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aka editor command "move statement up"
... except I need to use pycharm for productivity reasons
I need to find a new shortcut for it, can't think of any :d
move statement up. There is definitely a key for that
I've done it several times accidentally :P
now I made a bug using that
Is it possible to have a function do something else when you call it every time but the first?
Assuming the function name and all the arguments are the same
@edsheeran you could have a variable that checks numbers of function call and do something different in the function based on that variable..
what are you trying to do ?
pastebin.com/sf7cPKiK is theres a better way to implement what I need?
@MaxLunar yes, first of all, remove all those parentheses from ifs :P
was playing with code that morning. It's completely raw
except on these: elif not (isinstance(cls, type) or isinstance(cls, str)):
@edsheeran just keep a dictionary count of how many times you called the function.
except, you can write that as elif not isinstance(cls, (type, str)
better: isinstance(.. aargh, Kevin'd by Antti
@MaxLunar also: when you use exec, you're doing it wrong.
I seem to remember people complaining about exec and eval earlier.
first rule of python, eval is eval, and those who execute with exec should be execced
@MaxLunar if you need the processes named, use a dictionary. If just numbered, use a list.
from module import function
function(arg) #executes some code
function(arg) #executes different code
Basically this
Without changing anything
Thanks, going to change it right now
Also, what is most efficient way to check and dispose dead processes?
@edsheeran That still doesn't answer my question: what you are trying to do? Are you asking because you are just curious. Are you asking because you want to solve another problem. Why do you want to solve it without changing anything ?
creating another process which check all processes in dict with .is_alive(), and delete it. I think it is the best way
@edsheeran i think you need to use class here. But it would work only for current instance, e.g. if you make another instance, it'll still need to be triggered once to change behavior
But, I actually have no idea on how you're gonna use this
> Without changing anything
@MooingRawr then I have no idea how it can be done.
mutable default argument
"without changing anything" is too broad. Hard to tell what that rules out.
@AndrasDeak: can't use one if we're not allowed to change function.
which is why I'm asking for more details.....
@DSM Oh, like that? Hilarious:D
seems like an X Y problem.
I'd like the second call to <whatever function edsheeran has right now> to order me a pizza
"Guess the problem" games are less fun than people think.
class DisposableFunction:
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_used = False
    def __call__(self, arg):
        if not self.is_used:
            self.is_used = True
Well I was looking to do it without classes but I guess this should work for me, thanks
but but.... that's changing things.... I think it's time for lunch.
def once(func):
    done = False
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        if not done:
            done = True
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped
def function(arg):
    function._count = getattr(function, '_count', 0) + 1
    print("arg:", arg, "count:", function._count)
def foobar():

>>>foo = DisposableFunction()
# do_something_one()
# do_something_two()
# do_something_two()
# do_something_two()
Guys, those are using classes too. Everything's a class in Python. The correct answer is: use a different programming language that doesn't use classes.
class == object ?
or is object a class .....
or is an object an object ?
OK, everything has a class.
By the way, I'm being sarcastic because the question and slow drip of new details/complaints is awful.
Ehh.. I get your point, davidism, but people wouldn't give talks like Stop Writing Classes if there weren't useful distinctions..
>>> type == object
>>> object == type
>>> isinstance(type, object)
>>> isinstance(object, type)
Yes, type is special, it has some sneaky C behavior.
You have encountered Ouroboros and your journey into Python mastery may now begin.
>>> type(object)
>>> type(type)
This is where Kevin would come in and talk about how it works in KevinScript
We very seldom see him on holidays.
>>> type(object)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(type)
<class 'type'>
>>> object
<class 'object'>
>>> type
<class 'type'>
Im confused
If you have to think about it too much, you may have painted yourself into a corner. It shouldn't matter much to you
OK, I'm at that point where "type" no longer looks like a word.
Hi Guys, I've got a regex question how would i write a statement that ignores everything until heading eg "data"
This isn't quite the regex room but you'll probably find this resource helpful: regex101.com
is there a way to do it in python without regex
@KevinMGranger any clarification on that?
@L.C any clarification on your quesiton?
Sure, once you clarify your question :) stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask
Gah, Kevin'd
Kevin's been Kevin'd by not-Kevin.
im reading in a text file the text file has a header which i wish to ignore, untill it reaches the first heading then i would like to process the data using a for loop. clear enough?
Did we ever decide on "Kevin prime" or "Jersey Kevin" or "KMS" or something?
I think he's just Kevin and I'm just Kevin M unless context implies otherwise. Although it is a bit strange that the disambiguation is the middle initial we share
@AndrasDeak: I really can't get a -5/3 powerlaw to fit. In order to look at all reasonable I have to flatten it considerably. :-/ (That plot's ~-1/3.)
