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HI. Can anyone tell me why print 'Converted {0}'.format(srt_file) is invalid syntax in python3?
I tried to use backticks there, did not work
got it ()
2 hours later…

Why am I getting ValueError: empty range for randrange() (0,0, 0) with this code?
ok ignore that
Somehow a big chunk of my code is gone might be the problem
.. so there's nothing to look at now?
not sure let me check
Yeah false alarm
The code that filled the lists was gone for some reason?
Cabbage :-)
1 hour later…
I have been using a nested list to make an x-y axis for battleship for days. Everytime I think I figure out why it isn't working I find a combination of numbers that just breaks it. It seems as if I have completely fucked the logic up and maybe I didn't understand it like I thought


There is the code if someone can look at it, yes, I know it's horrible, but if someone could take the time and maybe walk me through it. I don't normally want to just beg for code and attention like this but I've put so much effort into it that I just need a little mentoring to get
(see full text)
@Tokencodingnewbie I suggest refactoring to reduce the duplication in your code.
oh lol...
I'm not sure what I can refactor into what.
I'm too lazy to type the whole word.
@Tokencodingnewbie your code looks like there is a lot of copying and pasting with some changes for each variation.
anyone knows about angular
This is the Python room.
You might have better luck in the JS room
@Code-Apprentice Yeah it is, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the logic for some reason.
@Tokencodingnewbie I suggest you turn off your computer and get a pen and paper. Describe the logic needed in words. Don't worry about Python at all. Just describe it in English, or whatever language you are most comfortable with.
Alrighty, my gf just woke up so I'll do it when I'm free.
are you placing the boats or are you to the point of playing the game and checking for hits and misses?
hey guys
im doing some python regex
dont get what does the parenthesis () do for </p>
@Code-Apprentice That is for placing the boats.
@MingYu It is a capture.
every room other than this room is lame
i actually want to capture a match that either ends in </p> or </span>`
not sure why you would want to do that in this context. A capture allows you to reference what was matched...but you already know what it was.
Can i do this?
but it doesnt work though.
Of course...not sure if it does what you want
only this works
The biggest problem is that you are trying to parse HTML with regex...
HTML is not a regular language
whats wrong
but regex is used alot for html isnt it?
by those who don't know what they are doing...
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

what should i use then?
To fully parse html, you need a Push Down Automata or a full-blown parser (recursive decent, LLR, LALR, etc.)
@Tokencodingnewbie feel free to ping me after you have written some words, like a suggested. I'll be up for a while tonight.
My gf will take probably all my time tonight shes a nurse so she has weird hours.
https request responds with status code 0
in angular js
using $https.get
every language except python sucks
@Code-Apprentice how to judge which is the most performant tool for html parsing
also, is there any difference using python, javascript, perl, php?
@MingYu by profiling
Rule of thumb: make something that works first. Worry about performance second.
im sure people must have done bench marks before.
i've actually used DOM javascript before.
I thought you were talking about writing your own parser.
the issue is regex allows me to generalise somewhat based on different html. using DOM, i'm at the mercy of using div tags and classes
how can i write my own parser? never thought of that before. is that the better way?
"never thought of that before"? Isn't that what the regex is for?
The "better way" completely depends on what your purposes are.
i want to get news articles @Code-Apprentice
without having to keep on changing the div or class tags to suit each site
well, the moral of the story is that you cannot parse HTML with regex.
you will need to find another way. I'm sure there are lots of HTML parsers out there that you can use.
I can't compare two arrays with == in JShit
what a shame
alright. thanks for the advice @Code-Apprentice :)
no operator overloading
why doesnt this work?
str1 = "The dog jumped over the fence"
str2 = "The man jumped over the wall"
pattern1 = re.compile(r"""
	""", re.VERBOSE)
result = re.findall(pattern1, str1)
i get
i should get The dog jumped over the fence
[A-Za-z," ]+word[A-Za-z," ]+
the same pattern should work for both str1 and str2
@MingYu do you have to use findall?
if not what is a suitable alternative?
becuase the str is in a large block of text
Ah, okay
Then maybe you can try something like (.*?(?:dog|man).*?fence)
yeah. think will try that :)
btw, how can i implement lookahead. eg: if string ahead matches, then continue, else stop
Can sb help me with python twisted?
