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what should i do if i encountered InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Nan in summary histogram for: softmax_linear/biases/gradients
[[Node: softmax_linear/biases/gradients = HistogramSummary[T=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](softmax_linear/biases/gradients/tag, gradients/softmax_linear/softmax_linear_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1/_285)]]
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Nan in summary histogram for: softmax_linear/biases/gradients
     [[Node: softmax_linear/biases/gradients = HistogramSummary[T=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](softmax_linear/biases/gradients/tag, gradients/softmax_linear/softmax_linear_grad/tuple/control_dependency_1/_285)]]
Python meetup group I joined: 4,000 members
Slack for that group: 1,000 members
Meetup I'm at now: me and the 2 organizers
do we flag OPs who create the same question twice?
this was posted
almost identical title to their previous question here
something is not right with any of that
I see in the second question they are looking to pad the empty space
I think closing as a dupe is common.
I'm watching Twin Peaks.....I don't understand what's happening
la la la so confused
That is on my list...haven't got to it yet.
Talking about TV shows, I heard GoT Season 7 started. Need to stay on top of that one.
yes. Just started. First episode was Sunday
I'm told I need to watch that but I only just started catching up on Doctor Who and I'm already 2 seasons behind
watching what? GoT or Twin Peaks?
Both I guess. But mainly Twin Peaks. I'm a huge fan of surreal stuff.
I think you'll like it a lot. This third one is reaaaaaally out there
I liked Ian McShane's 3-word summary of GoT: "Tits and Dragons"
He took a fair bit of heat from the the GoT faithful over that
our slack channel for discussing GoT is boobsAndDragons
I always wondered what the HBO/Showtime pitch meeting would look like for "Mary Poppins": "When do we see her tits?"
lol...oh HBO....
@PaulMcG and the dragons are fake
@idjaw Is that a public slack?
@Code-Apprentice No. This is at work.
okay, just had to ask ;-)
hehe yeah.
would be great to have some GoT discussions here
there is the spoiler tag that can help but having a conversation through spoiler tags can be tedious
how would I exit VIM
dude. Did you really not find that in a google search?
@idjaw it was a joke darling!
but srsly tho, who uses VIM!? ]
I use it quite regularly, actually.
@ElHoussineTalab :q
@idjaw yah, it is too soon to discuss anything openly in a chat like this
2 hours later…
@ElHoussineTalab that was so damned funny, it's great you posted that to multiple unrelated rooms with no precursor
I hope we'll see more of your brilliance in the future
@ElHoussineTalab +1
Style question: In multiple inheritance, super().__init__(); B.__init__(self) or A.__init__(self); B.__init__(self)?
@SunQingyao Thanks! :)
@poke :)
@Andras I love this user script <3
Hello everyone, I want to verify my understanding of Flask. Are the following statements correct? When a request comes, firstly, the WSGI server instantiates a new Flask app, and call it with environ and start_response. Next, the called app instance creates an application context and a request context. Finally, a view function processes the request and return a response to the client.
Also, is it a convention to store stuff in g instead of request, when both are acceptable?
@Sun The Flask app should already be instantiated when you first fire up your WSGI server. As such, the application context is also already around.
@poke But what if a request is being processed when another new request comes? Will the existing app context be cleaned to make place for another one to be created for the new request?
Concurrent requests are usually handled by your WSGI server, not by the app itself
I’m the wrong person to ask about the lifecycle of Flask though, don’t know too much about how it works internally. Maybe davidism can help you if he gets here later.
@poke OK, thanks for your responses anyway :)
Getting this error with matplotlib on mac https://paste.ubuntu.com/25124180/ . I have tried this https://stackoverflow.com/a/34109240/3646408 . It doesn't work
I have no idea what is happening.
I couldn't find any other solutions online.
@AbhishekBhatia Seems like a good SO question. Have you put it up on the main site?
hi, I recently upgraded my django project from 1.9 to 1.11.3. All of a sudden requests that used to took 200ms now do take 2-3 minutes!
