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thanks @DSM
So the plugin allows you to conditionally extend serializers based on the context. I've just started working on an approach to use select/prefetches to automatically optimize the queries too. It's taken bloooody ages to write documentation...
@inspectorG4dget: sure. Don't take me as any authority, of course, but I did some quiet googling in another tab and while some stuff I read was vague enough to be compatible with both approaches, some other stuff -- including the wikipedia page -- seemed to me to only be compatible with an independent-trial interpretation.
@DSM: the problem is that my textbook is vague, and I've seen both approaches in literature. My old assignments agree with your view, but my intuition is still on the fence - I can understand and appreciate the argument for either side, but I can't decisively settle on one approach over the other
I'm also starting to think that I prefer writing Python to JS... contentious I know
I can't wait to play with python 3.6 this weekend lol
the new syntax is kinda mesmerizing.
@IanClark Looks like you're one step closer to getting that job at Mozilla (I read somewhere that they take Python programmers and make them write Javascript)
@MooingRawr the f strings, or something else? Or all of the things?
I hate JS. primarily opinon based
@WayneWerner f strings but there's more? I'm excited to read through the doc to see new changes
I want my i-strings
f strings so far kind of blow my mind
I'm read that with C-Python dictionary ordering will be deterministic (?) - not sure I like the idea of promoting that
@IanClark not only deterministic but insertion order.
Ah yeh that was it, shudders
it is considered an implementation detail in python 3.6 but later will become specs
... possibly
there are other good things about it:
stackoverflow.com/questions/39980323/… <-- in case someone is interested Dictionaries are ordered in CPython 3.6
It's the typing syntax which annoys me the most, but I've clearly lost this battle -- hence my recent considerations of non-Python languages. :-P
keyword arguments are now guaranteed to be ordered.
@DSM waaa?
it is the one best thing about python now
with a proper ide.
@DSM noooo dont leave us!!!
Oct 19 '16 at 14:29, by DSM
We get all the uglification of type noise everywhere, without the performance benefits. On the bright side, at least we get runtime verification-- oh, wait, we don't. But we get static verification, right? Actually, as far as I can tell, not without third-party tools.
@DSM oh yeh, that looks seriously ugly too
And it can be used partially (?), even in the same module
yeah, but there are third-party runtime tools
but it is better to use this instead of just docstrings... it is part of the syntax now
So the "one best thing about python now" depends upon using some ugly syntax and unsupported tools. Where do I sign up? I don't need to, it's free? Lucky me!
@MoinuddinQuadri i read that but, it ssays i shouldnt depend on the order in the Dict which I agree, so the new change was just to create a more mem efficient dict ? is there another reason for the new changes?
@DSM use pycharm.
If I'm going to put type declarations in my code, why shouldn't I get the speedup that languages which have them offer me?
@AnttiHaapala: is there something I could say which could convince you I'm not interested in a third-party tool as an explanation for the advantages of a language change? Because if so, imagine I said it.
I think it's super confusing to just have typed information littered in parts of modules
Making it optional just seems seriously weird
parameter annotations were first.
there was zero language change for the typing module in itself.
@MooingRawr Little snapshot from the accepted answer:
"In the previous implementation, a sparse array of type PyDictKeyEntry and size dk_size had to be allocated; unfortunately, it also resulted in a lot of empty space since that array was not allowed to be more than 2/3 * dk_size full for performance reasons. (and the empty space still had PyDictKeyEntry size!).

This is not the case now since only the required entries are stored (those that have been inserted) and a sparse array of type intX_t (X depending on dict size) 2/3 * dk_sizes full is kept. The empty space changed from type PyDict
I think that's it.
@IanClark: which is why I'm a little sceptical of the PEP promise that "we don't intend to make putting type declarations everywhere the new default".
Reason behind creating it is the memory efficiency
well. I had some dirt on my display, so I tried to clean it... well, it was @DSM's WB hat
@DSM yeh :/
Now I'm in a bad mood, so I'm going to go home where my typed code is fast and my untyped code is Python. :-P
Rhubarb for all!
Rhubarb ;)
rbrb @DSM
I'm almost ready to go home soon and install my new videocard. So much excitement
@DSM I wanted to know about the * typed code is fast* . Is it in binary? :P
so it's just mem issues okie good to know
1 hour later…
Hi. Is there a way to force each child process/thread to be context switched after certain seconds?
Maybe. I mean, more or less. But that sounds like an XY problem
What do you need?
I had asked a question about 2 months back on stack overflow. Can i share the link if you are interested in reading?
if you read the room rules, 2 months is well past the 1-2 days ;)
Determining gender at the time of conception is an XY problem
Q: ChildProcessError: [Errno 10] No child processes when creating a process out of another process

