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The Word Of The Day is "hastage": stackoverflow.com/q/44533306/4014959
Is that when you keep English tied up at gunpoint?
> s$ dict hastage
No definitions found for "hastage", perhaps you mean:
gcide: Lastage Wastage Hostage Hastate
wn: wastage hostage hastate
moby-thesaurus: hostage
easton: Hostage
It's from the old saying "Hastage makes wastage".
When I execute the following code, I get an error. Can anyone tell me how to obtain what is suggested by my code, please?

import re, zipfile, urllib.request

you need to fix the error
@AndrasDeak How can I use ZipFile on an zip file placed in a link, such as above?
@PM2Ring Alright, the array doesn't grow each time during list comprehension. But it may need to grow a few times, instead of setting the size only once.
Suppose, I know what the array size is going to be. I could set the size when I declare the array before invoking the list comprehension. Then I could assign the values using list comprehension. That should remove the need for resizing.
Does this thinking make sense? [Please enlighten a Python newbie.]
@NickAlexeev *list, not array
or do you mean the array potentially underlying the list?
(I don't actually know the underlying structure)
@NickAlexeev a list comprehension will always create a list for you
@AndrasDeak Neither do I. If it's a linked list, than growing it isn't a question.
probably part of the reason why [0]*1000 is faster is because the whole list is created at once (I guess)
what exactly are you asking?
@AndrasDeak That's correct.
@NickAlexeev The list() constructor doesn't provide a way of creating a list of a given size. If you call it with no args it gives you an empty list.
If you call it with some collection as the arg, it can create a list of the right size by calling len() on the collection. If you pass it some iterable, it has to run the iterable and append items one by one. I think. :)
we could try timing list(a_tuple) vs list(iter(a_tuple))
In [232]: tup = tuple(np.random.rand(100000).tolist())

In [233]: %timeit list(tup)
1000 loops, best of 3: 404 µs per loop

In [234]: %timeit list(iter(tup))
1000 loops, best of 3: 490 µs per loop
constructing the iterator should be quite cheap, right?
seems like a significant difference
Ok, it doesn't actually append. It looks like list(some_iterable) calls list_extend
it was suspiciously fast
    /* It should not be possible to allocate a list large enough to cause
    an overflow on any relevant platform */
Hold my beer...
or even better, good night ;)
1 hour later…
@GitGud There are 910 files in that zip archive. I suggest you download it to your hard drive and work on it from there. Here's some minimal code that will download it to your current directory. Proper code should include error handling.
import urllib.request
url_base = 'http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/'
fname = 'channel.zip'
with urllib.request.urlopen(url_base + fname) as response:
    with open(fname, 'wb') as dest:
I pickled 2 strings but the program can only compare the first string that i Pickled.
So if i want to check if a new string is the same as the strings that are pickled I cant, how do I come around this?
url = "https://sretretrets.com"
url0 = "https://strertr.com1"

store = open("text.txt", "rb")

url2 = pickle.load(store)

if(url0 in url2):
@ChrisEthanFox What do you get when you do print(repr(url2))
@PM2Ring What does repr do?
It shows you the representation of an object.
Help on built-in function repr in module builtins:

repr(obj, /)
    Return the canonical string representation of the object.

