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07:00 - 17:0017:00 - 20:00

I said losing precision because in theory the result should be 10000000.0 (if you have mathematically perfect floating point operations)
But I guess it is not really correct; errors could be in either direction for each operation, and they happened to accumulate to a particular negative difference.
@IljaEverilä @AndrasDeak taken care of, thanks!
Slept early yesterday, as I was done with the mod job, so couldn't reply, sorry.
Sorry for pinging so late
Or early
Nah, tis fine. I think it was at 2AM. :p
Persistent bugger, that. It's sad that they had to take that route, as the problem turned out interesting after all.
Yeah, they should just have had some patience.
hi. i have 2 np.array: A has shape 100x100x2, and B has shape 100x100x1. Is there a fast implemented element-wise multiplication:

for i in range(0,100):
for j in range(0,100):
A[i,j,:] = A[i,j,:] * B[i,j]
@BhargavRao no worries:)
I realized it's probably past your bedtime
@MaksimSurov have you tried A*B?
if your B really is of shape (100,100,1), then it should work. If B is of shape (100,100) then you might need A*B[...,None].
rhubarb for now
Cbg o/
Quick one: What are people's thoughts on def assertCustom vs. def assert_custom() when it comes to writing custom unittest assertions?
Do we follow the terrible snakeCase because UnitTest does, or...
input:1->7 ,1->4 ,4->5 ,5->6 output:7->1->4->5->6 how to i code this? need of idea?.
@sasi Use a dictionary. If you want more specific help, please create a MCVE.
yeah, read input, construct a dictionary of source->dest, then find the one value in keys that is not in values, and start from that.
@IanClark I think what you mean is camelCase, because we_love_snake_case
unclear stackoverflow.com/questions/43135210/… This could be an interesting question, if it weren't so confusing. But as it is, it's incredibly unclear, lacking in code, and the OP has gone AWOL.
@AndrasDeak Valid - you going to chip in? hah
as for your question, I don't know:)
Just doing a code-review, and I always camelCase in order to be consistently inconsistent, but...
I don't do any tests, and I'm not a professional programmer, but I loathe camelcase
academic kind of loathing
I always use the one that the standard library of that language uses.
@IanClark Well, PEP-8 says to use snake_case for simple variable and function names, unless you need to conform with the style of existing code...
@AnttiHaapala so use the stdlib for python which iiiiiis? :P
so on python that is clearly snake_case, as it is on C; camelCase on java and javascript
and I have a hangover.
or perhaps OrderedDict doesn't count
just FYI.
@PM2Ring I was looking for an authoritative voice, interesting reference to PEP8, I'd read that as "use camelCase"
because of the "unless you need to..." statement
noooo PEP8 definitely doesn't say "use camelcase"
I know.
Well, the problem is that because of its origins, unitest itself uses camelCase.
Exactly, I understand that - so, which to use...
"Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility. "
I'd read that as "use snake_case"
Method Names and Instance Variables

Use the function naming rules: lowercase with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.
You understand my question?
I'm not asking for Python best practices
So to be consistent with the existing style in unittest you should use assertCustom. OTOH, using assert_custom makes it clearer to readers that it is a custom function and not one of the ones that come with the module. ;)
I'm saying should UnitTest based custom assertions conform to the camelCase approach as with the builtin assertTrues or, use snake_case
But feel free to ignore me, I don't use the unittest module. :)
@PM2Ring You haven't helped! hah - I prefer camelCase for assertions, but I also agree that differentiating is nice too
@IanClark also: don't use unittest, use py.test which is better. Victory.
py.test doesn't use camelCase
and it is rather good
Might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater in this case, hah
unittest just sucks
the camelCase there is a symptom.
it is a java api copied 1:1 into python.
@IanClark TBH, I don't feel comfortable saying "don't use snake_case" , but I do think code looks cleaner when it doesn't contain a mixture of style conventions. So if you're going to use unittest you might as well stick with its convention, and if anyone complains because you're not using snake_case, you can point them to PEP-8.
@PM2Ring MCVE means
@AnttiHaapala cough logging cough
@IljaEverilä well, another shit there.
Grrr. that guy just asked a new question instead of fixing the old one. stackoverflow.com/questions/43137959/…
cbg :)
How odd... This is the 3rd answer by the same guy. stackoverflow.com/a/43139109/4014959 Maybe he couldn't find the edit button...
