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Hi, can anyone help me with this please?
it is a question regarding django
Please read the room rules @Shawn. The link is at the top right of the window
my apologies
Is anyone still using python 2 here out of choice? Why?
4 hours later…
@Cole128 Sometimes I have to use Python 2(not willingly) because those beautiful packages are not yet ported to Python 3
2 hours later…
Man, did anyone see that truck coming?
i have a linux pc and i have linux in my laptop i want to control that pc from my laptop
can someone guide me
So you need to know how to control the mouse and the keyboard, and how to send messages from one pc to the other?
just ssh ;)
suppose i want to control chrome or terminal and run scripts on that machine
@SohaibAsif ssh
yes i want to control keyboard and mouse basically Google Chrome as i have made my own rapportive extenstion in python which sometimes get down due to internet connectivity issue so i just want to refresh or start the Google Chrome again and load that
I don't think anything like that already exists, but you can easily roll your own. Controlling the mouse is easy, controlling the keyboard is easy, and sending messages is easy.
you just need to get the password out of the victim
so its not possible to control that
from my laptop
@AnttiHaapala We were just talking about the Volvo XC series at lunch.
ummm bittermelon <3
@AnttiHaapala +1
@MarcusAndrews <3 canh khổ qua
I love everything sour and bitter, that's why I am so sour and bitter myself
Or is it the other way around?
@AnttiHaapala I'm very fond of 苦瓜
@AnttiHaapala Cabbage
i have 3 tables for analytics, t1 with [clicks, revenue] by hours and t2 with [clicks, revenue] by day, t3 with [clicks, revenue, campaign] would u rather have it all in one table and do the math, i chose to have t3 because if i store t2 with campaign, and add it up, what if user deletes the campaign, i would like to remove all those rows, im not sure if im doing it right here.
every day a new PyCharm bug.
pycharm bug of the day: PyCharm decides that my project that I used yesterday, now doesn't have project interpreter configured. I add the interpreter and it scans everything for 5 minutes before I can start "working"
workaround: start 5 minutes earlier :>
@AndrasDeak I am already working browsing SO 26 hours a day :P
so what harm are 5 minutes going to do? :P
I guess I should start firing customers.
you can't be president, only a governor
I could be the President of TrumpCo!
also I could become a senator, and get the damn constitution amended!
This code only replaces 1st occurance on a setting
2 hours later…
you expect code to work when using something suffixed with WTF?
^ that's the hidden beauty of it, no one will expect such thing! Then you can easily sneak in hack for "nuclear codes" and rule the world.
Oh boy, found a nice gem in the code base: two functions in the same class named widgetListFrobnicate and widgetList_Frobnicate
@IljaEverilä i don't know what you're talking about but it doesn't help. This is the example setting class attributes stackoverflow.com/questions/2519807/… I just don't want to define manually form by form — TomSawyer 16 mins ago
Ok in fairness one of the "functions" is actually a... function delegate thing... Which C# uses to simplify the process of using functions as first-class objects in a statically typed language. So both variables do need to exist*, I just don't like the naming strategy.
(*Well, there might be a way to do what this code is trying to do using only one object, but it's not completely trivial. The two-name approach is what you'd get if you were trying to get something running with the least amount of labor & time)
will i get downvoted on so
if i ask questions like
if im confused about db design ?
Generally speaking, questions like "I don't understand <general concept>, please explain it to me" get downvoted, yes
no, there's google for that. im not asking anyone to explain anything to me
Readers tend to view those as both opinion-based and too broad. They don't want to have to explain everything related to the concept in one huge post, and they don't want their labor to be rewarded with a comment saying "this is well-written but I still don't get it :-("
im posting on so after years
Most of all, "I don't understand X" is not a useful question. If anything, you have to ask "I don't understand X because of Y". There are dozens/hundreds of explanations available on the internet, and you're asking us to write another one specifically for you without explaining why you didn't understand the other ones.
@Prakhar That sounds like it would be more likely to be on-topic in Programming Software Engineering. Perhaps you could get help in formulating a good question in one of their chat rooms.
