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s/last/least. lol
Ok codeninjas: I'm trying to come up with a simple way to take an index i and length l and generate a list such that element i is 1 and the rest are 0s... Preferably a solution that is allowed inside a list comprehension. Example input: 3, 5 output: [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[k==i for k in range(l)]
@AndrasDeak That's nice, thanks
@AndrasDeak cute
scipy's docs are down...
so is meta.SO
@AndrasDeak its up for me!
now it is
in 2017 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Chat, 2 mins ago, by Adam Lear
Just did a prod build. Things take a bit longer to start back up when we're running out of Denver.
I've never seen the "meta is down for maintenance" page and was surprised
made me do more than a double take
@TemporalWolf Note that Andras's solution gives a list of bools. Of course you can easily fix that by wrapping the comparison in an int call, if you really need ints. OTOH, if the list is large, it will be faster to do this with list multiplication rather than a list comp.
@PM2Ring Yeah, that's what I did for show purposes. Because I'm iterating through them, someone came up with np.diag([1]*len(lst)) which also generates them quite nicely in bulk.
man I just watched the Factorio trailer (having played the game a ton). it's hilarious!
@PM2Ring oops, right
@TemporalWolf mixing numpy and lists like that is pretty pointless/uncanny
np.diag(np.ones(len(lst))) then
or whatever best solution googling "numpy kronecker delta" gives you
I have very little experience with numpy, so that's helpful to see some better options :)
well, I guess both work, I just like to either stick to full numpy as long as I can
in principle what I wrote is more efficient because it directly constructs the array of ones instead of constructing a list, then constructing an array. But I expect this to be quite marginal.
@TemporalWolf if you're generating a unit matrix, you only need np.eye(l))
just pass a dtype=np.int64 if you want ints inside
another efficiency bump
that's as good as it gets
single chunk of memory allocated at once
{tuple(row): count for row, count in zip(np.eye(len(res), dtype=np.int64), res)} is both more efficient and looks nicer than my {tuple(int(k == i) for k in range(len(res))): e for i, e in enumerate(res)}
as I said, mixing numpy with comprehensions is often a sign of some design problems
what is it that you actually want to achieve?
odds are you can do it with native numpy
Monkeying with my answer stackoverflow.com/a/45176749/3579910
If I were actually processing the data, I wouldn't build a dictionary keyed by tuples that represent which line is hot...
ah, OK, Divakar is already on the job numpy-wise
The one time I tried to delve into numpy my data-set was too large and I kept running out of RAM
Are those docs up for you? it times out for me.
same here
The source files I was working with were 2-4GB a pop and It would fill my RAM (16GB) and swap (8GB) before crashing out.
sorry, my own internet is acting up
I've just been reading the google cache versions :)
What were those "source files"? If you're using proper numpy arrays, it shouldn't take that much space. If you're doing it wrong and using object-dtype arrays, you're not making use of numpy
I looked up the experimental code again and it's pandas that was clobbering my RAM, not numpy. My 1.9GB hdfstore file loads in at like 22GBs.
which grinds my system to a crawl.
well, thrashing does that
what's your data like that it does this?
yup. Not sure why it explodes from the hdf
I assume that whatever is inside is not directly compatible with a rectangular dataframe, so you end up with object-dtyped columns
` 82fe | 617 | 6.2.154 | 2017-01-01 19:43:29 | MOD | 7` times about 10 million, Processed as obj, int, obj, datatime64, obj, int
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3,4,5,6]})
>>> df.dtypes
a    int64
dtype: object
>>> df.memory_usage(deep=True)
Index    80
a        48
dtype: int64
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3,4,[5,6]]})
>>> df.dtypes
a    object
dtype: object
>>> df.memory_usage(deep=True)
Index     80
a        208
dtype: int64
where the obj columns are strings
hmm, weird, for some reason I expected pandas to store strings in numpy string types
perhaps they don't do that due to the intrinsic length-dependence
I may look into it again. if I can get the memory footprint down it would make my life a lot easier. Or if I can get my request for more memory approved xD
Do you really need all those columns? Odds are you can load only some of them into memory; I know pandas.read_csv can do that
format is message_code | computer_id | version | date | type | group
my question was whether you need to have access to all of them
I could process type & group separately... those don't change for a listed computer_id. Not a bad idea
I'm not familiar with hdf stuff, but the documentation of whatever reads your hdf should be clear on the matter
Hi, does anyone have much experience with Scrapy please?
It's from a csv, I just stored it to hdf because reprocessing the csv takes a considerable amount of time.
OK, although it seems to me that the where kwarg of pandas.read_hdf might do just this
or |sv file I guess :)
It comes as a dump from postgres.
I may set some time aside tomorrow to take a new stab at this. Those are some good ideas
I suspect that the more object columns you drop, the better the memory footprint will be
I may just encode those columns there are only a dozen or so version in the pool and maybe 200 message codes
type could also be encoded pretty easily
then I'll have only ints and a datetime column
if you can switch to fixed-datasize columns, I'd expect a huge improvement
actually, you can use pandas.Categorical for that
e.g. df['type'].astype('category')
Do I have to specify them or does it build it automagically?
hmm, you can pass dtype to pd.read_csv, might be worth just throwing 'category' in there for your limited-possible-values string columns
@TemporalWolf try it out on a small example. Spoiler alert: it's magic.
as far as I can tell it essentially builds an enum
I've got my test files still available, I'll spin one and see how it changes
It's crunching away, we'll see if I blow out my ram or not
hmm, maybe category won't be perfect magic
ram still maxed, we'll see if it finishes or not.
hehe, for a small example the category-based one takes even more RAM
wonder how that scales
OK, it starts to work as expected for larger arrays
interestingly it didn't give me a warning until after blowing out my ram, so it doesn't even interpret the dtype until later it seems
because I put dtype="categorical" and it wanted "category"
4-element dataframe: "112+" bytes with strings, 180.0 bytes with categoricals
400-element dataframe: "3.2+" kbytes with strings, 576 byes with categoricals
@TemporalWolf yeah, sorry, I edited my message but didn't point this out
my 6x10m df is crunching. No worries :)
I thought you were going to test this tomorrow so I thought there's no rush :D
I changed my mind
Oh snap, this looks good: 1.9GB is the old hdf, the new one is 950MB. 50% reduction
if that scales that would still get you over 10 GB, but that you might be able to live with
wait, you mean instead of 22 GBs it's 950 MB?
or is this a smaller hdf that used to expand to 1.9 GB when loaded naively?
I hope it's the former because that would be yamming awesome (and more along the lines of what I'd expect)
It parsed at around 13GB of RAM instead of 22. Loaded it's about 4
previously it was loading the hdf to around 9.. so it is about 50% less space
which is awesome.
I might be able to use it like this
nice, and now there's a chance that the parsing step fits in your RAM without swap
It's right on the line for maxing my RAM, which is better than crashing out because I ran out of swap space
I have to close pycharm to let it fit, but that's acceptable for now
I'll have to run the tests tomorrow, but the csv parsing/hdf backup went fantastically. Melon!
no worries :)
I'm still concerned with why a 2.2GB csv file takes 13GB of RAM to parse, but oh well
I'm actually a pandas noob and I have no idea what pandas does under the hood, so... dunno
I fought pandas for a day or so to get it to load it at all before running into those ram issues, so this is a very nice leap forward.
you could still see if ignoring your last two columns gives you a decrease in RAM usage during parsing
if so, it might be worth sparing the memory at the cost of more CPU
Lol, I should just get IT to spend a drop in the bucket to double my RAM... but oh well. Time to fight traffic home: Rhubarb

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