@PM2Ring not at all, perhaps bad net
I've done that too
Really? One of the answers he deleted had a positive score. I don't know Pandas, but all of his answers look wrong to me, due to what he's saying about shadowing.
@Antti there's a magic link [edit] that probably works for answers too
let me test with one of your answers real quick
ok works
@PM2Ring adr_type_parent looks like something pandas so split should be something pandas, and anyway j.splitwill most certainly not be affected by importing what he says...
that one actually has an mcve, so I can test it
ah, I see. adr_type_parent is a series so j in the loop is indeed an str
who upvotes that?
OP's being slow too
Non related question: I took my broken Macbook to a repair shop and they told me the processor is screwed and would cost £300 to fix. So, I said no, and just plugged it in back home and it boots up but can only be displayed on an external display. That doesn't sound like a processer problem does it?
integrated graphics card?
Ehhh probably not. Did they tell you wh y they thought it was the processor?
I think that means that the graphics card is on the cpu
Its behaving weird. From the log in screen, keyboard/trackpad doesn't work. But once logged in, they work fine :s
although if the graphics card was broken I guess it wouldn't work on an external display either
It would have made more sense for them to indicate the mobo was broken not the processor. Did they have some kind of diagnostic tool or something?
You might consider taking it to apple care; I had a 2011 mbp that had the mobo go in 2015. I never had apple care on it. They charged me like $200USD and retroactively applied apple care to it and just sent me a new mbp
To be honest, they didn't fill me with much confidence. They only said, 'The processor is broken and it will cost x amount to fix'
one of the advantages of having an apple product is that you pay through the nose for average level hardware but they do have good customer service if that hardware breaks in my experience
When you say the kb/trackpad don't work, you mean that you log in with a usb kb/mouse or something?
Well, I took it to an Apple store 2 days after spilling the damn Dr Pepper on it... they diagnosed a fried HDD, motherboard and processor and told me that it would cost over £1000 to repair. But at that point, I wasn't getting any boot up from the mb
ohhh water damage, I didn't read up that far
Yeh I log in with an external, but as soon as its logged in, the mb keyboard/trackpad begins to work
@dipper I have a lenovo laptop,
it has water draining holes on bottom
I think if theres anything to take from today, is that Macbooks and Dr. Pepper don't react well
macs don't have them because cool people don't spill soft drinks on laptops
That's true; if it would have been a pumpkin spice latté you'd have been fine
just guess why I have a lenovo and not a macbook.
The battery is screwed on it also. It will only boot with the caple plugged in. I guess I could keep it hooked up to an external monitor and use it as a desktop
I keep turning it on expecting it to spontaniously fix itself. Didn't a wise man once call that insanity....
MacBooks can be finnicky about the battery. I can send a link in a minute. I know they don't do well without them installed...
mabye if yours got screwed up its causing your other issues too.
I've read some troubleshooting issues, and some people have said opening the mb, disconnecting and reconnecting the wires done the trick. I'm not going to do that though.
@AnttiHaapala I've actually seen that icon, I think
I did too, 5 minutes ago.
because I counted the holes on the underside.
@dipper You just need to find a guy like this
he has long form videos, but he does all these repairs that Apple is like, "Hey, how about buy a new mobo from us, mmmkay?"
I've stumbled across his page before now
lacks minimal understanding no MCVE / unlikely to help future readers stackoverflow.com/questions/43139614/…

So basically your MBP runs at like 50% power without a battery
Makes sense that they'd scale the cpu power back
\o cbg :D
Yeah, would also make sense kind of why your repair place said the processor was messed up. Given APple's track record with batteries (zdnet.com/article/apple-macbook-battery-exploded) I'd probably get that replaced as it's really the potentially dangerous part that you for sure know isn't working
Wonder if I could repair myself
Ah, its rated 'easy' on ifixit ;)
Probably depends on the tools you have available. Don't attempt to take it apart unless you specificlaly have the screwdriver size their screws have. I think its like 000 and 00. You'll gunk up the threads really easily on them without it and then you'd be unable to fix it more-or-less
But the battery is easily locatable on the MBPs. Its only held in by a few screws and from what I can tell, they buy their batteries from someone else anyway and then stamp Apple on them so you probably don't need an 'Apple' batter but just one that's compatible
Relatively cheap on Ebay as well
Just be careful who you buy from there; the one component that I'd really want to make sure was made right is the battery.
and I don't think lithium batteries ship across the big pond
perhaps only literally, in the floating sense
True. Does the keyboard/trackpad issue make sense to you guys?