In my experience, answerers most enjoy writing answers that they can verify as correct before submitting them. The solution to "I wanted output X but I'm getting Y" can be verified by running their proposed code and seeing if it produces X; the solution to "I'm confused about Z" can't be verified beforehand unless the OP is physically in the room with them and they say "having read this text, I am no longer confused about Z"
Rule of thumb: problems that take place in the code are more well-received on Stack Overflow, compared to problems that take place in the asker's mind
thanks for your input.
im going to post on software engineering
already 1 downvote :D im stupid.
I kind of went off on a tangent there since the question you have isn't really the kind of question I was talking about. Your question has more concrete details, which is good.
I don't know what the downvote is for, specifically... Maybe they want you to provide a more formal definition of your table schema. Maybe they want a series of CREATE TABLE commands that they can run in their local environment and play around with.
I'm not really sure what Software Engineering's standards of replicability are
... Or maybe they think it's just off-topic, if the comment there is an indicator of general sentiment
@Prakhar Maybe you should've followed my advice and asked the regulars in the Software Engineering chatroom for help in writing your question.
Ya, then they'd say "this sounds like it would be more on-topic at DBAs" and hopefully when you go to the DBAs chatroom they won't say "this sounds like it would be more on-topic at Stack Overflow" ;-)
cbg \o
Who will be the (un)lucky 10k?
I get the feeling that this OP still doesn't really understand what's wrong with their original code, but at least they seem keen to learn. stackoverflow.com/questions/46586008/…
8,301 votes cast
I don't downvote enough :D
And apparently I don't vote enough: 2,792 Votes Cast
670 votes cast :(
739/1000 score till Davidism gets SQLAlchemy Gold =O
Too bad decent SQLA questions are rare these days. Most lack mcve etc.
3.7k votes
Hmm, trying to word "the answer to this question will inform the final solution" without actually using the term "final solution". End-state solution? Meh.
Hi guys, I have a question about "activation" of a python program. I'm talking about obitools. This section talks about activating obitools before being able to use "functions" within them. Is there a way to have this always loaded so that I don't have to activate the tools every time I use them?
The problem is that when I try to call this functionality using system (in R), it doesn't work as expected.
@Kevin I don't even understand the original
@RomanLuštrik sounds like a virtualenv
you can probably activate it first within the system call, so that the subshell spawned by R will have it activated
and no, I don't think you can skip that unless you activate before you run R and system() doesn't spawn a new shell
Background information: the Widget Search page crashes when it tries to display a Widget with a negative number of tines. In an email, I asked management "should negative tine count be considered a data integrity problem, which we should fix at the DB level? Or should we accept it as valid, and fix the problem at the display layer? The answer to these questions will inform the final solution"
that's a very weird design in my opinion
"inform" here meaning, in other words, "influence"
should the negative tine thing be allowed into the db in the first place?
My final solution to this wording problem was to phrase it as "eventual solution"
ah, I don't think I've ever heard this
@AndrasDeak It's a cromulent, if obscure, use of the word
"eventual solution" sounds nice
@Kevin :P
@MarcusAndrews Very good question. Only the client would know for sure.
Which is why I'm passing the buck up to my bosses so they can ask them what the desired behavior should be
fortunately managers will never say "I don't know" so you'll get a definitive answer ;)
If I get a shrug in response I'll do what I usually do: pick whatever interpretation requires the least amount of work to implement
@Kevin That sounds good to me.
Then wait 6 to 12 months for the end-users to use the page (something only 1% of users do), trigger the corner case (which only happens 0.1% of the time), and complain about it (0.01%)
would be funny if the person complaining was named Drake
so your asking is already overengineering
@AndrasDeak As Kevin said, using "inform" like that is perfectly cromulent, although a little obscure, and it sounds very formal. I'd probably say "impact", although that has a more American feel and "inform" has a more British feel. IMHO.
I keep feeling that you guys are intentionally using the word "cromulent" here which is probably itself perfectly cromulent, although a little obscure
I use "cromulent" pretty much every chance I get.
@PM2Ring I would use "affect" in that situation, but that's just research paper reflex
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have used "inform" in the email, because not all of the recipients have a great track record of understanding English idioms.
guess I should up my research paper game
@AndrasDeak Doesn't appear to be virtualenv. I have a few more leads I'd like to try out first.
