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I'm slowly remembering why I hated making GUIs....
brain blank here: collections.Counter is python's "bag" datatype, but it's not hashable.  frozenset can key a dict, but it kills dupes.  what's python's "frozenbag"?
Hi all, anyon familiar with the import mechanism ?
why do people upvote pandas questions that basically are just asking for a function ("I have X data and want to sort it Y way") without showing any effort?
because if a panda can use a keyboard at all, that's commendable
@JGreenwell why do people upvote pandas questions that ...
to make newbies feel welcome
I was told once
well, true I just run into it in pandas tag alot (also NLTK but then that is worse and usually the answer is "Learn about NLP basics before asking this type of question")
you just have to Downvote All The Things
@excaza sometimes if I see any code I will upvote a question from a <10 rep person but pandas seems to be 100+ rep people getting upvotes
@wim great are you perhaps able to help with this question stackoverflow.com/q/40193053/958580
@AndrasDeak there should be a hat for that
I might have it
@JGreenwell i'm pretty sure that it can be done in line or two but i'm not pandas expert. I have a solution but it's not a pandas way. — Alex Zaitsev 3 mins ago
@JGreenwell please don't
two one-line answers were given at the same time this comment was made
@JGreenwell piRSquared.....*sigh*
to be fair the only time I upvote like that is during September when my brain has been overloaded by the manure piles I'm digging through - so anything that at least shows effort is better than 99% of what I saw that day
left a comment
so did I, on the better answer (and the one not accepted)
one-liners = bad, one-liner with explanation = good
I already confronted piRSquared last week or so about answering crappy questions
we ended up disagreeing what "helpful" is
he reacted pretty fairly, actually, but he still causes me a lot of head-shaking
.... actually I think he can do that without the apply even (pandas resample is neat and has a lot of cool options)
@AndrasDeak it will be helpful for other users working with pandas, sure. Pandas is well documented but has no snippets collection or cookbook. — Alex Zaitsev 1 min ago
head -> table
that shit at +3/-3 now
note: the cookbook redirects to SO questions which is very funny to me
OP's attitude is what pisses me pff
SO is not yamming cookbook central
that's exactly my point
and that's why these shouldn't be enabled
okay, now OP complains cookbook is more like examples............yep, done - downvote and move on
@Carel good job on editing all the drivel out of that question. I added an answer for you
yeah, I didn't look at the revision history, but the current state doesn't merit the "what is even your question" comments there:)
well, mostly move on - if that second answerer adds some explanation I would upvote him (its a neat idea and would work even if it could be simplified somewhat)
ook ook <- awesome :)
@AndrasDeak SO has documentation in beta, so why it's not for cookbook writing? If someone has a snippet why not to share? You are not my school teacher to demonstrate you something, sorry. I'm not ask you to spend your time helping or arguing. There are people who can help and make SO more informative. — Alex Zaitsev 1 min ago
^ the reason I hate that Documentation means Examples
@wim Thanks a ton, I forgot about the wrapt module. I've been wracking my nut over this one, for a while.
@wim Mind you my original intent was to patch entire packages not just single classes so I'll make a new question explicitly tackling that. Would wrapt be able to handle that out of interest ?
okay, that guy last 3 pandas questions are basically duplicates of each other (not going to flag cause it will probably just cause a whiny meta posts where OP gets plenty of "I think it is okay" feedback).... sigh pandas tag making me sad means its time to logoff again.
rbrb all and have a good localtime
it's 3 downvotes before being reversed, right?:P
I was joking but I stumbled upon a link-only NAA by the guy, heh
good night
3 hours later…
cbg @DSM
Anybody have a good article or tutorial on writing an operator precedence parser? I have a string of arithmatic but with hex values.
an OPP was suggested as a better solution than what I'm doing now
sorry if this is too general, what the term of you build another version of system in different programming language?
sorry if this is too general, what is the term of you build another version of system in different programming language? i'm kind of confused to ask it on google
@DendiHandian I'm not quite sure if i understand what you are asking.
Can you explain what you mean by "term of you build"?
@AnttiHaapala For Christmas?
@DendiHandian I am sorry, but your question makes no sense. Can you be more specific?
re-cbg all
also Scooby-doo's response to "why are you?" would be "I am here to eat" - no existential crisis required @Jovito
@BhargavRao no, a singer from Oulu placed second in a British TV karaoke singing contest :P
@AnttiHaapala IMHO, for i in (0,1) is better than for i in range(2). :)
@AnttiHaapala wow, nice. Congrats :D
Cabbage @PM2Ring
Namaste @BhargavRao
@PM2Ring wrong language.