@AbhishekBhatia try the comment on the post:
Try doing the following. plt.rcParams['keymap.save'] = '' This could be a result of the way mac has it's key bindings. The last time I had an NSException thrown by tkinter on a Mac it was due to the way tkinter and mac conflict with their key bindings. — Pythonista Aug 15 '15 at 19:08
I found the problem, disabling Django Debug Toolbar helped. :)
@poke \o/
@JamesDean that might explain it ;d
@AndrasDeak Cool Thanks man for that
I'm trying to write a small syntax: if d is a dict, syntax for making key1 as key with value as a dict whose values is a list of dicts d[key1]={val1:[{}]} or d[key1]={val1:[dict()]}
Any of you lot gonna apply to be a mod?
@vaultah is going to be.
There's a very high chance of another [python] gold badger winning the election this time around, though.
@Jake no worries
@pythonRcpp You can simply do an experiment with a Python interpreter

>>> d = {}
>>> d['42']={42:[{}]}
>>> d['24']={24:[dict()]}
>>> d
{'24': {24: [{}]}, '42': {42: [{}]}}

They are functionally identical.
@BhargavRao yeah, Andy will have one of my votes
Hibernate! Y U No generate entities?!
Andy had my vote in the last 3 elections. (Though he disappointed me all the 3 times by losing).
insert angry face here
oops, w/c
Ah my bad, the previous 2, not 3.
in Fall 2015 Moderator Election Chat, Nov 24 '15 at 19:15, by Bhargav Rao
I'm surprised that Andy didn't make the cut.
After that I added some random user as my 3rd, because Andy then was my 3rd choice.
@BhargavRao Is there any difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice?
Yeah, it uses the OpenSTV algo.
wow that's cool
is that how it works? you give your vote to a random person? :p
Nah, I didn't want to waste my 3rd vote. (Coincidentally, That random person was Madara :p)
Last year, Andy was 2nd choice. This year 1st.
Q: SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the beginning of the file

J.MasonI have one python programme which is calling in the function: if option == "11": from getAllUsers import getAllUsers getAllUsers() Inside the file getAllUsers and the function is a linux script which is called into the main programme stored in a function but it keeps coming up wi...

someone hammer this
so, who's the next mod
@poke idk, anything goes
something that explains what the beginning means
so you didn’t search yourself :P
I mcve'd it first
because it was POS then.
If I move from future import print_function to the first line though and run my programme it says: ImportError: cannot import name 'getAllUsers' — J.Mason 1 min ago
@J.Mason exactly! because the name of the function is GetAllUsers with capital G. — Antti Haapala 43 secs ago
some people's problem solving skills truly amaze me
@Antti There is no question on that error with an answer that just says the error message again. So no hammering here :(
Should just get this closed instead as typo
typo typo typo
our function doesn't make any sense either. if __name__ == '__main__': there is pointless and potentially harmful, you have a nested function, you have imports within a function etc. I suggest you read the Python tutorialAntti Haapala 17 secs ago
so baaaad
it amazes me how they could come up with all this stuff when it doesn't run in the first place
first copy paste everything in one place and then ask on SO how to run the POS :D
@BhargavRao stackoverflow.com/users/8330971/t-data this might be a secondary account of another user who asked tired questions about putting strings into shared mem
Q: ipc - shm - will string remain in memory until system reboot?

user8310656"abc" string was stored to shared memory. The program has finished (quit) by return 0; but the string is still stored in memory. How long will it remain there? Will it remain there until system reboot? Can it be relied on that it will remain there? Relevant code: int main() { int me...

hmm the other user was deleted, hmhm :d
so how is it, if the other user is deleted, it is ok to circumwent question ban that way?
Nope, if a user is deleted, it means that they've got another account somewhere that is q-banned and that other account is trying to circumvent the q-ban.
I am not sure if it is the same user, but that q is very much in line with the other q's, and at the same level of incomprehension
haha :D
@BhargavRao I read it between the lines that I was right
Yup ;)
which one looks more menacing?
I think the top one
@idjaw that one looks like bluefeet
quite scary if you ask me
fear is good.
first one it is
@AnttiHaapala The world really needs a better paragraph diff tool.
“print is a function now” disguised as something very different.
