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@AndrasDeak I actually do :P
@corvid lol
>>> tallBuildings={
...     "Empire State": 381
... }
>>> tallBuildings.get
<built-in method get of dict object at 0x7f16d6caa4b0>
>>> print max(tallBuildings, key=tallBuildings.get)
Empire State
What does second argument of max does? get is similar to suffix operator syntax
why use python 2?
if anyone's interested in beta-testing my android fitness app (and you have a gmail acct), let me know -- always looking for feedback
@MarcusS what type of fitness? I may be interested
it comes with some defaults preloaded but you can add whatever you want
I mean like, weightlifting (like 5x5), or like running/swimming, or like weight loss? Or all of the above
all of it
you can define the parameters
@overexchange it's a kwarg, it basically equates to using def anon(item): return tallBuildings.get(item), someone correct me if wrong
@overexchange - get()is the method on dict to do a key lookup. So the second argument of max, the key argument, calls the key function with the current value (each key in the given tallBuildings dict), and uses that for determining which value in the sequence has the greatest value returned by that function.
@MarcusS: I'd be up for giving it a go. I already have one I use to track stuff, so at least I could compare.
@DSM Thanks -- Gmail address?
Try calling max without the key argument, and add a few more entries to tallBuildings.
@MarcusS Mine is my [email protected]
Oh huh. I guess also with j in the middle
I thought that was my name on here but I guess not :D
My initials, followed by a zero, followed by (24 ** 51 % 58).
lol. Kill all the spam?
it'll be fun when AI is smart enough to harvest all of that
@MarcusS: oh, wait. If you need phone-email-access, subtract one from that. I use the number to separate different purposes. ;-)
@DSM I just need a working gmail address because the Google beta test console binds the invites to gmail accounts (so people can't share with non-invites)
sent to you both, let me know if you don't see anything / if the link doesnt work
All these mysteries I never have to think about because I'm only an app consumer!
"A testing version of this app hasn't been published yet or isn't available for this account." That might be an issue because of my forwarding.. could you send it to the -1 version?
added both of your emails to the allowed list just in case
Am learning generator. What does it mean to say, if I need to replace yield with my own code? Is it about writing __iter__() and next() method for my user defined type?
@MarcusS: successfully installed!
Great -- thanks :D
@overexchange - learning generator concepts is very good, but I would invest my time doing so on Python 3, not Python 2. IIRC, there are some API differences in this area, and you might as well start out on the path that avoids future unlearning.
@PaulMcGuire for reference, that user is a really persistent help vampire
if you see "garlic" near a question, assume the ROs are handling things
Cabbage, all.
@MarcuS I'll give it a go - have been on something of a health kick recently so might be able to use / give feedback.
awesome :) gmail address?
got it
Not super secret or anything, but don't want the trawlers to get it :)
got it. Google has told me I am now A Tester (TM)
Nice small footprint is it's first plus point :)
They trademarked "tester"?
Quick django question
Good timing. I'm halfway through part 3 of the official Django tutorial, so I'm pretty much a world-class expert now B-)
What is the best way to go about creating a view with multiple instance of the same form? All of them are separate i.e. only one should be submitted i.e. not all of them are required for validation
Did you know: template files can be used to provide templates.
@Kevin Are you sure? :/
@poke No. B-(
It might be like how in elementary school they give you an approximate view of the world, like "Columbus discovered America" and then in high school they reveal how most of that was just beautiful lies. Maybe part 4 will upend everything I know about Django
So my problem is this. If I pass a form instance through the context and stick it in a loop in the template, won't I essentially be rendering the same form multiple times?
There's also a formset but I'm not quite sure how that really differs from a list of instances such as [MyForm() for i in range(n)]
I don't know what a form is... Yet.
@Kevin It really boils down to a subsection of the view that will be attached to a model
Oh good, part 4 is "Write a simple form". I'll be able to contribute to this conversation within the hour.
@MarcusS Yah - guess all IPhones are just left out of this one..
@ashley Yeah, just Android for now
@Kevin what room do you so badly want to own/ meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/300825/…
and better still - why was that such a bad question?
Wow, out of left field. It was poorly received because it was a rant by an angry user trying to stir up drama.
I personally do not badly want to own any room. I feel like Meta questions often get downvoted on an emotional basis, and IIRC that Q was posted during a fairly highly charged time.