That's so cromulent of you to use cromulent whenever you can :D
@RomanLuštrik OK, though what I said isn't really specific of virtualenvs especially since I don't know very much about virtualenvs :P
it's more about how R's system call behaves in terms of spawning new shells
@AndrasDeak Nah, I'm pretty sure that "cromulent" was created by the writers of The Simpsons.
one alternative is to just scrap the last sentence
the first two questions convey the intent clearly enough imo
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_the_Iconoclast «The episode features two neologisms, embiggen and cromulent, which were intended to sound like real words but are in fact completely fabricated (although it was later discovered that C. A. Ward had used "embiggen" in 1884).»
@AndrasDeak That's what I figured.
I'd use embiggen if only I could reliably tell the difference between "big" and "large"
@RomanLuštrik if you look inside the activation script you'll probably see a bunch of function definitions and initializations
perhaps you can do part of that yourself manually
Hmmmm. How correct is the big<->little, large<->small pairing? Because of the four only "belittle" and "enlarge" exist, right?
I know belittle doesn't exactly mean the same thing, but still
but now I want to say big<->small so nothing is real anymore
If you ask random citizens "what's the opposite of big?" you'd probably get an appreciable amount of both "small" and "little" replies.
Interestingly I doubt the converse would be true: nobody is going to say "large" and "little" are paired
@AndrasDeak Thanks for the tips.
Must-be-Thursday cabbage for all.
@Kevin that's exactly what has me confused
cabbage, DSM
You can depend on English to have no constants except the one described in this sentence
@DSM must be 7 - 2 cbg :DDDDDD
"negation should be bijective," says math. "Sorry, what? I wasn't listening," says language
@MooingRawr: I'll reserve a spot on my shelf for the Cup!
I'll reserve a spot on my wall for the team photo with the Cup!
I'll buy beer to drink out of the Cup!
I'll buy anyone any fan beer when we win.
I wonder if trophy designers take into consideration the fact that people may want to drink beer out of them, and choose resistant/cleanable materials accordingly
You don't want your cup to tarnish immediately as soon as a recipient does something to it that any recipient would want to do
@PM2Ring @Kevin Too late, but I'd say "determine" the form which the solution to the issue will take.
At the very least they should provide a disposable plastic insert or something to keep the liquid from touching the actual surface
@Kevin or kill you when the lead-based paint starts to seep into the beer
Update no one asked for: management says "it's probably a data integrity problem. Don't do anything for now while we confer with the DB guys"
hey, I was interested!
@Kevin What effect will beer have on gold?
I never know which things I say are interesting. Like cooking spaghetti, I can only throw things at the ceiling and see what sticks.
@Kevin Also how you tell when children absolutely need bathing.
@toonarmycaptain Google tells me that it's safe to clean gold with rubbing alcohol, so I assume drinking alcohol also has no negative effect on gold. I don't know about any of the other ingredients though.
This is interesting koalaexpress.com.au/facts1.htm
who doesn't find such fun facts interesting
I know that sometimes people will put engagement rings in champagne glasses, as a kind of cutesy surprise-slash-choking-hazard. They probably wouldn't do that if champagne was bad for gold and diamonds.
Then again, they do it in spite of the fact that it's bad for human airways, so
@Kevin That's what I thought. I would have thought little that would damage a gold surface unless it was left on it for a long time.
I conceptualize gold as being pretty immutable on a chemical level. Its shape is easy to change but not its composition
@MarcusAndrews Those claws truly are vicious. Wear a coat if you hug.
A few days ago I made the mistake of agreeing I'd have a look at a difficult problem involving a complicated mix of data analysis and reverse engineering. Unfortunately it has a pretty short deadline, and it's sufficiently gruesome that I'm going to have to take it on myself.

I'm not sure what the moral is. It could be "don't agree to look into things", but it's possible that the only thing which would have changed if I hadn't agreed would have been that I'd have less time to work but still get stuck with the job.
@Kevin I think in general that conception would be fruitful.
@Kevin gold is a noble metal for a good reason; it's really really hard to corrode it
which is what you already said, yes
Ah, "noble metal", that's the term I was grasping for. I had gotten as far as "probably something to do with its position in the periodic table" mentally
> An English professor stood up one day and said, "Double negatives make a positive, for example, 'I did not not take out the trash.' But there are no double positives that make a negative". Someone piped up from the back of the room, "Yeah right!"
Random side-note, Jira's REST API is stupid. Proof...
