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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

So I need to know whether my phone is going to speak incoming text, and suddenly everyone goes silent. I guess I'll have to type something myself!
beep boop bop
I say smrt things
I'm cooler than a polar bear's toenails
Data Science Man, Data Science Man, does whatever Data Science can
hi! In Python, can you do a one liner to remove an element from a list? range(50).del(1)
@Sosi not directly if you want to do anything with the result
you might be able to index into the rest of the elements
One-liners are overrated
There's [item for idx, item in enumerate(my_list) if idx != idx_you_want_to_remove] but it's not something you'd want in production quality code, typically
because range(50).pop(1) works
@Kevin well that doesn't remove it per se
just not del
because pop returns something, but del doesn't...?
ya, I was hoping range(50).pop(1) would return the new list too
howdy folks
any Django experts here?
@AndrasDeak True. I was answering the question I wanted to hear, not the one he literally asked.
Data Science Man, Data Science Man
Does whatever data can,
Writes some code, any size,
Catches bugs just like flies
Look out!
Here comes the Data Science Man

Is he strong?
Listen bud,
He’s got Python blood.
Can he write up a thread
Take a look, no overhead.
Hey, there
There goes the Data Science Man
Having spent only ten minutes with my phone's accessibility features, I have newfound sympathy for the visually impaired.
>>> my_list = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
>>> my_list.__delitem__(1) or my_list
[4, 15, 16, 23, 42]
is there a way to get the IP/port of the local django server, inside settings.py?
Now we're really deep in "never do this" territory
for example, if a user runs:
```python manage.py runserver localhost:9999```
inb4 "doing this"
@Kevin: look at what you've done!
"Don't press which red button? This one? *beep*"
Nov 4 at 17:41, by Kevin
user image
me irl
@DSM I'm as happy as the next Canuck for our ongoing dominance in the juniors....but is a part of you kinda wondering how Latvia still managed to get two goals? :P
one last question: in Jupyter, is there a way to word wrap the text, instead of having horizontal scroll bars when it gets too big for a cell?
@MarcusS yes!! thanks so much
I have a function `obtain_expensive()` that takes a long time to return a new object upon a call (that is not copyable). I want to wrap on this function with another function (or class?) `fetch_prepared()` that will auto fill a pool of such expensive objects asynchronously, and return an instance of such expensive object immediately upon call. Since the object will be destroyed upon use, it does not need to be given back to the pool.
What is a neat way to implement the `fetch_prepared()` ?
@Sosi: that was literally the first result on google for "jupyter word wrap".
@DSM my apologies, I had searched but was unable to find it before...
(or could someone tell me where to search because I cannot find a good keyword to search about that..)
Seems pretty straightforward. Start a new thread that adds expensive objects to a queue. When obtain_expensive is called, block until the queue has at least one item, then pop it and return it. After the expensive object is used, the garbage collector will eventually take care of it.
This is assuming that the object is expensive to make because you're waiting on I/O or something. If it's because you have to grind through a lot of calculations, then threading isn't going to be any faster than the non-threaded alternative thanks to the GIL
Your assumption holds. However I have no idea how to 'block until the queue has at least one item'... (Please forgive me since I am not skilled at python)
Luckily Queue.Queue.get does that for you automatically :-)
Thank you! I will try it out..
So something like
from Queue import Queue
import threading

expensive_object_queue = Queue() #optional: specify a maxsize here so you don't make millions of expensive objects when you only need a few
def make_expensive_objects():
    while True:
        obj = ??? #somehow create expensive object here

def get_expensive_object():
    return expensive_object_queue.get()

t = threading.Thread(target=make_expensive_objects)
t.daemon = True

#rest of code goes here. call `get_expensive_object` when you need an expensive object
Thank you very much! Exactly what I need, except I may need several threads to fill the queue. Thanks again.
Anyone here use Robinhood?
Not I
I learned about it a while ago but just barely started using it today
Huh, does datetime.fromtimestamp not work on negative integers? How do I indicate times before 1970?
Free trades are very nice
@Kevin there was no spacetime before 1970
So, Last Thursdayism but with more Thursdays. Got it.
@Code-Apprentice Yes, I've been using it for a while
@idjaw did ya get a few rounds in last night? I see morgan went up in SR ...
Fun fact: if you bought nvidia stock at the beginning of the year, you will have quadrupled your money now
@JoranBeasley I played the tutorials and a few AI matches to learn the game. Really good. Then I spent time being stubborn, because I wanted to add it in steam....I eventually won the battle...which means I play it on my steamlink on my big tv...so I'm very happy now
@wim fun fact....I really should talk to my financial advisor about looking in to things like that...
