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is there a way to bump an older question on codeReview or is it even allowed?
editing is always a way; allowed is a different question (I don't know)
hmm k thanks :D
the proper way is a bounty, of course, but you should look around on meta to see if there's any info
And CR has very different dynamics than SO so I wouldn't even try to guess their customs
> The Help page suggest that if a question has received no answer, the poster should:

Edit the question to provide status and progress updates
Document continued efforts to answer the question
Offering a bounty
there's your answer
@チーズパン plt.ylim(max(whatever)+5) or something like that
there's also CR chat if you feel like harassing strangers
probably needs to be a list or something
you could even make the 5 something that scales, like int(N*len(whatever))
@AndrasDeak Thank you, this is what I did. Consider y + y2 being the line data
plt.ylim([min(y) - 1, max(y2) + 1])
Thanks again
no worries:)
I've never used matplotlib but I feel like there should be a way to do this without having to instrospect the data. Is there really no "leave a 10% margin on the top" option?
you could just autofit and add the margins based on the axes limits
Especially curious is the double standard where the top clips as closely as possible to the red line, but the bottom doesn't clip as closely as possible to the green line.
@Kevin it uses some heuristic to come up with fairly nice limits
I find it likely that if y2 was instead y2+1e-8 then the limits would've jumped to something reasonable
but "OK we have a bunch of 32, still within ylim of 32, it's a GO"
One could probably look at the code to find out exactly why
when I try to reproduce with a few data points, the limit goes above 32 nicely
either my dummy example is not C in MCVE, or newer matplotlib is smarter
ate too much pizza someone pls help
Silly crow - you'll burst your tummy!
@AndrasDeak: right now one of my team members has been updating some code for some very particular users from matplotlib 1.5 to 2. While I approve of the Great Restyling, it means a lot of changes if you want to preserve the appearance. Better him than me..
I do like the new look, but I'd hate to maintain anything that relies on a consistent look
but fancy plots and semi-transparent legend boxes by default...love it!
mine are not semi-transparent by default :(
yes, you're using 1.5 most likely
hmm, look what I found:
In [10]: import matplotlib

In [11]: matplotlib.__version__numpy__
Out[11]: '1.7.1'

In [12]: import numpy as np

In [13]: np.__version__
Out[13]: '1.12.0'
not that I use pylab or anything...
OK but pylab is 1.12.0. The other one is probably some internal thingy.
@チーズパン what does your name mean?
'chisupan' is bread with cheese in japanese. In german we say "Käsebrot" :D
top: 1.5.3, bottom: 2.0.0
Oooh Kasebrot... why not superior garlic bread?
¿Porque no los dos? Garlic cheesy bread?
I reverse-engineered that sentence with my unimaginable deductive powers
Why not the Disk Operating System?
or why Disk Operating System, for that matter
This isn't a good indication of its suitability for preserving genetic diversity when the sun explodes
> “This is supposed to last for eternity,” said Åsmund Asdal at the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre, which operates the seed vault.
clearly no programmers were involved in the project
ズ is zu, so it's chizupan. The two lines turn "su" into "zu", just like the circle turns "ha" into "pa" in パ.
パンパカパン :D
@AndrasDeak Clearly noone who was likely to come up with "situated among a LOT of water in various states....maybe needs to be waterproof" was involved.
(In before someone objects "then why isn't it "chiizu" because of --, smart guy?")
my knowledge of kanji hiragana is still restricted to "no"
The one and only thing I know about Japanese characters is that "あああああ" is a suitable onomatopoeia for screaming.
This one's kata-, not hira-. You can tell 'cause the lines are harder and less flowy.
This will be useful knowledge if I'm ever in peril in an international setting and need to scream in Japanese.
i18n scream. Nice.
あ = A
watashi wa baka desu
@チーズパン is also the reason why you see alot of 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
Where can one view the source code of named tuples?
@SebastianNielsen on google
believe me, I just tried
modules/_collectionsmodule.c, presumably
Nope, I'm wrong, ctrl-f reveals zero hits
it's py
I can't find it
@SebastianNielsen what did you try?
I put "Where can one view the source code of named tuples?" directly into google and the first result had the right link (to the 2.X source, but that's easy to adjust).
python named tuples source code
@DSM exactly
Ah, you're right. Lib\collections\__init__.py, line 340
The first result is the documentation?
I was talking about the source code, how it was written.
Wait, "python named tuples source code" works too. The first five results are all relevant.
There's a "source code" link on the docs.
> 8.3. collections — High-performance container datatypes — Python ...
Mar 27, 2017 - Source code: Lib/collections.py and Lib/_abcoll.py
Might be a search result localization issue. When I use DSM's query, my first hit is github.com/blackrock/NamedTuples.jl
For me, hit 1 is source code, hits 2 and 3 have source code links, hit 4 is a broken link, and hit 5 is annotated source code.
I'm not responsible for people who don't live in the True North.
Ah well, it was under the ordered dict.
I'm old enough to remember when you actually had to visit libraries to learn things. #nostalgia
@DSM did you have to install those libraries first?
If I had a giant Nerf wifflebat, and you were within reach, I'd express my response nonverbally.
I am prepared to contribute to crowdfunding a trip for DSM to hit Andras with a wifflebat.
heheh :D
@AndrasDeak It took a long time, cuneiform code blocks are heavy.
Here's my process for looking up things in the Python source code:

