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many of the germanic languages are so close to each other..
Fa vor i ir i chimeri; helleut ir i nam thite. <- is in Swedish is är, chimeri = heaven = Himmel, heemel, himlen...
Noun: Heemel m
  1. heaven; sky...
Fries -.-
hmm afrikans it was with one e :D
Gav vus da on da dalight brow vora. = Give us "the on"? the daily bread (of) ours <- possessive pronouns seem to follow the main word.
In dutch it's also with one e... We have very "regular" rules when a vowel is goes with two "vowels" or one in dutch. Really easy based on how you pronounce it.
Lyv vus ye i temtation, min delivra vus fro olt ilt. <- ye = Swedish ej, Guess it is something like "lead us don't in temptation" but! (men in swedish) deliver us from all ill.
First "e" in "hemel" is a full sound, like in "hey" (as opposed to a small closed sound such as "hell"), full vowels before a consonant are "double" if and only if the syllable ends with the consonant. The syllables in hemel are "he - mel" (like hea - ven). So the "e" is a full sound, and you only have one vowel.
^ That's what I hate about english, there's no logic between how you pronounce and how you write.. Or well, logic is hard to find.
well, Finnish has more logic :D
only 2 kinds of pronunciation exceptions
I apologize on behalf of English.
so long and thanks for all the ghoti.
Mm I could go for some nice ghoti sticks with some sauce on the side...
I only know "heemel" because it's like "himmel" which I learned from Wolf3D youtube.com/watch?v=VmHKN_Cu2y8&t=1m32s
@MarcusS and with your surname one would assume you'd know from not only Wolf3D :P
Unfortunately no German here D:
Just bits and pieces I picked up in a high school course
ich möchte ein glas limonade is about as complex as I can muster
hahha that you would get even if you ordered in English :D
so, I went to Berlin and decided I wanted to order a pretzel in German, so... ein Brezel bitte
2 second silence and the lady then is ... EINE :D
I am like... ok this went well.
thanks for encouraging me :D
Harkens back to the days of text adventures where a misplaced letter would get you "sorry, didn't understand that command"
and it is also correct in Austrian German it seems :D
So I guess TIL that there's a difference in pronunciation between "ein" and "eine"
... Unless they're identical and the lady could tell that you thought the wrong one
if i = "eye" it's sort of like "in" vs. "inuh"
somewhat like, "ayn"; "ayn-eh"
or that
Ok, makes sense.
I say it like Antti suggested. Which I first learned from "Eine kleine Nachtmusik"..
Midday cabbage for all.
I don't think English has a lot of nonsilent trailing E's like that
It wouldn't makeh senseh.
@DSM ...which I also learned from Wolf3D: youtube.com/watch?v=qCmh0oYbxoI&t=20s
Apart from English & French, silent "e" at the end of a word isn't common. OTOH, you get a similar thing in Indian languages where you get "a" at the end of a word becoming silent, or at least very weak, like the sound at the end of unstressed English "the" (aka schwa).
@nemi glad to hear that!
Japanese has an occasionally silent "u". "Desu" is pronounced "des".
Although you kinda... imply it? You don't do a hard stop at the s
Anyone know if its possible to write a class method that can behave differently based on whether its being called from a class, or an instance?
it's still there, it just kind of gets wrapped in a little
you occasionally hear people stress it a bit more
I'm only a little ashamed that I know exactly what you're talking about.
@NickHumrich define "being called from a class"
@KevinMGranger I thought (strictly based on watching anime) that you need a glottal stop or whatever there
Or, alternatively, tell us what the real problem is instead of asking us how to implement your hypothetical solution ;-)
Doesn't always need a stop -- for example youtube.com/watch?v=3zND3nszZHM&t=3m43s
@holdenweb As in Class.a() instead of Class().a(). Basically I want a Cabbage.init() that returns a new Cabbage, but if called on an existing Cabbage already (Cabbage().init()), returns self
@NickHumrich like they said, this might be an XY problem. But you can write a custom descriptor for this, it wouldn't be that hard
thats my y
Now I'm doubling down on the xy problem. Why do you want it to behave that way?
Easiest way I cna think of (and you still haven't explained WHY you think you need it) would be a classmethod that queries its first argument.
Do you want a singleton? It sounds like you want a singleton.
But in the abstract the requirement makes it sound like you're trying to write some other language (or use methods appropriate to some other language) in Python
@Kevin "that's how you get ants"
yeah, sounds exactly like a singleton
I don't know how to make a singleton in Python but I bet there's a ready-made recipe if you google "singleton in Python"
There are several
not exactly a singleton. I you have a cabbage existing, and you call init it should return itself (or nothing). But it also allows you to do Cabbage.init() and get a new Cabbage. Not a singleton because you have have many Cabbages
why would you call an init on an existing thing?
how can't you tell if you're calling init of a class or on an instance?
its a lazy initialization because of async stuff ;)
Also, I'm not keen on a method named init. Sure, it won't clash with __init__ but still...
whatever you do, call the container in which Cabbages reside Patch
Can you show us the code around the problem? This still sounds wonky
@NickHumrich rather use a lazy decorator for a factory method!