@KevinMGranger: more than a bit strange, I'd say, because it only helps for people who already know the distinction..
well it's 4 points each with 2 significant digits or so, and with such error bars...I'm not devastated to learn that the model is suboptimal:P
There goes writing up a note for PRL..
You can fit me in the acknowledgements section
If you have more points, I'll give it a go.
I'm almost in the mood for generating some new data points there:D
(That joke was on the order of "no, but if you hum a few bars". I should be more ashamed than I am.)
bah, hum bar
bah, foo bar
@DSM I see it now.
@DSM me neither actually, I think because lack of the data. Can I see code that you modified?
I wonder how hard it would be to write a trackpad visualizer that shows where on the rectangle it's being contacted and how hard.
In the worst case, you have to write your own device driver, which I've never done but I understand it's nightmarish
Maybe there's some way to listen in on the serial data? idk
Listening on the serial data sounds like at least half of what a device driver does in the first place, so it's probably half-nightmarish
Attention, we have Kevin
@AndrasDeak What did I miss? :D
The hard part is just getting the data. Reverse engineering the proprietary data format is... Also the hard part, I guess
btw I saw the evil (or not, actual malevolence unknown) twin of Kevin
Hello, by the way. I was sleeping in because it's a federal holiday here.
33 mins ago, by DSM
We very seldom see him on holidays.
@AndrasDeak haha. :D
I'm as mysterious as I am predictable.
...yeah I didn't know it was a holiday today >.>
@Kevin where are you living?
The fertile valley that is New Jersey
I wound up working on 2 Jan from home, not realizing it was a holiday here because New Year's fell on a Sunday. :-(
@DSM you're not alone. :(
I would have forgotten about MLK day if my dad hadn't texted me saying "don't go into work tomorrow"
He does it for every holiday, including ones I'm unlikely to forget about, like Christmas. I guess it makes sense to get them all rather than try to guess exactly how absent-minded I am
I'll remember when it's Thanksgiving, but forget when it's St Crispin's Day, and everything in between is a gray area
And Kevin in Jersey now a-bed shall think himself accurs'd..
Strikingly appropriate reference.
Today's a good day for apt references. Got to drop Ouroboros earlier.
Ah, ouroboros. Love the concept, hate to spell it.
Can we please get some consistent vowel use please? Oroboros or Ouroubourous are both fine with me
Ok, my trackpad communicates via an internal ps/2 port... I'm trying to look up "ps/2 listener" but google is unhelpfully removing the slash
Are you getting a lot of playstation links as a result?
nevermind I brain farted on kms
I've got a link to a "P S 2" song on last.fm, a Google Reader link to an excerpt of an old book: "P. S. 2. You are horribly practical in what you say about shrubberies being dirty.", and a link to "android-databinding/OnFocusChangeListenerImpl.java" on github. Close but no cigar -- I don't want android code.
Interesting definition of "brief" there, what with the scroll bar being as small as it can possibly be
maybe it means "put your briefs on your head and follow me"
"Life is brief, which you will soon realize just before you give up reading this tutorial"
I get the feeling that ready-made solutions for snooping in on hardware communication might be hard to come by, as any respectable source will want to keep the secret out of the hands of script kiddies
Or it's just inherently hard
@Kevin try "ps/2" listener. The " escapes googles syntaxes
I tried that and it didn't work for me. Curious.
for example, interpreting ls -l is unhelpful, but interpreting "ls -l"` returns meaningful search queries
Yeah results are the same. I guess google just doesn't like slashes.
how do I tell this prof (who hired me to be his TA) that he's wrong about his understanding of python that he's teaching his students in lecture?
I guess "-" and "/' are in different classes of symbols because "-" has meaning within an unescaped query ("don't include the following word") but AFAIK "/" doesn't
that reasoning makes sense. But I don't understand why they wouldn't make the double quotes just escape everything
Fans of bizarre Smash Mouth remixes may enjoy:
@inspectorG4dget What's wrong with his understanding?
@inspectorG4dget I suspect they simply don't index most special symbols. Can't search for what's not there.
he thinks that when you have pycode in a file and call python myfile.py, that python reads and loads each line in myfile one by one. He completely skipped the bytecode step
@Kevin makes sense
What are some other methods to scrape website that requires login besides urllib in python 3
@inspectorG4dget Depends a lot on his temperament and willingness to listen to criticism, I guess. The only thing I definitely wouldn't do is confront him in front of the students
@Kevin have you tried verbatim searching?
yeah, that wouldn't be a very diplomatic move on my part
@edsheeran Selenium
I'm surprised nobody else thought of that first
nevermind, verbatim eats the slash too:S
so much for verbatim
@MarcusS Never really used it even though I wanted to, I guess now is a great opportunity. Is it easy to scrape very specific stuff without caring too much about speed with it?
