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That's good. People learn quickly that they can't do as they please and get away with it
some people never learn
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ wtf? there's nothing "opinion based" about dot. perfectly reasonable and answerable question.
@wim Actually I voted Too Broad
Voted first, then saw your answer
+1'd it btw
I'm not convinced though
dot or no dot I've only heard dot to be applied to vectors, and matrix stuff are just a "straightforward" generalization of that concept
@wim Keep in mind that not all such questions have clear cut answers like this one. And the others who VTC'd have next to no numpy expertise
_Most_ other questions like this would rightly qualify as primarily opinion based.

Also one can argue that the name "dot" could've been just about anything else. Example, matmul. Why wasn't it? So, you *could* still argue it is opinion based. I dunno. Your call.
while hopefully most function names have some sane motivation behind them (__contains__), ultimately the answer will be "you'll need to ask a dev"
I wouldn't call it "too broad" either
no, I think opinionated is the typical reason for these kinds of questions
There are plenty of acceptable questions of this flavour, e.g. Why is 'dir()' named 'dir' in python? (+28/-0 and starred 6)
could've called it lib though, giving you a library of all the attributes...
@AndrasDeak Precisely. That's why tristan isn't around. I took his place.
@idjaw did...did you incorporate and digest him? D:
@AndrasDeak In my own Lego way. Yes. I re-assembled him in to my true form.
How the hell do the English say when an amoeba eats something?
Engulfing! Thanks.
@PM2Ring: I was hoping for something more exciting :-(
Well I'm all caught up....that was quite the read
I'm gonna go make a hot toddy
sorry about that :)
nah. You did however forget to send me the memo. So, for that...yes...you should apologize
I hope "making a hot toddy" means taking a toddler and putting them in a hot bath
My apologies for trying to "teach" you the rules, @idjaw :)
Though that wasn't my intention, I'm sorry you took it that way.
@idjaw one more sorry closer to that Canadian citizenship \o/ But I'll ultimately fail the poutine test, I'm afraid
you really need to start warming up to poutine
it will make your citizenship that much easier
nw coldspeed
If I could trouble you for one more thing... could you please move Andras and my "argument" out of here? It's fine if you don't want to, too.
ssssh he's bathing a toddler
@DSM Thank you.
I am still looking for the Underwater Basket Weaving room
If this coding thing doesn't work out i need a backup plan
the only Weaving I'm familiar with is a Hugo
@Code-Apprentice I've been making a list of backup plans too
we should compare lists
@DSM So was I. Still it's interesting to learn that NaN interferes with sorting like that. I am not pleased. Here's a MCVE
all_values = [0, 0.5, nan, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
sorted_values = sorted(all_values)
top = [item for item in sorted_values if item < sorted_values[1]]
print(all_values, sorted_values)
print(top, len(top))
# output
[0, 0.5, nan, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] [0, 0.5, nan, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
[0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] 4
We've been spending a little too much time recently dealing with certain issues. I've deleted the conversation, and unstarred one of the comments which came up.