1a. Google "python source". https://github.com/python/cpython looks reasonably official, so click on that.
1b. Alternatively, navigate to c:\programming\python35\source, which is where you downloaded the source code to last month.
2. Determine which directory to look for the thing you want.
- built-in type? Objects directory.
- Module? Lib or Modules directory, depending on whether it's implemented in Python or C respectively. Performance-critical or especially fancy algorithms are usually C.
- Anything else? Lol good luck.

3. Determine the file to look in. 99% of the time it's the name of the thing you want, or the module that thing is in.
that's already way tl;dr for Sebastian
4. ctrl-f in the file for words relating to the thing you want.
I use the IPython ecosystem. Adding ?? gets you the source code of objects implemented in Python.
ooh, I thought you were being incredulous
collections was a little hairy to track down because 1) I looked in Modules instead of Lib, and 2) it was in its own special subdirectory of Lib, which is easy to overlook if your file explorer separates folders and files and you're zeroed-in on .py files starting with "C".
My first few run-ins with ipython's ?? was related to C built-ins, which trained me not to use ?? because it's no use
I chided Why are numbers represented as objects in python? for forgetting about small integer interning, but I might get a retort back like "just because the id doesn't change doesn't mean that it doesn't count as 'creating a new object'"
First of all, hypothetical opponent, quit using double negatives, it's confusing.
objects are life.
I'm staying away from that Q, not because it's not a good question in the abstract, but the fact people are having a conversation in the comments already is a sign it doesn't fit our framework well.
it's highly open-ended and most aspects lead to Guido
oh, OP has a whole bunch of these questions
or just the 2.... "Why is everything in python language an object if python is written in C?" being the other one
some meanie just closed that one
Ah the old "how can language X be object oriented if it was written in a language that isn't object oriented?", which of course proves that no languages are object oriented because machine language isn't
we should tell them that pypy implements python in python, and watch the ensuing meltdown
Too much snark?
It's snakes all the way down. What happened to the turtles, you ask? Eaten.
A: Why are numbers represented as objects in python?

Wayne WernerYes, it would. Just like contrived benchmarks prove more or less whatever you want them to prove. What happens when you add 3 + 23431827340987123049712093874192376491287364912873641298374190234691283764? Well, if you're using primitive types you get all kinds of overflows. If you're using Pytho...