Semi-related language quirk: the difference in meaning between "yeah, no" and "no, yeah"
Q: Origin and usage of "no-yeah" and "yeah-no"

ChadI'm curious to know if there is any history between the usages of "yeah-no" and "no-yeah" in English, and if the usage of the two terms or an equivalent is used in other languages. Also, is there a distinct difference in meaning between the two phrases in terms of usage and context or are they in...

Even the usual acids don't dissolve pure gold. You need stuff like aqua regia (a mixture of nitric & hydrochloric acids) to do that.
> 'Field Time Spent is required' (adds time-spent field) 'Setting the Time Spent directly is not supported'
@FlorianMargaine so true >:(
I know that feeling
@PM2Ring all the cooler that mercury dissolves gold with no issues
hi, I'd like to substract two time objects, but I'm getting weird result :
(0001-01-01 15:30:00) - (0001-01-01 14:13:28.848399)
-1 day, 22:43:28.848399
The noble metals Wikipedia page says, "Platinum, gold and mercury can be dissolved in aqua regia". But mercury is a liquid, so how can you dissolve it? :thinking emoji:
(I'd like to get 43 minutes)
Small potentially opinionated question: how bad is it to access _members of a class from third party code in your own derived class?
what am I doing wrong?
@JacqueGoupil: is this a Python question, or another of your not-actually-a-Python-question-but-you're-asking-it-here questions? ;-)
Hey, you remembered me ^^
@PM2Ring Thanks :) I find that when newbies are really trying it's pretty obvious where their thought process went off the rails
Yep. :-)
@ryancey Strange, I'd expect that to give 43 minutes. Got an MCVE? I'm interested in toying with this.
Haha, I'm legit working in Python now.
@WayneWerner: admirable patience!
Probably because like most of us they're making an effort - and that effort ends out explaining what they do know and what they don't, or they misunderstand
@Kevin turns atomic Hg into Hg+ ions
@Kevin I'll prepare that
I like rewarding that kind of effort, even if their misunderstanding is something that we take for granted
@JacqueGoupil congrats :)
if you put mercury in water, it'll plop to the bottom. If you put it into aqua regia, it'll become one homogeneous phase
I just learned a little bit about aqua regia recently, and it kind of freaks me out
also interested, though
@JacqueGoupil Specifically accessing attributes whose name start with an underscore? If you were the author of both files, I'd say it's fine, but since it's a third party class, I would advise proceeding only if you're prepared to update your class if necessary every time the library publishes a minor update
@WayneWerner No need to fear aqua regia. Fear hydrofluoric acid.
@AndrasDeak I don't normally think of alloying as a chemical reaction, but I guess it sort of is, since the energies of the metals' delocalized electrons get affected.
Which may or may not be more maintenance work than you're willing to volunteer for
@PM2Ring I didn't say anything about a chemical reaction ;)
@Kevin THink along the lines of pouring a bunch vegetable oil into a pot of water - it doesn't dissolve into the water, it remains distinct, and separates again when allowed to settle even if you mix it by stirring a lot. Mercury in aqua regia doesn't have this behaviour. Which means it's less work if you're cooking with it and aqua regia.
Yeah, considering all I'm going to use this for is error handling, I'll just settle with less clear logs over tight dependency over code I don't own
@AndrasDeak ooooh yeah, my chem prof in university did his PhD on fluorine. He taught us why that should scare you more than anything else, pretty much ever.
Hydrochloric acid? Yeah, it's gonna burn, but wash that stuff off
That's interesting because mercury is like the uber-vegetable-oil, in terms of not mixing with ordinary liquids
@Kevin That's a stretch. The only thing it doesn't mix with are non-metallic liquids.
@WayneWerner what are you talking about? Fluorine is where THE FUN is.
"ordinary" here being an intentionally vague term for stuff that you could get from the grocery store
and/or kitchen sink
Well, glad to see the chat here is still lively :)
they all belong to the same class of corrosives known as Nope Nope Hellno
Hydrofluoric acid? You get one drop of that on your skin, and it's not hydrophilic like hydrochloric acid. It likes skin more than water. Know what it likes more than skin? Fat. So it will absorb through your skin into your fat. Know what it likes more than fat? Bone. So it will absorb through your fat into your bone. Which it will also dissolve.
@Kevin Yeah? Try mixing mercury and bleach.
