I got here, still need to capture the special second line
>>> re.findall(r'(?P<def>[A-Z]+):(?P<remainder>.*(?![A-Z]+:))', test_string) [('INFO', ' this is the test text'), ('SOURCE', ' source field'), ('DESCRIPTION', ' test description')]
@AshishNitinPatil Nicely done. I think the second line doesn't get captured because "." doesn't match newlines by default. But there's a flag for that, I think
print(re.findall(r'(?P<def>[A-Z]+):(?P<remainder>.*(?![A-Z]+:))', test_string, re.DOTALL))
#Result: [('INFO', ' this is the test text\nSOURCE: source field\nsecond line\nDESCRIPTION: test description')]
Well, for what it's worth, this seems to be a classic regex problem [<patter><not-the-pattern>]+ which I am unable to find the right keywords for. There has to be a solution for this out there on the internet.
test_string = '''\
INFO: this is the test text
another line
SOURCE: source field
second: line
third line
DESCRIPTION: test description'''
data = []
for line in test_string.splitlines():
if line[0].islower():
data[-1] += '\n' + line
dct = dict(row.split(': ', 1) for row in data)
for t in dct.items():
('INFO', 'this is the test text\nanother line')
('SOURCE', 'source field\nsecond: line\nthird line')
('DESCRIPTION', 'test description')
I don't know how well DOTALL plays with ? which I think you'd need to add..
You could try reversing the logic, I guess, and instead of trying to findall, try to split. Something like
In [162]: parts = re.split("([A-Z]+:)", s)
In [163]: dict(zip(parts[1::2], parts[2::2]))
{'DESCRIPTION:': ' test description',
'INFO:': ' this is the test text\n',
'SOURCE:': ' source field\nsecond line\n'}
but you'd need to make sure you were only splitting on the start of lines somehow, and I'm out of practice with regex..
Yeah, we figured out a split-based solution a while back, but I was hoping a findall solution existed, so we wouldn't have to manually split the results into 2-element-tuples.
and by "probably the way to go" I mean "probably the way to go if you are dead-set on using regex" because two other people also came up with a non-regex solution, so we can't say ours is best because we both thought of it
My work notebook is a Dell and its battery life is amazing. My personal notebook is (I think-- can't remember) also a Dell and its battery life is amazingly bad. Who can say?
Yeah, I'm not mad my charger fell apart after that long. That's reasonable. Eight months of good battery life followed by five years and four months of terrible battery life is not reasonable, however.
If you're about to say "ah, you can't leave it plugged in constantly, because that overcharges it. You have to keep it from overcharging or discharging by toggling its plugged/unplugged state every three hours, including at night", I'm going to be mad
def augmentor_batch_iterator(self, data, y, batchsize, model):
Data augmentation batch iterator for feeding images into CNN.
rotate all images in a given batch between -10 and 10 degrees
random translations between -10 and 10 pixels in all directions.
random zooms between 1 and 1.3.
random shearing between -25 and 25 degrees.
randomly applies sobel edge detector to 1/4th of the images in each batch.
randomly inverts 1/2 of the images in each batch.
@Kevin I also came up with an iter-based solution, but it's rather ungainly.
it = iter(test_string.splitlines())
data, row = [], []
for line in it:
for line in it:
if line[0].islower():
row = [line]
dct = dict(row.split(': ', 1) for row in data)
@clickhere Hmmm. I guess that's acceptable, but you could do datetime.datetime.now().year % 100 to get it as an int. If you want a string you can use strftime with the %y format spec.
Multiple layers of indirection, but just verify the arguments? (print(img), print(tf), print(output_shape), print(mode)). Or if the printing is unbearable large, print(type(img)) etc.
@Ahadaghapour I know this is a language thing, so I just want to note that "I want help" comes across as a bit needy :)
Judging by your questions here yesterday and today I think you do well in trying to use any help others give you, and you listen to what people tell you (unlike many people who come here for help). So I'm aware that you didn't mean that in a needy way.
She responded better than I would have, I think. At least she moved, I'd probably just sit there thinking "well, I had a good run", expecting my imminent demise.
if re.match(self.prog_main, line) is None:
if re.match(self.prog_side, line) is None:
if re.match(self.prog_line, line) is None:
# ...
self.loading_main = False
self.loading_main = False
self.loading_main = True
Well can't edit, but accidentally removed one line of the innermost else too many (it also sets another flag there)
So basically I have "3 cases", with 2 variables for "flags" - if case 1 matches (ignore rest!): self.loading_main = true , if case 2 matches, **and** case 1 doesn't: `self.loading_main = false`, if case 3 matches **and** 1 & 2 don't: `self.loading_main = false, self.line_found = true`
oh wait, I should just violate the single return position and return after checking each one.
