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let's hope not
I hope so too. Mine is often at 100% CPU and it's still good. :)
if it weren't for the freezing I wouldn't worry; my firefox uses multiple threads
but when I noticed that all that work is spent on system processes, I tried to ran top and it never started :/
actually, I only have 4 physical cores which probably explains the freezing, as the processes in question might have had lower niceness
I know a definite fix: Press the power button on your pc.

Wait. That would mean I had no one to talk to so that's not a good idea. Don't do it!

Other "useful " advice: Ask on https://superuser.com/ what to do.
I already know what to do
Good I'm pleased. :)
Rhubarb. I'm off. See you all tomorrow.
@MartijnPieters @davidism [From Day 18](https://adventofcode.com/2017/day/18)

Many of the instructions can take either a register (a single letter) or a number. The value of a register is the integer it contains; the value of a number is that number.
2 hours later…
Does anyone into spaCy nlp?
github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Objects/listobject.c#L55 says that the pattern for over-allocating list space is "0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88", but I can't figure out where those numbers are coming from. When I do the math on the line below that comment, I get "3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 25" which doesn't look close at all
@piRSquared nice solution, using complex numbers for the grid state as well as coordinates was a cool idea
@Kevin Maybe newsize += new_allocated? And the given sequence is for newsize, not new_allocated?
or does the value of new_allocated just get passed into that function for each call?
First to solve part 2 on the local leaderboard is mine again B-)
I'm still clueless. I converted it to actual code and stared at it more but the goto is only giving me a headache
Small reverse-engineering hint: view spoiler
short cbg
I don't know how y'all keep up with AoC but I can only assume little in the way of young families, jobs, social lives, or sleep :p
Now to go back and turn my chicken-scratch into a breakdown that will be comprehensible for my repo
what then? is there anything to memoize? I'm only catching a bit of everything...
my code works, it just runs as slow as the script engine
Medium intensity spoiler: view spoiler
Dec 17 at 6:14, by wim
Advent of Modulus
I did it. Now I hate my life. I should had noticed the problem sooner.
rank 80, I got points at least...
I recognize "call cc" as "that thing that I never figured out what it did, and which I see get used by programmers smarter than me every once in a while"
it's like a goto, but you can only go back
call cc: You Can Not Advance
don't make it a habit however, for it has a set of behaviours that makes it not reliable to replace loops with
such as: increased suicidal intent, temporal displacement (you will lose hours of your time without realizing it) and nausea
My reverse-engineering breakdown is now in my repo. Spoiler status: 99.9% +- 0.1%
Margin of error mostly accounts for when the reader blinks and skips a couple words
\o/ solved 23.1
Now you are ready.
yah, I have no idea how to even start on part 2...
reading the code would help
If I do any more AoC, I'm just going after the low hanging fruit...
git question: Is there a merge strategy that doesn't do anything automatically and lets me manually handle every single change?
I've been screwed by the automatically "resolved" conflicts a bit too often to rely on git...
cherry picking?
if you merge without ff it should let you manually resolve them unless you have the setting in --global
sometimes it'll just create files / insert new code without my consent though
TIL: 'a' > 'b' -> False
'a' < 'b' ->True
Guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way, manually looking for anything that shouldn't be there...
and of course there's a truckload of code that shouldn't exist... sigh
aaaaaaaaahhhhhh can't fall asleep
@toonarmycaptain does that surprise you?
@Rawing from my experience, git doesn't automatically resolve any conflicts
If git does a "clean" merge, then there are no conflicts
the thing is, git has a different idea of what a conflict is than I do
my rough approximation to a definition: a conflict is when two branches reflect changes to the same line of code.
git: "New code in a file nobody else has modified? Sure, put that in."
compiler: "what even is this code, dude?"
can you be more specific? I don't even understand your attempt at anthropomorphization
I removed a bunch of classes and methods, and git added a lot of code that used the things I removed
git doesn't add anything
some person had to add and commit the code
well, yes, of course
we had a bit of a chaotic workflow, so we ended up having multiple people work on the same stuff
that can be doable
So someone added code that used the things I removed, and I would have liked if git wouldn't have added that code without telling me about it
so the classes and methods were already being used in some part of the code...or another teammate started using them. When you removed the classes, their uses are not automatically removed unless you have some tool that helps with that, like the refactoring tools in IntelliJ