I'm trying to serve a static image with a dynamically generated page.
Hey @PM2Ring [ : How are you holding up [ : ?
Hi @random I'm a bit shaky, but hanging in there. Mum's condition seems about the same, and her mood is good, but it's not fun seeing her in this state. She might improve a little, or she could go any day now. :~(
I decided I need to do some normal SO / Python stuff just to give myself a break from dwelling on the situation with Mum.
A few hours ago I had a look at some questions on my phone but they were all horrible. ;)
what happened to your mum? sounds serious @PM2Ring
@MingYu Yes, it's serious. She has big problems with her lungs and heart. She's been in Intensive Care for several days and she probably won't be coming out of hospital.
@PM2Ring I am really sorry to hear this, man. You're all with her, I'm sure it does make her feel better
@randomhopeful Yeah, she loves seeing us all. OTOH, when we're there she won't stop talking, and talking uses up energy and oxygen. So we have to keep telling her to shut up and rest. :) Yesterday, she amazed the nurses by singing a scale (she was a professional jazz singer in her youth, and has often led church choirs since then), and repeated the performance when I was there with one of my sisters (who's also a singer). While Mum was singing her oxygen levels went up.
@PM2Ring That is amazing [ : She must be ecstatic to have you all.
And it's nice to be there for her, but it is also rather painful for us. Dad's been there almost 12 hours a day. He's pretty tough, but you can see the strain it's putting on him.
@PM2Ring I hear ya :(
But anyway, I really need to try and distract myself from this stuff for a little while...
if only there was a room on the internet full of strange and weird people :)
Wow... TIL that David Tennant did the voice for Scrooge McDuck
2 hours later…
Hey @AnttiHaapala [ :
now hating: cmd.py, but only a little
now hating: laptop keyboards
@AnttiHaapala looks like you've got one step missing: Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering. :p
@Antti Are those related? What did cmd.py do to your keyboard?
no, these are not related :D
I am using an utterly awful compaq right now as the second laptop, with pg up, pgdn next to enter, and stupid arrow keys - basically every time I hit enter, I also hit pg down or up, or both.
it is because on any other laptop keyboard the right arrow is aligned with enter, not on this.
and cmd.py - the idea is sound, it is just those little things... that really mean I want to rewrite it all from scratch
because basically in every single project I am monkeypatching half of the implementation anyway
the one thing that I am surprisingly not hating is flask :P
I didn't want to use pyramid for one file embedded webapp
if thats a situation (flask I mean) you should try something else, to stay on track :p
maybe bottlepy would be more annoying, try
@AnttiHaapala my macbook has no pg up/pg down
what's this tellows from UK? :P
Just realized that 330 people have got the py gold badge. o_o
Umm... thought it was more
hello, i'm trying to make faster downloads. I used wget to dowload a file from ftp and then i discovery aria2 and axel but i'm getting the same amount of time, and sometimes wget is faster. Is this normal?
Hey guys,
@1pati2 That doesn't sound like a Python question.
I just answered my own question :)
@PM2Ring sorry i'm doing this inside a python script and i forgot, you are right :)
I'm struggling with distributing my apps/packages in intern and I am the only "developer" in the company... (I'm not a developer at all). Any less experty guide than alexanderwaldin.github.io/packaging-python-project.html would help me
@Wli whats not working
@1pati2 Oh, ok. You should've mentioned that. :) Using multiple connections to accelerate downloading doesn't always give a speed increase: it depends on network traffic, and on the server you're downloading from.
@PM 2Ring Oh ok, thank you very much :) i didn't know that, any suggestion to speed up the process?
get better internet connection
@1pati2 Well, there's not much you can do if the bottleneck is on the server. So if you need to do a lot of downloads from a particular server you need to find out if they impose download restrictions. If they don't provide docs with that info, then all you can do is run your own timing tests.
ok, thank you very much @PM2Ring :)
@Wli Have you read the info about packaging in the official docs. It's a bit overwhelming, and you shouldn't expect to understand it all on the first read through, but having some familiarity with it will be valuable in understanding stuff like that tutorial on GitHub that you linked to. Are you using Git for version control of your project?