@davidism oh - I see now - Kevin was the good guy supporting.. I thought it was the question asked
(Storm in a teacup, perhaps, since the broader site community doesn't care about chat room fracases)
I didnt think it was a bad question
but then I am very very new
The content of the question is fine, by my reckoning
The original revision had a little more direct drama. You have to assume that old meta questions that look ok but were downvoted had some other context that is now lost.
downvotes on Meta can be construed as "I disagree with your point" or "I don't think this is worth asking"*, which is a bit different from how it works on the regular site
Agree.. I always feel bad for the downvoted.. and fear the day when its my turn
I need more coffee..
(*whether this is how downvotes ought to be utilized on Meta, is beyond my ken)
I totally got it wrong - thought you were the one looking to open a chat room..
Easy mistake to make.
> this tutorial intentionally has focused on writing the views “the hard way” until now, to focus on core concepts.

You should know basic math before you start using a calculator.
People who asks to be Room Owners aren't generally good at being RO, people who don't, usually makes out to be great RO :D
Ah ha! I knew part 4 would upend my understanding. Totally nailed it.
Still sore cause I cant get the android app ;)
... But I do appreciate learning about templates before generic views, because tutorials often frustrate me when they say 'here's how to do this specific thing, with no obvious dials for you to turn to change anything', and only later indicate how I can attain control closer to the metal
I want to pass a variable number of elements to numpy.c_
so I decided to have a function with *args
but I can't unpack the elements of args to numpy.c_[...] in the indexing operator (i.e. between the brackets), that is I can't do numpy.c_[*args]
any idea how to solve this?
@davidism it means another thing
in that case you're passing the list of arguments
I want to pass the arguments singularly as np.c_[x1, x2, x3,...], where args=[x1, x2,...]
Anyone else know anything about django? What is the difference between a formset, a list of form instances, and rendering a single form instance multiple times?
I'd expect numpy to have fancy indexing magic that lets them interpret [args] in a DWIM manner
I should look into Django more over the coming weeks, so I can answer some Django questions.
That's 90% of my motivation for going through the tutorial today.
@nbro can you give us a MVCE of your code?
I now know what a form is (A: same thing as in regular HTML), but don't yet know what a formset is (guess: a set of forms). Work in progress.
x1, x2, x3,... is a tuple, args is a tuple, they're the same thing.
*args only has an unpacking meaning in function calls, not in index notation.
>>> d = {(1,2,3): "foo"}
>>> d[1,2,3]
>>> args = (1,2,3)
>>> d[args]
Checks out.
So numpy magic isn't even required, it seems
Oh, but make sure args is a tuple, or it gets mad
>>> args = [1,2,3]
>>> d[args]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'
Well, for dicts, for __getitem__ in general that's not a restriction.
I see that c_ is a... numpy.lib.index_tricks.CClass.... Which for all I know accepts all sorts of goofy indices
@MorganThrapp Happy Birthday <3 xoxo. :)
Thanks. :)
Revision of my statement: make sure args is a tuple if you want exactly identical behavior to c_[x1, x2, x3]
Question with the Django - is there a good reason to use bitnami for Django? Does it really make life easier?
do we have a canonical dupe for "I run A.py, which imports B.py, which imports A.py, and B can't update A's variables"?
cyclic import issue?
I feel like we do.
The question has already been closed, fwiw
There is this, this, and this
if we don't have a canon answer for that already, those look like good candidates
They found a really good one. Straight to the point and easy to understand answer.
and not accepted. That's annoying
I have two hours during which I won't be able to work while they back up my computer before an upgrade. If I'd known, I could at least have brought my personal notebook in and done some pandas dev. :-/
@nbro in case that detail was missing: np.c_[args] is only exactly equivalent to np.c_[x1,x2,x3] if args = (x1,x2,x3), so if you have args = [x1,x2,x3] you might have to use np.c_[tuple(args)]. Similar things can happen with fancy indexing, compare np.random.rand(3,3)[[1,2]] with np.random.rand(3,3)[(1,2)] (the latter being the exact same as np.random.rand(3,3)[1,2])
I only skimmed the transcript so sorry if this was explained/noted after all
You don't need to do tuple in most cases, unless there is a semantic difference between a tuple and a list while indexing, such as in dict. Sounds like numpy has the same behavior.
@davidism: There is indeed a semantic difference.
