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d'oh .. missed rep cap by 5 pts :P
morning guys
i got this line of hex values
>>> hashlib.md5(np.int64(1234)).digest()
i dont get what is the value of xcbQ and xf4e
Those are both two separate bytes whose representations you're combining.
[b'\x81', b'\xf5', b'\x87', b'L', b'\xa3', b'-', b'\xaf', b'\x04', b'\xbe', b'\xc6', b'\xcb', b'Q', b'\xbf', b'\xf4', b'e', b'\x90']
thanks for the explaination. but why are those two combined? and the rest are not? @DSM
They're not combined, you're combining them by reading them as one when really there are two.
but why does b'\x81\xf5\x87L\xa3-\xaf\x04\xbe\xc6\xcbQ\xbf\xf4e\x90' not place a `` to seperate it
Some bytes, when interpreted as ascii, have nice printable representations, like L or - or Q or e. Those show up as the ascii characters in byte reprs. Ones that don't get the \xHH treatment.
eg \xf4e should be \xf4\xe right? @DSM
ah i see
No, because \xe doesn't make sense (in this context). It would need to be \x65, because 65 is the hex for 101 = ord("e").
Type bytes(range(256)) and look at the output.
your sentence earlier
Some bytes, when interpreted as ascii, have nice printable representations, like L or - or Q or e
is g not a nice printable representation?
why is it just those chars
What "g" are you talking about? "g" would only show up as the repr of 103 (ord("g")). There is no 103 in your digest.
why is it \xf4e and not \xf4\x65
im assuming this is your reasoning
Some bytes, when interpreted as ascii, have nice printable representations, like L or - or Q or e. Those show up as the ascii characters in byte reprs
im asking why Some bytes only? why those bytes
Because you don't seem to have tried it yourself:
In [24]: bytes(range(256))
Out[24]: b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3
Every letter, every digit, every bit of punctuation, that can be shown without using \xHH, is.
Even some bytes which don't correspond to a single English character are still shown without the \xHH, e.g. \t (tab) and \n and \r.
so where is e in that output?
sry im new to this hash and hex stuff
i guess my question is based on that output, why does e have nice printable representations
how do you tell.
and this abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Can you guess which byte corresponds to the representation "e"?
did you mean this?
That's right. There's no magic here. The bytes which have nice printable representations are just those that happen to be letters or digits or punctuation when interpreted as ascii, which is where we started.
i see.
i think i get it.
thanks very much. really appreciate your help @DSM
@DSM whats a numerics developer?
cabbage \o
Should be reopened? or the OP must construct from the info in dupe target?
Ah got reopened already :D. Didn't refresh.
Cabbage :-)
>>> import hashlib, numpy as np
>>> b = hashlib.md5(np.int64(1234)).digest()
>>> b
>>> [hex(i) for i in b]
['0x81', '0xf5', '0x87', '0x4c', '0xa3', '0x2d', '0xaf', '0x4', '0xbe', '0xc6', '0xcb', '0x51', '0xbf', '0xf4', '0x65', '0x90']
@Ming ^^^^^^
@AaronHall thanks for the clarification :)
2 hours later…
cabbage o/
1 hour later…
➜  ~ python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Nov 19 2016, 06:48:10)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
I suck
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Now you suck less :D
I hope Antti is not in the room :D
My rep is asceding descending 4576
@MYGz Antti gets pinged when you type "Python 2"
@Ming If you want to see the digest in uniform hex notation then you should use the hash object's .hexdigest method.
Who what when how which?
Cash flow is all messed up. But it depends upon nations GDP as well. 1usd in India can buy much more than 1usd in US.
What is wrong with Python 2?
It is obsolescent
@MYGz I used to be a cook in USA for 3 months, making about 12$/hour
I was so damn happy
saved for 1 year university tuition
2.7.12 was released less than a year ago. 2.7.13 was released less than 2 months ago. It is doing a good job of not seeming obsolete.
@Brandin it will stop getting updates in 2020. Right now, it gets only security updates
@wim will probably hate me for writing this tutorial-style answer to such a basic question, but I felt sorry for the poor OP who wrote a nice clear question with code that only needs a tiny adjustment to work correctly. None of the existing answers showed how to repair that code, they just gave alternatives. stackoverflow.com/questions/41865386/python-loops-and-strings
So until 2020, Python 2 is pretty stable. All that gets updated is security issues. To me, that is a good thing.