@marxin for now, nothing isn't working as I haven't tried to distribute production computers. Actually I did only "dirty" work: installed anaconda as if I was going to develop on the computer and added the package to PYTHONPATH. But I want to use setuptools
@PM2Ring thanks. I have checked the official docs, not so digestive. I'm using bitbucket for version control, yes
@Wli are you sure you want to create package, or you just want to start a project with some dependencies?
@Wli Ok. So at the least you need to have read this. There's probably not much point reading the official distutils docs, but instead read about Packaging and Distributing Projects in the Python Packaging User Guide.
@marxin What is the difference? I'm actually thinking of going public with one package (github) that handles a measurement machine. The two other ones are actually loops that update an sql database on a regular basis using data from the measurement machine.
@Wli yeah if you want to go public on github then do it this way
this guide you sent seems to be fine, try to go step by step and see if it works
@marxin what do you call a "project" then?
if you would do something for your own, its fine to just put requirements.txt file in the directory and start calling it project
and then how would you "install" the project to another machine and call the project functions from a script on this other machine?
manually modify the PYTHONPATH?
if you want to distribute it as a package and install it as dependency to different project, then do it this way (create a package)
Manually modifying the path is a recipe for headaches. Just make a package and then pip install from the file.
Wish-I-could-go-back-to-bed cabbage for all!
@DSM ok, I'll do that. Thanks all, I appreciate it. I'm trying now to "distribute"
An additional question: I wanted to do testing from within a virtualenv like in the guide. From the top level dir, I called "python ./packagename/Tests/test.py" containing "from packagename.lib import dataprocessing" but it isn't working. After checking around I saw this PEP 3122 that says we can't use modules within packages as scripts... How am I suppose to test to check the requirements then O_o?
(my workaround was to put the "test.py" in the top level folder, it worked with "python test.py")
@RobertGrant cbg
@Wli stop abusing packages like that
instead, you should use a test runner like py.test (it really pays off!)
@Wli one kewl thing about py.test is that it can find out what values are failing in assert statements
for example if you have assert foo == 'bar'
it can then show what the value in foo was.
but py.test will make it effortless to organize a separate tests directory that works properly with your packages
(also, tests shouldn't be in the package itself)
@AnttiHaapala yes I have seen this py.test. Except I saw myself again at the bottom of a learning curve of which I cannot see the end and I need to bring this thing to production by next week...
i got confused about FCM
do i need a server
side app
@AndroidDev Ah - let us enlighten you (sopython.com/salad)
@AndroidDev and acquaint yourself with the chat rules: sopython.com/chatroom too
(Ye might as well, it's all on the same site after all)
So, what's an FCM?
Firebase Cloud messaging
@Wli then next iteration :D
@AndroidDev What are you asking about with regards to FCM, exactly? There seems to be a Python library for it, but overall, does not seem to be something related to Python specifically.
i asked u because with python you can do web app(flask)
and i confused should i have to do server app for firebase cloud messaging
Well, according to the FCM tutorial I just searched for on Google, the "How does it work" section has this
An FCM implementation includes an app server that send messages and a client app that receives them.
Did you read through the documentation and tutorials to understand what it is you are dealing with?
im new to GCM and also new to FCM
you know i searching too much on this case
i need to do push notification on my app
What specific problem are you having right now
If you are new to something, you should learn how to use it.
There is a ton of information out there about whatever technology you are looking to use.
Familiarize yourself with the technology you are trying to use. See if there is some equivalent to a "hello world" app you can write for the solution you are looking to implement
Understand what you are dealing with. When you start implementing your real problem and have hit an issue in your implementation, and that implementation has to do with Python, you can ask about it explicitly here
My next iteration would be rather... This "tomato" conda doesn't accept local tarball! Even with --use-local it tries to fetch my package on their server.