@davidism my example shows exactly that
>>> np.random.rand(3,3)
array([[ 0.85443785,  0.11820023,  0.96418037],
       [ 0.73781708,  0.40462583,  0.66241596],
       [ 0.36660029,  0.72368339,  0.77681874]])
>>> np.random.rand(3,3)[[1,2]]
array([[ 0.68846525,  0.34558652,  0.6438628 ],
       [ 0.87439662,  0.12523419,  0.99496356]])
>>> np.random.rand(3,3)[(1,2)]
tuples invoke conventional slicing, list/array-likes invoke advanced indexing
Yeah, was just pointing out that we'd already said it about dict.
ah, I missed this one:
23 mins ago, by Kevin
Revision of my statement: make sure args is a tuple if you want exactly identical behavior to c_[x1, x2, x3]
When I said "same behavior" I meant "same behavior as how a dict cares" not "same behavior for both types".
I wish there were a little more flexibility in Python syntax. I know I'd be inconsistent about it though, because I'd say that "normal" programmers shouldn't use it, and it should be reserved for numerical code..
Could have worded that more clearly.
ok, guys, thanks!
@davidism yeah I just now realized that:)
Yeah, I wish all languages that allowed custom indexing just treated [] as a normal function
Not to worry on the bitnami question - thanks anyway. Was just wondering out loud.
for k, v in matches.items():
if len(v) >= 3:
here v is a tuple and i need to minus k with all the elements of v....How!? pls help
you already asked this on the main site
What does "minus k with all the elements of v" mean? k-= sum(v)?
true but just got the chat fecility so just trying boss
no no it nees to minus all the elements of tuple for ex (1-1,2-1,3-1) like that
wait, how do you type an asterisk without it being mistaken for cursive formatting?
oh. Of course. Thanks
print(k,':',v,'/',len(v)) in this line v is a tuple and k is a integer and i need to minus the k with all the elements of the tuple...how !?
@Rawing it's never "of course" with SO chat markdown
alright, next question
is it not possible to have text and multiline code in the same message?
In Sage we preprocess code so that F.<a,b> is valid syntax. I wouldn't mind other things along those lines.
@Rawing please read my body of work in the transcript ;)
I explain most of the situation on a bi-weekly basis
@AndrasDeak That's the longest "no" I've ever seen!
haha, you got me :D
anyway, some useful informations are over there, so it wasn't exactly trolling
@MalikBrahimi Ok, I played around with this, and here's my perception: passing a single form instance through the context and putting it inside a {% for %} loop, will render that one form multiple times. If you fill out each form and submit, then you'll get a single form in the view, whose attributes are all lists containing the different values you entered into each form. This may be undesirable since it makes it harder to analyze/manipulate each form's data separately from the others.
Ex. if you have some function f that takes a form instance, and you want to call f on each form individually, you can't, because you only have the one form object.
I didn't try passing a [Form() for _ in range(10] through the context, but I suspect the outcome would be the same.
@JohnEbenezer - looks like you are getting some help from your posted question. Also, you may get further if you refer to this operation using the verb form of "minus", which is "subtract". I know English is not everyone's first language around here, so I'm just trying to help. I think you are trying to say "For each item k,v in this dict, where all values v are tuples, I need to subtract the k value from all values in tuple v."
Ok, I just tried passing forms=[Form() for _ in range(3)] through the context, and {% for i in "123" %} {{ forms[forloop.counter] }} {% endfor %} in the template, and it crashed, so now I suspect you can't do that at all?
Oh, duh, you can do {% for form in forms %} {{ form }} {% endfor %}.
What is that, perl?
But yeah, the view still gives me the single-form-of-lists result as when I passed a single form through the context.
@PaulMcGuire Django template. Which I am painfully learning cannot contain arbitrary Python expressions
lisp with braces, or colloquially brisp
it's the arch nemesis of python
Conclusion: you can render one form multiple times, and you can render a collection of forms, but the POST response gets populated in an awkward way. Using a FormSet makes this less awkward. Use a FormSet if this matters to you.
It's fun to watch people learn things!
I thought going through this might inspire some new project ideas in me, but nope, I still don't want to do web dev outside my work duties.
I know whom I'm gonna ping next time someone has a django doubt
also: "whom" in this structure sounds very weird. I blame "who you gonna call? ghost busters!"
I feel like I'm approaching the point where I know enough domain-specific terminology that I can research (google) the answer for simple questions.
I mean, I can't quantify an unknown unknown like "how much don't I know", but that's my intuition
I wonder if the subcontinental use of "doubt" is going to catch on via SO and other places that have a wide international group of English speakers.