    For many object types, including most builtins, eval(repr(obj)) == obj.
here it says, In Python, iterable and iterator have specific meanings. But these terms are no language specific.
It just prints the frst string, If i go over and look at the pickle text file I can see both strings.
I just want a way to quickly and simply store strings to be able to compare later in time, and is able to stay after the program has been executed.
if you are just storing text, why are you even using pickle? Why not just dump it to a file? Pickle is typically used for object serialization.
I know
I mean, I've wanted to use a simple library instead of me manually taking a txt file and appending to it and then reading it. But I guess I have to do that.
you're doing the same thing with pickle though
you're creating a text file and writing to it
@ChrisEthanFox Let me guess. You pickled a string, wrote it to "text.txt", then pickled another string and appended it to "text.txt". You can't do that. You need to pickle a single object. But that single object can be a collection, eg a tuple, list, dict or set.
import pickle
a = 'string one', 'string two'
dest = pickle.dumps(a)
b = pickle.loads(dest)
('string one', 'string two')
('string one', 'string two')
I also know that, but when I go and do if(string2 in pickleFile) it says False, even though the string is in the pickle file
@PM2Ring That is exactly what I did, but it has to be done like that, the program im making it for gives me random url strings, I need to put them into a file and be able to compare them later.
What's pickleFile? That wasn't in the code you posted earlier.
If pickleFile is a file object you can't just do a string search on it, you need to read the data from it into a string (or bytes) object, and search in that.
OTOH, you really shouldn't be trying to mess around directly with the bytes content of a pickle file. Either use pickle properly, or store your data in a plain file, like idjaw suggested.
Eg, the pickled data for the example I posted is b'\x80\x03X\n\x00\x00\x00string oneq\x00X\n\x00\x00\x00string twoq\x01\x86q\x02.' If you did a search on that for b"woq" you'd get a false positive match. Those bytes are in the pickle, but the strings you pickled don't contain that byte sequence.
@GitGud To get you started on solving this puzzle, here's some code that prints the archive size & the contents of some of its files.
import zipfile
def bold(s): return '\x1b[1m%s\x1b[0m' % s
zipname = 'channel.zip'
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, 'r') as zfile:
    print('archive size =', len(zfile.namelist()))
    for name in ('readme.txt', '90052.txt', '94191.txt'):
        s = zfile.read(name).decode()
        print('{}\n{}\n'.format(bold(name), s))
4 hours later…
can you tell me an idea how to add different textvariable within an entry widget which is in for loop
example I have created 10 rows of entry widget in tkinter. i want each one should be separate in textvariable. how could i do that?
@Sundararajan that seems like a good SO question. Why don't you put it up on the website? You may get an answer here, but questions fit for SO should be on SO.
@Sundararajan You can put the StringVar for each Entry widget in a list.
@PM2Ring It seems to be easy for range of 10 lines, what if i need it for 50 lines
there must be a way right
i mean a short and easy way to do it
@Sundararajan There are a few ways to do it. You don't need a textvariable for an Entry, you can get its contents using its .get method. But to do that you need to save the Entry widget object.
Give me a few minutes & I'll post a short demo of using a list.
@PM2Ring I'll be eagerly waiting for it :-)
@Sundararajan Here you go.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
texts = []
num = 5
for y in range(num):
    tk.Label(root, text=y).grid(row=y, column=0)
    s = tk.StringVar()
    tk.Entry(root, textvariable=s).grid(row=y, column=1)

def show():
    for y, s in enumerate(texts):
        print('Entry {}: {}'.format(y, s.get()))

