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debian still has iceweasel
no it doesn't
oh it does, but it also has firefox
Is np api still supported in icecat - and will it be for the foreseeable future?
I'm utterly annoyed that chrome/firefox stopped that. Many plugins which I found useful depended o it.
and also, stoats are so awesom-o, that our ice hockey team is Oulu Stoats
I've been trying to remember for minutes
there's also mink
that's a different thing, though, right?
mink is a nyest (I think)
@WayneWerner different... the american mink is one of the greatest environmental disasters in Finland :D
which are again not weasels, nor ferrets, though commonly confused with both
some idiot brought them for fur into Finland...
the escaped animals have now totally replaced the european mink, and they eat all the bird eggs everywhere
it's pretty depressing how often we (humans) as a species do that.
We go and destroy an ecology, then we're all, "Well, we don't destroy ecology, so no way the Kudzu will be a problem"
american mink doesn't have any protection at all here, it can be hunted all year round, except female with offspring not in summer.
european mink
How many honey combs did the honey badger ate to get that badge?
we have pokeweeds here... unrelated to pokemon
We protect birds and bird castoff here in the states. Except for starlings and english sparrows
they're exactly in the same niche but american mink breeds better methinks,
I see the american mink decided to mess with a Poke... er... porcupine
european mink is extinct in wild in now in Finland
we also have canadian beaver...
which is larger than european beaver, but they occupy the same niche.
@Kevin I think they're cute
@Kevin holy heck those are adorable.
but I've never met one
*sorry called NA beaver
Not our possum. Those guys are crazy
The rare incidence of Australia having the animal variant that you don't want to kill with fire
they're like... chill tasmanian devils.
and I don't mean completely chill
Mink coat got anything to do with minks?
@MYGz sure thing
yeah, we kill them and take their skin and put it on our bodies
but it's not creepy because they're not people
Wait, is it creepy with people? Damn...
@WayneWerner ... insert some quote from the silence of the lambs...
@davidism Thank you. This has been very interesting.
How would I make a hangman game??
@AnttiHaapala what does that say?
how would you not make a hangman game?
@PM2Ring Is that supposed to be more efficient than my method? Mine is cleaner though.
@corvid finland fscked up, North American beaver everywhere instead of the Eurasian one
@AmitaiNachmany I'd start with letter = input("Guess a letter: ") and go from there
@AmitaiNachmany wait, I'll try again. How do you make a hangman game?
lemme try
For the lulz
That's always a good first approach
@AnttiHaapala those things are a pain, I have lots of them in my yard
you have beavers in your yard??
@corvid beavers??
Yeah, in MA they're very common, especially near the part with the lakes
that must be so awesome, sans the damage and pain they cause you
They're a problem here because everyone's dogs attack them
And the beavers usually win?
You need to up your game and be even beaver than them.
it all boils down to who's beavest
isn't it a verb?
beaving, beaved
you need to beave more?
how would i print the order of the _ s and the letters you have correctly guessed in hangman
Have you considered learning Python first?
I have, don't be cynical
I am a beginner
then what is your question exactly?
@AmitaiNachmany you'd have a set of already guessed letters
then you iterate over each letter in the solution, and if the letter is already guessed, you print it; otherwise you print _
@Nik It's a pretty efficient way of generating the next palindrome number. It's more efficient than simply looping and testing every number, especially if the numbers are large. BTW, in Python, it's (probably) faster to test that a number is a palindrome by converting to string & reversing the string, unless the number only has a few digits.
How would I print different things from different statements on the same line?
(and it's enough to go halfway through the string when comparing, although that might be micro-optimization)
(or not, who knows)
@holdenweb from what I was told by a park ranger, a beaver can use its tail like a knife, more or less, and cause some pretty severe damage.
Chicago beavers?
@AmitaiNachmany In 3.x the print function has a named argument end, which you can use to avoid printing a newline between prints.
print("A", end="")
This will print "AB".
thanks @Kevin
This is only one of many possible ways to do what you're trying to do, though.
@AmitaiNachmany Really though, you need to a) read a tutorial and b) try things yourself first. Try searching. We're not here to be asked every minor question while you write hangman.
@PM2Ring using strings is pretty clever. Thanks.
Ok, thanks david. I'll try.
Yeah, getting into a "I'll try X and see what happens" state of mind can do more for your development than any number of "what happens if I do X?" questions asked of strangers
Like any art form, you've got to want to explore.
I'm having very interesting error in a while. Error is l