I suggest -- and the way that DSM tilts on the left should demonstrate I have the power to enforce this suggestion -- that ROs should be listened to regarding room culture, and if problems seem to keep reoccurring it's unlikely that they're the ones who are misreading the situation. Further conversation on these matters can be taken into private channels and not derail the main channel.
@AndrasDeak: I got the direction right, but a preposition wrong :-(
Yeah, I figured. Wait, you got it right, you say?
@PM2Ring: yeah, I remember having this conversation when we added na_position to pandas sorting to allow for better control. I don't like the behaviour either, and suspect I would have special-cased NaNs.
It would be nice to get some feedback from Tim Peters on this issue.
@DSM What's your current LOC tally with pandas?
Ehh, I'd be surprised if it were more than a few hundred. I mostly kibitz, but that can be valuable too. :-)
the good old don't-show-up-in-git-blame trick, eh?
Plus I'm lazy!
Qualifications for a SDev: 1. Be Lazy
I do still remember the first time somebody ninja'd me on a pandas answer using a method that I implemented, which I thought took a lot of gall.
Ahahaha, which one?
I can think of literally 2 people who could actually do that, and they don't come to mind for positive reasons
To be fair a lot of what I answer with was done by Jeff, so it's not like I don't do exactly the same thing, and worse. (and it was dense ranking, I think.)
Yeah, I've hardly seen Jeff around. But I did have the fortune to get an answer out of him once, a few months back.
In ancient times there was a crew of about a half dozen of us who answered pandas questions, back before it was cool. Then everybody started doing it, and once there was a critical mass of people who could give good answers to questions it wasn't as important a use of time any more.
nan strikes again
@DSM Yes, however...
Dec 22 '17 at 10:15, by cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ
I'm concerned that there are too many useless pandas questions. Most of them poorly named or outright misleading, or have hyper specific problems whose solutions aren't likely to be of any use to anyone besides OP. If you google with a particular set of keywords looking for a particular solution, you almost always get junk results
I really think nan comparisons are a "bug" in IEEE 754
It's probably true that the pandas tag has a habit of answering questions we shouldn't, and I don't excuse myself on that score.
oh wait, I'm repeating myself here
Dec 1 '17 at 17:45, by wim
The whole concept of nan is a mistake in IEEE 754 and we would be better off without it in the first place
badnan badnan badnan badnan functools functools ;)
Good idea. Rhubarb for all!
What format is it called when you have a date as an integer with YYYYWW where WW is the week number?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ No idea. Week numbers aren't used much in Australia. But you might find something relevant here, or on the linked pages. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date
IIRC, week numbers are popular in Nordic countries.
Thanks, I'll look into it!
in what way not dupe?
the code from dupe will probably work completely unaltered
This is what I came up with.
from collections import OrderedDict

my_dict = OrderedDict()
for l in my_list:
     my_dict.setdefault(l[-1], []).extend(l[:-1])

r = [v + [k] for k, v in my_dict.items()]
I'm not sure if they're the same or not (I'll have to look more closely), but at the very least it seems simpler.
it doesn't say anything about merge on last element.
that's just a coincidence in the example data
in this case, it's 'A', but I'd like it to be versatile Huh... so it is a coincidence
cbg, Reblochon
How can I link a (python) script to copy/paste on OSX in order to have a transform applied to a paste?
Maybe with an alternate key combination for various transforms
Can this even be done in python?
I asked that once. There wasn't any acceptable answer.. askubuntu.com/q/399585/21350
this was not macOS though. maybe it's possible using the macOS automator app
Thanks @wim, there goes my best hope: if you don't know, who will :-(
I appreciate the compliment, but there are infinitely many things I don't know.
You are very watermelon
[view spoiler](https://sopython.com/spoiler/VG9tYXRvIGl0IHdpbSwgeW91IG91Z2h0IHRvIHlhbSBrbm93IHRoZXNlIHNvcnQgb2YgdGhpbmdzIQ%3D%3D)
The question you linked to is interesting.
@idjaw that's my entire list. What's yours?
@wim --> functionality and use described here: youtu.be/S0CU0VqcYhI?t=546
unfortunately not a tutorial.
In case any django braniacs made on here I took my boggle and made it a full question stackoverflow.com/questions/9335459/…
gosh im just being such a mess with my posts today
maybe i didnt press ctrl c hard enough...
As mentioned in the room rules, you should not link your fresh questions here.
fair enough, we had a bit of a discussion about it earlier though
so I thought I'd just give the update but noted
2 hours later…
A: Convert Set into Dictionary where values of keys-values pair are same Eg{'A':'A', 'B':'B'} without using loops

chriszYou can use zip s = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} d = dict(zip(s, s)) print(d) Output: {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6}