I guess so; OTOH, Sanskrit is one of the official languages of India, and it has equivalent status to Latin in English & the Romance languages.
@PM2Ring you should speak Kannada: (ಥ﹏ಥ)
@PM2Ring seems that the kannada salutations are still rooted to the namas*
however if you put hello in google translator you also get ಹಲೋ (halō)
Hey, could someone take a look at this? OP swears they're using 3.4, but is comparing a string >= an int without error.
@TigerhawkT3 The OP is on drugs severely mistaken.
Could they be casting that string as an int somewhere, and then, during the time.sleep, changing it back to a string in another thread or something?
@AnttiHaapala Namaskara :D
@BhargavRao do you use ಹಲೋ for anything?
Yep, for starting a conversation over phone, we prefer Hello.
about the same as here only...
lit. haloo over phone, never otherwise
@BhargavRao why not cabbage?
> Python & Django is now following you.
I should be worried. I don't want Django to follow me
@khajvah I try to use that, But the person on the other end won't understand :D
@BhargavRao lol just reading about the monetary reform in Finland in 1946.
almost the same as in India recently...
Oooh, Then we'll also have a "torilla tavataan"
except that the gov announced that the big banknotes have only half their value, and need to be cut in half, the right side was given to the government :P
Lol, That's worse :D
the right half was actually a loan to the government, and they'd pay 2 % interest on it (less than the inflation though)
but the government could count how many right halves it got :d
of course many people could foresee this, and they'd exchange the banknotes for smaller beforehand...
Here, It was a sudden announcement.
it was a sudden announcement :D
but many people anticipated it nevertheless
No one could even think of that here. They thought that the PM did not have that much guts :P
and the cut banknotes remained in use for 6 weeks, in which time they'd have to be replaced by new ones
but anw, the stories now tell that there are lots of right halves circulating around...
the worthless right halves of those banknotes that were cut in half at home by cronies :P
Isn't it fun to see that :D
It doesnt sound like a bad idea.
it sounds :D
for example forest workers lumberjacks had their wages paid in big banknotes, so they'd have no way of really depositing them into a bank at a short notice...
Oh even banks don't accept the half notes?
it meant, the rural population would have been more prone alongside with the cronies to have been forced to loan 50 % of their deposits to the state, c.f. urban population
They accepted those only for 6 weeks.
it didn't apply to bank deposits
and small money...
The night they announced it in India, I suddenly became like a begger. I had to ask money from colleagues to eat dinner :-/
so think about you're forced to give 50 % of your money to the state for 4 years, and then after 4 years the state pays back you 40 %
yeah well, at least that
so at least one would have 50 % of value at hand
damn deezer still doesn't have html5 player
the news articles from 1946 seem to agree with my assumptions
but also, before the cutting measures, finland, recovering from WWII was in hyperinflation
and this fixed it
The government said, people can exchange old notes in banks (2000 per day, I think). If you have 10k, you need to go to the bank on five different days. While common people were standing in queues, government came up with an amazing plan to help them.
There is no limit for exchange for political parties :-/
@thefourtheye 2000 INR per day? :D
lol, so people would actually stop going to work to go exchange the money :D
@thefourtheye yeah a variation of cutting would have been better:
@AnttiHaapala That is exactly what happened. Luckily I had exactly 8 500 rupee notes (I withdrew from ATM the previous night). Me and my brother went to the bank together and changed them.
But people who do daily wages jobs are seriously affected
So comparatively Finland's decision was okay :-)
@JGreenwell hahaha
cbg o/
anybody used orientdb?
OT question: When you are not able to make a hotspot for a laptop (from a company) and you tried it with several phones. What issues can be "laptop"-side?
how to resolve this error i searched on google
from bson import _UNPACK_INT, _iterate_elements
ImportError: cannot import name _UNPACK_INT
I am getting various help but none is working properly some say bson is interfering with pymongo bson module.
no repro
I just installed PyMongo
thanks guys i just resolved the issue.
cbg all
what was Anti's favorite web framework?
pyramid, nvm
@khajvah who's that
I like Zope component architecture
it's cool
I will implement my own version of registry
but without interfaces
lol you didn't understand anything then
I just want the registry
so I thought I could look up by just strings
@khajvah the point about the registry are the interfaces
so for one point of code you need a certain interface, then you have objects of other interfaces / types - these are adapted to provide the interface you need
so you can have an adapter for IRequest -> ISomething, and another adapter for IJsonRequest -> ISomething
other code doesn't need to know about that, they just say "give me something that does ISomething, here, I've got this request"
how do you get a service from registry?
by the interface ?
by interface, but the services aren't the important things, the adapters and subscriptions are
@khajvah for example, I want to render UUID's as strings in JSON -> just add an adapter
config.add_json_adapter(for_=UUID, adapter=str)
(this add_json_adapter is my addition)
hm, then I don't need this just yet
but that is where the power comes from
you're not supposed to know anything
you just say: "ok I've got this, now mighty registry, please give me that"
in my case, I will have to be more specific
or use zope
so what's the problem with interfaces?
