I'm more of a "invent your own wheel" guy, so it doesn't cause much trouble for me
Can't have a conflict between multiple installed versions of a library if you never install any libraries. [guy tapping his head to indicate a cunning plan dot png]
every week I have a situation wherein I can choose between writing a library for 1 months or installing an existing one and writing code for it for 1 hour.
I'll cop to that. The vast majority of my projects clock in at under a thousand lines of code. If I ever write a centa-kilo-line monster, I'll be happy to put it in a sequestered environment all to itself.
Sigh, yet another if-else in a for loop antipattern post. I'm getting increasingly tempted to write a canonical post for these so I can go on a hammering spree.
vast majority of my python use is for basic web stuff (selenium, mechanize, requests, beautifulsoup), number theory stuff (mpmath, numpy, scipy, sympy, etc), visualizations and simulations (matplotlib, PIL, etc) -- but despite all this I've never run into dependency hell
And I guess using virtual envs doesn't completely eliminate dependency hell, since you may want to use conflicting packages in the one project. But at least it lets you install multiple conflicting packages on the one system.
To be fair: I think one should start "off" by looping manually if you are learning how to program. Since it better shows the inherent complexity of certain parts of code. any and the likes can hide this.
And considering python is many people's first step into programming it's hard to give a "one size fits all" answer there.
@AnttiHaapala To be frank with numpy I can enumerate over any n-dimensional the array. But numpy's iterator interface is.... Kind of awkard to use, having to look up a lot of functions on "how to write the correct enumerator".
I have been working through code academy and I'm on the chapter of lists. At the end I have to make a battleship program. There is an extra credit assignment at the end that I knew I had to force myself to do as you only learn programming by practice. I have been working off and on it for about a week and I've come to about some wits end on it. I simply cannot get the ships represented properly on the gameboard (which is really just a bunch of nested lists)
I was told to write out exactly what I'm trying to achieve to do this and I did so below:
@Tokencodingnewbie I think the primary issue is where you wrote "I do not just want to receive an answer with code and barely any explenation. I want to be taught." Now, that's certainly an admirable attitude and I congratulate you for not just wanting to be handed ready-made code. But this puts an additional burden on answerers because there's no single objective answer that they can be certain will elicit a positive response.
Stack Overflow excels at providing concrete answers to concrete questions, and tends to flounder when one ventures into more "teach me to <thing>" territory
sorry to get in the conversation i just wanted to ask...when i have a selectable list in python can i make it click each option every x seconds with threading?
Everybody learns differently and any prospective answerers don't know enough about you to be sure what kind of approach would be effective. I'm reminded of my own attempts earlier this month to explain De Morgan's Laws using an ASCII chart, which I thought would be a slam dunk, but some people needed a little more coaxing after that.
You can do whatever you want with your question. You should probably review the help center first though, I doubt any form of that question will be on topic.
It's way too broad as it stands. Demonstrate a specific problem with an MCVE and single question.
To be fair, @Tokencodingnewbie was advised in this room to post a question on the main site. But we assumed that the question would conform to SO standards, like posting a mcve. I guess in this situation it would be OK to link to pastebin for the whole program, since it's rather large, and only include a mcve that focuses on a single problem in the question itself.
@SohaibAsif Please revise the rules -> sopython.com/chatroom and just ask your question. If it is on-topic, interesting, or easily answerable, it might be given attention.
Alright, I'll try better. I just wanted to make my point that I want to learn and not be just thrown some code with a vague explanation. Maybe it was too much to ask? But I will redo it and repost it later.
OTOH, he was also told that there's a lot of repetition in that code, and it'd be a lot smaller and easier to read and debug if that repetition was eliminated in accordance with DRY principles.
@paul23 Yeah, but you have a bit of a track record of writing slightly odd code. ;) Your recent post about using Python loops on Numpy arrays is a case in point.
Just tracked down a mysterious problem with someone's code to someone else's bug in that their database doesn't seem to accept strings with two periods together for some reason in one particular column. (?)
@davidism, I caught the first episode of Chaika last night. Looks pretty interesting. I appreciate that they aren't afraid to present the viewer with an exotic setting without immediately explaining everything.
I have great faith in you, @Tokencodingnewbie. Despite current difficulties, I sense that you have a conscientiousness that will keep you properly oriented during your journey of learning.
I think the specification describes it as actually using IP, but the implementation I remember seeing on Youtube just used them to courier flash drives full of files.
In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is a humorously intended proposal to carry Internet Protocol (IP) traffic by birds such as homing pigeons. IP over Avian Carriers was initially described in RFC 1149, a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) written by D. Waitzman and released on April 1, 1990. It is one of several April Fools' Day RFCs.
Waitzman described an improvement of his protocol in RFC 2549, IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service (1 April 1999). Later, in RFC 6214 released on 1 April 2011, and 13 years after the i...
> Rafting photographers already use pigeons as a sneakernet to transport digital photos on flash media from the camera to the tour operator.[7] Over a 30-mile distance, a single pigeon may be able to carry tens of gigabytes of data in around an hour, which on an average bandwidth basis compares very favorably to current ADSL standards, even when accounting for lost drives.[8]
^This is the implementation I was thinking of.
But I see that there has also been a demonstration of actual use of IP, despite the ridiculous inefficiency
In Ask Ubuntu chat, there are some users (e.g. cl-netbox and Thomas Ward) of which the user icon is recently displaying wrongly most of the time:
cl-netbox' icon on all sites id a blue square with the white letters cl. It shows up this way in the user list on the right and even in the popup ...
Other than the obvious solution of "find a way to display notifications on Windows, and choose between that way and the one you already have, based on the system information available to you via the sys module"
I don't think pynotify is for creating notifications that pop up in your task bar or whatever. I think it's for "implementing Observer programming pattern. These tools include signals, conditions and variables", according to its webpage.
The ambiguity here is in the double meaning of "notification", which can mean either an OS-level action that makes a text balloon appear, or a programming design pattern used to ferry information from one part of your project to another. The two have nothing to do with one another.
As a notification, presumably... Although this isn't super user-friendly design. IIRC the Windows design standard suggests that notifications only be used for "actionable" events, such as "click here to install important updates".
You don't want a situation that goes like: User: <happily working along> OS: Notification: it is 72 degrees outside. User <irritated at the interruption>: ... Yes, and? What do you want me to do about it?
Indeed, I'm not sure how a temperature notification would work in practice. Do you send a notification every time the temperature changes? Do you send one every minute on the minute? Any way you do it seems hugely distracting
Or maybe what you're actually asking for is some kind of desktop widget that sits in a static place on your screen, continuously updating itself, rather than a text balloon that appears and gradually vanishes over the course of several seconds