^ is it guaranteed that zipping a set with itself will always have same order of iteration? i don't actually know, and now I'm curious
@wim In python2, yes (I believe). In python3, I don't think so?
Related question for dictionaries. May/may not be applicable for sets, but considering they're implemented the same, I'd guess so?
The iteration order is stable (between modifications), but may vary depending on the hash randomization (chosen at startup). Dunno whether this is guaranteed
In Python 3.6 sets are still unordered
@wim This didn't break once. If not guaranteed, what does it take to break it?
for i in range(100_000_000):
    d = {1: 1, 'a': 'a'}
    if dict(zip(d.keys(), d.values())) != d:
        print(f'Order Not Guaranteed at {i}')
    elif i % 1_000_000 == 0:
            print(f'\r{i}', end='')
@piRSquared From the Python 2.5 docs: Keys and values are listed in an arbitrary order which is non-random, varies across Python implementations, and depends on the dictionary's history of insertions and deletions. If items(), keys(), values(), iteritems(), iterkeys(), and itervalues() are called with no intervening modifications to the dictionary, the lists will directly correspond. This allows the creation of (value, key) pairs using zip(): "pairs = zip(a.values(), a.keys())".
@PM2Ring I'm sorry to bother you like this, but would it be alright if I invited you to a private discussion for a couple of minutes?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Yeah, ok.
I verify if files were created today only using the command ` if datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d") != datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)).strftime("%Y%m%d"):` but this command creates a problem at 23:59 suppose file was created and i am checking at 00:02 and date has changed. I want to check if file was created in last 30 mins to current time.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I've updated my answer to show np.unique stackoverflow.com/a/48275821/2336654
@piRSquared Grr, sucks that I can only upvote once.
I got your back @cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ
(-: I like it because it's one of the few cases where pandas has the speed advantage.
@ReblochonMasque Wow, homie! Hmu whenever you need some backup yourself
@pythonRcpp if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(path) > 30*60:
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ, @ReblochonMasque Now I just learned a new way to implement that check that is even better. stackoverflow.com/a/48275821/2336654
@Rawing thanks, is there a better way (i havent used time , i have only used datetime) although this works well #justSaying
@pythonRcpp Timedelta should help you out - docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#timedelta-objects
Basically, now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) < timestamp_to_compare < now()
Replace < with <= at appropriate places
Hey! How can I specify different linewidths when plotting using matplotlib? This is what I want to do, but it is complaing that I give it a list of lw s
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 2)), columns=list('AB'))
ax = df2.plot(style='-', lw=[0.5, 1])
I jippoed it like this:
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 2)), columns=list('AB'))
ax = df2.plot(style='-', lw=0.5)
Is there a way in which logger.log(f"Something went wrong: {user_controlled_input}") can be used maliciously?
f-strings can evaluate any expressions, so yes
That's what I thought, but anything that goes in there is just evaluated as a string.
for command in ['3+4', '}{3+4}{', 'sys.argv', 'eval(3+4)']:
>> 3+4
>> }{3+4}{
>> sys.argv
>> eval(3+4)
Do you have an example where an expression would be evaluated in a case like this?
Guess I was wrong
Alright, time to replace all those logger messages with fstrings =)
Goodbye .format(), you won't be missed.
Will your user_controlled_input always be a string?
I think so
Apparently fstring calls str() on its arguments.
I still see no way how it could be exploited though, even if something different than a string is passed
@ArneRecknagel only after evaluating the expression. All of the examples you posted are safe because the result of the command expression is string
That's true, but then the vulnerability does not arise because fstrings are used. As long as the {} cannot be used to hide code, all should be well.
cbg =)
1 hour later…
Hi Friends
I am trying a relatively simple column creation in python/pandas df.

df['GL'] = np.where(df['Profitable'] == 'NA', 'NA', ((df['logpctmove'])/100)*(df['Nomadd'].where(m)))

and my m is:

m = df['elig'] == 0

Can you please advise why I am receiving the below :
unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
I'll go for the low hanging fruit
unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int' => don't divide a string by a number.
ie = "I love sausages" / 360
Thanks, However the column can be considered containing float values as well as strings in some rows..
Should i be converting the column to numeric?
You probably shouldn't have a column with mixed types at all
np.where isn't capable of returning object dtypes. If you return a string and a numeric value, then the numeric values are coerced to strings.
@Rawing You Ninja'd me on that PIL question. I spent too much time looking through old code for something I could use, but I ended up writing something from scratch.
Wow, Rawing answered something
I don't need your pity upvotes! Take it back!
Never assume who up/downvoted you
I can downvote anything if you'd like
If it helps, I didn't upvote the answer you posted on the same question I did
@PM2Ring You may have answered later, but your answer has a pretty image. I'm jealous.
hello lads
been a while
Sup, khajvah. How are you?
and happy new year and whatnot :P
Where there are cabbage batches, there is rhubarb as well
So, rbrb
Thanks, Rawing. I always like to show some output with my code to demonstrate that it actually does what I claim it does. ;)
happy new year to you guys too.
been working a lot lately
Hey, @khajvah! It's good to see you here. Just the other day I was wondering why I hadn't seen you for a while.
Java consumed me
@JRichardSnape Here's a tune that I think you'll appreciate: For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield cover by Del McCoury Band and friends.
I can't decide how I feel about test-driven development. On one hand it's gratifying when your tests finally start to pass, but on the other hand you immediately ruin that feeling by writing new tests...
ilja had an answer for this
uh, is that a known bug? It told me "7 more votes required", but clearly that wasn't true
@Rawing yea I guess it was
Q: Confusion about how many votes are needed to undelete a post

Peter OlsonI went to this question (deleted, so 10K+ only) and pressed the "undelete" link. As you can see in the following screenshots, there are discrepancies in what it tells me about how many votes are needed to undelete the post. First, it says 1 more vote is needed. Then it says there are 22 votes...

@AnttiHaapala Was that deleted due to the asker getting nuked?
@AnttiHaapala Bleh. Typical unintuitive SO interface I suppose.
and Ilja himself noted that the question is broad? :P
cbg, Saravanan
@AndrasDeak ilja edited it :D
oh, makes sense, thanks
The OP ragequit
Post Deleted by user9219115
@Ilja guess you should delete your "too broad" comment there ;)
is it possible to load iframe in django admin?
@AnttiHaapala do we know for a fact what user nukes look like? Do they get deleted by Community?
@AndrasDeak The asker "rage quitted" aka deleted the post, then their account.
ah, OK, I see :)
user deletion doesn't usually remove posts
Would've honestly wanted them to do the editing.
it removes low-scoring questions
I have to say, I liked revision 1 of that question better. Short and to the point.
negative-scored questions get deleted with the user along with every answer, actually
yeah, makes sense
not really :D
actually i'm creating a document using hellosign api, create endpoint will return a callback url and need to hit the url again for creating the document. How can i acheive this django admin?. Currently i'm creating the document using HS api from django admin and it returns the callback url as response. How can load the url in iframe? or is there any way to process the url? any help?
Hey! Can someone please help me add multi-level columns in a dataframe together? Doing it manually by column works - I just want to do it by list (i.e. not hardcode), but I can't figure out how... imgur.com/a/G7i9w
@Mierzen nobody will copy-paste your code if it's in an image
I know. But I can't post everything that I used to make up that. It's A LOT
But they will be able to see the gist of what I'm trying to do
in that case you need to come up with an MCVE
I'll try
It's your problem, it's your burden and best interest to boil down the problem to something manageable.
I'm not very familiar with pandas but even if I were, I wouldn't even look at that :P
I'm building an example now
if it's more than a few lines use a code paste service when you post it here
Here we go. I copied most from the documentation :-P