"whom" and "gonna" probably should not be used together
Certainly it's an improvement over my previous approach of "form? model?? view??? GLHF, my thoughts are with you in this trying time"
@DSM I use "do the needful" ironically but not "I have a doubt" so I expect the former to reach fixation before the latter (if at all)
Ironic usage typically gradually becomes sincere usage. I know this because it happened to {relative}'s use of "<thing> is <adjective> A.F."
@PaulMcGuire imma go ahead and use them together anyway
I only encountered doing the needful here, memeticized
Don't cross the registers!
How my youngest son tells us he's finished eating:
when an asker edits their question 3 times to show you their latest failed creation... sigh
So good
@WayneWerner does he say "ANOTHER" too?
you all would have / y'all would have / y'all would've / y'all'd've
y'all'd've :D going to start using it now :D
Heard in the wild: (plural possessive of you) y'alls's (pronounced yawl-ziz) Usage: "Is that table y'alls's?"
Did someone forget to lock the cage of deep dream again?
Hmm, doing some further digging it looks like Form instances accept a prefix named argument that allows you to distinguish the values of post data that would otherwise have identical keys.
quick someone give me a first and last name for a test subject, for testing work software
But perhaps I'm misunderstanding the use-case here because re-creating the Form from the post data doesn't un-prefix the keys as I'd expect.
Jinro Senforce
James Gypsum
splitting the difference Jinro Gypsum
(translated from the common Hungarian colloquial John Doe)
I hate thinking of names so :\
To give a woefully incomplete example,
class ContactForm(forms.Form):
    subject = forms.CharField(max_length=100)

def formtest(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        forms = [ContactForm(request.POST, prefix=str(i)) for i in range(3)]
        return HttpResponse("Processed.")
        return render(request, 'polls/formtest.html', {"forms": [ContactForm(prefix=str(i)) for i in range(3)]})

<form action="formtest.html" method="post">
I think there are online tools which help make up fake data for testing purposes.
Crashes on print(forms[0].data["subject"]) with django.utils.datastructures.MultiValueDictKeyError: "'subject'". Investigating the object reveals that it has 0-subject, 1-subject, and 2-subject keys.
feature request: make line breaks be <brb/>
@Kevin There is only one submit?
Does the DOM contain one form with multiple fields, or does it have three different form elements?
I'm inspecting the source... I see one <form> tag, containing all three labels and all three inputs.
With the inputs having name="0-subject", name="1-subject", name="2-subject" attributes respectively. So that looks good and sensible.
The answer to django two ModelForms with same field name on one template makes it sound like recovering the proper attributes from the request is possible and simple.
Although unhappily provides no example code.
This is technically a question in Java, but I imagine the rules for polymorphism are the same. I have two classes, parent and child. if a method in child calls a method in parent which calls a method in the same class (so in parent as well), but that method is override in child, will it execute the parent function or the child function?
I initially thought the logic would be that given it's a parent function calling another function in its own class, it wouldn't "reach down" and get the child class, but it seems that it does.
"Remember to use the same prefix when you instantiate the form with POST data as well." Here's your inner tube, good luck on your journey crossing the Pacific
hm. I could give you lots of answers in JavaScript, but probably none of them preferable
@Devilius that question sounds very much language-specific
@Devilius Child function, by my reckoning.
do the rules of polymorphism change across languages?
I honestly have no idea so I default to "why should it not?" ;)
good point
@corvid Yeah I can think of a number of ways to get the data I desire, using javascript hackery or serverside hackery or combinations thereof. I'm just curious if there's an idiomatic approach, sans hackery.
python behaves very differently from the usual mainstream languages in a lot of ways
I would think it would call it in the child, but my frame of mind is saying that the child is basically a copy of the parent that is extended
It does seem to call the child
Can't the java guys help with the java question?:) Honest question.
I was trying to understand the logic, but to be honest, thinking of it the other way around, it would not make sense to suddenly call a parent function when one called it initially on an overriding class
class Parent:
    def frob(self):
    def troz(self):
        print("Calling parent.troz")

class Child(Parent):
    def troz(self):
        print("Calling Child.troz")

c = Child()
#result: "Calling Child.troz"
These things do differ between languages for reasons that aren't always obvious. You can have a method return an Animal which refuses to allow you to return a Dog even though a Dog is an Animal.
At least in Python things always have a reference to self, which gets passed up with super.
So calling self.something in a parent means that self is still the child instance.
