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Cabbage folks
A question came to mind that I felt you guys might chew on pretty well, is there a widespread ReactiveX implementation of Python
I saw a few github repos of stuff like that but would there be a reason it doesnt have as much traction as things like RxJava
@Skyler I have not used RxJava, but my vague impression is that it brings functional programming paradigms to Java. General functional programming already exists nativly in Python.
Just need a place to share an image...
Anyone to help-me wthis this stackoverflow.com/q/46859400/4175515
@JoaoVitorino please read the room rules. There is a link at the top right corner of this window.
also it appears that you already have an answer
@Code-Apprentice Sorry, my bad
@JoaoVitorino good luck with your project. Your question appears well written to me. Hopefully someone will be able to point you to the problem and a solution...or at least in the right general direction.
2 hours later…
@Greedo That sounds interesting. How do you deal with negative coordinates? Or are your circles guaranteed not to have them?
1 hour later…
@Code-Apprentice It's more about being reactive design than just functional programming.
Can anyone help me with syntax that's been driving me crazy for hours?
I have a class with several methods it can do and a method called HandleCommand(cmdstring, cmdargs) which executes the method chosen by cmdstring like this: supported_commands[cmdstring](cmdargs)
I want to add a decorator around the supported methods with an optional name parameter, such that @HandledCommand("echo") over def EchoFunc(self, args) will cause HandleCommand("echo", "hello world") to call EchoFunc("hello world")
However, I keep missing -something- and getting various errors
currently i have this:
def RegisterCommand(cmdstring):
def decorator(func):
def internal(self, *args):
self.func(self, args)
print "Adding", cmdstring, "as ", internal
supportedcommands[cmdstring] = internal
return internal
return decorator
But calling the handler with one of the commands gives me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\work\testing\shoogibot.py", line 217, in <module>
bot.HandleCommand(line[0], [])
File "E:\work\testing\shoogibot.py", line 202, in HandleCommand
return handler(args)
@Sleeptime If you're having troubles formatting code here, please see sopython.com/wiki/… And if you want to practice, please use the Sandbox
i should use hte sandbox a bit more ;)
@Sleeptime No worries. I think I know what you're trying to do, but it would help enormously if you can post a MCVE.
I'll try.
Should I do it as a screenshot, or fixed font?
supported_commands = {}

class Test:
    def __init__(self):
        self.internal = 2

    def RegisterCommand(cmdstring):
        def decorator(func):
            def internal(self, *args):
                func(self, args)

            supported_commands[cmdstring] = internal
            return internal
        return decorator

    def HandleCommand(cmdstr, *args):

    def Load(self, *args):
        print self.internal
        print args
@Sleeptime Always post code as text, not as a screenshot. I can't copy & paste screenshots into my editor. ;) Long code should normally be posted on an external site like dpaste and linked here, so it doesn't take up too much screen space. But don't worry about it now, since it's pretty quiet in here at the moment.
Alright, thanks
@Sleeptime Ok. I have a version of your code that works on Python 2 & 3. But I get the feeling that there's probably a better way to do this.
Haha, sounds suspicious
@Sleeptime Take a look at Sleepytime's method decorator.
I've added return to some of those function definitions. The missing returns weren't the cause of your problem, but a decorated version of a function should always return the value that the undecorated version does, or at least a modified version of that value.
That seems to work great and doesn't look ugly at all, thanks :)
@Sleeptime No worries. I just figured out how to put supported_commands inside Test as a class attribute, which I think is a little neater than having it floating around in the global namespace.
Oh, gods, yes. I put it out there because I was struggling.
I'll just edit the changes into that Gist. Give me a minute.
The "trick" is to make supported_commands a default arg of register_command. This is a bit ugly. ;) Also many people are wary of giving functions default args that are mutable, since that can lead to surprising behaviour, but it's safe here. Still, in real code it's a good idea to comment stuff like that to assure readers that it's not a bug and that you're doing it on purpose.