tk.Button(root, text='Show', command=show).grid(row=num,column=1)
@PM2Ring what if I want to bind function to the entry widget would it work separately for each entry widget
melon dude
will check out and try some experiments and get back to you if i'm not clear with something
melon once again :)
@Sundararajan Are you using the .bind method to do that?
@PM2Ring yes
@Sundararajan That bind callback function receives an Event object as its arg. And that Event object has a .widget attribute which stores the widget that generated that event. So you can use one callback function for all the widgets.
@Sundararajan Here's an example I wrote a couple of years ago. stackoverflow.com/a/31424836/4014959 I guess it is a bit complicated, so let me know if there's something there you can't understand & I'll try to explain it.
@Sundararajan Oops! That code _doesn't use .bind. Sorry about that. Instead, it uses lambda to create a custom callback for each widget. But it shoul still be interesting for you. ;)
Give me a minute & I'll find something of mine that does use .bind.
Here we go. A nice simple one this time. ;) Tkinter keypad demo
cbg y'all
@Sundararajan Here's another demo of using .bind. It's similar to the first one, except it prints an Entry's contents when you hit the Return key in that Entry.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
def show(event):
    entry = event.widget
    print('Entry {}: {}'.format(entry.number, entry.get()))
for y in range(5):
    tk.Label(root, text=y).grid(row=y, column=0)
    e = tk.Entry(root)
    e.number = y
    e.bind("<Return>", show)
    e.grid(row=y, column=1)
And now for something completely different. A tribute to Adam West from PCG, originally written by Uriel, and modified by me.
for l in"b1d 74a13 54c4 36c4 2995 1o 0p 0p 0p 1o 257b 447343 727162".split():x=''.join(s*int(k,36)for s,k in zip(' *'*3,l));print(x+x[-2::-1])
google still fails the turing test. I have a question and don't now how to ask it so that my tomato computer or the tomato internet understands it. (neither in english or my native langualge!)
I cloned a repo from GitHub and have a server where to I want to push it. How do I cut ties to GitHub and root my repo to the other server? I used to use Eclipse where I knew how to do it but since I use PyCharm, I appear to be a noob again.
and of cours I can't ask a "Hoe to do this or that" question in SO ^^
long live broot force! Git/Repository/Remotes
@hajef You need to host a "bare" repository on that "other" server of yours. Then you can cut ties to your github (add new remote as per the other server)
Make sure your bare repo works before you delete other stuff
Hellp guys
Hi Hi Hi
who knows the @ageitgey tutorial series on machine learning?
My Question there is:
He developed his own "library" calles "face recognition" - but is it possible with that to train the model with your own dataset?
with the old instruction on that article it is possible to do that with OpenFace
but I couldn't see anything like that with "Face Recognition"
why can't people learn to debug and why am I doing it for them
:37617344 You rang? :)
ya just a minute
can you explain me why this code not working as it should be?
I tried to relate your previous code but it didn't helped me to resolve my problem as I'm trying to bind the function on each and every widget
coincidentally, there was a question with that exact same problem just now
alternatively, the easy fix would be y.bind("<Return>", lambda event, y=y:my_funct(y.get()))
@Rawing This is what I expected :) melon, can you explain me what this line exactly does
@Sundararajan Basically, it binds the current value of y to the function. So now the lambda has its own copy of y. If you don't do that, all lambdas will use the same y, so they will all refer to the last Entry.
@Rawing Got it, melon :)
TIL cv-pls doesn't mean "curriculum vitae please"
oh my god. formatting strings is so ugly
Does that line even work?
Are trying to do something like method.name.ljust(strlen)?
does XD
well this is "inside a loop", where I iterate over all methods and print the name, value and wish to align those things. (strlen is just the max name length)
String formatting doesn't have to be ugly though
a   | 0
abc | 1
ab  | 2
'{:<{length}}'.format(method.name, length=strlen) should work just as well
^ that is the goal
The formatter works recursively through the string automatically?
Thanks, didn't know that, and wouldn't have thought of doing that ever.
why does that work