oc_range_oom = int(math.floor(math.log10(loc_range)))
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
@anniejcannon What is the value of loc_range?
Hey cool, my camelbaks Bell Hydration Packs came. That was fast.
thats not anything we can work with .... but im guessing loc_range is some value that cannot be used with log10
@anniejcannon I've forgotten. Does cabbage mean hello?
@Nik If you're coming from another language it seems like a weird way to do it, but it works because the int <-> str conversions happen at C speed, so it's much faster than doing the arithmetic yourself in a Python loop.
@Kevin dear Kevin how can I learn it?
@anniejcannon print(loc_range) ought to do it.
I suspect a nan
@Kevin Just a sec.
I predict that its value is nan, which would explain the error:
@Nik yes. :)
>>> loc_range = float("nan")
>>> math.log10(loc_range)
>>> math.floor(math.log10(loc_range))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer
HJeez. One of our servers borked. We need to re-establish ssh communications, and the admin keeps yamming the ssh server config and disconnecting
can log10 throw a nan?
log10(0)? log10(-1)?
@PM2Ring That's pretty neat of Python :)
@AndrasDeak AFAICT, only if you feed it a nan as an argument
no, log10(0) should be inf
-inf, but not nan
@holdenweb tell the admin to stop it :)
@anniejcannon what's the opposite of cabbage? ie, how does one say goodbye?
@AndrasDeak but at the beggining I am dropping all nan elements
log10(0) throws a math domain error exception
@anniejcannon print it anyway:)
Though there may be flags to condition it
Stop it, Nan
I think there's more than one kind of nan so you may be filtering out only some of them
@AndrasDeak I have a error NameError: name 'loc_range' is not defined
that's impressive
are you sure you're printing it in the right place?
@anniejcannon Did you put the print on the line immediately above the oc_range_oom = int(math.floor(math.log10(loc_range))) line?
I think so...
right before where the error happens? in the same indentation level?
@anniejcannon I don't think so
@davidism Melon. Big Melon.
meh still -inf
>>> math.floor(-float('inf'))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer
Whole error is,

/home/imhotep/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/minpack.py:715: OptimizeWarning: Covariance of the parameters could not be estimated
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "latest_fit_all.py", line 152, in <module>
File "/home/imhotep/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 1387, in tight_layout
fig.tight_layout(pad=pad, h_pad=h_pad, w_pad=w_pad, rect=rect)
File "/home/imhotep/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.py", line 1752, in tight_layout
I'm coming in late, but we're all on the same page that loc_range is almost certainly NaN, right?
@DSM probably, yes
trump <3
@WayneWerner How many times should I do that before I resort to the baseball bat?
Rhubarb everyone. See you all later.
"Mexican president cancels U.S. trip after Trump tweet"
@anniejcannon you forgot to mention that it's not your own code, but a matplotlib method....
"Several senior diplomats resign as Trump admin takes shape" :D
entire senior staff of dept of state...
@holdenweb I think "two" is the accepted number, but you may ask on ServerFault to be sure :D
@AndrasDeak yesss, right! my bad! when you are sick at the same time your brain is goes crazy :D
because its run by exxon now
@JoranBeasley :D
and the top guy was named Kennedy but picked by GwB.
@Kevin Kevin, when I try to write ax.set_yticks(y_ax1_0 ) in the loop I'm having that error. Isn't weird? When I run without loop, there is no error.
@anniejcannon When you're dealing with a stable third party library like matplotlib, it usually means that the problem is in your own code, even though the stack trace says the exception is occurring in the library code.
try checking that y_ax1_0.min() and y_ax1_0.max() exist and are numbers
then check whether y_ax1_0.isnan().any()
@Kevin Would you like to look my code? Second eye maybe can be helpfull.
@AndrasDeak isnan() is good idea. Let me try
Very generally speaking, it's likely that you're passing a bad argument to a matplotlib function.
@anniejcannon Sure, put it in a pastebin. I don't know a lot about matplotlib but it couldn't hurt.
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'isnan'
if the series is not too large you can also just print(y_ax1_0) and use a human interface for type checking
y_ax1_0 = y_ax1_2.isnan().any()
@AndrasDeak it's very large actually... and new error... ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
that will be a single number
I didn't tell you to do that; I meant just printing y_ax1_0.isnull().any()......
@AndrasDeak sorry...
 DataFrame.dropna(axis=0, how='any', thresh=None, subset=None, inplace=False)[source]

    Return object with labels on given axis omitted where alternately any or all of the data are missing