@WayneWerner i haven't seen that one yet... nice xD
Does symbolhound.com not give the results you want? It's designed for special symbol searches
@edsheeran Selenium is a good lib to scrape websites with active javascripts on it
although, I'd like to chuckle and have a coding match between TAs and profs at the end of the semester
@edsheeran I've used it plenty of times in the past -- it's a good lib
Speaking of Narnia, this weekend I watched The Magicians on Netflix. It's dark & gritty urban fantasy taking place partially in a world that's obviously Narnia but with all the copyrightable elements changed.
anyone here familiar with nipponese :?
@Kevin worth watching ?
@MooingRawr Well I don't really need to scrape javascript, I just need to be able to login and scrape content which wouldn't be possible to otherwise, any other ideas?
@AnttiHaapala depending ?
@チーズパン <- this looks promising too :D
@MooingRawr Yeah. And the second season is coming out on the 25th so it's a good time to get into it I guess
@edsheeran so yes selenium is the way to go, I think I miss phrased it.
@MooingRawr actually jis keyboard.
Cheese pan? (oh, bread)
@AnttiHaapala a tad
@AnttiHaapala Chīzupan? If I got my kanji correct which I am horrible with.
katakana </pedantic>
パン = pan = bread
Currently thankful I've only got one alphabet
@MooingRawr I mean "could know about JIS keyboards"
I have a pen. I have a pineapple.
I only recognize the first character, @. That's "no", right? ;)
Oh. you said pan. Whatever.
@AnttiHaapala are you asking how to type with a JIS keyboard?
Give me a pineapple and a place to stand, and I will move the world
these (pine)apples are delicious
yeah, how to do mode switch to romanji and so forth
I have bread, I have pineapple. Unh! Pineapple turnover cake.
Mmmmmm. Sounds delicious!
@AnttiHaapala depends on your OS? For me it's super/windows + space when in a text field. Unless you mean between katakana/hiragana modes?
never would've thought to see "super windows" in a sentence
@AnttiHaapala I am not sure, want me to ask my friend who uses a JIS ?
yes please :D
also Kevin M. has a good point, it depends on your OS, and your keyboard I guess
what I am interested in are basically, how to do mode switches there, how many modes there really are...
modes for Japanese?
usually katakana, hiragana, and kanji
hmm :D
I am talking about this physical thingie
something like: what do those 3 extra keys at bottom do :D
dont u just switch the keyboard mode to Japanese?
I only use Anthy.
welp I asked my friend, waiting for an answer right now..
I am specifically absolutely not interested in how Anthy works on US layout :D
Hiragana mode in my keyboard is really romanji -> hiragana converter, it doesn't make each key correspond to a different character
@KevinMGranger yea :(
Oh, it's not from a US layout. That's the differentiating factor
For a bunch of 外国人 we sure seem interested in typing in Japanese..
we're trying to do a keylogger thingie for some Nipponese customers :D
@DSM well it's not like the Japanese speak Japanese anymore, it's all gone to the weebs
@DSM I'm offended, whatever you called me
No, 外人 would be the offensive one
wowo Nipponese is a dictionary word too :D
you called me WHAT?
Ehh, I don't find 外人 particularly offensive, although I tend to describe myself as gaikokujin in sentences like "As you can tell from my accent, I'm a foreigner, so please speak very slowly. It's not rude." which is how a good number of my phone conversations in Japanese start..
Yeah, that one needs context and inflection
see, Japanese is so mainstream.
That's why I chose Vietnamese :D
@AnttiHaapala Those 3 buttons are no convert / convert / katakana-hiragana
convert in this case referring to kana -> kanji
@DSM for a second there, I thought you were Japanese, then I thought it was plausible that you could just speak the language.
無変換 (muhenkan), 変換 (henkan), カタカナ (katakana) ひらがな (hiragana)
Any member of the Noble Order of Gravatars occasionally throws out a peculiar personal detail that confuses everybody about their true identity.
If you have even a 10% confidence that DSM is Japanese-Canadian, he's done his job properly
@MarcusS yeah to sum it up, there is not really a way to sensibly decode anything from the keyboard :D
what do you mean
@DSM 你懂我吗?
we're doing a keylogger (or it is a part of it), so it really isn't easy to convert to text, due to these modes.
and I am not even talking about kana-> kanji :P
In what sense? There are only so many hiragana/katakana characters
@MarcusS guessing what mode the text is entered in.
