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or ill try and remember to add you guys tonight
either way
team cabbage
we are in the top 80% of players :P
(lol that really means we are in the bottom 20%)
oh fizzy is in EU region (makes sense... although i doubt ill play w u... :P)
You can play cross region.
Fizzy plays with Tristan and I from time to time.
yeh fizzy might have to play on us if he wants to play :P Im guessing his EU internets is faster than mine ;P
Yeah I just jump on US to play.
i cant find my account on overwatch tracker ;(
just better kill fara if you play soldier ;P
I tend to not play sniper classes so the lag isn't as important.
you need your unique identifier :P
i love it when ppl play widow/hanzo and then bitch the whole time about lag
@JoranBeasley do you mean your blizzard friend's number ? thingy ? cuz i've tried that
my name in game is Joran... but my unique id thing is Joran#11688
yeah ive tried that ... sigh lol o well
(the number bit is randomly assigned by bliz... if you sign in to battlenet and hover over your profile you should see it I think)
it's static right ?
if you havent played in a while it may not have existed when you played last
it should comeup with the same stuff as playoverwatch.com ... I just like the way they display it there better
thats my buddy i play with ... look at his environmental kills (from playing lucio)\
Oh man a Lucio environment kill? Or a Reinheart one too?
no loving for dva's knock back ? feelsadman
he is in the top 1% for most environmental kills
Tristan is our DVaWench.
off topic and might be a bit inappropriate for me to ask and if it is im sorry, but what happen to Tristan?
He died.
o.... my condolences...
His SO persona died. He lives in the realm of real people now
lol i was like O.o what???
Where he gets upvotes in the form of "thank you" and "good job"
geez >.> i thought he actually hit the grave when you said that.... i see
Yes, he's playing DVa in our Overwatch Team from the clearing at the end of the path.
OK just to make sure. I should just purchase the standard vanilla version right
it's 29.99 right now
im just wondering if overwatch will actually take over the korean scene and dethrone Starcraft
hell no
not a chance in hell
yes joe, unless u want 5 special skins
if u want some bouns feelsgood items then buy the origin pack other than that basegame is all u need
i am getting error this
Not uninstalling requests at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, owned by OS
@idjaw It is more popular than LoL in Korea.
Don't be too surprised.
overwatch crushed League in Korea, and League was like half of the popularity of Starcraft... so like if starcraft doesn't do something impressive i could see Overwatch taking over
It's proper taken the esport world by storm.
I would argue that Overwatch will take over CS GO in like a year or two
once OW finds a pro scene to pay players a base salary (which was what blizzard wanted to do)
alright ya jerks. I just bought it
good add us love us ;3 embrace us
oh before u play, can we have a pool of feelsgoodpoints on what joe's fav hero will be ?
or what he will play the most ?
I'm very surprised there is no mac version
considering it is blizzard
my points would be junkrat, or one of the two turret dudes.
Hello everyone, I am trying to install numby for my Windows 10 64 bit. Could you please tell me which one I should download? pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy I am not sure since in the same file it says x86_64 etc..
@KyleAbrahamJr. depending on your python version
Go there, read the instructions, download the version appropriate for your Python version.
I am using Python 2.7 (btw is it okay to just download 3.6 now or some old stuff might not work?)
Yes. Upgrade to 3.5 or above.
if u want to upgrade python 2.7 to 3.6 sure
You could start with 3.5 to start with, then go to 3.6 once you're sure.
But definitely get away from 2.7
@Ffisegydd okay thanks. I will do that right now (3.5.2). But then which numby do I choose? (for the 3.5.2) CC: @MooingRawr
well Joe, i wanna know waht you think of the game next time i see you
I'm pretty sure that blizzard actually said all the DLCs are going to be free too
@KyleAbrahamJr. Pick the latest version of numpy that is for Python 3.5
Btw I meant download the appropriate version from lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs
If you do Ctrl+F "numpy" then you'll find them.
In fact just click lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy, but you should also read the instructions at the top.
I'd stick with 1.11.3, 1.12 is a Release Candidate and so isn't complete yet
@JoranBeasley yeah and how many times does devs go back on their words? I will hope it will be free and I look forward to it but ill believe it when i see it
@Ffisegydd sorry for the noob Q, but when I press Download it just opens the next page
Then I assume I would need to go for numpy‑1.11.3+mkl‑cp35‑cp35m‑win_amd64.whl
@KyleAbrahamJr. python.org/downloads/release/python-352 go to the bottom of the page and install the appropriate one
And yeah that one looks fine assuming you're on Windows 64 bit (make sure you install the 64 bit version of Python too in that case :P)
@Ffisegydd right, I downloaded the executable x86 64 (I have no idea why there is an "x86" :D)
In the future it might be worth thinking of just using Anaconda FYI, Anaconda includes everything* that you usually need.
So on the off chance this doesn't work (I'm leaving now) then look into Anaconda.
Q: is x86_64 a x86 or x64?