Oh, and just realised the screen on the mb is visible, but barely.
I think its a bin job.
LED backlight is dead
I'm surprised that @AnttiHaapala hasn't commented on this C question ;)
@PM2Ring yea, it doesn't work
or it isn't C :D
Yeah. What this guy said.
@AndrasDeak is he shinning a light to the screen there?
Shin: verb
gerund or present participle: shinning

climb quickly up or down by gripping with one's arms and legs.
Going by the absence of motion blur, the light does not appear to be moving quickly up or down, so no
morning everyone
good morning kevin :D
@dipper The apple light on the back :)
airport lounge cbg
cbg antti
heading somewhere fun? or back from somewhere?
hes coming back. -run away- Hide all the Python 2 question from him. he mustn't know!
I reset the SMC and somehow FireVault was causing my keyboard to be disabled
Oh nice. I had a hell of a time with FileVault when I upgraded to whatever the last version of OSX was. Had to reinstall the OS.
I'm having some troubles with the wifi at the moment. Could that be something to do with disabling FireVault?
I definately need a new battery too. I have nothing running on the mb and ram is 73%
I'm reading this article, Thirteen Years of Bad Game Code, and the section "Data Binding" describes a system that's extremely similar to the thing I'm trying to implement in my own project.
This is probably a sign that I should think of a different way of doing this
Who knows with mac. I'd say a more plausble answer would be that since your processor sucks without a battery that you're machine isn't able to keep up with network speed
Do you think the lack of battery could also be the reason for such high ram usage?
@dipper yes, he is
the lcd itself is very dim, and there are leds that make it visible, that's what you can adjust with the appropriate buttons/settings
A little late, but SpaceX successfully reused a recovered rocket.
@davidism Was going to ask if that was a rocket to space or was it a missile....
@MooingRawr they're finally sending Bieber back to you
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is what we Bieber and the Great North's population is saying as the rocket is flying...
Let's get off this rock before someone nukes it into an uninhabitable tundra
Space-grown cabbage for all!
Random fact: A group of flamingos are called a flamboyance (or stand, colony, regiment), also a group of pugs is called a grumble.
\o cbg DSM :-)
cue 50 others :P
congress of baboons?
something similar
murder of crows, school of fish, etc
apparently the congress one is a hoax
wty I can't type today again
I've got the Fridays
Another random fact: Caterpillars have 4,000 muscles (compare humans, with 629).
Is this a right place to ask python questions?
Sure if you provide a MCVE
Although it depends on the type of question. Some questions are much better fits for the main site (a lot more eyes, more domain experts there, etc.)
When it comes to caterpillars I think the coolest think they can do is dissolve their own body and regrow it on the cellular level, with formidable new features
Ok thanks. Its not something very complicated. here this is the script i am using to find the square root of 10. For some reason its giving me RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp. Why is the loop not exiting when the elif statement evaluates true.
edit message, ctrl+k (or "fixed font" button") for code fomatting
^highlight the code then ctrl + k
not on firefox
ok its not working. Here is the pastebin link pastebin.com/KbaPbDrn
it works for me
>>> calc(3,10)
@AmitSingh If you're in Python 2, integer division truncates its result to an integer. (10+3/10)/2 equals (10 + 0) / 2 which equals 5.
are you using python....Kevin'd
and that's why nobody should say "python2 is a perfectly valid option still"
the default should be 3
The quickest solution is to convert one of the operands to a float. In your case, you could do sqrt= (guess+float(num)/guess)/2`
from __future__ import division
Oh! thanks a lot. I was using the preinstalled python 2.7. Works perfectly on 3 :)
@AmitSingh you can make it 2-3 polyglot by using the import in my previous message
that will make / behave like in python 3, and // will still be available for integer division if necessary
The worst part about maintaining Werkzeug is that there are a million RFCs and I'm not familiar with most of them.
For what it's worth, I'd be amazed if you were familiar with most of millions of RFCs;)
> Why is Chrome sending an attachment header to your Werkzeug server? Shouldn't that be the other direction? Not saying you're wrong, just curious.