I will have to use zope
no, you need to use zope.interface
which is like 0.1 % of zope
or zope.component
yeah zope.interface and zope.component
This package represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture. Together with the zope.interface package, it provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components.
ah zope.interface should be enough
Move code from zope.component.registry which implements a basic nonperistent component registry to zope.interface.registry. This code was moved from zope.component into zope.interface to make porting systems (such as Pyramid) that rely only on a basic component registry to Python 3 possible without needing to port the entirety of the zope.component package. Backwards compatibility import shims have been left behind in zope.component, so this change will not break any existing code.
so you just need zope.interface
ah ok
unless you want to persist the registry
i.e. the zope + plone are written so that the actual custom code, configs etc etc are just blobbed into the zodb
but pyramid wires everything upon startup
pyramid seems cool
I wish I could choose the framework now
zope is cool, but it is heavy
I would be happy with flask too
2 hours later…
morning everyone
good morning
Guys small question, explained in: dpaste.de/3Dov
Lambda functions? The operator module maybe? I don't know what kind of magic is being used by filter to pass binary expressions unevaluated as parameters, so it's hard to say
Possibly whatever library is creating these query objects has a module for abstracting out operators. Check its documentation.
It's Sqlalchemy creating these query objects
Try to see what happens when you do self.filter_method(query, operator.eq) and query = query.filter(expression(x, y))
@Emre You can't pass the raw comparison operators like == etc as function args, but you can pass the comparison functions from the operators module. Or if the objects you're comparing are instances of a class that defines its own rich comparison methods you could pass those instead, which should be slightly more efficient, although stylistically it's generally not a good idea to use "dunder" methods directly.
I wonder if any language lets you use arbitrary names as infix operators.
I think it would be syntactically unambiguous as long as you don't also support the use of arbitrary names as unary prefix operators.
Hmm i'm gonna test those out
Thanks in advance!!
So any string of space-separated names a b c d e... would be interpreted as "apply function b to a and c, then apply function d to the previous result and e, then..."
Haskell lets you do that, IIRC. wiki.haskell.org/Infix_operator
Tricksy Haskell!
Looks like you need tick marks to indicate it as an infix operator though. So it falls a bit short of my ideal of whitespace-separated expressions
True. But otherwise it'd be ambiguous.
That's plausible to me although I haven't come up with a direct example of ambiguity
Note that in Haskell all functions actually only take a single arg, so if f is a function that allegedly takes 2 args when you call it with f a b that's parsed as (f a) b where (f a) returns a function, and that function is then called with b as its arg.
And of course, all that happens lazily. :)
Ok, seems reasonable. I recall similar restrictions back when I was playing with lambda calculus
I was going to say "It would definitely be ambiguous in a language whose newlines don't signal the beginning of a new statement, for example javascript" and then I opened the firebug console to confirm that javascript's newlines aren't syntactically significant, but then I remembered that firebug updated and now the javascript console is locked in at one line so I can't test it.
Presumably the "toggle split console" button is supposed to expand the input box to the multiline form that I'm accustomed to, but when I click it nothing happens. So.
Uh oh, I clicked the "dock to side of browser window" button to see if that would do anything and now the window has resized/repositioned itself such that the "dock to side of browser window" button is no longer visible. I guess I can't ever un-toggle that setting now.
Not very pleased right now that I encountered two bugs in thirty seconds
Ah, I see. the "toggle split console" button makes the console appear even when you're on a tab that isn't the console tab, such as inspector or debugger or style editor. If there's a "make console split down the middle, with the input box on the right and the output box on the left" button, it isn't this one.
Newlines in JS are semi-significant: if a statement isn't terminated by a semicolon, then the newline acts as statement separator. This may not be what you intended, so it's considered bad practice to omit the semicolons.