Hi, Antti.
@Rawing also, PM2ring and Kevin and then some more are stuck in their thinking that the cryptopals.com stuff cannot actually break anything substantial ;)
Thanks a lot
@AnttiHaapala I never said that. I said that I didn't understand how to use the techniques used in #12 to break real_world ECB unless we have access to an oracle like we have in #12. Since then I've also broken #14, so I can now break a wider range of oracles.
@Sleeptime It was fun, thanks to your MCVE.
12 didn't need an oracle, just the ciphertext. If your use needed an oracle, then it was wrong...
well it needs :D
I liked cryptopals #16. I solved it two ways: the easy way, where the plaintext is encoded / decoded with 'latin1', and then the harder way, using 'utf8'. I didn't bother doing the "Gumby" way, with 'ascii', 'ignore' :)
but not a special one, it is not a decryption oracle.
the encryption oracles are way easier to find and use
@PM2Ring mine is ascii
@AnttiHaapala No, it's an encryption oracle. From the problem specs:
What you have now is a function that produces: AES-128-ECB(your-string || unknown-string, random-key) It turns out: you can decrypt "unknown-string" with repeated calls to the oracle function!
what I mean is that it is very easy to find plain encryption oracles...
@AnttiHaapala Pfft. You could do that in your sleep! Try doing it so that it handles legal UTF-8
it is harder to find decryption-related oracles
@PM2Ring ascii is harder.
there are more utf-8 strings than ascii strings
@AnttiHaapala Oh, ok. I guess it's harder than 'latin1' if you don't use 'ascii', 'ignore'.
userdata=y 9mtj]\O6XAAA;admin=true;
with a tabulator in there
it takes some ciphertexts :D
but yeah, that was the funnest part of it really
quick question
let's say you have this
string1 = 'hello how are'
string2 = 'you doing now'
if I concatenate, I will have this
haha :D was going to reply that in Python we don't have this, but self
supaString = string1 + string2
result would be this
hello how areyou doing now
to have separation for all the words, I came up with this
supaString = string1 + ' ' + string2
Is there a simpler way to have separation?
@AnttiHaapala It does. Some of my results are legal ASCII, but many of them use non-ASCII. So typically I get things like {'comment1': 'cooking\x13V\u05ecE\x12Q{~\U00066178-renone', 'admin': 'true', 'comment2': ' like a pound of bacon'} but occasionally I get gems like {'comment1': "cooking:',c", 'admin': 'true', 'comment2': ' like a pound of bacon'}
The answers: 1. yes, 2. because your instructor doesn't know C. — Antti Haapala 24 secs ago
@AndyK Sort of. ' '.join((string1, string2))`
@AndyK f'{string1} {string2}'
this would also work for stuff that are not strings.
@PM2Ring that join things. I need to get familiar with it
python 3.6+
@AnttiHaapala I read about the f thingy. I need to get an upgrade of my interpreter
@AnttiHaapala When did C get %zu?
Thanks guys
@AndyK Try this: print('-'.join('hello'))
before then there was no correct modifier...
@AnttiHaapala Ok. So he is a bit out of date. :)
@PM2Ring very interesting
lu is not correct - on even 64-bit windows size_t is a unsigned long long int
not unsigned long int which is 32 bits
Using lu was adequate in ancient times, before size_t was invented. But anyway, this is the Python room.
:D you should join the C room
@AnttiHaapala Maybe. I've hardly done any C in ages, so I'm a bit rusty.
better than 86 % of the stack overflow answerers no doubt
@ShaunF and your answer is invalid as well, please read the linked duplicate so that you too may learn. — Antti Haapala 7 secs ago
blind leads blind
@AnttiHaapala picard_facepalm.png
My solution to #16 works ok with 'ascii', 'strict', but I'm going to do a new improved version to try to make the 'comment1' value look nicer. My current solution can produce stuff like 'comment1': 'cooking(9z-\x1bY_i0\x1c<C nzSnone', which looks highly supicious.