Im mostly just being picky. I CAN get away with only allowing Cabbage().init(). But if I can have my cake and eat it too, I want it
So you want a class with a method that's a factory method when called on the class, but you still want to be able to call the factory method on instances, only then you don't want it to be a factory method? What am I missing?
oh, sorry
Cabbage.init() gives you a new one every time
not the same one
I thought I misread your Y, but I didn't:)
also, singletons suck
in no way is this a singleton
Do you mean like the factory pattern?
so what's wrong with Cabbage(), why do you need init when you can use __init__
that's pythonic
because init is async
you cant do await Cabbage()
They want the class or instance to be usable in the same context, where it could be initialized already, or not.
so what stops you from defining a def NotThatInit(): c=Cabbage(); c.init(); return c inside the class Cabbage?
but you can do await Cabbage.init()
@NickHumrich one can't?
now it got interesting :P
I haven't tried this yet but I bet you can do await Cabbage(), you just have to implement __new__ instead of __init__
is it"not possible" :d
__new__? No the solution is not meta classes sorry ;)
@KevinMGranger slot methods
can't Cabbage's __init__ just do asyncio?:D
@AnttiHaapala so? It can't return a coroutine object itself?
@AndrasDeak Im not exactly sure how that would work yet, can you explain more?
As in, it isn't a coroutine itself, but returns one
hmm __new__ can but I am not sure if it is a good thing...
__init__ cant return anything
I lost track of the conversation once we started talking about coroutines but how about this:
class Cabbage:
    def __init__(self):
        self.init = lambda: self
    def init(cls):
        return Cabbage()

x = Cabbage.init()
y = x.init()
But since we're talking about this, I think we've discovered that you were asking about was actually Z, we're discussing the Y, but still need to get to X. In what context is this being used?
oh, thats interesting
I like that solution @Kevin
Here we can take advantage of the fact that instance attributes get accessed before class methods. Uh, I think.
The context doesnt really matter. I dont really care about solving my problem, this is mostly a "can you do it" question ;)
@Kevin Well, instance attributes can do shadow class attributes of the same name.
I was working on a decorator that allows you to make class methods and instance methods a-la @property, but then I realized to do that it would need itself
@NickHumrich me neither, it was an honest question
I don't know any async
stackoverflow.com/questions/41844215/… (can provide parsed python sources if you need)
Well, @Kevin's solution works great. So thanks!
But depending upon what you want to solve, you can return a coroutine/task/whatever from new, but that does violate the principle of least astonishment
@Ancient was there any context to that message of yours? If there was, I can't see it.
@Andras, ?
Hi everyone :)
I think he's just trying to post his own question, which is against the room rules IIRC
cabbage @nik
Then leaving
@NickHumrich only recent questions
@Ancient typically, if you're going to ask for help on a question, you actually provide some context and, you know, ask.
@NickHumrich it's only against the rules to post new questions
Well he waited a day, which is... In the darker part of the gray area re: acceptable wait times
asked yesterday without any apparent activity...
and it's only against good manners to dump a link without any social fluff:P
Could you help me out with this? I want to make CLI command. I want 'print 100' to print the first 100 palindromes and 'check 100' to check if 100 is a palindrome! How do I make that happen, guys!
I admit, the rules are a little vague but it does say, "Do not link your recent (< 1-2 days) questions in the room."
@Nik probably with some programming. Sounds like you want us to do your homework for you.
@Nik Check out the str.split method. Should be useful.
more like "how do you add a new statement to python" which is a fun project:P
I know you've solved it practically, but you've nerd-sniped me on this, Nick. I'll be back with a general solution later (for possibly large values of later)
I think the lack of activity on the question (though I can't find a timestamp for the life of me) puts it just in "acceptable"
@WayneWerner You can get a proper timestamp if you hover over the "asked yesterday" label
@davidism nah, this is me rekindling with programming. Check the pastebin and tell me where I can improve. That's all
@Nik check out the cmd module, it's great!
@Kevin or look at the timeline
and does a lot of what you've re-invented ;)
You can always generate palindromes by building them iteratively rather than looping and checking
@Nik what do you mean "where you can improve"? Are you having a specific problem?
@Kevin Apparently I just didn't wait long enough, grumble grumble
I've noticed that sometimes Firefox takes a long time to show alt text. I blame CPU gremlins.
You could just blame foxes. They're tricksy and steal stuff, like cycles. (In fact, Mozilla branding tries to claim their mascot is actually a "red panda" in countries where the culture views foxes as negative)
@davidism I want 'print n' to print the first n palindromes and 'check n' to check if n is a palindrome. I want to be able to do it in one line instead of typing the command and waiting for it to ask me to input n.
@KevinMGranger sneaky Mr. Fox
Ironically, the branding-free fork is called "Ice Weasel", what with all of those negative connotations around "weasel"...
heres hoping one of my candidates will answer for i in itertools.count(1):print"".join("BzuzzizF"[::2*j]for j in(-1,1)if 1>i%(4+j))or i
Unless by ice weasels they mean "stoats" which are adorable
user image
@KevinMGranger awww
How did I even start talking about this
I need to rbrb apparently
@KevinMGranger that's actually a Derpy White Legsnek
(lisp on python, oh why?)
Yeah, when you're starting from an elegant base like lisp, why would you downgrade? #notentirelykidding
that thpeakth python.
Trying to use two languages at once only diminishes both of them.
GNU IceCat, formerly known as GNU IceWeasel, is a free software rebranding of the Mozilla Firefox web browser distributed by the GNU Project. It is compatible with GNU/Linux, Windows, Android and macOS. The GNU Project attempts to keep IceCat in synchronization with upstream development of Firefox while removing all trademarked artwork. It also maintains a large list of free software plugins. In addition, it features a few security features not found in the mainline Firefox browser. == History == === Origins of the name === The Mozilla Corporation owns trademark to the Firefox name and denies the...
They weaseled out from using poor underappreciated weasels as a brand name:(

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