@edsheeran That still doesn't answer my question: what you are trying to do? Are you asking because you are just curious. Are you asking because you want to solve another problem. Why do you want to solve it without changing anything ?
creating another process which check all processes in dict with .is_alive(), and delete it. I think it is the best way
@edsheeran i think you need to use class here. But it would work only for current instance, e.g. if you make another instance, it'll still need to be triggered once to change behavior
But, I actually have no idea on how you're gonna use this
Guys, those are using classes too. Everything's a class in Python. The correct answer is: use a different programming language that doesn't use classes.
im reading in a text file the text file has a header which i wish to ignore, untill it reaches the first heading then i would like to process the data using a for loop. clear enough?
I think he's just Kevin and I'm just Kevin M unless context implies otherwise. Although it is a bit strange that the disambiguation is the middle initial we share
He does it for every holiday, including ones I'm unlikely to forget about, like Christmas. I guess it makes sense to get them all rather than try to guess exactly how absent-minded I am
I'll remember when it's Thanksgiving, but forget when it's St Crispin's Day, and everything in between is a gray area
I've got a link to a "P S 2" song on last.fm, a Google Reader link to an excerpt of an old book: "P. S. 2. You are horribly practical in what you say about shrubberies being dirty.", and a link to "android-databinding/OnFocusChangeListenerImpl.java" on github. Close but no cigar -- I don't want android code.
Interesting definition of "brief" there, what with the scroll bar being as small as it can possibly be
"Life is brief, which you will soon realize just before you give up reading this tutorial"
I get the feeling that ready-made solutions for snooping in on hardware communication might be hard to come by, as any respectable source will want to keep the secret out of the hands of script kiddies
I guess "-" and "/' are in different classes of symbols because "-" has meaning within an unescaped query ("don't include the following word") but AFAIK "/" doesn't
he thinks that when you have pycode in a file and call python myfile.py, that python reads and loads each line in myfile one by one. He completely skipped the bytecode step
@inspectorG4dget Depends a lot on his temperament and willingness to listen to criticism, I guess. The only thing I definitely wouldn't do is confront him in front of the students
@MarcusS Never really used it even though I wanted to, I guess now is a great opportunity. Is it easy to scrape very specific stuff without caring too much about speed with it?
Speaking of Narnia, this weekend I watched The Magicians on Netflix. It's dark & gritty urban fantasy taking place partially in a world that's obviously Narnia but with all the copyrightable elements changed.
@MooingRawr Well I don't really need to scrape javascript, I just need to be able to login and scrape content which wouldn't be possible to otherwise, any other ideas?
Ehh, I don't find 外人 particularly offensive, although I tend to describe myself as gaikokujin in sentences like "As you can tell from my accent, I'm a foreigner, so please speak very slowly. It's not rude." which is how a good number of my phone conversations in Japanese start..
You changed your mind about your laptop's name because the Gate shot a tachyon through the name-choosing region of your brain at precisely the right time.
int query(int l, int r) { // sum on interval [l, r)
int res = 0;
for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
if (l&1) res += t[l++];
if (r&1) res += t[--r];
return res;
This is a "choose your own difficulty" snipe because you can just say "I dub this patch of ocean on the other side of the world from Zimbabwe, 'AAAland'"
(ok, yes, it's actually impossible to find the exact percentage thanks to the coastline paradox but let's be satisfied with the accuracy of our instruments)
well if i can give it a go, i suppose you can find the location of the folder with all data ( if app does not generate it by itself ) and then replace pyinstaler icon with windows icon , but they must have the same name. So you would have windows icon but named for eample pyinst.ico
I'd spare you my often-correct-but-often-disastrously-wrong-yet-catchy impression I've got, and let somebody else who actually knows what they're talking about step in
Have any of you dived in control characters before? I just started making hex,binary,octal dump script ( take file return dump ) and familiarizing myself with control characters. It seems to me that they were used as code before, is it possible to write a program solely from control characters ?
well if i understand it completely , control characters are predefined , and if i embed some control character command in someimage.png will it execute in every operating system type eg. Mac,Win,Unix,Ubuntu ...
well i dont want to make a virus, i am just curious how bits work in computer. But lets say yes, virus or message that pops and says "have a nice day" when you click on image with cute kitten.
Oh I didn't see the previous message. I said that would be a solution but it's not dynamic since it only changes the icon to whichever one is default for my OS. I have win7 so people with 8 and 10 will have the icon for 7 if they download the exe.
how about redefining a shortcut ? so that shortcut for that icon will point to a different file depending of some condition ? I mean that sounds quite simple, just path management .
But if user wants to change something on program it will change, especially curious ones like most of us. I crashed several games ( when they were in floppy disks ) and 1 os before i figured out what enter key does. Most of operative systems will substitute missing icon with default icon for that extension, i managed to make Aladdin icon transparent only when i made .ico file transparent, before it was black box like *.cmd file. looks like i am missing the point of your problem.
brb , went to buy some celery and think about icons. be back in 10