@Kevin works for me
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(-60*60*24*365)
datetime.datetime(1968, 12, 31, 18, 0)
Most peculiar.
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(-123)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
Or, don't tell me there's a datetime.fromtimestamp and a datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp and they behave differently
looks like it?
more likely than minor versions behaving differently, right?
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(-123)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'datetime' has no attribute 'fromtimestamp'
plus it's datetime, so anything can happen
duh, you're using datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp. You should be using datetime.datetime.datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp
@AndrasDeak Yeah probably.
I'm using 3.5.1
Python 3.5.2+ (default, Dec 13 2016, 14:16:35)
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(-123)
datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 57, 57)
Maybe I overshadowed a name or trampled some internal state somehow...? I'll start up a new REPL
Quick question, how do you sort list of values in dict?
Use an OrderedDict.
0:[2,4,1,], 1:[2,1,3]
0:[1,2,4], 1:[1,2,3]
Oh, I misunderstood.
must be someone did pip install delorean and then del datetime.fromtimestamp
for value in my_dict.values(): value.sort()
Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:38:48) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(-123)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
I think I'm going to blame Windows for this one
You all are on Linuxes I assume
I am
FWIW I don't have a datetime.fromtimestamp:P
@Andras, I am starting to like ubuntu !
I've been expecting that;)
c:\Users\Kevin bad, /home/kevin/ good.
Sorry, I can't ever change OSes. They got me with vendor lock-in via keyboard shortcuts that I can't be bothered to unlearn.
if only shortcuts were modifiable in linux:P
@wim Do you day trade or just buy and hold for long term?
Even non-keyboard shortcuts like "double click a title bar to maximize" or "drag title bar to the edge of the screen to increase the window's size so that it takes up that half of the screen?"
I could probably do without "wiggle title bar to minimize all other windows". I do that accidentally far more often than intentionally.
Whoops, gotta go. Let's continue arguing on Tuesday.
till-Tuesday rhubarb, then!
@wim yeah cause of their partnership with tesla right?
@Code-Apprentice long term
you can't day trade on a free robin hood account, you will get banned
I was reading a little about that.
So they also have paid accounts?
thoughts on this price: store.steampowered.com/app/391220
should I go for it
I just have dis ... and i just reinvest the dividends
I didn't know about that.
The free account is fine though
thats my only stock that i actively manage
If you're a serious enough trader that you're going to pay a broker, you probably wouldn't be using Robinhood anyway
I'm mostly interested in SQ right now. How is DIS doing for you?
because it lacks a lot of features, like short-selling
dis is one of those constant slow growth stocks
@wim yah, there's that.
I have been using eTrade for my IRA.
I'm disappointed that Robinhood doesn't have IRAs ;-(
i think my initial 3k is now worth 12k (but its been many years since the initial 3k)
nothign amazing certainly
many years == more than 10?
not retiring on that ... but its chill someday it might be a downpayment on something awesome
yes ... like 20
Robinhood is a great little app though, I have 10k in there for "play"
so not great returns
yah, 4x your initial investment isn't bad.
not spectacular, either.
my real savings are all in mutual funds
heh, I just put $100 into my Robinhood account.
starting small
yeah its just one of those stocks that will always go up ... my real 401k is in managed accounts
that is all mutual funds
bah i dont know what im talking about when it comes to stocks
I made a lot of money on SQ
yah, in the short term, Disney will have its ups and downs like any company, but in the long run, they will be here for a while.
they make those little payment things to plug into smartphones
I've been following one of their main Android developers for a while. Does some awesome stuff in that area...OSS libraries and such.
I don't have much to invest, but I decided a few months ago that I want to start buying into SQ. I think they will give a decent return in the long term.
Eventually I want to write a bot to do some trades for me.
probably will do that in Python
sorry, @wim brings that out some times....
yup....every time I see him pop up I can never say badger once to myself....always at least three times
classic viral video before they were called "viral videos"
autotrades are scarey stuff ....
ANN does not make good stock traders imho if you value your money
(although it should ... and probably does really...)