1 hour later…
@JonClements: I half regret turning that answer into a tutorial on how to convert such strings if you do have them in the JSON document; in the end the OP misread the Python data structure being returned by a library, this wasn't about JSON at all.
So I don't think I want to add demjson to the post now..
Haha... fair enough... When I first saw that post I did think... "I bet that's a string and they've oversimplified the example here"... was surprised to see you answer it actually :)
Umm.... don't see it on the screen at the moment, so it needs saying:
There we go - all's right in room 6 again...
Room 6 is full of cabbages again.
Who stole the wallpaper!?
stackoverflow.com/a/41232700/4014959 That's our canonical question, and that answer needs to go.
@PM2Ring on second reading it was probably meant to be an answer, actually. But a terribly unreadable and wrong one.
I agree: it's not a "not an answer", just a very bad answer. I particularly like the two unconditional return statements in a row. :)
@PM2Ring name typo :P
Morning cbg from the land of PhD writing up :(
Soul-wrenching in an I-can-see-the-end-of-the-tunnel way
@AndrasDeak Oh well, he didn't seem to mind. :)
Good luck with it, cbg :)
That's the one. Dec 22nd is my final, throw-it-over-the-parapet hand in date.
Which reminds me: Cream - Sleepy Time Time. It's a classic blues rock tune, so you probably won't enjoy it, Andras.
@Withnail they say that the best inspiration is a deadline
Could probably have done with a couple more of those tbh
@PM2Ring hehe, thanks :)
@PM2Ring reminds me a bit of some pink floyd songs
@AndrasDeak It's from around the same era as the very early Pink Floyd, although they didn't play many blues numbers.
It's probably just my unfamiliarity with electronic stuff
(like this, Andras? :p youtube.com/watch?v=YJVmu6yttiw)
Become familiar, nay biblical with the filthy beatz.
Yam you too :P
Skrillex; I'm not playing that
I was yamming quite heavily earlier in the week.
Have learned more about the policies and workings of AWS and IOPS than I ever really wanted to know. What a convoluted mess that whole thing is.
Still a lot of getting yammed till Christmas :P :(
(Skrillex and the like, with a sprinkling of 1980s thrash metal are my whitenoise coding go-to-musical-choices)
Wub wub wub wub
Skrillex being wub wub wub SQUEEEEEE wub wub wub
I wonder if something like that PHP SQL injection thingie exists for
Why is everything building lists for stackoverflow.com/questions/46862408/… - those solutions are horrendous
@IljaEverilä The first thing that comes to mind is using eval / exec in unsanitized strings.
Would it be more efficient to user Counter there?
In the vein of
@IljaEverilä sure... you can write db.execute('update some_table set some_column = {} where some_other_column = {}'.format(user_input1, user_input2)) easily enough - and people do :)
@Withnail I don't think so, because the main bottleneck is testing that each item is in the other list.
@PM2Ring meant if a similar site that analyzes Python questions from SO exists.
Yeah, but if you convert L2, we don't need to traverse the second list multiple times to do the comparison, is my thinking? As it's a hashed object, so you can get it by using the first list as keys
from collections import Counter

counter = Counter(list2)
occurrences = sum(counter[v] for v in list1)
@Withnail but you might as well convert L1 as it's smaller to a set if required and then traverse L2 without the overhead of making it a counter
^^ Rawing's is what I was shooting for. Honest. rolls eyes
Also, it'd have different behaviour if duplicates were in L1
@IljaEverilä Oh, ok. FWIW, we deleted a Python SQL injection Q&A yesterday that injects 22 parameters: stackoverflow.com/questions/46853145/…
@Withnail you wanna post that as an answer or should I?
@PM2Ring wow... also surprised by deepspace's answer... what's wrong with parameters[:22] there :p
@PM2Ring Should've included context. I took a look at that monstrosity yesterday as well, after you had closed it. That was... something else.