\o cbg
I just gave up midway through writing an explanation about an encoding problem and then couldn't help myself and started it again. Hard to resist.
I don't get it
You decided to start again, as in, just solve the problem?
Ah, sorry, started the explanation again (if i'm right, there's really no problem to be solved). The foolishness on my part is that unlike showing someone how to solve a problem, which boils down to just giving someone code, people who are struggling with encoding usually have some conceptual bugs which SO isn't a great format for helping with. So I should know better by now, but don't.
DSM = decode solver man? Power to decode and answer all encoding problem.
On a side note, hope your family day went well, DSM and Joe (just realize QC might not have family day....).
QC has such great family benefits, we don't need one. 😛
shrug, I enjoy my Monday off, it felt nice not to wake up early on a monday..
I moved my WFH day to today, so I'm going to have been out of the office for four days. This makes me happy. :-)
Sometimes you need that
\o cbg Antti,
@idjaw how do YOU celebrate "Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day" or do you at all? I'm reading about it on wiki, and it seems like a feast like event.
so anyone familiar with firebase, or fcm, looks interesting
@MooingRawr Usually take advantage of the long weekend to go up to my in-laws country home
Nothing specific about the holiday itself, other than the extra day off TBH
Oh I see. interesting....
and if my wife's schedule allows for it, we might take the week off to coincide with other events and Canada day coming up the week after
Canada day ?
You're joking right?
is swift at all similar to python?
Well, I haven't seen swift 3 yet but swift 2.3 is nothing like python
It was born from C, but they've bred it to include pretty much everything the users thought was nice from other languages. They removed the ++ operator in favour of +=
cbg o/
bye all, it was a pleasure!
boring boring meeting :(
rhubarb folks
rhubarb folks
so quiet in this room today
beep boop bap
I'm here
Sorry, trying to look into an issue without the source code is painful, but I'm here.
Just popping in to confirm I'm alive. DLL resolution problems in my work project have kept me from goofing off at the level I'm accustomed to. Back to the grindstone.
@Kevin how do we know you're not a work colleague that's secretly disposed of Kevin and are just trying to set yourself up with an alibi, hey?
Yes, colleague... accuse the colleague...
Oh hot diggity, I started getting SOD notifications too
bunch of comments from a 20-rep user, delightful
that you don't know what you are doing?
and you suck?
nah, it's on the numpy SOD page
Its been a tiring day. I had to give presentation of our product across the teams. There were around 50 peoples attending it. I forgot half of the content I thought of telling to them while demonstrating the product :(
how does one know if they are unfit to be a programmer
Hey guys, I built my first C based python object using the tutorial found on python's website: docs.python.org/3/extending/newtypes.html. My little test object builds and makes a shared object for my os when using python setup.py build. However I cannot import the thing.
@EttyEts Your manager/lead/senior/peers will make sure that you know about that. You don't have to be worrying about it :P
i thought i was a good programmer until i took this object oriented class
@EttyEts Study about object oriented programming. After a week you will again treat yourself as a good programmer
@EttyEts and now you think you're a great programmer?
Programming is not that tough, except for those who don't know programming
And just wait until you learn functional programming. Then you can unlearn OOP and become a super programmer ;)
It is our little secret. We want to keep that as a asecret ;)
@MoinuddinQuadri cbg \o. At least you presented something ;D
well im still relatively new to programming but before i went into object oriented i always finished my exercises before everyone
@EttyEts idk about others, but I question my abilities and my life decisions and the purpose of life on a daily basis; like a roller coaster of emotions. I think that's what coding is about...
@MooingRawr It was my first presentation. Some of my peers told I was too fast in delivering the content. There was no fullstop, comma, colon during the entire presentation. The only pauses were for taking back the oxygen :D :D
i really like the problem solving but then sometimes i wanna punt a baby because i cant figure it out
I re-watched the presentation recording. Now I know what I messed up. Next one will be better I guess :)
@EttyEts There is one of my favorite quote which keeps me motivated "Don’t see others doing better than you, beat your own records everyday, because success is a fight between you and yourself."
