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@toonarmycaptain PEP-8 says to use inline comments sparingly; see Inline Comments. I used to use inline comments a lot, but I decided that they make the code look more cluttered, so these days I almost always put my comments on the preceding line(s).
Also, it's really annoying trying to read code on SO when the OP uses extensive inline comments and long lines.
I guess there's no way to do this in Python 3, since rot13 is a text - text encoding.
yawny cbg
Snowy cbg
1 hour later…
cbg :D though that looks more like a Chinese cabbage which is not a cabbage.
@PM2Ring You can do text - text codecs with the codecs module.
import codecs
print(codecs.decode('Uryyb fgnpxbiresybj!', 'rot13'))
@MartijnPieters Sure, but how can you utilize that to tell the CPython interpreter to decode a Python script that's been ROT13 encoded?
@PM2Ring the file data is loaded as bytes, and the codecs module is used to decode, so we can try it.
Nope, TypeError.
The Python 2 way just uses a coding directive comment. The only other way to do it is to wrap the script in a string so you can decode it and then exec it.
Also, SyntaxError: encoding problem: rot13.
@PM2Ring just realized this:P
I wonder if it is possible to use zlib encoding
You'd have to register a custom codec first, one that does take bytes as input.
hmm zlib codec encodes only
Hrmz, not sure what's wrong with my cryptopals set 1 challenge 3 / 4 implementation.
ah but decode:P
@MartijnPieters that's not a proper problem description, [mcve] please!
I have a working challenge 3 approach, but none of the lines in the 4.txt file decode.
Just pondering, nothing more.
so your scoring func is wrong
@MartijnPieters the simplest good scoring func is that you assign lower and uppercase letters their relative frequency in English, and score everything else as 0...
@MartijnPieters I'll try not to give any spoilers, but 1/3 can be cracked with a simpler scoring function that what 1/4 requires.
I have a pretty simple scoring function, but it does cover more than just letters..
@MartijnPieters The key might not be a letter...
@PM2Ring bugger.
Thanks, feel stupid now.
Don't worry, I initially got stumped by that too. :)
FWIW, you can crack both of those with a pretty simple scoring function, you don't really need a frequency table.
I tried different functions as I tried to figure out why 4 was failing.
The table was created from Sherlock Holmes texts. counts = Counter(text.lower()) and {l: c / len(text): for l, c in counts.items()}. Fun times.
And it is is pretty simple now, just a sum of the letter scores. Will come in handy later, I'm sure.
@MartijnPieters nah,
as I said I just ripped the letter table
that had some integer counts...
and it has worked until set 5.
I found a link to a nice table in the Wikipedia article on letter frequency data-compression.com/english.html But my first attempt used a really simple scoring function: count the number of chars that are in set(' etaoinshrdlu')
you'd want to refactor these funcs into cryptopals.py module
you need bxor all the time
I also have another function, bxor_key that does cycle for the key...
also, naturally if you've got plaintexts of different length you'd want to calculate the score per character ...
Oct 8 at 16:39, by PM 2Ring
A little while ago I wrote some code to test the speed of XORing two bytes strings together. I expected it'd be a little faster to do it by converting to int and back, rather than looping over the strings at Python speed, but I was surprised by how much faster it actually was. See here for timeit code & typical output: Test speeds of performing XOR on two bytes strings of equal length
@PM2Ring memory allocation for tuples
@AnttiHaapala What tuples?
I've mostly been using xor_bytes_I. That does have to allocate 2 big integers, though, but it's pretty fast for bytes strings with len < 1000000, even on this old machine.
@PM2Ring you were using zip?
the thing is the tuple object creation is .... meh
@AnttiHaapala Two of those functions I tested use zip, but they are significantly slower.
pm2ring could you genericise this :D
so that
it would figure out how long it needs to be :D
one could be a generator, say
What do you use to convert an int in 0..255 to a bytes? I've been using bytes([n]). Other possibilities I can think of are bytes((n,)), n.to_bytes(1, "big"), and chr(n).encode("latin1"), although that last one is pretty gross.
@AnttiHaapala What's wrong with the size = len(a) in my code?
I did a timeit test on those, and the speed differences were insignificant, except for chr(n).encode("latin1"), which is about %20 slower.
@PM2Ring because a generator doesn't have size
I use bytes([n]) naturally.