Richardmy ubuntu version is 12.04, and when cat /proc/version, it shows Linux version 3.2.0-23-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu4) ) #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 Linux yuzhe-HP 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86...

@Ffisegydd I think I should do that. Cz now to install numpy I need pip, now I need to install pip... and the chain goes on :S
Oh in that case, yeah look into Anaconda.
Probably best if you uninstall any older versions of Python first
+1 for using Anaconda, especially on Windows, when you're doing scientific Python stuff
so if a code is using "from numpy import STUFF", would work just fine when installing Anaconda?
yeah, Anaconda is a distribution of python that comes with a whole packaging environment
I see
I will give it a try
thanks guys @WayneWerner @Ffisegydd
it's geared towards people who don't like fighting their operating system like yourself
^ Thanks for the complement :P
Well, some of us like fighting our OS use Arch Linux, see
What is .whl :/
wheel is a binary distribution of a Python package
unlike a sdist, you don't have to build the source
unlike an sdist, if it hasn't been built for your platform, you have to build it yourself
Yeah!! I finally fucking got it
def subset_sum(vals, target=0):
    sums = {0: [()]}
    for val in vals:
        prev_sums = sums
        sums = defaultdict(list)
        for prev_sum, prev_subsets in prev_sums.items():
            new_sum = prev_sum + val
            new_subsets = [subset + (val,) for subset in prev_subsets]
            if new_sum == target:
                yield from new_subsets
iterative subset sum, without cache misses
and it only took me ... loads to last message about 3 hours :-\
@UrielEli Unfortunately (or fortunately for some :P) SO chat is not "with it" in terms of updated chat features 😀
@wim I really like your determination
3 hours for 10 lines of code is a new record for me ..
Hey everyone, just wondering if I can get some eyes on this question, any help would be greatly appreciated: stackoverflow.com/questions/41384064/…
@idjaw I actually tried to press edit once again, but ended up with delete :P
@wim what's this for?
@sadmicrowave see the room rules ->
@MarcusS AoC probably
@WayneWerner my bad
AoC 2015-17
@MarcusS I noticed you got #1 on that day adventofcode.com/2015/leaderboard/day/17
I bet you brute forced it !
I did
part 1 can be done without iterating all solutions -- can just accumulate the sums with DP
It's a shame that he didn't make the data big enough
because itertools.combinations approach would have got very slow very soon
Yeah I had a similar code to that on day 15 github.com/wimglenn/advent-of-code/blob/…
same, but actually enumerating the subsets there rather than just counting them
it's amazing how concise it can be once you understand the concept
I wonder if all recursive problems with the divide and conquer approach could also be rewritten bottom-up
they can be -- but sometimes it's not as efficient depending on the situation
e.g. if only certain values in the cache get invoked along the way, recursive memo would generally be faster
PE problem 15 is also a good one for practicing DP (iterative / recursive) + basic combinatoric approaches
def p015():
    """Starting in the top left corner of a 2x2 grid, there are 6 routes (without backtracking) to the bottom right corner.

    How many routes are there through a 20x20 grid?"""
    a = np.zeros((21, 21), dtype=int)
    a[0] = 1
    a[:, 0] = 1
    for i in range(a.shape[0]):
        for j in range(a.shape[1]):
            if a[i, j] == 0:
                a[i, j] = a[i - 1, j] + a[i, j - 1]
    return int(a[-1, -1])
^ that's how I did it, years ago...
now that I look at it, I guess that is actually DP - before I even knew what DP was
the pure math approach is fun for that one too
huh, it makes a symmetric matrix
I did twice as much work as I needed to
imagine that you write out the pathway as a sequence of R's and D's -- what do you know is going to be true about it?

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