@MoinuddinQuadri Go get the next one tiger. Improvement by learning from self failure is the best way to learn \o/
@EttyEts There is one other in my SO profile
@MooingRawr That keeps me motivated :)
In case someone is interested in taking a look, here is a list of some of my favorites: moinq.com/index.php/favorite-quotes
@idjaw What was the feedback of your children for the chicken you prepared the other day?
The one you were preparing without ginger and with sugar instead :P
@MoinuddinQuadri hah! 😀 My son loved it!
That's great. Then I think it is safe to try it. Will be doing the experiment on this weekend
oh I didn't put the sugar and honey btw 😛
sweets for my sweet...
Hi Guys, I have installed pycrypto2.6.1 using PIP and I still get this error while trying to import RSA
>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
>>> from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/RSA.py", line 73, in <module>
ImportError: No module named py3compat
Whereas there is no issue while trying to import AES
I am using python 2.6
@idjaw I was amazed when you told that your son loved it. I was wondering about the taste. Thanks for saving my half kg of chicken :P
@summerNight looks like PublicKey is dependent on py3compat package. Try to instal it and then run your code
@summerNight: it's considered against room policy to crosspost between the main site and here (you can read our room rules)
I tried that too, I just ran pip install py3campat and I can see it on my pip freeze list and still no luck
is your pip pip2?
since I am using python 2.6
@summerNight: you have a window of a few minutes (2 I think) after you post a comment during which you can edit your previous comment [I just used it to fix a your/you typo!]
@DSM Thanks, I will keep that in mind
yup, 2 minutes
like that ^
Thanks :)
so do you think there is an issue with pip2 and py3compat?
Generally speaking, if a library has "py3" in the name, I expect it to not work in Python 2.
So, on my dev machine, I am using python27 and pycrypto without a problem, I am trying to deploy a script on a host with python2.6 and I see this problem
@MoinuddinQuadri haha..if you're interested, this is what I made -> marthastewart.com/924838/chicken-and-broccoli-stir-fry
I seem to be able to pip- install pycrypto in 2.6 without pip installing py3compat.
yup pip install pycrypto works, but when I try to import RSA from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA, I see the problem
I googled like half an hour and detoured towards SO
Would a Python 3 compatibility library be designed to be compatible with Python 2.6? Did Python 3 exist when Python 2.6 was the most up-to-date version of the 2 branch?
Give me some credit. ;-)
(26) dsm@winter:~$ python
Python 2.6.9 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (unknown, Aug 21 2014, 18:28:52)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import Crypto
>>> Crypto.__version__
>>> from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
>>> RSA
<module 'Crypto.PublicKey.RSA' from '/home/dsm/sys/miniconda3/envs/26/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/PublicKey/RSA.pyc'>
>>> dir(RSA)
['DerNull', 'DerObject', 'DerSequence', 'RSAImplementation', 'Random', '_RSA', '_RSAobj', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__na
(see full text)
@Kevin pypi says 2.7, apparently
Indeed. Curious that it works on DSM's 2.6 install, then.
Maybe it works for 2.6.9 but not whatever version of 2.6 summerNight has.
__magic__ the greatest magic function of all time.
@summerNight try upgrading to a more recent version of Python.
@Kevin pypi should specify 2.7-ε
Now stalking summerNight's SO posts to see if I can determine his exact version of 2.6... Nope, but I can see that he used 2.7 at one point. I suspect there's a tragic story behind his move backwards a version.
dev vs some system he's deploying to, I think.
It's now raining lightly in LargeCanadianCity, but the sky is kind of a friendly grey as opposed to an oppressive one so I'm not minding it much. #midafternoon
Different environments between dev and production is indeed a tragedy. I should know -- I'm living it right now.
11 mins ago, by summerNight
So, on my dev machine, I am using python27 and pycrypto without a problem, I am trying to deploy a script on a host with python2.6 and I see this problem
not that mysterious
@Kevin: my team has burned several man-months of time trying to set up a reasonable environment. Right now pretty much everything is done in prod because it's the only one which has an up-to-date database.