Aj GauravdeepHere is brief summary of the problem i am facing in a client architecture to be run on 100s of machines as an application. Let's call our app 'STR' opens up a process called "Run" using multiprocess.Process taking a json object as a parameter. This Process "Run" creates object of a class and st...

i am trying to be extra cautious. I dont want to be kicked out of this room again.
don't worry all the mean guys aren't here at the moment
Just the snarky ones ^_^
Interesting problem. Sounds like async/await would actually be more useful for you here
okay. can you please elaborate?
<3 dabeaz
best python teacher!
i am aware of asyncio but what do you suggest in this case.
lemme watch this video just in case. I am sure i need some revision.
Basically... it sounds like you're more interested in having more control over how much time is spent doing X, Y, or Z
fortran ASYN AWAI heeh
haha. i bet he will get the credit for that.
using async/await (lol, IKR?) you can pretty easily(?) build some loops to read some, do some, etc.
@AndrasDeak just dabeaz trollin'
ah, didn't watch that
I think the dabeaz/hettinger effect is real, though
I was out of office for health reasons but i need this fix asap. hoping to get some results today by your suggestion and this video.
laughing at fortran with a GOTO in it, right...
i have used twisted to communicated my python with nodejs server, that also part of this system.
don't know why i mentioned that.
Wayne, may i direct my questions by tagging you?
Rhubarb o/
hey guys, simple question:
I got a new Pc which runs win10 32bit without python,
on my old pc (win7 64bit python3.4.3) i developed some simple programs,
can i without ANY problem install python 3.6 on my new pc and run the programs i developed on my old pc?

pls halp, i'm clueless.
You can install Python 3.6 without any problems, but you will only be able to run your programs if they're compatible with Python 3.6
python 3.x should be backwards-compatible, right?
not really
How so?
@AndrasDeak @Lyux 3.4.3 should be pretty much compatible with 3.6
I thought it was an explicit directive that there are no breaking changes in python 3
am I missing something obvious?
one thing that comes to mind:
still, there're some changes that can break existing code: docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.6.html#changes-in-the-python-api
ah no... did they change it yet?
@vaultah most of those are non-issues
All optional arguments of the dump(), dumps(), load() and loads() functions and JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder class constructors in the json module are now keyword-only. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in issue 18726.)
well, this can hit someone :D
thanks for the link, didn't find it while looking for something, thanks alot, will look into it.
and wish me luck! :D
@Lyux what will you do depending on the outcome?
@Lyux TL;DR: probably nothing relevant.
I'd guess you'd want python anyway, and most people will tell you to use the newest possible if you can
I've had probably 2-3 backwards-compatibility problems
and I've been programming in it for man-years now :D
I'd go ahead with it, and make my code 3.6-compliant in the unlikely case of something breaking
well if they don't work with 3.6 i'll update them and also update python on my old pc, its about damn time :D
I have 32 and 64 bit 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 installed on Windows 10 and they all work fine together.
Yup:) Good luck anyway.
You just have to be careful what options you enable in the older installers, as they mess with the path.
Well thanks alot, i now feel better about myself doing it.
BTW, that's 12 Pythons. I hate Windows.
good night
good night
@davidism few more and you'll have a py-ton
When will I have a Phyton though? I see a lot of questions about that on SO.
I have 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7; 3.1, 3.5, 3.6 :P
for some reason I am missing 3.2-3.4 :P
Getting the compilers for all those versions is a whole other story, haven't started that one yet.
At least 3.5/3.6 32/64 is easy with 2014.

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