@AndrasDeak Another fun thing: dissolve sodium into mercury, making sodium amalgam, and then let that react with a concentrated aqueous solution of ammonium chloride to produce so-called ammonium amalgam.
So, yeah, be very very afraid of fluorine. Also it's not spelled Flour-ine ;)
@toonarmycaptain Regretfully I must decline
man, C# is at it this morning
@PM2Ring I haven't heard of that one
@WayneWerner Hydrofluoric acid is also rather fond of the calcium in nerves...
@Kevin tz issue, my bad :)
darn those pesky time zones
that -1 day +23 hours was suspicious
why can't we all just live in my time zone?
Everyone should just use the One True Time Zone, United States Eastern Standard (and also eastern daylight time when appropriate)
or Unix epoch
are you Western civilized people still aware of the concept of liquid body-thermometers?
xkcd called and they want their leap hour back
@AndrasDeak They were pretty standard back when I was a youth.
a while back the mercury-filled ones were banned in Europe, but it turned out that there are alloys such as galinstan (Ga+In+Sn) that are liquid metals and only a bit more tedious than mercury en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galinstan
"bit more tedious" means that unlike mercury it wets glass which is a bit of a PITA, but it's manageable
so I was really happy to learn about these because I just don't trust crappy electronic thermometers at all
Sometimes I see people on TV using digital thermometers. They're typically lying in bed, and they pull the thermometer from underneath the covers to look at it, and I'm like "Do I want to know where that was previously?"
The only receptacles for thermometers I'm familiar with are mouth, nose, and, --cough-- south of the border
that's the standard here
Hey guys, quick question, I want to add a column in the first data frame of a nested list. I m doing, `for i in range(len(full_list)):
  full_list[i][0]['anomaly'] = anomalyIQR(full_list[i]['log_rates'], 3)`. What am I missing?
@AndrasDeak That's the location I choose to believe.
@Sotos the chat code formatting ;) see the second pinned post ->
much obliged
@WayneWerner This is fun reading too.
@Sotos that text and that code block just won't work in the same message. Read the post.
@Sotos Looks like syntactically correct Python to me. If you're getting a runtime error, it may be necessary to provide an MCVE before we can diagnose any more deeply
@Kevin Underarm and between neck/shoulder/neck skin rolls also popular.
for i in range(len(full_list)):
  full_list[i][0]['anomaly'] = anomalyIQR(full_list[i]['log_rates'], 3)
This is one of those problems where conveniently we don't need to see the proper indentation of the original code, because you don't actually need a newline between a for loop and the following statement if the block is only one line long
There's only one possible interpretation of the intended behavior that isn't "crash with an IndentationError"
here we go :)
I get this TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Your object either doesn't like being indexed with "anomaly", or it doesn't like being indexed with "log_rates"
I notice that full_list[i][0]['anomaly'] has three bracket pairs, and full_list[i]['log_rates'] has only two. I wonder if that has anything to do with anything? Can't say for sure without knowing the complete composition of full_list
ahhh.... you are right. The problem is there. I think I need anomalyIQR(full_list[i][0]['log_rates'], 3)
@WayneWerner It would be more fun if I'd included the link
That did it. Thanks @Kevin.
Have a good one guys
@toonarmycaptain Also see "Things I Won't Work With" (Derek Lowe's Chemistry Blog). Hopefully the old links get redirected. And there's some mention of FOOF and other "fun" substances in What-If 0040: "Pressure Cooker"
@PM2Ring I linked to the new host at STM there ;) If he ever puts together a book, people are getting them for gifts.
@PM2Ring I've probably learnt more chemistry/biochem from his blog than I learnt in highschool (in class, anyway). That category there is also a short list of things I'd like to see for myself if I ever become wealthy.
Can anyone help me find a dupe for this regex question? I can't seem to find a good fit...
@toonarmycaptain Yeah, Derek Lowe is excellent.
One of Derek's sayings: "Never trust an organic chemist who can't cook".
@toonarmycaptain FOOF is absolutely amazingly terrifying. For horrifying Fluorine fun: youtube.com/watch?v=vtWp45Eewtw
@WayneWerner :) "perhaps if we condense it down as a liquid..." I'm thinking "here we go..."