My mistake, then. I thought 23 \n + 42 would be interpreted as 23 + 42, not 23; +42
If only I had been able to confirm this before making my foolish foolish message. glares at developer console
I have Firebug, but I've hardly ever used it. Mostly because I rarely do any JS these days. And one reason I stopped doing much JS a couple of years ago was that Firefox's developer tools radically changed when I upgraded it, and I found the new tools annoying &/or confusing.
Ah, here we go. Shift-Enter for multiline input... Ah, it evaluates to 65. I get the impression that this console may not be evaluating the code using the same rules as ordinary js.
lol @ weather in Finland
today wind from Sweden, temperature +1 C... next week: wind blows from Siberia, promised temperatures of -40 C <3
@Kevin Well, JS also has "rules" about lines that end (or begin ?) in certain chars that imply automatic continuation, so an expressions can continue over multiple lines. But it's been so long since I coded JS I can't remember those rules. :)
This is an interesting-looking question, but writing a good answer looks like a lot of work.
@PM2Ring annoying
I hate the author's tone, he is an idiot :D
and ASI was a mistake :P
of course everyone needs to know ASI, but even then, inserting semicolons at the end of statements doesn't hurt either.
this library is so inconsistent :| I don't understand people who have such high praise for it
@corvid which one? leftpad?
@PM2Ring wat? "The next line starts with [, (, +, *, /, -, ,, ., or some other binary operator that can only be found between two tokens in a single expression."
how is + or - "some binary operator that can only be found between two tokens in a single expression"
I think the sentence was worded weirdly and actually means "... or some binary operator..."
"or some other [thing]" does not necessarily imply that the items preceding it are also in the category of things. It most often does imply this, but... That's English for ya.
Additional complication: "or some other [quality] [thing] that [verb]s" may imply that the items preceding it have [quality], but do not necessarily [verb]
* and / and . are binary operators that can only be found between two tokens
@AnttiHaapala Draft-js. It's infuriatingly bad
Additional additional complication: "or some other [thing]" may imply that some but not all of the items preceding it are in the category of things, typically ordered so that items in the category of things are all adjacent to one another.
"I am fond of chocolate, electronic music, cats, dogs, horses, and all other four-legged animals"
I don't even really understand it sometimes. I just want to select text and delete it. That literally took five hours to figure out because their api is so out there. Wouldn't editable text just be easily represented by a tree-like XML structure...?
@Kevin and as per that text above, it would be interpreted as 23 + 42;
A: What are the rules for JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI)?

CMSFirst of all you should know which statements are affected by the automatic semicolon insertion (also known as ASI for brevity): empty statement var statement expression statement do-while statement continue statement break statement return statement throw statement The concrete rules of ASI,...

instead of some shitty blog, one should read the accepted answer on stackoverflow, along with comments
@AnttiHaapala Sure. But I just grabbed the first thing on Google that looked relevant
@Kevin so the rule is rather:
"insert ; where an error would occur otherwise." "but as it would be too genius, then add ; also after return and some other things just to make it more confusing"
js is such a hot mess. My ugly little baby.
JS is a bizarre little language (coming from a professional JS developer)
I have what seems to be Bert
as a hat
\o hiya joe how goes it
quiet slow relaxing week
getting a snow storm today
and I finally got my steamlink and powerline set up again to game
very excited
I started playing Oxenfree last night
oh is it what you expected?
Oxenfree? Love it so far
nice we got like 4+ cm of snow where i live, and it's suppose to continue to snow
but today is the last day of "relax" work for me lol... new year is coming, that means more projects ><
im enjoying the slow day where i can sit around wait for QA's potential questions while doing AoC/random programming puzzles
oh well life moves on i guess...
@idjaw I found another game, and it seems Python involved into process more than in checkio and empireofcode. Check it out codecombat.com
I'm playing Owlboy and I'm irritated by the control scheme. You move with WASD, fire your weapon with left mouse click, dodge/dash with space bar, and after you take damage you have to press R to ready your weapon or else it won't fire.
@MaxLunar oh that looks like fun!
@Kevin Can you use a controller?
it looks like a game best played with a controller
@idjaw in empireofcode, coding skills was'nt necessary, you just get bonuses for them. But there it looks like code is the main part of gameplay
My controller isn't compatible with the game. Or the batteries are dead, or the driver stopped working when I removed a bunch of cryptic on-startup scripts from my OS. It's hard to tell.
@Kevin what controller do you have?
A wireless Logitech. Model number unknown.
hmmm very strange
that seems very standard
Also I live three blocks from a radio tower that has historically caused interference for low-power wireless signals.
Do you find yourself waking up in a random field in the middle of the night too?