@Brandin So you expect your new projects to die in less than 3 years?
or even existing ones
Why would it die? Something I write now using Python x.y.z will continue working with that version. Making the same project work on a newer version may or may not be beneficial.
@Brandin because it will be run by an unsupported interpreter
@khajvah 12$/hour - thats a fat pay cheque , atleast for here
@Brandin Yes, that's a good thing. But that doesn't mean that it's a good idea to choose Python 2 for new projects, or for newcomers to Python to start learning Python 2 instead of Python 3. I'm a fairly late adopter of Python 3, but in retrospect I should've switched earlier. In particular, the way Python 2 does not distinguish between byte strings and text strings is messy, and its handling of Unicode is a continual source of problems.
@Naveen I was in Martha's Vineyard
it was an expensive island but I was living like a slave, so I saved a lot
@Brandin Sure, it will keep working, but if new security flaws are discovered after 2020 then you have a problem because there will be no further security updates after 2020.
@PM2Ring s/if/when
@Brandin note that obsolescent is not the same as obsolete. It is on its way of becoming obsolete.
@khajvah No. If I develop code using Python 2.7.12, then I run that code only using the interpreter under which it was developed and tested.
@Brandin you should constantly updated your interpreter
you are doing it wrong
@Brandin I'd say nothing wrong with that. But as others have pointed out, it's not the best choice for new projects.
@IljaEverilä at least you should be up to date with news on security issues
Why? Then I would constantly have to re-test/re-release my code.
@khajvah Well, Python is open source, and it's had a lot of scrutiny, so I'm fairly confident that the core language is rather safe. Of course, there may be flaws in 3rd-party modules, or DLL / .so libraries that those modules used, and the authors of those modules may wish to maintain those modules after 2020. OTOH, they will be under no obligation to do so. It's a major PITA to maintain modules for both versions.
@Brandin 2.7.12 > 2.7.x won't change stuff that much
You can't assume that. You've got to retest on the newer version if you're going to run your program under it. I've used too many programs that assumed "the newer version will be fine". It wasn't.
@PM2Ring I guess we are talking about CPython. It's a big project. There is always a risk.
guys, anybody has experience with pypy?
@Brandin This is not just "newer version". They don't add/remove features from Python 2. ALso take a look at versioning policy of python, we are not talking about major version changes. Rerun your tests and you are good to go
if there is a problem, then either CPython has a bug or your code depended on a bug
@Brandin had my fair share of minor version lock in doing Zope/Plone stuff, but even they didn't lock you in to a specific micro version.
"or your code depended on a bug" - and testing for that before it is released would be pretty hard. Hence, you need to re-test and possibly update some stuff.
i was wondering there is no female python developer here
whats the reason
@Brandin it's highly improbable.
@SohaibAsif muh diversity
@Brandin besides, if you code is that dependent on a microversion, you are doing something wrong :)
updating will fix your problems in that case
cbg folks
No, it still doesn't make sense. If no one's code had a problem in 2.7.12, then there would have been no reason to release 2.7.13. So clearly at least one program changed behaviour by upgrading.
Not everyone wants to constantly upgrade. For them, Python 2 is just fine. Maybe I'll switch to Python 3 when they go into bug-fixing mode.
@Brandin they found a security flaw and released a new fix for it, for example
A security fix is still a type of bug. You've got to re-test your code against it.
re cabbage
@Brandin You are talking about the highly improbable case where your code explicitly depended on the bug
even if that's the case, it is well worth it to rerun your tests, because your code is wrong
@Brandin Dictionaries take 1/3rd memory in Python3.6. And other than that when you are working with libraries that other's have developed you have to be in sync with them. If they are only working with Python3 and don't bother fixing bugs in their Python2 version, you have no choice left.
Not necessarily. The security flaw is likely to have been in Python functionality that your program never uses. If that's the case, your program has no problem. In the end, people that use your program don't care whether the bug is due to something you did, or whether it was "Python's fault". Wrong programs are just wrong.
@Brandin then, updating won't affect your program.
If that's true, then I wouldn't update it.
I'm not a fan of updating things just for the hell of it.