I'll start with simple rules before I tried ANNs.
lol ... like what? simple rules + stock market == $--
I'm sure a lot depends on what data input you have, too.
yah, I'm not expecting to make lots of money...probably will even lose money, but it will be fun!
im pretty sure theres fake markets that trade real stock so you can pretend i guess ... but then you feel bad if it performs well that you didnt bet real moneys ... but more likely it will convince you that madness lies down that path
that would be a good place to start actually
Can you pip install from within interpreter itself?
like import pip , do something
i know you can import it so I would assume so ...
import pip;pip.main(["install","numpy"])
thank god for pycharm & ctrl+b :P
@JoranBeasley No, I'm not
Wim is a pretty common name in Holland and Germany
lol ok :P I just saw wim and thought maybe it was you (since there are probably not that many expert pythonistas named wim :P )
it was tied to a very very terrible question ...
when in doubt, do a wimdiff
-1 for your -1 on my -1
I'm vaguely aware that the hyphen is incorrect, yet anything other than -1 looks weird to me
What, is this a − vs - issue?
–1 for the unnecessary condescension. Actually, using fromtimestamp with a negative number usually works fine, but it's platform-dependent. — wim 25 mins ago
@wim –1 for using –1 instead of -1 — Andras Deak 17 mins ago
10 mins ago, by wim
-1 for your -1 on my -1
There was a minor fire blizzard on meta about the "vote breakout" using a hyphen instead of a minus sign (and that "vote breakout" sounds stupid, as a spin-off)
people claimed that the minus sign would be semantically correct and accessibility-friendly, and that it's usually not typeset as a hyphen
at least that's what I took home from the argument
or <insert the appropriate idiom here>
@wim That's interesting. I thought wim was initials or something
his profile contains his name half a dozen times;)
btw @wim your twitter link is borken
@AndrasDeak except I used neither - nor − , I used –
what was that, en-dash?:P
Yes, the venerable en–dash
>>> unicodedata.name('–')
aww yiss
not to be confused with em dash
I'm only closely familiar with the hyphen, en- and em-dashes
en dash is good, because it's the seperator they use between a comment and a username
so you can copy and paste it from there
thanks for the tip (although I'd rarely use it:P)
I guess MINUS SIGN is probably more correct for downvote usage, though ..
whenever I cite Dunning–Kruger.....
@wim probably, but then again I don't expect anybody to give a crap:D
Q: Negative question scores should be prefixed with a − (minus sign) instead of a - (hyphen)

fuzRight now, a negative question/answer score is prefixed with a dash (U+002D). It should be prefixed with a minus sign (U+2212) instead, which is the typographically correct character. The minus sign has the HTML4 named entity &minus;, so its availability should be good. Here is a visual compariso...

yes, that's the one
449 people gave a crap
Right, "people" on meta.
This was requested a long time ago for similar reasons and rejected for similar reasons. Might have been in the uservoice days.. everything old is new again! — Jeff Atwood ♦ Mar 11 at 11:07
I did not see Jeff's comment when I saw that post
well, it was posted a week later
Everything right is wrong again...
> if we're gonna go clogging up the markup with weird, exotic symbols, it should be for a good cause - to slap folks in the faces with the magnitude of their wrongitude.
TIL "wrongitude"
F*ck boto
no one is merging PR's there
poor z
now look at the letters on the home rows of QWERTY, Dvorak, and Colemak keyboard layouts
I can already type faster than I can decide on what I want to type, so I'm not sure I'd ever gain back the time lost to retraining if I switched. If the young want to learn a different layout, more power to 'em.
dkjfaölkfdjadslkfjsadölkfajdsfölkjfölkdsajfaasdölkfjasdölkfajs see here when I am annoyed at boto, I can type >600 chars per minute
@DSM It's not about speed, it's about comfort
although the increase in speed that comes with efficiency of movement is also an added bonus
is theres a python 3.4 embeddable zip? i have a win xp pc with low ram, and i need to somehow push the dir with python to it, and the run my script. Installer wont suit me
didnt found one on official download page
@MaxLunar .... windows xp...
this is the same reason i wont bother learning vim ... any speedup i see over using pycharm and keybindings that make sense to me, will be lost in learning vim
@Antti It's pc on dad's work. I have no problems with my pc
pc on dad's work uses xp...
anyway, he has no choice
and i should to do something with it
I don't know how people keep all the shortcuts / keybindings straight
@MaxLunar y not just make a pyinstaller executable?
no choice ... :D
130 mb of free ram
I don't work in any place that requires me to use windows.
whats that have to do with anything?
if they forced me to use XP...
the first problem there is xp
if you send me the source i can build it for you on our xp vm ... and the exe should run fine on 32/64 xp
oh. thanks, ill set up my vm with xp.