@AnttiHaapala Oh, ok. When I need to XOR two generators I just do it inline:(u^v for u,v in zip(gen1, gen2)), I don't bother calling a function. Of course, that's assuming the generators yield ints.
@AndrasDeak That won't work if n>127
@PM2Ring oops
I was under the impression that ascii goes to 255, thanks
No, ASCII is a 7 bit encoding. Although your confusion is understandable, since there are various encodings that go by the name of extended ASCII.
I accidentally installed ipython3.6 in place of my ipython3.5 by the name ipython3, but actually I like it this way and I'll just leave it
The "latin1" thing works because Latin-1 is a subset of Unicode, in the sense that the Unicode codepoints 0..255 map to the Latin-1 chars.
... unfortunately there is also the other "latin1"
i.e. windows cp-1252
It's a mixed blessing though. Code that works correctly with Latin-1 bytes may look like it handles Unicode properly, but it could break for codepoints > 255 if it's not written properly, although that's far more likely in Python 2 than Python 3.
@AnttiHaapala Very unfortunately.
... that if you wrote a web page in "latin1" you got cp1252
it should be iso-somethingsomething
8859-2 is the right latin2 is all I know
@PM2Ring ah, I remember that one ;)
From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows-1252 It is very common to mislabel Windows-1252 text with the charset label ISO-8859-1. A common result was that all the quotes and apostrophes (produced by "smart quotes" in word-processing software) were replaced with question marks or boxes on non-Windows operating systems, making text difficult to read.
Most modern web browsers and e-mail clients treat the media type charset ISO-8859-1 as Windows-1252 to accommodate such mislabeling. This is now standard behavior in the HTML5 specification, which requires that documents advertised as ISO-8859-1 actually be parsed with the Windows-1252 encoding.
And some people try to claim that Microsoft isn't evil...
"Let's see how we can still make those people miserable who are not using our crapware"
as long as you have an iterable of integers, xor will work just fine.
So I don't bother with bytes([intvalue]).
I just pass in [intvalue]..
def bxor(b1, b2):
    return bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(b1, cycle(b2)))
I think I did just that ^
where cycle() is from itertools.
@MartijnPieters now you just need to remember which one is cycled :d
@MartijnPieters Note that bytes([a ^ b for a, b in zip(b1, cycle(b2))]) is a little faster, as shown in the docstring of that speed test Gist I linked earlier.
Does this look like Python syntax to you? I suggest you read the official Python tutorial. Reading that, you'd actually find out that Python doesn't use { } like this, nor does it use ; and that the indentation is kind of relevant! — Antti Haapala 11 secs ago
How come bytes and str.join work faster with lists anyway? Is it because the length of the list is known, while the length of an iterator is not?
@AnttiHaapala wow!
@Rawing PM told me that yes, .join needs to pass twice in order to determine the length of the resulting string
this is probably the similar
it actually uses sequence_fast ...
Follow-up question: Why don't iterators like zip implement a __length_hint__ method?
because they usually can't.
but it wouldn't help with join... it still builds a sequence first.
anw, building a sequence isn't that slow, but ...
one problem with python is that it always extends the sequence by the same low factor
temp lists could expand at factor of 2, because they're temporary anw.
IIRC they don't
Well yeah, not all iterators can implement a __length_hint__, but it'd be pretty trivial for zip; just return the minimum length_hint of all its parameters
@Rawing What Andras said. The .join methods do 1 scan to determine the destination string length, allocate the destination array, and then a second scan to copy the items to the destination.
Is it possible to inherit certain variables from a parent class like something in this manner (I don't want to inherit the x variable):
class A:
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

class B(A):
    def __init__(self, y, z, additional='%%%'):
        self.additional = additional
        super().__init__(y=y, z=z) # We don't want to inherit x

        print(self.additional, self.y, self.z)
please... not these XY problems again
The growth pattern is: 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88,
new_allocated = (size_t)newsize + (newsize >> 3) + (newsize < 9 ? 3 : 6);
So I should just write:
class B(A):
    def __init__(self, y, z, additional='%%%'):
        self.additional = additional
        self.y = y
        self.z = z
@SebastianNielsen what's your actual problem
@SebastianNielsen no.
you shouldn't.