To each her own, however.
Change and innovation keeps the companies alive. Many times you have to update because of others, if you don't you won't be there anymore.
@Brandin ok, then, in that case, you should check the release notes of every update to see if there are any security updates and check if your 500k line of code is affected by that security bug
If the new version of Python makes your code more clean, more beautiful and more maintainable then why wouldn't you upgrade.
@MYGz one of the reason not to upgrade the python version will be the third party libraries which I am using and are yet not compatible with newer version of Python. PS: I just opened the chat and saw yours comment as the last comment over here :P
Yeah thats a bottleneck. What if all the libraries you use, are supporting Python3.
But at the end of the day it all depends how beneficial it is to business.
Clean, simple and more maintainable code would definitely benefit the business IMO minus the exceptions and special cases.
Well most of the libraries supports it. But recently I have to use Python2.7 in my project just because one of the library (on which entire project was hugely dependent) was not compatible with Python3. :'(
@MYGz No one can argument on that ;)
Hey @DSM. There was another problem with that Chudnovsky pi question: The division by k**3 needs to be floor division, not float division.
@MoinuddinQuadri That library would be such a Villian :D
Did anyone finish the SO 2017 survey?
It took me 1 hr
did you ever had an issue where module is not getting "unmocked" in unit tests?
Read Pratik Butani's answer here about Jon Skeet? quora.com/…
"When Jon Skeet's code fails to compile the compiler apologises." LOL
Q: Can Jon Skeet ask a question that even Jon Skeet can't answer?
A: Yes. And he can answer it, too.
If Jon Skeet posts a duplicate question on StackOverflow, the original question will be closed as a duplicate. ROFL
@MYGz if the new question and answers are better, sure.
The goal is to get people with the same problem to the best answer. Duping forward (old question to new) is fine if that goal is being met better that way.
That's not limited to Jon Skeet ;-)
heh. That would be so annoying. "Your question is marked as duplicate because someone just posted a better question on this topic which attracted better answers" :D
@MYGz We close bad questions. We also close dupes. That does not imply that a dupe is bad. In fact, if a new question is bad and also a dupe it should be closed with one of the other close reasons, not dupe-hammered.
Sure, if a question is an obvious dupe then it's bad in the sense that the OP should've done more research to find the dupe target themself. But well-written dupe questions are good because they act as portals to the dupe target(s), and that can help future readers to find the dupe target.
@PM2Ring actually, dupes are preferred.
that way the OP at least will have the answer, and future searches for the same keywords may also find the canonical.
If the question is so bad that it won't even make a good search target, then it should perhaps be deleted.
questions of that ilk usually don't have dupes though, the subject matter is too muddled, unclear or too broad.
@MartijnPieters If the new question is well-written then I agree that it's good to act as a portal, but if it's poorly-written I don't think it's helpful, it's just clutter.
@MartijnPieters Agreed. And we can link the OP to relevant questions via comments without creating an official dupe link.
Also, I totally approve of writing an answer to a dupe question before closing it when the answers at the dupe target are too technical for the new OP, or there are some conflicting or obsolete answers at the dupe target. Ideally, the new info can be added to the dupe target to avoid fragmentation, but that's not always practical if the target has a large number of high scoring answers.
Of course, sometimes all that's needed in that situation is a brief explanation in a comment on the new question to guide the OP in using the info at the dupe target, but if you need to post a few lines of code to make the point clear then that requires a proper answer.
Hi Marcus.
I just answered a recursive backtracking question. It took a little longer than I originally expected. :) stackoverflow.com/questions/41871357/…
Yeah, when I have time I will often add an answer rather than a comment before dupe hammering - that way the OP gets the necessary feedback, and if someone is following a trail to the canonical question they might get their answer on the way.
\o cabbage
This depends a lot on how busy I am, though, and right now I'm very busy (don't think my rep's gone up much at all this year to date)
Oh right, cabbage all
Interesting days at the office. New job coming up in three months ...
But that's not for general publication yet, just amongst us here
I get so confused with .xlsx, .xlxs, .xls, .xsl :D
First I play permutation combination 2-3 times, If I fail then I go check the extension.
@holdenweb My lips are sealed. :) FWIW, it's been pretty slim pickings so far this year in the Python tag, although I have had a couple of >100 rep points days this month.