I don't feel like I can take any credit for your much more elegant answer. :D
Using Counter was your idea though
I could post it with credit for the more elegant formation, if you're alright with that?
with or without credit, either way's fine
@JonClements Yeah, that's a bit of a mystery.
Thanks! :) I'll do that.
actually I'd prefer it without credit, from the asker's perspective that's just unnecessary fluff; nobody cares
Really go for confusion and suggest: sum(map(Counter(list2).__getitem__, list1)) :p
Gotcha. :D @JonClements
I'm actually going to snafffle that for something I was code reviewing last night, in fact. Nice piece of serendipity, there.
I feel there should be some way to get SO points for answering questions at work :D
Ahhh... so it looks like something might kick off in Spain...
I hope not a "civil war" kind of something
Let's hope not - but people certainly aren't going to be happy from Article 155 being authorised...
Oddly, I wrote a thing about this about 10 years ago, which is largely being played out now. The only difference was I was talking about Scotland and the UK, not Catalonia and Spain.
But a bit... eerie, I guess, anyway.
except now this one has a smaller chance of discussing it over a drink
@Withnail Ahh... did you see the UK / EU thing coming as well?
Hah, i'm not a soothsayer. I was writing about the force of discourse, and how things can go wrong if your response to independence is to use the power of the inequal relationship to quash it. The UK government, of course, eventually allowed the IndyRef in Scotland, and it failed (at the time: all bets are off if Brexit goes ahead.)
The UK/EU thing is different because it's largely about perceived imbalances, rather than de facto ones, and the UK can (and currently is...) unilaterally withdrawing.
But in answer to a question of 'we'd like to have more power and autonomy and run ourselves', cops in riot gear and pulling back the powers the area does have is a strange, counterproductive response. All imho. Ymmv.
@Withnail yeah... from what I've read about it the Spanish authorities weren't exactly graceful in the handling of it... If they'd have just let it be and gone "nope - wasn't official we're not honouring the result" instead of interfering...
(and probably being a part of the reason things started to kick off...)
I think they've shot themselves in the foot... now it looks like (even if people weren't interested in independence) - "oh wow... they are bullies... not sure I want to be a part of this now I think about it..."
Yeah. I can't see that the response would have swayed many neutrals to be pro-spain, and even if you were a Spanish unionist, you have to ask questions about what you're a part of.
I have several Spanish colleagues, so I imagine Monday might be a bit fraught for them.
I know a Spanish guy that's still fuming over Brexit... I might be avoiding him for a little while me thinks :p
ploneconf is now (well just ended yesterday) in barcelona :D
yam, I think my phone's sd card is dying again
a few corrupted images popped up, just like last time
What phone? I have that problem with my Motorola G3. Only intermittently works with the SD Card. :(
Worked yesterday and up popped all the pictures I'd taken in the first half of the year
samsung s4 mini
the previous broke with a samsung gio I think
I love the ideea of swappable expansion memory, but it's just never worked for me, i've had this problem with most phones.
Kind of like the look of the Wileyfox 2, but the company has a terrible reputation if anything goes wrong
I'm mostly happy with my samsungs, and I assume sd cards can just croak due to wear
@PM2Ring Thanks, it was a project I'd thought about (and solved with excel formulae) a while ago, and I thought I'd give it a go to test out my new Python knowledge. Negative numbers (and indeed numbers greater than 255 in any coordinate) are probably just going to be trimmed to fit - I may leave them blank as I did with the Excel project, because you end up with some cool shapes where the circle lies outside the cube
@Greedo Ah, right. :) Another possibility is to take the absolute value. Or shift the origin to the centre of the colour cube.
Each column is 0-360 degrees around a circle, with different parameters resulting in some interesting locuses in the cube
Another fave that reminded me of space invaders
@Greedo wow, that.....gives me mixed feelings. Both awe and mortal terror.
