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but this problem is common
can happen to anyone.
print("Hello everyone")
@wim wat?!
you can't work with 2.7.6 for everything there are many issues with it.
@TheExorcist Whether it is common or not, it is a very active conversation that the two of you are participating in, which is fine, but it would be more beneficial for everyone if you continued this in a room among the two of you
@TheExorcist If that's the case, then it should be a Question and Answer on the site so you can share it with everyone.
@MoinuddinQuadri No problem. As mentioned, it's just that it's getting more detailed and it would be best to move the context of conversation in its own space.
I'll make it simple here
@wim I'd see frozendict now very useful with the {**things}
BF mod G charging...
@idjaw I got the context :) And I totally agree with that
as an elected site moderator - if the Room Owners wish you to discontinue discussion that's unproductive - then please do.
I have a python question on the site which has not received enough attention :( but a meta post says I should post on a chat room. stackoverflow.com/questions/41384319/… if anyone could help that would be great.
I agree with Fizzy that this could be a Q&A on the main site... I'd love to see a detailed answer like "here are the reasons why you might not want to do this: [...] You may be trying to accomplish [...], which can be better done by doing [...]. but if you're committed, here's how to do it: [...]"
hi @Octo. Welcome. Please familiarize yourself with the chat rules. Specifically, do not post a question that is less than 1/2 days old from the main site.
I see you posted this an hour ago.
why are files supposed to' end in a newline?
Joe is on fire can't beat him at this moment, hes too fast
@MooingRawr A
@corvid To make it easier to concatenate them. Why this is something you'd want to do, is beyond my ken.
@MarcusS Yes, you have the right understanding. I find bottom-up to be nicer than top-down.
@idjaw ah ok, im new to chats soo
@corvid: The newline was supposed to be the line terminator, not the line separator. Under such a model, each line should end in a line terminator, including the last one.
ill go read them now
@corvid what editor do you use?
Ooh, I like user2357112's answer better.
It seems to be more direct and straightforward
I also like that his username contains the first five primes in order. Shame about that trailing 2.
and it was given to him too!
@idjaw visual studio code
I nice idea, but I think the real reason is more ho-hum
@corvid If this is something that is "bugging" you because you (or someone else) forgets to add the newline, check to see if there is a 'add new line' option. JetBrains options have it, and I never think of it.
Purely curiosity
if you #include a source file with no newline at the bottom, then bad things happen
Logan trailer done in Lego! swoon
for python code, where you import instead of #include, there is no particularly convincing reason for linters to complain about this
sometimes the last line might be hiding behind the prompt or sth.
when you cat the file
so what
the right tool to read files is not cat
it's....OK no..no..I'm not going to say it.
I'm not going to do bad jokes
I am starting to work on a image recognition problem. I want my program to tell the brand based on image of logo. And the logo could be in any orientation. Which is better among Tensorflow and OpenCV?
Use both and return the median of their answers ;-)
I have a idea that it won't be easy to achieve this, considering the limitation with the compute power of the system. But still which should be the better choice?
for someone to answer that they would need experience in both
actually, posix standard says that a line is characters + the terminator.
@Kevin Seriously? Please clarify else I might be playing with both :P
I would know how to do it in OpenCV
Experimenting with both libraries isn't the worst thing... But no, I'm not being serious.
@wim You know how to extract/recognize each brand from any set of image?
cbg all
cbg @Augusta :)
Hey this looks relevant:
Q: Logo recognition in images

elijahDoes anyone know of recent academic work which has been done on logo recognition in images? Please answer only if you are familiar with this specific subject (I can search Google for "logo recognition" myself, thank you very much). Anyone who is knowledgeable in computer vision and has done work ...