Then lookup happens upwards to find the most specific value to access.
@AndrasDeak Java room is relatively quiet at the moment, I thought this would be "Theory" heavy to be relevant on here, but I was unaware of the possible more drastic differences possible between java/python
As far as I know Java behaves the same way in this regard.
Very different data and execution models underneath, but the same idea of always calling the most specific method given the originating call.
good to know
If I read the subtext properly, stackoverflow.com/a/226568/953482 implies that the data property of a form will give you raw data free of nice preprocessing such as prefix-stripping. If you call is_valid() and access the cleaned_data attribute instead, you can find the prefix-stripped attribute.
I suspect that as a general rule of thumb you should execute is_valid() and access only the cleaned data, unless you really like being on the pointy end of a sql injection attack
(bad example, perhaps. I don't actually know what "cleaning" entails so it may be misleading to say that its contents are safe to stick in a sql query)
Yeah, you should always use cleaned_data.
I wouldn't call javascript "hackery", but I wouldn't say it's a great way to do it with a template
It's the data after validation, which means it's been coerced to the correct type, validated, and possibly modified in other ways by the field.
(most likely it does more rudimentary validation such as "does this field, defined as a number field, actually contain only text that can be parsed into a number?")
(so, basically, beaten by davidism)
New conclusion: you can get nice unmangled results using a list of forms, but it still requires more work than using a FormSet.
@Kevin Love this :)
I deliver the freshest three-month-old memes in town B-)
@DSM hah, I remember learning that one the hard way -- thought I was going nuts at the time
I can sort of see why a language would be designed that way, if they were totally gung-ho about type safety and/or a trust-but-verify philosophy. "If you really want to do this, accept responsibility by explicitly typing return (Animal)my_dog_instance;"
@MarcusS which S name did you end up going with in the end? Or are you still struggling
To catch the 1% of devs who then go "oh, duh, this function signature should be public Dog getFido, not public Animal getFido"
It just went against how I thought classes were supposed to be substituted.
@idjaw Struggling! BOOM, serendipity
OTOH it's certainly a valid interpretation of the Liskov substitution principle to say "I should be able to return a Dog instance from a function with return type Animal, without any extra syntactical hoop-jumping"
Almost wrote "hump-jooping" there XD
as long as it's not joop-humping
@idjaw Sudo
I love it!
you integrated nerd culture in to a workout app.
you're a hero in my books
If you use Android and want a link, let me know
keep me posted on that btw. Would love to check it out
Needs a Gmail email to access the closed beta
More formal argument: An object with name 'obj' and type 'Animal' can be returned from a function with return type 'Animal' using the syntax return obj;. This is provable by cursory inspection of the language specification. Dog is a subtype of Animal. By LSP, An object with name 'obj' and type 'Dog' should be able to be returned from a function with return type 'Animal' using the syntax return obj;
@MarcusS check out my user profile. You should be able to use one of the links there to direct contact me through. Don't want to paste my email here.
Awe I wanna see the app.. considering I have just started thinking about monitoring. Would it work on a VM for android?
Can always paste and quickly edit/delete in pure Marcusian fashion
@ashley screenshots imgur.com/a/nFgXr
was that too fast?
that was fast wow
that is very cool
thanks for the peep show
pop tarts lol
Counterargument: "When applying LSP, you're not necessarily allowed to substitute only one instance of x in the proven property. If we strictly replace all instances of the parent class in the property with the child class, you've only asserted that you can return my_dog_instance from a function with return type Dog, which was already trivially true"
@Devilius method resolution has nothing to do with which class you are in. It has everything to do with tthe type of the object you are calling the method on.
@MarcusS is it OK if I let some Android people here at work try it out, or are you trying to keep users low for now?
Or hmm, x replaces the instance, not the type... I've worked myself into a confusion about this.
In an instance method, you call other method on the object referenced by this.
@idjaw sent, let me know if you get it / can install it
And sure, would just need their gmail emails
Got this fortune cookie last night
@MarcusS Yup got it. I am using iOS, but my wife uses Android, so I'll have to wait until tonight.
plus at this point she would be a better user since she is working out a lot more than me these days.
@Devilius The type of this is always the same as the class which contains the method you are in, but the concrete type of the referenced object is more important than the type of the reference. The exact same principles apply as those used with explicitly declared variables.
The package I ordered on Monday and hoped would arrive on Wednesday hasn't arrived and now I have to wait for next Wednesday for it to be useful >:-(
Who could have forseen that this delivery system, which advertises 3-6 day delivery times, could not complete my delivery in 2.5 days???