I am just trying to avoid writing all the variables all over again.
if you inherit from A, you inherit everything there's from A.
okay thanks.
If there's a part you don't want to inherit, then you've designed your parent class wrong
ah yeah, I should maybe make the child the parent and the parent the child, that would properly make more sense.
@SebastianNielsen «# We don't want to inherit x» Don't do that. It breaks the Liskov substitution principle. A child class can add additional attributes / methods, but it needs to honour all of the attributes / methods of its parent(s).
I see that was stupid, thanks for the tip
@SebastianNielsen please read and understand: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle-ellipse_problem
how are we all doing this fine morning
my fine afternoon is fine, albeit quite sleepy
afternoon is fine or almost but definitely looking for the evening, Pizzas and Blade Runner 2049 with GF & friends
tonight is family pizza night, but no blade runner
I'm watching spiderman homecoming right now
@idjaw good?
just started it
I'll let you know
I liked the vulture
the coolest looking vulture out of all
Michael Keaton is a fantastic actor
he stands out for sure, especially in this movie
was he in the birdman?
where everyone save for tony stark (I completely forgot the actor's name)
is a teenager
@jjj yeah
he was also Batman!!!!!!!!!!!
:) he IS good
I liked the movie and I did notice all the new pop culture reference things but I didn't really get them, but I noticed them they're there
maybe I'm too old already
I do think in general the Marvel films are getting obscene though
too much flashy pew pew and main characters in one movie
I sure hope Batman movies stay as "serious" as they already are
I haven't seen a Spiderman film since the Tobey Mcguire ones. I don't need to watch Uncle Ben die every five years, thanks
Batman is my fav superhero and it'd be really awkward to see an adaptation with today's stuff like Sm homecoming
You can only watch an origin story so many times with different actors before you get the general idea
@Kevin there's differences in the new one
I haven't seen Uncle Ben being mentioned even once
it's basically a sequel to the previous Avengers movie
The Netflix take on the superhero stuff has a good flow to it
If he gets bitten by a spider and says something about great responsibility, I'm good
It minimizes the expensive pew pew
they also removed Mary Jane, at least the name
"MJ" stands for "Michelle Jones" now
if the idea that the movie is the same as the previous stops you from watching it, remove it, the movie is a whole different beast from the prev movies
in all possible regards
There is one new Marvel show that is pretty fantastically done: Legion
It's on FX
Legion has an interesting aesthetic that's the polar opposite of the "pop culture references" thing that was being discussed before. Between the 70s interior design and the plasma screen TVs everywhere, you can't even be sure what decade it takes place in.
@Kevin Tobey Maguire baaaah
emo spidey is the worst
@Kevin That's what I love about it. You're constantly questioning reality and timeline
You're as confused as the main character
Batman The Animated Series had a similar approach with its Art Deco design. Maybe that's part of why it's still considered a classic
^^ Is that good btw?
I never watched it
more like art decoy, amirite?
is anyone here doing dev mainly in a VM? I'm writing a flask app inside one (w/ vagrant sharing the source files), with the host running the IDE (which is really VS code); is there any way whatsoever to get VS to shoot useful autocompletion and notice the libs installed in the VM at me?
or is sth like installing the libs on the host w/ sth like virtualenv the only option? :(
I've only caught like two episodes in the last decade but I liked them. It can be dark without being grimdark.
acceptable. I'd check it out.
@BogdanMarginean I would look for a plugin. One existed for SublimeText that you had to pay for. PyCharm has one too.
I sense that the general consensus of the show is that positive opinions outnumber negative ones by ten to one
@AndrasDeak hey I liked tobey
I think he was the best spiderman :(
as long as you ignore 3
I respect your debate
@idjaw try Batman Beyond too if you haven't and want some animated Batman action
^^ good call thanks
I would have to argue that the latest spiderman is closest to the comic book character in its humour and light style
I am a bit lost with all the spiderman reboots. Is this the one with mr Garfield?