I've decided work life isn't for me
You're not running this in Python 3. — Antti Haapala 40 secs ago
@Antti Yes, they are.
@poke not the script in question
The script is Python 2, but they are running it with Python 3.
the last print throws a syntax error
Which is the reason why the error appears
what the heck
I hate it when people write some other code in the question
it can run in Python 3 only with the last print removed
then it will throw the error
Does anyone else have to deal with 350 line functions?
Yeah, you’re right.
>>> import subprocess
>>> completed = subprocess.run(['ls', '-l'])
Does run() return after ls process exits safely? Does the caller need to ensure child process exit?
I'm sure the docs can answer that question
They do answer it.
I'm thinking of going to meta with something, but it is most definitely a duplicate. I'm on my way to work now, but just wanted to put it here to see if anyone had input. But, I'm a bit "annoyed" at how downvotes are happening to new users with good questions.
And not good in the sense of a great complex mind bending problem.
But it meets the requirements of an acceptable question. It provides an expected output, an input, a minimal code example that easily replicates the problem, an exact error message, and an explanation of what is trying to be done.
That is the criteria voting should be one.
Sorry for the rant.....it's just really irritating when they mysterious downvoter comes galloping in, and discourages new users, when (as far as I understand) gaining new users is hard on SO these days.
</rant> going to work...be back soon
what about research effort?
^ that too
That's a good point, and also we have to understand that there are different levels of people
@idjaw I agree with that mostly; acceptable questions shouldn't be downvoted (that much)
and research and troubleshooting is a skill
In all fairness, I attribute my research skills to my academia
and I also suspect that it's been flogged to death on meta
I probably could have done almost any degree, and still fallen in a software engineering role and be in the same situation now
I learned research skills
some people are JUST learning
you'll probably be duped to something like "why is SO so negative of late"
we have no idea how old people are, what levels experience they are
I most likely will
I guess the real reason is repwfarmers
I woke up in a bad mood and just started hating everything too
but I need to go to work before traffic gets worse
FWIW we hate you too
I mean, love you. Love you too.
have a safe trip!
I hate you love you too Andras
we'll await you with maple-flavoured marshmallows
get the fire started
alright temp-rbrb
henlo everybody
not me :\
I make it a habit to upvote questions with good efforts, especially from newbees.
@MosesKoledoye \o
@AndyK \o
cbg \o
@AshishNitinPatil just make sure not to upvote crap that looks like good efforts at first glance
Yeah, I do take care of that. Otherwise instead of good treatment of newbies, I am promoting bad questions.
thanks from the community ;)
Usually do it only for questions / tags that I have experience / understanding of :)
Other tags I have trouble processing review queues too :-/
I suppose the community differs a bit with each programming language...
yesterday, by davidism
Status: still don't know what to do about logging.
still in an unpleasant mood cbg
recbg :(
@AndrasDeak wow that so adorable. I didn't bother checking other rooms.
That's exactly what I want to do right now
I also want a cat
Pictures make me want a cat, then I think about it for a second and realize it would be a bad idea.
I have 2 old and seemingly immortal cats that my dad is looking to get rid of.
I could ship them to you.
Schrodinger's cat, woo
That's the situation when the courier guy delivers them inside a box.
if you ship a cat in a box, do you need to add a "do not bend" label?
Nah, cats are functionally a liquid.
true...they fit anywhere
I hate when cats claw at your feet when you sleep... or randomly decides to climb you with it's claws digging into you... no thanks.
I had a kitten for a while (the one in my profile picture) who would wake me up at 5am every morning by biting my toes.
I hate it when cats jump up on your table, steal your bacon, jump off, hiss at you and walk away
they do that right? that's normal right?
I may have kicked her into the wall a couple times, only slightly intentionally.
Speaking of nedroid, he and K.C. Green are writing another comic that's pretty good: Back.
Midweek cabbage for all.
I read the first chapter or 3 and it's entertaining, although not as strong as either of their best solo work.
It's the same way I feel about Good Omens.
It starts off a little weak, but there are some good jokes sprinkled in there.
I think it works better if you're following it week by week, otherwise the pacing feels really rushed.