@Greedo if you want to sound fancy, the plural of locus is loci (</grammar nazi>)
Umm... rotate that last one 90 degrees and it looks like a woman with a small head wearing a weird hat
@JonClements I just see the butt
If we're going there...
so do you want to eventually position all these columns (<->circles) into 3d space?
@Withnail there are random blocks of full zero bits in my corrupted images...looks like early stage of failure. I'll do some checks
@AndrasDeak precisely, or at least as a 2d cut through it (which I imagine should be easier)
@Greedo and how are these circles positioned relative to one another? Do that span a plane? Or are they all around the place? I take it they are at least coaxial
you can edit messages up to 2 minutes after posting
I'm only asking these questions because 3d plotting in matplotlib is hacky, since the renderer is 2d. See this bit of self-plug and links therein. So if your 3d objects are complicated, you should consider using mayavi.mlab. It's a yamming awesome proper 3d visualization tool, but it's harder to set up and harder to use
@AndrasDeak Good tip! The vector equation I have is for a plane in the 3D colour cube. I know the normal, I have defined a "centre" (r=g=b) and then I have 2 unit vectors in the plane which are perpendicular to one another. I use these to create multiple concentric circles at varying radii to build an image of the plane
So I only really need 2D for now
OK, then you should indeed position yourself into that 2d plane
it will be much clearer too
@Greedo I assume you're using the cross-product to get the normal to that plane.
@PM2Ring Yep, I've written all the maths including my own cross/dot products etc, and have now discovered there's (unsurprisingly) a library for that XD
if you mean numpy, there's so much more to it than that :P
There's no harm in writing your own cross-product function in plain Python. It can be handy for stuff that doesn't need the full power of Numpy. But dot products are really easy, they barely warrant writing a function for them. ;) sum(u*v for u,v in zip(a, b))
for large arrays numpy.dot is wildly faster than native python
I'm sure it is.
otherwise yes
I think Greedo's problem would generally benefit from numpy
lots of linear algebra
@PM2Ring Or - for a fairly nice speedup but still using only the stdlib, sum(map(operator.mul, a, b))
@JonClements True. I was thinking of posting a version using map... :)
I'm not sure what we're even talking about - was just re-writing your code here :p
That's ok. I quite like map, but I got some flack yesterday for using it.
Might be worth mentioning: (map(str, row)) is equivalent to (str(x) for x in row). IMO the slightly longer version is slightly easier to read. — Arthur Tacca yesterday
in that case the mappy one reads clearer to me
but anyway both need minute amounts of cognitive power, so yeah, meh
Weekend Cabbage!
I have to say the GoT music is sooooooo good! I have it on Spotify while taking care of things around my apartment.
How are you, Jon?
Not bad Code - how's yourself?
Doing well.
@PM2Ring something to do with ciphering and bacon: stackoverflow.com/questions/46864449/bacon-cipher-decryption - has your practice come in useful!? :p
Starting what will hopefully be a relaxing and productive weekend.
Ha... that's one sure fire way of jinxing it :)
laundry and balancing my checkbook are the first tasks...need some time this afternoon for coding.
@JonClements I'll take a look at it. It's bound to be more fun than waiting for this OP to fix their indentation & add their traceback... stackoverflow.com/questions/46864127/…
badblocks didn't find any errors with my sd card :|
serves me right for filing this bug right when I found it
Saturday afternoon: making a prototype (physical) box for a retropi based tabletop arcade cabinet.
Worked surprisingly well given it's made out of a wine delivery box. :D
4 hours later…
SQL injection as an answer: stackoverflow.com/a/39004137/2681632
They admit it is vulnerable, but tout string concatenation anyway.
Nice little problem stackoverflow.com/questions/46867087/… - shame it's lacking any effort
@IljaEverilä SIAAA
cabbage people
That, my friend, is exactly what was I talking about

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