@MarcusS: only if I ignore the last character and take the others for kanji-meaning and not as words. :-)
@DSM For some reason I recall you having mentioned living in China so I was just curious
I may be recalling that completely wrong
@MarcusS: nope, I spent a few years in Hong Kong and loved it.
@MarcusS curiously, the only word that I didn't understand was ... "understand" :D
@DSM For work?
@MarcusS: yeah, I was teaching at HKU.
@DSM how skilled are you?!?!?!
Actually how skilled are people in room 6. It seems like all the regulars are really good at something or has been living such an interesting life o.o
One does not ask how skilled The Data Science Man is. One just accepts.
i wonder if this room is magical
Or just have experience because we've been around for a while. :)
> has been living such an interesting life o.o
This is making me want to leave the little ten-mile-diameter bubble of comfortable living that I have constructed for myself.
Python skills + many decades = lots of stories about opium dens in Kowloon lots of places.
Would it be safe to say that Martijn is our "Deckard Cain"
> He imagined himself traveling the world, fighting evil wherever it dwelt.
I can't think of that game anymore without remembering how freaked out I was the very first time I heard "FRESH MEAT"
> He imagined himself traveling the world, fixing bugs wherever it dwelt.
@MarcusS hahaha. Yes
Thought you meant Deckard of Blade Runner there, for a moment. It's not out of the question that Martijn is a replicant...
> like tears in the rain
The "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe" speech would fit into this conversation, although that's Roy not Deckard
But we're not going to let a little thing like facts stop us
I wanted to name my laptop "The Tannhauser Gate" but I can't remember why I didn't
maybe some limitation
The Tannhauser Gate is a sentient time portal, chiefly employing its powers to prevent other things from taking its name.
@Kevin: that's exactly what I thought. I had to google to find out otherwise..
I don't understand why Roy Batty cannot pronounce Tannhäuser right, or perhaps it is some silly English name...
You changed your mind about your laptop's name because the Gate shot a tachyon through the name-choosing region of your brain at precisely the right time.
stranger things have happened
I should try to play Diablo one day. I tried once back in high school, but it failed to capture me.
That final scene from Blade Runner though is one of my all-time favorites -- dunno why
The speech is almost perfect, but Tan houser Gate, srsly?!
Took me years though to notice that Deckard is actually spitting at Roy as he's falling
friend: "Here, you try. Click on that skeleton."
me: "Ok, what now?"
friend: "Keep clicking. That's the whole game."
I am learning to implement segment trees iteratively but the code provided on the website is in c++
@johnsmith what are you trying to do ? get the next item in the "array" (list?)?
@johnsmith more details place. What is in your collection? Are you looking to simply increment or decrement the value that is at index i?
@johnsmith answer is: "no".
Lazy solution: use an iterator.
and reverse
assuming your list is all numbers, just do -> array[i] += 1 or array[i] -= 1 blah blah
@idjaw no.
>>> x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> foo = iter(x)
>>> next(foo)
>>> next(foo)
>>> next(foo)
Ta daa, access an item and move to the next item, all rolled up in one call.
oh. it's actually messing with the index
@idjaw your C-fu fails you for the last time.
nah...I just mis-interpreted what they were trying to do
@AnttiHaapala So there is no way to do this in python like in c++ ?
@johnsmith no.
Extra lazy solution: index the list normally, then increment/decrement the index on the next line.
@johnsmith python expressions are side-effect free on purpose.
no need to ask stupid things like "what's i++ + ++i"
"from San Francisco to Sweden" <- so basically only including locations which start with S
Then what is the best way to implement this :
int query(int l, int r) {  // sum on interval [l, r)
  int res = 0;
  for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
    if (l&1) res += t[l++];
    if (r&1) res += t[--r];
  return res;
I did it this way
Geography snipe: find two antipodal placenames starting with A and Z respectively.
def query(t,l,r,n):
    print l,r
    while l<r:
        if l&1:
            l += 1
            # l += 1
        elif r&1:
            r -= 1
            # r-= 1
    return res
This is a "choose your own difficulty" snipe because you can just say "I dub this patch of ocean on the other side of the world from Zimbabwe, 'AAAland'"
But I guess this is not correct
@johnsmith looks ok,
@johnsmith excepting that l += 1 is in the wrong place.
Is there any reason you're implementing segment trees this way, BTW?
@Kevin so, did you have a specific pair in mind?
Nope. It doesn't help that only like 5% of the world has antipodal points that are both on dry land
(Snipe: determine the exact percentage)
@MarcusS I know how to implement it recursively but I find the that implementation cumbersome so I wanted to implement it iteratively
@Kevin hey wouldn't that be actually easy :P
just take the map and flip/mirror and correlate?