Incidentally it seems unnecessary to use recursion here when iteration works just as well:
def calc(guess, num):
    while True:
        sqrt= (guess+float(num)/guess)/2
        if sqrt**2==num or abs(sqrt**2-num)<=e:
            return sqrt
        guess = sqrt

@AndrasDeak thanks a lot.
it's possible an exercise on recursion
You may have already discovered that Python has a smaller maximum recursion depth than most languages, so it pays to avoid super deep call stacks when possible
maybe it- kevin'd :(
I wish teachers would give assignments about recursion that can't be trivially replaced with iteration. Navigating a binary tree, for example.
Aside: abs(sqrt**2-num) <= e includes the sqrt**2==num condition, so there's no need for both.
I was just looking at some CS videos on you tube and their it was done using while loops.
"Reverse a string using recursion" just makes the student think "recursion is a pointless party trick, I can just to s[::-1]"
@Kevin Actually being able to "trivially convert to iteration" is a very good thing when studying.
Since those things are often easier to understand for humans.
Just checking that I'm not wrong: this is opinion based or belongs on security.se, right? stackoverflow.com/q/43140859
@Kevin: yeah, I think you're right. It's good to see cases where recursion is the better way to do things, not where it's just roughly equivalent.
I think the dupe adequately covers the only thing that can really be said about it that's not too broad or opinion.
Yeah, I don't think it's a good SO question. "It's factual, and both got pros and cons" is a giveaway, because there's unlikely to be one canonical set of weights to assign to those pros and cons.
@davidism Well without opening the dupe: there is merit in the question since a hash that is "safe enough for security purposes" is something that can be answered.
People keep upvoting it even though it's an underspecified question where the argument against it being opinion based is "it's not opinion based".
@paul23 that's what the dupe answers, about the one built in to Flask.
@davidism it's opinion based imo, and i also flagged it as recommend me before you hamemred it :\
I never understood why "each field" is getting it's own stackexchange site lol. Makes things hard to find and really splits apart expertises.
I couldn't disagree more. Or maybe I could, but I'd have to work at it.
@paul23 But having a clear justification for using an advanced technique when a seemingly simpler technique is available is also a good thing when studying. Which of these things is more better than the other is up to the individual studier, I suppose.
Well just the other day I saw a question on aviation.stackexchange.com about why boeing and airbus have such different methods of aircraft handling. - Now I noticed apparently that site is only filled with pilots and aircraft enthusiasts the answers given were really generic and non useful. The ones who could actually provide this answer (engineers) are simply not a member of that site - they are already busy on other parts of stackexchange.
That's like saying you saw a bunch of questions on Stack Overflow with low quality answers and concluded that there's no professional programmers here.
Also, people can be active on more than one site. See: a bunch of regulars in this room.
@Kevin Well I still remember being "thrown in the dark" and just told to make mergesort (or quicksort) using recursion. Wasn't fun at all.
airliner cbg :P
I was about to answer a question, noticed it was Python 2, and moved on. This new policy of mine will save much time.
@AnttiHaapala how appropriate
hmm the net is rather sh*tty tho
Well I've seen lots of those things happen on the smaller SE sites. Like more often than not 90% of the accepted answers on those sites are just too generic as answer and lacking detail. Heck the fact that the answers are of such low quality on the smaller sites gave me a "can't be bothered" feeling and I just moved on.
For example above question I *could* answer, however I would have to search several documents (I have at least the knowledge where to find it) taking a few days to answer it.
google thinks I am in Germany :D
Saying "it's not opinion based" does not make it not opinion based. Comparing pros and cons is unbounded, which also makes the question too broad. And you've specified NaCL as an alternative, but why? Why not OpenSSL? Or another cryptography library? What if one of those is better? That's unbounded too. The most that can be said is that the built-in method is secure for storing passwords, unless your requirements say otherwise, which only you can evaluate. — davidism 9 secs ago
If the answers were really unsatisfactory, why did the OPs accept them?
There, hopefully that covers why it should stay closed.
anw, there now, I've joined SoPython MHC.
I'd rather stand :/
this 737 has the most uncomfortable seats ever...
I've decided to watch season 1 of the show I accidentally watched the second season of, thinking it was the first season. I wondered how many of the things I already know about were supposed to be persistent mysteries and/or shocking revelations, whose dramatic impact would be ruined for me. I'm halfway through and so far the total is 3.
what show?
@Kevin wow, you watched the entirety of Chaika S2 first?
Well, at least you're not halfway through the first episode ;)
I think it works better left as a mystery.
Luckily, I think the first season was pretty good about just introducing things without laborious explanation either.