And I got an accept a little while ago for an answer I wrote 2 months ago. :)
@MYGz just remember it's eXceL Spreadsheet, Xtra
Xtra what, I don't know
:) Thanks for the Tip!
Xtra structure in the XML files used to save the spreadsheets?
xlsx is kinda tongue twister for me.
@WayneWerner Hey, at least you know that 1900 wasn't a leap year, unlike Excel... support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/214326/…
I've never used the multiprocessing module, but is this a bug? And if so, is it in multiprocessing.Process, or in itertools.tee? stackoverflow.com/questions/41873531/… And is the solution to use the more modern asyncio?
Clearly, my_generator() is being run twice, rather than once and having its yielded values cached & re-yielded.
its not a bug
completely normal behaviour
with multiprocessing whole process is forked (exact copy), so each process has its own copy of iterator
@marxin Sounds reasonable. Do you want to answer that, or find a suitable dupe target?
Incidentally Windows does not use fork for multiprocessing, which may explain why that code crashes for me instead of merely producing surprising output.
TypeError: can't pickle generator objects
Presumably Windows tries to pickle all the pertinent program state and pass it to a new process, which fails here
@PM2Ring Im just going off for lunch so if you want you can answer :)
@marxin I'd rather not answer because I've never used multiprocessing. But I left a comment of the info that you & Kevin posted.
@PM2Ring wtf really...
that script is so wrong in so many levels :D
morning everyone
I have a long-running program on my home computer and I'd like to be able to check up on it using my phone and/or work computer. I could hack something together with sockets but I don't know specifically how I'd secure it against script kiddies that scan random ips for interesting open ports.
For those who can't acces above: phys.org/news/…
@AnttiHaapala As I said, I don't know multiprocessing, but it looks like a reasonable MCVE to me.
I was pretty impressed by the MCVE because it replicates both multi and non-multi behavior based on command line flags. Most OPs would have just used two code blocks, at the inconvenience of readers.
Whitelist only your phone on the computer Kevin? Disallow any and every connection except those comming for a whitelist mac address?
On the target/"long running program"'s computer.
In principle it's easy for me to secure the connection since I already have a trusted communication channel that I can use to establish a shared secret or key or whatever. Which is to say, I own a flash drive.
@paul23 Interesting idea. Do phones typically have stable mac addresses? I don't know much about mobile tech.
Isn't it simple to spoof a mac address though?
Uh well, my parents are this afraid of someone hacking their home network; they have since the dawn of internet used each safety feature available. Always mac filtering + WPA now.
@Programmer I think so, but the script kiddie won't know what mac address to spoof, unless he can read my source code. But I'm probably already compromised in that case anyway.
My mobile phones have never had their MAC address change afaik. Not even when updating to a new version of android.
(I would know since it would mean I could suddenly no longer connect to my parent's wifi)
Wow, I'd at least expect it to change during reboot. Ok, this is good news.
@PM2Ring Rookie mul;tiprocessing mistake: each process imports the module, so if __name__ == '__main__' is mandatory
Annoying though, each time I have a new device: "Are you sure this mac is unique? How can you prevent someone else with that mac address to access the wifi if he also knows the passphrase? Did you keep your mac address secret?" Me, slightly absent minded: "yes dad!"
@kevin - use screen or tmux - allows you to detach from a running process and reattach on a subsequent login
Sorry, I've been busy playing with a hammer and a length of timber. :) physics.stackexchange.com/questions/307721/…
My dad is currently trying to track down the source of some strange logins to his Netflix account. Everyone with authorized access lives on the east coast, but he occasionally sees IPs that are seemingly coming from Oregon.
Even after changing the account password and only telling immediate family members.
Hey, guys, I'm getting an error in python3.5.0 when using cx_Freeze. When I research it, I find that it may stem from an issue with 3.5.0 so I'm trying to upgrade to 3.5.2 on Mac. I can't seem to find an easy way to do it without deleting python3 entirely. Any ideas?
My current theory is "Authorized user #4 is occasionally using a VPN, or their university routes their traffic weirdly without their knowledge"
Tip: Mention new features of 3.6 in your answer to get more upvotes :D stackoverflow.com/questions/41866911/ordereddict-isnt-ordered

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