@MaxLunar what is the reason for running XP? which program?
ok :) just make sure you use 32bit xp ... also I think a specific pyinstaller works best ... leme figure out which
or device
(and 32 bit python)
lol man im not sure what version of pyinstaller this even is .... but its old
ahh 1.3
found it :P
@AnttiHaapala if you want to make an exe that runs on 32 xp I think you need to build it against 32 xp (it will also run on win8 and 10 and 64) ... but if you build it against win10 orr something i think it wont run on xp
@MarcusS lots of practice. I usually pick one to use for a few days. Once it is natural then I pick another
People who force other people to use XP should have the locks removed from all their doors and doors removed from their bathroom stalls
Quick question
{0: ('output', 2, 'output', 0)}
from this to this
? There not even a valid data types
Nevermind fixed it, thanks tho
Which is a better SE site for design pattern related questions?
visual design, or program design?
thanks, let me take a tour ;)
no, I was asking a question:D
I missed the last character :/ program design :P
I was doing ctrl + f to find these sites :D
exactly what i was looking for
Been noticing a lot of TensorFlow questions lately. Is that because everyone's actually using it or because it's bringing in a lot of new developers and/or introducing a new paradigm?
or there's a tensorflow university course somewhere:P
people probably want to use it ... but i think a lot of people think its some kinda magic bullet ... they will figure out eventually its not
i wouldnt be supprised if its used in ANN courses as well
maybe they'd like to learn machine learning the hard way
Seems to be getting a disproportionate number of questions for such a niche subject
as long as they are not mostly crap...
Not complaining
I don't know how the popularity of scikit relates to that of tensorflow
are there any large machine learning frameworks in python?
the tensorflow playground does make it look like fun:)
TensorFlow for my stock trading bot! I'll be rich!
so far most of them are pretty rough ... largely because MCVE is hard with them... and they use terrible variable names
@AndrasDeak looks fun
but I don't get how to make it actually train properly :D
trying the xor problem there
ah one needsw to hit play :P
that helps:P
Good evening. I was thinking about making a game to improve my programming and I might have a nice concept. Beside some knowledge of Python and Pygame is do however have little IT knowlegde. Is it feasible to make an app with Python? Do I have to translate it or can I make it adaptable to different code?
train the spiral now:P
@PetervanderBol Cabbage.
that also depends on what you exactly mean by "app"
I would like it to be able to run on a mobile device
these interests are killing me
my mortgage has yearly interest of 0.187 %
Sorry I have no clue. I suppose I will try to design it in Python since I have no other means anyway.
@AndrasDeak Cabbage?
@PetervanderBol please read the room rules; cabbage is explained on the same page:)
@AndrasDeak I like that definition a lot better than the ones in the urbran dictionary :-)
@AndrasDeak I will just try to design it with Python and see if it worthwhile to pursue other implementations
I don't know much (read: practically nothing) about designing apps. I did try to write a simple one in python using kivy, which was straightforward, but I couldn't get it to work with very basic device features (read: notifications and vibrate worked, signal handling didn't). I ended up writing it in native android instead (granted, my app was very simple, and needed no graphics).
@AnttiHaapala thats a really good morgage rate ...
and that's for a year, not a day :P
mine is 3.7% :/ luckily my house was really really cheap
this is 3-month Euribor + 0.5 % margin
current rate for Euribor 3 months is -0.319 %... meaning
a bank in Europe promises to pay another bank 0.319 % interest if they'd just kindly accept to take the money for 3 months
my brain explodes
yeh negative interest is super confusing to me also
tbh a whole lot wrt to markets is confusing to me
so there were some people whose mortgage interest has gone negative too...
because the banks didn't think that the reference rates would ever go that much below 0...
it is of course explained here, and I know all this but ...
what's your idea of "really really cheap" for a house?
60k for 3 bed ... it was immediatly apraised at 180k
Idaho ?
it was a lady who owed the bank 30k still and was gonna just let them take it ... I offered double and she took it
60k would buy you a parking space where I'm from
bank thought it was a scam
made me get a lawyer who also thought it was a scam
eventually it went through as all legit though (the bank still is like "oh your that guy who got that awesome deal" every time i go in)
still sounds like a scam
I'll give you 61k ... ;)
Moscow RU
I spent another 15k replacing the floors ... but the house was built in 1990 so its pretty good and all up to code and all that
Did you paint it that blue
I can hardly wait for the opportunity to tell Joran "I know where you live"
has that town been freshly renamed by Trump?
naw this was the one country in idaho that went bright blue for the election
I didnt paint it that color... it came that way ... maybe this summer ill get around to painting it over
cbg all
that blue spot up near the middle
i guess it wasnt that blue
the bright centre :D
I wish I could work for nasa or spacex
they don't need Node.js
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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