Yeah you just need a handy Earth map API
@Kevin no.
(ok, yes, it's actually impossible to find the exact percentage thanks to the coastline paradox but let's be satisfied with the accuracy of our instruments)
I need a globe and a gun.
need to get some guy out there with a roll of twine to measure it all
each mark designated at a point where no water is detected on average for the majority of the year
time travel to account for erosion
Heh. Recommended from that video, one I've seen but is still so good
> Thought and Memory, my ravens, fly every day the whole world over. Each day I fear that Thought might not return, but I fear more for Memory.
jonrsharpe understands me.
@MartijnPieters your home may be at risk if you do not keep up with repayments on your technical debt. — jonrsharpe 2 mins ago
Did they say when we are getting our silver badge for the survey we did? I mean I only gave up my information for an interweb badge.....
How to have have pyinstaller use the default windows exe icon instead of its own
@edsheeran why don't you just change the icon yourself to something you want?
I don't want to do it for the sake of a better icon, I just think pyinstaller one is ugly
@MartijnPieters jon;)
One method is extracting the windows .ico and using that but that's not dynamic
2 mins ago, by edsheeran
I don't want to do it for the sake of a better icon, I just think pyinstaller one is ugly
how is that not a contradiction?
Thinking it's ugly caused me to want to change it, but not necessarily with a better looking one
That's why I want the default .exe icon, I really don't care what I change it to
Do you want to change it to an equally ugly one?:D
@MarcusS lol, I can almost understand this after 5 times listening through
hello , i have never seen this chat option before :D though i say hi
I guess you have a point
Anyway does anyone know how to do that
sorry, I don't:)
what , using default windows icon ?
@AndrasDeak I never misspell names. When I do, I ninja edit.
well if i can give it a go, i suppose you can find the location of the folder with all data ( if app does not generate it by itself ) and then replace pyinstaler icon with windows icon , but they must have the same name. So you would have windows icon but named for eample pyinst.ico
@Danilo: welcome to the room! You can read the link in the top right hand corner of the page for an introduction to the room customs.
man it was a bad SR weekend for overwatch ... i went from high 1700 to 1350 :(
@MartijnPieters abuse!
I mostly noted because I wasn't sure if it was only a typo:) There are quite a few users on SO whose name I consistently misread for months
I am reading about closures
Aren't they just loops?
I don't think so
They seem to be very similar
aren't closures more related to scoping?
I'm not sure
but I'm a layman, so only vague impressions here
I am just learning
It seems like they 'kinda' iterate over a collection and allow methods to be applied to elements
Maybe i need to read up more
I'd spare you my often-correct-but-often-disastrously-wrong-yet-catchy impression I've got, and let somebody else who actually knows what they're talking about step in
@Perfect_Comment are you possibly confusing closures with comprehensions :D
or that ^
yes, comprehensions are just loops.
Is there closures in Python?
I am learning Groovy
yes, there are closures in Python.
@Perfect_Comment yes.
I only came here as the other rooms are kinda slow today
Have any of you dived in control characters before? I just started making hex,binary,octal dump script ( take file return dump ) and familiarizing myself with control characters. It seems to me that they were used as code before, is it possible to write a program solely from control characters ?
thanks :D
@Danilo yeah
Awesome!! :D is it cross os ?
What do you mean?
well if i understand it completely , control characters are predefined , and if i embed some control character command in someimage.png will it execute in every operating system type eg. Mac,Win,Unix,Ubuntu ...
are we talking about some kind of virus?
well i dont want to make a virus, i am just curious how bits work in computer. But lets say yes, virus or message that pops and says "have a nice day" when you click on image with cute kitten.
Oh I didn't see the previous message. I said that would be a solution but it's not dynamic since it only changes the icon to whichever one is default for my OS. I have win7 so people with 8 and 10 will have the icon for 7 if they download the exe.
how about redefining a shortcut ? so that shortcut for that icon will point to a different file depending of some condition ? I mean that sounds quite simple, just path management .
It's still not dynamic, if the user changed the default icons doesn't matter how many shortcuts I define because I don't have their icon.
Essentially I want a --noicon option for pyinstaller
But if user wants to change something on program it will change, especially curious ones like most of us. I crashed several games ( when they were in floppy disks ) and 1 os before i figured out what enter key does. Most of operative systems will substitute missing icon with default icon for that extension, i managed to make Aladdin icon transparent only when i made .ico file transparent, before it was black box like *.cmd file. looks like i am missing the point of your problem.
brb , went to buy some celery and think about icons. be back in 10
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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