When I first got my Nintendo 64, the controllers would send seemingly random input until I discovered the problem went away when I unplugged the coaxial cable from the back of the tv.
cbg antti
The coax cable that had zero connection to the n64 and which should be doing precisely nothing when I'm not watching a cable television channel.
shielding on n64 controller cable: -> 0
So it seems.
I bought some third party usb wireless adapter to connect my 360 controller to my steamlink
works well
off topic, what are you guys having for lunch? I don't know what I should have and I'm hoping someone's else lunch would make me want to go buy some.
leftover turkey
Something from the cafeteria. Ranch chicken wrap, turkey burger, (chicken|beef) cheese steak, chicken fingers, in order of decreasing likelihood
@idjaw -_- are they serious? imgur.com/a/wUUFS
@MaxLunar =/ =|
my adventure for finding a good Python coding game continues...
it's too bad screeps is only js
because it's probably the best out of all of them
codewars is great
but it's not a game. You get achievements
but it's not "mmo" style like screeps
you try to make the most optimized solution to different tasks in this game?(trying to predict)
@MaxLunar It depends on the problem. So, your code actually runs against a set of tests and has to pass them in a certain time as well. So, there are a few problems where you have to make sure your solution will run within the optimization expectation
also, your solution can be upvoted
by the community
Give it a shot. There are some really easy problems on there just to give you an idea of how the interface works
You actually have to solve programming problems to make an account :P They are reaaaaally easy. But it's still fun
signed up
looks good
That codecombat site looks like a pretty cool concept
\o hiya marcus
why do i even bother with terrible questions ... I honestly feel like there is someone lost at the bottom of it and that they are just missing a few key pieces to their puzzle... but then everytime they convince me they are just trolls or are incapable of learning ...
cbg o/
We bother because one time out of a hundred, it works.
> And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.
@idjaw mon capiton! salut!
@JonClements happy holidays! :) Haven't spoken to you in a while. Hope all is well
ill, busy, ill again, busy again... whatever... still about though... so you're not safe just yet! :p
and happy holidays in return... all good with you I hope?
All is well here. Dealing with a cold, shovelling snow, doing some work and taking it easy before jumping back in to it again next week
sound's 'bout right I guess?
yup! :)
got a vinyl player for xmas as well... trying to dig up some vinyls
that's awesome!
what kind of speakers do you have
it's got its own speakers which sound good, but I think it can also bluetooth/wifi connect to others so...
nice! I got a small wireless speaker to carry around the house for christmas
it packs quite the sound
ended up with about 3 wireless/bluetooth speakers - one quite large and can't play on anything more than a few volume levels without causing an earth quake
and little pod like speakers that are fantastic
it was an old second hand one, but wow... still good
oh - and haven't said "badger badger badger" in a while... so I will...
hope you had a good xmas @wim
> badger badger badger
@idjaw ahh... bose is always good
@Kevin terrorist :P
I think the only bose product I have is one so heavy it's awkward to lift
sounds fantastic though
@JonClements Yeah. I have this fancy surround sound system from Bose as well that is still in my basement from my old condo that was just too much to deal with in our new place. So I downgraded to a simple sound bar
and the sound carries so well, I don't miss it at all
indeed... unless you're holding a party or something - rarely much need for such things
hosting parties is aweful ... about halfway through i just want everyone to leave so i can get back to coding whatever i was working on, or go to bed or whatever
I was having good fun with old vinyls that'd be in storage for years anyway... jumping about a bit and I was thinking - omfg... I remember this... having to leap up at the point I remembered the track was going to jump and just put the needle forward a few bits etc...
@JonClements yup. and my parties are no longer the insane late night soundfests they used to be :) It's more background music, wine and board games
@idjaw sounds familiar
Funny enough, currently organizing one for tomorrow with a friend of mine. Trying to figure out when to start since none of us work tomorrow.
Interesting. I wonder if the instruments are synthesized or recorded? One might usually think of early computerized music as beepy and sterile but this was pretty nice.
anyone talk this yet?
to my knowledge today is Dec 29... however I got the mmmm... bacon hat, which is supposed to be given on dec 30...
I, too, got the bacon hat.
Currently straining to see if there's a hilarious bacon-related pun on tomorrow's date...
I guess the criteria is "there exists a place somewhere in the world where right now the date is such"
I seem to recall that being the case last year, yes
Where have I seen that name before...
whats up
troubleshooting a broken build. Eating a bagel
what tpyeo f bagel and what spread you got on it, if any

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