Oh, he's already admitted it. Well, that's no fun.
@davidism Yeah. Crunchyroll's UI confused me because the episode list for season 2 is in plain view, and the list for season 1 is only visible after clicking the little expand arrow.
CR's interface for multi-season is awful.
IIRC neither of the season titles have numbers in them, so nothing in the name "Chaika: Avenging Battle" tipped me off that it wasn't the original
I'm still enjoying it despite knowing how it's all going to turn out. It's the journey, not the destination
hmm gonna take a nap, rbrb
Just last night I was thinking of how bold it would be to have a movie called "[Some name] 1". Like some romcom which called itself "Offbeat Sunflowers 1".
@DSM I'll let Tristan know that it should be "Nerd Cop 1"
About as bold as calling the first movie "Star Wars: Episode IV"
OpenSSL is a "general-purpose cryptography library", NaCl is a cryptography oriented library and already belongs to my dependencies, but if there is a better alternative than NaCl I'm In as well. You said it's secure: does it manage salt and pepper? Checksum? If no then I better use NaCL (or something else) if yes then they are equivalent. That's not broad, that's factual. — mel 1 min ago
The saga continues.
That's one saga I don't want to go down :D
What's hilarious is that the comment is accurate, except it's totally orthogonal to their question, so, there's that
Perhaps it would be pertinent to give a gentle reminder that a question can be both factual and too broad at the same time
guys I dislike my current project :|
@Kevin That's roughly what I told the OP
@corvid sadness
What do you dislike about your project?
Honestly I think the question should be left alone at this point. OP is not going to suddenly realize the error of his ways.
@Kevin just don't feel any ownership over it, and don't feel "proud" of it... feel no personal investment, basically
Legacy project, or new?
completely new
@DSM No, probably not. I'm (probably) done after my comment
I have similar feelings towards the completely new project I worked on... The timetable was too constrained for me to put many fun touches on it
So I understand how that can be a frustrating experience
yeah just can't wait to be done with this one and forget about it
Can't all be winners.
Suppose your employer adopted a Google-esque policy of "start a project based on whatever you'd like, even if it has no obvious commercial value". What would you pick?
My very best idea I can't mention here because it might actually be commercially viable and I don't want anybody to steal it, even though there's only about a 1% chance I'll ever devote serious time to it, and a net 0.01% chance anything would ever come of it. :-P
I'd encourage you to pursue it, but only because it costs me nothing and I want a 0.01% chance of being associated with a startup champion
Follow your dreams, if it's economically feasible to do so
Well you were right. Last night, I couldn't find a word. Today, I don't know which to pick! — TheWanderer yesterday
good times
Follow your dreams, and if it's economically silly, just make ridiculous amounts of money so that you can go to Mars, or whatever Google, Elon Musk, & co are working on these days
killer robots in outer space
Should have let it go, got a downvote on my answer on the duplicate.
That seems like a new question.
The first part is really close to an answer. It ends of with a new question.
As a answer it's really low quality though. What is "a bit smarter"? What was changed? There's no actual explanation, it's just a code dump.
Haha, the bounty reason is "I like the answer from Bas Swinckels."
Ah! The answer is perhaps aiming for the bounty.
Poor @MartijnPieters, @ZeroPiraeus misclicks the first bounty, someone else scoops up the next two. :-)
Oops, you got really lucky in that Zero awarded the bounty to you by mistake! Since this cannot be undone, congrats on your lucky break! :-) — Martijn Pieters ♦ Dec 29 '14 at 22:20
My heart bleeds for him.
@Kevin I would like to play around with 3D graphics, VR, and a 3D camera in particular because those are interesting technologies
Heya guys! I've been trying to run a script a friend of mine runs on his Mac quite well and I just can't get it to run on my own
I've researched and I haven't found a single person that has had the same error I do
Is it okay to post an imgur link here ?
Help would be extremely appreciated!
@LuísCarvalho welcome, please read our room rules sopython.com/chatroom
Also, images aren't very helpful compared to code.
@davidism Thanks a lot, I'll read them :)
I completely understand it isn't. The fact is since my friend is being able to run it on his own PC I'm guessing this has something to do with my modules not being loaded properly or something.
We can't know unless you provide a minimal, complete, and verifiable example, which an image is not.
@BhargavRao I love how he tries to validate his answer is just as good and deserves it :D
Yup, that was fun.