git is not the right tool for what you want. Git has no concept of language syntax or semantics, which is what would be required to notice that kind of problem.
all it does is: this line changed
and if the same line changes in two different commits, then there is a conflict
Yes, I'm aware git is language-agnostic. You can't say "git is not what you want" though, because there's nothing else I could use to merge two git branches...
One possible solution is to add a hook which runs your compiler
you want to do more than just merge two branches. You also want to make sure the merge compiles...that's what a compiler is for
All I'm saying is that I'd prefer to manually approve every change during the merge process instead of letting git do its thing and then clean up afterwards
perhaps I didn't word my previous comment very well. I'm trying to say that git by itself cannot do what you want. You have to augment it with other tools
I don't think there is any way to do that. For most cases, it does not even seem desirable. What if there are a thousand changes to review?
or 10k?
You have a point there
merge + compile seems like the least worst solution here
I guess I could've used git diff to find all the differences instead of manually looking through all the code
you can also pull back a step and evaluate why the problem occurred and what you can do to prevent it in the future.
yes, git diff is helpful. You need to know to use it which is not necessarily always possible. And this still potentially encounters an unmanageable amount of changes
git diff | grep ClassIRemoved then :D
...or not, because I'm on Windows. Does Windows have a grep? I need to google this.
Typical. Windows only has grep if you go out of your way to search for it on the web and install it and add it to your PATH and reboot.
If you are using Git Bash, yes, you have all the typical Linux tools
Hi guys
Is anybody here from canada?
we banned all the canadians
because maple leaves
Actually i wanted to ask that is canada worth going if you are a developer
I'm just being a smart ass
I have no idea if we have any Canadians that frequent here. If there are, most likely they are sleeping at this time.
it is almost 4 am in eastern Canada and midnight in western canada.
Any suggestion which country if good for developers?
in terms of job oppurtunities actually
I don't have any knowledge other than about the U.S.
US is just impossible :)
what is your nation of citizenship?
I am from india with 3.5 years of experience
unfortunately, in the modern world, politics has more to do with where you can work in the world than skills.
@Rawing Do you use cmd for git on windows?
Everyday i check jobs on SO but every job is for senior software developer only
In India?
I am planning for any foreign countries and one of my friend told me that visa for canada is bit easy to get as compared to other countries
No not in india
@Code-Apprentice Yes. I'm not a command-line power-user, so I haven't bothered installing cygwin or the like
@vaultah Wow.
1 hour later…
@Rawing If you install git from git-scm.com it comes with a version of cygwin called Git Bash.
I have the feeling that this code won't terminate before Xmas! :D
which code?
AoC Day 23 part 2?
yah, often the naive solution is intractable at this point
there is likely some trick to get the solution almost immediately.
I haven't taken the time to figure it out yet, though.
for sure... so far, it eludes me
me, too
and I don't have the tenacity to stick with it
I started on Day 22 after I finished Day 23 Part 1.
An hour ago, I said Fx it... but I was back at it within 10 minutes! :D
Look at Tim Pieters answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/18863309/…
It made my day! :D
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Cabbage all!
Or am I all alone at the moment?
I'm flying! (source: inspirefirst.com)
@Simon you got a nice doggo for company :-P
Actually I have a black Labrador.
But he can't fly or hover like some breeds can.
oh I missed the "black" :D
maybe black ones can't
@DSM so, I'd decided to delete the answer. Realised the next morning it wasn't one I was satisfied with. There was some heavy silencium on that question anyway.
That would be it. My labrador is black. :)
guys can i ask for opinions on my ui ? or i should find some web design room ? i am a python dev
Is it Python related?
no, just a app im doing on flask
i meant is it fine as long as i dont ask technical stuff ?
If it's anything Python related (Flask counts) then ask away. Oh we try to help with the "technical stuff" (at least I do).
The room rules explain everything.: sopython.com/chatroom
I have doubts that you may have to wait a bit for replies. This room has quietened down because Christmas is approaching.
@Simon Feels nice to link other comers to the room rules... right?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Oh yeah it does. I love greeting too. :)
@RobertGrant Cbg
hello fellow snakes
@idjaw cbg after forever!
Happy Antepenultimate Christmas Cabbage, everyone
@AnttiHaapala I know how you feel. I have an answer that needs 8 more votes for a Universe Brain hat.
What is a Universe Brain hat?
When you get a hundred votes on an answer
There's also Cosmic Brain and Galaxy Brain (bronze and silver for votes)
Python Chart:
Iterate-able(str,list,dict,tuple) vs non-iterateable(int,float,bool) //iterateable and looping variable