Which would people say is more appropriate for situations where you don't actually need a list: map or a list-comp?
Closed but has some high scoring answers
Here's an example:
[cls.apply_change(item, False) for item in item_set] versus map(lambda item: cls.apply_change(item, False), item_set]
@Augusta when you say don't need a list, are you saying that in your above example you only care about the effect of calling apply_change but you don't actually need that resulting list?
In neither case is the resulting list used.
because if that is the case, don't do either of those things
never use comprehensions for their side effects
Or should I just use a for loop?
Or some fourth thing?
just stick to the for loop
I see~
Yeah, for loop.
@Kevin I checked this one and many others, but most of them are related to find one specific logo. For example in this case Nike. The real problem is when you do not know which logo will be present in the image
I felt bad throwing lists away like that.
So it seemed wrong.
@Augusta here is an older q/a about it: stackoverflow.com/questions/5753597/…
But god help me if I have two lines instead of one.
@idjaw Cool, thanks!
Discarding the value of an expression without ever looking at it can be a red flag (but isn't always a red flag)
I think the better way will be to create a neural network and train it with millions of logo (maybe thousands of them for the start).
Sounds like fun.
I don't know anything about neural networks except they can solve a lot of otherwise difficult problems, for certain definitions of "solve" and "difficult"
do you think ad designers can use ANN to generate advertising? now that i assume their data pool of successfull vs unsuccessful is huge
Pretty sure I'm setting up for a "you have a problem. Then you think, I'll use neural networks. Now _______." joke
Ha ha oh man
A for loop with a single instruction looks so strange to me now.
Guess it's that time again. =_=;
Time for an eye exam?
"I don't remember for loops being this blurry... I better run this through a linter"
Time for me to sit down with a drink and reconsider my taste in aesthetics.
Well. I guess I'll be spending my this entire week researching about the topic ;)
Nah, write a neural network to do the researching for you.
hi how can I validate a path using try and except
def validationOfDirectoryPath(path):
except OSError as err:
but is does not work
I don't think isdir raises an exception if the path doesn't exist. It just returns False.
Oh, I know why this looks strange. It's because I'm adding a block of elements to a list with extend, but removing those elements from another list has to be done one-at-a-time, since they're scattered.
so just do if not os.path.isdir(path): print("oops not a path")
OpenCV and TensorFlow, both are pretty vast. I guess it will be hard to come back if I start with one. Which one I choose at the first place, will decide a lot of things :)
@Kevin It thought that was what its whole purpose was. :s
I could imagine an alternate implementation where isdir returns true if the path points to a folder, false if the path points to a file, and raises an exception if the path doesn't exist. But we do not live in that universe.
but is there is any other way to do it where I can use exception
    if not os.path.isdir(path):
        raise ValueError("oops")
except ValueError:
    print("not a path")
... But there is no reason to do it this way.
^^ exactly
@AmanJaiswal Can you explain what it is you are trying to do? Because isdir can raise OSError and as Kevin showed, there is that which you can do, but...no point.
ok thanks kevin
trying to do, as in, what is your goal?
I wager 1.5 quatloos on "it's a requirement of my assignment. I am taking your advice into consideration, but I'm going to aim for full points regardless of whether it's actually good practice"
Basically first I want to check that given directory path is valid or not, if it is valid then list out all file in that directory else return exceptions
and what are these exceptions you are expecting?
Basically first I want to check that given directory path is valid or not, if it is valid then list out all file in that directory else return exceptions
because if the path does not exist, you do not get an exception
BTW return and raise exception are different thing. I guess you meant raise exception?
like path is envalid
are you looking to raise an exception if the path is invalid?
yup kind off
then you want to do what Kevin showed as an example
def check_if_directory_path_is_valid_or_not_and_list_all_files(path):
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        print os.listdir(path)
        raise ValueError("Not a path")
^^ even closer to what you seem to be explaining
but, I don't see why you want to do this. You're given simple bool results
just work with that?
one more thing can I use a function call inside a try: and except bloack
Wait a minute. os.listdir already raises a FileNotFoundError if the path is invalid. So you can just do
def check_if_directory_path_is_valid_or_not_and_list_all_files(path):
    print os.listdir(path)
@AmanJaiswal Yes, absolutely.
Whenever I come back from doing real-world stuff, people are doing very strange things here.
>>> import os
>>> os.listdir('asdfasdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'asdfasdf'
>>> os.listdir('/Users')
['.localized', 'Guest', 'Shared', 'moo_cow_mcmoomoo']
@MoinuddinQuadri i have a deadline tomorrow, pls make another room and sort my prblem
I like handing loaded FootShooter 2000s to newbies so the job market is a little easier in five years
At this point, I'm worried that those newbies are the ones whose CVs cross my desk and who then bomb my interview. :-/
Gotta thin that herd.
Job protection.
@TheExorcist Please don't be demanding like that. It is no one's responsibility to meet your deadline, but your own. If @MoinuddinQuadri is benevolent enough to help, then hey, great. But, do not expect people to rush to aid because of your own personal deadlines.
thats why i added please. No body can bound you
I'm just going to leave this here
Q: Two versions of python on linux. how to make 2.7 the default

AnthonyI've got two versions of python on my linuxbox: $python Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jul 10 2013, 22:48:45) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> $ /usr/local/bin/python2.7 Python 2.7.3 (default, Oct 8 2013, ...

