUAI8ZVY.jpg
I was hoping to find Deceze somewhere... Ah well @ThiefMaster: I've got a potential sockpuppet spammer for you... Rude / deleted answer may be related to this
Oh, looks like the spammer got deleted just now...
@AndyK What does the second one say?
what a nice fella..
@idjaw bargaining
@ThiefMaster Figured it would be worth looking at a possible connection between the users :-)
Jon Skeet's congratulatory post now has a banner. DAG isn't wasting a minute
hey, Cerbrus
@AndrasDeak is it on meta?
Also bai, gotta go home :P
@idjaw SO main
@idjaw yes, I'm very familiar with pytest-mock / mocker fixture
but did you ever use it to mock a module level import? because I don't think that works ..
by the time the fixture context is entered, it's too late to mock
"Too late to mock" sounds like the title of a clown-themed revenge flick
They all laughed at him, but not the good kind of laughter like you want... Coming summer 2018
@wim You're right. I think by nature of how Python works and the import mechanism, you are not going to have much luck there. However....simply importing a module and then mocking it should be OK. Why do you need to mock it 'before' the import?
or am I misunderstanding the order of your use case?
Git question -- imgur.com/a/iq1Cm -- can anyone tell me why git rebase side another only pulls C7 and not C4, C5, C7 -- whereas git rebase bugFix side pulled C4, C5, C6?
@MarcusAndrews I think C4' and C5' are copies of C4 and C5, so they are already in the history of C6'
So rebasing automatically accounts for duplicates?
in the linear history?
I think you want git rebase --onto C1 master while in the bugfix branch.
wait, let me take a closer look
@MarcusAndrews I would find that likely
(but I have no personal experience)
Makes sense -- thanks
@Kevin there was always something funny about him... not haha funny
@idjaw because in the context of this question, it's an ImportError without the mock in place. So it's not possible to let the "real" import execute, and then replace the imported object with a mock (which is trivial to do with either monkeypatch or mocker fixture). In this case, you have to have the mock in place from the get go.
Right. OK. I understand now. OK. That's an interesting problem.
Did you move forward from the answer you gave?
@Marcus here you go: i.sstatic.net/Guep3.png . Note the duplicate commits with different hashes in the penultimate step, and compare the final state where the original commits are gone
and the messages make it clear that no extra work is done
nobody tried to answer this yet
some faith restored in
Oooh, hiding fatal errors in your input/code, bold move.
top it off with shadowing list with the result ;)
hm I don't seem to have gittree
or is this an alias command with log and graph option
it's an alias, sorry
alias gittree='git log --oneline --graph --decorate --branches'
> will throw a traceback error
Meh, just because they use weird language and have 16 rep the question could be fine.
@AndrasDeak yoink
glad I could help
Any reason to use --branches as opposed to --all?
So, if you want to initialise the list without errors, you'll need to iterate over those elements. But that would require you to already have the list...
@MarcusAndrews I stole that myself, so I don't know
I've got this one
alias gitonup='google-chrome "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCCkb6k_aow"'
I'm half disappointed that it wasn't a rickroll
actually, heck, have them all
whoever wrote the SOpython spoiler url encoding thing should be slapped with a fish
I believe it was primarily meant for short plaintext
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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