How can I perform the following using a list of top-level column names, i.e. `['bar', 'baz']`?
arrays = [np.array(['bar', 'bar', 'baz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foo', 'qux', 'qux']),
          np.array(['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two'])]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), index=arrays).T
df['bar'] + df['baz']
there you go, much much better, thanks
>>> list_of_cols = ['bar', 'baz']
>>> df[list_of_cols].sum(1,level=1)
        one       two
0 -1.881211  1.798547
1 -0.068602 -0.390175
2  1.046195 -0.614542
3 -0.163949 -1.097125
Hmmm. For some reason level=1 did not do what I expected using my original data... BUT... I think I did not specify the axis then. I'll try again
yup, you need both
just the level will probably try to sum over your index which is not a MultiIndex
cbg all
Great! Thanks
need some guidance
How do I log out of Stack Overflow > 1 year old, 25 upvotes, not closed, not migrated :-|
I am making a program in which input will be a title e.g Director - International Capital Markets so in return my code will identify Director and International Capital Markets into Job Role (Director) and International Capital Markets (Finance which is in Job Function ).
What approach should i use NLTK like matching entities or something else
I can hard code in dictionary but i am thinking of making it dynamic if its like thousands of titles
@vaultah cv-d, now needs migration :|
migration only works for 60 days after posting
But that's the auto-migration no? Mods can still do manual migrations?
There's no point. Meta is full of similar questions e.g. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/254109/…
... with much better answers
cbg all.
cbg \o
How is Tuesday treating everyone?
I have reached a new high in my how-ugly-can-test-code-even-look department
need to take victories where I can get them
If you can get someone to read and understand your code, you still have plenty of room to spaghetti it up.
I documented my shame in the commit message. Whoever merges is stuck on it.
My new signature: Merge at your own risk
@Rawing how do you feel about stars :D ?
I haven't been on the star board in a while, so I'll thankfully accept all stars, be they pity stars or not. In fact it's been so long, my last starred past isn't even visible without one of these 🔭
Tuesday is an incredibly loud open plan office
So i'm mostly making doing documentation and admin
@ArneRecknagel The tests for a project at my job can certainly give you a run for your money.
Tuesday cabbage pythonsers
what I did was started learning ML and Deep Learning and chose python as the language. I learnt the language as and when I needed, mostly pandas and numpy,etc whatever I needed for my ML to work. But that left me ignorant to some fundamental knowledge of python. So it there any great advise as to what I should do, like some intermediate/advanced python course out there as I don't want to start with print statements and drag through absolute basics. Previously have worked with C.
sopython.com/wiki/What_tutorial_should_I_read%3F you can maybe pick up one of our recommended readings, sure they have some basic stuff too, but if you want to skip it, go ahead..
Good Morning

I need to do a beginner question about, how to define a class in Python.
In C# if I have (a simple example):

public class SubNode {
public string subnodesc { get; set; }

public class node {
public subnode[] allnodes {get; set;}

How can I write this two classes in Python

class node:
subnodes # here????
have you read the docs or do you have a specific issue on class creation ?
@ErickAstoOblitas in python we do not have properties and we do not need to declare variables
You should learn about declaring methods and especially __init__() Which is similar to a constructor
Hey guys, trying to get some code to work for me but its using a python 3. library from what I have read. You can see the code here: https://gist.github.com/sebastianleonte/617628973f88792cd097941220110233

I found a post on stack saying to use urllib2 instead for 2.7 but cannot get it from PIP for the life of me.
Any ideas?
urrlib2 is part of the stdlib
I see. Let me try again. might be a typo that I am over looking.
Yeah got the library to work but now have an error that I could use a bit of direction on.