Still bad to have multiple returns, but probably better than above.
There's also this one but it's mainly about in chaining http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38296689/where-in-the-python-docs-does-it-allow-the-in-operator-to-be-chained
that's all I've got (doesn't mean there isn't a better one)
@AndrasDeak Problem is: regex matches "might be slow" (they are each trying to match against a full webpage to be used for scraping, and if all fail it can obviously be slow. This can be done without the user knowing, since the "website visual complexity" and "html code length" have very little to do with each other). But that is indeed a good idea.
I feel like the single return policy is more relevant in languages that don't have try-except-finally and context managers. There, it's a pain to have multiple returns because you have to duplicate your cleanup code. But that's not an issue in Python.
Like, clearly this is a drag
file = open(filename)
if a:
return foo
if b:
return bar
Fortunately, we can do
with open(filename) as file:
if a:
return foo
if b:
return bar
I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in the SE ecosystem because someone gave the "abab", "abba" mapping to help the guy see it and it's recent enough it's still in my associational memory. :-)
@EmilioMBumachar Try replacing ( with a and ) with b. Is abab a palindrome? No, it would have to be abba. Then ()() isn't a palindrome either; it would have to be ())(. — DLoscFeb 20 at 6:40
Ha! Ha! Not senile yet! Take that, genetics which suggest I'm very likely to suffer early-onset memory disorders which I occasionally see very frightening symptoms of!
@DSM Try crossword puzzles - I've heard tell that if you do them a bunch you won't suffer from Alzheimers. Then again that could have just been an old great-aunt's tale.
what is the reason behind: TypeError: function() argument after ** must be a mapping, not generator? (I'm interested in the design decision, implemention limitation, etc.) Eg.
Permitting yielded pairs for a **kwarg seems like something that they could allow if there was demand for it, but there isn't much demand for it, so they haven't allowed it
they have to decide what the error message will be like if the generator yields something other than a pair, they have to decide what to do if it yields the same key twice, blah blah ...
Bit of a chicken and egg problem, there... It might be a feature that everyone would use if it existed, but since it doesn't exist, there aren't many people that would come up with the idea out of nothing
@wim yes and no -- it is a syntactic sugar, a baked one, but, in most of the time it elevates your thinking into higher levels: basically you are not using indices anymore for example
Unrelated: the third party regex module has recursive capabilities, so it can match things that ordinary regexes can't match, like "some number of A's, followed by the same number of B's". I wonder if it's capable of matching arbitrary context free grammars, and I wonder if it can do so in a reasonable amount of time.
>>> regex.match("(?R)(?R)|a", "aaa")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Programming\Python 3.5\lib\site-packages\regex.py", line 252, in match
concurrent, partial)
_regex_core.error: too much backtracking
ok, so it chokes trying to match the grammar S => SS | 'a'
But interestingly has no trouble with S => 'a' | SS
... Although it only bothers to match the first character and call it quits
If you do self.future = (some integer) anywhere, don't do that. It's hard to get more specific than that without seeing your whole code. — Kevin3 mins ago
@wim I did it on my own, from sketch without any libs/frameworks, but unfortunately the sketchandprototype part has a serious bug which needs to be fixed, but I just don't have the time for it
yeah, I searched for a gig when I was in budapest recently, but unfortunately it did not seem like they were playing anywhere much and I couldn't find anything
btw, if you are interested: "besh o drom" is a word joke, it is the english pronounciation of the hungarian word "besodrom" which means "I'm twisting", "I'm flowing"
My theory is either "that language just has words with capital letters at the end sometimes" or "band names look better when they're symmetrical, so capital first letter requires capital last letter"
> The band was formed in Budapest in August 1999. The large, Budapest-based band employs a Romany title in the Lovari dialect (Besh o droM means ’sit on the road’ literally), but its real meaning is ’follow your path, get on with it’. It is also wordplay in Hungarian meaning ’I am rolling...’ (a cigarette).
Not really abt Python, but doesn't Joel Spolsky blog have a list of articles for new dev, old dev, managers, etc.? With his new blog layout there isn't such a list anymore.
My google-fu is failing me. Is there a way to configure the system to show a FutureWarning each time (instead of only giving a warning the the first time?)