that shouldn't work
Deleted now, for non-10k users:
> [This is the code that it's working, opening and closing my door](https://i.sstatic.net/5noqn.jpg)
[In this code, where if status2=='ON', I need to do the same thing, but my GPIO gives me signal every second and it's staying in a loop...and I need that my 40 GPIO to remain in 'off' state after 1 second. How can I do that?? Please, help me!](https://i.sstatic.net/aO6Gh.jpg)
if the string I'm formatting just so happens to contain some curly braces, it'll crash my code? the hell's up with that?
Taking “screenshot” to a whole new level.
nice Moiré on the images :P
...I guess I'm an idiot. Not sure why I thought that this is any more dangerous than "normal" string formatting.
That's surprisingly powerful. It's like backwards regex, with the difference that I'm capable of understanding regex.
@Rawing wow understanding regex -- are you god?
Regex is to me: write it once, never touch it again. If something non trivial needs to be changed: rewrite the whole thing.
started to hate stack overflow! wtf no answer till now and all i get is -1 on my question! — Mustafa Jamal 2 mins ago
downvoted once more
not at all. God is way higher up in the pecking order, he's someone who can make sense of even python's format string syntax.
not sure why so many people have trouble with regex tbh. If I could, I'd close the entire regex section as a dupe of a regex tutorial.
how much rep do I need to unlock that feature?
the problem with regex is that it's write-only
Anyone know a good start for a news, blog kinda site with Django
@Wally yes: a good start would be to ditch Django
and use Flask, Pyramid instead.
And get stuck with implementing everything on my own. No, thanks. lol!
I kinda like Django for better or for worse
Cos of all the OS apps for Django
With flask I was limited cos I couldn't write routes for everything on my own
With Django you're stuck with Django...
Would you say you're.....chained to Django?
With Django somebody else has written everything and I just need to do some config. The documentation and amount of QnA on SO for Django is amazing
I don't want to write everything myself, but I also don't want to know the code. So, I chose not to use wordpress
Django seems to be the closest thing to a plugin(app) based development. I like the batteries cos I'm greedy. My code is messy. Other people can write code a lot better than me.
I don't get the deal with Django CMS
It seems to be a full package and not a Django app
It even has it's own plugin store
Have you checked flask? I am not into web developement at all but it appears to be like Django exept it is clear and easy.
I developed a simple site in flask. It doesn't have all the batteries I need
I have a problem here
  the_color = "black"
  stroke_width = 1
in line 2
AttributeError: 'HParams' object has no attribute 'update'
What can be the problem?
@Wally it looks like that, but it mostly doesn't work like that
@IsabelCariod that's not the full traceback!
it doesn't say that on the 2nd line of that code, stroke_width = 1
full error
File "sketch_rnn.py", line 135, in <module>
[train_set, valid_set, test_set, hps_model, eval_hps_model, sample_hps_model] = load_env(data_dir, model_dir)
File "/root/miniconda2/envs/magenta/lib/python2.7/site-packages/magenta/models/sketch_rnn/sketch_rnn_train.py", line 76, in load_env
AttributeError: 'HParams' object has no attribute 'update'
ehm wat
that's in a completely different part of your code, isn't it?
@IsabelCariod I don't see the full traceback
I see the couple last lines of the traceback.
however I suspect tthat one reason is that you've used * imports
and something isn't what it is supposed to be
This is an example of Google's code
what can I do?
I don't think it's because of the * imports. The error happens in sketch_rnn_train.py, and that's the first import in the code that uses *.
Looks like a bug in magenta to be honest. Though I've never used that library, or Tensorflow, so what do I know.
@Rawing ok Thanks!
Going-to-leave-the-office-if-it-gets-four-degrees-hotter cabbage
morning cats I am back on the east coast
I knew I felt a disturbance.
@Suisse Yes it is possible to train with your own dataset. But I am not sure if you want to. There are a ton of ways to do this - it depends on what library you want to use. Another good post: gurus.pyimagesearch.com/lesson-sample-what-is-face-recognition or pyimagesearch.com/2015/05/11/…
This task I thought would take eight hours today took only 0.5 hours. Now how should I make the best use of my time...