My (still) absolute favorite moment of the Live-action spidermans was "Focus!" <runs off a building> <falls and bashes his face on a Ford Focus>
Because I kinda liked their chemistry with Emma Stone in one of the movies
@idjaw thanks I'll try to find sth; can't really afford to get PyCharm right now
worst case, my newest idea would be to somehow get the VM to mirror its own python installation (or at least the libs) to the shared vagrant folder and point the VS code plugin to that folder instead of the local python installation
and .gitignore the mirrored folder
@BogdanMarginean Check the features in the free edition
It might come with it
there's a free edition? :O
LOL Hanibal Buress is in Spider-man!! hahah I love that guy
morning everyone
..no I think I was wrong about that one :P
nono I was right it was him. :D
in the end I just went with the lib copy and still using VS as opposed to installing PyCharm, it's a simple enough solution that works
a plain cp -r that can be made part of the vm bootstrap script after deps are installed
and then
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
    "path to pylibs"
in the workspace settings of VS code
Anyone know if it is possible to have a monorepo, but have different editorconfigs for different languages?
I am making a small flask/react style app
anyway, you were saying I could package this as a plugin and sell it??
(just kidding)
\o cbg
what does cbg mean btw
everyone minus me seems to use it
@AshishNitinPatil melon
any flask users here know of any good addons to manage json_build_object and json_agg?
@corvid You mean the Psql funs?
Yeah, I can do it as a raw query, but I have no idea how to use it with sqlalchemy
func.json_build_object(...) is pretty much it.
@AokiAhishatsu NameError: name 'Hello' is not defined
THIS GAME IS RATED M FOR MATURE. IT INCLUDES a level where you do your taxes, a level about debt and your character is always tired
In [8]: session.query(func.json_build_object('asdf', 1)).scalar()
Out[8]: {'asdf': 1}
@idjaw oh god I thought it gets easier as you grow older !
haha. you're cute.
@MooingRawr I'm told there's a long rest at the end
By then you're jaded and think everyone is stupid
REST? but I thought we were given SOAP at our retirement.
and you drink a lot of whiskey
Whenever I'm down on myself due to my below-average adulting skills, I tell myself "at least I don't have to do homework anymore" and it seriously cheers me up every time
can I substitute whiskey for green tea?
you can but why would you do that?
TBH I rather be in school than working atm :\
replacing whiskey for tea is a clear indication you haven't reached peak adult yet
an ATM's work is hard, I don't blame you
@Kevin there's a special kind of horror when you're given homework and you need to grade it :|
@idjaw didn't know I've been playing that game all the time
@AndyK I'm kinda getting tired of it. Hoping for a DLC soon.
but aren't we all ATMs? We take money from people, stand there to take abuse and listen to other people's interesting story, and at the end of the day people only come visit you to take your money from you.
what kind of sick friends do you have bruh?
I'm afraid that metaphor went off the rails around the middle, there. Unless you usually yell at and tell interesting stories to ATM machines...?
@idjaw DLC?
@Kevin a few weeks ago I was in line at an ATM and the couple in front of me was discussion something that happen over the weekend at a party. seems kinda serious and interesting... idk man..
downloadable content
maybe it's just me :\
Hey @Andras, I just fixed up some Numpy code that used list comps. Is .astype the right thing to use there, or is there a better way? stackoverflow.com/a/46850107/4014959
do you guys ever use map and filter with python, or just those list comprehensions instead?
@PM2Ring yeah, that's how you convert from one type to the other
I use them if 1) I don't care that the result isn't a list, 2) I'm not passing an inline lambda as the first argument
unless you mean in the broader sense but I don't have time to look more closely at what the code does :)
Never-filter-but-often-map cabbage for all!
say no to instagram cbg
Is Instagram the one with the cute kitten pictures? Because if I so I can't give it up just yet. If it's the one with food pictures, good riddance.
food and filters I think
probably vegans too
@AndrasDeak Thanks.
I use filter a lot, but looking at people's code, seems like bad practice
If it's so bad, why didn't they remove it from Python 3?
though, I am a javascript dev so :\
I don't use filter much, but I use map a fair bit, although I got some flack earlier today for using map:
Might be worth mentioning: (map(str, row)) is equivalent to (str(x) for x in row). IMO the slightly longer version is slightly easier to read. — Arthur Tacca 6 hours ago
Guido doesn't like them, which is why filter got moved to functools.
Generally, if you need to use a lambda with them you should be using the equivalent list comp or gen exp instead, since that saves a slow Python function call, but if the function is an existing function you might as well use filter / map. And if the function happens to be a built-in function coded in C then filter / map will be more efficient than the list comp / gen exp.