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 1952, in open
fp = __builtin__.open(fp, "rb")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '0-0'
I did change line 95 in that code to: urllib.urlopen(url, current_tile)
The original code used urlretrieve, not urlopen.
Yeah I saw that but changed it to the urlopen per a stack post saying it works with 2.7: stackoverflow.com/questions/29382709/…
Is there a way to use urlretrieve on 2.7?
That post never mentions urlretrieve
Thought it would work the same. It looks like urlretrieve is in the urllib when I do help(urllib) but import urllib.urlretrieve fails.
Because it's a function, not a module. You can't import a function like that. Use from urllib import urlretrieve or just import urllib and then call it as urllib.urlretrieve(...)
Yep got that to work. Onto a new error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/ztarr/Desktop/APP/maptest.py", line 118, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "C:/Users/ztarr/Desktop/APP/maptest.py", line 111, in main
img = gmd.generateImage()
File "C:/Users/ztarr/Desktop/APP/maptest.py", line 87, in generateImage
im = Image.open(current_tile)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py", line 1980, in open
raise IOError("cannot identify image file")
IOError: cannot identify image file
I havent done research yet on it but figured I would share.
Looks like the image is created but it has no file extension. I added a '.jpg' to the file name and it doenst show an image. I have no experience in PIL, mainly just playing with code I found.
the file extension doesn't matter to PIL. The image data itself is probably incorrect (i.e. not an image)
I guess google rejected your urllib.urlretrieve(...) request and you ended up with an error message instead of an image
Any way I can tell what error is returned from the retrieve? I bet google changed how their link is set up
Well, take a look at the file that it downloaded. Can you open it in a text editor?
If it's really an error message, it should be either HTML or JSON, both of which are text
@Rawing looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width">
<title>Error 400 (Bad Request)!!1</title>
*{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:30px 0 15px}* > body{background:url(//www.google.com/images/errors/robot.png) 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px)
Sorry if that was too much text. I can paste it to db if need be.
*shrug* Doesn't work in firefox either. If you enter integers for x and y you get a light blue image though.
office cabbage
cbg Marcus and Code :D
rb folks
@PM2Ring Thanks PM2 :)
@Rawing What is the Z set to? I bet you are just zoomed in on an ocean.
Possible. I had it set to 12 or 13 I think
Try setting it to 0 or 1. That should zoom you out. 1,0,1 shows me asia in Chrome.
Its almost like I tried to go out of a list index. mt0.google.com/vt?x=1&y=2&z=1
That gives me the error on 1,2,1
It is looks to be an issue with the title width/height. Ill look into it at home tonight. Thanks for the help @Rawing
@idjaw cbg
Curious -- when most of you use git, do you stage-as-you-go or do you stage all your changes at the very end right before committing?
I open a branch and amend
and then open a pull request
I'm one of those rebase and amending git users that tries to keep things super small and concise and work on small tasks at a time
@MarcusAndrews Stage at the end before I commit, but I have a bad habbit of commit too often, example: I'm task to dev something, I commit every function I created... :\ leaves a massive commit trail lol so I guess in a sense I stage-as-I-go... :\
hi all
cbg wim long time no see, how goes it
I am having such a day. "Change this <table> of DB rows so it's ordered by LastReticulatedDate instead of SpokeCount" seems like a five minute task but The last five things I tried all failed and each one took twice as long as the last.
Half of them failing because the third party table renderer is buggy, and half because the ORM has no documentation anywhere
The fellas in the C# room provided a suggestion that had potential, but before they could elaborate, one of the users started talking about his terminal illness and now I feel profoundly uncomfortable asking any follow up questions
"Shame that you're dying, but can we focus on ME, please?"
And now someone will have to be self-sacrificing and say something to follow up that downer of a story. I guess it's me.
Oh well, I went ahead and asked them to elaborate. I probably already have a bad reputation over there because every question I ask is an un-mcve-able nightmare, so a little uncouthness won't nudge the needle much
Also the guy's terminal illness might be metaphorical, and he just thinks he's going to have to look for a new job soon
Python-room Kevin is lauded for his wit and his wizardry with nested lambdas and animations. C#-room Kevin is That Guy who asks unanswerable questions and expects answers. Surprise: they were the same Kevin, all along! O.O
Does anyone else here use Sublime Text 3?
If so, what plugin or syntax highlighting do you use for tox.ini files?
I would assume ini highlighting
The ini file format doesn't have a formal specification though, so if a text editor has syntax highlighting specifically for ini files, it might work on one ini file and barf on another
One might optimistically hope that the tox probject has a specification for their kind of ini files, and one might super-optimistically hope that a syntax highlighter already exists for that flavor of file
No idea where you would look, though
solution: everyone adopts toml
I'm rooting for toml, but it isn't even 1.0 yet
Let's see if TOML avoids my complaints about json and yaml..
ini isn't anything-dot-0
"Multi-line basic strings are surrounded by three quotation marks on each side" <- that sounds familiar. ;-)
Now I'm interested in the prevalence of triple quoted strings in programming languages, and whether Python kicked off the trend.
Can we positively say we're responsible for TOML's fantastic idea of copying our fantastic idea?
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