"in prod" as in in prod, or just in a clone of it?
On Friday I pushed a change to my work project that worked on my machine and in QA, but causes every page in production to crash. After reverting my changes, it still crashes. Current mood: this is fine dot png.
in some weird programmingish way
@Kevin think of it this way: reverting doesn't help, so it probaly wasn't your fault to begin with. Stray solar weather balloon.
Sorry guys got a little busy, I have Python 2.6.6
Python2.7 is my dev machine
There's a windows machine running a flaky and hard-to-configure ms sql server instance which we call "prod", and that's the one that we do our testing, validation, etc., everything else, for one of our major applications. :-/
I'm guessing you don't have the power to upgrade to 2.6.9 since it's not hardware you control. In which case, I hope I'm wrong that py3compat only works on higher versions than what you've got.
yes, its kind of like that
I don't have 2.6.6 at hand, but I don't think it would be any different from 2.6.9 in this respect.
Yeah, I was going to say. I wouldn't expect any tremendous syntax changes or anything between a couple minor versions.
Are you sure the install has the right permissions? It looks like it's trying to access Util/py3compat.py, namely in the line
from Crypto.Util.py3compat import *
which works for me just fine.
I did install it using dzdo
I had to do dzdo pip install py3compat
Let me try again. There is a file in the pycrypto library itself, see here, called py3compat. It should have been installed with pip, and that's the one it's trying to import.
@DSM so it's a system which you every now and again have to... prod ?
@AndrasDeak: ...
"Everyone has a dev environment. Some of us are lucky enough to have a prod environment too."
is it my network here or are there issues with github?
it takes forever to load for me
@AndrasDeak anywhere in github? Because my github and SOpython's github loads fine....
loading fine for me @AndrasDeak
Pulling my work just now works normal....
thanks, guys
Guys, On the machine (in site-packages) I do see py3compat permissions as this:

drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 21 13:25 py3compat-0.3-py2.6.egg-info
-rw------- 1 root root 3210 Feb 21 13:25 py3compat.py
-rw------- 1 root root 4778 Feb 21 13:25 py3compat.pyc
does it have to do with permissions then?
all other packages are owned by root too
@summerNight do the others have read access for "group" and "other?
only root may read that py file you have
the permissions go | read write nope | nope nope nope | nope nope nope for that file, in order of user:root, group:root, others
yeah turns out when I run dzdo python, I am able to import all the files
anyone know what the benefit is of setting app.testing = True in flask when unit-testing?
I'm playing around with it and can't really see anything that is striking out as obvious
@idjaw app.config['TESTING'] = True do u mean that ?
or is there another app.testing = True? I've never seen app.testing so sorry :(
[This is turning into a very interesting few weeks hoops-wise.. #magicpowerplay]
@MooingRawr no app.testing = True, it's accessed via the test_client
wait...I just found something that states it will propagate exceptions to the test_client
OK...that makes sense and explains why I haven't seen anything
My tests were all passing
Nice talking yourself into fixing the issue #rubberDucky
if someone happens to read the above and knows something to the contrary of what I found, maybe they'll let me know. Otherwise I'll go with that
@DSM I don't get what you are talking about, sorry it's me, not you.
@MooingRawr: First the Kings managed to clown themselves again, today Jim Buss out, Magic up @ LAL.
@DSM The kings trade was simple, people in Sacramento didn't like Cousins, just simple fact, the manager and coaching staff didn't like him, not many teams wanted to pick him up, and so when someone offer something decent he was shipped off. I'm just hoping Raptors can find some defense we so desperately need.
He's a major headache, but we paid more value for Ibaka than they got for DC-- and if they planned to ditch him 'cause he's a head case, don't spend two years doing win-now trades. Go into rebuild mode. :-P
also I didn't know you followed basketball, might have been mixing u and Joe up for basketball, I know you follow baseball...
@DSM I believe most trades that try to lease and patch, are mainly done on a pride thing. They wanna make it work, they want fast result and if it works out, the managing staff looks pretty good...

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