⚘ python3 # mmmmmmmmm!
Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 22 2016, 17:23:13)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
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i want to put the sushi outside but then the rice will be cold, if i leave it indoor the fish might go bad... also it's rude to dissect the sushi...... sigh... and the bbq rice is not good cold life is hard ;(
brain blank here: collections.Counter is python's "bag" datatype, but it's not hashable. frozenset can key a dict, but it kills dupes. what's python's "frozenbag"?
@user2357112: BTW, good catch on my mistake the other day -- I swear I tried it at the console, but I didn't realize I should have seen "1" "1" in my test case when actually I only saw "1". :-(
@TheExorcist I do not know. And I do not think it is a easy task. BTW why using a virtual environment won't work for you? And why do you want to install it at the system level?
I mean, I think "cache-missing" (assuming I haven't misunderstood you) is just a consequence of top-down vs. bottom-up. Iterative solutions generally start from the base cases and work their way forward, whereas recursive memo starts out at the top, but "cache-misses" all the way down to the bottom / base cases, where it can start to actually return values as it travels back up the stack
@TheExorcist If you install the another version of python, you should be able to use it using /bin/.../python2.7.12 I do not know the exact path but you should be able to run it using it if you provide the correct path
You may check the path by doing sudo find / -name python2.7.12
@MoinuddinQuadri @TheExorcist I think it would be best if you worked this out in a channel among the two of you since you're both active in trying to solve this problem and it is flooding the room.