It bothers me when a Q asks a "why" question in the title, and a yes/no question in the body. Or vice versa.
Guarantees that 50% of readers will be confused when they read an answer that answers one form and not the other
@Kevin Things like that bother me too. I feel like most people online never went to school.
I'll school them, with this. [holds up fist, revealing the knuckle tattoo "patience, respect, and understanding"]
Actual guffaw.
User wants handheld calculator, not gui , multitasking, ability to access SO.
Trying to remember if I plagiarized that joke from somewhere. Showing a 36-knuckle hand with a long slogan printed on it is the kind of comic body horror that are signature to R. Crumb or Kricfalusi
Kricfalusi? Hmm, sounds like a descendant of my ancestors
He created Ren & Stimpy, for those unwilling to Google.
So I understood patience, respect as fists, and understanding a knee or head...
That could work with the right overdramatic camerawork. I accept this alternative interpretation.
I know I've seen similar jokes, can't recall where now though, bit of a movie trope, I thought, naming fists.
Giving your fists funny names exists. Tattooing funny words on your fists exists. But somehow fitting far more than four characters per hand using a TARDIS-like "bigger on the inside" violation of spacetime, has that been done before?
Took me a few seconds to find the chat link with the new navbar.. I have a persistent tab for that purpose on my other computer…
Elwood sold the caddy for a microphone, that's a violation of spacetime, and he had his name on his knuckles ;)
@poke cbg glad to see you didn't get lost in maze of SO :D
How do I rebase all of master? I have 3 commits (say, A-B-C) and I want to squash A and C with B as the second commit.
import snark
return 'All of your base belong to us'
I already did that =p
so you want to have A+C-B?
How did you know that was my app?
@WayneWerner yes
Assuming A+C is the result of squashing those, too.
@Code-Apprentice Interactive rebase
I watched a tutorial video on that. You have to enter the mainframe and win the light cycle competition.
git rebase -i A~1
Then you get something like
pick 123 A
pick 456 B
pick 789 C
Change that to the following:
pick 123 A
squash 789 C
pick 456 B
$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
fatal: Needed a single revision
invalid upstream HEAD~3
HEAD~3 should be the same as your suggestion of A~1. This parent does not exist because it is the very first commit in the entire commit history.
@Kevin that was a great documentary
git rebase -i --root then
@poke I probably should have given that to start since I'm use interactive rebase frequently.
Yeah, you didn’t provide a good MCVE here :P
my bad
hmm...yy doesn't seem to be working in vim in git bash on Windows ;-(
@Code-Apprentice It had good production quality for a tech video, but as is often the case it took its time to get to the point. 96 minutes is 94.5 minutes more than what my attention span can bear.
@Code-Apprentice works for me
@Kevin at least you are evolved beyond a gold fish
my only git action so far beyond comitting and pushing was rebasing a root
dd "cuts" a line, right?
so it should be on the clipboard buffer (or whatever vim calls it), right?
yah, yy isn't yanking it back out
"Back out"? yy yanks a line to buffer without deleting. p pastes.
as in pasting
sorry, bad wording on my part
oh! yank means copy
Other handy commands: yiw, diw, ciw, as in copy, cut, change inner word.
what is "inner word"?
or, s/i/a, and yank around word
like if you are on a variable name with CamelCase or snake_case?
ciw is the best
I've used cw before, but not ciw
no more bcw or something
you just plop wherever you are in a word
you can also use cip for change paragraph
oh...so you don't have to be at the beginning of the "word"
or cap, which will change including the line after your paragraph
Nah, just in the word
well, I'm just starting over with this. Gonna be easier than the rebase I was trying.
also, gj and gk if you've got wrap on and you want to actually go to the next "line" that's not the real next line
rather than $bb or whatever
Also the surround plugin is cool. cs({ and the like (change surrounding parentheses to curly)
So how does one decide when to release new versions of open source projects? I always feel like my releases are kinda small, but make the project a lot more usable (it's an end-user program in beta)
I decided I wanted to release Flask 0.13 during PyCon, then realized that I had no time and it was a ridiculous idea. So now I'm releasing it some time next week.
@DonyorM I release new versions when I add new stuff
cbg all o/
Still at PyCon, BTW.
So many pull requests.
Wow, long trip. Are your employers that generous with time for tech work?
@Wayne do you have any guideline for how much you do before you release? Would you release with one majorish feature?
Flask is a little bigger than my project :)
@DSM I get 5 weeks PTO a year, had to take time off and pay for everything myself. :-/
I've tried to convince them it would be good to send me there, but they weren't having it.
5 weeks is still pretty sweet. My sympathies are limited.
^ I second that, I only get 2 weeks for the year :(
Hope PyCon is treating you well David
You start at 2 weeks and go up a week each year until you hit 5.
Oh my company is just you have 2 weeks, even my team lead who has been here for the past 11 years only have 2 weeks, you can pay for vacations though.... which is weird
@DonyorM Depends on what you're doing. Personally? I'm happy to release every new feature that I complete.
I use semantic versioning, though, so that's helpful
whoever has a project named Kraken is the most motivated of all to release often
every. single. day.
2 hours later…
stackoverflow.blog/2017/05/23/… that fills me with surprise and delight

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