I read it, and I was like: "no.... oh you didn't... oh you did... you went there?..... really?... that's the point you're trying to raise...but....sigh I give up..."
@davidism paste.ofcode.org/AWN69FMA6QnAZhs8NgvhkS - pasted it here, is that a good option ? That's my original script
@davidism This is the error I'm encountering - imgur.com/PRhZUg7
Luis, you don't need to ping someone every line you type....
I am sorry @MooingRawr, I'll stop doing that from now on
I'm new around here
Python 2! Time for lunch. ;-)
Why would you curse us !??!?! T.T
Sorry :(
I can't use Python 3 for mechanize, doesn't support it
This isn't supposed to be a code error though, as I've said the script does work
@LuísCarvalho could always use selenium instead :)
Thank you for the suggestion Wayne but truly if I've had this much trouble installing three modules and getting a Python script running most likely installing selenium would make things even harder :/
@LuísCarvalho stackoverflow.com/q/38470614/344286 looks like that same issue
also, requests may be a different option that works better, too
and it does support Python3 ;)
@WayneWerner thank you, I'll look into that issue and try solving it using the proposed solutions
Thank you for all the help. I'm not exactly a coder though, a friend of mine coded this for me and it does work for him, it just isn't working on my Mac.
Just trying to get it to work :(
If a question is just tagged with "Python", and there's nothing in the code that gives away the version, do you guys answer with Python 3 code, Python 2 code, or Cross-compat code?
I used to try to write cross-compat code, but I've realised that better solutions often exist with stuff that is only avail in Python 3
so now I'm starting to just write Python 3, and not bother to mention when it's not compatible with ancient versions of the language ...
feels very liberating
you don't even provide a caveat emptor?
I used to ...
I just answer with Python 3 now, although it doesn't really come up a lot in Flask.
now I intentionally don't
I want "Python" to just mean "Python 3.2+" and if anyone needs Python 2 they have to explicitly mention it
I don't think anyone tries to support 3.2 anymore.
too generous?
3.7 and be the Beta male :D
wow, I'm browsing Python 1 sources
os.py module is 70 lines long! :)
everything is indented with tabs
Proof that tabs are the master spacing :D
actually not everything, some core lib is spaces too, and bisect.py is a mixture of tabs and spaces :D
This could obviously be fixed, but my current dislike of tabs is that "show whitespace" in editors is way more distracting for tabs than spaces.
Witness my pain. It's ok, I'll be back on a Python project soon.
@BhargavRao Personally, I think it qualifies as a (poor) answer; the question at the end is as much an admission of its quality as anything else.
arrows looks better than .'s :(I perfer your arrows
line 19
This is XML describing a Java application. ;_;
Never thought of using XML to describe source code (classes and such).... huh
@davidism I had a similar reaction :-) I'm in a bit of a bounty-awarding mood since passing 20k, so it's been on my mind to rectify the misclick … but for the moment I'm concentrating on bounty awards that purely coincidentally attract attention to answers of my own that might push me over the edge to the silver badge.
@MooingRawr That's because you're relatively sane. To be fair, the Java version was even worse.
the only thing I thought of XML was the parent of JSON, in some cartoon-y adorable fashion, where XML would raise JSON to be a certain way. But being young and having things handed to him, JSON grew egotistic, and thus not respecting the elders such as UNIX and what not. :D
Offered :-)
that's the earned tab
you earned almost twice as many as me, and only at 20k
that's impressive
I keep meaning to go through the canonical Flask answers that I use for dupes and putting bounties up, but the psychological toll of losing rep is difficult to break.
think of them as a sort of downvote? doing the site justice or something idk...
it's not losing rep
it's spending rep
@davidism It's a very cheap way of feeling good about yourself (unless your local bodega accepts rep, in which case getting drunk is better).
why offer a bounty on a question that you yourself have an answer for?
you can't award it to yourself, afaik ...
Apparently, the Ghost in the Shell film is "OK", as opposed to the hype it was getting. Debating going to see it. Some of the visuals look great, other scenes look awful compared to their original animation.
1. Because the other answer was good and deserves credit.
2. Bounties attract attention. Attention sometimes results in upvotes.
oh, right
@davidism I'm going to see it with some friends this weekend, if u dont end up deciding I can let you know if it's worth imo...
tbh im not a fan of live action films :\
I don't have time to see it this weekend, so let me know.
I just saw what you wrote above, you need 10 upvotes for
07:00 - 17:0017:00 - 20:00

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