for i, row in enumerate(data):
if row[0] != 0 and row[0] != 1:
logging.error(f"here be dragons! {i}")
weight = data[i][1]
height = data[i][2]
logging.debug(f"the length of the array is {len(data)}")
data = numpy.delete(data, i, axis=0)
logging.debug(f"the length of the array is {len(data)}")
I'll do things the "wrong way" and you can help me do things the right way
using numpy wrong is pointless, you could just as well use nested lists :P
the point of numpy beside speed is memory: arrays are contiguous blocks of memory. This is why increasing/decreasing their size is not a convenient thing: that often involves reallocating a whole array
In [46]: biglist = [[1],[2,3],[4]]
In [47]: flatlist = []
In [48]: for lst in biglist:
...: for elem in lst:
...: flatlist.append(elem)
In [49]: flatlist
Out[49]: [1, 2, 3, 4]
first understand this ^ and let me know
(heads-up: I'll have to leave in 10 minutes for a while)
once you've understood the above, note that it is equivalent to the following nested list comprehension: [elem for lst in biglist for elem in lst]
and if you understand that, you'll see that my original line is this same pattern, but instead of biglist we have a generator expression ([i,i] if isitnan else [i] for i,isitnan in enumerate(np.isnan(gender))), but we could've used a list comprehension if that's more easily comprehensible (pun unintended) to you: [[i,i] if isitnan else [i] for i,isitnan in enumerate(np.isnan(gender))]
(and only try to step from one to the next if you really understood one; otherwise you'll just get frustrated and confused)
if I had the time I'd force you to do it step by step :P
thanksgiving AFAIK is a very Northern American thing
We don't need to be thankful for anything; our fellow Europeans can be thankful for our ancestors not killing them all in a rain of arrows *puts on sunglasses*
$ python
Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct 9 2017, 12:07:10)
[GCC 7.2.1 20170915 (Red Hat 7.2.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> biglist = [[1], [2, 3], [4]]
>>> flatlist = []
>>> for lst in biglist:
... for element in lst:
... flatlist.append[element]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable
ok I think I get it but is it necessary to write it in one line?
$ python
Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct 9 2017, 12:07:10)
[GCC 7.2.1 20170915 (Red Hat 7.2.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> biglist = [[1], [2, 3], [4]]
>>> for lst in biglist:
... for element in lst:
... flatlist.append(element)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'flatlist' is not defined
>>> flatlist = []
>>> for lst in biglist:
... for element in lst:
... flatlist.append(element)
also in the field, if you are using list comprehension, it's a good practice to write a few comment lines above to state what it's doing. It maybe obvious to most Python programmer but still helps.
I write comments in english what it's doing and then write the code. Generally it saves people time who looks at the code. :D Plus people won't hate your code.
_______setup.py_________ from distutils.core import setup from Cython.Build import cythonize setup(ext_modules = cythonize('Main.pyx')) __________________________________
I am trying to convert my python code (.pyx) into c, the command I am using is: "python build_ext --inplace" But I am getting an "unrecognized character" error -->"class Nøgletal_Analyse:"
How can one avoid this unrecognized character error, without deleting the nordic letters from my code?
I didn't take it personally, yet your words hint at a certain kind of superficiality which you might not want to be associated with you :P
there are good programming practices and bad, and unless you're talking about official styles, I don't think it can be pinned down to users of various languages
that being said, I'm not well-versed in the corresponding sections of PEP8
(but I suspect it doesn't tell you to use as short variable names as possible)
Descriptive names make code self-documenting. But short variable names have their place too. If it should be obvious from the context, and the variable has a short lifetime, like 1 to 3 lines, then a short name can be OK.
@kush BTW, that does the same thing as k = my_matrix
Having problems with my code, So the first input is trying to specify the size of the array while the second input specifies the elements
@M.Jones n a string so when you are append(n) you are adding the whole string to the list each time. Maybe you wanted to iterate through the string instead of a range ?
also not sure why you would take the length of the list as first input. Python doesn't really care about the length of the list size most of the time.... (unless you are specifically adding things in by the index)
@Simon both have their uses, both are still good to use ... it's personal preference.
also this isn't how you raise custom errors in Python raise "You failed to enter an integer" this will throw a TypeError: exceptions must derive from BaseException
Tkinter is easy, and already in the default Python installation and that's about the only advantage. Personally I like tkinter but it looks like almost a decade out of date. So I really think there is need for change.
@M.Jones But if you do really need a list of digits in Int form, then we need to change the code a little. I can only offer limited help because I'm on my phone so posting multi line code in chat is almost impossible.
honestly I'm not sure why you are using a for loop here. is num_array suppose to hold each characters like: 123 num_array will be ['3','2','1']? because your code is making num_array ->> ['321']
Literally just told you why.... idk what you expect. Please stop take a second to read and understand what we are trying to tell you. Then ask a question with a MCVE please.
@Simon Understood, but IIRC Kivy has quirks of its own, not everyone can run it, and because it's got a lot more features than Tkinter there will be a big learning curve. However, your experience with event-driven programming in Tkinter will be very useful. is the answer you are looking for. You were iterating through num which is incorrect, you were appending n when you should be appending i, you were double reversing when you should only reverse once (during input or output your choice depending on the list you want)
@Simon To add to PM. Kivy has it's own issues. Plus when you publish it, you need to package Kivy with your program... :\ It all depends on what you need
@MooingRawr So im doing this exercise on a website and one of the test cases are test with corner cases in case of large numbers but it doesnt pass that requirement
it doesn't specify how high large numbers are and i tested with an array size of 20 and it still works so not sure why It doesnt meet that test case
@M.Jones mcve please.... remember we aren't mind readers here. What you see is not what I see. You have to provide details which you might thing is clear because you are reading the problem.
Jones, for you, you will need an if statement to check if the start of the string begins with - and then deal with it by chopping it off before you reverse and re adding it in manually or going another route. plenty of ways to do it.... try something first
I started doing the %2 == 0 and else for the two null rows but so far I've gotten that new_list = [list_element for list_element in original_list if some condition on list_element] now this is pretty powerful but lets look at [[row[i] for row in matrix] for i in range(4)]
dont use n=="-" that's saying n is exactly "-" look up python's startswith(). Ask yourself why you would want to chop it off. Think back to when I asked you what you want to do when you receive '-123'
Why would you want to remove - first before reversing and add it back after it's all done ?
one thing you have to learn is how to critically think for yourself. One of the best way to do this is to talk to something (yourself or say a rubber ducky )
Talk to yourself in English/whatever language you speak what you want to do and what your code is doing and why you aren't getting the result you want... that's the best way to learn to code.
@MooingRawr write a program that takes as input an integer N and an integer K between 0 and 31 inclusive need to output the K-th bit of the binary representation of the integer N. Does that mean output the first bit ? so the first element?
so turns out I misunderstood the question and now as a workaround I have implied logic in the code o.O even rows are male and odd rows are female for the missing data... so I have to either fix the code or add a comment and guess what I will do