I have a friend with about my level of Python expertise going to do a 2 hr HackerRank test. What, if any, prep should he do? Asking for a friend... Thanks. :)
trying to mimic functionality like a listbox...so if a control gets added and its placed outside the viewable area, just below the previous one, I want the scrollbar to scroll to the end...
in other words always show the recent control added...
Aargh, first one person ninja'd me on a question, but okay, my answer went in a bit of a different direction, so upvote the first and keep working, during which time someone else ninja'd me and his answer was the same as mine. :-(
@BhargavRao see, this one here: stackoverflow.com/a/41338854/918959 was naa'd (it is low quality answer, but it was correct answer altogether; though not at all as good as it should be undeleted...)
I didn't think it was an audit so I just downvoted just to be sure that I do not get more declined flags :d
@vaultah Thanks. I have saved the sopython resource. I am almost done with the LPTHW book but will research and expand on some of the points they made in that post... It looks like my notes may need to be modified somewhat. — AuthorizedUser50 secs ago
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
import support
File "C:\pythonfiles\support.py", line 1
Python 3.6.0b3 (default, Nov 1 2016, 03:21:01) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Two things I would like to say: 1. Missing module results in *import error* not syntax error 2. Syntax error means you have *syntactical error* in the code. Which in your case is in *support.py* you are importing
I trained TensorFlow for around 2 hours but still it is giving wrong predictions with probability of more than 0.9. Isn't 2 hour enough for generating the .weight files?
I am training it for around 150K images divided into 24 classes
Depends on the problem you are trying to solve. Scikit Learn is for data mining and analysis where as tensorflow is mainly for machine learning in various kinds of perceptual and language understanding tasks