I discovered that KC has been intermittently working on HE IS A GOOD BOY.. This is like the third time he's ended his previous comic and then started a new one without announcing it anywhere, and I only find out about it eight months later.
News from management: "Remember that error we started getting in February, and which you banged your head against until March making no progress in diagnosing it, and proposed a Hail Mary attempt to tear out a large chunk of the underlying structure of the project and replace it with a functional equivalent which hopefully wouldn't have the same problem, and which finally stopped appearing after dozens of man hours of refactoring? It appeared again."
"Oh, also it only happens as the return code of an asynchronous javascript call on the client side of a machine which has copy-paste and print screen disabled, so you have zero diagnostic information other than "BadImageFormatException happened on WidgetViewer.aspx""
"... But you made it go away before so I assume it will be a quick fix this time"
Sprouts for Kevin... sending good vibes your way.
No copy/paste + no print screen => it didn't happen
Does JS have an equivalent of try: something() except Exception: pass?
No need, it already silently fails unless you go out of your way to inspect the responses in the developer tools window
I think I liked this bug report better when it was just "the widget viewer is showing a black rectangle". At least then I had hope.
What's your testing framework like? Can you force every permutation of event order?
I ask because this is a gray area for me. I'm looking at a python project (github.com/savon-noir/python-libnmap/blob/master/libnmap/…) that I'm trying to use and there is a class within a class. Basically I want to add a new column to the table defined in this inner class, but I don't want to ruin the functionality elsewhere.
95% of the code of the project is so tightly bound to the GUI that it's impossible to test except by asking humans in QA to click on things
Time to write a selenium script to click on every permutation you can think of....
There should be some way to automate the clicking, then..
That would require installing new software in the QA environment. I don't even know if it's possible to do that.
Maybe sikulix.com?
It uses image recognition powered by OpenCV to identify and control GUI components. This is handy in cases when there is no easy access to a GUI's internals
rb folks
It really sounds like the best direction is to do whatever's necessary to find a reproducible example. Time spent doing anything else seems like throwing darts.
If that involves changing your QA environment, so be it.
\o rbrb Andy
@Kevin: but can't you run the code in a QA-equivalent way on your own box?
^ selenium runs against that environment, is your app a desktop app? or a webapp?
@DSM In some respects, yes, and indeed having local testing would be a good idea. In this specific circumstance, the error occurs in QA and not on my local machine, so it would not be useful for my current problem.
irrelevant life waffle: my lease ends in september and I will need to move, but I'm applying for jobs and don't know what city I'll end up working in... what should I dooo
@Kevin what does your QA look like?
@LangeHaare go to month-to-month lease
Oh man, what if QA installed some random plugin that is messing with your code :\ The horror story you are living in.
I don't know anything about the specifications of the QA environment other than that my QA point-of-contact person accesses it via remote VPN
So I can't even tell you if the server's case is beige or whatever
I don't think that an error which shows up in QA and not on your machine rules out tracking it down locally. If you know that it involves a certain class of functions, you can force misordering locally. I've caught async bugs that way in the past, ones due to the fact that on my local machine operation X always finished before Y but on a different machine Z got in the way 5% of the time or whatever it was.
if you have a webapp you can also throttle the network using chrome settings too if you have a good environment locally
aww no one solved my python question from yesterday that I posted. typical, posting non-trivial questions --> tumbleweed :(
@enderland so you've got mock.session object, and you want to check if any method of this object was called?
or what?
cabbage all
That's a deserved 24 stars Kevin. Who knew you could do more than star bait? ;)
I can only do a useful thing once every 13 years. Now I will burrow into the warm earth and await my next moulting.
Cabbage, I have some questions about WSGI and Flask which seems off-topic of the main site, so I'm asking here (again):
1. To check my understanding of WSGI and Flask, are the following statements correct? _When a request comes, firstly, the WSGI server creates a new Flask app (by doing something like app = Flask(__name__)), and call this instance with environ and start_response.
Next, the app instance, being called, creates an application context when necessary and a request context. Finally, a view function processes the request and returns a response to the WSGI server, which is then sent to the client._
2. The only use-case I know where an app context is re-used for multiple requests is subrequests, but what the purpose of issuing a subrequest when a simple redirect is functionally identical?