@Kevin Banana
Hmm, my med student friend did tell me I should try having a banana in the mornings...
I usually skip breakfast entirely. And by usually I mean always since 1998
Where can I get a single banana. Do they sell them at Dunkin Donuts
Is it normal for servers to suddenly give a blank response (still code 200) if you open a lot of simultaneous connections?
@Kevin I prefer having them in the evenings, complex carbs help sleep.. But in this case, this Green Bean, was attempting Salad Language
@paul23 Opening 200 connections at once? is it still frozen or blank responses as in dropped packets between items coming through?
I only know enough Salad to ask where the bathroom is.
... But I won't demonstrate in polite company.
@ashley Nah, just requesting lots of pages (after each other, no threading) and at one point - seemingly random - the server starts giving blank pages yet there is no http error code like "forbidden".
@paul23 They'd usually return a code in the 500 range. I've never seen a 200 response to indicate too much load.
@paul23 Not sure - but I would try some form of pause or check if page loaded before moving to next type thing - not an every day thing for me so sorry cant be more help
@Sundararajan I think Rawing explained what's wrong. But I already showed you two examples of using .bind. As I said before, the .bind callback gets called with an Event, and you can extract the widget from that event. So change the .bind call to this:
y.bind("<Return>", my_funct)
And change the callback to this:
def my_funct(event):
    widget = event.widget
\o cbg :D
@Sundararajan FWIW, I also showed the other way of doing a callback, using a lambda with a default arg to bind it to the widget. Here's the link again: From stackoverflow.com/q/31410640/4014959
I wish that python allowed anonymous multi-line callback functions :\ that's the one thing I don't really care for
@GitGud Thanks for posting that coding puzzle. It was kinda fun, even if it is a bit silly.
@corvid I'm so glad these don't exist in python!
I am just a slave to the ways of javascript because I am too lazy to learn a real language so I just extend javascript to do everything
@corvid You've just been doing too much JavaScript. We don't need no stinking multi-line anonymous functions. ;)
yeah I think callbacks in javascript have also kinda been going away for a while... first by promises, now by async/await
Don't mind me. I've just spent the last hour doing stupid things in awk.
Multiline anonymous functions is 80% of the reason I wrote Kevinscript B-)
Dumb question, but are allocating functions considered expensive?
If a function's important enough to have multiple lines, it deserves to have a name.
stop, you'll make lambda functions feel bad :(
@corvid language JavaScript extends Everything {};
but you should feel bad
70 rep earned with a 6-character regex... I'm not sure how I feel about this
it's the way of the wild SO
I guess the other big usage of anonymous functions in JS (apart from callbacks) is to create a closure. I can see the point of doing that, but I still find it annoying, because it makes the code look more complex than it needs to be. I guess the same thing can be said of Python when people write comprehensions with more than 2 or 3 levels of nesting.
rtfm gets the most rep in the short run
goooood mooooooooooooooooooorniiiiiiing
@Rawing I know what you mean. I find it hard to believe I got 50 for this stackoverflow.com/a/44516469/4014959 But that's nothing compared to this one from U&L unix.stackexchange.com/questions/177205/…
I got 50 and an accept for ultimately correcting a return that was not returning anything.
wow, that's amazing!
I put meat around the explanation, but still...that was pretty much it: here
it happens
il est le chou (a little French "cabbage" this morning...)
qui est le chou?
quiche stoule
@idjaw You earned that rep just for being able to write such a good explanation. Me, I'd have buried my face in my hands and fought to suppress the urge to go on a RTFM rant
I knew this was a highbrow group
@Rawing heheh.....yeah. I sometimes go on RTFM rants and dump it all in a comment
I live in Montreal. That's my excuse for popping out the french. :P
I frequent SO. That's my excuse.
I have no excuses
You don't need any Andy. You're OK just the way you are.
@idjaw #wholesome :D
writing REST APIs in flask, what do you think of this approach
req_map = {
  'POST': add_source,

           methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'])
def content_sources(user):
    method = request.method
    return req_map(method)(user)
anyone who knows German, how do you say "buy as a business expense"?
Google knows German!
That's a weird request, corvid. Google trans.. arg kevin'd
buy as a business expense -> Kaufen als Geschäftsaufwand
(but I'm pretty sure the crow is looking more for an expression or more conversational way of saying it?)
@ashley SO => StackOverflow
The French Song, written & performed by Greg Champion
anyone else feel a bit violated using "=>"? I get PHP PTSD
@ashley Unfortunately, that's not the SO I was referring to. That one, I could use more of that in my life.
Who corrects urban dictionary then
go for it
Hmm, somebody on my office's LAN is eating up a lot of the shared bandwidth. I've got their IP address; is there any way to get their user name from that?
@AnttiHaapala but it seems there are more django jobs than flask<3
@Kevin try nslookup, it'll be their computer name though
@Rawing How about a significant otter?
@PM2Ring Close enough. It'll do.
@saviour123 and there are more PHP jobs than Django jobs. So perhaps you should try the other room.
@idjaw normal thing for me in c# land so no :D I'm still innocent and pure :D
@Kevin ssh and then who?
@PM2Ring d'awwww :3
@Kevin That may be used for the opposite...close enough I guess :P
@Kevin ident
I have posted that image here before, but it was a while ago. And people here do like cute animal pictures.
nslookup tells me that it's DESKTOP-<meaningless string of letters and digits>.home which at least suggests it's not a phone or the source control server
@Kevin how about you floodping them, then listen who complains about the computer slowing down
I'll have to install linux before I can try ident or ssh, I assume
Fire up wireshark and see what is in the data stream
I have an even better idea
if you can see their traffic
just send RST packet to every TCP socket :D
the one who complains about their net not working is the culprit
Sounds like a quick scapy script
but you need to fake the mac too, perhaps
I can see their "Tx throughput", whatever that means, from the router's admin control panel. I think management would get mad at me if I peeked at anyone's packets or blocked them, although I am sorely tempted
@Kevin just add a firewall rule there.
Although Python advice isn't always good career advice
Finding a new job is O(N!) so I'm trying to avoid it in the common case
Oh Kevin, how was did that interview go for that comp security job ?
"We'll get in touch once we actually get funding for new hires in six months" -_-
RIP.... at least you still have your job (I'm assuming) plus you still got your health and mana :D
This is great to illustrate why you need to stop py2 usage and embrace the py3
this is great!
lol the asyncio slide
Aw, modern Windows doesn't have net send any more :-(
Good times in high school computer lab, trolling classmates by sending them unblockable popups
hahah no it doesn't
yeah...I was sad too when I discovered that
There's always telnet... And if you don't have an actual telnet client, if you've got Python you can use telnetlib.
@idjaw yeah the order of words is just slightly weird grammatically from English
@corvid Yeah. I was being silly. :) I think there is one individual here who does speak German, but they haven't been here in forever. But I do see their avatar, so they have been here recently.
I think Poke does, doesn't he?
Poke's German, but Rawing might be Austrian (close enough)
Yeah. I didn't want to explicitly poke my finger at the individual in question.
Apparently when I speak German, I have an Austrian accent, despite being American, it's very confuse
3 hours ago, by poke
Taking “screenshot” to a whole new level.
"haven't been here in forever"? :D
listen here you. In my world it's forever!!! :P
puppy idjaw ;)
yup....5 minutes for me is like a year
just imagine 3 hours
"business expenses" isn't in my vocabulary, unfortunately. I'm honestly not sure how you'd translate that, but it's probably not "Geschäftsaufwand" :p
@idjaw You know you can PING, right? >_<
I feel weird pinging people about their area of expertise because sometimes it feels like volunteering them for work.
Like last week someone had some problems with Anaconda and I thought about pinging @DSM since he advocated for it in the past, but I worried the help-seeker would get clingy...
I spend my time when you are all being boring by doing other boring stuff I’m getting paid for. So I cannot pay attention when you suddenly stop being boring. You need to ping me then.
@poke Sorry for thinking about your FEELINGS!!!!
is "German" on your CV, poke? ;)
re: "pinging people about their area of expertise"
@idjaw You need to PEEK feelings.
I guess it's another matter if a room regular wants a fifteen second language-translation consultation, since 1) such a task is unlikely to balloon into a full odyssey and 2) regulars know how not to be annoying
... In theory ;-)
I get pinged in the JS room for meteor-related stuff, but my answer is always "this is how you do it, but also, don't use meteor"
so those questions have been diminishing
corvid when I see you in the JS room it feels like meeting one's high school history teacher at the grocery store
how the yam is this coming from a 15K user! stackoverflow.com/questions/44547964/…
when I see members of the JS room here, it kinda feels like when you see that guy wearing a folk metal band tshirt at a death metal show
speaking of metal
I want it
@idjaw very old questions and answers with lots of votes
afternoon all
anyone here got experience with pycrypto's Crypto.Pubkey.RSA module?
I've been send a public key in XML
modulus and exponent
but i can't construct a new RSA key from it - get complaints about the params being the wrong length
and looking at SO, am not alone in finding this doesn't work
Late morning cabbage.
cbg DSM

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