Wrote my first quintuple nested for loop you guys
Too much nesting! Refactor! #officialposition
@TheExorcist take a minute and listen to what others are telling you. Adding "please" to a demand doesn't magically make it polite.
I suggest using itertools.quintuple_loop instead
holy time complexity batman
I have a hard time believing this library intentionally made something this overly complicated, but I see no other way to do it :\
@Ffisegydd "Diplomacy is the art of telling someone to go to Hell in such a way that it makes them look forward to the trip." -- W.L.S. Churchill
i am not imposing my request on anyone, i can solve on my own , only thing it can take my sleep
@corvid y no list comprehension? :P
I usually estimate a 50% chance that the library is badly written, and a 50% chance that I'm doing it wrong
@MarcusS hehehe :)
[x**3 for a in b for c in a for d in c for e in d for x in e]
Unless it's something integral and hugely popular like numpy or something
@JoranBeasley Almost sounds like Python rap lyrics or something
important question - how many days should turkey be good for (cooked).
@idjaw Refrigerated?
@Ffisegydd yup
In the fridge, maybe 3-4 days
FizzyGut feeling says 4 days.
if its growning green stuff avoid
I estimate "three" based on the speech from "A christmas story" listing the various ways to prepare turkey leftovers.
Today is day 4
Better eat up then.
pygame, y u no convert 2 sumthin convenient? ;-;
Feed some turkey to your identical twin first, as a test.
Yeah....I think tonight is the night where I empty the fridge of Turkey....one final meal to rule them all
Food baby.
@Kevin hmm......actually...I think I'm going to invite my nemesis
for a nice warm turkey dinner...
if you have ham you can always make ham salad ... that will last several more days for some reason
Your nemesis has been slowly building up a resistance to old turkey for years, in order to trick you today.
I currently have cold cuts, turkey, mashed potatoes, cheese, cranberries and bagels
The green stuff camouflages in with other green stuff.
and gravy
Unless he is Sicilian
I wouldn't bet against that ;-)
thats why you use the iocane spices
Unrelated topic. I want to be able to read while I do sit-ups, but I can't retain the sentence I'm looking at while I simultaneously count reps. Therefore, I need to construct a computer vision system that detects and counts reps for me.
Too easy.
oh..so you want a level of difficulty
I really will never understand the mind of Kevin
Small child that reads to you, second small child that counts reps, and third small child that does the actual sit ups.
You just sit there and feel pride
Well, it doesn't have to be CV, necessarily. Maybe I could set up like an IR beam detector, like they have in garage door opener safeguard systems.
I was going to propose hanging a sensitive button from a string and hitting it with your head when you're "up", but lightbeam is cooler.
If the lightbeam doesn't ping every N seconds then have it shock you for added persuasion
All the names in the current chat window have italic fonts. Beware everyone!
Now Except me ;)
finally i got root:~# python --version
Python 2.7.12
root:~# python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 18 2016, 15:02:52)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
I predict a healthy 2017 for Mr. Kevinson, but also one full of pain.
I considered getting one of these things:
But I'm not certain I would remember to press the button each time.
But then one of your thumbs will end up stronger than the other, so you'll need two.
^^ wise
one thumb stronger than the other will throw your gaming balance off
you have to be careful
By using two you can also have a check and if they're inconsistent then instigate an inquisition
@JoranBeasley I have absolutely zero clue what I am doing
@Kevin not even kidding, I made something like this a long while back
really crappy setup though -- just scanned pixel-regions to check for breaks in wall color
what was your set up like?
Hmm, not a terrible approach...
that sounds interesting
wanted to see if it was easier to meet certain rep ranges if i was counting vs. not counting
Don't leave us in suspense! Was it?
because I suspected that counting led to psych-outs where they became artificially harder
it was easier without counting
I don't need a system that works in all sorts of conditions, I just need it to work in my one precise condition. I can even control the lighting.
Was it statistically significant though? I hope you did at least 10k sets.
now you guys can celebrate
@TheExorcist I'm glad you were able to resolve your problem :-)
haha, didn't get that far into it -- I mostly used it for scenarios where I was doing higher-rep stuff like CGBP (I hate counting 8-reps for some reason -- freaks me out as I get closer)
would fail the set less often if I wasn't thinking about it
@Kevin You just need a reed switch
unless you really want to do CV
Some string behind his neck that tightens and clicks a counter clicky thing would be the most low tech solution
or just get a buddy to count for you, if you are fine having someone else stare at you the whole time
10 mins ago, by Ffisegydd
Small child that reads to you, second small child that counts reps, and third small child that does the actual sit ups.
even better, just hit the counter with your nose
When I used to have a more rigorous work out routine, and I had some higher rep exercises, I found that at a certain count I would lose motivation because I would realize how much more I would have, so I would switch at one point to counting backwards instead, because it became beneficial to my motivation to get closer to zero.
@Kevin i am born with that talent , sadly that's not gift for me
You can even use Python and the Raspberry Pi
The only psychological effect I observe from keeping count is when I'm within 20 of my goal and I get a small second wind.

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