@MartijnPieters you have a doppelganger
Answer quality can use some improvement too (-:
A: Get lowest value after groupby - Pandas

akash karothiyaYou can use >>> df.groupby(['City'], sort=False)['Distance'].min() City London 5 Paris 1 NY 2 Name: Distance, dtype: int64

Tiny ninja avatar users pop up every couple of weeks or so.
@piRSquared Agreed. I've made a few comments on their answers.
There is one other user that already had the same avatar (since before I joined).
I made myself laugh, because I thought it was Martijn at first. To my relief, I figured out it was not (-:
Can anyone think of any other (sane) ways to perform this test that I haven't covered in my speed tests code? stackoverflow.com/questions/46568696/…
That specific avatar is not a clone, however.
Yes, no shadow for starters. And I didn't examine every pixel tbh
Mine is a photograph of a physical doll, theirs is a cartoon-ish drawing of the same doll.
Huh... I never noticed that! You definitely get some street cred for taking an actual photo. Or at least doll photo cred... maybe you don't want that. Sorry, I'm rambling. That's cool!
But I can see it is confusing at the smaller scales.
@piRSquared Heh, I didn't take the photo ;-) It was an internet nab.
Story time: Once upon a time an OSS project founder left me a very generous LinkedIn review, that started with the line Invisible Framework Coding Ninja. I made that line my tagline almost immediately. When I joined Stack I wanted to use that tagline theme in my avatar image, but didn't want to come over as aggressive either. So I searched for cute ninja and similar keywords, and this image came up as a candidate.
I've stuck with it ever since. But it isn't mine exclusively, and there is one other user that has been using the very same image for longer.
Well if it makes you feel any better, that image is now branded to your name, at least for me personally.
@PM2Ring you can test lengths that are not multiples of 4... Not sure if that is helpful though. I might have another function to test. Lemme see if I can whip it up
@piRSquared Hmm. I guess eliminating lengths that are not multiples of 4 would be a good initial filtering process. OTOH, my tests simply assume that the input data length is a multiple of 4.
I dear. I posted a clarification comment on a new question and then the OP started asking me stuff related to a question I answered yesterday. A quick check revealed that it was the same OP, so I told them to ask about that stuff on the old question. But now I realise that the new question is essentially a follow-on from yesterday's. And just to add to the confusion the OP decided to change their user name a few minutes ago.
FWIW, here's the new question, stackoverflow.com/questions/46590051/…
@Kevin so the only way to capture data from certain db is screencapping and ocr?
That is the opposite of what I said.
Yes, that's definitely a sane way to get data from a database. Go forth.
@Kevin that's where all those negations will lead you
I honestly can't tell if you're serious or trolling.
Hanlon's razor strikes again
i find when someone use the word 'scrape' with 'database' it means they shouldn't be doing it....
I'll probably get a moka pot in the not-so-distant future
I'm looking forward to it. The trick is to find one that looks well-built and would also fit on our smallest induction plate
I had a problem in the C# room the other day that was solved by "have you tried googling C# <obvious term for exactly what I needed which would have occurred to me with thirty more seconds of thought than I gave it>?". It's interesting to have that conversation from the other end.
I heard kevinscript has an OCR database adapter called eyeSQL
Being led by the hand through Baby's First Google Search is... hard to do while maintaining dignity
what a nice fella
cbg, bluefonts
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) chill out bro
so most moka pots are too small for a 14cm plate :/
most not-too-big ones, anyway
@AndrasDeak It's a dime bar! :)
@JonClements let me google that reference
no, I still don't get it
unless it's a pointily textured sweet product :P
Googling Moka pot... Ah, it's a coffee maker. So why is it bad to use a small pot on a large hot plate? Does it burn the grounds, or something?
@JonClements aaah! Thanks. No, it's not :P
Oh... well... it tasted slightly like one...*smiles innocently*
@Kevin I'm somewhat worried that the induction plate would be less than happy if I put too small of a thing on it. If it's large/dense enough it might trip the "is there anything sufficiently large on the plate?" sensor, but I'd be worried that it damages the plate
I find it kind of funny that hot plates can get so hot that they're too hot for the hot plate to withstand the heat.
it's not a hot plate :P
Anyone into hardware/soldering/etc?
just ask your...oh.
I've soldered 1.5 times in my life and it was great
I guess that's a "no"
I took a solder bath once. Too hot.
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