I just prefer the functional style of not wanting to introduce placeholder variables if not needed.
That too. I think map(str, row) looks cleaner than (str(u) for u in row)
@PM2Ring you mean reduce; filter() is still a builtin.
@MartijnPieters Oops! Yep, that's what I meant. :)
I vaguely remember reading that reduce() got moved since people mainly use it for sum() anyway.
That makes sense. Using reduce instead of sum is a bit silly, but it's not that bad if you pass it an actual add built-in, rather than passing it a lambda.
Maybe it's just my strange patterns, but I seldom need reduce, but often need itertools.accumulate, which is just reduce with a trace..
docs.python.org/release/3.0.1/whatsnew/3.0.html states that "Use functools.reduce() if you really need it; however, 99 percent of the time an explicit for loop is more readable.", but I'd almost put my money on having read that sum thing as well.
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
    class recognitionClass:
        Z = self.model(X, W, b, W_prime, b_prime)

        def model(X, W, b, W_prime, b_prime):
        with tf.name_scope("layer2"):
        Y = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W) + b)
        with tf.name_scope("layer3"):
        Z = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(Y, W_prime) + b_prime)

        print("Y: "+str(Y))
        return Z
I tried as follows as well:
You can't refer to self inside the definition of a class but outside its method definitions.
class recognitionClass:
    Z = model(X, W, b, W_prime, b_prime)
but that gives: NameError: name 'model' is not defined
self doesn't exist yet. self refers to a single instance of the class. When Z = ... is running, the class is still being defined, so no instances of the class have yet been created.
@Kevin ok so it's like in C or cpp. I can't call it yet as it is not defined?
solution would be to just inverse the order or somehow do like in C: function prototyping/forward declaration
If you never actually refer to self within the body of model, perhaps you could make it a staticmethod.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Let's back up a little. Why does Z need to be a class attribute instead of an instance attribute?
On second thought, I'm not sure that you can call staticmethods from class attribute assignment statements. Disregard previous post for the time being.
@PM2Ring does that matter a lot?
If you plan on having more than one instance of recognitionClass and want each one to have an independent Z value that doesn't change whenever you change any other Z value, then yes it matters.
@Kevin not my case
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Well, a class attribute is shared by all instances of a class. Do you want all your instances to share that one object?
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Just create Z in the constructor.
@PM2Ring looking at how I could od it differently...
If you're only creating a single instance of recognitionClass then just make Z a normal instance attribute. You can also make Z as a class attribute inside a method, eg inside __init__ by doing recognitionClass.z = self.model(X, W, b, W_prime, b_prime)
What's wrong with self.Z = blah_blah_blah
a little more context:
    W_prime = tf.transpose(W)
    b_prime = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_visible]), name='b_prime')

    Z = self.model(X, W, b, W_prime, b_prime)

    ost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(X-Z, 2)) # const function (squared error), which we want to minimize to be more accurate
    train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.02).minimize(self.cost) #training algorithm
(if that helps)
@Brandin Nothing. That's perfectly fine if you want Z to be an instance attribute.
Yes. That's probably what you want, so just do it.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Is this all directly inside the recognitionClass definition? Rule of thumb: most of the time, you should not have code directly inside your class definitions.
I kind of get the impression that you wrote working code and then said "now I will put this whole thing inside a class"
Learn how to use init.
@davidism, I just noticed you made flask-alembic, and it's super helpful
Considering none of your methods have self arguments or anything
@Kevin hahaha :) That's exactly the case....
Maybe just don't use a class at all.
Python is multi-paradigm, right tool for the right job and all that, so there's nothing wrong with regular old procedural code if that's what you need
I think the issue is simply that the function model is not defined yet when I call it
I don't want to pu the function higher in the class as it will start looking messier than it already is imo
I'll look at how to use __init__
Good morning, I need some assistance on this: dpaste.de/Cc4Y
Seems like string some weird hidden junk that is messing up my regex
I'll just assume that you have a really really really good reason to keep using classes even though they're actively making your job more difficult, and you can't explain because of a non-disclosure agreement or something
@Kevin no it has nothing to do with NDA's, just extremely long to explain...
Yes, I have a specific reason to use a class
@Damon I'm 70% sure those are ANSI escape codes. They're used to create colored text, among other things.