Time to pack things up. I'm going to live in the woods, society has failed me. Please bring my package to my cabin, address: the exact geometric center of whichever is the largest national park
Let's see, that's... The Knoll, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve, Alaska. Well... At least they have a lot of daylight this time of year?
I have a dataframe whose columns are: id, list_of_dicts. i want to turn the series into a dataframe, using the keys of the dicts as the column names, and keeping the id column attached as well.
hello there
why does your dataframe have a column called list_of_dicts?
and what "series"?
also: an MCVE would probably help prevent such questions
.. a package only useful on Wednesdays? Strange waters you're moving in.
@AndrasDeak pd.DataFrame({
'list_of_dicts': [[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 11, 'b': 22}],
[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 11, 'b': 22}]],
'id': [100, 200]
The mystery is more interesting than the truth, but I'll reveal it anyway: it's a gift which I wish to give during Board Game Night.
and i want columns [id, a, b]
@Hatshepsut I was afraid you'd say something like that
How do you even end up with a dataframe like that? Something tells me you took a wrong turn 3 blocks up
Why are there 2 values in id, but 4 pairs of a,b values in list_of_dicts?
because there are 2 rows
Gah, nm
1 row = 1 list of dicts with whatever keys/values
@Hatshepsut this sounds like the epitome of an XY problem; I don't think you should be working with that dataframe in the first place. Fortunately I don't know pandas enough to help you untangle your current dataframe anyway...
its just nested json
consider stepping back and not constructing a monster like that
and there is json_normalize(), but im not sure if i can use it here
I've been trying to install MS office for a while now... there has been a lot of angry yelling in the past hour
for item in df.list_of_dicts
almost there
now just need to get the id column in there
or just put pd.id first in the concat?
as in pd.concat([pd.id] + [... list comp ...])?
@Kevin I thought it was Yellowstone
or does concat work along a different axis?
a b
0 1 2
1 11 22
0 3 4
1 33 44
raw = {
'list_of_dicts': [[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 11, 'b': 22}],
[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 11, 'b': 22}]],
'id': [100, 200]
rows = [(aa,bb['a'],bb['b']) for aa,bb in sum((list(zip(itertools.repeat(aa[0]), aa[1])) for aa in zip(raw['id'], raw['list_of_dicts'])), [])]
@Hatshepsut oh, it looks like that
[(100, 1, 2), (100, 11, 22), (200, 1, 2), (200, 11, 22)]
changed the numbers for clarity:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'list_of_dicts': [[{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 11, 'b': 22}],
[{'a': 3, 'b': 4}, {'a': 33, 'b': 44}]],
'id': [100, 200]
pd.merge(pd.DataFrame(df.id),pd.concat([pd.DataFrame.from_dict(item) for item in df.list_of_dicts]),left_index=True,right_index=True)
    id   a   b
0  100   1   2
0  100   3   4
1  200  11  22
1  200  33  44
good idea!
disclaimer: I don't actually know what I'm doing
it'd be nicer if I didn't have to convert the series into a dataframe, but merge clearly doesn't work on series objects
Python 2 strikes again. No easy way to construct timezones.
Perhaps a delorean would help?
@davidism just use pytz
ah you did
@davidism btw iso8601 can handle timezones in python2 too iirc
it is a one-file package.
but meh you're using http_date?
>>> iso8601.parse_date('2017-03-04T12:45:23+03:30')
datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 4, 12, 45, 23, tzinfo=<FixedOffset '+03:30' datetime.timedelta(0, 12600)>)
python 2.7
wouldn't that do?
Don't want to add a dependency for one non-optional test.
@davidism one-file package
and flask is bsd...
I mean for convenience. People wouldn't be able to run pytest if we added a non-optional test dependency.
Anyway, for just one test making a tzinfo object isn't that bad.
TFW you get excited about finding an awesome library for some neat docker stuff. You install it, you write up a quick client using it, and then....you get a syntax error...but....your code doesn't have the syntax error...so you wonder what could be happening...then you realize....you realize the package you installed is stuck in py27...
I blame Zed Shaw
finally finished fixing this MS Excel spreadsheet. I can finally boot back into a proper OS
I know your pain
I had to return the final proof for a paper today in an annotated pdf, specifically via adobe reader :|
took me literally a few hours to get something running that would house adobe

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