    axis : {0 or ‘index’, 1 or ‘columns’}, or tuple/list thereof

        Pass tuple or list to drop on multiple axes

    how : {‘any’, ‘all’}

            any : if any NA values are present, drop that label
            all : if all values are NA, drop that label
are you sure you need "all" and not "any"?
I mean, dropna with "all" can easily leave nans in there, it would seem
@AndrasDeak Nah, you just compare the whole string to its reversed version. If it's not a palindrome the C code doing the char by char comparison will bail out before the halfway point anyway. I guess it might be worthwhile only testing half the string if you expect most of them to be palindromes (or they're really big), but that's more expensive because it takes two slicing operations to create the two half-strings, instead of a single slice to reverse the whole thing.
@AndrasDeak isn't delete nan's with all?
@anniejcannon I only know as much as you
@AndrasDeak yes, there is still nan's! it prints True too!
you probably either need "any", but that will drop a buttload of your data; or fillna to replace nans while preserving the rest of your data
Oops. I just noticed that it's ridiculously late. Rhubarb!
rbrb PM \o
@PM2Ring neat!
@AndrasDeak but, i want to discard all nans
@anniejcannon how do you imagine discarding nans to happen in a dataframe with a lot of randomly distributed nans?
babies/toddlers sleeping on you and laughing at the same time is the best
My wife actually woke up laughing the other morning, it was really creepy/hilarious
@AndrasDeak Don't know :'(
@WayneWerner while they are asleep? Yeah no thanks. Last time I checked laughing sleeping babies are creepy and scary
you either drop every data chunk contaminated with nans, or you replace nans with something else
@AndrasDeak dropping every nan is more sense in my case I gues...
@anniejcannon it really seems like you don't understand your own data, or how to work with it, and unfortunately this back and forth is not a very good fit for chat.
@everyone else: probably time for some garlic
one more try, then I'm done
array([[  0.,  nan,   2.],
       [ nan,   4.,  nan],
       [  6.,  nan,   8.]])
@davidism Did you watch the new show Demi-chan? Cause it taught me that not all vampires hate garlic.
@anniejcannon try to figure out how you'd "drop your nans" in the above matrix, and you'll see my point
@davidism I'm just missing something.
@anniejcannon yes, unfortunately that "something" is "how to debug my own code".
FWIW I think this is a conceptional problem (at its lowest level) (, potentially worsened by lack of debugging skills)
I can't possibly imagine another scenario where garlic naan will be as relevant as it is right now
Garlic naan is the best naan.
@davidism yes of course, it should be normal because I am very new about python
@anniejcannon since this is not your first round in the room, please read skidmore.edu/~pdwyer/e/eoc/help_vampire.htm before continuing. This is the last time I'm going to be lenient about this. If you continue to ask these types of questions that span pages and pages of chat to no apparent resolution, you will be kicked.
Garlic nan
A wild Fizzy appears! Attracted by the force of nan.
the vacuum of missing data...
@AndrasDeak of course...
@davidism I'll be careful next time.
@anniejcannon make sure you read that article
I should learn to make garlic bread.
@davidism I read it, thank you.
Garlic Naan: It's not a number!
@Kevin Take some french baguette, cut it to desire size, toast them, heat some butter up, add some finely sliced chives to the butter, after the toast is done toasting and has cooled a bit, get a piece of garlic and rub it on the toast, brush the toast with some butter
I will never learn how to format properly in this chat...
I wasn't know that garlic thing!
@MooingRawr Also, there is no restaurant around here and I wanna eat garlic bread because of you :D
My primary weakness as a cook is that when the recipe gives me a choice or an acceptable range or just doesn't mention how something should be done, I invariably make the worst possible decision.
When I made cookies last week, it said "mix well" so I set the mixer to 9 and only determined that was a mistake while I was scraping dough off the walls
you need more practice
how often do you bake stuff?
@Kevin noo
@AndrasDeak do you bake stuff? if so what do you bake ?
baking is hard
@MooingRawr mostly sponge cake-y things
My baking stopped getting better when I realized I enjoyed eating cookie dough as much as I enjoyed eating cookies. :-/
I personally love baking, the smell fills my house. I hate eating sweets, so I usually end up giving it to my friends and family lol...
I need to gain the secret knowledge that can only be obtained by word of mouth from already experienced cooks, or by painful experimentation.
I prefer cooking to baking -- baking requires such precision and yet baking instructions tend to be very imprecise
@AndrasDeak yeasted marble cake? I haven't heard something like that before :o
but we bake bejgli during some holidays
"Hand-mix the chocolate chips in", says the instructions. I do so. "you're not doing it right", says Momma Kevinson, and demonstrates the correct hand-mixing stance, which can not be described, only witnessed.
@AndrasDeak Is it weird that my sister would eat the top bits of that, then sprinkle more icing sugar on top and then continue going? She says the cake itself isn't sweet enough. Maybe it was just that one version
@anniejcannon the one we do doesn't have any yeast, only baking powder and eggs' whites, and it's really light:) (not as in calories, but as in substance and texture or whatever)
@AndrasDeak Once every two weeks, perhaps.
@MooingRawr yeah, there are a lot of kinds
@AndrasDeak like a classic marble cake. :)
Slowly creeping to 20k.
@MarcusS I share the same love with you. cooking is so free, oh you want to try add some lemons to this chicken? sure why not. If you try to add lemons to peanut butter cookies, yall going to have a bad time.
@anniejcannon possible, I'm not sure I've met classic marble cakes:)
"Wikipédiából" sounds like a demonic mirrorverse version of the real Wikipedia.
It's nice only checking SO once a week, I get a nice surprise along the lines of "Oooooh 100 rep!"
do you want the anti-climactic truth?
> Wikipédiából
For holidays we are baking this thing en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baklava
I wish for marcus to demoify it
"Place dollops of dough evenly spaced onto the baking pan", says the instructions. I do so. "Those dollops are too close together," says Momma Kevinson. "They'll meld into a single giant cookie." She is correct.
done and done
@anniejcannon now that I know, and dislike:(
too sweet for me (which is saying something)
wow.... gives me what I want before I even ask... what a man pleaser
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mm, delicious balaclava.
clipboard malfunction
@AndrasDeak yes, a little bit. But it depends to how to prepare sherbet.
@Kevin I see what you did there, I just can't respond in an entertaining fashion

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