I will try this
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
ansi_escape.sub('', sometext)
Beaten by Martijn again! This time by four and a half years.
Anyone knows a regex to match this ansi code? "\x1b[m\x1b[1m"
The one you posted already ought to work, yes?
It is not working
>>> s = "Hello, \x1b[m\x1b[1mWorld!"
>>> import re
>>> re.sub(r'\x1b[^m]*m', "", s)
'Hello, World!'
Removes it just fine
let me try again .. I also tried it in regex101 and i said no match
there is a space between [1m and World
regex101 might not recognize Python's style of \x escape sequences
Interpreting \x1b as a backslash and the letter x and the digit 1 and the letter b, instead of the single character that it is
@Damon Even adding a space, it still works
>>> s = "Hello, \x1b[m\x1b[1m World!"
>>> re.sub(r'\x1b[^m]*m', "", s)
'Hello,  World!'
hmm .. let me try again
Just spent 6 hours setting up java + javaFX... If I were allowed to use python, I'd have finished this yamming assignment by now
Morning cabbage
@Rawing how did it take so long? What kinds of issues did you encounter? What OS are you on?
Problem is that we have to use Java 9 and JavaFX 9... and the latter is apparently not supported on linux. At first I had some trouble because installing openjdk9 didn't give me a javac command... turned out I had to manually set java9 as my default java environment. Then I tried to compile the sample project we were given, but that failed because of JavaFX... so I thought I had to add that to my Maven configuration file, but that didn't help
at least you are being taught modern Java rather than like Java 2 from 1999.
So apparently openjdk doesn't come with javafx, and openjfx only exists up to version 8... no javafx9 to be found. Then I learned that the official oracle java comes with javafx built in, but it doesn't have an arch linux installer, so I had to try to build it manually
I've seen too many C++ questions on SO where the OP is in a class using Turbo C++. I don't think I've seen similar questions in Java, but I wouldn't be surprised.
long story short, I switched to windows and lost 6 hours of my life
You are running Arch on your machine? Nice!
For the Oracle JDK, I just download the binaries from the oracle site.
Phew! For a second I thought my updated firefox was fundamentally broken, but then I finally found the option to move forecastfox back to the bottom right corner
I like arch because pacman is so blazing fast and because the AUR looks pretty dope
the only problem I have is that pacman is horribly unintuitive and that it breaks a lot
I more or less randomly chose Arch when I decided I wanted to check out a different distro which I haven't used before about a year ago. I really enjoy it so far.
> I'm not a fan of religiously taking some idea to the extreme, and I try to be pragmatic in my design choices (but not *too* pragmatic, see the start of this sentence :-). I value readability and usefulness for real code. There are some places where map() and filter() make sense, and for other places Python has list comprehensions.
I ended up hating reduce() because it was almost exclusively used (a) to implement sum(), or (b) to write unreadable code. So we added builtin sum() at the same time we demoted reduce() from a builtin to something in functools (which is a dumping ground for stuf
dat broken reply
after no more than a few days of using arch, any pacman command I try to run fails because of a random file conflict or missing pgp key or some other random issue that isn't my fault, and trying to fix it always results in an even more broken setup
sounds like the good old linux days
@Rawing the biggest problem I encountered with pacman was running updates after neglecting them for like 6 months. In the process I broke pacman completely by deleting openssl. I had to make a new boot USB and update/reinstall components from it.
rhubarb folks
rbrb, Andy
@AndrasDeak Thank you for digging that up.
I once neglected updates for so long that an ubuntu LTS broke on me
@IljaEverilä no worries, it's the one bit of functional programming related info I know about python, so I knew where to look :)
> You've earned the "Announcer" badge (Share a link to a question later visited by 25 unique IP addresses) for "Is multiplication always commutative in inexact floating point arithmetic?".
I have no memory of linking, or even looking at, this post before
you can try googling the personalized-for-your-sharing link of the post
> Your search - stackoverflow.com/q/5007400/953482 - did not match any documents.
Must be on the deep web
linked in work slack or irc or something?
My guess is "posted by someone other than me on a page that Google doesn't crawl"
My workplace doesn't have a slack.
Actually, maybe it does, but nobody has invited me to it.
or there are infinitely many apes mashing keyboards with an internet connection, and 25 of them have finally entered that link into the URL bar purely randomly
05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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