mutable(list, dict, tuple) vs immutable(str,int,float)
//mutable are, On addition does not creates new memory location, update existing, and does't editable

hash-able(string,int, float,bool,tuple ) vs unhashable (list, dict)
//hashable are uniquely identifiable by integer
Is this chart is correct any mistake?
tuples aren't usually considered mutable; I'm not sure what addition means in the case of a dict; adding a list to another list can create a new memory location (assuming I understand you); tuples aren't necessarily hashable; etc.
I also don't know what "uniquely identifiable by integer" means, but that's not what it means to be hashable.
Please Explain me defination of mutable and hashable?
Okay, I definitely took "stupidest mistake ever" for this year's AoC.
I'm willing to battle you for that.
Subtracting negative numbers is addition ;_;
Is it possible to process user input as it is typed?
For applications such as autocorrect and whatnot.
ipython does that with syntax highlighting and tab completion etc.
at least I wasted only an hour and a half or so due to my "are you smarter than a fifth grader" issue; for most of the day I wasn't even at home
Oh... that's cool. I'll look into how it works
sometime during the day I had a great revelation and realized that the problem must have been that view spoiler, and it turns out that wasn't my issue
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ: when an OP is giving weird conditions it's usually a better idea to let them wait to fix it. While your edit makes the result more plausible, the Q is still inconsistent with the OP's new 3s in his position_for_slicing array.
@AndrasDeak: my part 2 still has a bug. I can see what I'm supposed to do, and I thought I'd done it, but no luck so far. Today I have Responsibilities (tm), though, so it'll have to wait.
@DSM Rolled-back. I'm still thinking of how to solve it. I don't think it can be done without a loop.
@DSM in hindsight the what to do part was indeed straightforward, I just messed up elementary things... :(
The 0=all rows thing is stupid, but if we ignore that and require 5 there, it's easy.
arr * (np.arange(len(arr))[:, None] < position_for_slicing)
Okay, I was lazy there and did the first rows not the last but you get the idea.
Oh, broadcasting to the rescue once again!
Short and sweet. Broadcasting is so useful... I find it unexpectedly useful in many pandas questions too
1 hour later…
hey all ... Im not very good at programming ... But I wanna write a program for some mathsy stuff
Would anyone be up for helping me out>
@MartijnPieters \o/
@DrewWijaya Is it Python related?
should I say how the program shd work?
Or are u first interested in the mathsy part on why I want such a program?
Read the room rules first. sopython.com/chatroom
So I shdnt have pinged simon?
I never said that
rule 3:
Especially don't use @username notification unless that user has already told you it's okay to ping them; that's like jabbing someone in the shoulder and saying "Hey! Answer me!", and will quickly mark you out as someone to be avoided.
I don't mind myself. As long as it is meant to be read by me
ohk ... thanks simon
So I need a program:
That implements the following the example 1 for a given series:
read the example 1 for number representation
What have you tried and where are you stuck?
I tried to learn some python and do it on my own
the code doesnt work :(
@DrewWijaya please read that too ^
Anyway, you should use an external paste tool for your code (as per the rules). Also "doesn't work" is never a sufficient problem description. You need to provide a MCVE and a full error traceback.
@poke \o/ (why are we cheering? :-))
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ then that answer of mine took several hours to write :F
@Martijn Because it satisfies me a lot when bad bounty questions get canceled and closed :P
I am thinking about putting a bounty to the question where my answer is at 92 to get the universe brain :D
is that considered an abuse? :D
it doesn't really need more answers atm, except: "fixed in 3.x"
@AnttiHaapala yes. Then again winter bash is all about tearing down what we're trying to build all year :'(
Yeah, not getting the universe brain hat this year. My closest posts are slow boilers.
because it is a good post. It is just that no one ever reads it.
they're good posts, Bront
hmm I will try to get the other, bump my 24^ answers :P
of course with proper edits
My last bounty flag got handled this week. It only took 25 days after my raising it.
@AndrasDeak we got behind a bit with several mods having been busy. Then we caught up again.
so what is a bad bounty?
an off-topic question that didn’t get closed in time and that then activated a bounty, so it cannot be closed anymore.
got werewolf by editing my own posts
@MartijnPieters yeah, I know; Ed said as much when I gave him my anecdata :P
I take it all's back to normal
3 hours later…
Wow SO has emptied right out for Christmas.
32 questions in about 2 hours.

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