3. Is it a convention to store stuff in g instead of request, when both are acceptable? By "both are acceptable", I mean I'm not using flask shell or any other command-line command, so storing stuff in request is acceptable; and the things I want to store isn't (sub)request exclusive, so storing them in g is acceptable.
4. Why the app context is re-used in this experiment? I suppose this is because when the (simulated) request comes, an app context already exists, so another app context isn't created?
Also, @davidism , someone in this room suggested me to consult you. :)
(Have I scared anyone?)
I thought you got answers to this already
Well first of all, sorry for scaring you...
Yes, I see that poke already responded, about 7 hours ago
The app is created once, not once per request
wsgi will run the app once and wsgi handles the requests coming in that pass it through the app to process what is happening, and your implementation of the routes you have implemented and where they go will then be executed.
I think that would be the TL;DR; of it...right?
is it using multiprocessing?
i.e. parallel requests, is that only done by having multiple workers?
@PaulMcG OK, making this clear is very helpful!
@FlorianMargaine not python is responsible for that, apps like uwsgi create multiple processes with same python code to handle multiple requests
@idjaw That is to say, an app is created once, but called per request?
you send an HTTP request to a web server, the service running (wsgi) will see that and process it
the "process it" is your app
I suggest you look at the config of a typical wsgi service
you will see what it's doing
@marxin ok, so it doesn't start a new thread for each request, for example
@idjaw Thanks, I will!
@FlorianMargaine Not necessarily. In your application you would typically handle all your threading yourself if your app required this implementation.
I think its implementation and config detail
^^ exactly
@idjaw uwsgi would be the one taking care of that
like gevent's wsgi is spawning a new greenlet for each request
So you mean the process of requests is implementation-defined?
not handled at the application level, I mostly meant to say.
OK I see what you are saying. I think we both were being a bit vague
I think, that wsgi is an interface, and thats something that all implementations must support. but how the request is passed down using wsgi and how is processed is not defined, at least
So, yeah. You absolutely can set your processes and threads with uwsgi
however, your application needs to know how to handle all this. if you play with that and your app is not thread safe, you are playing with fire.
and as you say if gevent is spawning new greenlet, that is an implementation detail
Actually I'm not extremely interested in the implementation details of WSGI server. I came up with all of these questions when trying to understand the application/request context of Flask.
in general in python web apps using threads is not recommended
using threads in wsgi services, for example uwsgi
"is not recommended unless you know what you're doing" :P
(I've had some great success with spawning greenlets in gevent-based uwsgi apps.)
@marxin OK I'll try to avoid that...
as far I remember, by default uwsgi disable thread support
you need explicitly enable them
@pythonRcpp "if d is a dict, syntax for making key1 as key with value as a dict whose values is a list of dicts d[key1]={val1:[{}]} or d[key1]={val1:[dict()]}" I'd use[{}] rather than [dict()] because the first one is a literal constant that can be evaluated at compile time, the second one contains a call that must be executed at run time.
from dis import dis
print('- '*20)
  1           0 BUILD_MAP                0
              2 BUILD_LIST               1
              4 RETURN_VALUE
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (dict)
              2 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              4 BUILD_LIST               1
              6 RETURN_VALUE
That's a good news, so I won't accidentally do something bad :)
OK let's return to the app/request context of Flask: is the app context created once, or per request?
chinatown in boston actually kinda sucks
Its name suggests it's created once, but many resources I've read told me it's per request, and I can't really understand the source code.
"app context"?
@FlorianMargaine In fact it's "application context", which is... a kind of context in Flask.
@SunQingyao reusing variables? given that you can put variables in the context
i think its interesting question
whats the difference between app context and request context, considering that docs say The application context is created and destroyed as necessary. It never moves between threads and it will not be shared between requests.
@FlorianMargaine Yes, you can share things within a request by putting them into the app context, which everything have access to during a request.
Those docs are awful, I need to reword them.
During normal operation, you'll only have one app and request context per request.
I have yet to encounter a reason to push more of either context.
Hi Guys
I need one help regarding python

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